

all MS OFFICE programs crash on start up Microsoft Office for Mac

all MS OFFICE programs crash on start up Microsoft Office for Mac

all MS OFFICE programs crash on start up

Posted: 10 Sep 2009 09:15 AM PDT

On 9/10/09 11:32 AM, in article #phx.gbl,
"CyberTaz" <gtz1@comcastdotnet> wrote:

The last update for Office X was Microsoft Office v. X for Mac 10.1.9 Update
release date 1/5/2007.



disabling virus protection to install Office

Posted: 10 Sep 2009 06:42 AM PDT

Best if you check the documenation for the virus protection software you
are running. Or, failing having that, check the vendor's web site.


com wrote: 

Poll: Install MS Office 2008 on Snow Leopard experiences

Posted: 09 Sep 2009 05:31 PM PDT

On 9/9/09 7:40 PM, in article, "Maria"
<com> wrote:

You would fall into the last one....Upgrading works great.

Most of this is to cover people that install and/or update AFTER installing
Snow Leopard. We're trying to get a handle on what's working and what's
needs some attention.


MS Office Setup Assistant has encountered a problem...

Posted: 09 Sep 2009 08:03 AM PDT

I am now on 12.1.0, I did have it at 12.2, but no go, so that is why I had put it back to 12.0.0. Why does it work for the local account and not on a network account?

database error SNOW LEOPARD

Posted: 08 Sep 2009 11:51 PM PDT

On 9/8/09 11:51 PM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Move the Microsoft User Data folder in Documents to the desktop. Now open
Entourage and let it create a new Microsoft User Data folder and anew blank
Identity. Now you can bring over your old Main Identity to replace the blank
one. Open Entourage and see if you still get the error.


Office Windows not visible

Posted: 08 Sep 2009 07:59 PM PDT

Hi TJ,

it's good that you mention that this only happens in Word. Try the
following: quit Word, then go to ~/Library/Application
Support/Microsoft/Office/User Templates and move the file called
"Normal.dotm" to your desktop. Every single Word document is based on that
template, unless you use special custom templates. Relaunch Word (doing so
will force it to create a fresh template, as it can't find the original
Normal template in the folder in which it expects it to be), and see if that
changes anything. If it does, feel free to delete the copy on your desktop.
If it doesn't, post back and we'll clear out some preferences.

On 10/09/09 0:07, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP - Macintosh

*** Please always reply to the newsgroup. ***

Office 2008 v12.1.0 to v12.2.0 upgrade failsand creates corrupt Office installation.

Posted: 08 Sep 2009 09:37 AM PDT

On 9/10/09 9:09 AM, in article
com, "Karim Daghay" <Karim> wrote:

Please vote in the Poll: Install MS Office 2008 on Snow Leopard (The
Entourage Help Blog) <>

This will show Microsoft and others what users are experiencing.

I've forwarded this to my contact so they are aware of the issues.


Can Office for Mac automatically determinethe proper spelling language?

Posted: 08 Sep 2009 09:36 AM PDT

com wrote: 


You can tell Office which language's spelling tools to use by selecting
the text and then choosing which language applies to the selected text.

1. Select a word (or more) text.
2. Choose Tools-->Language.
The Language selection box opens.
3. Select a language to use.
4. Click the OK button.

Apple+a selects all the text in a document, so you could set an entire
document's language at once.


Jim Gordon
Co-author of Office 2008 for Mac All-in-One For Dummies

ODF Support in Office 2008?

Posted: 07 Sep 2009 08:16 PM PDT

On 08/09/09 18:30, in article phx.gbl,
"Justin" <com> wrote:

You could still create your documents in Excel, then open the Excel file in
NeoOffice and save it in ODF. Change is not always a bad thing. Not even for
accountants. ;-)

Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP - Macintosh

*** Please always reply to the newsgroup. ***

Upgrade to new Business Edition

Posted: 07 Sep 2009 05:07 PM PDT

Right, the black box simply is a new marketing approach with Mac Office
2008. The bundle targets medium to large business users. It's the same core
products as in any other "edition" of 2008, however, except for the EWS --
not a new version/release of Office. The only other difference is what comes
bundled with Office 2008 in that edition, as Michel detailed in his reply.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 9/7/09 9:58 PM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Changing language via update or trial version + original SN

Posted: 07 Sep 2009 12:53 PM PDT

Office for Mac is language-specific -- you cannot change the language of the
Menus & dialogs to anything other than the language version purchased. Also,
each language version can only be updated by the updater for that language.

AFAIK, the Try & Buy trial version cannot be *activated* for anything other
than the 30-day free trial by way of just a key code. The wording of the KB
is ludicrous - it refers to "converting" the trial version then goes on to
describe how to purchase the retail version, remove the trial, then install
the retail using the product key that comes with it:

IOW, If you want a "live" edition you have to buy a retail package or
purchase one of the downloadable editions of Office via the Mactopia web
site & use the perpetual license key that accompanies it.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 9/7/09 3:53 PM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

product key question

Posted: 07 Sep 2009 06:42 AM PDT

Is this a retail (boxed) product or a download from the Mactopia site?

If a boxed package, the first step is to contact the vendor from whom it was
purchased. They should be able to accommodate an exchange if needed.

If it was a download or if the vendor gives you a hard time, contact
Microsoft Customer Service -- use the phone number on this page:

Unfortunately, this isn't something that can be resolved in the newsgroups.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 9/7/09 9:42 AM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Monochrome printing only

Posted: 06 Sep 2009 02:43 AM PDT

Bob, you were right. It was the driver but interestingly enough the Xerox
site was way behind with its updates and I had to phone them several
times. In the end I downloaded v2 of the 6130N driver from the Apple
site and it seems to work fine.

Many thank for your help

Incompatibility with Office for Windows

Posted: 04 Sep 2009 02:39 PM PDT

I share your sentiments & I won't dispute any of your points, but at the
same time there are at least 2 factors that have to be considered;

1- Economic feasibility, return on investment, etc., and

2- Distinctions between operating systems which physically prevent 100%
compatibility ‹ such as lack of ActiveX support by the Mac OS.

As Adam indicated, though, you aren't communicating with Microsoft or Apple
here. The newsgroups are predominantly visited by users who have to contend
with the same existing conditions you face. There's nothing we can do to
change the reality of the situation or implement the software differently
than how it's designed. You're certainly welcome to plead your case but
you're shouting into a hole here :-) Try the channels provided for feedback:

There are other channels as well, such as participating in the Windows
Feedback program. You can apply through:

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 9/4/09 5:39 PM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

word and excel duplexing print problem

Posted: 04 Sep 2009 02:15 PM PDT

Sorry the info doesn't help, but I believe it's an issue that will have to
be pursued with HP and/or Apple.

The programs do not do any printing, they simply call for services from the
OS which then invokes the driver available for the selected device. The app
then hands off the data to be processed. It's the responsibility of the
device & its driver to do so accurately. The fact that you're experiencing
the same issue with a variety of apps strongly suggests that the fault lies
with the HP driver. There is nothing you can do from within any app to
change printer settings or behaviors which aren't provided for by the
driver, and those options need to be delivered by the OS.

Unless it's from you, there is a post in Apple Discussions on the same
issue, but as yet there are no replies. You might keep an eye on that:


Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 9/5/09 12:15 AM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Can't open after reinstalling

Posted: 04 Sep 2009 07:50 AM PDT

On 9/4/09 7:50 AM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

As Bob mentioned, it can be very hard to find the exact problem. I would try
the preferences fix listed on this page. This might identify the problem if
it's a corrupt pref.

Troubleshooting Your User Account for a Problem


Otherwise drag your Documents folder to Shared. Then switch to the new User
and drag the Documents folder to the desktop in the new User. Drag
individual folders to the new Documents folder. You don't want to use the
root Documents folder.

If you run into permissions problems....

Apple has a utility to reset permissions inside a user's account (home

Boot from the Leopard DVD and go to the 'Reset Password' area. Somewhere
in there is a way to normalize perms for each user.

Resetting home folder permissions on MacFixIt might be helpful too.


Running both 2004 & 2008

Posted: 04 Sep 2009 06:36 AM PDT

I'm afraid that cannot easily be done... as long as you're double-clicking
icons in a Finder window OS X will launch the more current version unless
2004 is already running. The easiest options are:

1- Set Word 2004 to automatically launch on login, or

2- Drag the file icon to the Word 2004 icon in the Dock, or

3- Ctrl/Right-Click the file & select Word (11.5.5) from the Open With
options, or

4- Launch Word 2004 & use the File> Open command (Cmd+O)

BTW: Are you aware that you don't *need* Office 2008 in order to work with
files that are in OXML format? There is a free converter available from;


The converter does not enable or support feature specific to Office 2008 but
that may provide all you require. It just depends on what you need to be
able to do once you open the file.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 9/4/09 9:36 AM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Used 3 license keys but one of the computersgot damaged and I can't deauthorize it

Posted: 04 Sep 2009 03:46 AM PDT

What makes you think you can't "use the product key"? Have you actually
tried & failed or are you just assuming :-)? If you've tried & failed you'll
need to provide a complete detailed description of the situation including
the content of any messages produced by the attempt.

As long as you aren't installing to a system on a network where the same key
has been used on another Mac there should be no problem. The keys do not get
"used up" -- you can install using the same key as many times as you wish so
there's nothing to physically to prevent installing on the new system.

Additionally, you aren't even in violation of the EULA if the Mac on which
the key was previously used is no longer functional. If the Mac were still
in service, technically Office would need to be removed from it before using
the same key for another installation.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 9/4/09 6:46 AM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Office 2008 causes fatal conflict("black screen of death") when trying to save

Posted: 04 Sep 2009 12:22 AM PDT

Although you may get some suggestions here it appears to me that this is
primarily a system/network configuration issue. Most of the contributors
here are users of the software, not systems analysts, technicians or
developers. Unfortunately, we can't interpret these cryptic, lengthy logs
any better than you can :-) so it's pointless to post them.

As Rob suggests there could be a hardware involvement but if it's occurring
on multiple systems I'm not sure that would be the case. If you can save to
a flash drive you can probably save to the local HD then transfer the file
in the same way -- unless something about the "lockdown" also prevents you
from saving locally. If you can't even write to the local HD it would
further suggest that the configuration is at the root of the problem. Many
apps -- especially Office apps -- need to be able to write a number of files
in various locations in order to properly operate at all, but denial of that
capability doesn't typically result in kernel panics, system failure or
restart demands. The program being used at the time is simply calling for a
service from the OS & the network, so whatever is causing the critical
failure is well beyond the reach of the program.

It might be better to post to one of the appropriate Forums in Apple
Discussions, although I seriously doubt that it can be resolved at the user
level. IMHO, your IS people are going to have to do some serious revamping
in order to rectify the situation.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 9/4/09 3:27 AM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Can't save files to SBS2003 network with Office 2008 on 10.6

Posted: 03 Sep 2009 07:07 PM PDT


Once you save the files as .docx can you save again? I can open a .doc file and save as a .docx but that .docx file then becomes read only. Mind you I can't save in .doc at all.

How to get rid of Microsoft Office Reminders?

Posted: 03 Sep 2009 02:26 AM PDT

Gosh. In plain open view! Who would have guessed. Thanks!


Michel Bintener wrote: 

Need Advice for Office 2008 and Snow Leopard

Posted: 02 Sep 2009 07:17 PM PDT

On 9/6/09 9:50 PM, in article, "Maria"
<com> wrote:

Glad to hear it went well for you. It pays to read up first. :-)


Problem syncing MS Messaging Library to iDisk

Posted: 02 Sep 2009 08:29 AM PDT

<com> wrote:

You're very welcome. Thanks for confirming it worked (it helps for other
people with the same issue).


--- Office:Mac MVP --- -
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Uninstall office 2008 - No version of office found?

Posted: 02 Sep 2009 05:46 AM PDT

> I've run into this a few times, and, honestly, I can not remember what ultimately I did to fix the problem. This article helped: 

Amazing! Step 9 fixed the problem! Thanks a bunch for the link buddy!

Office for Mac 2008 installs and updates on a clean install of SnowLeopard

Posted: 02 Sep 2009 02:32 AM PDT

Yes. It first updated the MAU, then it did the download for 12.1.0, but
after restarting I was still at 12.0.0. I download from Mactopia the 12.1.0
updater and that installed. I restarted and used the updater from Mactopia
for 12.2.0, restarted and did the same for 12.2.1. Next I updated to the EWS
version for Exchange compatibility.

I did have Rosetta installed. This is required to see the first update for


On 9/2/09 10:29 AM, in article
com, "rvinny"
<> wrote: