

Microsoft Word - Changing documents from landscape to Portrait without having to reformat the entire document

Microsoft Word - Changing documents from landscape to Portrait without having to reformat the entire document

Changing documents from landscape to Portrait without having to reformat the entire document

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 02:11 PM PST

I did a document-- 2-page layout in landscape orientation.  It has text boxes, pictures etc.  My boss now wants this same format, but in portrait orientation.  Is there a way to convert this document from landscape to portrait without having to reformat the entire document (i.e. re-sizing text boxes, pics) manually?  It took a long time to do all this and I'm hoping there's a better way than doing it manually.

Cannot access the free premium dictionary in Word 2013

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 02:00 PM PST

When I am working in word, and I try to access the dictionary (which I have always been able to do), the computer says I must be signed in to access the dictionary, and it shows a little yellow triangle with an ! in it beside my name, indicating such. Although it shows my name, it says I am not signed in.  I cannot use the dictionary, nor when I hit the sign in button, it fails to connect. A white box pops up (with no script in it), and the blue working or thinking stripe that moves across the screen is there, and then it just closes.  My internet connection is fine. Occasionally, it will go to the free dictionaries that are offered, and then when I click on that, it says We are having trouble connecting to the online store to get you a free premium dictionary, please try again later. Later has been for three months now...  I have had not trouble in the past with this, until the last few months. I'm not sure why I cannot access anything now.  Please help, I am frustrated!

how do i add the reference tab to microsoft word 2010?

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 01:20 PM PST

I am writing a paper for school and I need the reference tab to do my works cited page. The only four tabs I have on there are home, insert, page layout, and mailings. I tried going to file, then options, then customize ribbon, but I do not see the button that says customize a ribbon. I need help fast!!

Larger font size causes my page to print blank

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 12:58 PM PST

This is an odd problem that took me an hour to figure out what was happening, but I still don't know why.

I have a document with name badges, 10 per page, and have two images in each name badge and then a text box for their name. I used a downloaded Christmas Font and was adjusting the size depending on the name. Then, my page printed blank. I could see it in Print Preview, but the printed page was blank.

Also, I printed it to a PDF, which I could also see when opening the pdf, but it also printed blank.

So, to troubleshoot, other than reading online for about an hour with no success, I deleted all but one name badge, but it continued to print blank. I had also created envelopes with identical images and name font, so I tried printing that, and it WORKED. Then it occurred to me that the font size was smaller on my envelope, and SURE ENOUGH, when I decreased the font size on the name badge, it printed just fine! I played with it and discovered that if I go over 35 point on the font size, it prints blank. Sadly, I wanted to make some of these names a larger font, but I may not have that option.

Does anyone know WHY this would be happening?

Hyperlinks in Word 2013

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 12:41 PM PST


I have just inserted over 300 relative hyperlinks in a document.  Despite having unchecked the "Update links on save" box all (well, all the 50 or so I checked) were converted to absolute references when I closed and reopened it.

Two questions:

1)   How I can avoid this happening again?

2)   Is there any easy way of undoing the damage?

Many thanks

INCLUDETEXT and multiple pages of text

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 11:52 AM PST

Split from this thread.

Inserted objects cannot span pages in Word. With files that Word can read, you can use Insert tab | Object | Text from File instead. This does not create an OLE object, but links the file via an INCLUDETEXT field. For more on INCLUDETEXT, see

I don't seem to see how this works for multiple pages.  If I change the text in the original linked document then it doesn't work.


Posted: 10 Dec 2014 09:08 AM PST

I can see how to use AutoCaption with Tables in Word 2013, but there doesn't seem to be an option to add AutoCaption to pictures.  Anyone got any ideas how to do this??

not able to print address lables or envelops from Office / outlook 2010

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 08:29 AM PST

When I try to create a label or insert an address using the Mailing tab and accessing the address book I can't get to see the address in the address address book, all I see is either Phone numbers or Email of any of my contacts there in. I had it working fine before, I don't know what has changed, any ideas, thank you

pdf files and word

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 07:46 AM PST

It is my understanding that I should be able to convert a scanned pdf file with 2013 word.  Apparently this is incorrect as I can't make an editable word document from a scanned pdf document.  Please tell me how I should do this.  Also, I am not an IT person but just a regular user but when I ask questions I am told to go to this site and yet it is written for an IT person...what am I missing other than an IT education?

Add mail merge variable

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 07:38 AM PST

I have developed an Excel spread sheet with a mail merge add-on. It tracks yearly church contributions and then provides a contributions summary for tax purposes that are sent out in January. The summary letter has the sentence "Your total contributions for the year 2014 is"

 I wish to make this year to automatically update to the next year i.e. Last year's letter said 2013. I had a popup that reminded them to change the year in the letter before running the mail merge. One person forgot and caused all kinds of problems for someone preparing the tax form.

In other words, I need a variable that always shows the preceding year date in the mail merge letter

Hebrew Fonts Not Working

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 06:28 AM PST

In previous versions of Word, all I had to do was select a Hebrew font and type. I can select a Hebrew font now such as David but nothing happens. I am using MS office 2013 professional plus. Any suggestions? 

Word MS Office Professional 2010 Problem with Ribbon

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 06:23 AM PST

Up until yesterday I had the full ribbon in Word (which had been customized)--there were full words.  Now I only have  small picture icons all to the left (and only a few icons) and my Quick Access Bar is completely gone.  When I try to customize it there are no options there.   This thread won't allow me to paste a screenshot.  I don't even have access to "Paragraph" or "Font" for example.

I don't know what I did, but I would really appreciate some help please!!  I can't work this way and I've tried everything I know of.


"Show all windows in the Taskbar" Display option keeps unchecking itself

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 06:07 AM PST

I work in an office of about 30 people, all networked through a Windows SBS. We share documents on the SBS, but all work locally on our own machines, with locally installed Microsoft Word 2010. I have one user who, several times a week, has a problem with the "Show all windows in the Taskbar" Display option coming unchecked. I have been going in and re-checking it for him, and it'll be fine for a few days, then it unchecks itself again. He is not hitting any accidental shortcut keys, as far as I can tell, and this has only just begun to happen in the past couple of weeks (it has never happened before for as long as I've been here, about 9 months). What is the cause of this issue and how do we prevent it from occurring again? It is extremely inconvenient to have to keep going into the Options to re-check it. 

Word: formatting data in mergefield from excel calculation

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 05:54 AM PST

The calculation in my Excel spreadsheet results in  numbers like:  95.550953452380952, or 1.01, or 157.5821364895217  The values in excel vary from 1 to 10 digits.

I only want to show the true number in the mergefield in Word, no decimal places.  Since the values vary from 1 to 99,999,999 I'm not sure how to format the mergefield in Word to show the correct values.  Any help would be much appreciated! 

TrueType font is rendered faulty in Office2013

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 05:49 AM PST

I have used the TrueType ´Timing' font (downloaded from in several technical documentation artefacts created using Office2010 and Window 7. Now after an migration to Windows8  and Office2013 Word2013 renders the font faulty.  The lower case string 'abcdefg' is shown as '-abcde ' (in the font types.) The same string is shown correctly using WordPad, Excel2013 and PowerPoint2013 on the same machine. Also using the Windows built in font viewer the font is shown correctly.The issue seems isolated to Word2013.

Is there some way to correct this faulty behaviour in Word2013?

Different footer for the second and subsequent pages of a newsletter

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 03:05 AM PST

Split from this thread.

I publish a Newsletter

Page one is OK but I want page two and all subsequent pages to be with two columns.

I have a header and footer on page one but I want a different footer on all subsequent pages

Workgroup Templates in Office 2013

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 02:52 AM PST


I have the following setup... In Group Policy (Computer Configuration) I copy the corporate Templates to the WorkGroup Templates folder on every PC (under Default\appData).  We also have a personal templates folder (under %USERNAME%\appData).  The workgroup templates are available in both the workgroup and users personal templates folder.

When a user creates a new file in WORD or Excel they are presented with 2 templates folders.  Is there anyway of hiding the Workgroup Templates folder and just showing the user their personal templates folder? (I want to keep the Workgroups templates folder, I just do not want to display it in WORD)

Or should I just try to rename the templates folders so they can be distinguished from each other


Inserting mutiple photos into a word document on Surface2

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 02:27 AM PST

Hi guys, I would like to know how I can insert several photos into a word document (at the same time), that are on individual rows in the "My Pictures" folder. I know I can select multiple photos in a block by dragging my finger across the screen. But I want to know how I can  insert 3-4 photos that are on separate rows in the "My Pictures" folder.

Kind regards


How to install custom templates in Office 2013

Posted: 09 Dec 2014 11:47 PM PST


I have created a script which copies a bunch of Office templates to "%homepath%\Documents\Custom Office Templates" and "%appdata%\Microsoft\Templates".

But when I start Word I cannot see the templates anywhere. How do I access them? Where are they?

Word 2010 mail merge: rules: trying to pick only certain records

Posted: 09 Dec 2014 09:46 PM PST

Why is it when I set the "rule" in mail merge to only pick records with a 1 in a certain field, I still get ALL of the records?

Word 2013 Document Themes Have Disappeared

Posted: 09 Dec 2014 07:09 PM PST

I teach at a high school running Windows 7 Enterprise and Office 2013.  Over the past two weeks, the computers in my lab have started losing a number of document themes (Design tab...Themes).  Most computers now only show 9 themes instead of the usual 20 or so.  I have tried logging into different computers, but I cannot see the other themes.  Interestingly, when our technician logs into my computer, she is able to see all the themes.  So, it does not appear that the themes are no longer on the computer.  Does anyone know what would cause themes to appear for one user, but not other users? 

Word (Desktop) vs Word 2013

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 11:14 PM PST

Good evening,

I recently upgraded from Office 2010 Pro to Office 2013 Pro. However, after the install, all of the office products are showing as <NAME> (desktop) - i.e. Word (desktop), Powerpoint (desktop). Yet, when they are opened, the program is shown as Word 2013, Powerpoint 2013, etc. When I try to pin a file to the taskbar, it pins it under the Word (desktop) program, but when I open that file, it opens in Word 2013.

I am able to pin both Word 2013 and Word (desktop) to my taskbar. I am ONLY able to pin files to Word (desktop), but files only open using Word 2013. Both options open the same program. It is frustrating to have one program pinned just to have files pinned, only to have those files open in another taskbar "tile."

Why are they separate? Is there any way to get rid of one?

Any assistance is GREATLY appreciated!
