

Microsoft Word - unable to open new document, has saved document stored on new document

Microsoft Word - unable to open new document, has saved document stored on new document

unable to open new document, has saved document stored on new document

Posted: 07 Mar 2013 07:40 AM PST

When I open Word 2003 a saved document opens (the same one each time), so when I click open new blank document the same saved document opens.  Help!

Desperate Katherine

Hamburg, MI

Word 2010 - How to delete multiple hyperlinked text?

Posted: 06 Mar 2013 10:22 PM PST


 I have searched around and haven't been able to find a macro that deletes multiple hyperlinks while also deleting text. The macros I've seen delete the hyperlinks, but retain the text. Any help is appreciated.

Why isn't Word 2013 opening?

Posted: 06 Mar 2013 04:50 PM PST

It just won't open. (To be really specific) I double click on it, the mouse turns into that loading thing (that looks like a hourglass) then the loading thing disappears and nothing opens. 
-P.S. Reply fast please I really need to use word to finish a project due tomorrow.
(Its not like its crashing, its just not loading)

Attach files using Word and Mail app

Posted: 06 Mar 2013 03:47 PM PST

For Office 2013 there is the option to share a file via email as an attachment.  However it only uses Outlook, is there a way to change this so that Office will recognize the Mail app in Windows 8 as the email client?

How do I change the default date format in Word 2010 from US to UK (DD/MM/YYYY) for use with the Bibliography and other referencing tools?

Posted: 06 Mar 2013 03:05 PM PST

Basically my problem is simple but difficult to solve. My date settings under regional settings in Windows 7 are correct and set to English UK format (DD/MM/YYYY) and so are the settings in Word 2010. When I add a citation and input the full date, then create a Bibliography and view the bibliography at the bottom of my document, the dates all appear in US format (MM/DD/YYYY) which is not acceptable for my essay assignments. At the moment all I do is wait until I've added absolutely all of my citations, click update Bibliography, convert to static text and then manually change all of the dates around. But that's time consuming and ultimately incredibly annoying if I found I've missed a reference and have to do it all over again. Any ideas? Much appreciated :)

Applying Heading Styles to Words and not Whole paragraphs.

Posted: 06 Mar 2013 02:03 PM PST

New to Styles and may be on the cusp of mastery or insanity.  Have gone over the guidance for creating list and heading styles found at more times than I want to admit and have reviewed all the Word 2007 styles-related movies at (several times for each of them, listening VERY carefully) and still cannot figure out how to apply a heading to a few words in numbered paragraph (the words I want to wind up in the TOC) and not the entire paragraph.  I've even deleted all formatting and redid my list style (about a gazillion times) and re-checked each one of 6 Heading styles - also many times over.  Per Shauna Kelly's guidance each of my multilevel levels are attached to the appropriate Heading - as Level 1 to Heading 1, Level 2 to Heading 2, etc. and Heading 1 is based on "no style" with Heading 2 based on Heading 1, Heading 3 on Heading 2, etc. It's driving me bonkers (and at this point it's a short drive.) Would really appreciate some help with this.  John


Posted: 06 Mar 2013 07:05 AM PST

Is it possible to turn off/disable some shortcut keys in Word 2010 but leave others in place.  The key that I would like to disable is Control Y. 

I am using Office 2010 Window 7 - 32 bit operating system.

What is the field code associated to the quick part "Publish Date"?

Posted: 06 Mar 2013 06:56 AM PST

I am formating a document in Word 2010 that uses the Quick Part -> Document Property -> Publish Date. My question is, how can I refer this property in other parts of the document? The option { DOCPROPERTY "Publish Date"} does not seem to work.

Thank you for your answers

cursor jumping around using type cover

Posted: 06 Mar 2013 06:24 AM PST

I'll be typing away on a Word document, only to find that in the middle of typing, my cursor jumped up a couple of lines and I'm now inserting text into the middle of an earlier sentence or paragraph.  Is anyone else seeing this?  Is it a problem with my Touch keyboard, or is it something I am doing?  Thanks for any assistance.  (32 GB Surface RT with Touch cover, Office RT Preview)


Track Changes isn't active in the move setting

Posted: 05 Mar 2013 08:12 AM PST

I have a document that I need to track moves on.

In the settings under Track Change Options the entire section of Move is half font and unavailable for me to change from green to by author.

This is not the only document this happens on. It has been happening for several days now. Just haven't needed it until now.

je n'arrive pas a utiliser office 2013 que j'ai installe.Il n'apparait pas dans mon bureau

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 03:46 AM PST

je n'arrive pas a utiliser office 2013

celui est installé;il apparait dans mes programmes mais et il n'apparait plus dans mon bureau de mon ordinateur.

pouvez vous m'aider merci

have a new computer windows 7, put in student office everything works, but we tried to open two documents and now word won't open and it crashes everytime you open it, please help.

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 06:07 PM PST

word crashes everytime its opened up, this is word 2013 student version, running on new computer windows 7. Tried to open 2 older documents that were created in word and now it crashes. So don't know if it ever worked, have done the quick repair and the repair online, Any help appreciated.

Microsoft Works - Adjustable Paragraph spacing

Microsoft Works - Adjustable Paragraph spacing

Adjustable Paragraph spacing

Posted: 11 Sep 2004 12:01 PM PDT

Thanks for the response. What I am trying to do is add less than a full line hight between paragraphs without changing the text size. 4.5a allowed this by spacing at 1.xx spaces between paragraphs.

It is useful in fitting documents to a page smoothly.

Thanks anyway,
Neil wrote: 

What Are We Missing In Works 8 ?

Posted: 11 Sep 2004 10:52 AM PDT

"Kevin James - MSMVP Works" <org> wrote in message

Active URLs in the Database and the Spreadsheet programs.

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.760 / Virus Database: 509 - Release Date: 10/09/2004

Did You Know ?

Posted: 11 Sep 2004 10:34 AM PDT

No, this is not new in Works 8, I use it in Works 4.5a also.

It also operates in parts of the Help frame, but not for Works 4.5.

Perhaps you will let us know what you think of the new integration
between Dictionary and Encarta, found in Works Suite 2005.

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

help please

Posted: 11 Sep 2004 10:29 AM PDT

Hi Mimi,

Perhaps this helps:;EN-US;823570

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

"Mimi" <com> wrote in message

Aussie version

Posted: 11 Sep 2004 02:06 AM PDT

Hi Chris,

Unfortunately, there isn't an Australian version for S&T in 2005.

I don't have this year's figures, which will undoubtedly be increased,

"Streets & Trips 2004 provides door-to-door driving directions
and maps for 6.7 million miles of U.S. and Canadian roads."

In the UK and Western Europe we have AutoRoute 2005

"With detailed street-level map coverage of 13 Western
European countries, and over 800,000 points of interest,
it gives you more everyday travel and trip planning features
than any online mapping site."

Perhaps send in a wish to Microsoft, requesting such a product ?.;en-gb;281826

Microsoft Money has been localised to create an Australian version.

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

"Chris" <> wrote in message

Wks NG via Google

Posted: 10 Sep 2004 03:21 PM PDT

Sorry for the extra posts. OE stated "unable to send, too many connections"

"JohnS" <com> wrote in message 

Out of Mem msg B4 Printing

Posted: 09 Sep 2004 03:31 PM PDT

Thank you, Kevin -- we'll try this today.
Appreciate your help,

"Kevin James - MSMVP Works" <org> wrote in message

need help to make cards with Works8

Posted: 09 Sep 2004 11:42 AM PDT

Your clients will judge you on your business card.
They are fine if you are using them for your friends
otherwise, call your local printer and get a quote on 500
professionally printed.
If you use "Avery" labels there will not be a great deal difference
in price, and quite frankly they are bloody awful, limp and
Roll up to your contact, whip out the wallet and flip
out the home made business card.
We should be able to here the "snorts" from here.

| I got the same question, make cards is easy but what
| paper setup to use. I do not want to use regular
| printing paper and then fold it. How cheap!

Works7.0 spreedsheet date function?

Posted: 09 Sep 2004 11:14 AM PDT

Hi Greeneich,

In Works 4.5a, Ctrl + ; provides the required input as it does not
automatically update.

Unfortunately, =NOW() updates in a spreadsheet and all values
in the date column would eventually hold the same (current) date.

Perhaps create an automatically incrementing column to hold the
current date with manual weekend exclusion.

=NOW() is ideal for a database solution to this query.

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ for Works:

"Greeneich" <com> wrote in message

Works 7.0 & Service Pack 2

Posted: 08 Sep 2004 05:56 PM PDT

I tried to start the word processor from works 7.0 as
well as the word processor. IN both cases I got message
that the program wasn't responding after I did a ctrl,
alt delete. The entire sysem does not freeze up and in
fact I am able to start the spread sheet and data base
programs I have in works 7.0 very strange, since all
other aspects of 7.0 seem to be working.

An error message did appear, i tried to send it but it
never did send it i waited almost 15 minutes and nothing
happened to send it. The error message gave no real
error numbers when it displayed. It displayed Sz App
Name: Wks WPexe sz Mod Ver; o.o.o.o.offset00000000 sz App
Ver: 7:2, 620.0 sz Mod name: hungapp 
more details ? 
the Task 
that freezes 
the system locked ? 
report to 
report back here 


Mailing labels in Works

Posted: 08 Sep 2004 03:18 PM PDT

Thanks! I tried your suggestion and while time-consuming,
it worked! Now I just saved both files so I can print
them whenever I want.

Thanks again! :)

swap partition in RAM? Can it be done? - Forums Linux

swap partition in RAM? Can it be done? - Forums Linux

swap partition in RAM? Can it be done?

Posted: 13 May 2004 06:20 AM PDT

mjt <ru> wrote in message news:<GcToc.19046$>... 

Because of a requirement to not have sensitive data passed through
non-volatile memory in an embedded system.

I have a system handling sensitive data using Linux. Memory size is
not open ended and I am not sure that the amount of RAM could be
sufficient to operate without a swap partition. If the OS and
applications reach RAM capacity in such a situation, no swap, no
performance - maybe even the system freezes?

Correct me if I am wrong, but this is what I am trying to work around
to get the system to avoid a lock-up if there is no swap partition.

If swap can be in RAM, then maybe I can limit RAM usage for
applications and stay within reqs. Its only an idea at this point on
how to approach the problem.

Question About Setting Up Linux Workstation

Posted: 12 May 2004 09:59 PM PDT

Don Parris <org> writes:

]I've been using Linux as a multi-purpose OS on a single PC. I now have
]several PCs that I need to setup in a client-server setting. Once I've
]setup the server with file/print services, how should I approach setting
]up the clients? I plan to use CD-ROMs for the install process on all
]machines (only about four).

]My thinking is that if the server has apps, like, in
]/us/local, and that is exported as an NFS share, then when I install
]Linux on the workstations, I shouldn't have to install all the
]programs. I should merely have to setup the clients to access the
]server's /usr/local directory, and thus the apps located therein. Is
]that correct? Or am I dreaming?

An NFS mounted disk is in all ways (excep speed) the same as a disk
mounted from the machine itself. The only thing that differentiates it
is that if the net is down so is the disk. Or if the remote computer is
shut off, so is the partition.
Ie, you are not dreaming-- it is easy. Just remember that if you put
crucial programs on the nfs disk , they will not be accessible until
after the nfs mounting is done. Eg putting the kernel on an nfs mounted
disk is a very bad idea, since nfs mounting does not occur until after
the kernel is loaded.

setting up redhat fedora project

Posted: 12 May 2004 12:54 PM PDT

com (mehul) wrote in message news:<>... 

Yes, 9.3Gb is fine. Simply follow the on-screen prompts to install.
Its very, very, very easy. Give it a go and if you have a specific
thing you get stuck with, have a look on the Fedora site, then do a
quick google. If you can't find anythere after you've tried that, then
try here.

Installing suitable linux distro on Dell Inspiron 5100!

Posted: 12 May 2004 09:22 AM PDT

Thanks for the info. Now, I found "Network install" from a minimal CD
on Hopefully the ppp connection stays up!

raqueeb hassan

help with replicating configuration/disk/software to many machines - need food for thoughts

Posted: 12 May 2004 06:31 AM PDT

"Theophanis Kontogiannis" <gr> wrote in message news:<c7t93f$h2q$>... 

I manage 30 servers running slackware and redhat but my methods sould
be esaily scalable to 200. I use rsync and ssh to install and update
software on multiple servers. Sometimes you can rsync the binaries
with no problems, other times you have to rsync the tar ball plus a
script and then use rsh "/path/to/script" to install.

I also use these commands to set the time, check for disk space, etc..

Backups are easy. See the rsync section of

Other things I do include, checking that services are running and
sending a mail or pager message if there's a problem.

I'd be happy to post some of my scripts if you think they would be
helpful. Let me know.

Best of luck.


Module loading during debian install

Posted: 12 May 2004 05:57 AM PDT

Still struggling with this.

What I trying to do is install Debian on a machine that has mirrored IDE
raid disks, using Promise FastTrak100 controller and it's this I'm having
trouble with.

Booting from Woody install Cd, and bf24 option, it doesn't see the hard
I've built another machine to compile the drivers on using the said CD. I'm
just doing a 'make' on the FastTrak driver, no doing kernel build, so is the
set 'EXTRAVERSION to -bf2.4' relevent?

But the exact error that I'm getting is 'The loading has failed' when trying
to load the module. At this stage of install is any more info going to be

Thanks for any help on the matter


"Andreas Janssen" <com> wrote in message

Garbled Graphics on reboot (Suse) - Shuttle SN41G2 (and no Ethernet....)

Posted: 12 May 2004 02:48 AM PDT

com (Phil) wrote in message news:<>... 

What is your graphics card? What does your XF86Config look like?

How is your network configured?

File sharing between W's and Mandrake

Posted: 11 May 2004 08:55 AM PDT

"wavelength" <net> wrote in message news:<>...

is there a sensitive disk repair for Mandrake 9.2 ?

Posted: 11 May 2004 08:36 AM PDT


I don't know if it is too late now, but if you can recover the system,
have a google search on Mondo tool, it's a super 5 star backup tool
which does exactly what you want, but you have to back up the system
before.... so at least next time it won't happen!!!

good luck

"Ryan@NIH" <> wrote in message news:<qq6oc.242$>... 

Problems installing kernel 2.6.6 on Fedora Core 1

Posted: 11 May 2004 06:46 AM PDT

In the meantime I had nearly everything else working...including the
internal ipw2100 wireless nic!

Suspend/resume is a bit unreliable though.

Thanks a lot, now everything works!

Thank you for the information but no than you ;-)
Jean-Louis Leroy
Sound Object Logic

What unix do you prefer ?

Posted: 10 May 2004 11:04 PM PDT

Hash: SHA1

Jean-Baptiste Hétier wrote: 

Primarily because I wouldn't put it first or second when given those
three choices.

Debian is a well-designed general distribution, with little or no 'fluff'.

RedHat is a well-marketed general distribution that many business and
personal users have settled on. It has a fair amount of 'fluff', but the
'fluff' doesn't intefere too much with its use.

Mandrake is a well-marketed home-user/clueless-newbie distribution that
many personal users have settled on. It has a great deal of 'fluff', and
(judging by the traffic in alt.os.linux.mandrake) that fluff is either
confusing to it's userbase, or inteferes with it's user base.

- --

Lew Pitcher, IT Consultant, Enterprise Application Architecture
Enterprise Technology Solutions, TD Bank Financial Group

(Opinions expressed here are my own, not my employer's)
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32)

iD8DBQFAohLkagVFX4UWr64RAloAAJ99XUYh+byyjuxb3cxEKK eP0dlYWQCgszS6

Solaris, Linux, Win Server 2003 disk part blues..

Posted: 10 May 2004 12:59 PM PDT

On Mon, 10 May 2004 15:59:55 -0400, "Sarah Tanembaum" <com>

Dave Uhring has already told you how to do this with fdisk. If you are
more comfortable with resizing, rather than deleting and recreating, use
some tool to resize the extended partition, and then create a new primary
with ID 82. Resize the extended partiton to fit the space within it that
is already allocated as logical paritions. A decent partiton manager won't
let you pick a size that is too small.

I use the partitioning tools in the (non-free) System Commander, but it
looks like any of the parted flavors should happily resize and create what
you need.

William D Waddington
Bainbridge Island, WA, USA
"Even bugs...are unexpected signposts on
the long road of creativity..." - Ken Burtch

Raid problems

Posted: 10 May 2004 03:25 AM PDT

> I'd check first if the RAID has already finished syncing 'cat 

Thank you. I let the machine syncing now. Speed is about 15 MB/sec, that
seems fast enough to me. How often does this sync process take place?


11.3.5 Installer won't update Microsoft Office for Mac

11.3.5 Installer won't update Microsoft Office for Mac

11.3.5 Installer won't update

Posted: 04 Jul 2007 02:18 PM PDT

I think I've figured it out. And, I belong in the Word group -- where the
problems are. Thanks anyway.

"dc1999" wrote:

License issue

Posted: 03 Jul 2007 08:29 AM PDT

Yeah I thought so too.
Not too sure about the network setup.
But thanks for your comments!

Custom context menu (right-click) in Word 2007?

Posted: 02 Jul 2007 06:00 AM PDT

Gah. When I posted this I wasn't in the mac group. Sorry.

Big Dave UK x

"CyberTaz" wrote:

Open Office Suite

Posted: 01 Jul 2007 07:40 AM PDT

Quoting from "JE McGimpsey" <org>, in article, on [DATE:

When I install OpenOffice after installing Microsoft Office, then Open
Office changes the file associations of Word, Excel and PowerPoint over to
OpenOffice. It does this without asking and I can't stop it from happening.
I would expect it to do so for OpenDoc format, but not for other product's
file formats. Worse, if I manually reset all the associations back to Word,
Excel and PowerPoint using Finder and "Change ALL" then the next time I use
OpenOffice it changes them back to OpenOffice again without asking and
without recourse. This is extremely bad behavior and is totally

Arial, Times, just about every font. Make a presentation in PowerPoint and
see how it looks in OpenOffice. Same thing with Word. OpenOffice opens the
documents, OK but they look very different from how they were created.

Sun released the source code, true. But it is such a convoluted, tangled,
impenetrable mess that only one or two of the developers working on the code
are people who do not work for Sun Microssystems. That's hardly a

It takes a lot of money (or call it time, organization, commitment,
motivation, enthusiasm or whatever) to make large projects successful.
OpenOffice seems to have exceeded the upper limit as to the kinds of
projects that can be successful using an open source model. Relatively easy
projects such as web browsers and mail clients lend themselves to the open
source model. Hard to do stuff (meaning expensive to make) like office
applications, calendars, and Active-X languish and starve for resources.

Even large enterprises that use OpenOffice such as IBM and the government of
China, loaded with money and talent, are loathe to devote resources to
OpenOffice and other open source projects. The price vs quality equation
evaluates to price for these folks. If they pitch in, that tips the equation
back to commercial software. But it sure sounds good in the press when they
say they "support" open source by using free products.

Jim Gordon

MVPs are not Microsoft Employees
MVP info

new mac book, installed office mac but not completely working

Posted: 30 Jun 2007 08:08 AM PDT

On 6/30/07 12:12 PM, in article, ""
<> wrote:

If you can use ³Remove Office² to get rid of the test drive, you should be
able to copy over your Microsoft preferences to the new computer. It will
contain your invisible CD Key.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
One of the top five MS Entourage resources listed on the Entourage Blog.

Office 2004 not working after migrating all files from iBook to Mac Book Pro

Posted: 29 Jun 2007 05:29 PM PDT

Thank you for your reply. I will uninstall Office and reinstall it
when I get home. Yes, it's a very stupid way of doing things and you'd
think MSFT and Apple would have sorted it out by now.

On Jun 29, 11:48 pm, John McGhie <name> wrote: 

Use Office v. X on new MacBook Pro?

Posted: 29 Jun 2007 03:29 PM PDT

Hmmm... Well, we are all speculating here. Those who know when Office 2008
is coming out are not allowed to tell us. Those who tell us, don't know.

I agree with Bob that we have no clear indication of when Office 2008 will
come out, and some of us believe it is running late.

I also agree that Office 2004 runs better on later versions of OS X.
Although the difference is not great. Not enough to persuade me to buy it
when the new version is coming in less than a year.

To save upgrade worries going into the future, at some point you need to
upgrade to the Full version. I would do that at the time that you change to
Office 2008.

For the first time, Office X/2004 and Office 2008 will be almost totally
unrelated. Office 2008 is a very major change indeed. In auto terms, it's
as if they jacked up the hood and drove a new car underneath! There's not
much of the old code left. Although, of course, I don't "know" that, and I
didn't "say" that -- right? :-)

So while I think we can depend on it having a liberal supply of bugs (every
large and complex piece of software has, including OS X...) these will be
brand new made-for-leopard bugs. The old bugs we know and love will all be
replaced by new, upgraded bugs.

The same bugs will hit us whether we upgrade from Office 2001 or Office X or
Office 2004, or if we have never installed Office before. So it's false
logic to waste money on Office 2004 now hoping to get fewer bugs in Office
2008 when it arrives. You won't, you will get just the same bugs. And the
upgrade price is the same, regardless of which version you upgrade "from".
You either have a qualifying previous version, or you don't. Same price.

On the other hand, when we do get Office 2008, it will be wise to allow
Office 2008 to convert all the files we have into its new format. Office X
does not have some of the features of Office 2004. So its files are very
slightly simpler. And that means they will be slightly easier to convert,
and may thus produce slightly less trouble when you do convert them.

Let me hasten to add that you do not HAVE to convert files to use them in
Office 2008. (Well: Office 2008 can only work in the new format, so it
will convert them anyway, but it will save them back to the old format when
you quit, if you so insist.)

You can continue to use the old file formats: but that would be silly. The
main advantage of Office 2008 is that the new file format is very much more
reliable than the old one.

The only time you might choose not to convert is if you have some
non-Microsoft application that can read only the old formats: this is not
likely to be an issue except in large corporations.

Hope this helps

On 30/6/07 10:53 PM, in article,
"com" <com> wrote:

Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:name

Entourage formatting

Posted: 28 Jun 2007 07:06 AM PDT

On 1/7/07 10:07 AM, in article C2AD2D66.4D25%name, "John McGhie"
<name> wrote:

In Acrobat: Select with selection tool, copy; in Word, Edit menu => Paste
Special (or a keyboard shortcut for this most used of all my editing
actions). Not difficult if you have Acrobat (you don't, John? I shall speed
to you a licensed recent version by Australia Post as a token of my

Clive Huggan

previously functional Office 2004 now won't launch after Mac OS updates

Posted: 27 Jun 2007 01:02 PM PDT

On 7/2/07 1:00 PM, in article, "com"
<com> wrote:

An ³Archive & Install² isn¹t bad. If you select to "Preserve User and
Network Settings", it¹s pretty painless.

As Bob suggested, try the combo updater first.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
One of the top five MS Entourage resources listed on the Entourage Blog.

New Macbook - reinstalled and now only a trial version of Office

Posted: 27 Jun 2007 10:27 AM PDT

Another possibility I'm reading into your quandary:

If the previous owner legitimately owned a license to the Office software on
the system he should have either a) removed Office from the Mac before
transferring ownership if he intended to continue using that copy of the
product, or b) handed over the disks along with the Mac & the key. As you
can see, the key does you no good if you have to reinstall the software -
the software is on the disks. You can install from any copy of the same
version using your key, but you'll still be left in the same boat if
something similar occurs in the future.

Contact the other party for the disks or invest in a copy of Office to call
your own:)

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

"Googler" <net> wrote in message 

Microsoft Office Product License

Posted: 26 Jun 2007 07:53 PM PDT

Might be *your* Macbook, but it *isn't* your software... It's licensed to
one & only one individual. Since what you (and your friend) have done is a
violation of the license agreement I wouldn't complain too loudly... Let
alone in public. If your sanity is truly at stake, follow John's advice &
purchase a legitimately licensed copy... It may also salvage your integrity
as well as your conscience;)

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 6/26/07 10:53 PM, in article,
"com" <com> wrote:

Installation problem Office Mac

Posted: 24 Jun 2007 04:50 PM PDT

Either the CD is dirty, or your drive is dirty.

Put in a different CD. If that works OK, then you need to clean your Office

Wipe the non-printed side with window-cleaner and a soft cloth and try

On 25/6/07 9:20 AM, in article, "edu"
<edu> wrote:

Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:name

Multiple users accessing single mailbox - Microsoft Exchange

Multiple users accessing single mailbox - Microsoft Exchange

Multiple users accessing single mailbox

Posted: 04 Aug 2004 10:34 AM PDT

I tried that through the Mailbox Permissions button on the Exchange Advanced
tab in Active Directory but it did not seem to allow those users to access
the mailbox. What exaclty do the permission in that Exchange Advanced tab

"Chris Ahlers [MSFT]" <Microsoft.Com> wrote in message
================================================== ========================== 
================================================== ========================== 


Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 842801 - MSExchangeTransport

Posted: 03 Aug 2004 05:18 PM PDT

Thank you for you help 
KB article, you 

what type of virus protection is best for exchange

Posted: 03 Aug 2004 01:43 PM PDT

This is, of course, independent of how you do a file scan of the Exchange
box. When you do install a client, be sure that you do not do a file scan of
the Exchange directories, especially the ones with the database and log
files. If NAV finds an infection, it might quarantine or, even worse, delete
the "infected" file. This can have catastrophic consequences to Exchange.
Post back if you need help in identifying what directories to exclude.

Also, consider carefully whether or not you want Real Time Protection
enabled. In general, it's not a good idea (IMHO) to have it enabled on a
server. If I enable it on a server, it's restricted to directories that a
user has write access to. In most cases it will just slow down the
performance of a server for no real advantage. Be sure, though, to schedule
at least daily scans of the server as well as Live Updates.

Hank Arnold

"Hank Arnold" <com> wrote in message

unable to telnet to exchange server lan nor wan

Posted: 03 Aug 2004 12:03 PM PDT

That wouldn't explain why he can't connect to the SMTP server from the
server itself, though.... wrote: 

How to: Notify that the email address has changed

Posted: 03 Aug 2004 07:23 AM PDT

Javier Villegas wrote: 

Why not just make sure your recipient policy is set up for both address
formats and make the new one the default - and then you can get mail sent to
either address in the same mailbox? any replies will come from the 'new'
address - you can also put an Outlook signature in that states something
like "Please note that my new email address is ____"

Why not just make sure your recipient policy is set up for both address
formats and make the new one the default - and then you can get mail sent to
either address in the same mailbox? any replies will come from the 'new'
address - you can also put an Outlook signature in that states something
like "Please note that my new email address is ____"

OWA SSL quit working

Posted: 03 Aug 2004 05:52 AM PDT

When you change to 444, the system works perfectly, and
then when you do portqry -n <servername> -e 443, it still
say's https service listening.
port 443? 
anything like that? 

Group Schedules & OWA

Posted: 03 Aug 2004 02:43 AM PDT

Yes, but can not have a calender to each person, considered using Group Schedule in Public folders but again doesn't appear to be available in OWA

"PES" wrote:

e-mail with attachments not arriving.

Posted: 03 Aug 2004 02:39 AM PDT

Ah, I thought you meant the problem was with OE6 clients *receiving*
Are they connecting to your server at all? Or do they have their own?

Steve Foreshore wrote: 

xp pro upgrade

Posted: 02 Aug 2004 10:47 PM PDT

The xp pro disc should be fine. Just pop-in the CD and click on upgrade. You will have to run all the windowsupdates after the xp pro installation.

"com" wrote:

OWA on Exchange 5.5

Posted: 02 Aug 2004 03:55 PM PDT

These are the things that I have found will prevent a user from gaining access to OWA:

Using an AOL or Google toolbar - if this is the case have your user remain online but minimize the toolbar and open Internet Explorer toolbar instead.

Firewall - If he's using XP and has the firewall enabled, or is using another type of personal firewall, he will need to change his settings to allow access to OWA.

Cookies - if cookies is disabled, or if his internet security it too high, that will prevent access too, he may just need to re-adjust his settings.

Hope this is helpful.


"Matthew Tisdel" wrote:

Migration from Outlook pst using POP3/SMTP to Exchange 2003

Posted: 01 Aug 2004 09:00 AM PDT

Thanks to all for great feedback. C

"Clementius" <> wrote in message

Making XP look & feel like Win98

Posted: 31 Jul 2004 11:16 AM PDT

On Sat, 31 Jul 2004 11:16:25 -0700, "Peter Withey"
<net> wrote in

Control Panel/Display/Theme: Windows Classic?

Michael Bednarek "POST NO BILLS"

Catchall Sinks

Posted: 30 Jul 2004 12:45 PM PDT

Glad to help! wrote: 

Exchange 2003 Test Recovery

Posted: 29 Jul 2004 02:21 PM PDT

Can you explain the 'Recover Storage Group' and 'backing up to a file rather
than tape' in more detail? How are they used and created or set up? Is
there a document or book out there that would help me?



"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message

Duplicate E Mails

Posted: 29 Jul 2004 03:16 AM PDT

Hi Richard,

Even if you may not have this issue, this is a good fix to install


Niclas Holmkvist
Microsoft Exchange Support
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"Richard" <> wrote in message

OWA 2003 in a DMZ

Posted: 28 Jul 2004 03:58 PM PDT

Thanks for the response. I was hoping for an answer like
that :). Aside from using the IIS Lockdown tool from
Microsoft, Is there anything else running on Win
2003/Exchange 2000 by default that I should be worried
about? Do you know of any good articles that address this
or list out the min. Services that need to be running on a
Front-End OWA Server?

Thanks again,

secure it within an 
to its internal IP. 
ports between DMZ and 
effectively render the DMZ 
communication, and yes, 

Message recall

Posted: 28 Jul 2004 02:09 PM PDT

I was actually looking for information as far as it working over an x.400 connection. we have multiple sites and it seems to not work between sites but does (to some degree :-)) within the same site. We really don't depend on it, I would just like to clarify whether or not it is "supposed" to work between sites or not. Exch 5.5 sp4 by the way. Thanks.

"Martin Blackstone [MVP - Exchange]" wrote:

Move Exchange 5.5 to new hard ware and keep the same server name.

Posted: 28 Jul 2004 09:52 AM PDT

Thank You !!!!

Exchange 2003 - Native Mode vs. Mixed Mode

Posted: 27 Jul 2004 02:42 PM PDT

Hi Mark,

I knew there was some mystical powers in Exchange! Anyway, can I change to
Native mode anytime or is it best to do that sort of change off hours?



"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message