

Microsoft CRM - Trying to drop MSCRMDistribution table

Microsoft CRM - Trying to drop MSCRMDistribution table

Trying to drop MSCRMDistribution table

Posted: 28 Jan 2005 07:17 AM PST

I am having a similar problem, but I have disbaled replication and deleted
the Publications. My issue is that i do want replication and publishing
enabled for the SFO client, but that was not working for us. I still have my
distribution database named Service_Point_USA_MSCRMDistribution, but when I
enabled replication I can not reference this DB because the name already
exists and it creates one with the default name of distribution, and the end
result is that the SFO fails. I can not detach the DB or delete ( i have
backups of the DB). I have run the commands to disable repl on the DB in
question, but that does not work...any thoughts on how to fix this. The SFO
client is a big reason why we went with MSCRM.

"Jason Hunt" wrote:

Slug for Resolution

Posted: 28 Jan 2005 01:43 AM PST


Thanks for your response. Yes I did try lower case but it didn't work
either. I think your'e right, none of the resolution information is
avaialble, which is extremely poor.
It's one of the key requirements of our customers that they get the
resolution text when a fault is closed.
I have a meeting with a technical guy from Microsoft next week and I will
raise it with him along with other issues. He has said there is to be an
announcement on Monday 31st regarding CRM release, hopeful it will be good
news for everyone.



"Matt Parks" wrote:

Can a closed activity be re-opened for modification?

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 06:47 PM PST

Thanks Dave. I appreciate your answer. Means I'm not crazy or blind. On the
flip side, I'll join you in the shock and chagrin queue! What were the
developers thinking? We need to get them out in the real world to see how we
really use this product.

"Dave McGuire" wrote:

System Customization Tab Does Not Appear Under Settings on Home Pa

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 02:09 PM PST

Thanks! Got everything worked out!

"Matt Parks" wrote:

slugs in activities

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 12:51 PM PST

Actually, if you look at the view that is defined for each object, that will
give you all the column names you can use. This is better the the XSD as the
XSD will tell you there is a "name" attribute on the owner elelment, but the
view will tell you it's called ownername.

The views are the table name w/o the word "base".

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 18:39:04 -0800, "John" <>

Tom, I've been through the same situation. Try looking at the CRM SDK and
navigate to the Reference > Schemas > Object Schemas section. I've found that
when I stick to the entity/column names listed in the .xsd files, they work
fine. I have to remind myself that I'm dealing with a predominantly XML-based
product. So when in doubt, I reference the XML specifications rather than the
SQL-server tables and columns and things work much better.


"Tom Francisco" wrote:

One question ..

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 11:27 AM PST

I was using exchange installed in the same server than crm but now we want
to use the exchange 2003 server of the organization ... what do i need to
do? only uninstall exchange and router from my crm server and install
router in exchange 2003 ?

Karolina Balderas

MS CRM and Mail Server

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 05:25 AM PST

Thanks Dave McGuire for your kind reply.

Best Regds,


"Dave McGuire" wrote:

CRM 2005 Beta

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 04:36 AM PST

Will the Beta be released to Certified Partners?


"Matt Parks" <com> wrote in message
2005 at 

unable to create databases during the installation! Pl. Help

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 02:09 AM PST

Hi Kamal,

Make sure that you register your SQL Server as your computer name, not as
(local) before you install Microsoft CRM

Frans Cahyadi
CRM Product Manager
Puspa Intimedia Internusa, PT.
Phone: +62-21 526-0755
Fax: +62-21 526-0790

"Kamal Vahi" <> wrote in message

Lotus Notes and MS CRM

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 01:57 AM PST

Thanks for your kind reply. Are you talking about this connectot
or there is any other connctor available?
If you are talking abou this then i know about this but if we use this
connctor then we can not use Lotus Notes email and agenda application and my
customer want to remain use Lotus Notes email and agenda application.

Best Regards,

Awan Enterprise

"Borsics János" wrote:

login screen prompts

Posted: 27 Jan 2005 12:43 AM PST

If that doesn't work, check the users setting in IE for the Local Intranet zone.
A tthe bottom of the Custom setting you will see an option for integrated login.
If you set that to allow from the Intranet, it will work.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 10:24:15 -0000, "Peter Lynch"
<com.SPAMFREE> wrote:

Add CRM to IE's Local Intranet zone

"Marcel" <> wrote in message

Cannot publish the changes made to the Forms in MSCRM

Posted: 26 Jan 2005 09:50 PM PST

Hey! It worked....Thanks so much Aaron...You were a big help as this was
urgent for me :)

Mail merge from more then 1 page or how to enlarge page size ?

Posted: 26 Jan 2005 02:59 PM PST

Hi alpeugene,

connecting directly to sqlserver doesn't provide CRM-Security, that
means, you would see more contacts than you are allowed to.
Therefore the results you get with the same criteria would be

Perhaps you can use infobridge FX to build your own solution.


alpeugene wrote: 

Assigning activities to Cases

Posted: 26 Jan 2005 07:22 AM PST

Is there any change there will be in the next version?


"Matt Parks" <com> wrote in message

Snapshots for Publications

Posted: 26 Jan 2005 05:41 AM PST

If you've turned replication completely off for the 2 DB's, then you should be
able to drop the existing Distribution DB. I am pretty sure the commands to
re-establish the replication will recreate it. As always, make sure you have a
backup first though.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 12:59:06 -0800, "Sean Donnelly"
<> wrote:

Thanks for the reply. This has snowballed into something more now that we
tried to disable Publishing in hopes that we could re-enable them and see if
that would do the trick. The Orgname_MSCRMDistribution database is there, but
we can not use that when trying to re-create the publishers because the DB
already exists? Any thoughts?

"Matt Parks" wrote:

Remove Mail GUID

Posted: 25 Jan 2005 07:55 PM PST


Sorry had some problems with the format of the answer. Hope that helps
to read the answer.

Following steps to remove the GUID:
2. Find the registry key with a ValueName: MessageTagBehavior
3. if the key does not exists, create it using the following values:
Value Type: DWORD key value
Value Name: MessageTagBehavior
Value data: 0
4. If the Value is set to Null or 1, the tracking number will be attached.
If the Value is 0, the GUID is not attached to outgoing e-mails.
5. Restart the MS CRM Exchange Queue Service

Removing the GUID results in the loss of MS CRM ability to automativally
the incoming e-mails!!!!?

Christian Ternek

Your company for MS-CRM ADD-ONS!
GroupCalendar for MSCRM
Related Documents for MSCRM

"George Vessels" <com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

I'm desperate ... help with blank emails

Posted: 25 Jan 2005 03:47 PM PST

hmmm, weird, we had the same problem a couple weeks ago.....

After rebooting the exchange server, the problem went away....


wrote in message 

Need help for serialization/deserialization in ms-crm

Posted: 25 Jan 2005 02:33 PM PST


FIrst of all, thanks for trying to give me some suggestions...
I don't think that this issue was caused by missing DLL or wrong path...
Actually, the error message that I wrote always changes the name whenever I
run the web service app.
Also I do not have any problem to run any other web service in this project.
I strongly beleive that this issue is somehow related to the class that xsd
generated. I could guess what the error originis, but I needed some clue to
solve thise issue.....

Did anybody have same issue like me?


.................................................. ..TJ

"Kevin D" wrote:

Cant Synch

Posted: 25 Jan 2005 10:11 AM PST

I called Support and they helped me fix the error.

This message is caused when Synch in process is stopped or gets corrupted.
The SQL Server Replication monitor shows the synch in progress, so when the
user tries to synch again, the it sees the user logged in.

Need to delete the process in replication
Possibly Need to force a synch by deleting a entry from registry on client

"Jazz Singh" wrote:

More Spell Checker Questions

Posted: 25 Jan 2005 08:47 AM PST

I also tried to use that solution but was unable to get it to work.

I would much prefer to use the existing functionality of office than
purchasing and installing yet another addin.

Please let me know if you are able to get this to work.

"Andy P" <> wrote in message


Customization & v2

Posted: 25 Jan 2005 07:01 AM PST

From what I have heard as long as you do your customisation using the fully
supported methods then you should be able to upgrade them. If you are simply
adding additonal fields to Accounts / Contacts then I cannot see any issues.

This is not applicable for CRM reports or the Great Plains integration.

"Jeremy Bierlein" <Jeremy> wrote in
message news:com... 

Adding dates to activity views

Posted: 25 Jan 2005 05:49 AM PST

Yes, I'm completely aware of that this an unsupported customization.
However, I'm just adding two date columns to the activitiy views (which I
BTW think should have been there from start). After the next upgrade, I will
have to add the date columns again, and hopefully I will be able to do it the
"official" way by then.

The information about how to customize the views is widespread, I have seen
at least a dozen postings about it, in this forum and in others. People also
know how to find the IDs for different views in the database.

Extremely Long SFO synchronization times

Posted: 25 Jan 2005 05:01 AM PST

We experienced similar degradation of performance over time when using SFO

We were able to improve performance by using the following document:

Sync times are still not satisfactory but they have improved.

"Sean Donnelly" <> wrote in message

CRM folders not loading in Outlook

Posted: 25 Jan 2005 04:02 AM PST

....and make sure the users CRM licence is a Sales or Suite licence

A Service licence is not sufficient

"Dave McGuire" <com> wrote in message

Delete security role

Posted: 25 Jan 2005 02:48 AM PST


I've deleted some roles, and had no problems or unforseen side effects (so


"Datapac" wrote: