

swap partition in RAM? Can it be done? - Forums Linux

swap partition in RAM? Can it be done? - Forums Linux

swap partition in RAM? Can it be done?

Posted: 13 May 2004 06:20 AM PDT

mjt <ru> wrote in message news:<GcToc.19046$>... 

Because of a requirement to not have sensitive data passed through
non-volatile memory in an embedded system.

I have a system handling sensitive data using Linux. Memory size is
not open ended and I am not sure that the amount of RAM could be
sufficient to operate without a swap partition. If the OS and
applications reach RAM capacity in such a situation, no swap, no
performance - maybe even the system freezes?

Correct me if I am wrong, but this is what I am trying to work around
to get the system to avoid a lock-up if there is no swap partition.

If swap can be in RAM, then maybe I can limit RAM usage for
applications and stay within reqs. Its only an idea at this point on
how to approach the problem.

Question About Setting Up Linux Workstation

Posted: 12 May 2004 09:59 PM PDT

Don Parris <org> writes:

]I've been using Linux as a multi-purpose OS on a single PC. I now have
]several PCs that I need to setup in a client-server setting. Once I've
]setup the server with file/print services, how should I approach setting
]up the clients? I plan to use CD-ROMs for the install process on all
]machines (only about four).

]My thinking is that if the server has apps, like, in
]/us/local, and that is exported as an NFS share, then when I install
]Linux on the workstations, I shouldn't have to install all the
]programs. I should merely have to setup the clients to access the
]server's /usr/local directory, and thus the apps located therein. Is
]that correct? Or am I dreaming?

An NFS mounted disk is in all ways (excep speed) the same as a disk
mounted from the machine itself. The only thing that differentiates it
is that if the net is down so is the disk. Or if the remote computer is
shut off, so is the partition.
Ie, you are not dreaming-- it is easy. Just remember that if you put
crucial programs on the nfs disk , they will not be accessible until
after the nfs mounting is done. Eg putting the kernel on an nfs mounted
disk is a very bad idea, since nfs mounting does not occur until after
the kernel is loaded.

setting up redhat fedora project

Posted: 12 May 2004 12:54 PM PDT

com (mehul) wrote in message news:<>... 

Yes, 9.3Gb is fine. Simply follow the on-screen prompts to install.
Its very, very, very easy. Give it a go and if you have a specific
thing you get stuck with, have a look on the Fedora site, then do a
quick google. If you can't find anythere after you've tried that, then
try here.

Installing suitable linux distro on Dell Inspiron 5100!

Posted: 12 May 2004 09:22 AM PDT

Thanks for the info. Now, I found "Network install" from a minimal CD
on Hopefully the ppp connection stays up!

raqueeb hassan

help with replicating configuration/disk/software to many machines - need food for thoughts

Posted: 12 May 2004 06:31 AM PDT

"Theophanis Kontogiannis" <gr> wrote in message news:<c7t93f$h2q$>... 

I manage 30 servers running slackware and redhat but my methods sould
be esaily scalable to 200. I use rsync and ssh to install and update
software on multiple servers. Sometimes you can rsync the binaries
with no problems, other times you have to rsync the tar ball plus a
script and then use rsh "/path/to/script" to install.

I also use these commands to set the time, check for disk space, etc..

Backups are easy. See the rsync section of

Other things I do include, checking that services are running and
sending a mail or pager message if there's a problem.

I'd be happy to post some of my scripts if you think they would be
helpful. Let me know.

Best of luck.


Module loading during debian install

Posted: 12 May 2004 05:57 AM PDT

Still struggling with this.

What I trying to do is install Debian on a machine that has mirrored IDE
raid disks, using Promise FastTrak100 controller and it's this I'm having
trouble with.

Booting from Woody install Cd, and bf24 option, it doesn't see the hard
I've built another machine to compile the drivers on using the said CD. I'm
just doing a 'make' on the FastTrak driver, no doing kernel build, so is the
set 'EXTRAVERSION to -bf2.4' relevent?

But the exact error that I'm getting is 'The loading has failed' when trying
to load the module. At this stage of install is any more info going to be

Thanks for any help on the matter


"Andreas Janssen" <com> wrote in message

Garbled Graphics on reboot (Suse) - Shuttle SN41G2 (and no Ethernet....)

Posted: 12 May 2004 02:48 AM PDT

com (Phil) wrote in message news:<>... 

What is your graphics card? What does your XF86Config look like?

How is your network configured?

File sharing between W's and Mandrake

Posted: 11 May 2004 08:55 AM PDT

"wavelength" <net> wrote in message news:<>...

is there a sensitive disk repair for Mandrake 9.2 ?

Posted: 11 May 2004 08:36 AM PDT


I don't know if it is too late now, but if you can recover the system,
have a google search on Mondo tool, it's a super 5 star backup tool
which does exactly what you want, but you have to back up the system
before.... so at least next time it won't happen!!!

good luck

"Ryan@NIH" <> wrote in message news:<qq6oc.242$>... 

Problems installing kernel 2.6.6 on Fedora Core 1

Posted: 11 May 2004 06:46 AM PDT

In the meantime I had nearly everything else working...including the
internal ipw2100 wireless nic!

Suspend/resume is a bit unreliable though.

Thanks a lot, now everything works!

Thank you for the information but no than you ;-)
Jean-Louis Leroy
Sound Object Logic

What unix do you prefer ?

Posted: 10 May 2004 11:04 PM PDT

Hash: SHA1

Jean-Baptiste Hétier wrote: 

Primarily because I wouldn't put it first or second when given those
three choices.

Debian is a well-designed general distribution, with little or no 'fluff'.

RedHat is a well-marketed general distribution that many business and
personal users have settled on. It has a fair amount of 'fluff', but the
'fluff' doesn't intefere too much with its use.

Mandrake is a well-marketed home-user/clueless-newbie distribution that
many personal users have settled on. It has a great deal of 'fluff', and
(judging by the traffic in alt.os.linux.mandrake) that fluff is either
confusing to it's userbase, or inteferes with it's user base.

- --

Lew Pitcher, IT Consultant, Enterprise Application Architecture
Enterprise Technology Solutions, TD Bank Financial Group

(Opinions expressed here are my own, not my employer's)
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Solaris, Linux, Win Server 2003 disk part blues..

Posted: 10 May 2004 12:59 PM PDT

On Mon, 10 May 2004 15:59:55 -0400, "Sarah Tanembaum" <com>

Dave Uhring has already told you how to do this with fdisk. If you are
more comfortable with resizing, rather than deleting and recreating, use
some tool to resize the extended partition, and then create a new primary
with ID 82. Resize the extended partiton to fit the space within it that
is already allocated as logical paritions. A decent partiton manager won't
let you pick a size that is too small.

I use the partitioning tools in the (non-free) System Commander, but it
looks like any of the parted flavors should happily resize and create what
you need.

William D Waddington
Bainbridge Island, WA, USA
"Even bugs...are unexpected signposts on
the long road of creativity..." - Ken Burtch

Raid problems

Posted: 10 May 2004 03:25 AM PDT

> I'd check first if the RAID has already finished syncing 'cat 

Thank you. I let the machine syncing now. Speed is about 15 MB/sec, that
seems fast enough to me. How often does this sync process take place?
