

space management Microsoft Project

space management Microsoft Project

space management

Posted: 14 May 2004 10:23 PM PDT

Hello Maxime,
You can declare your classrooms and your simulators as resources in the
Resource Sheet.
On a task named "Lesson 3" for example, you can assign the Classroom 2
MS Project will tell you is the Classroom 2 is available during this period
of time.

Gérard Ducouret

"Maxime M." <> a écrit dans le message de

Resource leveling schedules task in Dec 2049!

Posted: 14 May 2004 07:51 PM PDT

Hello JW,
Haven't you a resource the availability of which is 0 after a specific date
Check in the Resource Information dialog box, General tab...
Tell us if it works

Gérard Ducouret [Project MVP]
Pragmasoft ® - Paris

"JW" <> a écrit dans le message de

% Complete updating

Posted: 14 May 2004 02:01 PM PDT

Hello Deluth,
A little bit confusing...
If the task actually should take longer... you are not ahead of schedule,
but your are late...
Anyway, as Dale said, don't use the % Complete. In the Update Tasks dialog
box (Tools / Tracking / Update tasks...)
enter the Actual Start, the Actual Duration, the Remaining Duration.
That's all.

Tell us if it works

Gérard Ducouret [Project MVP]
PragmaSoft ® - Paris

"Deluth" <> a écrit dans le message de
finish, the Finish date changed to the actual finish date and the duration
shortened. This doesn't give me a very good view into the project. It
looks like the duration is shorter, but the task actually should take
longer. How do I rectify the Project so that it would show that my resource
was ahead of schedule?

How can I open an old MS Project file, while having only Ms Project 2000?

Posted: 14 May 2004 06:56 AM PDT

If the FAQ referenced by Julie doesn't help, (i.e. the "old" Project
file is version 4.x and you don't have access to Project 98), I will be
happy to translate the file for you. Let me know via e-mail.


random line on chart

Posted: 14 May 2004 06:47 AM PDT

Hi Aimee:

The line may also be the vertical line showing the
current date in the Gantt chart.

You may hide the display of the current date line. Go to
Format --> Gridlines in the menu.
Find the Current Date in the Lines to change list.
Set the type to the top item in the list ( the blank
Click OK and the line will be gone.

Hope this helps.

OT: Advice managing R&D

Posted: 14 May 2004 06:13 AM PDT

Yours is an example of where the PERT approach can be of value. The CPM
method, which is the basic MSP strategy, are deterministic and is based on
well defined tasks with durations that can be estimated reasonably well.
PERT, on the other hand, is probablistic, with the schedule based on a
weighted average duration. You may not have done this exact task before but
other projects have had similar tasks. You can look at the historical data
and come up with an average and sdev of the actual duration for similar
tasks in similar projects. Plug the average and +/- 3sd values into MSPs
PERT calculator to come with a best case, worst case, and most likely set of
durations, essentially 3 project plans instead of just one. Or take the
average of previous projects and then consult with the subject matter
experts doing the work to come up with a best case and worst case estimate
for the tasks in this one and apply the PERT formula (D(b)+4*D(a)+D(w)) / 6
to come with the duration estimate for the task in this project. (That
formula is what the built-in PERT tool uses in MSP).

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Pat" <com> wrote in message


Posted: 13 May 2004 11:04 AM PDT


Two major shortcomings:
1) mpx doesn't handle time scaled data. So, if you have 10h in week1, 5h in
week2 and 15h in week 3, then the mpx format exports 10h per week for 3
weeks. It also doesn't export any fields added to Project from 2000 onwards.

2) mpx is no longer supported. The replacement is xml. Project 2002 onwards
can export and import xml files. Xml files support all fields up to and
including 2003.

For VBA posts, please use the public.project.developer group.
For any version of Project use public.project
For any version of Project Server use public. project.server

Rod Gill
Project MVP
For Microsoft Project companion projects, best practices and Project VBA
development services
"MB" <> wrote in message

repeating events

Posted: 13 May 2004 09:51 AM PDT


Insert, Recurring Task

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"Austin" <> schreef in bericht

Timescaled Data

Posted: 13 May 2004 09:14 AM PDT

Thanks Cheryl. I forgot it wasn't in the earlier
releases - early senility apparently ;)

entered field vs. calculated field

Posted: 13 May 2004 08:06 AM PDT

Remember the basic purpose of MS Project is not to accept as its input a
schedule you have come up with elsewhere but rather taking as input what
needs to be accomplished and the assets you have to do it with, it then
calculates and gives you the optimal schedule you can have. You don't tell
it when tasks *will* take place, rather it tells you when tasks *can* take
place and schedules them so as to give you a completed project in the
shortest possible time. IMHO, a "Start No Earlier Than" constraint is
appropriately used when some condition external to the project makes it
impossible for the task to start as early as Project would otherwise
schedule it. The example I use in classes is filming a movie and we need to
shoot at a certain location. We're ready to shoot that scene in mid-June
but the owners of the location have said that under no circumstances can we
come on the property to begin setup until after the July 4th holidays.
Hence we'd use a SNET constaint to move the task out to the first date we
could work on it. If you do need a planned delay - waiting for parts
delivery after an order is placed or waiting for a contract to be approved,
for example - you still don't designate the start date for successor task -
instead you use a lag time inserted in the link to create the necessary
delay between the two tasks. That way if the predecessor is pushed back,
the successor is pushed back a like amount and the required delay between
them is preserved. Or perhaps the resource that will work on the task isn't
available until after a certain date. Even then, you don't directly
designate the date the task will be scheduled on. Instead you input the
information about when the resources are available and Project will schedule
tasks accordingly when you assign the resources to them, only placing them
on dates where the resources required will be there to work on them.

"april" <> wrote in message
task does not need to immediately start even though the dependency requires
that it has to at least wait for the previous task to finish before it can
start. The "start no earlier than" constraint is not necessarily the only
sceneario here but it could be one of the reasons that a planned delay is
set in the schedule. Does that mean I cannot properly import and merge with
existing project file when dates are entered in schedule on purpose? 
constraint can be removed once the late activity has started with actual
start date and % of completion. 


Posted: 13 May 2004 07:09 AM PDT

Good catch Jan!

Thanks very much,
sthe optieon 
othert han the 
date" and no new 
to "Start 

Save Task Usage Report to Excel

Posted: 13 May 2004 05:36 AM PDT

HI Mani,
Have you tried th export timescaled data to excel using
the Analysis toolbar? View either the Task or Resource
Usage view and then try it.
Hope this helps.
Excel. Good examples are the Task Usage or Resource Usage

Why does Project 2000 show "0" when I calculate SPI

Posted: 13 May 2004 12:38 AM PDT

There are a number of problems with your approach as you've outlined it.
First and foremost you said you save your baseline and then add your tasks.
This is completely backwards. The baseline is a collection of data about
the tasks and resources and so if you do it in that order there is no data
yet present to save in the baseline. The baseline is a fixed "snapshot" of
the project data at the moment you've saved the baseline and does NOT
automatically update as the project changes. You need to set up the entire
project, enter all the tasks and sequence them, define your resources and
their rates and assign them to their tasks (You didn't mention that you'd
done anything with resources but without them there is nothing for Earned
Value and SPI to measure since it uses resource costs as the tracking
metric), level any overallocations, and finalize the schedule, THEN save (or
re-save) your baseline. The baseline should represent the completed project
plan as you intend to work it, saved as the very last thing done after
getting management approval and sign-off but before beginning actual work.
Then as work proceeds you update the project posting in actual performance.

Now to earned value - remember BCWS is the Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled,
BCWP is Budgeted Cost of Work Performed, *AS OF a specific Status Date* (you
left out whether you had set the status date or not). That's why you need
to have both assigned resources and entered actual progress to date.
Without resources there is no work to be scheduled and without actuals there
is no record that work has been performed. So you decide what date you want
to see earned value reported current to and set that date as the status date
in the Project Information menu. Then in the View Menu, select Table, More
Tables, and from the list of available table displayed select one of the
Earned Value tables. You don't need to create a custom field to display
SPI, it's already there as a standard field and is already included in the
EV tables supplied out-of-the-box or available for inclusion in a custom

Hope this helps ...

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Stevie" <com> wrote in message 

Turning on the Save Offline menu option

Posted: 12 May 2004 03:31 PM PDT

Thanks Dale.
This works well now.

"Dale Howard [MVP]" <dale(dot)howard(at)> wrote in
message news:phx.gbl... 

How to find differences between two schedules

Posted: 12 May 2004 02:21 PM PDT

Here is the download site for the Project Compare COM add-in.


Display time differently

Posted: 12 May 2004 02:11 PM PDT


Use the list separator (depending on the settings, a comma or a ;)
Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"pmack" <> schreef in bericht
option? I've tried using the Ctrl key but it doesn't work. I am trying to
choose Milestone and finished...

difference between xml and mpp files?

Posted: 12 May 2004 12:41 PM PDT

April --

You need to set the Start date of the project by clicking Project - Project
Information and selecting the Start Date. Setting a Start date on the first
task in the project is not the same thing, and is probably the source of
your problems. Hope this helps.

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"april" <> wrote in message
date for the first sub-task A.1, so when viewing project information, the
project start date is autofilled with the same date.