

disk partitions not showing up. - Forums Linux

disk partitions not showing up. - Forums Linux

disk partitions not showing up.

Posted: 04 May 2006 03:08 PM PDT

Martin Fenelon wrote: 
He almost certainly is, since CentOS 4 series use 2.6 kernels.

And he also states:

.~. Jean-David Beyer Registered Linux User 85642.
/V\ PGP-Key: 9A2FC99A Registered Machine 241939.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^ 12:45:01 up 26 days, 2:12, 3 users, load average: 4.30, 4.21, 4.13

! invalid partition...

Posted: 03 May 2006 05:43 PM PDT

com wrote: 

It could be the BIOS telling you that you don't have a partition marked
"active" in the partition table. You might boot a rescue CD and check
that. It could also mean the boot manager (grub or lilo) isn't installed
in the MBR. Since those things are free to check, I would.

Without knowing if the message comes from the BIOS or boot manager, who
knows what it means?

bill davidsen
SBC/Prodigy Yorktown Heights NY data center

how run linux from CD, porblem is very problematic

Posted: 03 May 2006 09:46 AM PDT

magnate wrote: 

Hello magnate,

The setup worked all the way till it loaded drivers from CD rom but
after that it would say that there is error reading cd and when i used
option of checking the integrity of the Debian CD it says that it is
not an Debian disk.

Funny thing earlier in the installtion it recognised the CD as an
debian installer CD and when the actual installation process came it
just refuses to accept the cd as that of Debian.

any guess why.

I want to learn linux programing so my requirements are just gcc and if
possible gtk or graphical development environment can you suggest any
solution to above with my current system configration because i am not
going to purchase any new computer in the near future because this old
guy is just working fine for me and i have run the open office non
installation distribution for windows. It just takes some time and
gives some errors but i can do almost all the things i do with
mircrosoft office.

Thanks for your Support.

unable to mount IBM 256mb usb pendrive

Posted: 02 May 2006 08:52 AM PDT

linux_learner wrote: 
I don't have a RH9 system handy any more, but he might have to manually
load a module? You might try "modprobe vfat" before the mount command.
And is the pen drive sdc? You can see the scsi devices in
/proc/scsi/scsi (with cat), and you can see the partitions with "fdisk
-l /dev/sda" (note, no digit after the device name).

bill davidsen
SBC/Prodigy Yorktown Heights NY data center

Sendmail Setup

Posted: 01 May 2006 11:06 AM PDT

The Natural Philosopher wrote:

Some POP3, and especially IMAP servers, can authenticate via database
back-ends. This creates a possibility for shared resources or multiple user
access to the same shared email that's otherwise access.

In fact, if possible, throw out POP3. There are many, many powerful
technical reasons not to use it, the most important of which is that if you
connect to the same server from two different clients, the layout of
mailboxes is almost impossible to synchronize with POP3.

I've seen similar, where a VP hired a secretary to manage their
overwhelming mail spool rather than upgrading the server to MAILDIR so they
could easily access and manage their huge mailboxes.

I've worked with both. I got turned onto Postfix less than 3 years ago,
because so many folks I worked with really insisted on using UNIX servers
such as Suns for core services. I'm very disenchanted with the approach:
useful and problem-saving shifts, such as the integration of procmail and
milters, tend to lag way behind in default UNIX sendmail releases.

And this is relevant. "Avoid the need".

Oh, please! POP3, which is the name of the protocol, works just fine until
it shreds people's email because *every single POP3 client in the universe*
downloads all the mail and deletes it off the server, by default. This means
that every time someone sets up a new client, they risk blowing away all
their email from the server. This is painfully stupid and risks user's
email. I've had to fix and restore mail blown away this way, repeatedly,
until I migrated people over to IMAP.

And please, learn the language of what you're discussing. There is no such
thing as POPD. There are easily dozens of POP daemons available, but none of
them I've seen in the Linux world are called POPD. There is pop3d, which is
what some software calls the daemon, and even pop2d for POP2 as opposed to
POP3 services.

make problem

Posted: 01 May 2006 07:40 AM PDT

On 1 May 2006 07:40:59 -0700, anil
<com> wrote: 
To find out what is wrong, you must look at the lines before the first
"Error 1".

There is only one way to kill capitalism -- by taxes, taxes, and more taxes.
-- Karl Marx

Kubuntu Dapper: Why can't I update anymore?

Posted: 30 Apr 2006 08:42 PM PDT

But my /etc/resolv.conf is already modified and includes my ISP's DNS
addresses. AS I've mentioned, I have no problem browsing.
Any more ideas?

kermit wrote:

FC5 Installation Problems

Posted: 30 Apr 2006 12:42 PM PDT

Hi Bill Thanks for your reply.

Sorry I think I'm making things a bit complicated, basically I can't
get into the GUI installer it X Server just hangs at a black screen.
However I have found a work around, by using the 'linux nodmraid'
command I managed to boot into the GUI.

The only problem is I need dmraid to be on. I can't get into the
installer without the nodmraid command, but the installer dosent see my
RAID Array without it!

I have tried the vesa drivers ('linux vesa') but all that happens is I
get a no signal error when the GUI is meant to boot up.

So does anyone know a workaround for my nodmraid problem?

Grub loader problems in FC5

Posted: 29 Apr 2006 02:08 PM PDT

On Sat, 29 Apr 2006 at 21:08 GMT, com eloquently wrote:
The line above means root (/) is the first partition on
the third drive found. I the quoted text above root (/)
is the third partition. Try root (hd2,2) and see whether
this works.

Registered Linux User # 125653 ( | Please remove
Certified: 75% bastard, 42% of which is tard. | '.invalid' | to reply.
Switch to:

Deleted /dev/rtc

Posted: 29 Apr 2006 06:06 AM PDT

Hash: SHA1

com wrote: 

Log in or su to root

Enter the following commands:
mknod /dev/rtc c 10 135
chown root:root /dev/rtc
chmod a=rw /dev/rtc

- --
Lew Pitcher

Master Codewright & JOAT-in-training | GPG public key available on request
Registered Linux User #112576 (
Slackware - Because I know what I'm doing.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)

iD8DBQFEU2viagVFX4UWr64RAgtKAKCZY274PJJvhh3vWewbK1 sHrO4BPQCgiveH

One-Time passwords for regular user accounts?

Posted: 28 Apr 2006 03:25 PM PDT

Carlos Moreno wrote: 

I don't think so - because you need 3 different things to gain access
and at least 1 is always changing....more below;

FWIW - and while older, have you seen;

More recent ways of securing ssh using some combo of firewalls,
port-knocking, DenyHosts, iptables, keys, no passwd, no UsePAM, etc,

Fine control on FC5 install

Posted: 27 Apr 2006 12:19 PM PDT

Bill Davidsen wrote: 

There is a custom install option. I have no idea what the minimum would be, the
kernel and bash and I would be guessing on what else. Never having done it I
don't know what happens if you do not get a complete minimum set. With luck it
will check dependencies and report what else you need.

The only terrorist threat to our way of life is the government's response to
-- The Iron Webmaster, 3636
commentary a5

can I run linux from a CD, without installing it?

Posted: 24 Apr 2006 12:27 PM PDT

Take the ubuntu live cd
"DarkTemplar" <com> a écrit dans le message de news: 

Microsoft CRM - Trying to drop MSCRMDistribution table

Microsoft CRM - Trying to drop MSCRMDistribution table

Trying to drop MSCRMDistribution table

Posted: 28 Jan 2005 07:17 AM PST

I am having a similar problem, but I have disbaled replication and deleted
the Publications. My issue is that i do want replication and publishing
enabled for the SFO client, but that was not working for us. I still have my
distribution database named Service_Point_USA_MSCRMDistribution, but when I
enabled replication I can not reference this DB because the name already
exists and it creates one with the default name of distribution, and the end
result is that the SFO fails. I can not detach the DB or delete ( i have
backups of the DB). I have run the commands to disable repl on the DB in
question, but that does not work...any thoughts on how to fix this. The SFO
client is a big reason why we went with MSCRM.

"Jason Hunt" wrote:

Slug for Resolution

Posted: 28 Jan 2005 01:43 AM PST


Thanks for your response. Yes I did try lower case but it didn't work
either. I think your'e right, none of the resolution information is
avaialble, which is extremely poor.
It's one of the key requirements of our customers that they get the
resolution text when a fault is closed.
I have a meeting with a technical guy from Microsoft next week and I will
raise it with him along with other issues. He has said there is to be an
announcement on Monday 31st regarding CRM release, hopeful it will be good
news for everyone.



"Matt Parks" wrote:

Can a closed activity be re-opened for modification?

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 06:47 PM PST

Thanks Dave. I appreciate your answer. Means I'm not crazy or blind. On the
flip side, I'll join you in the shock and chagrin queue! What were the
developers thinking? We need to get them out in the real world to see how we
really use this product.

"Dave McGuire" wrote:

System Customization Tab Does Not Appear Under Settings on Home Pa

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 02:09 PM PST

Thanks! Got everything worked out!

"Matt Parks" wrote:

slugs in activities

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 12:51 PM PST

Actually, if you look at the view that is defined for each object, that will
give you all the column names you can use. This is better the the XSD as the
XSD will tell you there is a "name" attribute on the owner elelment, but the
view will tell you it's called ownername.

The views are the table name w/o the word "base".

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 18:39:04 -0800, "John" <>

Tom, I've been through the same situation. Try looking at the CRM SDK and
navigate to the Reference > Schemas > Object Schemas section. I've found that
when I stick to the entity/column names listed in the .xsd files, they work
fine. I have to remind myself that I'm dealing with a predominantly XML-based
product. So when in doubt, I reference the XML specifications rather than the
SQL-server tables and columns and things work much better.


"Tom Francisco" wrote:

One question ..

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 11:27 AM PST

I was using exchange installed in the same server than crm but now we want
to use the exchange 2003 server of the organization ... what do i need to
do? only uninstall exchange and router from my crm server and install
router in exchange 2003 ?

Karolina Balderas

MS CRM and Mail Server

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 05:25 AM PST

Thanks Dave McGuire for your kind reply.

Best Regds,


"Dave McGuire" wrote:

CRM 2005 Beta

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 04:36 AM PST

Will the Beta be released to Certified Partners?


"Matt Parks" <com> wrote in message
2005 at 

unable to create databases during the installation! Pl. Help

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 02:09 AM PST

Hi Kamal,

Make sure that you register your SQL Server as your computer name, not as
(local) before you install Microsoft CRM

Frans Cahyadi
CRM Product Manager
Puspa Intimedia Internusa, PT.
Phone: +62-21 526-0755
Fax: +62-21 526-0790

"Kamal Vahi" <> wrote in message

Lotus Notes and MS CRM

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 01:57 AM PST

Thanks for your kind reply. Are you talking about this connectot
or there is any other connctor available?
If you are talking abou this then i know about this but if we use this
connctor then we can not use Lotus Notes email and agenda application and my
customer want to remain use Lotus Notes email and agenda application.

Best Regards,

Awan Enterprise

"Borsics János" wrote:

login screen prompts

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 12:43 AM PST

If that doesn't work, check the users setting in IE for the Local Intranet zone.
A tthe bottom of the Custom setting you will see an option for integrated login.
If you set that to allow from the Intranet, it will work.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 10:24:15 -0000, "Peter Lynch"
<com.SPAMFREE> wrote:

Add CRM to IE's Local Intranet zone

"Marcel" <> wrote in message

Cannot publish the changes made to the Forms in MSCRM

Posted: 26 Jan 2005 09:50 PM PST

Hey! It worked....Thanks so much Aaron...You were a big help as this was
urgent for me :)

Mail merge from more then 1 page or how to enlarge page size ?

Posted: 26 Jan 2005 02:59 PM PST

Hi alpeugene,

connecting directly to sqlserver doesn't provide CRM-Security, that
means, you would see more contacts than you are allowed to.
Therefore the results you get with the same criteria would be

Perhaps you can use infobridge FX to build your own solution.


alpeugene wrote: 

Assigning activities to Cases

Posted: 26 Jan 2005 07:22 AM PST

Is there any change there will be in the next version?


"Matt Parks" <com> wrote in message

Snapshots for Publications

Posted: 26 Jan 2005 05:41 AM PST

If you've turned replication completely off for the 2 DB's, then you should be
able to drop the existing Distribution DB. I am pretty sure the commands to
re-establish the replication will recreate it. As always, make sure you have a
backup first though.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 12:59:06 -0800, "Sean Donnelly"
<> wrote:

Thanks for the reply. This has snowballed into something more now that we
tried to disable Publishing in hopes that we could re-enable them and see if
that would do the trick. The Orgname_MSCRMDistribution database is there, but
we can not use that when trying to re-create the publishers because the DB
already exists? Any thoughts?

"Matt Parks" wrote:

Remove Mail GUID

Posted: 25 Jan 2005 07:55 PM PST


Sorry had some problems with the format of the answer. Hope that helps
to read the answer.

Following steps to remove the GUID:
2. Find the registry key with a ValueName: MessageTagBehavior
3. if the key does not exists, create it using the following values:
Value Type: DWORD key value
Value Name: MessageTagBehavior
Value data: 0
4. If the Value is set to Null or 1, the tracking number will be attached.
If the Value is 0, the GUID is not attached to outgoing e-mails.
5. Restart the MS CRM Exchange Queue Service

Removing the GUID results in the loss of MS CRM ability to automativally
the incoming e-mails!!!!?

Christian Ternek

Your company for MS-CRM ADD-ONS!
GroupCalendar for MSCRM
Related Documents for MSCRM

"George Vessels" <com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

I'm desperate ... help with blank emails

Posted: 25 Jan 2005 03:47 PM PST

hmmm, weird, we had the same problem a couple weeks ago.....

After rebooting the exchange server, the problem went away....


wrote in message 

Need help for serialization/deserialization in ms-crm

Posted: 25 Jan 2005 02:33 PM PST


FIrst of all, thanks for trying to give me some suggestions...
I don't think that this issue was caused by missing DLL or wrong path...
Actually, the error message that I wrote always changes the name whenever I
run the web service app.
Also I do not have any problem to run any other web service in this project.
I strongly beleive that this issue is somehow related to the class that xsd
generated. I could guess what the error originis, but I needed some clue to
solve thise issue.....

Did anybody have same issue like me?


.................................................. ..TJ

"Kevin D" wrote:

Cant Synch

Posted: 25 Jan 2005 10:11 AM PST

I called Support and they helped me fix the error.

This message is caused when Synch in process is stopped or gets corrupted.
The SQL Server Replication monitor shows the synch in progress, so when the
user tries to synch again, the it sees the user logged in.

Need to delete the process in replication
Possibly Need to force a synch by deleting a entry from registry on client

"Jazz Singh" wrote:

More Spell Checker Questions

Posted: 25 Jan 2005 08:47 AM PST

I also tried to use that solution but was unable to get it to work.

I would much prefer to use the existing functionality of office than
purchasing and installing yet another addin.

Please let me know if you are able to get this to work.

"Andy P" <> wrote in message


Customization & v2

Posted: 25 Jan 2005 07:01 AM PST

From what I have heard as long as you do your customisation using the fully
supported methods then you should be able to upgrade them. If you are simply
adding additonal fields to Accounts / Contacts then I cannot see any issues.

This is not applicable for CRM reports or the Great Plains integration.

"Jeremy Bierlein" <Jeremy> wrote in
message news:com... 

Adding dates to activity views

Posted: 25 Jan 2005 05:49 AM PST

Yes, I'm completely aware of that this an unsupported customization.
However, I'm just adding two date columns to the activitiy views (which I
BTW think should have been there from start). After the next upgrade, I will
have to add the date columns again, and hopefully I will be able to do it the
"official" way by then.

The information about how to customize the views is widespread, I have seen
at least a dozen postings about it, in this forum and in others. People also
know how to find the IDs for different views in the database.

Extremely Long SFO synchronization times

Posted: 25 Jan 2005 05:01 AM PST

We experienced similar degradation of performance over time when using SFO

We were able to improve performance by using the following document:

Sync times are still not satisfactory but they have improved.

"Sean Donnelly" <> wrote in message

CRM folders not loading in Outlook

Posted: 25 Jan 2005 04:02 AM PST

....and make sure the users CRM licence is a Sales or Suite licence

A Service licence is not sufficient

"Dave McGuire" <com> wrote in message

Delete security role

Posted: 25 Jan 2005 02:48 AM PST


I've deleted some roles, and had no problems or unforseen side effects (so


"Datapac" wrote:

Microsoft Word - how can i get my ms word document titles to accept '!'s and '?'s?

Microsoft Word - how can i get my ms word document titles to accept '!'s and '?'s?

how can i get my ms word document titles to accept '!'s and '?'s?

Posted: 26 May 2014 05:38 PM PDT

it's such a pain to not be able to include a '!' or a '?' in my document titles, since i'm filing thousands of poem and prose titles that include those marks... is there any way to make it work? 

Pages keep flipping and won't scroll any farther

Posted: 26 May 2014 02:31 PM PDT

My word document is about 70 mirrored pages.  When I try to scroll down the document, it jumps to one page and these pages will keep flipping back and forth as I try to scroll passed the page.  I've tried removing all formatting and bookmarks.  Nothing seems to work. 

I'm using Word 13--Windows 8.1

Thank you!


Columns in mid portion of page

Posted: 26 May 2014 01:12 PM PDT


What I want to do seems simple enough, but I can't seem to get it working! I did consult the help section of MS word 2010.

I'd like to create a section in the middle of a page for 2 columns. This section would take up about a third of the page, so after creating the column section, entering text into the columns, then I'd like to revert to the original "no columns" format, and complete the page as in a normal document.

Any directions will be appreciated.


Exporting word 2013 document to pdf causes table formatting error in pdf

Posted: 26 May 2014 12:49 PM PDT

I created a Word document (docx) using the elementary school newsletter template.

The Word document shows the table properly sized while the PDF shows the table running off of the end of the page.

Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.



Cannot paste images together with text from web browers into offices 2010

Posted: 26 May 2014 10:34 AM PDT

Recently, my offices 2010 has gone strange. I tested with 3 web browsers, firefox and chrome (both were latest version updated regularly), and internet explorer pre-installed in my window 8. When i tried to copy (Ctrl +C) and paste (Ctrl+V) the contents consisting of text and images on many websites which opened by these web browsers, there were only text lines pasted successfully. The images could not be pasted in word, powerpoint and onenote. After pasting, all images only appeared as an empty rectangular or square, or appeared as an image showing two mountains and a sun. I have tried many solutions i found on internet to solve this problem, however nothing has worked. Please help me!

Style/paragraph definition that prevents isolated lines of text

Posted: 26 May 2014 09:33 AM PDT

I know that the "Keep with next" checkbox under a style's Pragraph settings can be used to prevent a single line of text to follow the title (heading), at the end of a page, thus inserting an automatic page break *before* the title, in order for it to start with plenty of space afterwards.

But is it possible to do anything so that the converse is also prevented, i.e. not having a single row at the start of a page, before a new heading begins?

What does the small square format symbol mean?

Posted: 26 May 2014 09:21 AM PDT

In WORD 2013 I have occasionally, small black squares which appear at the beginning of some paragraph headers and occasionally at the beginning of some regular text lines.  They are visible only when displaying all format symbols (Shift-Ctl-8).   What do they mean?  How do I get rid of them?

Mutiple asterics cause line of undeleteable little squares??

Posted: 26 May 2014 09:02 AM PDT

When typing a story I type 5 Asterisk and a carriage return for a scene change it sometime causes a line of little squares that I can't get rid of, what is the problem and how do I get rid of this line. It seem unreachable? I think Ctrl 'q' used to erase it now with Office 13 an Windows 8.1 nothing seems to rid this line??


"Ghost Document" Shows up When I Open Word

Posted: 26 May 2014 08:45 AM PDT

This strange document opens the same time I open any one of my word documents. When I try to click on it to open it and see what it is, it just says it is a corrupt file that cannot be opened. This only appears when I have the document sitting on my desktop and I open it from there. If you have any questions about the situation to get more clarification, please do ask

Is there any way I can keep this from happening?

Is there something wrong with my Microsoft Office - Word?

Font embedding issue

Posted: 26 May 2014 07:21 AM PDT

I've downloaded a font which I want to embed in a word document. The font's embedding right is "editable". Both right click on the font file->properties->details and the value returned by GlyphTypeface.EmbeddingRights say so, but word wouldn't embed it. I wrote a small app, which embeds the font in an existing document, but when I open the document in Word, it says:

READ-ONLY  To modify this document, remove fonts licensed for Print or Preview only. [Button="Remove Restricted Fonts"]

(The word web app accepts it just fine though)

I suspect, that Word still uses GDI functions like GetOutlineTextMetrics behind the scenes. I noticed that this function returns "wrong" information. The otmfsType-field of theOUTLINETEXTMEXTRIC-struct for this font is 12 (binary: 1100). The doc for this field says:


Indicates whether the font is licensed. Licensed fonts must not be modified or exchanged. If bit 1 is set, the font may not be embedded in a document. If bit 1 is clear, the font can be embedded. If bit 2 is set, the embedding is read-only.

Also, Control Panel->Fonts returns 2 values for the embedding restrictions:

Any Idea how to work around this issue?

Table limits in Word 2013

Posted: 26 May 2014 06:55 AM PDT

I have recently converted from Windows XP & Word 2007 to Windows 8 and Word 2013.


I am having problems with a file that I use as a bibliographic database.  It has a large table (387KB 77 pages 400 rows in one table).  With Word 2007 I could search within this table then goto the found results, I could also sort the whole table. 


In Word 2013 when I sort I loose the bottom half of the table - just a blank screen.

When I search for text a list of results appears but I cannot go to some of the results that were found - nothing happens, no error message or anything. 


I assume I have exceeded a limit for something but everything in the file is well within the limits listed in, 

However, that document does not list any limits for tables.


Smaller tables in other files work as I expected.

What are the limits that apply to tables?  Are there any ways to avoid these problems other than splitting the file up (or buying decent software).


Thanks John Fisher  



Can't get MS Office 2007 working

Posted: 26 May 2014 04:36 AM PDT

I recently installed Microsoft Office 2007 onto my laptop (running Windows 8.1), but I forgot to uninstall my previous version (MS Office 2003). Now I can't get any of my documents to open with the 2007 version. Whenever I try to set the default program to a 2007 version it just says:

The 2003 version of Office still works fine, but I really don't want to have wasted my money on a product if I can't get it to work. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Word viewer shows blank

Posted: 26 May 2014 02:47 AM PDT

After sending a Word document as an attachment to email when I click on the

attachment it it opens in a Word Viewer frame, but the screen remains blank.

Why isn't the document content showing?

Office 2013 Word and Excel does not open at all and keep coming up with same error message

Posted: 26 May 2014 02:14 AM PDT

I just bought Office 2013 and installed in my laptop which is running on Windows 7 OS.

However, after installation, both Word and Excel does not open any documents and keep coming up with the following error message saying "...notify you if a solution is available...". This is very poor message. What if there is no solution? Do I lose my money buying Office 2013??????

Please let me know whether there is a solution.

Thank you

Microsoft Word 2010

Posted: 25 May 2014 08:57 PM PDT

I have Microsoft Office Word 2010 on Windows 7 for more than 2 years.Today when I tried to use it. I have this message.Location is not available.Q:/ is not accessible.Access is denied.

Microsoft office not working

Posted: 25 May 2014 04:49 PM PDT

I Uninstalled Norton Antivirus this morning because I was tired of the popups. Now my Microsoft office is not working.  When I click on Word for example, it changes from blue to white (like there is a flashbulb below the Word icon) then goes right back to blue and nothing happens. I restarted the computer twice and am assuming it has something to do with the Norton uninstall, but not sure what to do. Any suggestions?

Exchange 2003 in Trusted Forest - Microsoft Exchange

Exchange 2003 in Trusted Forest - Microsoft Exchange

Exchange 2003 in Trusted Forest

Posted: 01 Nov 2006 12:47 PM PST

That is correct. I was hoping that we would be able to see each others
Global Address Books too. We are in the process of merging two organizations
and we are both using Exchange 2003 in a Windows 2003 environment as I
indicated. We do want to have each of us see the public folders and the
busy/free, but I was also hoping for the Global Address Books. Thanks

"Ed Crowley [MVP]" wrote:

Email attachments arrive with 0K and empty at external addresses

Posted: 01 Nov 2006 07:53 AM PST

Apologies for the lack of information. The details of our outgoing gateways

Exchange 2003 SP2
Symantec Mail security for Exchange ver 4.6
MS Exchange IMF v2
mxClaim v3.1 (Discalimer add-on)

Sending an email via a different gateway that doesn't have the IMF or
mxclaim on works ok. Contacted producers of mxclaim and they could not
reproduce problem. Only affects certain files and often resaving the file
allows the file to be sent.

I posted on the off chance that someone might had a similar problem


"Ed Crowley [MVP]" wrote:

buku ndr's and failure notices

Posted: 31 Oct 2006 07:24 PM PST

By the way, this KB helped me out a bunch for cleaning out the muck in my
Until this was done my server was way out of whack.

"John Oliver, Jr. [MVP]" wrote:

OWA Access for 2 Servers - Same Org - Different MX?

Posted: 31 Oct 2006 01:05 PM PST

Hi Ed,

I really appreciate your time.
Ultimately, I will have migrated all mailboxes to the new Enterprise 2003
Server. The users I have migrated do not use OWA which leaves about 60 users
/ mailboxes that need it. the exisiting environment has an MX pointing to a
3rd party Anti Spam solution (hosted) - the new Server has an Appliance
in-house I'll manage. I tought if I could get another URL / OWA address to
the new server, the migration would be less painful for the users.

Again, thanks for your insight!

"Ed Crowley [MVP]" wrote:

How do I find...

Posted: 31 Oct 2006 10:48 AM PST


You can use "Active Directory Users and Computers" console, right click on
your domain and click Find.

On the section Find choose Custom Search, and on the Advanced tab paste this
LDAP query:

(&(objectcategory=person)(objectclass=user)(userAc countControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)(msExchHome ServerName=*))

In the Search results select all users and in the right click choose
Exchange task and Delete mailbox.

I hope this will help

Nebojsa Seslija

"Franky M." <> wrote in message

How to tell exchange he is no longer responsible for a domain

Posted: 31 Oct 2006 10:40 AM PST

That did the trick. Thanks.

"Leif Pedersen [MVP]" wrote:

Auto message to new or Moved users?

Posted: 31 Oct 2006 06:54 AM PST

In brief, the best way to do it would be to have a provisioning script you
always use to create accounts and add code to send that message to the
Ed Crowley
MVP - Exchange
"Protecting the world from PSTs and brick backups!"

"Transam388" <> wrote in message

501 Sender IP must resolve

Posted: 30 Oct 2006 07:41 PM PST

Very cool.
Good luck!

<com> wrote in message 

Modifying Contact Views on the Exchange Server

Posted: 30 Oct 2006 11:07 AM PST


Thank you very much. After some more research looking for the CIW on the MS
website I discovered that the CIW is for installations but another tool
called Custom Maintenance Wizard should allow me to change settings after the
product is already installed and I'm downloading and looking into it right

Thanks again, this seems to be just what I was looking for!!


forwarding external email addresses to Microsoft exchange email address

Posted: 30 Oct 2006 05:50 AM PST


If com is your catch-all mailbox it means the email address that
the sending server is forwarding to doesn't exist. Have them double-check
the address they're forwarding to, or have them forward the NDR to you to
troubleshoot further.
Bharat Suneja
MVP - Exchange
NEW blog location:

"Ian Burton" <com> wrote in message

Default Global Address List is missing from All Global Address Lis

Posted: 30 Oct 2006 03:10 AM PST

Hi Leif,

I have found the Default Global Address List in adsiedit under CN=All Global
Address Lists, but unfortunately it won't open up the properties of the
Default Global Address List (nothing happens when you attempt to do so). It
also has nothing under the "Class" heading.

Do you have any suggestions?


"Leif Pedersen [MVP]" wrote:


Posted: 29 Oct 2006 04:05 PM PST

Thx for the info, but I figured it out. There are a few things that you have
to do with the CA once it's created that did not appear anywhere in all the
howto's that I checked. For anyone's future reference, you end up going to
the /certserv site 3 times by the time that it's done.

"mitch Roberson" wrote:

Urgent !! please help Exchnage 2003 , AD and DNS problem

Posted: 29 Oct 2006 04:00 PM PST

Hello Mitch

I checked the Directory Access tab the Automaticlly discover is already
enabled, all the GC are listed there. on our Exchnage server I have checked
our Exchnage server listed 3 DNS Server.

it starting to make me think it may be to do with ESX vmware Server. I don't
like the idea of having a FSMO DC and a exchnage in one server using vmware.

Thank you for all your help.

"mitch Roberson" wrote:

OWA-The Local Security Authority cannot be contacted

Posted: 28 Oct 2006 06:40 AM PDT

From: =?Utf-8?B?TGVl?= <nospam>
Subject: OWA-The Local Security Authority cannot be contacted
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 06:40:02 -0700

The issue I am having is with OWA. When a user logs on sometimes they get
w/o a prob and sometimes they get the message "The Local Security Authority
cannot be contacted"


Thank you for posting here.

From your post, I understand users get "The Local Security Authority cannot
be contacted" error message when accessing OWA.

First, in order to get a clear picture on this issue, please let me know
the following questions:

1. Does this issue occur on all users?

2. Does this issue occur in LAN? If you access the problematic account from
Exchange Server, do you get the same result?

3. Has this ever worked before?

4. When did this problem begin?

5. Do you use http or https to access OWA?

To isolate this issue, let's try the following steps to narrow down this

1. Please create a new account, can you access OWA from internal network?

2. If you enable SSL on Exchange Server to access OWA, please temporary
offload SSL and try it again.

3. If you access OWA from a non-domain workstation, can you login?

4. If this issue persists, I would like to check Log on locally rights and
compared SMTP address in Recipient Policy and Exchange virtual directory.
Check Log on Locally:
1. Open GPEDIT.msc on the Exchange server.
2. Browse to Computer Configuration->Windows Settings->Security
settings->Local Policies->User right assignment.
3. In the "Allow log on locally", make sure that these users or their
groups are included in the list.
4. After that, you may run "gpupdate /force" on the server and test this
issue. If this issue persists, restart the Exchange server to test this
issue again.

Compare SMTP addresses:
- Recipient Policy for SMTP address:
1). Open Exchange system manager.
2). Locate Recipient Policies.
3). Right-click Default Recipient Policy and then click Properties.
4). Click the E-mail Addresses tab.
5). Check the SMTP line (which has been set as primary) and note down the

- Exchange virtual directory:
1). Open Exchange system manager.
2). Locate Exchange virtual server in HTTP protocol.
3). Right-click Exchange virtual directory under Exchange virtual server
and then click Properties.
4). On the General tab, check if the Exchange path is same with the SMTP
address you just noted down.

Please let me know the result at your earliest convenience, if anything
unclear please feel free to let me know.

Have a nice day!

Best Regards,

Chace Zhang (MSFT)

Microsoft CSS Online Newsgroup Support

Get Secure! -

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provide other information for your reference, we recommend you post
different incidents in different threads to keep the thread clean. In doing
so, it will ensure your issues are resolved in a timely manner.

For urgent issues, you may want to contact Microsoft CSS directly. Please
check for regional support phone numbers.

Any input or comments in this thread are highly appreciated.

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This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

| Thread-Topic: OWA-The Local Security Authority cannot be contacted
| thread-index: Acb6lpGb/BmoliWORYGBEzlg4rAgtQ==
| X-WBNR-Posting-Host:
| From: =?Utf-8?B?TGVl?= <nospam>
| Subject: OWA-The Local Security Authority cannot be contacted
| Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 06:40:02 -0700
| Lines: 10
| Message-ID: <com>
| MIME-Version: 1.0
| Content-Type: text/plain;
| charset="Utf-8"
| Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
| X-Newsreader: Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000
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| X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.3790.1830
| Newsgroups:
| Path: TK2MSFTNGXA01.phx.gbl
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| NNTP-Posting-Host: TK2MSFTNGXA01.phx.gbl
| X-Tomcat-NG:
| Hello.
| The issue I am having is with OWA. When a user logs on sometimes they get
| w/o a prob and sometimes they get the message "The Local Security
| cannot be contacted"
| --
| Lee Morgenstein