

MVP's Please Read - Microsoft Office Document Imaging - Microsoft Office forums

MVP's Please Read - Microsoft Office Document Imaging - Microsoft Office forums

MVP's Please Read - Microsoft Office Document Imaging

Posted: 22 Jan 2008 05:20 AM PST

Glad to help, thanks for posting back, it is appreciated.

Mary Sauer MSFT MVP

"Jeff Lloyd" <net> wrote in message

Office Genuine Advantage -- no real support?

Posted: 21 Jan 2008 03:37 PM PST

"Carey Frisch [MVP]" <com> wrote in

Thanks for that link. I had searched Google and didn't find that.

David Walker

Install Office 2007 without over writing Office 2003

Posted: 21 Jan 2008 11:50 AM PST

You have to choose between Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007 because you can
only have one or the other, but you can have both 2003 and 2007 versions
of the other Office applications. If you want to keep the 2003 versions
of Word, Excel, etc., alongside the 2007 versions, then choose a Custom
installation of 2007, and choose to keep the 2003 versions in the
Installation Options tab.

As a precaution, back up Word 2003's template and any custom
templates you created, autocorrect list, and custom dictionary, and
Outlook's .pst file(s), before you install the 2007 version. See and
and "Information about using
2007 Office suites and programs on a computer that is running another
version of Office" for more information.

Sherri-lynn wrote:

Mixing Two Office Versions

Posted: 20 Jan 2008 07:54 AM PST

I'm saying the MS reccomendation is to install earliest version first.

If you wish to install only Front Page from the Office 2k cd, you would in
any case have to select Custom Install in order to select only 'that'
component to run from computer, and during the process you select / create
the folder you are installing to

"Peter" <cn> wrote in message

Insufficient disk space

Posted: 19 Jan 2008 12:26 PM PST

They both point to
C:\Doents and Steeings\Joe\Local Settings\Temp and
C:\Doents and Steeings\Joe\Local Settings\Tmp
There is no Tmp folder. I opened the Temp folder and did not see anything
that related to Office 2003. Should I have seen a reference to Office there?

"Bob Buckland ?:-)" wrote:

Spell check seems to like french... I dont

Posted: 18 Jan 2008 12:40 PM PST

Hi - Ive had the same problem with a conflict with MSOffice 2007 and OE6
leaving me with a french dictionary..

I solved it by installing only the "office tools" & "converters and filters"
from my previous version of Office 2000 and ........ great I now have an
English dictionary... hope this helps you.

Regards Gavin

"Justin Rich" wrote:

Office 2007 Repair or Deletion

Posted: 17 Jan 2008 01:13 PM PST

What operating system are you using and are you running in Admin mode or not? Can you verify that you have read/write access to that file?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

After furious head scratching, ricstapledon asked:

| EROR is as follows: Error 1304. Error writing to file:
| Verify that you have access to that directory.
| Thanks ..
|| Yes, post exact error messages and what PSS instructed you to do.
|| --
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
|| After furious head scratching, ricstapledon asked:
||| Microsoft support had me remove all .Nets (another problem not yet
||| fixed) and this broke Office. I've tried to run Repair and/or
||| Deleting from CD but it fails indicating no access to certain
||| directory. Any suggestions?
||| Thanks!!

Outlook 2007 Searching?

Posted: 17 Jan 2008 06:59 AM PST

I like the old search, worked just fine.

I hate how MS makes changes that it requires for pervious functionality to
work. The GUI for the new search is horrible.


"Gordon" <com.invalid> wrote in message

Office 2007<>

Posted: 16 Jan 2008 04:16 PM PST

This problem has nothing to do with faulty discs or isos.
There may be different situations when you get this error.
I also have a Asus laptop and it has Nero 7 Essentials preinstalled with InCD.

I got this error when trying to install Office 2007 Enterprise.
I stopped the INCDSrv (InCD Helper) service and then it worked.

You can stop it in the taskmanager or controlpanel -> administrative tools -> services.

A Womand Told Me

when I try to install office 2003, it locks up.

Posted: 11 Jan 2008 01:33 PM PST

sorry about the late reply, been working. tried this and it still didn't
help. i think i will do a format on the drive and start over. i only have
about 200 gig of info to copy first.

"Srikanth" wrote:

Embedding files in the notes field Microsoft Project

Embedding files in the notes field Microsoft Project

Embedding files in the notes field

Posted: 05 Dec 2005 07:34 AM PST

Microsoft don't always describe every problem fixed in an SP, so I would try
it. In the mean time, try using Hyperlinks to your files. This will provide
much smaller .mpp files and better performance.

To add a Hyperlink: Select the task then select Insert Hyperlink or press


Rod Gill
Project MVP
Visit for Project Companion Tools and more

"MSpitzer" <> wrote in message

Change Milestone task color and Summary Task Gantt Bar

Posted: 05 Dec 2005 06:31 AM PST

Hi Dave (and Amin)

I as well thought this was impossible, but it isn't.
The graphical representation is both the summary bar and the milestone sign
Amin, I have a problem with your code which will run on all tasks
irrespective of whether they are milestones, summary or not.
If you want to change the styles of all milestone bars, you should not loop
through the taks using GanttBarformat but use GantBarStyleEdit instead.
Hope this helps,

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"davegb" <com> schreef in bericht 

How do I hide Saturdays and Sundays in Project 2003 Gantt Chart

Posted: 05 Dec 2005 04:43 AM PST

Hi Pete,

Not possible, sorry :-(

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"Pete Sperling" <> schreef in bericht

how to calculate in project, work done between defined dates

Posted: 05 Dec 2005 03:22 AM PST


It is especially useful to show ulative work, then you find the work
between 2 dates as the difference between the 2 values of work

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"Manmeet Chaudhari" <> schreef in
bericht news:com... 

Can overtime hours be entered for specific days?

Posted: 04 Dec 2005 10:09 PM PST

In terms of the project schedule it really doesn't matter when during the
course of the task the resources are doing the OT they've volunteered. The
effect on the task duration and thus the project duration is the same
regardless of whether the OT is worked at the begining of the task, the end
of the task, or distributed in the middle. The only thing that really
counts on your 40 man-hour task is that the resources will be doing a total
of 8 hours of OT sometime between when it starts and when it ends so the
duration will be 4 days instead of 5. I'd suggest just entering the total
OT hours that will be applied to the task and not worry about whether
Project shows it on the exact day your resource's will be doing it, at least
not until you post actuals in after the work is done. Focus on the big
picture and let the resources themselves take care of the details of how
they arrange their work on the task on their own.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

.................................................. .....
"Glenn" <com> wrote in message

I need to assign overtime to specific tasks for specific resources and
specific dates/times. I know how to enter overtime for a tasks, but is there
a way to enter it on say December 16th for 2 hours starting at 5pm and
ending at 7pm on the same day. Let's also say this task spans the full week
(12/12 - 12/17) and requires one resource for 8 hours per day or 40 hours
for the week.

My resources have volunteered overtime on specific days and I want to assign
them to specific tasks to assist the completion of the larger time span

I hope I explained that well enough...


Project 2000 updates

Posted: 04 Dec 2005 06:24 PM PST

Yes, should do.


Rod Gill
Project MVP
Visit for Project Companion Tools and more

"rjn02" <> wrote in message

Default Calendar for New Tasks

Posted: 04 Dec 2005 02:27 PM PST

In article <uxrgtEY#phx.gbl>,
"Jan De Messemaeker" <jandemes at prom hyphen ade dot be> wrote:

According to the help file (which I checked before I responded), new
tasks DO have a default calendar. The help file says, in part, "By
default, tasks are scheduled based on the working time of the project
calendar, as set in the Project Information dialog box".

However, I do agree that the presence of "none" in the calendar
selection box of the Task Information window is misleading. I believe it
should by default show the same calendar as is shown in the Project
Information window.

Project MVP

Cannot outdent subtasks

Posted: 04 Dec 2005 12:58 PM PST

Good point - I was thinking application programs and security updates

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"JackD" <momokuri@gmail> wrote in message

copy tasks (material resources dont copy)

Posted: 04 Dec 2005 09:41 AM PST

In article <com>,
"Hadi" <> wrote:

I realize the FAQ didn't answer your question. But since you mentioned
that you were assigning resources to a summary line, I thought you might
want some insight.

With regard to your copying issue, this is what is happening. The
default resource type for a new project file is Work (i.e. labor). When
you copy a task that is a material resource from one file to a new file,
that resource will take on the default resource type, namely a Work
resource. You will need to change the resource type on the Resource
Sheet of the new file to a Material resource.

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

Export Microsoft Project to Excel or others

Posted: 03 Dec 2005 11:56 PM PST


Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

Please see FAQ Item: 16. Project Viewer.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

OTS wrote: 

Watch conflicts

Posted: 03 Dec 2005 11:06 PM PST

You're welcome Avi and thanks for the feedback.
"Avi Laviad" <> wrote in message

How to merge between 2 projects

Posted: 03 Dec 2005 10:46 PM PST

Hi Avi,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

You might like to have a look at my series on Microsoft Project in the
TechTrax ezine, particularly #17 & 18 on Multiple Projects, at this site: or this:
(Perhaps you'd care to rate the articles before leaving the site, :)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Avi Laviad wrote: 

stop light function

Posted: 03 Dec 2005 04:14 PM PST

Hi Schemr,

<<get the Summary task to show RED if ATLEAST ONE sub task is OVERDUE.>>
Instead of a Number field, put your formula in a Flag field.
In this case, you'll have different options for Summaries and Group.
Instead of a formula, use "Report" (?French version, i don't have the
English one today) and select the OR operator.

Hope this helps,

"schemr" <> a écrit dans le message de

display entire gant view in interactive mode

Posted: 02 Dec 2005 08:48 PM PST

"JEB957" <> wrote in message
It discusses the virtues of interactive whiteboards. 


Printers have much higher resolution than projectors do. For example many
projectors have a vertical resolution of 720 pixels. With 250 tasks this
would leave less than three pixels in height to display a task. The real
issue is not with the software but with display resolution. Given the right
hardware Project COULD display the way you want.


Resource Leveling with multiple part-time tasks

Posted: 02 Dec 2005 04:27 PM PST


If you need the resource 100% on one task it will never ever be available
for another task.

There is a way to make Project do what yoiu need but you have to back away
from using any other assignment % than 100.
This gives a very good result:

Make A a task with a DURATION of 16 hours, assign X @ 100%.
Make a base calendar showing 20% of the time to be working time (f.i. from
8am till 10:36 am)
Make this the task calendar for A
Give A a ghigher priority thn B, level minute by minute

Admire the result.


Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"Catfish Hunter" <> schreef in
bericht news:com... 

Open 2 instances of Microsoft Project

Posted: 02 Dec 2005 12:57 PM PST

You can't have multiple instances of Project running but you can have
multiple files open in the one instance that is running. Each file opens in
its own window and you can tile them side by side or one over the other with
the menu item Window, Arrange All. Won't that work to compare them?
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"b dubbin" <> wrote in message

Microsoft CRM - MSCRM 1.2 Installed over companyweb

Microsoft CRM - MSCRM 1.2 Installed over companyweb

MSCRM 1.2 Installed over companyweb

Posted: 20 Jul 2005 02:59 PM PDT

Thanks so much! They are not using Sharepoint, but will be in the future so
back up is not an issue. Do you know of a good place to get the sharepoint
restore information and hacks to install on a different port?

"Peter Bertell" wrote:

1.2 to 3.0

Posted: 20 Jul 2005 08:07 AM PDT

You are correct Pete. We ran into this between 1.0 and 1.2.

"Pete C" wrote:

About AVAYA IP Office MSCRM Integration's problem.

Posted: 20 Jul 2005 04:56 AM PDT

I've got a "stupid question" along the lines of CRM Telephony... Is
there any vendor that has created a simple screen pop or auto-dialer
app for CRM that works with POTS? In other words, without having an
expensive switch? Does anybody have anything that works with a Vonage
VOIP system? Thanks,


Phone calls @ workplace Calendar

Posted: 20 Jul 2005 04:22 AM PDT

The GroupCalendar is an web application. So as long as you are online
with the SFO you can use the GroupCalendar also out of the Outlook.
Do you meant this with integration?

Your company for MS-CRM ADD-ONS!
GroupCalendar for MSCRM
Related Doents for MSCRM
WordMailMerge for MSCRM

"Venkat Bendalam" <> schrieb im
Newsbeitrag news:com... 

AutoNumber Problems

Posted: 20 Jul 2005 12:38 AM PDT

Thanks John,

I'll try to check.
Maybe there is another reason. Not because of the online-offline problem.
Anyway, thank you very much.

"John O'Donnell" wrote:

Phase Change

Posted: 19 Jul 2005 05:54 PM PDT


Thx to all, well, first the language is spanish ans second this las option
works, I'm beginning in this, still learning, I created a new rule and
through this the pick list was filled, really thx a lot for your help.

"Dave Carr (dave- no com" wrote:

Setup Error on Win 2003

Posted: 19 Jul 2005 04:56 PM PDT

Thanks John.

I followed the suggestions, but is still failing. :(

One observation, I running DNS, SQL, IIS and CRM all in one single server (a
virtual one). I dont think this is cause since I tried on Windows 2000 and
succeed, but I thought it would be worth to mention it.

Digging in the event viewer I found this message, could be related?
The root server reported an error Initialization Failure. (Reason: Unable to
connect to the database using the provided connection string. Reason:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open database requested
in login 'Company_CRMCRYSTAL'. Login fails.).

I don't have any 'Company_CRMCRYSTAL' database in my SQL Server. I suppose
CRM setup should install it, but why is not doing it?



"John O'Donnell" wrote:

BU and Role updates impacting system availability

Posted: 19 Jul 2005 09:10 AM PDT

Actually John,
The security update patch will slow down the updates! (Which is a
good thing.) What it appears to do is put a "governor" on the update
process so that it will not take more than 25% of the CPU. It still is
quite a drain on resources, but at least it won't completely shut your
server down... (My client was the one who unfortunately first
discovered this bug, was shut down for two days because of a relatively
minor role change, and inspired this patch.) Anybody who is using 1.2
should be using this patch, so that you can somewhat insulate
yourselves from the effects of role changes... And always do them on
Friday afternoon! HTH,


David L. Carr, President
Visionary Software Consulting, Inc.
Main #: 971-327-6944

To download a fully functional trial version of VAST, (Visionary Audit
System Tools for Microsoft CRM), that works against the Adventure Works
Cycle database,

Notes integration between Accounts & Opportunities

Posted: 19 Jul 2005 06:40 AM PDT

Customer effective offers similar product for free.
You can download, it's free. entid=0&productid=2


"Mikkhail" wrote:

How to disable export data to Excel ?

Posted: 19 Jul 2005 06:39 AM PDT

I read some where that version 3.0 is coming up with this feature.
I advice you wait instead of tweaking app and losing support.

"John O'Donnell" wrote:

How to remove the space between the phone number?

Posted: 19 Jul 2005 06:01 AM PDT

Well, I have sort it out, just simply replace all the ' ' to '' in Sql Server.

"CEO" wrote:

Workflows being duplicated

Posted: 19 Jul 2005 02:24 AM PDT


I think i could have miss-typed something there in the previous
conversation, The Duplicates where found in the Workflow export, Not Workflow
manager, Else i would have disabled them.

Many thanks for your help,

"Bouffont" wrote:


Posted: 18 Jul 2005 02:41 PM PDT

its up to you linda

it could contain either. Typically its used as a one line text entry to
describe the lead or opportunity. If you look at a list of leads you should
be able to tell the content of the lead etc by looking at these entries.

there are no rules that say you must enter x. Just what makes sense in your

John O'Donnell
Microsoft CRM MVP

"Linda" <com> wrote in message


Posted: 18 Jul 2005 02:40 PM PDT

I agree with you John. Part of our internal CRM training is to advise new
users what 'we' use the description field for which for us is almost like an
'alert' message. For e.g. the description field for 'Contacts' might be
'There is another Joe Bloggs at ACME' or 'see notes for detailed profile of
this contact' etc.

It is quick and easy to put an activity into the description field but
that's exactly what activities is for.

Would be nice though if CRM version 3 had some sort of 'flag' to advise the
user that there is a note attached so go read that first.


"John O'Donnell" wrote:

CRM - Trial...

Posted: 18 Jul 2005 01:48 PM PDT

Contact your local MBS Reseller.

go to for more information

John O'Donnell
Microsoft CRM MVP

"Richard Oliveira Bento" <com> wrote in message news:phx.gbl...
Good... my colleagues, where I could find or buy the MSCRM... e which would be the cost of it? Very Obliged.

"Ronald Lemmen" <> escreveu na mensagem news:com...
Hi Richard,

I do not understand Spanish, just like Matt. But when looking at your text I
do recognize these words:
... link .... version trial .. crm..
If you are searching for a link where to download a trial version of MSCRM,
then I will have to disappoint you. There is no such thing as a trial version
for MSCRM. Instead, there is a download available for MSDN users which will
have a sample database. This application you can use for testing purposes.

Hope this helps,
Ronald Lemmen
Avanade Netherlands
"Matt Parks" wrote:

Microsoft CRM Beginner

Posted: 18 Jul 2005 12:27 PM PDT

Don't be fooled without a lot of tweaking and addition of several 3rd party
products CRM was basiclly useless. We went with CRM over 2 years ago
because we have been using MS products for several years but we have be very
disappointed with its "out of the box" function. My biggest problem when we
were looking to change our customer tracking program was i could not get a
straight answer from anyone at MS about what it could and would not do. If
you would like to question me about it email me at com . I
love microsoft product and am holding my breath for the update on MSCRM(in
october, november,december or whenerver) We currently are using addon
products from to make the program usable.

"Rafael Nascimento" wrote:

OnChange event failing

Posted: 18 Jul 2005 11:57 AM PDT

Hi James,

I think you just need to add the following line:
crmForm.closeprobability.returnValue = i;

This line updates the value in the database, while the one you used only
updates the form (as far as I remember). You need both lines.

The line stating *.click() in John's posting simulates a mouse click on the
field. In some cases this must be included, but it depends on your script
and what you want it to do. If you just want it to update a value in a
field, the two lines (*.value and *.returnValue) should be enough.

Hope it will work for you know!

Kind regards,
Henning B. Jespersen
(WM-data, Denmark)

"JamesE" <> wrote in message

Importing Sales Literature

Posted: 18 Jul 2005 11:52 AM PDT

Hi Shauna,

Just some comments on using Sales Literature...

The Sales Literature features are not that user friendly when wanting to use
the material in your business process. An example could be that you want to
have the brochures in Microsoft CRM because you then easily could send docs.
to customers or leads. This is a many-click-action to the users, and they
will get frustrated using it.

If you have Sales For Outlook users, you must remember to instruct them in
filtering doents when synchronising, or you may end up with a lot of
support calls when users try to go offline, and performance goes down! If
your brochures are colourful doents taking up some space, remember the 5
MB attachment limit (can be adjusted) and remember the 2 GB offline data
volume limit for the Sales For Outlook users.

After using Sales Literature in Microsoft CRM, some of our customers have
decided to use SharePoint or their existing Intranet-portal instead of using
the Sales Literature feature in Microsoft CRM 1.2. SharePoint or their
Intranet has then been integrated in Microsoft CRM using the ISV-integration
points available.

Kind regards,

Henning B. Jespersen

(WM-data, Denmark)

"Shauna Koppang" <> wrote in message

Changing Fiscal Year Settings

Posted: 18 Jul 2005 08:10 AM PDT

Hi James,

Don't loose all hope!

It is possible to alter the Fiscal Year settings, I've done it! But I can
not tell you how in this forum ...and I wouldn't sugest you to follow any
tips from other news-users if you are working at a production inverionment.
If you are working in a demo-environment, you can take a look on the
following tables in *_MSCRM and try to figure out some of the relations:
userfiscalcalendarbase and organizationbase.

If your problem is related to a production environment, you have to contact
Microsoft support and get them to help you. If you don't do it the right
way, it may mess up data. The only way to correct your siuation is through
running some delete and update statements against your database, and that
you don't want to do without the support of Microsoft ...else you might
loose the money invested in your Software Assurance.

Kind regards,
Henning B. Jespersen
(WM-data, Denmark)

"JamesE" <> wrote in message

More flexible License manager

Posted: 18 Jul 2005 05:10 AM PDT

Pierre is right.
Licenses in MS CRM are what you call aggregate.
You don't need to remove anything from any user just keep adding them in
deployment manager, create your new users and add the license and role etc.


"Pierre Hulsebus" wrote:

Unable to logon into Crystallogon.csp

Posted: 18 Jul 2005 03:00 AM PDT

Hi Carrie,

I do assume that you are referring to Resolution 9:
Verify all the Application Mappings for Crystal Reports exist in Internet
Information Services (IIS) on the Microsoft CRM server.

1. At the server in which Microsoft CRM Server was installed, click Start,
point to Settings, and then click Control Panel. Click Administrative Tools
and then click Internet Services Manager.

2. In the Internet Services Manager, expand your Microsoft CRM server. This
will display the Web site for Microsoft CRM. Right-click the Microsoft CRM
Web site and then click Properties.

3. Click the Home Directory tab and then click Configuration. This will
display the Application Mappings window. Click the App Mappings tab. In this
window, the first 4 mappings should be for Crystal Reports. They are the
extensions .cri, .rpt, .csp, and .cwr.

4. If these extensions are missing, create a support incident on the
Microsoft Business Solutions Web site

I haven't had any problems with the mappings myself and therefore cannot
help you with this one. The resolution tells you to open up an incident with
mbs. I would seriously advice you to do so.

With kind regards,

Ronald Lemmen
Avanade Netherlands

"Carrie" wrote:

CRM 1.2 and SP4 on SQL 2000

Posted: 18 Jul 2005 03:00 AM PDT

While it has worked for many, last I heard, MBS had not yet officially blessed
this in terms of support.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Mon, 18 Jul 2005 09:59:42 -0400, "Dave Ireland" <com>

worked ok for us Jacob.


"Jacob Mondrup - Cultivator Danmark" <com> wrote in message

CRM Search in KB Manager

Posted: 18 Jul 2005 01:17 AM PDT

Hi Matt,

Do you have any doentation for the full-text indexing?


"Matt Parks" wrote:

CRM AdminTool

Posted: 15 Jul 2005 10:34 PM PDT

I got the tool. When I ran the tool to create a new System Admin role I get
the following error:
Cannot create user: Soap Exception

I'm new to CRM. Cannot anyone help me with this problem?

"Ronald Lemmen" wrote:

Installing MS CRM for Outlook

Posted: 15 Jul 2005 11:13 AM PDT


If Hennning's good suggestion fails to fix the problem...

If IE is prompting for credentials despite you being logged into the network
as a valid user with a CRM profile/role/license, then it's likley just your
browser security settings. In IE, click Tools-->Internet
Options-->Security-->Local Intranet-->Custom Level. Scroll all the way to
the bottom of the list of settings and select either of the 'automatic'
options. This will prevent IE from challenging you.

You absolutely need to be able to get into the CRM without being challenged
for credentials before SFO will install or work properly


"Steven Janes" <> wrote in message

Exchange 2003 periodically sends spam burst - Microsoft Exchange

Exchange 2003 periodically sends spam burst - Microsoft Exchange

Exchange 2003 periodically sends spam burst

Posted: 06 Mar 2008 07:13 AM PST

Thanks, it looks like this was a case of an external exploit on the
authenticated relay. I will be turning thest off on more clients.

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]" wrote:

Question about SMTP connector for internet mail on Exchange 2003

Posted: 05 Mar 2008 04:41 PM PST

"Bharat Suneja [MVP]" <org> wrote in message
Yes, our internal DNS will go to the outside for name resolution if
necessary. I just thought that since most of the email DNS lookups are
probably going to be for the outbound internet domains, it might be more
efficient to have the Exchange server query the external DNS at our ISP,
instead of taking the extra hops to go to the inside ones first (which would
end up going to the external ones anyway).


OWA in Ex2003

Posted: 05 Mar 2008 11:01 AM PST

Read this sir.

"Frodo" <com> wrote in message

do not allow movement of email to another mailbox

Posted: 05 Mar 2008 07:25 AM PST

Ok. Thanks for your help Mark.

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Mailbox tools

Posted: 05 Mar 2008 06:33 AM PST

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Well if possible I wanted to avoid granting access... but your last sentence
pretty much said there's no other way to doing what was asked.

Thanks for the response.

Using CDOEX with Exchange FrontEnd/BackEnd configuration

Posted: 04 Mar 2008 08:49 AM PST

Unfortunately, CDOEX can only access a mailbox on the server that it's
running on - it can't access a remote mailbox:

You'll need to either install your application on each BE server, or rewrite
it using a different API, like WebDAV.



Outlook Web Access for PDA, OWA For WAP:

"Bioter" <nospam> wrote in message

Can not receive emails from a specific email address. Please help.

Posted: 03 Mar 2008 11:23 AM PST

John AM <> wrote: 

Most welcome :)


Settting up Reverse lookup in MIcrosoft Exchange

Posted: 02 Mar 2008 04:04 PM PST

scuba19 <> wrote: 

They should both be on SP2. You might look into using the IMF and RBLs such

create folder on all computers

Posted: 29 Feb 2008 09:51 AM PST

filip <hr> wrote: 

Hi - this isn't an Exchange server question. Try posting in

error when moving users

Posted: 29 Feb 2008 08:45 AM PST

Tnx Arch, rebooting helped.

"Arch Willingham" wrote:

Weird problem when forwarding emails

Posted: 29 Feb 2008 08:42 AM PST


I've seen something similar in reverse., but some users were using a
groupwise client that uses a nonstandard text.htm attachment to present the
message as rich text, which of course outlook ignores, but groupwise shows

No groupwise? Then I'll crawl back under me rock ;-)

ActiveSync and Iphone

Posted: 29 Feb 2008 08:30 AM PST

What permissions or configurations have you on the SMTP. Clearly this
has nothing to do with IMAP and as John stated, nothing to do with EAS
Your SMTP sounds like you're allowing Submission but not Relay. Two
things that are similar but different.

Two SMTP Virtual Server

Posted: 29 Feb 2008 02:12 AM PST

Thanks oliver. Difinitely i will do that.

"Oliver Moazzezi [MVP]" wrote:

using EMC

Posted: 28 Feb 2008 03:23 PM PST

that's just too limited. I'd like to see what get-mailboxserver gets.

"Andy David {MVP}" wrote:

Migrating public folders from 2003 to a 2007 CCR

Posted: 27 Feb 2008 05:00 PM PST

Thanks for the reply.

I had done some searching on various key words and phrases to find
information, but wasn't seeing what I needed. The impression I had from the
information I found before was that tion "couldn't" be done at all
with a CCR public folder; really what it was saying is that it "shouldn't"
be done.

When I added "lossy" to the search mix, I got this:

Which led to this:

We're not ready to migrate our entire org to 2007 yet (dealing with some CAL
issues), but when we're ready this sounds like answer.

Thanks again.

"M3 PostMasters" <> wrote in message

Delivery restrictions do nothing?

Posted: 26 Feb 2008 10:28 PM PST

In this case both address spaces for both SMTP connectors are identical
though. The only thing that distinguishes my two SMTP connectors is (1)
Cost value and (2) restrictions on who can use them.

Let me put forth a different example. If I was to set up just one SMTP
connector that has delivery restrictions set up so that messages from
everyone are rejected by default and only to allow messages from one user
(bob), I can still get it to send emails from other users. This is clearly
incorrect behaviour - what good is the delivery restriction if Exchange
ignores it?

All I'm trying to do is get different users to use different SMTP Connectors
based upon delivery restrictions alone - all other settings can be identical
for all I care. If that's not possible, it begs the question of what on
earth delivery restrictions actually do?

"Bharat Suneja [MVP]" <org> wrote in message

"sidebyside" errors in event log on new Exch 2007 CAS/HUB server

Posted: 25 Feb 2008 06:48 PM PST

On Feb 28, 3:53am, "Mike O" <can> wrote: 

Since 4 days even I have seen these errors on our Exch2007sp1 CAS
server. The worst part is that the CAS server reboots without warning
and this is happening during the night around 3.30am everyday. There
is no reference to this problem anywhere on the microsoft site.
Appreciate if anyone can help.

Exchange crash no backups except offline folders on Outlook

Posted: 25 Feb 2008 11:14 AM PST

Third party tools like those mentioned in .

"Aaron Tech" <com> wrote in message

Send e-mail for the mail box, which is not in the domain

Posted: 25 Feb 2008 08:37 AM PST

Hi John,
Thanks for the info.
Outlook Web Access (OWA), RPC over HTTPs, Exchange Active Sync with Windows
Mobile Devices I know, but yet I try not POP3.

"John Oliver, Jr. [MVP]" wrote:

spam not delivered to Junk e-mail folder

Posted: 25 Feb 2008 06:51 AM PST

Obviously, junk Exchange e-mail filter is indeed very integrated with Outlook
client. We discovered that the problem appeared only on machines with Outlook
2000. Those clients that are using Outlook 2003 didn’t have any problems with
redirecting spam email directly to Junk E-mail folder.

Thanks’ for your help, and very useful pointers. Case closed

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

DoS attack?

Posted: 24 Feb 2008 03:41 AM PST

Thanks, Bharat.

I will be dumping the global pop box shortly, and on advice, will configure
a connection filter to use blocklists.

"Bharat Suneja [MVP]" <org> wrote in message

Update Name Fields Exchange 2007

Posted: 22 Feb 2008 07:43 AM PST

On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 07:43:40 -0800 (PST), Deb <com>

What does their entry say in the GAL?
Are you sure you changed the Display Name?

Viewing Mailboxes

Posted: 21 Feb 2008 04:04 PM PST

BobS <net> wrote: 

What joy is mine!



Spurious calander reminders

Posted: 21 Feb 2008 12:27 AM PST

Sorry folks tried both those options and none of those worked -
new machine and it still happens so it kind of rules out a client issues -
no BB or any other mobile device

"Mike "Talon" DeNapoli" <> wrote in
message news:%phx.gbl...