

Microsoft CRM - Dissapearing CRM.

Microsoft CRM - Dissapearing CRM.

Dissapearing CRM.

Posted: 31 Aug 2005 05:26 AM PDT

Just like alex says, http://crm/loader.aspx should work. If this is indeed
working, then there is still some kind of popupblocker active. Maybe a google
toolbar, msn or another one.

Hope this helps,

Ronald Lemmen

"Alex Goss" wrote:

Capture info from website

Posted: 31 Aug 2005 04:06 AM PDT

This tool works fine, but if you have a programmer who can work with,
then you can create a integration yourself as well quite easily. Just make a
webservice which allows the web data and stores it in the crm database. there
is a good example in the SDK which explains how to create contacts. If you
know how to make a webservice and how to call a webservice then you're done.

This might be a cheaper solution for you.

Hope this helps,

Ronald Lemmen
Avanade Netherlands

"Pete C" wrote:

How about CRM+Sharepoint in the same server?

Posted: 30 Aug 2005 09:07 AM PDT

To Nathan, Thank you Nathan, I will try it anyway, also, could you please
tell me what's the difficult to install both software in one server?

To Ronald, Thank you Ronald, if we some server software, such as: CRM,
Sharepoint 2003, Project 2003, ISA 2004, Exchange 2003. We only have 2 or 3
servers, what's the best performance group?


Group Customers by Product

Posted: 30 Aug 2005 08:01 AM PDT

Thanks, I tried the custom view idea earlier but missed the "Does Not
Contain Data" part so thanks so much. It works great!!

"MattNC" wrote:

Exporting Data

Posted: 30 Aug 2005 05:21 AM PDT

Ok So this was my solution

It's a small func I wrote it in pseudo code
but you can use it for any langauge

it's fairly easy to use

ObjectCollection <- getAllNotes(ObjectName, ObjID)
Col <- new Collection()
Relations <- getAllRefereToRelationships(ObjectName)
foreach (R in Relations)
Objs <- Featch ( R.ObjectName, R.PrimaryKey = ObjID )
foreach (O in Objs)
Col.Add <-( getAllNotes ( O.ObjId) )
return getNotes (ObjId)

It will return all notes from all the children of the ObjetName you wish


Collection C = getAllNotes( "Contact", "{123-3-23-235}" )

will bring you a collection of all the Notes connected at any level with the

if you need somthing else which is note a note (annotation) write another
func instead of getAllNotes(Creteria)

the functions you need to implement are

which returns a Collection of Relationships
input: ObjectName, the ObjectName the Relationships refer to.

getAllNotes (Criteria )
returns a Collection of All the Note objects that fite the Criteria

Hope this helps.


"MattNC" <> wrote in message

CRM installation on SBS2003 or W2K3 server?

Posted: 30 Aug 2005 04:52 AM PDT

You've got it now. Yes, from what you've told me, I would suggest that you
consider installing CRM to the SBS and SQL on the WTS. SQL can handle many
databases, so you can install your accountacy software on the WTS server and
have it use the SQL Server on that box as well.

I would also recommend that you find a good partner to work with on CRM, as
it can be a complex application to install and configure.

Matt Wittemann

"omb" wrote:


Posted: 30 Aug 2005 02:44 AM PDT


Have you tried to install using the IP address of the CRM Server? That error
indicates that the installation cannot locate the CRM server. So it could
have been a DNS problem.

Rob Bakkers,
Avanade Netherlands

"Nathan Warner" wrote:

Exporting Account & Contact

Posted: 29 Aug 2005 06:49 PM PDT

To add to what Ronald has stated, you also asked if it was possible to
delete leads after importing contact/account. That's not quite how it
works, but it will appear that way to users. If you import leads, you
can then promote each one individually to a contact, account, and
opportunity. Once you have done this, the lead will be set to a state
of converted / qualified. This state will cause it to 'disappear' from
the Active Leads views, so to the user's, it basically disappears. (It
is still there in the DB, and viewable under the Closed Leads view,



David L. Carr, President
Visionary Software Consulting, Inc.
Main #: 971-327-6944

To download a fully functional trial version of VAST, (Visionary Audit
System Tools for Microsoft CRM), that tracks all changes made to the
Adventure Works Cycle database, visit

Verify Database (Crystal Reports)

Posted: 29 Aug 2005 02:06 PM PDT

Hey John,

Crystal Developer Version

SSO is indeed coming up when I set the datasource location:
- account
- opportunity
- etc
and I can log on via APS, open, edit and save the reports remotely on the
CRM server via crystal fine.
The full error message I get when attempting to verify the database is:
Crystal Reports
Failed to load database information.
Details: The database DLL 'crdb_mscrm.dll' could not be found.

Any ideas ?


"John O'Donnell" wrote:

Upgrade to CRM 3.0 Small Business Edition?

Posted: 29 Aug 2005 01:53 PM PDT

Thank you for your reply. We will wait for the new version of CRM.

"John O'Donnell" wrote:

2 crm installations

Posted: 29 Aug 2005 06:25 AM PDT

Using Virtual Server is the only way to get this to work. (I think the
fundamental architecture problem is that both versions use services of the
same name)

"mv" wrote:

restrict to export records to Excel and restrict to print

Posted: 28 Aug 2005 08:18 PM PDT

Thank you very much Matt. Appreciate your help!

"Matt Parks" wrote:

Distaster Recovery of Microsoft CRM 1.2

Posted: 28 Aug 2005 08:55 AM PDT

Can you tell me more about scribe and DMF

"Matt Parks" wrote:

Cleaning Product List

Posted: 26 Aug 2005 12:58 AM PDT

This is the problem we have, is there a certain seq we have to delet the
records down,

IE: Invoice, Quote, Contact etc.

Or once we have an invoice can the record never be deleted?

"seherish" wrote:

Microsoft Word - How do I make sure other people see all Tracked Changes in a particular document?

Microsoft Word - How do I make sure other people see all Tracked Changes in a particular document?

How do I make sure other people see all Tracked Changes in a particular document?

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 03:23 PM PST

Split from this thread.

I'm running into the same trouble, but on the other party of our contracts. For example, we comment/track changes, but we have no way to make sure that they open the file such that they can see the changes we've made (not everyone is responsible enough to make sure they don't miss these things). Do you know of a way to force comment visibility/all markup in a particular document?

Want to change the "Theme Fonts" across all applications in Microsoft Office 365

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 02:06 PM PST

Is there any way to change the Theme Fonts for all of the Office applications at once?   I managed to change them on the normal template in Word,, but when I try to do a blog post, it reverts to Calibri Light for headings, and Calibri for the body.  I want to use Veranda, and Garamond  in all of the Office Applications, Outlook, Word, Excel and Power Point, as my default heading and body font.

If it involves editing Windows registry, I'm not afraid of doing that.

Further information, I need to do this process on two machines, both are running Windows 8.1, and have all current updates.

Thanks in advance.

Dynamic Data Exchange failure

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 01:42 PM PST

Why am I receiving the "Something Went Wrong" message when trying to mail merge a MS Excel 2013 list with MS Word 2013 label document?  I have followed the instructions for DDE but to no avail.

MS word 2010 wrapping issue to page 2

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 01:32 PM PST

I'm using MS Word 2010 I created a new document finshed typing to the end of the 1st page and continue to the 2nd page.  The problem is the 2nd does not show up unless I place a page break at the bottom of the 1st page.  I am using standard formatting.  There is only text and some bullets within the document.  I need help to determine why the 2nd page will not display or the word text will not auto wrap to page 2.  Does anyone have any ideas even where to look to see what the issue may be?  I have turned on the paragraph markers to see where I am in the document, once at the bottom of the page and doing a return nothing displays, as I would only have a 1 page document. 

Maybe my word is corrupt and I need to re-install.  I am hoping that someone by be able to give me an idea on how to fix.

Thanks for all of your help.



Posted: 28 Jan 2015 12:35 PM PST





Configuracion hipervinculos y enlaces word 2007

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 12:22 PM PST

Hola , buenos dias 

He estado trabajando normalmente en word 2007 pero hace poco , nose que paso y se desconfiguro pues ahora los enlaces , titulos y pies de pagina aparecen en una especie de codificacion :( , nose que pueda hacer para correjir esto alguna sugerencia?

Office 2013 proffing tools (win 8) will not instal

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 12:17 PM PST


I just installed office 2013 and when I tried to spell check a text in Portuguese a pop up error appeared saying I did not have the proofing tools for that language, I fallowed the link, downloaded the proofing tool, restarted word...and Had the same error. (the same thing happens for other language proofing tools)

I have already installed the hotfix suggested for this problem, I did the online repair and nothing works. 

I need the spell checker to work, it is urgent I get it fixed.

Style only change certain Attributes

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 11:16 AM PST

I would like to use a style which gives me a light gray background and a border for code samples. However it should not touch the colors of the code. My Office behaves very weird here. Sometimes it just changes the colors, sometimes it does exactly what i want. Here are some samples:

The type of the style is set to linked so it should usually...

Any ideas what i could have done wrong?

Word 2013 Featured Templates - change display

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 10:28 AM PST

The Featured Templates in Word 2013 are displayed by group.  Is it possible to display the templates on this window in alphabetical order?

Word header numbering failure

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 09:45 AM PST

In creating a series of documents, I set up the styles for Header 1 through Header 4 with indents and numbering. Header 2 through 4 DO NOT restart numbering when used as follows:

1. Heading 1

    A. Heading 2

        (1) Heading 3

    B. Heading 2

        (2) Heading 3

2. Heading 1

    C. Heading 2

I expect the heading 2 to restart as A after a new heading level 1 and Heading 2 to restart as (1) after a new heading level 2.

In addition I set the hanging indent from a 0.25 to a 0.3 to create the proper spacing for heading number greater than one digit. When I manually change the numbering from (2) Heading 3 to (1) Heading 3 using the number/start numbing at feature the style for that single element changes back to the original hanging indent of 0.25 and each occurrence must be changed individually since the style still shows the correct 0.03 indent.

Footnotes not printing correctly

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 09:39 AM PST

This problem just recently started and I don't know what's changed. I have been trying to print documents with footnotes at the bottom of the page. I have custom sized pages at 8.5 x 5.5 and I have it formatted to restart the numbering (letters) on each page. Everything looks correct on my print layout view and print preview pages. However, when I actually print, the footnote lettering becomes continuous and does not restart on each page. All the drivers and software on my printer are up to date and all diagnostics check out. It used to print correctly but for some reason it's not printing correctly anymore.

Is there a fix for this?

Document Protection turning on

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 09:10 AM PST

Recently, when I click save or use CTRL-S, spell check pops up.  When I cancel it, the protect document property is turned on.  Sometimes the spell checker will pop up even when I'm not working directly in the document.  Again, if I cancel it, the document gets protected.  It is intermittent so I can't replicate it on demand. Has anyone encountered this behavior?

Word Template

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 08:43 AM PST

I have a fill-in form template in Word 2010 that I created for users to fill out in our department.  There are several fields that have visual basic when you leave that field it will automate another field.  The form works perfectly except when I give the template to other users, the visual basic does not run.  It appears that I created the visual basic in the template.  How can I make this work for other users? 

Any help with this would be appreciated!!


Posted: 28 Jan 2015 06:24 AM PST

Hi to everybody,

I wonder how to create a short-cut keyboard to paste without formatting with Word 2010. 

I tried with a Macro but don't know how to insert it once created, and all the blogs I found on-line seem refer to previous Word editions.

Pls help on this

Thx a lot in advance

AutoCorrect acting funny

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 05:47 AM PST


I have a problem. I have Word 2010, been using AutoCorrect successfully for ages now, and for some reason today I noticed that it started to correct into the wrong characters. For example, a smiley face :) turned into the greek letter theta, an arrow turned into a box with a question mark. What happened?!


split document based on delimiter while keeping the formats such as fonts, size, colors underlines and etc

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 01:09 AM PST


I came across below VBA to split a document into multiple documents based on delimiters

My delimiter is "/new/"

Anyways, It works fine but when creating multiple documents, 

It does so without all the settings, just like copying from Words to notepad (.TXT file) 

Could anybody have a look at below code and modify it to do the job with the setting intact?


Below is the code

Sub SplitNotes(delim As String, strFilename As String)
    Dim Doc As Document
    Dim arrNotes
    Dim i As Long
    Dim X As Long
    Dim Response As Integer

    arrNotes = Split(ActiveDocument.Range, delim)

    Response = MsgBox("This will split the document into " & UBound(arrNotes) + 1 & " sections. Do you wish to proceed?", 4)
    If Response = 7 Then Exit Sub
    For i = LBound(arrNotes) To UBound(arrNotes)
        If Trim(arrNotes(i)) <> "" Then
            X = X + 1
            Set Doc = Documents.Add
            Doc.Range = arrNotes(i)
           ' Doc.SaveAs ThisDocument.path & "\" & strFilename & Format(X, "000")
  ^^ this is the original code won;t work on me so modified it a bit as below. if anybody can fix this as well, it would be much appreciated.

  ChangeFileOpenDirectory "C:\Users\administrator\Desktop\docs\"
  Doc.SaveAs2 FileName:=strFilename & Format(X, "000"), FileFormat:= _
        wdFormatXMLDocument, LockComments:=False, Password:="", AddToRecentFiles _
        :=True, WritePassword:="", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, EmbedTrueTypeFonts _
        :=True, SaveNativePictureFormat:=False, SaveFormsData:=True, _
        SaveAsAOCELetter:=False, CompatibilityMode:=14

            'doc.Close True
        End If
    Next i
End Sub

Sub test()
     '      delimiter & filename
    SplitNotes "/new/", "notes "
End Sub

When i open any word document the attached message show up

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 12:12 AM PST

I'm facing a problem with my "Microsoft Word", since i installed "DWG True Viewer" and a message appears to me when i try to open any word document "as shown in the below screenshot".

Dutch proofing tools not working

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 11:48 PM PST


I have a user who has recently had Office upgraded to Office 2013 click to run. He is based in The Netherlands and asked for the Dutch proofing tool to be installed. We have installed this to other users without any issues however this user is having an issue with the grammar and thesaurus not working.

Office has been reinstalled and an online repair has taken place as well as reinstalling the Dutch proofing tool again but the issue still persists.

Is there anything you can suggest to make it work?


Dan Smith

How to permanent change the word preset font and size

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 07:53 PM PST

I tried changed the normal styles through 'manage styles' and change the NORMAL style to Arial and font 10 and I make sure I clicked "New documents based on this template".  After i closed and program and reopen, the normal style turned back to Calibri 11.  I tried search for the normal.dotm but I can't find it.  How can I permanently update my word to start with Arial 10? I have the same problems with Excel too. Please help.

I need a 6 figure code to talk to a Microsoft technician to get remote assistance where is it?

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 07:26 PM PST

I had lost Word  when I typed "Delete from the beginning of time"(Deleting History in Chrome

Lenovo reinstalled my Windows 8.1 and Printer

But I'm having a problem getting Word back from Microsoft.

It's obvious if one looks at my screen that I have many documents which I made through Word prior to this crash.

However, the documents are no longer Word documents--they've become Office documents, even though I never requested Office.

Word, along with Lenovo, was a Christmas gift from 2013.  My nephew emailed me the product code

But Microsoft said this isn't the code.

So I'm prepared to try Remote assistance with a technician.  I've already given Microsoft permission to take screen shots

now with remote assistance, I hope this technician will see that my documents are all frozen in office.

I cannot open any of them.

Microsoft thinks my family never bought Word

(My nephew, by the way, is a computer engineer)

Microsoft is asking me to enter a 6 digit code in order to work with this technician

I don't see where this code is--but I need this 6 digit code.

I Word is part of Office, how can Word have disappeared if my documents are in Office?


Continuous Page Numbering in sections

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 06:50 PM PST

How do I keep continuous page numbering when I have a section break? I created a list into 2 columns in the middle of a page. The next page says it is section 3 and the page number starts at 2. If I go into the page number reformatting and have it start on the next number  which is 17, it shows 18. Please help. I am using Word 2013 and there are no current responses for this version.

Word 2010 Mailmerge Labels - but ask operator to pick which label position to start with

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 05:39 PM PST

I have created a Word 2010 Mailmerge template for Avery 5164 Shipping labels (2x3 per page).  It works fine when the operator has 6 or more data records.  We don't like wasting label stock.  So when the operator wants to print, say 2 labels, starting at position 3, how can I prompt him/her to indicate which position to start with?  Thanks for any advice.

Office Word Issues / Problems.......

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 03:15 PM PST

Okay, whew......this is so frustrating.  After a recent Office update, I am now experiencing some major issues with Word.

Let me start out by saying that I am an avid Microsoft consumer.  But lately I am questioning this loyalty.  I have never had so many problems with a Microsoft product as I am now with Office / Word.  None of the earlier versions of Word did this, and why it is happening now I have absolutely no idea.  When Microsoft makes an update, or comes out with a new version of a product, they should improve on what is already there - not change the product so it doesn't work; I'm just saying.

This is the problem that I am having:

  • When I set the margins on a Word document - Office gives me a dialog box saying that one of my margins isn't correct, do I want Office to change it.  WHAT?  No, I don't !!  When I set the margins, that's where I want them.......
  • When I set up a document then go to print it, part of my document is missing.  When I click on print, I then get a dialog box stating that part of the document is out of printing range.  WHAT?  How can part of my document be out of printing range when there is enough margin room?
  • Lastly, I downloaded an envelope from Office templates that was an elegant envelope with a design on the left side of the envelope.  I've used this envelope template for years.  Now, all of a sudden, when I go to print, half of the design is missing.  The only way that I can get the design back is to make the left margin bigger.  This only makes the design and the return address look awkward because it's like in the middle of the envelope.  WHAT?  WHY??

Oh, and I have checked with my printer (HP), and everything is fine there.  It prints what Word sends to it. 

I would like to have my Office / Word be like it used to be - printing what I want to print, with the margins I set, and the printing area being what I decide it should be......!!

Please help.  This is truly frustrating me to no end.

Thank you

WORD 2010 field codes quandary.....

Posted: 26 Jan 2015 11:19 PM PST

Hi all

I have added a validation list as a field with several selection options. I have also bookmarked this field with the name "SERVICE".

When I create a field in another part of the document, I am using this expression:  { IF SERVICE = "CONSTRUCTION" "X" "Y" }

CONSTRUCTION is a valid selection item in the field bookmarked "SERVICE", however I am getting a result of "Y" when I expect "X".

Anyone know what I am doing wrong??


Microsoft Word - Inserting a picture into Word Art words

Microsoft Word - Inserting a picture into Word Art words

Inserting a picture into Word Art words

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 02:53 PM PST

In Word 2003 I could "fill" the words in Word Art with pictures, but I can't seem to do this in 2010 version. I just get the words on top of the picture. How do I fill the words with the picture?

How to Determine if Selection Includes Only Revision Text

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 02:52 PM PST

I've got a document that tracks revisions. It has some original text. Let's say the user ends up with something like this:

"Original part of document. User's inserted text. More original part of document."

When the user makes a selection, how do I determine if the selection includes "original" text. For instance, if the user selects "User's inserted text" to manipulate, it would include only revised text and would be allowable. If they selected, "User's inserted text. More original," then that would be rejected upon detecting the original text.

Thank you!

P.S. Version of Word and Windows is somewhat irrelevant, as I'd like to do this from Word 2000 up to Word 2013.

Specify default file save locations for new documents created from a template - WORD 2010

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 02:49 PM PST

Good day,

I have created a template, and I would like any new documents that are created from that template to be saved in a particular location on my computer.  This is a different location than the default Word file save location.  Is there any way to modify the template to do this?

Assign start number for caption

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 01:02 PM PST

I am attempting to create a document to be used in a legal case. It was requested that we caption all tables and figures with Exhibit 100..101..102 etc. I can find how to add the Exhibit caption, and how to include chapter numbers in the caption, but nothing for assigning a start number for you captions. Is there a way to do this? Thank you in advance for your help.

Microsoft Word 2010

Windows 7 Professional

MS Word 2000, Language, automatic space before a question mark, semicolon, colon.

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 10:23 AM PST

I am using MS Word 2000.  The language is set to English.  When I type a colon or semi colon or question mark after a word, an automatic space is placed between the last letter and the symbol.  How do I stop this automatic spacing from occuring?

My custom dictionary does not seem to be working.

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 09:50 AM PST

My custom dictionary does not seem to be working.  "Suggest from main dictionary only" is not checked in Options//Proofing.  The words that are showing as misspelled are in the custom dictionary.  How do I address this?

Word 2013 wont open some documents on my laptop

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 08:51 AM PST

It gave me this message but I've tried opening by clicking *open and repair* but still get the same message. It lets me create new documents but wont let me open some of the old ones and I know they're not damaged because I can open them fine on other computers and laptops.

Please helpppp

Run-time error 509 The mailmerge command is not available because the document is not a mail merge main document

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 07:48 AM PST


Ok let me see if I can explain this correctly.  At work we use word outputs to generate letters etc from our database, there are over 50 different letters etc so so we use a template to hold the macros required for each type of merge etc thats required, a template for each letter which then links to the template holding the macros, these are all stored on the work server.  Luckily this is only happening on our development database so at present is not a big issue but im worried when requests come in to create new templates and merges.  (Sorry if I havnt explained this very well, im in the process of learning how it all works etc)

After selecting debug the part it highlights is:

Wordbasic.ToolsMacro Name:="RunMerge", Run:=1

The issue only seems to affect some machines as well, when I run the merges everything works without any issues but when I run them on 2 other machines they have this error (so 2/5 have this issue that I have tried so far).  Is there something possibly getting stuck on these machines that prevent it from completing the macro and stopping. 

If you need any other info let me know.


Applying a single STYLE to multiple LIST LEVELS

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 06:32 AM PST

I have a numbered list with multiple list levels. I want to be able to select any line in my numbered list and apply a STYLE to it without changing/removing the list level. This is possible if you have a STYLE for every list level, but I want to avoid having multiples.

How do I create a single style I can apply to any list level without removing/changing the current list level?

Microsoft Office 2007 File Validation

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 06:00 AM PST


I was wondering if anyone could help me, this feature has been driving me crazy!

I'm trying to get Office File Validation to work for Word 2007,

I've added the following key, and run gpupdate /force

REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Security\FileValidation" /v "InvalidFileUIOptions" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f

But I cant seem to get the prompt from Word to say the file I'm openning has failed validation. I am testing with a couple of Virus Word documents that hit my inbox. The PC is a VM that is off the network.

Does anyone have a Word doc that can give me that I can test with, to see if this feature is working correctly?

If not is there anyway to make a document that fails the office validation?

Look forward to hearing from you.



Spacing between headers/footers and main text

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 05:26 AM PST

How can I change the (vertical) space between a header/footer and the main text?

I'm using Word 2013 and a template provided by someone else that I have some leeway to edit.

As it stands there is too much blank space between the header and the main text, and (sometimes, depending on how the paragraphs fall) not enough vertical space between the main text and the footer. The partial screen shots below show what it looks like.

screen shot 1 - header and main text:

screen shot 2 - footer and main text (note that I have "blanked out" some footer text by making it white, for anonymity's sake):

As you can see, the header is followed by the equivalent of roughly 2 blank lines, where 1 would be quite enough, while there is virtually no space between the main text and the line at the top of the footer, where there should always be the equivalent of at least one line of text.

I have spend some time searching both the internet and this forum and haven't found a solution to this problem. There is a lot of discussion about L/R margins in headers and footers, and page margins for headers and footers, but those are not the issue here.

Extract Email Addresses from Word

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 03:25 AM PST


I am trying to extract several hundred email addresses from a large word file.   I was given this great tip before where you "Find" the following

"[a-zA-Z0-9\-_.]{1,}\@[a-zA-Z0-9\-_.]{1,}" and it highlights all the email addresses.    You then simply copy and paste.  

This worked great for me before but all of a sudden stopped working!   I can't for the life of me figure out what is wrong.

The email addresses have <*** Email address is removed for privacy ***> and are separated by commas,

Any advice would be great!



Mirror margin starts on even page

Posted: 27 Jan 2015 01:46 AM PST


   I am trying to make a book using Word 2013. I now set the margin to mirror and it works fine. The problem is I want to start every chapter on the right page. With the mirror margin, the wider left margin start on the odd page and alternates through the document. How do I make the first page of chapter 2 which is page 26 to have a wider margin on the left? 

   I am sorry if anyone has asked this before, I have been trying to search for the answers but failed. 

Thank you. 


Posted: 27 Jan 2015 01:12 AM PST


I have a customer with a strange problem.

Operating system is: windows xp pro.

Office version: 2003

Suddenly when  opening a word document from the local drive it opens with the faded fonts which becoming more and more bold. It does not happen when the document is in an attachment in the mail and is open from there. If it is being saved on the disk the same behavior as above. The disk is o.k no errors. 
Any idea what to do?



WORD 2010 field codes quandry.....

Posted: 26 Jan 2015 11:19 PM PST

Hi all

I have added a validation list as a field with several selection options. I have also bookmarked this field with the name "SERVICE".

When I create a field in another part of the document, I am using this expression:  { IF SERVICE = "CONSTRUCTION" "X" "Y" }

CONSTRUCTION is a valid selection item in the field bookmarked "SERVICE", however I am getting a result of "Y" when I expect "X".

Anyone know what I am doing wrong??


Cannot Activate Microsoft Word

Posted: 26 Jan 2015 08:01 PM PST

I recently downloaded MS Office from a reputable site from my college. I installed the program and Word asks me to activate. I sign in w/my email/PW, enter my authenticator code and I get the message:

"The account isn't associated with this product. To activate this install, please sign in with the account associated with your product."

Help! Need this for class!

Blurry Font in Office 365 after Personalizing Word

Posted: 26 Jan 2015 07:36 PM PST

After downloading Office 365, I opted to personalize the appearance of text in Word; however, when I insert screen shots in PowerPoint slides, the font is blurry. How can I revert to the default font settings?

Pressing enter has suddenly started turning off the style in word!

Posted: 26 Jan 2015 05:22 PM PST

I am typing in automatically numbered paragraphs.  When I press the enter key, as from just now it has stopped entering a new paragraph number, returns to the margin, changes the font to some underlying font I have been trying to get rid of for a long time!

Can anyone help with how to fix this please?

Word 2007, paste HTML from webpage, keep source formatting, Word changes formatting!

Posted: 26 Jan 2015 05:02 PM PST

When I paste formatted HTML text with paragraph numbering from a webpage and to word, with options set to "keep source formatting" it changes the layout, font, and changes subparagraph numbering to bullets and removes tabs after the original document subparagraph numbers! 

 I used it for years without having this issue, it started in the last 2 installations on 2 different PCs.  I don't even have a numbered list in my word library resembling this!  How to fix please?

(A similar question was asked here, but he had some problem with Skype and chrome.  I'm not using Skype or chrome, I am using i.e. 11. )

Word Online

Posted: 26 Jan 2015 02:51 PM PST

Why the <removed> did Microsoft have to go and f.... about with Word for? All I now have is problems with it, notices coming up saying Word is downloading when I am half way through a Uni project and I have to wait till it unfreezes, this is a load of ****, how the hell do they get away with it?

Fedora 9 grub continuous beep on startup - again - Forums Linux

Fedora 9 grub continuous beep on startup - again - Forums Linux

Fedora 9 grub continuous beep on startup - again

Posted: 27 Jul 2009 02:10 PM PDT

Matt Giwer wrote: 

Not NOT but NOTE.

NOTE as in USE it instead of depending on ancient floppy drives.

Jews make no bones about their desire for all Arabs to die.
-- The Iron Webmaster, 4159 a1
Tue Jul 28 17:57:09 EDT 2009

KDE Commentary

Posted: 27 Jul 2009 02:02 AM PDT

On Thursday 30 July 2009 02:35, someone identifying as *Nathan Keel*
wrote in /comp.os.linux.setup:/

He doesn't seem to be too fearful to me - even overconfident - if he
does his daily work while logged in as root. If he truly were the guru
he purports to be, then he'd know better than to do that.

Considering that in Windows every user gets administrator privileges by
default, this is probably why he wants to do his daily work as root.
He probably was a Windows user before he transitioned to GNU/Linux, and
then this would make perfect sense in the subject of why he hates GUIs.

(registered GNU/Linux user #223157)

Fedora Core 10 Kickstart with RPM Packages

Posted: 24 Jul 2009 02:43 PM PDT

On 28 July, 11:28, Ananth <com> wrote: 

No worries, I found what I was looking for:

antivirus prog to use with Ubuntu

Posted: 24 Jul 2009 09:19 AM PDT

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009, Sidney Lambe wrote:
You ought to configure links so it invokes zgv when you want to view
a graphic.

Or maybe it's a backward browser. You can certainly do that with

After all, you do have your ODE complete with an alias so all you have
to type is "ff" to invoke Firefox (which you are now suddenly dismissing),
it's been a long time since you mentioned a text only browser. I guess
when we feed you material, it has an affect.

If you didn't run as root, and if you were running a release that was
more recent than six years old, you might not feel the need to be
so paranoid. You might even find that Firefox wasn't a problem.

All this talk about running as root, that suddenly reappears after I
mention it, reminds me that your "first" appearance may have been about
wanting to run something as root that didn't want to run as root. You
wanted help fixing that program, rather than taking the advice to run
as a user. This whole firefox scenario seems more of the same, run
the way you want to run, and then have to create all kinds of workarounds
because you want to run as root.


dual monitor setup for linux

Posted: 24 Jul 2009 08:28 AM PDT

On Tue, 28 Jul 2009 17:03:06 +0200, Aragorn wrote:

You're right, modules
(excuse wrapping)
aptitude search nvidia
p nvidia-cg-
toolkit -
NVIDIA Cg Toolkit
i nvidia-
glx -
NVIDIA binary Xorg
p nvidia-glx-
dev -
NVIDIA binary Xorg driver development
p nvidia-glx-
legacy-96xx -
NVIDIA binary Xorg driver (96xx legacy
p nvidia-glx-legacy-96xx-
dev - NVIDIA Xorg
driver development files (96xx legacy
v nvidia-
i nvidia-
kernel-2.6-686 -
NVIDIA binary kernel module for 2.6 series compiled for
p nvidia-kernel-2.6-686-
bigmem - NVIDIA binary
kernel module for 2.6 series compiled for bigmem
p nvidia-kernel-2.6-
amd64 - NVIDIA
binary kernel module for 2.6 series compiled for
p nvidia-kernel-2.6-
openvz-686 - NVIDIA
binary kernel module for 2.6 series compiled for
i nvidia-
kernel-2.6.26-2-686 -
NVIDIA binary kernel module for Linux
p nvidia-kernel-2.6.26-2-686-
bigmem - NVIDIA binary kernel
module for Linux 2.6.26-2-686-bigmem
p nvidia-kernel-2.6.26-2-
amd64 - NVIDIA binary
kernel module for Linux 2.6.26-2-amd64
p nvidia-kernel-2.6.26-2-
openvz-686 - NVIDIA binary
kernel module for Linux 2.6.26-2-openvz-686
i A nvidia-kernel-
common - NVIDIA
binary kernel module common
p nvidia-kernel-
legacy-96xx-2.6-686 - NVIDIA
binary kernel module for 2.6 series compiled for
p nvidia-kernel-legacy-96xx-2.6-686-
bigmem - NVIDIA binary kernel module
for 2.6 series compiled for 686-bigmem
p nvidia-kernel-legacy-96xx-2.6-
openvz-686 - NVIDIA binary kernel
module for 2.6 series compiled for openvz 686
p nvidia-kernel-
legacy-96xx-2.6.26-2-686 - NVIDIA
binary kernel module for Linux 2.6.26-2-686 (legacy
p nvidia-kernel-legacy-96xx-2.6.26-2-686-
bigmem - NVIDIA binary kernel module for
Linux 2.6.26-2-686-bigmem (legacy version)
p nvidia-kernel-legacy-96xx-2.6.26-2-
openvz-686 - NVIDIA binary kernel module
for Linux 2.6.26-2-openvz-686 (legacy version)
v nvidia-kernel-
p nvidia-kernel-legacy-96xx-
source - NVIDIA binary kernel
module source (96xx legacy version)
p nvidia-kernel-
source - NVIDIA
binary kernel module
i nvidia-
settings -
Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics
i nvidia-
xconfig -
The NVIDIA X Configuration


Great advances in Debian Linux; post a bug report and get spam in three

mirror/copy raid0 array to a single drive?

Posted: 24 Jul 2009 08:11 AM PDT

Baho Utot wrote: 

Rescue mode is a live CD. RH/RHEL/Fedora have provided it since before
people called live CDs "live CDs," so it's called rescue mode. It's
provided by the original installation media and only provides a command
line, which is all you need, anyway.

The only difference between between the above suggestion and mine is
using rsync on mounted filesystems instead of dd on unmounted ones.

If you create a new fs from scratch, you don't need to worry about
UUIDs. I don't know if rescue mode provides rsync, though. If it
doesn't, then you'd need some other live media (Knoppix, e.g.) to use
rsync. I'd worry about SELinux contexts with rsync, if you're using
SELinux. You could also use rsync from the old fs by chrooting to the
old fs from rescue mode, but that's even more hassle.

Personally, I'd go with rescue mode and dd. It seems simpler to me.
Whichever copy program you like, it can be made to work. Just remember
to fix up the other stuff, too.