

Installing Windows with Linux already installed - Forums Linux

Installing Windows with Linux already installed - Forums Linux

Installing Windows with Linux already installed

Posted: 16 Dec 2004 07:23 AM PST

James Willmore wrote:

I don't fully get the gist of what is happening.
May be you need to boot up with a Knoppix or Mepis LiveCD, run QtParted
and look at the partition tables. Save the menu.lst file.
After that, you can format the first partition to fat32 from QtParted.
Then reboot machine under windopes and install windopes on that first
partition. That should work. But at this stage, your grub boot will be
lost. You can put grub back if you know command line, or
with the installer in Mepis LiveCD. After that, restore the menu.lst
file to include the windopes boot and you are done.
LiveCDs at this url.

Problem with symlinks and shell

Posted: 16 Dec 2004 01:08 AM PST

Laurenz Albe wrote: 

Good stuff, Laurenz.


Try 'ls ../../link' after issuing the change directory.

You say your command actually works on some systems? Could you go into more
detail. I am most curious. ----- Things to try on those systems:

From the directory where you do 'ls -l link', try typing in 'find .' or some
such command, so we can see the whole directory tree. Also, after the
change directory, try typing pwd to see if your current path is different
than what you would expect (as per Laurenz's hypothesis). You didn't say
you were doing it on multiple shells on the other environments, so maybe
you could try checking for aliases?


-- * Does the walker choose the path, or does the path choose the walker?
(fr. Sabriel) * --

what are binaries? not in index of "Running Linux"

Posted: 15 Dec 2004 04:10 PM PST

Jer wrote:

two things: binaries can be non-executable
files that are NOT text - they contain
binary data; for example, a database file
could be binary.

part two: a binary is usu meant to mean
that it is an executable, either as a
pure executable program or supporting
library, etc

a binary distribution is one in which
everything that gets installed are the
final, binary (executable) files. of
course there is MORE to a binary
distribution than just executable files.

in contrast, there are SOURCE distributions,
whereby you BUILD (compile) everything
from scratch to arrive at a binary

<< >>
We don't know who discovered water, but we're
certain it wasn't a fish.


Posted: 15 Dec 2004 10:52 AM PST

Enzo's Dad wrote:

Sometimes its not just permissions but ownership of files
that can get you into trouble. You may need to do a chown
on the files.
You can find out more using man command

man chmod
man chown

Upgrading from Redhat 8 to 9 from ISOs

Posted: 15 Dec 2004 09:57 AM PST

Conner Destron wrote: 

I am not sure about that. Red Hat Linux 9 is past the end-of-life stage
and is no longer supported either. If you wish to be a Red Hat Customer,
your course of action would be to get Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3, probably
the WS version for the desktops and the ES or AS version for the servers.
This is quite expensive.

I believe you can get "White Box Linux" or something like that for a
dollor or two per disk (RHEL 3 comes on 9 CD-ROMs).

Alternatively, you may find that Fedora Core 3 is the way to go.

And of course there are other distributions, but as I have never tried
them, I will not attempt to advise about them. 

To install a Red Hat distribution, normally you stick the first CD-ROM
into the CD-ROM drive and reboot the system. It takes you all the way
through, and asks for another CD from time-to-time. You tell it if you
want to upgrade or do a fresh install.

There is a way to install from a hard drive, but I never did it.

The RHL 9 manual says:

3.6. Installing from a Hard Drive

Note: Hard drive installations only work from ext2, ext3, or FAT file
systems. If you have a file system other than those listed here,you will
not be able to perform a hard drive installation.

Hard drive installation require the use of the ISO (or CD-ROM) images. An
ISO image is a file containing an exact copy of a CD-ROM disk image.
Because Red Hat Linux has so many packages included with its distribution,
there are several ISO images available. After placing the required ISO
images (the Binary Red Hat Linux CD-ROMs) in a directory, choose to
install from the hard drive. You will then point the installation program
at that directory to perform the installation. 

Why not burn the CD-ROMs? One of them can be used as a rescue disk, and
the others are a nice backup, especially of the stuff you did not install
that you later may want. 

.~. Jean-David Beyer Registered Linux User 85642.
/V\ Registered Machine 241939.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^ 15:55:00 up 12 days, 18:36, 3 users, load average: 4.36, 4.26, 4.19

running windows application on linux, advice.

Posted: 15 Dec 2004 07:48 AM PST

On Wed, 15 Dec 2004 17:37:49 -0600, mjt wrote: 

There's another interesting factoid about running XP Pro in VMWare 4.x
and its ability to build a very generic platform...

No more guesses :)

Michael Perry | do or do not. There is no try. -Master Yoda
org |

Sharing partitions between distros

Posted: 14 Dec 2004 05:44 PM PST

Bit Twister wrote: 

Good point.


I already do. Booting from a System Commander boot diskette allows System
Commander to take over again no matter who writes their record in the mbr.
Once System Commander takes over again it immediately figures out what other
OSs are installed and where, and presents the user with an appropriate
graphical menu to choose what to boot into.. Needless to say System
Commander allows any mix of Windows, Linux, and nearly any other
micro-computer OS on the same machine. I am sure the Linux multi-booters are
good but System Commander is exceptional from my experience.

I get the idea.

Will do.

I agree but if the installation can not understand a common swap partition
on another drive, then I need to point to it after I am booted in. I am sure
there must be a way to do this as Linux is very flexible.

Thanks for your help.

Problems with fsck

Posted: 14 Dec 2004 03:57 PM PST

Gernot Fink wrote: 

I'm using "-n" so I am not changing any data, so the command is safe.
There is nowhere in the fsck manual any mention that running fsck -n on
a mounted system would give you wrong results. They say that it is
dangerous to run fsck without -n on a mounted file system, but I'm not
doing that.

I also did an extensive google search and found nothing to explain the
behavior. I'm not surprised of what I'm finding out from your response,
but I could not confirm this without asking.

I was probably asking the wrong question. The right question would be:
if I am running "fsck -n -f" on a mounted file system, can I get a
reliable diagnosis and find out if the file system is OK or corrupted?
Apparently the answer is no. Correct?



p.s. Someone asked why would I want to do that. Our product is a box
with a custom front panel. Attaching a VGA monitor keyboard and mouse
is optional, and most of our customers use the box without any
attachments. If we run fsck from rc.sysinit and it finds a problem and
it drops into repair disk mode, the user will have no way of knowing
without a monitor attached. The box would just sit there forever
partially started.

The way we do updates for our product is that the customer connects a
Mac or PC with an Ethernet cable and using samba they mount a portion
of the hard drive and copy an rpm to a specific folder. Then, they
press a button on the front panel.

I was hoping that we can check the integrity of the file systems
including the root file system during the %pre section of the rpm and
do not perform the update if there is a problem. We can use umount on
the two other partitions, but not on the root partition.

VNC server

Posted: 13 Dec 2004 11:25 PM PST

Kojot wrote:

You are not giving out enough information.

Anyway, one way to check is to check from your own machine if everything
is OK.

Open a console window, and in that type:
vncserver :2 -geometry 1024x768

and afterwards run up RDesktop on that same PC and see if you can connect.
Enter the following for remote desktop address:

You should now be connecting to a vnc session if all is OK.

You can termintate the vnc session with the following command:
vncserver -kill :2

Fedora Core 2

Posted: 13 Dec 2004 09:56 PM PST

AM wrote: 

Use system-config-packages, it will ask you for the necessary CDs to
install the packages you select.

rpm is equivalent to the dpkg command in Debian (or so I'm told, I'm not
a Debian user).

Yes. See e.g


Markku Kolkka

removing grub

Posted: 13 Dec 2004 06:53 PM PST

Stephen wrote:

.... use one of the BART bootdisks:
<< >>
So, what's with this guy Gideon, anyway?
And why can't he ever remember his Bible?

Booting Multiple Versions of Linux? How?

Posted: 13 Dec 2004 12:53 PM PST

In article <L8Dvd.65953$>,
R S Prigan <> wrote:

Why, does the Fedora Linux kernel need a special bootloader? Otherwise
why not just boot it directlyw ith grub?

What are the main differences between 2.4.18 and 2.4.28???

Posted: 13 Dec 2004 12:34 PM PST

com said: 

For the differences between these, really changelogs are the best source
of information.

I'm ready to trust 2.6 series, but note that changing from 2.4 to 2.6
is such an undertaking that it's recommended to upgrade your base
platform (distribution) to a more recent version.

As for main advantages, I think the most significant are advances in
scheduler and memory management. For laptops there are improvements
in handling power management and other laptop-specific hardware issues.
Wolf a.k.a. Juha Laiho Espoo, Finland
(GC 3.0) GIT d- s+: a C++ ULSH++++$ P++@ L+++ E- W+$@ N++ !K w !O !M V
PS(+) PE Y+ PGP(+) t- 5 !X R !tv b+ !DI D G e+ h---- r+++ y++++
"...cancel my subscription to the resurrection!" (Jim Morrison)

Setup multi-boot system

Posted: 13 Dec 2004 11:18 AM PST

Steve Greenfield wrote:

Sent a bit earlier on another thread...
I've got more than 10 distros working on one PC.
The way I do it is each distro gets its own partition.
Any shared data is left in a partition of its own.

1. I use grub to do up the booting. I used Mepis LiveCD
distros that install grub from the LiveCD.
I just maintain one /boot/grub/menu.lst file for all
the distros that I boot up. I use QtParted to do all the work
usually the Knoppix one

2. Remember you can only have 4 primary partitions on a hard disk.
Make one of those swap.
Make one those an extended partition.
Then you are left with 2 primary partitions to play with.
Inside the extended partition
you can have as many logical partitions as you want,
but with the caveat that if one logical partition's partition
data is destroyed by some accident, then further logical
partitions down the chain are lost.

3. You can install and boot up windopes as well - I normally
put that in the first partition and format it fat32.
The commands to boot windopey stuff from grub's menu.lst file is

title Windopes ExPeehee at hda1
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

You can install into the same partition several versions of windopes
and have the one boot entry in menu.lst which loads up
the windopes loader which will show the multiple windopes
versions you have installed.
You find when doing this kind of stuff windopes takes up all your
time, as it generally fscks up your hard disk no end.
So to minimise that, put GNU/Linux in second or further partition
down the ladder and update the menu.lst file like above to boot windopes.
You can boot GNU/Linux from LiveCD to get acess to linux partitions
and install Grub after windopes wipes it.

4. Once up and running with multiple distros,
you can zip up and back up entire partitions

change to /mnt/hda1 or whatever your hard disk is..
to zip up into one file*** tar -cfzv <filename.gz> .

likewise when restoring go to the correct drive like /mnt/hda1 or whatever,
and then to unzip the files** tar -zpvf <filename.gz>

Tape drive problem

Posted: 13 Dec 2004 06:54 AM PST

Ian Young wrote: 

md5sum : command problem? Output graphics ascii. (Also, re. alternate md5 solutions.)

Posted: 13 Dec 2004 02:25 AM PST

Sorta Anonymous wrote: 

Heh. I shall think about that. *resists urge to spout philosophical


-- * Does the walker choose the path, or does the path choose the walker?
(fr. Sabriel) * --

Linux is the OS of terror, made by Al Qaeda !!!

Posted: 12 Dec 2004 11:28 PM PST

Jean-David Beyer wrote: 


Post prandium stabis, post coenam ambulabis.


How to make room for / partition to install/upgrade Kernel?

Posted: 12 Dec 2004 11:14 PM PST

"Ant", I realized I messed up your name in my post. Sorry about that.


-- * Does the walker choose the path, or does the path choose the walker?
(fr. Sabriel) * --

NIC speed?

Posted: 12 Dec 2004 06:10 PM PST

On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 02:28:20 GMT, IANAL_VISTA wrote: 

Well, there you are, your transmitter is running 100base full duplex.

passwd file

Posted: 12 Dec 2004 03:34 PM PST

>>I have a password file that looks like so. 

This is exactly the info I needed. I was able to export my database to a
report then with a script parse it and create a passwd file. Saved me a lot
of typing.




Knoppix is real slow!!

Posted: 12 Dec 2004 01:40 PM PST

william olga wrote:
can use 

Underpowered? I've got two Duron 750MHZ boxes--old Compaq
Presarios--with a gig of RAM split between them. One runs WinXP, the
other runs (and has run since 2001) Debian, with GNOME. Both boxes run
just fine. I've run everything from KDE to GNOME to XFCE on my Debian
box, and performance has been fine under all three.

I wouldn't say no to a faster system, but all the games I've run work
fine on that level machine. (RTCW (on Linux), SimCity 4 (on XP), Diablo
2(on XP), plus a lot of older, less demanding games. (Debian's got
hundreds of great games. I keep a local-disk package mirror, so it's a
snap to add and remove anything I'm in the mood for.)

As for the original post...If he's having trouble running Knoppix
quickly on a 3GHz box, then there's definately something wrong. He
might have a couple failed memory modules, and is stuck with a lot of
swapping, for instance.

Installing using a USB Keyboard and mouse

Posted: 12 Dec 2004 12:43 PM PST

Andreas Janssen wrote: 

Thanks ! I will give it a try.

can't boot up

Posted: 12 Dec 2004 08:03 AM PST

And... in fact, the keyboard doesn't light up as well.... hm, so I
think it's not the problem of the monitor... but I'm not sure if it's
the hardware or software problem...

Knoppix live installer - how to use?

Posted: 12 Dec 2004 04:35 AM PST

Error log for Sun, 12 Dec 2004 04:35:29 -0800: Steve North caused a Page
Fault at address <>,

Once Knoppix is installed to hdd, then for all practical purposes it is
the same as any other DEB based distro. You use the same tools that you
would for a Debian system...

To update the package list
apt-get update

To upgrade the installed packages
apt-get dist-upgrade

To install a single deb package
dpkg -i <package>

You can also take advantage of advanced tools and frontends for
maintaining and upgrading your system like KPackage (gui) and aptitude


rapskat - 16:53:12 up 20 days, 23:12, 4 users, load average: 0.15, 0.30, 0.43
Someone is speaking well of you.

Newbie two homed question.

Posted: 12 Dec 2004 03:33 AM PST

On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 05:59:30 GMT, Larry Lindstrom wrote: 

No wonder. Binary install is faster. :)

Remember, I am running Mandrakelinux 10.1 Oficial.
Shorewall is installed out of the box. Here is the
firewall screen shot during install

I used webmin to play with the rules then edited the files with an editor.

If you look at the gray box settings at
you can get a feel for what the webmin web pages will look like from
your LAN boxes.

All the firewall stuff you find will be gui front ends for the iptables
netfilter packet filter.

For NAT, set net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 in /etc/sysctl.conf
and you place masquerading rules in the firewall.
Since you want to run text mode, the CLI iptable commands will be
something like

iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -s -o eth+ -j MASQUERADE
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

which is not a complete firewall set.

Microsoft Word - Emailed word document not complete when viewed through ipad or iphone

Microsoft Word - Emailed word document not complete when viewed through ipad or iphone

Emailed word document not complete when viewed through ipad or iphone

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 03:03 PM PDT

I created a document using multiple tables with different sized font, columns, rows.  The margins of the document are all the same (narrow) and all tables fall within those margins.  When I view it or print it the entire document (with table borders) is visible and correct.  However, when I email it and open it on my iphone or ipad certain sections on the right side of the document are cutt off, and there are no table borders visible for the entire document.  The table on the top of the document is mostly complete except for the bottom two rows, the entire center table has about 1 1/2 inches of the text/cells on the right side cutt off, and the bottom table of the document is complete, I also noticed the text/cells in the tables that are cutt off are not lined up with the text/cells in the other tables when I am viewing it on my iphone/ipad, but they are when I view the document on any other device.  I saved the document as a PDF and emailed/opened it with my iphone/ipad and the document is complete with table borders in tact and formatted exactly as it should.  Is this a bug with the program apple is using to view word documents?  Is there some formatting change I can make to the word document to keep it in tact when being viewed on an iphone/ipad?  I'm trying to save employees from having to save the document as  PDF in order to email it out.  Please let me know if anyone has any ideas!!  Thank you!!!

Error Code 424: Object Required! Please Help me Figure out What I'm doing wrong?

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 02:53 PM PDT

Everything was flowing great, until it just started acting up like this.


Please let me know what area is incorrect.


Basically there are 10 corrections. I've bookmarked them all and named them accordingly. The userform I have set up has checkboxes that once you select should remain hidden or should show.


Here is the code (or some of it, I've negated repetitive codes):


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
With ActiveDocument


'Copy letter elements to letter template from userform

Dim bmks As Bookmarks
Dim bmRange As Range

'Pass the userform values to the document's bookmarks.

Set bmks = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks

Set bmRange = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("FacilityName").Range

bmRange.Text = Me.txtFacilityName.Value


End With


End Sub


Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
If CheckBox1.Value = True Then
CheckBox243.Value = False
End If
If CheckBox1.Value = True Then
CheckBox244.Value = True
If CheckBox1.Value = True Then
CheckBox2.Value = False

With Selection.Bookmarks
End With

End If
End If

End Sub

Private Sub CheckBox2_Click()
If CheckBox2.Value = True Then
CheckBox1.Value = False
End If
With Selection.Bookmarks
End With
End Sub


Sub CheckBox1_Change()
    Call ShowHideTable
End Sub
Sub ShowHideTable()
    With Selection
    Dim orange As Range
    Set orange = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Correction1").Range
    End With
    If CheckBox1.Value = True Then
        With Selection.Font
            .Hidden = True
        End With
        With ActiveWindow.View
            .ShowHiddenText = False
            .ShowAll = False
        End With
        With Selection.Font
            .Hidden = False
        End With
        With ActiveWindow.View
            .ShowHiddenText = True
            .ShowAll = True
        End With
    End If
End Sub
 ' the other View properties
 ' if you want to still see paragraph marks, you
 ' must explicitly turn it on = False
 '  .ShowAnimation = True
 '  .Draft = False
 '  .WrapToWindow = False
 '  .ShowPicturePlaceHolders = False
 '  .ShowFieldCodes = False
 '  .ShowBookmarks = True
 '  .FieldShading = wdFieldShadingWhenSelected
 '  .ShowTabs = False
 '  .ShowSpaces = False
 '  .ShowParagraphs = False
 '  .ShowHyphens = False
 '  .ShowHiddenText = False
 '  .ShowAll = True
 '  .ShowDrawings = True
 '  .ShowObjectAnchors = False
 '  .ShowTextBoundaries = False
 '  .ShowHighlight = True
 '  .DisplayPageBoundaries = True
 '  .DisplaySmartTags = True
Sub CheckBox2_Change()
    Call ShowHideBookmark
End Sub
Sub ShowHideBookmark()
    Dim orange As Range
    Set orange = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Correction2").Range
    If CheckBox2.Value = True Then
        With orange.Font
            .Hidden = False
        End With
        With ActiveWindow.View
            .ShowHiddenText = False
            .ShowAll = True
            End With
        With orange.Font
            .Hidden = True
        End With
        With ActiveWindow.View
            .ShowHiddenText = False
            .ShowAll = False
        End With
            With Selection.Bookmarks
End With
    End If
End Sub
Sub CheckBox3_Change()
    Call ShowHideBookmark
    Dim orange As Range
    Set orange = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Correction3").Range
    If CheckBox3.Value = True Then
        With orange.Font
            .Hidden = False
        End With
        With ActiveWindow.View
            .ShowHiddenText = False
            .ShowAll = True
            End With
        With orange.Font
            .Hidden = True
        End With
        With ActiveWindow.View
            .ShowHiddenText = False
            .ShowAll = False
        End With
            With Selection.Bookmarks
End With

    End If
End Sub


Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
'display a message with the help button and a title
MsgBox "Select correction # and click either 1 or 2 again" & vbCrLf & "Press Start", vbOKOnly, ">>Help<<"

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    CommandButton1.Value = True
    With ComboBox1
        .AddItem ""
        .AddItem ""
        .AddItem ""
        .AddItem ""
        .AddItem ""
        .AddItem ""
        End With
    End Sub



Word 2007 > Insert > Text | Object > Object > Adobe Illustrator Artwork 15.1

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 01:44 PM PDT

What is the function of the ribbon "command" described in the title of this question/discussion and how does it work? At first look, I would guess that I should be able to import an existing illustration (.ai). Over the years, I've never been able to get it to do anything useful nor find a description of exactly what it does and how to use it.

Macro to keep Word 2010 from changing the system default printer

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 01:39 PM PDT

I'm trying to get this code to work with Word 2010, Windows 7(x64) and network printers in our office.  From what I've read, the macro keeps Word from changing the system default printer.  I have double checked my code and printer names (with Ctrl+G and the Immediate window using the debug.print ActivePrinter command).  When I run the macro below, nothing errors...nothing.  Although I do have it associated with a button on a custom ribbon saved to a global template, I have also tested the macro after saving it to normal.dotm.  It still does nothing.  I know the printer names are correct because I previously simply recorded a macro to print to our network printers, but then users complained that their system default printers were being changed.  Someone outside our network tested the code and it worked for them.  Can anyone help resolve issues with this macro? 


Sub PrintRicoh01(control As IRibbonControl)
' PrintRicoh01 Macro
    With Dialogs(wdDialogFilePrintSetup)
      .Printer = "\\HFBPS01\RICOH_ Aficio_ 01"
      .DoNotSetAsSysDefault = True
    End With
End Sub

unable to edit converted pdf

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 01:36 PM PDT

After scanning a  statement on my Epson WF-3540 I saved as a PDF file.

Opened PDF with Word 2013 then converted to a Word Document.

I am not able to edit it.

Please help.


Word 2010 Save As bug and spelling errors

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 01:14 PM PDT


Word document with form fields saved in SharePoint 2010.

Document in current state spell checks as you type with the red underline.  (Backstage> Proofing > Exceptions for > both unchecked)


Open document from SharePoint as read.  Click "Save As" and save to desktop and close Word.  Open document from desktop and the spell check no longer works in the form fields.  (Backstage>Proofing>Exceptions For> both boxes are checked).

*Document is posted to an intranet, so saving back to library is not an option.  Users need to consume the document and come back to make edits.
*This will also fail in a working document placed on desktop and perform "save as" back to desktop.  So SharePoint is eliminated.

Does anyone have a fix or is anyone else experiencing the same problem?

Can't edit recurring appointments on Office 365 Outlook

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 01:10 PM PDT

I have created a calendar with weekly recurring appointments on Outlook. This has now been sync'd with Office 365, and the appointments appear correctly. Using "real" Outlook, I usually enter details of the appointments as notes within the single occurrences.


However, when I try to edit these recurring appointments (whether I choose the single occurrence or the series), the Outlook Web App displays a blank window. Does this on a variety of computers, and using IE9, IE10, Firefox, Chrome.


I can edit the appointments with no problem using my Windows Phone. The details of the appointment notes all appear correctly.


The appointments were created as simple, single 50 minute appointments (they're school lessons) repeated weekly over 48 weeks, with odd occurrences manually deleted (school holidays)...


(Office topic is not Microsoft Office Word, but there was no Outlook included!)

MS Word 2010 inconsistent tab spacing

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 12:57 PM PDT

Hello there,

I created a new document (no special formatting, just default doc). I started typing a line. When I click on tab the first time, the cursor moves in a certain space but when I click tab for the second time, it moves much farther than it does it in the first instance. I checked the tab properties, they are :

Tab Stop Position: blank

Default Tab Stops: 0.5"

Alignment: left

Leader 1-None


As I moved from one tab location to the other I checked those settings again and they seem to be the same. I can't figure out why it changes in that second instance, why it jumps farther than it does in the first instance. Also, it seems to follow the same space after the 2nd instance (so it's only the first tab spacing that is different). I don't have any settings on my ruler either.


Can you explain why it is behaving that way?



Office 2010 theme deployment

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 12:28 PM PDT



There doesn't seem to be a forum for Office questions so I have posted this here..


I have looked around for the answer to this question and I just want to clarify the best way to deploy a custom corporate theme (and make it the default theme) for all users across Word, Excel and PPoint.


From my reading, it appears that you create the theme, deploy it to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Document Themes 14, then create custom versions of Normal.dotm, blank.potx and book.xltx and place them in the startup folders for each application.


Is there a better way of achieving the goal of setting corporate colours across Office 2010 or is this it?


Thanks in advance,


Default address locations on envelopes

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 12:20 PM PDT

I've used the envelope printing many times, but today when I printed an envelope, the return address printed in the middle of the envelope at the top and the destination address printed where the return address should be.  I found that the print locations were changed to Address .4" and .25" and Return to Auto and Auto.  How can I reset them and save the values I set?

How to Insert Parentheses Around TOC Pages

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 12:11 PM PDT

I have a Word 2010 table of contents that has the page references immediately following the headings (no dot leaders). I would like to put parentheses around the page numbers (or insert commas) to separate them from the headings. When I toggle the page number in my table of contents, it shows the following: {PAGEREF _Toc366490238 \h}. I opened the field PAGEREF and added the following: PAGEREF  \# "( )" The TOC balks right away and says "Error! no bookmark name given." When I return to the the PAGEREF, my switch is gone. I looked at the following article on Word fields, but I'm still stumped: I would insert a sample of what I'm trying to create, but this web editor doesn't seem to respect my carriage returns (hence the gigantic paragraph above).

6 page booklet with numbered pages using columns

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 10:32 AM PDT

I am creating a tri-fold booklet on 11 x 17 paper with 6 pages - 3 on front and 3 on back.  I can do this in columns but then the page numbers don't work because they are centered above the whole page and the multiple pages/booklet option requires that the number of pages be a multiple of 4.  Can anyone help with getting page numbers on columns that don't jump around when you insert material?




missing citation/biblography

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 09:29 AM PDT

in the reference tab my citation/biblography missing and it grayed out

File Names turning color

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 09:25 AM PDT

Why or under what circumstances does the file name turn blue and is there a way to turn it back to black?

Word 2013 - table border issues

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 09:10 AM PDT

I have created a table in Word.  When trying to add a border to cell, Word applies the border to adjacent cells.  For example, I click on a cell, then I click on the "Borders" button in the "Borders" group of the DESIGN tab.  I then click on "Bottom Border".  Word applies a bottom border to the entire row.  I have tried highlighting just the cell first.  Same problem.  I have tried clicking on "Borders and Shading" under the "Borders" button and then changing "Apply to"" to cell then selecting the bottom border.  Same problem.


I have turned on formatting marks to verify that there isn't anything hidden that would be causing this.  There isn't.  There are no nested tables.


I have never had so many problems with table borders until moving to Office 2013.


Please help.

thumbnail view shows weird page numbering

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 08:44 AM PDT

As it can be seen on this screenshot, i can not understand why it says on the navigation thumbnail page on the left side.. 1-0-1.. it would make sense if it started at 1 or 0 and goes on (0,1,2,3,...) 

are there any explanation to this?

Why is text stacked vertically when I resize cell? (Word 2007)

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 08:30 AM PDT

After searching various terms (re-flow text, text stacking, changing language etc) I am still non the wiser as to why after entering text into a table in MS***Word 2007 and resizing by dragging the ruler/vertical table bar the text "stacks" (and NO I am not getting confused with text orientation, or at least not that immediately obvious from the rather confusing "ribbon"). To wit, the stacking is like this:






I would be very grateful to hear any solutions from someone with the patience to read through all the MS***Word 2007 forums, help topics etc. I'm sure the solution is probably quite simply, sadly it has eluded me (using Word in italian is not assisting with reducing frustration).

Thank you.

Word 2013 Review - Highlight Updates, Other Authors

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 08:29 AM PDT

Working with Track Changes and Comments in Word 2013.


Word 2013

Windows 7 and Windows 8


Under Show Markup, what do the Highlight Updates and, Other Authors features do. And how do I get those turned on?

No matter how I change my views, those two features are always disabled.


Thank you.



Word 2007 - Paragraph Marks Will Not Stay Turned Off

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 08:06 AM PDT

In Word 2007 (using Windows 7), turning the paragraph marks on of off is easy. On the Home Ribbon, in the Paragraph section, you simply click the "paragraph" symbol. I have turned it on and off many times, but I prefer to leave it off unless I am proof-reading a document.


My problem is, I turned the marks on to check a document ,and now every time I start Word, the paragraph marks are displayed by default. Word will not save the template with the marks turned off by default.


I have tried

1) Turning off the paragraph marks.

2) Changing the font to something different.

3) Saving the changes as "Default..." in the Font window.



1) Turning off the paragraph marks

2) Opening the Paragraph window

3) Changing sometime (like Alignment)

4) Saving the changes as "Default..." in the Paragraph window.


However, while the changes to the font or paragraph style save, when I next start Word, I have the new font and new style, but once again the paragraph marks are visible and need to be clicked off.


With all of my attempts, I do not get the warning to save changes to normal.dotm. I have seen the message in the past but have not seen it since the marks got stuck in the "Display by Default" position.


If only takes a moment to turn the paragraph marks display off, but I would like to restore to the default of NOT displaying the paragraph marks every time Word starts.

word 2013 crashes when copy and pasting

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 06:46 AM PDT

I have been having a recurring problem when copying from one word document to another where Word 2013 crashes. When this occurs I have to completely shut down word. Sometimes it recovers the files and sometimes it does not. In some cases I can circumvent the problem by pasting the information to a blank word document and then copying it again and pasting it into the final document but this is not foolproof.


This is frequent and extremely annoying.


Anybody else experiencing this?


Automatic footer when creating/changing the title of the chapter (Header 1) in Microsoft Word 2010

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 06:22 AM PDT


I have a question about Microsoft Word 2010. I would like to know how I can setup an automatic footer with the title of the chapter (Header 1). For clarity, I want that the title of the chapter is shown in the footer without typing it manually.
Thanks for the support!

Michiel Verbeke

automatic filling in of table columns

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 05:37 AM PDT

I have a question about word. I have a table and in the first,second and fourth cells I have some numbers.
So my question is if you can make word fill in the third and fifth cells by itself, so actually make it do some math, like in excel.

And the fifth cell should automatic be written in "currency".

Do Not Check Spelling or gramar ticked always.

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 04:22 AM PDT

I am using Microsoft Office Professional 2010 and when working on documents created from templates I can not uncheck the Do not Check Spelling or Grammar default.  Help

Word 2007 - create a style with numbers and characters before text 1.1.1 (a) Text starts here

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 02:55 AM PDT

Is it possible to create a style that sometimes also has characters alongside it and still maintain the automatic numbering style - see 1.1.1 and 1.1.2     (a) below.



1.1     this is normal paragraph text and is a style.


          1.1.1       Text for this type of paragraph and is another style level.


          1.1.2           (a)      tu[;omgklfkfopds jklsdf fsmsdfo sdm sdfo do fsd f ifo jfmsdfn osidfd mksf d89mjfsdofuis diofjsdiofusd ifsdfsd


                         (b)      ofosfuosijfsd0ofujsdf s89dujsdofud8fiojdsifudisofusodifuisofuidosfuisodfuosf


                         (c)      ofisdfsldf0nm i9ffmsdp fsdofsfm fsdfsd


          1.1.3       (a)      lkfs0fidsmfsdo  iosdfsdfsdfsd


                         (b)      joif90sdfm  n8fnmsdofu8s8fjsfdfudi

Word Web view display limited

Posted: 09 Sep 2013 01:48 AM PDT

In Word (2010) I use Web View a lot. I have the option set to "Wrap to Window" so that I can see the maximum content (especially on my landscape oriented laptop screen.

It normally works "correctly". I have a reference document with a collection of macros. It is "working correctly", text is wrapping as expected. Today, when I copied an document from an external source the wrapping was limited to 4 inches. None of the formatting options I looked at had any effect.  It issue is specific to Web Layout view.
The upper window is my working document, the bottom window is the document downloaded from the web.  When I copy and paste the web document into my document, my document picks up the limited use of the window as in the "original" document.

Note that both windows are sized the same, both in Web Layout and at the same zoom level.

I tried copying all but the last paragraph mark, that did not help.

I prefer to have the two documents merged so when I'm searching for solutions I only have to look in one place.  Since Paul B.s document is "live", he is constantly updating it, I want to keep my copy up to date.  If I have to copy the individual changes it will be a PITA (there are a lot of them).

word 2010 track changes change the user name to author after save the document

Posted: 08 Sep 2013 11:54 PM PDT

Hi, When I click on save button to save the document, the user name has changed to author instead of based on the user name "ABC" in track changes.  Please advise.  Thank you.

Unable to open Word 13 docs on Office 365. because "We can't verify your Office 365 subscription, so most features of Word have been disabled".

Posted: 08 Sep 2013 11:34 PM PDT

If any one can help with this?  After this message about not being able to verify our Office 365 subscription comes up, is there a place to verify our subscription?   My son has urgent docs to send to school today. Thank you!!

In a large document about half way thru my pictures go blank.

Posted: 08 Sep 2013 11:22 PM PDT

In Office 2013, Microsoft Office Word, Windows 8, in a large document about half way thru my pictures go blank. I just downloaded Office 2013 on my new computer and am having this problem. I'll call it my Office 2013, Microsoft Office Word, Windows 8, large document, blank pictures problem. About half way thru my long document my pictures turn into blank spaces. They are still there, it just won't show them. When I go back to my Word 2007 on my old computer, no problems. I have played with the settings but found no solution. Does anyone know of a fix or solution to this Office 2013 Word problem?

Help for Office Web Apps

Posted: 08 Sep 2013 09:46 PM PDT

Hello All,

My company is going to use Office Web Apps, but there are some issues we consider before implement it.

- Can Linux workstation access Office Web Apps with web browser?
- Does Office Web Apps support open the files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) with password protection?
- Does Word in Office Web Apps support Mail Merge feature?

Could you please help me on these questions? And besides, is there any solution from Microsoft for using Ms Office on Linux workstation?

Thank you very much.

Khiet Manh.

Editing an existing Bible text in Microsoft Word

Posted: 08 Sep 2013 09:11 PM PDT

In Microsoft Word, I wish to change 100's of words in order to create my own Bible version.

So I decided all the unique words I'd like to change and I created an excel file containing 2 columns:
Column A. The words to be removed.
Column B. The new words to be inserted.

Here's what my work looks like:

Column A  Column B

God          Elohim
heaven      shamayim
earth         aretz
waters       mayim
good         tov

Besides making all the changes, I wish to put footnotes at the bottom of every page, accounting for all such changes.

For example:
The word "Elohim" now replaces the word "God".
So I would like to have it underlined like this: In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth.
And then have a footnote at the bottom of the page, showing that the original word was "God".
(Note: I only want underlined the first occurrence of the word "Elohim" in each page, and I don't want the little footnote number 1 beside it).

Here's a picture of my desired "before and after":


Is there any other way to do this besides Find/Replace each word?
Because the whole issue is, I want to account for all the changes as footnotes *once per page) and also as a glossary in the back of the book.

How can I change the first occurrence of the word "God" into the new word "Elohim", then create the appropriate footnote, and then have MS Word do the same for every occurrence thereafter, as well as put that same footnote on every page (only once per page) only where it's needed?

Should I try doing all this by creating first a concordance file? And then, is there some way of creating automatic bookmarks? cross-references? footnotes? .. so I can also render my glossary as an Index in the back of the book?

Or is it there a way with macros to make all my changes and footnotes?
And then for the glossary, is there a way to gather all the footnotes and list them alphabetically in the back of the book?


Missing font

Posted: 08 Sep 2013 08:49 PM PDT

I like my Office subscription. Yet I am disappointed that the New Times Roman is no longer a default font with the Word 2013. A lot of documents have New Times Roman. When you paste an excerpt of text into a document-a thesis or essay- perhaps a print quote or text citation; there you have why I am teed-off! It gets all jacked up and looks like you did not make a sufficient effort to prepare your document. It appears as if you placed material without correctly formatting. Part of the text looks one way and then the other. Most of the instructors I know want your work to be commensurable with college level presentations. So now I need to re-type everything that is in New Times Roman!!Grrr. So yes, I need to spend extra minutes preparing my assignments. You said this was for students and then you pull a stunt like this. Thanks a bunch for all your professionalism.

Normal.dotm changes not reflected when opening a new document

Posted: 08 Sep 2013 08:02 PM PDT

Hi, all.  Thank you in advance for all the help you will provide.


I am using Office 2007 and in Word I somehow managed to change Normal.dotm so the standard template is not used.  Most notably, the header has disappeared.  I found the Normal template, opened it and inserted a header, being sure not put the prompt in.  I made certain I also checked the box indicating this template should be used when new documents are opened.  Then I saved the Normal.dotm.  Still, when I open a new document, the header is not there, yet if I open Normal.dotm the header appears.  After working on this on and off for months, it would not be an overstatement to say I frustrated.  I have tried deleting the Normal.dotm and opening a blank document, but that didn't work either. 


Again, thank you for your help!

Problems accessing my account info

Posted: 08 Sep 2013 05:06 PM PDT

I can't remember my account name to access my Office online account in order to use it on my laptop? I recently purchased a laptop that has Windows 8 on it.  My PC has Win XP Home Edition.

Can't save new documents or "save as" in Word 2010?

Posted: 08 Sep 2013 04:47 PM PDT

When trying to save a new document or "save as" from an old document, my screen turns into this:


It's not frozen; it just won't save a new file. I've tried restarting, repairing Office from the Control Panel, and running in safe mode. I can overwrite old documents, but I can't create new files. Also, looking at the other Office programs, it seems I can't create new documents in any Office program either.  I'm running Windows 7 64-bit and Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010.


Any help would be appreciated,


HELP!! Trying to get Apex color scheme in Microsoft Word 2013

Posted: 08 Sep 2013 04:26 PM PDT



I am doing an assignment for Microsoft Office class. The assignment requires that I change the theme to Apex color scheme. However I have Office 2013 and the book is for 2010. I do not have apex, nor any other color scheme that the book is asking for. I never had 2010 so I cant get the color scheme from there. I managed to make a new scheme for a previous assignment by finding the RGB numbers for each accent.


Does anyone have the rgb numbers for the Apex color scheme from Word 2010?



Thank you



Riverpoint Writer

Posted: 08 Sep 2013 03:49 PM PDT

I need "Riverpoint Writer" for my laptop (windows 8) and Tablet (windows RT). Where can I find this application?



2003 Exchange Reports Question? - Microsoft Exchange

2003 Exchange Reports Question? - Microsoft Exchange

2003 Exchange Reports Question?

Posted: 31 Mar 2005 05:43 PM PST

See MessageStats:

Sample screenshots on that site.

David Sengupta M.T.S., B.Sc., MCSE, Exchange MVP, CCA
Ottawa, Canada

"Ed" <> wrote in message

Exchange 2003 install hangs on "MSExchangeIS" startup.

Posted: 30 Mar 2005 10:59 PM PST

Sounds like it's good to go. You might want to run ExBPA against it just
to be sure.
Steve Antonio, MCSE/MCSA
Microsoft Exchange Support

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
rights. Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified
Note: For the benefit of the community-at-large, all responses to this
message are best directed to the newsgroup/thread from which they

com wrote in news:1112323983.269966.160850

What is the OWA time out?

Posted: 30 Mar 2005 03:04 PM PST

Cookie authentication timeout is discussed in this article:

Neil Hobson
Exchange MVP

For Exchange news, links, and tips, check:

"Clayton Sutton" <com> wrote in message

C drive getting full

Posted: 30 Mar 2005 02:29 PM PST


Looks easy enough. I won't be back in that office until next Wed, so I'll
try it then.


"John Oliver, Jr. [MVP]" wrote:

cannot receive email

Posted: 30 Mar 2005 09:55 AM PST

Thanks for responding Clayton. Yes, we have an alias in the external DNS
zone for the OWA server and an MX record has been setup.

"Clayton" wrote:

Email received at server, missing from mailbox

Posted: 30 Mar 2005 09:41 AM PST

Yes, but being on a cluster I'm not sure if there are multiple badmail
folders. I did a search on the virtual server for "badmail" and checked
every directory, all of them were empty and not modified since date of

"John Oliver, Jr. [MVP]" wrote:

Wireless email push

Posted: 30 Mar 2005 08:47 AM PST

Great, thanks. One last question: What are the advantages/disadvantages of
using this technology vs. blackberry?

"Phil" wrote:

Exporting complete address book through Outlook.

Posted: 30 Mar 2005 07:45 AM PST

John Oliver, Jr. [MVP] wrote: 

Thanks ;)

Exchange 2003, ISA 2004 and Message Screener

Posted: 29 Mar 2005 11:35 PM PST

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 17:19:04 -0800, "Ziguana"
<> wrote:
Then my original guess fits.

Migration dilemma - 2 Orgs, one Domain

Posted: 29 Mar 2005 12:32 PM PST

Unfortunately, we'll now need to install into the AD Tree of our parent
company to merge orgs. Both new and old servers will be Exchange 2000.

"Andrew Sword [MVP]" <> wrote in
message news:com... 


monitoring email

Posted: 29 Mar 2005 07:55 AM PST

2003 is the version I have. And you answered what I needed thanks for your

"Joemonkey" wrote:

Custom Delivery Reports

Posted: 29 Mar 2005 06:47 AM PST

On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 15:54:13 -0600, "Eric Dreksler" <ericd AT
accessoneinc DOT com> wrote:

Ooh, my bad. I missed that from the original post. In your case you
might need to deliver to a mailbox and then select a DL as an
alternate recipient (delivering to both the recipient and alternate)
Set the rule on the mailbox and set a mailbox management policy to
flush the mailbox out regularily so it doesn't get clogged.

Calender sharing in OWA.

Posted: 24 Mar 2005 12:27 AM PST

There is a way to do this. I've been looking at it but don't have any
experience with it yet.

Take a look at

"TonyV" <> wrote in message