

all MS OFFICE programs crash on start up Microsoft Office for Mac

all MS OFFICE programs crash on start up Microsoft Office for Mac

all MS OFFICE programs crash on start up

Posted: 10 Sep 2009 09:15 AM PDT

On 9/10/09 11:32 AM, in article #phx.gbl,
"CyberTaz" <gtz1@comcastdotnet> wrote:

The last update for Office X was Microsoft Office v. X for Mac 10.1.9 Update
release date 1/5/2007.



disabling virus protection to install Office

Posted: 10 Sep 2009 06:42 AM PDT

Best if you check the documenation for the virus protection software you
are running. Or, failing having that, check the vendor's web site.


com wrote: 

Poll: Install MS Office 2008 on Snow Leopard experiences

Posted: 09 Sep 2009 05:31 PM PDT

On 9/9/09 7:40 PM, in article, "Maria"
<com> wrote:

You would fall into the last one....Upgrading works great.

Most of this is to cover people that install and/or update AFTER installing
Snow Leopard. We're trying to get a handle on what's working and what's
needs some attention.


MS Office Setup Assistant has encountered a problem...

Posted: 09 Sep 2009 08:03 AM PDT

I am now on 12.1.0, I did have it at 12.2, but no go, so that is why I had put it back to 12.0.0. Why does it work for the local account and not on a network account?

database error SNOW LEOPARD

Posted: 08 Sep 2009 11:51 PM PDT

On 9/8/09 11:51 PM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Move the Microsoft User Data folder in Documents to the desktop. Now open
Entourage and let it create a new Microsoft User Data folder and anew blank
Identity. Now you can bring over your old Main Identity to replace the blank
one. Open Entourage and see if you still get the error.


Office Windows not visible

Posted: 08 Sep 2009 07:59 PM PDT

Hi TJ,

it's good that you mention that this only happens in Word. Try the
following: quit Word, then go to ~/Library/Application
Support/Microsoft/Office/User Templates and move the file called
"Normal.dotm" to your desktop. Every single Word document is based on that
template, unless you use special custom templates. Relaunch Word (doing so
will force it to create a fresh template, as it can't find the original
Normal template in the folder in which it expects it to be), and see if that
changes anything. If it does, feel free to delete the copy on your desktop.
If it doesn't, post back and we'll clear out some preferences.

On 10/09/09 0:07, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP - Macintosh

*** Please always reply to the newsgroup. ***

Office 2008 v12.1.0 to v12.2.0 upgrade failsand creates corrupt Office installation.

Posted: 08 Sep 2009 09:37 AM PDT

On 9/10/09 9:09 AM, in article
com, "Karim Daghay" <Karim> wrote:

Please vote in the Poll: Install MS Office 2008 on Snow Leopard (The
Entourage Help Blog) <>

This will show Microsoft and others what users are experiencing.

I've forwarded this to my contact so they are aware of the issues.


Can Office for Mac automatically determinethe proper spelling language?

Posted: 08 Sep 2009 09:36 AM PDT

com wrote: 


You can tell Office which language's spelling tools to use by selecting
the text and then choosing which language applies to the selected text.

1. Select a word (or more) text.
2. Choose Tools-->Language.
The Language selection box opens.
3. Select a language to use.
4. Click the OK button.

Apple+a selects all the text in a document, so you could set an entire
document's language at once.


Jim Gordon
Co-author of Office 2008 for Mac All-in-One For Dummies

ODF Support in Office 2008?

Posted: 07 Sep 2009 08:16 PM PDT

On 08/09/09 18:30, in article phx.gbl,
"Justin" <com> wrote:

You could still create your documents in Excel, then open the Excel file in
NeoOffice and save it in ODF. Change is not always a bad thing. Not even for
accountants. ;-)

Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP - Macintosh

*** Please always reply to the newsgroup. ***

Upgrade to new Business Edition

Posted: 07 Sep 2009 05:07 PM PDT

Right, the black box simply is a new marketing approach with Mac Office
2008. The bundle targets medium to large business users. It's the same core
products as in any other "edition" of 2008, however, except for the EWS --
not a new version/release of Office. The only other difference is what comes
bundled with Office 2008 in that edition, as Michel detailed in his reply.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 9/7/09 9:58 PM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Changing language via update or trial version + original SN

Posted: 07 Sep 2009 12:53 PM PDT

Office for Mac is language-specific -- you cannot change the language of the
Menus & dialogs to anything other than the language version purchased. Also,
each language version can only be updated by the updater for that language.

AFAIK, the Try & Buy trial version cannot be *activated* for anything other
than the 30-day free trial by way of just a key code. The wording of the KB
is ludicrous - it refers to "converting" the trial version then goes on to
describe how to purchase the retail version, remove the trial, then install
the retail using the product key that comes with it:

IOW, If you want a "live" edition you have to buy a retail package or
purchase one of the downloadable editions of Office via the Mactopia web
site & use the perpetual license key that accompanies it.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 9/7/09 3:53 PM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

product key question

Posted: 07 Sep 2009 06:42 AM PDT

Is this a retail (boxed) product or a download from the Mactopia site?

If a boxed package, the first step is to contact the vendor from whom it was
purchased. They should be able to accommodate an exchange if needed.

If it was a download or if the vendor gives you a hard time, contact
Microsoft Customer Service -- use the phone number on this page:

Unfortunately, this isn't something that can be resolved in the newsgroups.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 9/7/09 9:42 AM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Monochrome printing only

Posted: 06 Sep 2009 02:43 AM PDT

Bob, you were right. It was the driver but interestingly enough the Xerox
site was way behind with its updates and I had to phone them several
times. In the end I downloaded v2 of the 6130N driver from the Apple
site and it seems to work fine.

Many thank for your help

Incompatibility with Office for Windows

Posted: 04 Sep 2009 02:39 PM PDT

I share your sentiments & I won't dispute any of your points, but at the
same time there are at least 2 factors that have to be considered;

1- Economic feasibility, return on investment, etc., and

2- Distinctions between operating systems which physically prevent 100%
compatibility ‹ such as lack of ActiveX support by the Mac OS.

As Adam indicated, though, you aren't communicating with Microsoft or Apple
here. The newsgroups are predominantly visited by users who have to contend
with the same existing conditions you face. There's nothing we can do to
change the reality of the situation or implement the software differently
than how it's designed. You're certainly welcome to plead your case but
you're shouting into a hole here :-) Try the channels provided for feedback:

There are other channels as well, such as participating in the Windows
Feedback program. You can apply through:

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 9/4/09 5:39 PM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

word and excel duplexing print problem

Posted: 04 Sep 2009 02:15 PM PDT

Sorry the info doesn't help, but I believe it's an issue that will have to
be pursued with HP and/or Apple.

The programs do not do any printing, they simply call for services from the
OS which then invokes the driver available for the selected device. The app
then hands off the data to be processed. It's the responsibility of the
device & its driver to do so accurately. The fact that you're experiencing
the same issue with a variety of apps strongly suggests that the fault lies
with the HP driver. There is nothing you can do from within any app to
change printer settings or behaviors which aren't provided for by the
driver, and those options need to be delivered by the OS.

Unless it's from you, there is a post in Apple Discussions on the same
issue, but as yet there are no replies. You might keep an eye on that:


Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 9/5/09 12:15 AM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Can't open after reinstalling

Posted: 04 Sep 2009 07:50 AM PDT

On 9/4/09 7:50 AM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

As Bob mentioned, it can be very hard to find the exact problem. I would try
the preferences fix listed on this page. This might identify the problem if
it's a corrupt pref.

Troubleshooting Your User Account for a Problem


Otherwise drag your Documents folder to Shared. Then switch to the new User
and drag the Documents folder to the desktop in the new User. Drag
individual folders to the new Documents folder. You don't want to use the
root Documents folder.

If you run into permissions problems....

Apple has a utility to reset permissions inside a user's account (home

Boot from the Leopard DVD and go to the 'Reset Password' area. Somewhere
in there is a way to normalize perms for each user.

Resetting home folder permissions on MacFixIt might be helpful too.


Running both 2004 & 2008

Posted: 04 Sep 2009 06:36 AM PDT

I'm afraid that cannot easily be done... as long as you're double-clicking
icons in a Finder window OS X will launch the more current version unless
2004 is already running. The easiest options are:

1- Set Word 2004 to automatically launch on login, or

2- Drag the file icon to the Word 2004 icon in the Dock, or

3- Ctrl/Right-Click the file & select Word (11.5.5) from the Open With
options, or

4- Launch Word 2004 & use the File> Open command (Cmd+O)

BTW: Are you aware that you don't *need* Office 2008 in order to work with
files that are in OXML format? There is a free converter available from;


The converter does not enable or support feature specific to Office 2008 but
that may provide all you require. It just depends on what you need to be
able to do once you open the file.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 9/4/09 9:36 AM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Used 3 license keys but one of the computersgot damaged and I can't deauthorize it

Posted: 04 Sep 2009 03:46 AM PDT

What makes you think you can't "use the product key"? Have you actually
tried & failed or are you just assuming :-)? If you've tried & failed you'll
need to provide a complete detailed description of the situation including
the content of any messages produced by the attempt.

As long as you aren't installing to a system on a network where the same key
has been used on another Mac there should be no problem. The keys do not get
"used up" -- you can install using the same key as many times as you wish so
there's nothing to physically to prevent installing on the new system.

Additionally, you aren't even in violation of the EULA if the Mac on which
the key was previously used is no longer functional. If the Mac were still
in service, technically Office would need to be removed from it before using
the same key for another installation.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 9/4/09 6:46 AM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Office 2008 causes fatal conflict("black screen of death") when trying to save

Posted: 04 Sep 2009 12:22 AM PDT

Although you may get some suggestions here it appears to me that this is
primarily a system/network configuration issue. Most of the contributors
here are users of the software, not systems analysts, technicians or
developers. Unfortunately, we can't interpret these cryptic, lengthy logs
any better than you can :-) so it's pointless to post them.

As Rob suggests there could be a hardware involvement but if it's occurring
on multiple systems I'm not sure that would be the case. If you can save to
a flash drive you can probably save to the local HD then transfer the file
in the same way -- unless something about the "lockdown" also prevents you
from saving locally. If you can't even write to the local HD it would
further suggest that the configuration is at the root of the problem. Many
apps -- especially Office apps -- need to be able to write a number of files
in various locations in order to properly operate at all, but denial of that
capability doesn't typically result in kernel panics, system failure or
restart demands. The program being used at the time is simply calling for a
service from the OS & the network, so whatever is causing the critical
failure is well beyond the reach of the program.

It might be better to post to one of the appropriate Forums in Apple
Discussions, although I seriously doubt that it can be resolved at the user
level. IMHO, your IS people are going to have to do some serious revamping
in order to rectify the situation.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 9/4/09 3:27 AM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Can't save files to SBS2003 network with Office 2008 on 10.6

Posted: 03 Sep 2009 07:07 PM PDT


Once you save the files as .docx can you save again? I can open a .doc file and save as a .docx but that .docx file then becomes read only. Mind you I can't save in .doc at all.

How to get rid of Microsoft Office Reminders?

Posted: 03 Sep 2009 02:26 AM PDT

Gosh. In plain open view! Who would have guessed. Thanks!


Michel Bintener wrote: 

Need Advice for Office 2008 and Snow Leopard

Posted: 02 Sep 2009 07:17 PM PDT

On 9/6/09 9:50 PM, in article, "Maria"
<com> wrote:

Glad to hear it went well for you. It pays to read up first. :-)


Problem syncing MS Messaging Library to iDisk

Posted: 02 Sep 2009 08:29 AM PDT

<com> wrote:

You're very welcome. Thanks for confirming it worked (it helps for other
people with the same issue).


--- Office:Mac MVP --- -
MVPs are not MS employees - Les MVP ne travaillent pas pour MS
Remove "NoSpam" to e-mail me - Retirez "NoSpam" pour m'écrire

Uninstall office 2008 - No version of office found?

Posted: 02 Sep 2009 05:46 AM PDT

> I've run into this a few times, and, honestly, I can not remember what ultimately I did to fix the problem. This article helped: 

Amazing! Step 9 fixed the problem! Thanks a bunch for the link buddy!

Office for Mac 2008 installs and updates on a clean install of SnowLeopard

Posted: 02 Sep 2009 02:32 AM PDT

Yes. It first updated the MAU, then it did the download for 12.1.0, but
after restarting I was still at 12.0.0. I download from Mactopia the 12.1.0
updater and that installed. I restarted and used the updater from Mactopia
for 12.2.0, restarted and did the same for 12.2.1. Next I updated to the EWS
version for Exchange compatibility.

I did have Rosetta installed. This is required to see the first update for


On 9/2/09 10:29 AM, in article
com, "rvinny"
<> wrote:

Microsoft CRM - Work Flow Manager not responding

Microsoft CRM - Work Flow Manager not responding

Work Flow Manager not responding

Posted: 02 Sep 2004 02:08 PM PDT

You can include the user in System Administrator Role with
CRM Aplication [Configuration\Business Units\Users]
or with Deployment Manager.

anyway, I can´t open WorkFlow Manager.

name as opposed to  
do not have  
admin priveleges 

Crystal 10?

Posted: 02 Sep 2004 01:41 PM PDT

Works great for me using report manager to put the
reports in place. 

Spell Checking in KB Articles

Posted: 02 Sep 2004 01:30 PM PDT

Thanks! I will check this out.

wrote in message 

Installation Failure

Posted: 02 Sep 2004 10:18 AM PDT

Hello Paul,

You could try:

unregister and register the "crmsecurityservice" by hand


cd c:\program file\Microsoft CRM\Server\bin
crmsecurityservice /u {ENTER}
crmsecurityservice /r /s {ENTER}

next start the crmsecurityservice service

hope this helps,


1.2, we set up a new 
PDC / SQL on a 
install "Setup was 
was related to 
got past this part 
script error. We wiped 
SQL server 2000 
able to install the 

Sending E-Mail from CRM Fails

Posted: 02 Sep 2004 08:36 AM PDT


Sounds like someone changed the directory security settings after the router was
isntalled. Typically, the routers sets that virtual directoory to allow
anonymous login. As you saw, it is requiring credentials.

Either switch it back to allow anonymous, or unistall/reistall the router and it
should fix itself.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Fri, 3 Sep 2004 08:15:03 -0700, "Kevin McCarthy" <com>

I think the URL is:

The reply is:

- <SOAP:Envelope
- <SOAP:Body>
- <SOAP:Fault>
<faultstring>SOAP Invalid Request</faultstring>
<detail />

However, I am prompted for a user ID and password and
must enter in a CRM User ID and Password.

an entry under: 
the address fro the 
what comes back. 

The CRM toolbar does not show up in Outlook

Posted: 02 Sep 2004 08:05 AM PDT

Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it.


How to determine the number of items in custom Picklist

Posted: 02 Sep 2004 07:00 AM PDT

Are you trying to figure this out on the server or on the client?

Aaron Elder
Microsoft Customer Relationship Management
Core Application Development Team
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"John O'Donnell" <com-nospam> wrote in
message news:phx.gbl... 

Microsoft CRM Version 1.2 Applications Professional Exam

Posted: 02 Sep 2004 04:23 AM PDT

"Diogo" <> wrote in message

I thought the pass percentage scoring issues were with the Install & Config?
I took the App exam around a quarter of a year ago.
I passed 1st time and with just one day between study exams, for personal
study, until the actual exam - scoring the borderline 80%.
I was quite ill that week so not at my best performance.
As far as I can see, that exam does not need to get any easier, and studying
the manual contains what is necessary to pass the exam.
I am surprised MS have to make the app course any easier, it seemed to be a
good enough balance to make sure that those taking it
could not bluff their way through to pass.

I have heard the reports of the Install exam being difficult, I can
empathise with this more as the
course content is far above that of the apps course. This was the course
exam that needed relaxing and it has. I'll report my performance
as soon as I take that one which should be fairly soon, with the
customisation course to follow once I pass.


Posted: 01 Sep 2004 01:17 PM PDT


I just noticed that you said that you were using XP Home - is that right? I
don't think that this will work (it is not supported) because you cannot log
into the domain.


<> wrote in message

Two deployments

Posted: 01 Sep 2004 12:28 PM PDT

But would it be possible to have license keys genn'ed in such a way that the 20
users were "segreated" between the 2 intsalls? So, may one instal the license
key (same org anem or possibly even a slightly different one) was for 10 users,
and the other was for 10 users, so a total of 20 users, but kept seperate for
licensing purposes.

I would gues sthat in this case, it would be fine as you were "valid" with your

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Wed, 1 Sep 2004 15:49:32 -0700, "Alex Simons [MSFT]"
<> wrote:

It is technically possible but would violate your license agreement with

eResources Menu Item

Posted: 01 Sep 2004 08:49 AM PDT

Are you by any chance running a non-US English version of Microsoft CRM?
eResources is only enabled in the US version of Microsoft CRM.

Aaron Elder
Microsoft Customer Relationship Management
Core Application Development Team
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"Roger" <com> wrote in message

CRM Mobile and Orange SPV Phones

Posted: 01 Sep 2004 08:02 AM PDT

Without a DB, there can be no offline store, ture. However, I wouldn't
assume that if SQL CE was supported on smartphones that we would then build
aversion of Microsoft CRM for them. There are many factors that come into
consideration when deciding which OS's to support.

Jason Hunt
Technical Product Manager
Microsoft Business Solutions CRM

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"John O'Donnell" <com-nospam> wrote in
message news:phx.gbl... 

Synchronizing SFO Remotely

Posted: 01 Sep 2004 06:20 AM PDT


I wonder if Microsoft has considered releasing an updated SFO client with
all these patches already installed. I have over a hundred remote users and
chasing the down to install yet another patch is difficult to say the least.
It would be great to have new users install this software with the patches
already applied etc

just a thought.

John O'Donnell
Microsoft CRM MVP

"Alex Simons [MSFT]" <> wrote in message

Using CRM on a WAN

Posted: 01 Sep 2004 06:17 AM PDT

Have the users VPN in and access the CRM server.

Error after creation a custom field with Schema manager

Posted: 01 Sep 2004 03:55 AM PDT

I did not remove any fields, of course.
Now, I used
<add key="DevErrors" value="On"/>
and that is what I got:

Error Description:
SELECT permission denied on object 'Lead', database
'Adventure_Works_Cycle_MSCRM', owner 'dbo'.

Error Details:
Details on this error have not been provided by the platform.

Error Number:

Source File:
Not available

Line Number:
Not available

Query String: /_grid/grid_data.aspxsortCol=createdon&sortDir=descend&vi ewId={00000000-0000-0000-00AA-000010001005}&filter=&pageNum=1

The same happens with any other record type.

One contact with multiple parent accounts

Posted: 01 Sep 2004 01:25 AM PDT

You should take a look at c360 product. Relationship Chart for CRM Interlink Group also has a solution for this.
"Jason Hunt (MSFT)" wrote:

SFO off-line problem after Redeployment

Posted: 31 Aug 2004 11:47 PM PDT

Before the redeployment, we had SQL and CRM on different servers.
Now they are on the same server.
Everything is in the same domain as before, but the CRM OU is a new one.
I have followed the redeployment process exactly and got no indication of
problems. Everything looks allright except the offline issue.


"Rihan Meij" wrote:

Another Fetch XML issue

Posted: 31 Aug 2004 04:53 PM PDT

thank you Vinícius :)

I misinterpreted this in the sdk.

LinkEntity-Xml :=
name = 'entity-name'
(to = 'column-name')? // the column on the remote
(from = 'column-name')? // the column on the local

Problem With Crystal Reports in CRM

Posted: 31 Aug 2004 04:23 PM PDT

also this is a heads up for this type of issue. ALWAYS keep a copy of any
reports you created in a different location for just this sort of issue.

John O'Donnell
Microsoft CRM MVP

"Chris Ericoli" <> wrote in message

Audit Trails

Posted: 31 Aug 2004 03:51 PM PDT

If you want to audit changes in CRM, the best way is to use Post-Callouts to
dump data into an outside table.

The SDK team is working on an Auditting sample for MSDN that should be up on
the site soon. We've got a lot going on and I can't promise when exactly,
but it's really a very good auditting solution.

Jason Hunt
Technical Product Manager
Microsoft Business Solutions CRM

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"John O'Donnell" <com-nospam> wrote in
message news:%phx.gbl... 

Issue with FetchXML

Posted: 27 Aug 2004 12:11 AM PDT

Thanks Stephen

Either using the Alias or swapping the To and From has
fixed the issue.

Most importantly I now know that this scenario is

SQL Query to view 
press Ctrl-K then 
alias="product" to="productid" 
name 'opportunityopportunityid' 

User mailbox size - Microsoft Exchange

User mailbox size - Microsoft Exchange

User mailbox size

Posted: 15 Nov 2005 06:33 AM PST

On Tue, 15 Nov 2005 06:33:01 -0800, "mitch"
<> wrote:
Yes and no. Yes you will see a performance difference over time as the
mailbox grows. Yes you will see issues as other users vie for

I wouldn't suggest that any instability occures though.

Out of Office Assistant Not Working Outlook2002/Exchange 5.5

Posted: 14 Nov 2005 01:45 PM PST

I forgot to add this. She is a BlackBerry user, too. I have other
BlackBerry users that do not have the same problem. In fact, there out of
the office works fine.


Peggy DaValt

"Ben M. Schorr - MVP" wrote:

Exchange Server Reboots Itself

Posted: 14 Nov 2005 01:34 PM PST

YoJa wrote: 

Did the actual DISK run out of space, or did you hit the 16 gb limit?

If you hit the 16gb limit, install Exchange 2003 SP2. If you cannot do
that for some reason:

1) Dismount the store and perform an offline defragmentation - and have
users archive out their old e-mail to PSTs

2) 1. Click Start, click Run, and then type regedt32.exe.
2. Locate the following key in the registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\MSExchangeIS\<Exchange
Server Name>\Private-<long hexadecimal string>
3. On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then type the following in the
Value name box: Temporary DB Size Limit Extension
4. Select REG_DWORD for the data type, and then click OK.
5. Enter a value of 1, and then click OK.
6. Quit Registry Editor.

Daniel S. Tate,
Sun Certified Security, Network and Systems Administrator

how to recover mail

Posted: 13 Nov 2005 07:05 PM PST

khchan wrote: 

Need a little bit more information before we can help:

Did the machine crash? Are the hard drives still intact?

read the disaster recovery guide available from microsoft for assistance
.. There are also tools available from companies such as ontrack, but
they're expensive and not worth the money if you're going to rebuild
anyway - just spend some time and rebuild the exchange server using the
/disasterrecovery option in setup - that should get you on the right
track. BE VERY CAREFUL to have a backup of your .edbs and .stms in a
non-live location - i.e. copy them somewhere safe before starting any DR

Daniel S. Tate,
Sun Certified Security, Network and Systems Administrator

Microsoft Exchange System Attendant is unregistering cluster virtual machine Server1 with DsProxy.

Posted: 13 Nov 2005 12:02 PM PST

There is no cluster service on this machine at all. Per your posting, I
have enabled diagnostic logging on the MSEchangeSA service. Is there any
document which tells what type of information gets recorded by each logging
item in the Diagnostic Logging section?


"Doug Blanchard [MSFT]" <> wrote in message

Exchange Server 2003 not recieving email

Posted: 12 Nov 2005 11:00 PM PST

Well... The MX record did not solve the problem.
When MX [10] is pointing to my server and MX [20] is pointing to the ISP.
Nobody gets the messages. If MX [10] is pointing to the ISP then I can pop
in and retrieve the messages. Any additional suggestions?


the message can not be deliverd because of a configuration error

Posted: 12 Nov 2005 08:24 AM PST

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]" wrote:

Why are you mixing/matching accounts in outlook? I would avoid this. It
doesn't give you the full functionality of Exchange, you can't use OWA for
everything while out of the office, etc - I'd desist & instead let Exchange
handle all your mail. I'd even ditch the POP connector if it were me...use a
registered internet domain name & host your own mail directly.

We have an old email from the provider witch is know to a lot of customers.
And we can not change the MX record for this mail address.
It did work in 8 other cases in pre sp1 installation

Note that SBS questions are best asked in - you should get a lot of help in there.

I will ask it overthere as well.
Tnx for the trouble.

rpc over http cals

Posted: 10 Nov 2005 03:18 PM PST

Hello Mark,

Thank you for posting here!

However, for licensing questions, you can call 1-800-426-9400 (select
option 4), Monday through Friday, 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. (PST) to speak
directly to a Microsoft licensing specialist. Worldwide customers can use
the Guide to Worldwide Microsoft Licensing Sites to find contact
information in their locations.

I hope the information above is useful. Have a nice day!


Martin Qiu
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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Exchange showing odd SMTP domains in queue

Posted: 10 Nov 2005 03:03 PM PST

Are all these domains valid domains that should be sending from/through your
system ?
Is anything logged in the application event log of the Exchange server when
some of these messages do not get sent ?



"Jacob" <com> wrote in message 

Standalone SMTP

Posted: 10 Nov 2005 08:40 AM PST

- Correct on both (dns and smtp ports)
- Do not need to create another local domain
Bharat Suneja

"manoa" <> wrote in message

Forwarding a copy of an email to an alternate address

Posted: 10 Nov 2005 07:09 AM PST

I tried the .external for the alias and got the same result. I am going to
change try to change the name and see what happens.

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Unable to send mail unless relaying is allowed

Posted: 10 Nov 2005 06:11 AM PST

As for my problem, I know that Exchange sever is normally configured to not
allow relaying and that is how this one was originally set up. However, when
we started having problems with the connection going up and down, and the ISP
was saying there was nothing wrong with the line, one of my associates turned
relaying on to see if that would work. Well, it was probably only coincidence
that the internet connection started working at that moment but he left
relaying on. Then, when I tried to turn relaying off again, they were unable
to receive any mail at all from outside their own domain.

After many hours of searching for an answer, I decided to bite the bullet
and pay for a support call. While on hold waiting for a technician, I was
looking at all of the various settings in Exchange. I came across the smtp
generation rules (Server> Recipients> Recipient policies> Default policy>
e-mail address policy> smtp) that specifies the domain extension. In this
case it was set to .local (I used the default when setting up Active
directory). I changed it to .com and selected not to apply to existing
accounts because they were already changed. Well, when I finally got
connected with a tech, and we tried it again so I could demonstrate to her
exactly what was happening, it worked just fine! Honest to God, we didn't
change anything else, it just started to work! Go figure?

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]" wrote:

No OWA reply quotation?

Posted: 10 Nov 2005 02:21 AM PST

Exhange 2000, unfortunately I do not know the specific clients as users have
reported this when they have been travelling for business purposes but I
assume they used 2000/XP.

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
<> wrote in message

Microsoft Word - Microsoft Office Read Only!!!

Microsoft Word - Microsoft Office Read Only!!!

Microsoft Office Read Only!!!

Posted: 25 Dec 2013 02:25 PM PST


Every time I open my Microsoft Word on my laptop, it opens as 'read only', and then I have to go to file > Open for Editing. 

Is there a way to change the settings so it's not read-only when I first open the program?

Thanks a bunch!

Dropped Drop Cap issue.

Posted: 25 Dec 2013 01:56 PM PST


The reason for this message is I am making final edits to my book. I was successful with my initial attempt to insert a dropped cap. However, where I indicate the section of the story i.e., "Chapter 1" and insert the dropped cap the letter, it rests on top of the sentence. If I erase "Chapter" and its header, and I bring the paragraph to the top of the page I am able to successfully insert the dropped cap. My question is how is it possible to insert the dropped cap with the word art, and the chapter notification intact?

This pictures reference what I am discussing:

I have surface pro and windows 8. All of a sudden my office 365 programs tell me I have unlicensed product and tells me to activate.

Posted: 25 Dec 2013 01:25 PM PST

I have surface pro and windows 8. All of a sudden my office 365 programs tell me I have unlicensed product and tells me to activate. It will not activate.  Get an error we could not connect to the server, Please try again in a few minutes.  error (0x80072EE7)  it has done this all day and also has the phone activation greyed out.  I've uninstalled and deactivated but the problem still exists. I don't have this problem on my other devices.

Office 2007:Third level heading and paragraph on same line

Posted: 25 Dec 2013 12:08 PM PST

I am writing a report for school. As a requirement for the report, I need third level heading and the paragraph following it on a same line??How can I do it?

Find & Replace

Posted: 25 Dec 2013 11:40 AM PST



On every page on 6th line i have this 1/-/2012 i want to remove this slash part (/)  with wildcard search howto do that it will remove the slash from every page and that to of 6th line.

This 1 and 2012 will change on every page, 1 can be 10 or 20 & 2012 can be 2098 or 200 that slash part is constant.




Word only corrects spelling with one language at the time

Posted: 25 Dec 2013 10:56 AM PST

Hello, when I installed office for the first time English was the default langauge then I installed the swedish too, however I noticed that it would only correct my swedish so I uninstalled it and set english to be default again, but it still only corrects my swedish, not my english.

Whats the deal?

Speech Recognition in Word 2013

Posted: 25 Dec 2013 08:54 AM PST

I have started to use Speech Recognition using Word 2013. It accepts dictation fine. However, when I try to insert the text that I have dictated, it only pasts about 120 characters from the dictation window to the document. The rest of the text disappears. Do you have to say insert after every sentence?

Word 2013

Posted: 25 Dec 2013 02:59 AM PST

I have a new laptop. I was given 1 month trial of Office 2013. I only use word so when my trial expires I want to purchase word 2013. Can anyone explain what is meant by 'non-commercial' ?Why is it less expensive than the others ?

Word - Footnote to End Note Conversion - Special Need

Posted: 24 Dec 2013 04:54 PM PST


I finished writing my first book on Word!  I am so happy....

The book has 6 chapters containing 90 footnotes.

I want to convert the footnotes to endnotes but....

The desire is to place the end notes at the end of each of the six chapters....

So, I placed a page break and a section break at the end of each chapter.

Then, I tried in various ways to convert from footnotes to end notes.

Each attempt brought all 90 notes to the end of chapter 6.

I could not place the footnote at the end of it's respective chapter as an endnote.

How do you set up Word to convert footnotes to end notes in a document, placing footnotes as endnotes to the end of each chapter?

Thanks and Merry Christmas,


unwanted document

Posted: 24 Dec 2013 04:46 PM PST

When ever I print a existing word document, It prints a second document of some narration of the first one. With info such as file name,author,creation date
total editing time,pages,number of characters, and a few more. Any information would be appreciated.
                                                                                                                                                           Thank You

If-Then error

Posted: 24 Dec 2013 04:05 PM PST

I am trying to do an if-then formula in Word 2007. I am pretty new to using forulas in Word I usually just use Excel, but can't in this case. Here is the formulas that I basically created in my head.




I get a bookmark error message.

Word will not open 2003 doc documents

Posted: 24 Dec 2013 01:43 PM PST

Ever since I have installed office 2010 I have had problems opening word 2003 documents which were in fact created in word. I have seen a dialog box in saving docs about choosing to maintain compatibility of docx. with doc. This is astonishing, but could it be a cause of the problem. Meanwhile, when I try to open the same doc documents in word perfect--no problem at all, except that the outline format is off. Is there some choice in options or elsewhere which will overcome the issue?

Not all prior word 2003 docs but many, and I cannot figure why.

Office XP error after Office 2003 update - Microsoft Office forums

Office XP error after Office 2003 update - Microsoft Office forums

Office XP error after Office 2003 update

Posted: 02 Feb 2006 02:53 PM PST

Thanks for the advice. I'd already tried this. MSO XP repair flips the
strings around and Excel 2002 help works. MSO 2003 repair flips them back so
everything fails again.

The files aren't overwritten. MSO XP files are in the office10 subfolder
and MSO 2003 files are in the office11 subfolder. My theory has Office
components identified by a component guid and a version guid. This method
isn't used with these registry values. There is just a component guid and
any version information is in each of the REG_MULTI_SZ strings and something
in MSO XP is assuming the first string is the one it wants, I think. MSO
2003 may be doing it right.

"ANONYMOUS" wrote:

New installation of Office 2003 Pro - how to keep customization

Posted: 31 Jan 2006 04:52 PM PST

Sorry - I am of the "teach a man to fish" school of assistance. Use Windows
Help files.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, sharonbw asked:

| OK. But if I knew where to find such a thing I would have used it. Is
| it on my Office CD? In each separate program on the old computer (now
| an extra harddrive in my new system)? Something I download online?
| Something I need to order from Microsoft? A Windows XP utility? (Yes,
| I know I can look for it, but can't you just tell me?)
| Thanks
| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|| Use the File and Settings Transfer Wizard to copy your settings.
|| --
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
|| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
|| reading.
|| After furious head scratching, sharonbw asked:
||| I re-installed Office 2003 pro on a new computer (from original CD).
||| Is there any easy way to keep all my old customization (toolbars,
||| etc.)?
||| I did copy the Outlook data and other files in the "Application
||| Data/Office" folder thinking that would do it. My email and SOME of
||| the customization for Word, Excel, etc. is there - but not all. Is
||| there somewhere else user changes get saved? Is there some
||| customization that can't be transferred?


Posted: 31 Jan 2006 10:45 AM PST

Thanks, Milly.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook] wrote:

File Level Password

Posted: 31 Jan 2006 09:45 AM PST

Perfect.. Thanks...

"Anne Troy" wrote:

Office 2000 Uninstall - What is the admin path?

Posted: 30 Jan 2006 02:40 PM PST

The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the
source exists and that you can access it. However this seems to be an "add or
remove programs" error message rather than one from the installer itself.

Just to summerise

I click remove
Setup asks for disc
I enter the disc
Then comes up with "The feature you are trying to use is on a network
resource that is unavailable" error message and gives option to browse for it
I click ok
"The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the
source exists and that you can access it." is displayed

"tomraffe" wrote:

Enforcing Grayscale print

Posted: 30 Jan 2006 03:45 AM PST

Hi Hallstein,

You may want to also post this in the Powerpoint newsgroup (link below) and include the version(s) of Powerpoint and the Printer
model you are using when posting there.

<<"hallstein" <> wrote in message news:%phx.gbl...
A dozen of my users prints powerpoint presentations each day. The
presentations are in color, but our printers are black and white.
However the setting Grayscale does not produce the same output as the
default (e.g. blue backgrounds are removed and it is less hungry on the
print toner).

I would like to enforce grayscale printing for Powerpoint, however I
cannot find any setting at "Custom Installation Wizard" or registry
change. Also, no option seem to be available inside Powerpoint, as this
setting is saved per printer?

I see that something is saved in a .PIP file ( C:\Documents and
Settings\hallstein\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\PowerP10.pip) when
I alter this per printer, but this is a binary file that I am not
allowed to tweak I guess-

So, anybody out there with the knowledge I obviously lack? :) >>
LLet us know if this has helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:-)
MS Office System Products MVP
*courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends8

A. Specific newsgroup/discussion group mentioned in this message:
or via browser:

B. MS Office Community discussion/newsgroups via Web Browser
Microsoft hosted newsgroups via Outlook Express/newsreader

office 2003 standard to pro

Posted: 29 Jan 2006 02:53 PM PST

Both are retail copies so everything should be okay. Installed the
office 2003 pro and was relieved to see all my data still there without
having to use the backup copies that I had made.

Thanks to all for a great resource for users.

"Bob Buckland ?:-\)" <75214.226(At Beautiful Downtown)>
typed in news:#phx.gbl:

Office 2003 Startup

Posted: 29 Jan 2006 01:42 PM PST

Unfortunately no.

"mds" <> wrote in message

Office home user program and new computer

Posted: 28 Jan 2006 01:53 AM PST

Hi Zook,

You may want to check with your company administrator on this one on how they are tracking their license count for Home Use
licensing under their MS Volume Software License Agreement.

I put together a new computer and want to install office pro 2003 (cd from
home user program). This has been activated on my old system (which is now in
pieces). As it will only be installed on one machine can I not activate it
again on the new PC? <<
Let us know if this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:-)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

For Everyday MS Office tips to "use right away" -

EULA question on upgrades

Posted: 27 Jan 2006 01:58 PM PST

Hi Doug,

Office 2003 'upgrade' editions are retail packages and have retail licenses. You should be able to use an OEM Office CD from a
previous Office edition as the qualifying product to install the Office 2003 retail product on another PC, but you won't be able to
move the OEM Office XP copy to another machine.

<<"Doug Lowe" <com> wrote in message news:43da976b$0$3753$
I have a question about purchasing the Office 2003 Professional Upgrade from
a retail store and applying it to an Office XP Professional acquired via an
OEM license.

Does the Office 2003 Professional Upgrade edition also upgrade my original
OEM license to a retail EULA? In other words, if I upgrade to 2003, do I
then get the right to remove the Office XP from the machine it was purchased
with, then install the 2003 edition on another machine? >>
Let us know if this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:-)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

For Everyday MS Office tips to "use right away" -