

Microsoft Word - MS Word 2010

Microsoft Word - MS Word 2010

MS Word 2010

Posted: 11 Dec 2014 01:26 PM PST

I need to extract the file name and a header information inside each document on about 1000 Word Documents.

Any way to accomplish this without going thru each and every file.

Please advise.


Page numbers not working in sections

Posted: 11 Dec 2014 01:09 PM PST

<Moved from Windows 7 > Programs>


I have three sections in my Word document.  Section 1 is the first two pages.  Section 2 are pages 3 and 4 and Section 3 is pages 5-10.  When I insert pages number i and ii on page 3 and 4 it also adds them to pages 1 and 2.  When I delete them and add page number to page five (1) it doesn't add page numbers 2-5, but it adds i to Section 1 page 1.

I have tried deleting the section breaks and reinserting, but it doesn't help.

Any help would be appreciated.


Word 2013 and ActiveX checkbox controls- weird behavior

Posted: 11 Dec 2014 01:06 PM PST

Saw this posted before but no resolution given (I saw a resolution involving document protection but trying that just broke stuff worse), feel free to point me to an existing solution if there is one.

I created a document in Word 2010. It is basically a guided process document: a few pages of text, then the ActiveX checkboxes which call some VB script that toggles blocks of text later in the document, between being formatted as hidden or not. Short story, I want the document to guide users through a set of tasks, with different tasks being relevant or not relevant depending on the input in those checkboxes.

Word 2010: works great, saves us acres of time every time we need to do this task!

Word 2013: initially works great but after selecting some of the  checkboxes then scrolling through the document and returning to the checkboxes, they no longer work. The dotted-box outline of the checkbox object is "normal" (faint dotted line) when it's working, and looks like the developer mode boundary when it is not working (darker dotted line with boxes on the corners).  If you close the document (with or without saving) OR toggle into developer mode then back out, the checkboxes work again for a while but break again.

The code behind the checkbox is very basic:

Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()

If CheckBox1.Value = False Then
        ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("BK_text1").Range.Font.Hidden = True
        ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Bk_text1").Range.Font.Hidden = False
End If

End Sub

One routine per checkbox and each calling a different bookmark.

I understand from other posts that the ActiveX controls will be deprecated at some point in the future but they are not yet deprecated (that I know of) as I can still create new ones, so I would really like to make this work.  I can always recreate the document using a different control but it's about 90 pages long, very complex, lots of boxes and bookmarks--- not a small undertaking and I need to be able to use this doc in 2010 and 2013 in the mean time.

Also I know it is not my instance of Word because I've used multiple machines to test, and also it is not the doc itself because I created a brand new one which is much shorter and exhibits the same behavior.  The only thing copied from old doc to new is the snip of code above.  

Any takers?

Table of Contents and citations

Posted: 11 Dec 2014 12:37 PM PST

In legal work we often create a Table of Authorities (TOA) to list all of our cases and statutes cited within the document.  Obviously this is known because of the category listing within the Cite function.

Sometimes we need to list those cases, in alphabetical order as they appear in the TOA within the Table of Contents (TOC), instead of providing a TOA. 

I am killing myself trying to figure out how to get those cites to incorporate within the TOC where they belong without doing the old cut and paste.  I would like for the page numbers to update as my document is worked on.  Is there anyway to make this happen?   Right now I have the TOA at the end of the document and I am cutting and pasting when changes are made but I feel certain that there is a way to make this work.

I've been at this for almost two days now and although Cut and Paste is the easier softer method, my employer really wants me to get this to work.

End notes

Posted: 11 Dec 2014 12:31 PM PST

Hi Word-workers,

End notes, collected at the end of the doc and numbered by section: great.

Would it be possible to enter some 'caption' in between the end notes by section, e.g. a chapter title. I already found that entering '<Enter>Chapter I' in the end note will pop up in the tool tip of the corresponding number in the text. Stands to (some) reason.

Copied text and pasted with Paste Special - Enhanced metafile will not pop up. But this picture is still part of the end note so ... don't touch the notes ;-).

Can anyone think of a better (final) approach?

Word 2007-

Posted: 11 Dec 2014 12:11 PM PST


I use the same word 2007 document repeatedly, but customize it for different individuals.

Is there a way to enter a name, a date, an address, a price once and have the document auto fill it

in the correct locations?

Macros and shorcut keys

Posted: 11 Dec 2014 11:21 AM PST

I have alot of macro's that I need to put in.  When I try to record a macro and go to assign the keyboard and go to put my shortcut key in it only allows me 2 letters.  I would like to have nfp, mcp, twozone (more than two letters) and I know it is the alt key and then the letters but it won't let me.  Also when I want to input the macro name like not functioning properly I get invalid procedure name.  I am finally moving from a word perfect dos (has worked wonderfully for 20+years but I only have on computer left that I can run it on).  Thanks!

Lines After Each Hard Return in Print Layout Mode in Word 2013

Posted: 11 Dec 2014 11:07 AM PST

Both at home and at work I have Office 2013.  On my work computer, below every hard return there is a non-solid line from margin to margin.  Visually I find this very annoying.  However, on my home computer these lines do not appear, so there must be a way to turn them off.  I have compared the options settings on both computers and have not been able to discover how to do so.

So my question is, how can I permanently turn off these very annoying and distracting lines?  And, for future reference, what is that feature called?

Thanks for your help.



issues with corel write

Posted: 11 Dec 2014 09:57 AM PST

hello. when I attempt to open documents in corel write this error message appears "there was a problem sending the command to the program" how can this be resolved. my final paper for school is needed.  thx

My Microsoft app won't show my documents.

Posted: 11 Dec 2014 09:15 AM PST

I have been using the Microsoft app since earlier the year, but over the past week, the app won't refresh my documents. I made a new document and saved it to my Onedrive file, but it didn't appear when I tried to refresh it. The app sent me a message saying "Folder Contents have Changed. Your view will be refreshed" but then it doesn't refresh. I logged into my online OneDrive account to see if it saved and it was. So, I deleted the app and then downloaded it again but now none of my files will show. The only thing I get is a message telling me they will show and then they don't. Could you help me fix it please? Thank you.

2010 Word and Excel

Posted: 11 Dec 2014 08:36 AM PST

I don't personally use either of these. I'm taking a test to qualify for a job. I use word 2011 for Mac every day and have used excel in the past, but this request totally threw me. I was asked to open a file from the default folder, and the screen was open to empty documents in both programs. Help!

Where is the close/exit on a Word document?

Posted: 11 Dec 2014 07:39 AM PST

Hi there,

When I edit a Word document online I don't see a way to close the document (I know it's saving automatically). There's no x out, and there's no exit or close in the file menu. I read through and I think there's supposed to be an arrow by the application name too. Can you help please?

Best Practice to remove Direct Formatting

Posted: 11 Dec 2014 07:37 AM PST

What is the best way to remove direct formatting from a document and replace with proper styles?

I have a large document with many direct formatting items and I want to remove a lot and then have some as a new styles.  What is the best way to attach this problem?


Named Styles with Associated Icon

Posted: 11 Dec 2014 07:33 AM PST

I received a document with Customized Named Styles, ie My Heading One that have the Paragraph or character icon associated with them.  Then there are other Customized named styles that are "Based on" these but do not have any associated icon.

Is this because the "Named" styles was updated with direct formatting and it comes along with the document?


Yellow triangle with exclamation point by my name - what does it really mean?

Posted: 11 Dec 2014 07:26 AM PST

I have a fairly new laptop, running Windows 8.1 and i have Microsoft Office Home and Business 2013 installed and activated. When I open Microsoft Word, I see this warning triangle by my name. When I click on it, i see "There are problems with your account. Please sign in again." I don't understand what i need to sign in to. I'm not using any cloud services. I have Microsoft Office Home and Business 2013 physically installed on my laptop. I would think that all i need to do is open Microsoft Word and start typing. When I click on the little "sign in" link in the yellow box, nothing happens. Is there really some compelling reason to make all of this so difficult?

Word/Excel apps on iPhones

Posted: 11 Dec 2014 06:43 AM PST

I have installed the individual apps on my iPhone.  We are a corporate o365 subscriber.  Every time I try to edit a doc on the phone, it prompts me to re-login in.  I login successfully and it still says I need to login in order to edit the document.  It is a never ending loop.

Is there something that I can check to see why this is happening?



I can't disable Spell Check

Posted: 11 Dec 2014 05:53 AM PST

I need help disabling spell in Word Online through Office 365. I go into the Review - Spelling - Set Proofing Language and check the box that says "Don't check spelling" and click ok but it is STILL checking the spelling. I have students using this as a writing tool and when they take a spelling test, I have to have spell check off. Thoughts?

Card design in Word

Posted: 11 Dec 2014 02:58 AM PST

I'm designing a Christmas card. It's to be A4, folded in half, to make an A5 size.

The photo will go at the bottom of the first side. The back will have a logo and some text. It will be upside down and take up the top half of the first page. The card is to be folded in half to make a sort of apex shape which can stand up. Inside there will be a greeting.

My problem is with the text on the back. It will have to be upside down I suppose. What's the best way to do this? It seems that text boxes won't turn text upside down, only sideways.

I think I'm right in saying a logo can be rotated any way so that shouldn't be a problem.

Thanks in advance.

Problems with "Delete"

Posted: 11 Dec 2014 02:37 AM PST

  When trying to delete a word or two, I find I have the words turning Red with a line through them which I cannot get rid of.  All I need is to get back to normal without this dam red bit turning up.  Cannot see how to get rid.  Please can someone help this novice, I would appreciate it.


Deleting empty rows in Word with VBA

Posted: 11 Dec 2014 12:13 AM PST


I am using a UserForm to delete some rows in a table (rows are a bookmark). But unfortunately, it only deletes the content but not the empty cells.

I tried having the entire table a bookmark also and wanted a code to search that entire table / bookmark for empty rows and delete them, after the first bookmark has been deleted.

But that would still be a bookmark in a bookmark.

What code can I use to ensure that all (completely!) empty rows are deleted in the document?

Thank you :)

Capability of MS Word

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 11:05 PM PST

Most of the computer user use MS word for their office work. I propose an up-gradation in this software as under.

1. The page opened in document is solely one sheet that continues to many pages and sections. I want a word software that may contain many chapters in one document as many sheets in MS Excel. This will help many chapters in one document without creating a lengthy document in a continue manner.

2. Secondly, the Table inserted in the document must have almost all functions as of MS Excel Cell. Some functions in table cell are already available but those are not sufficient. A table must have the capability to create a sub-table and to sum-up in a parent table. To create a graph capability must also present in document.

3. The new added Tabs like sheets in MS Excel must have capabilities to add Power point capabilities.

This new and others additions will guide us to create a new software named as "Soft Page".   

Insertion Of Label (ActiveX Control) Now Causes Warning To Appear - Why?

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 10:34 PM PST

1. I am trying to insert a:-

Label (ActiveX Control)

 - into my WORD document.

I have been doing this successfully for a very long time (probably years) without any problems.

2. This is what I do to achieve the above:-

Click in the place in the WORD document where I wish to insert the:-

Label (ActiveX Control)

 - then:-

Developer tab

Controls group

Hover the mouse over:-

Legacy Tools

 - towards the middle lower right hand corner and click on the drop down arrow.

I then click on:-

Label (ActiveX Control)

3. A warning now appears:-

The program used to create this object is Forms. That program is not installed on your computer.

To edit this object, you must install a program that can open the object.

I have never had the above warning prior to a few minutes before the time of this posting.

I believe that the warning is now appearing as a result of automatic updates from Microsoft.

How can I get back to the situation that I can insert a:-

Label (ActiveX Control)

 - without this warning message:-

The program used to create this object is Forms. That program is not installed on your computer.

To edit this object, you must install a program that can open the object.


Thanks in advance for any replies.

use “Text Form Field” to create word Leitner Box

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 09:59 PM PST


I've set up a page in Word 2003 program that can prepare flash cards for the English words and to read the words to help her use the Leitner system.

For this purpose, it's enough to fill in the table above (attached file). The pages are updated front and back pages of flash cards. Flash cards ready with printed front and back.

My question is :

  1. When i write a phrasal verb, first part of it is show truly, but second part of it is not. how can fix it?

  2. How can reference to any cell of table without use the "text form field" and "insert field"?

  3. How can i simplify and better the file?

file address:

Can not add text to a word document in home and student version 2013

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 07:14 PM PST

Ok when I open and pdf file and convert to words I can not

 add text the documents are real estate forms fillable forms with lines when I put my cursor on the document there is a 4 way arrow there and I can not add text on the lines.

            Thank You


How do I use mail merge rule in a set amount of letters?

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 05:38 PM PST

I have an assignment where I need to create a mail merge.  The data file has 8 entries, which are sorted alphabetically.  I have to create a rule where the first 4 letters created has one set of information and the last 4 has a different set of information.  How can I do this?? 

Thanks a lot

Allow carriage returns in Plain Text Content Control

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 05:38 PM PST

I have inserted a Plain Text Content Control into a document and set the Plain Text Properties to allow carriage returns (multiple paragraphs).  The text in the main document is justified.  However, when the user entering text into the text box executes a carriage return (Enter), the resulting effect is as if a line break (Shift+Enter) had been executed instead of a paragraph break (ie, a partial line is "justified" across the page).

Is there a way to make the carriage return a "real" paragraph break?

Word 2010 TypeBackSpace

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 05:12 PM PST

Hello from Steved



   Question please is it possible to replace the top with the bottom. I am getting an error like this :=wdCharacter, Count:=6

   Selection.TypeBackspace :=wdCharacter, Count:=6

Thank you

not able to print address labels or envelopes from Office / Outlook 2010

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 08:29 AM PST

When I try to create a label or insert an address using the Mailing tab and accessing the address book I can't get to see the address in the address address book, all I see is either Phone numbers or Email of any of my contacts there in. I had it working fine before, I don't know what has changed, any ideas, thank you

Microsoft Word - Changing documents from landscape to Portrait without having to reformat the entire document

Microsoft Word - Changing documents from landscape to Portrait without having to reformat the entire document

Changing documents from landscape to Portrait without having to reformat the entire document

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 02:11 PM PST

I did a document-- 2-page layout in landscape orientation.  It has text boxes, pictures etc.  My boss now wants this same format, but in portrait orientation.  Is there a way to convert this document from landscape to portrait without having to reformat the entire document (i.e. re-sizing text boxes, pics) manually?  It took a long time to do all this and I'm hoping there's a better way than doing it manually.

Cannot access the free premium dictionary in Word 2013

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 02:00 PM PST

When I am working in word, and I try to access the dictionary (which I have always been able to do), the computer says I must be signed in to access the dictionary, and it shows a little yellow triangle with an ! in it beside my name, indicating such. Although it shows my name, it says I am not signed in.  I cannot use the dictionary, nor when I hit the sign in button, it fails to connect. A white box pops up (with no script in it), and the blue working or thinking stripe that moves across the screen is there, and then it just closes.  My internet connection is fine. Occasionally, it will go to the free dictionaries that are offered, and then when I click on that, it says We are having trouble connecting to the online store to get you a free premium dictionary, please try again later. Later has been for three months now...  I have had not trouble in the past with this, until the last few months. I'm not sure why I cannot access anything now.  Please help, I am frustrated!

how do i add the reference tab to microsoft word 2010?

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 01:20 PM PST

I am writing a paper for school and I need the reference tab to do my works cited page. The only four tabs I have on there are home, insert, page layout, and mailings. I tried going to file, then options, then customize ribbon, but I do not see the button that says customize a ribbon. I need help fast!!

Larger font size causes my page to print blank

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 12:58 PM PST

This is an odd problem that took me an hour to figure out what was happening, but I still don't know why.

I have a document with name badges, 10 per page, and have two images in each name badge and then a text box for their name. I used a downloaded Christmas Font and was adjusting the size depending on the name. Then, my page printed blank. I could see it in Print Preview, but the printed page was blank.

Also, I printed it to a PDF, which I could also see when opening the pdf, but it also printed blank.

So, to troubleshoot, other than reading online for about an hour with no success, I deleted all but one name badge, but it continued to print blank. I had also created envelopes with identical images and name font, so I tried printing that, and it WORKED. Then it occurred to me that the font size was smaller on my envelope, and SURE ENOUGH, when I decreased the font size on the name badge, it printed just fine! I played with it and discovered that if I go over 35 point on the font size, it prints blank. Sadly, I wanted to make some of these names a larger font, but I may not have that option.

Does anyone know WHY this would be happening?

Hyperlinks in Word 2013

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 12:41 PM PST


I have just inserted over 300 relative hyperlinks in a document.  Despite having unchecked the "Update links on save" box all (well, all the 50 or so I checked) were converted to absolute references when I closed and reopened it.

Two questions:

1)   How I can avoid this happening again?

2)   Is there any easy way of undoing the damage?

Many thanks

INCLUDETEXT and multiple pages of text

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 11:52 AM PST

Split from this thread.

Inserted objects cannot span pages in Word. With files that Word can read, you can use Insert tab | Object | Text from File instead. This does not create an OLE object, but links the file via an INCLUDETEXT field. For more on INCLUDETEXT, see

I don't seem to see how this works for multiple pages.  If I change the text in the original linked document then it doesn't work.


Posted: 10 Dec 2014 09:08 AM PST

I can see how to use AutoCaption with Tables in Word 2013, but there doesn't seem to be an option to add AutoCaption to pictures.  Anyone got any ideas how to do this??

not able to print address lables or envelops from Office / outlook 2010

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 08:29 AM PST

When I try to create a label or insert an address using the Mailing tab and accessing the address book I can't get to see the address in the address address book, all I see is either Phone numbers or Email of any of my contacts there in. I had it working fine before, I don't know what has changed, any ideas, thank you

pdf files and word

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 07:46 AM PST

It is my understanding that I should be able to convert a scanned pdf file with 2013 word.  Apparently this is incorrect as I can't make an editable word document from a scanned pdf document.  Please tell me how I should do this.  Also, I am not an IT person but just a regular user but when I ask questions I am told to go to this site and yet it is written for an IT person...what am I missing other than an IT education?

Add mail merge variable

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 07:38 AM PST

I have developed an Excel spread sheet with a mail merge add-on. It tracks yearly church contributions and then provides a contributions summary for tax purposes that are sent out in January. The summary letter has the sentence "Your total contributions for the year 2014 is"

 I wish to make this year to automatically update to the next year i.e. Last year's letter said 2013. I had a popup that reminded them to change the year in the letter before running the mail merge. One person forgot and caused all kinds of problems for someone preparing the tax form.

In other words, I need a variable that always shows the preceding year date in the mail merge letter

Hebrew Fonts Not Working

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 06:28 AM PST

In previous versions of Word, all I had to do was select a Hebrew font and type. I can select a Hebrew font now such as David but nothing happens. I am using MS office 2013 professional plus. Any suggestions? 

Word MS Office Professional 2010 Problem with Ribbon

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 06:23 AM PST

Up until yesterday I had the full ribbon in Word (which had been customized)--there were full words.  Now I only have  small picture icons all to the left (and only a few icons) and my Quick Access Bar is completely gone.  When I try to customize it there are no options there.   This thread won't allow me to paste a screenshot.  I don't even have access to "Paragraph" or "Font" for example.

I don't know what I did, but I would really appreciate some help please!!  I can't work this way and I've tried everything I know of.


"Show all windows in the Taskbar" Display option keeps unchecking itself

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 06:07 AM PST

I work in an office of about 30 people, all networked through a Windows SBS. We share documents on the SBS, but all work locally on our own machines, with locally installed Microsoft Word 2010. I have one user who, several times a week, has a problem with the "Show all windows in the Taskbar" Display option coming unchecked. I have been going in and re-checking it for him, and it'll be fine for a few days, then it unchecks itself again. He is not hitting any accidental shortcut keys, as far as I can tell, and this has only just begun to happen in the past couple of weeks (it has never happened before for as long as I've been here, about 9 months). What is the cause of this issue and how do we prevent it from occurring again? It is extremely inconvenient to have to keep going into the Options to re-check it. 

Word: formatting data in mergefield from excel calculation

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 05:54 AM PST

The calculation in my Excel spreadsheet results in  numbers like:  95.550953452380952, or 1.01, or 157.5821364895217  The values in excel vary from 1 to 10 digits.

I only want to show the true number in the mergefield in Word, no decimal places.  Since the values vary from 1 to 99,999,999 I'm not sure how to format the mergefield in Word to show the correct values.  Any help would be much appreciated! 

TrueType font is rendered faulty in Office2013

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 05:49 AM PST

I have used the TrueType ´Timing' font (downloaded from in several technical documentation artefacts created using Office2010 and Window 7. Now after an migration to Windows8  and Office2013 Word2013 renders the font faulty.  The lower case string 'abcdefg' is shown as '-abcde ' (in the font types.) The same string is shown correctly using WordPad, Excel2013 and PowerPoint2013 on the same machine. Also using the Windows built in font viewer the font is shown correctly.The issue seems isolated to Word2013.

Is there some way to correct this faulty behaviour in Word2013?

Different footer for the second and subsequent pages of a newsletter

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 03:05 AM PST

Split from this thread.

I publish a Newsletter

Page one is OK but I want page two and all subsequent pages to be with two columns.

I have a header and footer on page one but I want a different footer on all subsequent pages

Workgroup Templates in Office 2013

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 02:52 AM PST


I have the following setup... In Group Policy (Computer Configuration) I copy the corporate Templates to the WorkGroup Templates folder on every PC (under Default\appData).  We also have a personal templates folder (under %USERNAME%\appData).  The workgroup templates are available in both the workgroup and users personal templates folder.

When a user creates a new file in WORD or Excel they are presented with 2 templates folders.  Is there anyway of hiding the Workgroup Templates folder and just showing the user their personal templates folder? (I want to keep the Workgroups templates folder, I just do not want to display it in WORD)

Or should I just try to rename the templates folders so they can be distinguished from each other


Inserting mutiple photos into a word document on Surface2

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 02:27 AM PST

Hi guys, I would like to know how I can insert several photos into a word document (at the same time), that are on individual rows in the "My Pictures" folder. I know I can select multiple photos in a block by dragging my finger across the screen. But I want to know how I can  insert 3-4 photos that are on separate rows in the "My Pictures" folder.

Kind regards


How to install custom templates in Office 2013

Posted: 09 Dec 2014 11:47 PM PST


I have created a script which copies a bunch of Office templates to "%homepath%\Documents\Custom Office Templates" and "%appdata%\Microsoft\Templates".

But when I start Word I cannot see the templates anywhere. How do I access them? Where are they?

Word 2010 mail merge: rules: trying to pick only certain records

Posted: 09 Dec 2014 09:46 PM PST

Why is it when I set the "rule" in mail merge to only pick records with a 1 in a certain field, I still get ALL of the records?

Word 2013 Document Themes Have Disappeared

Posted: 09 Dec 2014 07:09 PM PST

I teach at a high school running Windows 7 Enterprise and Office 2013.  Over the past two weeks, the computers in my lab have started losing a number of document themes (Design tab...Themes).  Most computers now only show 9 themes instead of the usual 20 or so.  I have tried logging into different computers, but I cannot see the other themes.  Interestingly, when our technician logs into my computer, she is able to see all the themes.  So, it does not appear that the themes are no longer on the computer.  Does anyone know what would cause themes to appear for one user, but not other users? 

Word (Desktop) vs Word 2013

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 11:14 PM PST

Good evening,

I recently upgraded from Office 2010 Pro to Office 2013 Pro. However, after the install, all of the office products are showing as <NAME> (desktop) - i.e. Word (desktop), Powerpoint (desktop). Yet, when they are opened, the program is shown as Word 2013, Powerpoint 2013, etc. When I try to pin a file to the taskbar, it pins it under the Word (desktop) program, but when I open that file, it opens in Word 2013.

I am able to pin both Word 2013 and Word (desktop) to my taskbar. I am ONLY able to pin files to Word (desktop), but files only open using Word 2013. Both options open the same program. It is frustrating to have one program pinned just to have files pinned, only to have those files open in another taskbar "tile."

Why are they separate? Is there any way to get rid of one?

Any assistance is GREATLY appreciated!


MVP's Please Read - Microsoft Office Document Imaging - Microsoft Office forums

MVP's Please Read - Microsoft Office Document Imaging - Microsoft Office forums

MVP's Please Read - Microsoft Office Document Imaging

Posted: 22 Jan 2008 05:20 AM PST

Glad to help, thanks for posting back, it is appreciated.

Mary Sauer MSFT MVP

"Jeff Lloyd" <net> wrote in message

Office Genuine Advantage -- no real support?

Posted: 21 Jan 2008 03:37 PM PST

"Carey Frisch [MVP]" <com> wrote in

Thanks for that link. I had searched Google and didn't find that.

David Walker

Install Office 2007 without over writing Office 2003

Posted: 21 Jan 2008 11:50 AM PST

You have to choose between Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007 because you can
only have one or the other, but you can have both 2003 and 2007 versions
of the other Office applications. If you want to keep the 2003 versions
of Word, Excel, etc., alongside the 2007 versions, then choose a Custom
installation of 2007, and choose to keep the 2003 versions in the
Installation Options tab.

As a precaution, back up Word 2003's template and any custom
templates you created, autocorrect list, and custom dictionary, and
Outlook's .pst file(s), before you install the 2007 version. See and
and "Information about using
2007 Office suites and programs on a computer that is running another
version of Office" for more information.

Sherri-lynn wrote:

Mixing Two Office Versions

Posted: 20 Jan 2008 07:54 AM PST

I'm saying the MS reccomendation is to install earliest version first.

If you wish to install only Front Page from the Office 2k cd, you would in
any case have to select Custom Install in order to select only 'that'
component to run from computer, and during the process you select / create
the folder you are installing to

"Peter" <cn> wrote in message

Insufficient disk space

Posted: 19 Jan 2008 12:26 PM PST

They both point to
C:\Doents and Steeings\Joe\Local Settings\Temp and
C:\Doents and Steeings\Joe\Local Settings\Tmp
There is no Tmp folder. I opened the Temp folder and did not see anything
that related to Office 2003. Should I have seen a reference to Office there?

"Bob Buckland ?:-)" wrote:

Spell check seems to like french... I dont

Posted: 18 Jan 2008 12:40 PM PST

Hi - Ive had the same problem with a conflict with MSOffice 2007 and OE6
leaving me with a french dictionary..

I solved it by installing only the "office tools" & "converters and filters"
from my previous version of Office 2000 and ........ great I now have an
English dictionary... hope this helps you.

Regards Gavin

"Justin Rich" wrote:

Office 2007 Repair or Deletion

Posted: 17 Jan 2008 01:13 PM PST

What operating system are you using and are you running in Admin mode or not? Can you verify that you have read/write access to that file?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

After furious head scratching, ricstapledon asked:

| EROR is as follows: Error 1304. Error writing to file:
| Verify that you have access to that directory.
| Thanks ..
|| Yes, post exact error messages and what PSS instructed you to do.
|| --
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
|| After furious head scratching, ricstapledon asked:
||| Microsoft support had me remove all .Nets (another problem not yet
||| fixed) and this broke Office. I've tried to run Repair and/or
||| Deleting from CD but it fails indicating no access to certain
||| directory. Any suggestions?
||| Thanks!!

Outlook 2007 Searching?

Posted: 17 Jan 2008 06:59 AM PST

I like the old search, worked just fine.

I hate how MS makes changes that it requires for pervious functionality to
work. The GUI for the new search is horrible.


"Gordon" <com.invalid> wrote in message

Office 2007<>

Posted: 16 Jan 2008 04:16 PM PST

This problem has nothing to do with faulty discs or isos.
There may be different situations when you get this error.
I also have a Asus laptop and it has Nero 7 Essentials preinstalled with InCD.

I got this error when trying to install Office 2007 Enterprise.
I stopped the INCDSrv (InCD Helper) service and then it worked.

You can stop it in the taskmanager or controlpanel -> administrative tools -> services.

A Womand Told Me

when I try to install office 2003, it locks up.

Posted: 11 Jan 2008 01:33 PM PST

sorry about the late reply, been working. tried this and it still didn't
help. i think i will do a format on the drive and start over. i only have
about 200 gig of info to copy first.

"Srikanth" wrote:

Embedding files in the notes field Microsoft Project

Embedding files in the notes field Microsoft Project

Embedding files in the notes field

Posted: 05 Dec 2005 07:34 AM PST

Microsoft don't always describe every problem fixed in an SP, so I would try
it. In the mean time, try using Hyperlinks to your files. This will provide
much smaller .mpp files and better performance.

To add a Hyperlink: Select the task then select Insert Hyperlink or press


Rod Gill
Project MVP
Visit for Project Companion Tools and more

"MSpitzer" <> wrote in message

Change Milestone task color and Summary Task Gantt Bar

Posted: 05 Dec 2005 06:31 AM PST

Hi Dave (and Amin)

I as well thought this was impossible, but it isn't.
The graphical representation is both the summary bar and the milestone sign
Amin, I have a problem with your code which will run on all tasks
irrespective of whether they are milestones, summary or not.
If you want to change the styles of all milestone bars, you should not loop
through the taks using GanttBarformat but use GantBarStyleEdit instead.
Hope this helps,

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"davegb" <com> schreef in bericht 

How do I hide Saturdays and Sundays in Project 2003 Gantt Chart

Posted: 05 Dec 2005 04:43 AM PST

Hi Pete,

Not possible, sorry :-(

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"Pete Sperling" <> schreef in bericht

how to calculate in project, work done between defined dates

Posted: 05 Dec 2005 03:22 AM PST


It is especially useful to show ulative work, then you find the work
between 2 dates as the difference between the 2 values of work

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"Manmeet Chaudhari" <> schreef in
bericht news:com... 

Can overtime hours be entered for specific days?

Posted: 04 Dec 2005 10:09 PM PST

In terms of the project schedule it really doesn't matter when during the
course of the task the resources are doing the OT they've volunteered. The
effect on the task duration and thus the project duration is the same
regardless of whether the OT is worked at the begining of the task, the end
of the task, or distributed in the middle. The only thing that really
counts on your 40 man-hour task is that the resources will be doing a total
of 8 hours of OT sometime between when it starts and when it ends so the
duration will be 4 days instead of 5. I'd suggest just entering the total
OT hours that will be applied to the task and not worry about whether
Project shows it on the exact day your resource's will be doing it, at least
not until you post actuals in after the work is done. Focus on the big
picture and let the resources themselves take care of the details of how
they arrange their work on the task on their own.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

.................................................. .....
"Glenn" <com> wrote in message

I need to assign overtime to specific tasks for specific resources and
specific dates/times. I know how to enter overtime for a tasks, but is there
a way to enter it on say December 16th for 2 hours starting at 5pm and
ending at 7pm on the same day. Let's also say this task spans the full week
(12/12 - 12/17) and requires one resource for 8 hours per day or 40 hours
for the week.

My resources have volunteered overtime on specific days and I want to assign
them to specific tasks to assist the completion of the larger time span

I hope I explained that well enough...


Project 2000 updates

Posted: 04 Dec 2005 06:24 PM PST

Yes, should do.


Rod Gill
Project MVP
Visit for Project Companion Tools and more

"rjn02" <> wrote in message

Default Calendar for New Tasks

Posted: 04 Dec 2005 02:27 PM PST

In article <uxrgtEY#phx.gbl>,
"Jan De Messemaeker" <jandemes at prom hyphen ade dot be> wrote:

According to the help file (which I checked before I responded), new
tasks DO have a default calendar. The help file says, in part, "By
default, tasks are scheduled based on the working time of the project
calendar, as set in the Project Information dialog box".

However, I do agree that the presence of "none" in the calendar
selection box of the Task Information window is misleading. I believe it
should by default show the same calendar as is shown in the Project
Information window.

Project MVP

Cannot outdent subtasks

Posted: 04 Dec 2005 12:58 PM PST

Good point - I was thinking application programs and security updates

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"JackD" <momokuri@gmail> wrote in message

copy tasks (material resources dont copy)

Posted: 04 Dec 2005 09:41 AM PST

In article <com>,
"Hadi" <> wrote:

I realize the FAQ didn't answer your question. But since you mentioned
that you were assigning resources to a summary line, I thought you might
want some insight.

With regard to your copying issue, this is what is happening. The
default resource type for a new project file is Work (i.e. labor). When
you copy a task that is a material resource from one file to a new file,
that resource will take on the default resource type, namely a Work
resource. You will need to change the resource type on the Resource
Sheet of the new file to a Material resource.

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

Export Microsoft Project to Excel or others

Posted: 03 Dec 2005 11:56 PM PST


Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

Please see FAQ Item: 16. Project Viewer.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

OTS wrote: 

Watch conflicts

Posted: 03 Dec 2005 11:06 PM PST

You're welcome Avi and thanks for the feedback.
"Avi Laviad" <> wrote in message

How to merge between 2 projects

Posted: 03 Dec 2005 10:46 PM PST

Hi Avi,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

You might like to have a look at my series on Microsoft Project in the
TechTrax ezine, particularly #17 & 18 on Multiple Projects, at this site: or this:
(Perhaps you'd care to rate the articles before leaving the site, :)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Avi Laviad wrote: 

stop light function

Posted: 03 Dec 2005 04:14 PM PST

Hi Schemr,

<<get the Summary task to show RED if ATLEAST ONE sub task is OVERDUE.>>
Instead of a Number field, put your formula in a Flag field.
In this case, you'll have different options for Summaries and Group.
Instead of a formula, use "Report" (?French version, i don't have the
English one today) and select the OR operator.

Hope this helps,

"schemr" <> a écrit dans le message de

display entire gant view in interactive mode

Posted: 02 Dec 2005 08:48 PM PST

"JEB957" <> wrote in message
It discusses the virtues of interactive whiteboards. 


Printers have much higher resolution than projectors do. For example many
projectors have a vertical resolution of 720 pixels. With 250 tasks this
would leave less than three pixels in height to display a task. The real
issue is not with the software but with display resolution. Given the right
hardware Project COULD display the way you want.


Resource Leveling with multiple part-time tasks

Posted: 02 Dec 2005 04:27 PM PST


If you need the resource 100% on one task it will never ever be available
for another task.

There is a way to make Project do what yoiu need but you have to back away
from using any other assignment % than 100.
This gives a very good result:

Make A a task with a DURATION of 16 hours, assign X @ 100%.
Make a base calendar showing 20% of the time to be working time (f.i. from
8am till 10:36 am)
Make this the task calendar for A
Give A a ghigher priority thn B, level minute by minute

Admire the result.


Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"Catfish Hunter" <> schreef in
bericht news:com... 

Open 2 instances of Microsoft Project

Posted: 02 Dec 2005 12:57 PM PST

You can't have multiple instances of Project running but you can have
multiple files open in the one instance that is running. Each file opens in
its own window and you can tile them side by side or one over the other with
the menu item Window, Arrange All. Won't that work to compare them?
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"b dubbin" <> wrote in message