

Microsoft Word - Word 2013 color scheme

Microsoft Word - Word 2013 color scheme

Word 2013 color scheme

Posted: 30 Jan 2013 12:16 PM PST

Just installed Office 2013 in Windows 8 Pro. When creating a new document in Word the area both to the left and right of the page is almost the same color as the page itself,


This is too bright and hard on the eyes. Is there a way to change the space that surounds the page to a darker color (Exmple; Medium or dark gray)?



I am unable to use the insert button in WORD.

Posted: 30 Jan 2013 10:57 AM PST

I am unable to use the insert button in WORD as I was able to with the 2007 version.  I used to turn on Insert and it would allow me to type right over the previous words. It does not allow me to do that in the new Word program.

Alphabetizing a page using Word

Posted: 29 Jan 2013 08:28 AM PST

How do I alphabetize a whole page of words that are in columns using Word?  I have tried the sort option, but it only does the first column!

Microsoft word is not finding the MSSpell3.dll so the spell checker won't work.

Posted: 29 Jan 2013 08:21 AM PST

However the dll does reside in the Office directory.  How do I fix this flaw?

Does Office 365 require a constant internet connection to use?

Posted: 29 Jan 2013 08:07 AM PST

I am interested in purchasing Office 365 University. I wanted to know if I always have to be connected to the internet in order to use the office programs from Office 365. For example, if I was not connect to the internet, can I still open Word and type a document and save it on my hard drive even though I am not on the internet. I understand I will not be able to access my SkyDrive account when I am offline.

I was just confused on Office 2013 vs. Office 365 and cloud storage.

Thank you.

Word 2010 Error! Bookmark not defined!

Posted: 29 Jan 2013 07:40 AM PST

 I have a document with multiple {XE} index fields. When I go to print, they all turn into Error! Bookmark not defined. I have tried updating the index just before printing to no effect. I have done a REPLACE, and replaced all with a DELETE. The Fields disappear from the document, but when I go to print, the error message returns in all the same places. Help! This is a 300-page document with 10,000 index fields!

document properties field - too short dropdown list

Posted: 29 Jan 2013 07:31 AM PST

Is there any way that the word document properties field had longer dropdown list? It seems that it is limited only to 30 elements. I have a client-reference field and it's useless unless I can pick from the entire list (it;s connected to sharepoint list)

Here's the screenshot:!236&authkey=!ADARodR5JHo8Pes

I know that from within sharepoint website it can be done to select value from unlimited list. But it's really inconvinient to be forced to save the document without this field and then go to webpage, change properties and finally set proper field value.

Alphabetize styles in Word style gallery

Posted: 29 Jan 2013 05:16 AM PST

I created a template with a customized multilevel list using Heading 1 thru 6.  I also removed all styles not needed from the Style Gallery.  The Heading styles are not in alphbetical order.  How can I enforce sorting in ascending order of all the styles that appear in the gallery, for this template.

Thank you for any suggestions.


when i try to run mail merge wizard i get "unable to load odbcji32.dll" error office Word2007

Posted: 28 Jan 2013 09:29 PM PST

Then it show another error:
"driver's sqlallochandle on sql_handle_env failed"

and then yet another:
"Word was unable to open data source"

I am trying to read from an excel spreadsheet

My Word docs are corrupted with paragraph symbols, and dots for spaces. What gives?

Posted: 28 Jan 2013 05:13 PM PST

I coppied and pasted text created earlier on my genealogy site (using there composing page format), into Word 2000 (off site), now, after trying to edit off site (with the genealogy window open, but minimized), all my Word docs are corrupted with paragraph icons at the start and end of each paragraph, and in the margin of any blank line (like double spacing).  Also, in every space between letters is a dot.  Are these Word settings?  I have removed and reloaded Word, to no avail. 

Modify repeating table header in subsequant pages

Posted: 28 Jan 2013 04:53 PM PST

Is there a way to have word modify a repeating header in subsequent insatnces, such as adding the text "(continued)" to all but the first instance of the header?

how do you disable the auto table formatting in word?

Posted: 28 Jan 2013 02:31 PM PST

I am creating a table in Word and when I change the width of the cells on one row the cell width may also change on another row.  I am trying to create a form and I need to cell width value to remain the value that I set and not change as I continue to add to the document.

Power Point (XP) disappears when minimized with Dual Monitors

Posted: 28 Jan 2013 01:38 PM PST

I currently have dual monitors.  When I minimize Power Point (XP power point 2007) it moves off the screen to a non-existent monitor (so is not showing on either of my 2 monitors).  I can only use power point maximized (so can't change the size of the window or move the window to the other monitor).  I have tried reseting my desktop to using only 1 monitor (and rebooting), tried rebooting with only my laptop screen with no other attached monitors but with no luck.  It seems that power point is "remembering" a setting that does not exist.  Any ideas?


Turn off allow rows to break across page by default

Posted: 28 Jan 2013 11:11 AM PST

I use many tables in Word, and I can't remember the last time I wanted to allow rows to break across the page, which is the default option.  Thus, every time I create a table, I must open up the table properties, and uncheck the box that says "allow rows to break across page".  Is there a way to change the preferences so that this box is unchecked by default when new tables are created, so that I can eliminate this step and streamline my work with tables?

I have dual 30" monitors. Now Word 2010 opens spread out acroos both monitors rather than just one. How do I correct this?

Posted: 28 Jan 2013 09:46 AM PST

All of a sudden on Word 2010 only it opens spread out over both monitors.  How do I change this?

Labels and Tables Issue

Posted: 27 Jan 2013 12:13 PM PST

I often use Avery labels most of which have a corresponding table in Word.  But I find that if I try to change the cell margins—the internal margins for the cells—other parts of the table change.  For example, I want to print business cards using Avery 5871 labels.  The default cell margins are Top/Bottom: 0, Left/Right 0.01 (all measurements in inches). If I change the left cell margin (Table Properties/Cell/Options, uncheck Same as the Whole Table) to 0.3, the entire table shifts about the same amount to the left!  If I change the Top cell margin to 0.3 the cells now spill over onto a second page. Oddly, even with the spillover, Word tells me that the 2" (exactly) row height is unchanged. This is obviously impossible. I can see that the row height has changed both on the screen and if I print samples.  In any event, I can't print on the chosen labels!  I never noticed this problem before.  What am I doing wrong?

Word Documents Start with Heading 1

Posted: 27 Jan 2013 10:13 AM PST

All new documents, in Word 2007, on Windows 95 start with the Heading 1 style rather than the Normal style.  I do not understand how that could happen, and can not seem to correct this.

Any thoughts on this issue will be appreciated.
