

turn off hyperlink Microsoft Office for Mac

turn off hyperlink Microsoft Office for Mac

turn off hyperlink

Posted: 12 Apr 2007 05:36 PM PDT

On Apr 13, 4:51 am, JE McGimpsey <org> wrote: 

Another way how to remove hyperlinks from text:
select the column where you have the email addresses do APPLE+C, then
Edit>paste>special and chech values - this will remove the hyperlinks.

Office 2004 won't install!

Posted: 12 Apr 2007 12:20 PM PDT

I've never had X... ever! I'm installing from the student and teacher
full version 2004 CD.


On Apr 13, 6:32 pm, "CyberTaz" <typegeneraltaz1ATcomcastdotnet> wrote: 

Office Won't Load Documents

Posted: 11 Apr 2007 11:49 AM PDT

Reinstalling Office will simply make your problem worse :-) The things that
die in Mac are not part of Office, so re-installing doesn't have any effect.
Other than to give you TWO problems: the original, plus re-configuring

In this case, you don't say where the documents ARE, but I suspect that they
are on a network share. When the commputer goes to sleep, it logs off its
network connections. You need to configure it to re-attach the network
shares when it wakens.

The reason you have to restart the aplication is possibly because the
application's resources (Preference files, templates, printers) are also on
network shares.

If I were you, I would reconfigure that computer so that it prompts for
username and password and runs its login script whenever it reawakes. That
should fix it :-) Even simpler: Set it to stay running, with a password
protected screensaver and powered-down hard disks. You save nearly as much
power, and don't have to worry about vanishing network shares.



John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs

+61 4 1209 1410, <mailto:name> mailto:name

<com> wrote in message 

Creating multipage PDF from password protected Woorkbooks.

Posted: 11 Apr 2007 04:21 AM PDT

Hi Paul:

Chances are, your client is using the Adobe application on
their PCs. This has much higher capability than the equivalent one for the
Mac. (The Mac version of PDFMaker is both feeble and irritating: we
recommend that Mac users uninstall it).

What I suggest that you could do is make a copy of the Exel sheet, remove
the password from it, save as PDF, then discard the copy. Provided that you
save the copy within your Documents folder on your local Mac, nobody who
shouldn't see it will be able to, and you already know the password :-)



John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs

+61 4 1209 1410, <mailto:name> mailto:name

<com> wrote in message 

Mac Office 2004 vs Office 2007

Posted: 10 Apr 2007 08:26 PM PDT

Hi Charles:

No reason for concern at all. I flip between the versions here with no
problems or issues.

There is, currently, a source of "irritation". The Converters for Mac
Office have not appeared yet (the PC ones have, but not the Mac ones).
Microsoft had hoped to have them available by now: obviously they're running
late in development.

The "Converters" are much more substantial than last time: they offer full
read-write compatibility between Office X, 2004 and 2007/8. Which means
they're four times the size! Obviously in a large and complex development
project such as this (those "converters" contain most of the "engine" of the
actual applications concerned) you sometimes do get delays and bugs that
take time to resolve.

I would expect the converters to appear within "weeks, not months".

Until they do, you will have to ask Office 2007 users to save back a version
for you. When they do that, some things, such as the new graphics in Office
2007 documents, will be converted into static uneditable pictures. So don't
back-convert unless you have to.



John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs

+61 4 1209 1410, <mailto:name> mailto:name

"Charles J. Rice" <com> wrote in message

Test Drive running out

Posted: 10 Apr 2007 01:21 PM PDT

Hi Diane -

Point well made for any custom templates, but re:

On 4/10/07 8:14 PM, in article,
"Diane Ross" <> wrote:

I thought even the Test Drive for 2004 stored Normal in the MUD?

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Failure to Lauch

Posted: 09 Apr 2007 01:47 PM PDT

" I would use "Remove Office" then install again and update."
I can't reinstall. My boss can't find the installation cd and
even if he did find the cd, it would not run because the cd would try
to install on classic and classic does not work on my comp since the
tiger update.

Setting up Word to automatically open in Standard mode, zoom=pagemargins

Posted: 09 Apr 2007 12:04 AM PDT

Hi Edward:

Oh, please don't stop bugging us -- we need your questions far more than you
need our answers :-)

You see, for many of us, this is one of our most important hobbies. It's
part of our lives. If no-one asked any questions, then what would we do?
Our Significant Others are already threatening with the "Honey Do..." list:
you wouldn't want to leave us without an excuse, would you??



John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs

+61 4 1209 1410, <mailto:name> mailto:name

"Edward Lipsett" <com> wrote in message

Office 2004 error message

Posted: 08 Apr 2007 09:53 PM PDT

That would be the Apple 10.4.9 Updater you're missing :-)

When you re-install, you have to re-apply all the updates, because they're
no longer applied to the newly-installed software.



John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs

+61 4 1209 1410, <mailto:name> mailto:name

<net> wrote in message 

Pasting multiple items from scrapbook

Posted: 08 Apr 2007 05:12 AM PDT

Well, yeah, going to XL does make a difference - file structure is totally
different. It can't paste separate content into separate cells at the same
time, however:

If all the entries are text you can select more than one then *drag* them
into the worksheet rather than pasting. The drawback is that they will *all*
will go into the same cell.

If there are graphics included in the multiple selection only the text items
will get entered, and graphics can apparently be entered one-at-a-time only.
If you select multiple graphic items only the first will be inserted.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 4/8/07 10:05 AM, in article,
"com" <com> wrote:

Move an installation of Office to new computer...

Posted: 07 Apr 2007 07:51 PM PDT

com wrote: 


office 2004 pro and OS X 10.4

Posted: 07 Apr 2007 05:52 PM PDT

Thanks Daiya :-)

I looked here:

That's highly confusing, and it appears, wrong :-)



John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs

+61 4 1209 1410, <mailto:name> mailto:name

"Daiya Mitchell" <org.INVALID> wrote in message

Entourage bug -- please advise

Posted: 05 Apr 2007 02:13 PM PDT

Diane Ross <> wrote:

Thanks. I took a peek in the "11.3.4 Update Log.txt" file. Word, Junk
Email Protection and Component Plugin got updated this time. So my
Office is updated :-)

Poor Zune battery life???

Posted: 03 Apr 2007 12:14 PM PDT

Hi Steve:

If you charged it overnight before the first use, then you probably have a
faulty battery.

If you leave the WFi on, you substantially increase battery consumption. So

Once the battery has been properly initialised, it doesn't matter when you
charge it. I tend to let rechargeables run right down before recharging,
because the old rechargeables would recharge only about 500 times,
regardless of how empty they were when you did it. So I got the best bang
for my buck by not charging until they were empty. I suspect this is
nonsense these days, but I keep doing it :-)

You can try the procedure I described for reconditioning the battery: it
sometimes works. But I think you have one or more cells out in that
battery, and a chat to your retailer is what is needed. As I said, you
should get 16 hours out of it.



John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs

+61 4 1209 1410, <mailto:name> mailto:name

"Stevemo57" <> wrote in message

Problems saving to network drive (Airport Extreme)

Posted: 29 Mar 2007 12:40 PM PDT

Oh, you cynical person. How could you ever believe that :-)

Did you also eliminate the "Mounted twice" bug? There is an issue where, if
a folder is mounted along two paths, it gets very confused. Say: one
mounted on the desktop, the other open via an application.



John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs

+61 4 1209 1410, <mailto:name> mailto:name

<com> wrote in message 

Microsoft Word - word on my surface is not responding

Microsoft Word - word on my surface is not responding

word on my surface is not responding

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 04:51 AM PST

Word on my surface is not responding and has frozen. I don't want to loose my work. Can I save or recover my work in some way?


Posted: 21 Jan 2013 12:15 AM PST


                                                     will MICROSOFT WORD 2007 work in WINDOWS 8 ?

Can clip art images be incorporated as part of designed products, such as, greeting cards for sale to the public?

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 08:22 PM PST


Can clip art images, from, be incorporated as part of designed products, such as, greeting cards for sale to the public? Thanks.

GOD Bless!
Wm. Sutton

Keeping sections and customized page breaks and page numbering intact when amending text

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 06:48 AM PST

Hi All


I have written an educational handbook of 340 pages which contains text and graphics and I have individualised each page number by making each page a new section and putting my individualized page numbering in the footers. I want schools to be able to customize some of the content as they wish, for their own situations and so want to keep much of the text in Word rather than PDF. However, when the text is amended, the section breaks disappear and therefore so does my individualized page numbering. Is there any way I can keep my page numbering even though the text is changed? I'm using Word 2003 and Windows XP.


Many thanks for any help.


Chris B

Where to find Questions by other people?

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 03:46 AM PST

Where do I find Questions posted in this Microsoft Forum by other people please?

draw programs

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 03:40 AM PST

I have windows 7 on my computer, but find the drawing program vast;y inferior to the XP version, which I used to draw the entire human skeleton. I cannot do this with windows 7 and wish to use the XP version again. I need step by step instructions on how to incorporate windows XP draw into my 7 program. Any suggestions?

Table of Contents in Word 2010

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 03:26 AM PST

How do I insert Table of Contents in Word 2010 from automatically numbered Chapters bred from Style: Heading 1

Word Mail Merge loosing data

Posted: 19 Jan 2013 11:06 PM PST

Hi All,

I have a little strange question and i am not sure that i can explain it correctly. I will try :))

I am using for a source for the mail merge an Excel file. Everything seems to be working fine, but after looking more careful in the word file i noticed that in one of the fields there is a missing information. I noticed that all the information is cut after 255 sign. 

For example: In the box in Excel i have let say 2000 signs and in the same field in merge email i have 255 signs. This seems to be valid for all the information in this columns. All the other columns don`t have this problem all the information is transferred correctly.

I will be very grateful if someone could help me with this. 

Thank you !!!

check characters to the left of cursor from within a macro in Word 2007

Posted: 19 Jan 2013 09:32 PM PST

am writing a macro to convert a set of text lines to a continuous series of lines:

    Do Until chk = numrows
    Selection.MoveDown Unit:=wdLine, Count:=1
    Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine
    Selection.TypeText Text:=",  "
    Selection.MoveUp Unit:=wdLine, Count:=1
    Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine
    Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
    chk = chk + 1

Unfortunately when the growing string textwraps, the Delete 1 character action deletes the first letter of the next item.
so want to check, pres with an If then statement, whether last characters at end of line are ",  " and if not, move down to the new line created by text-wrapping before doing the delete action.
Unless someone can suggest a different and smarter coding to get the same result, which is to add a comma and two spaces to the end of a line, delete the paragraph marker, go to the end of the next line down, and repeat until the last row of text.
The original text has been pasted in from excel, and then the resulting table converted to text, just to clarify where I am coming from.
Am using Word 2007 in Windows 7.

office 365 Word won't work. Once you choose a template it crashes

Posted: 18 Jan 2013 09:39 PM PST

Word doesn't work in the new office 365.

envelope alignment problem Word 2010

Posted: 18 Jan 2013 10:38 AM PST

Cannot print an envelope properly n Word 2010 using -- always prints in the center of the page and not on the right side as the option setting indicates. No matter what print option setting is chosen the envelope prints in the center of the page.

The printer is an HP OfficeJet 6700 premium. PC is Dell XPS tower.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Up and running - just one problem - Forums Linux

Up and running - just one problem - Forums Linux

Up and running - just one problem

Posted: 12 Apr 2004 06:39 AM PDT

Larry Gagnon wrote: 
Hi Larry,

Thank you for the link. A real learning experience. Got through it all
until the part where I had to make file and discovered that while I was
doing my install I deliberately deselected programming stuff (I don't
code other than PHP) so I didn't have a C compiler to make the file :D
Just too funny.

Oh well back to installing again.


rsync --bwlimit=KPBS

Posted: 10 Apr 2004 10:18 AM PDT

In article <27.42.69>, Antoine EMERIT
<nothing> writes 

Some of these are 300 off megabytes !


Oops !

I read it as k bits per second !

Guess I mean 18 and 20 then !

Many thanks ! J/.
John Beardmore

Displaying duration in hours Microsoft Project

Displaying duration in hours Microsoft Project

Displaying duration in hours

Posted: 07 May 2004 12:55 PM PDT

Worked like a charm. Thanks!

"Dale Howard [MVP]" <dale(dot)howard(at)msprojectexperts(dot)com> wrote in
message news:phx.gbl... 

How to change work without affecting duration

Posted: 07 May 2004 09:34 AM PDT

You're welcome, David :-)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

David Morrison wrote: 

Newbie: Report of Total Hours

Posted: 07 May 2004 09:32 AM PDT

Hi Mark,

Assign a dummy resource 100% to each task, then Work=duration
Duration is never rolled up

Alternative: set a formula dina field such as duration1 =[Duration] and have
the summaries rolled uop.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"Mark Jerde" <> schreef in bericht

Problem with first task

Posted: 07 May 2004 08:20 AM PDT

What time is it set to start? One "day" is 8 working hours by the standard
calendar settings. If your task starts Wed at some time into the workday
instead of right at the start of the day, and if the calendar shows hours of
work less than 8 hours, one "day" of work won't be completed until well
into the following day. The project calendar should show that actual hours
of work while the value for hours per day in the Tools Options Calendar page
should conform the the hours designated in the project calendar.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Chris" <> wrote in message

Planned work over a time period

Posted: 07 May 2004 04:32 AM PDT

You didn't indicate how much or how little detail you want. Here's a start:

1. View | Resource Usage. RightMouseButton on the right side of the
display and set the popup menu so that there is only a tick against Work.

2. RightMouseButton on the timescale at the top of the display, click on
TimeScale and set the display to show months (I did it by setting both the
middle and bottom tier Units to Months and the middle and bottom tier Count
to 1.

3. Project | Group By ... and choose Work vs. Material.

4. The figures on the line labelled "Type:Work" are the numbers you want.
You said you wanted days or man-months ... you'll have to some simple math
to go from hours to days (divide by 8).


"Fredrik Sjoo" <> wrote in message

Transfering MS Project98 data to another PC

Posted: 06 May 2004 06:14 PM PDT

All the data about a specific project is stored in one (large) file with the
extension "mpp". If you have inserted projects and/or a resource pool file,
those are normal mpp files as well linked to the project file. Templates
are in files with the extension mpt. Global objects and personal settings
are stored in the file GLOBAL.MPT. To locate the folders where your files
reside in your computer, use the Windows Search utility and scan for all
files with the filename "*.mpp".

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Jerry" <> wrote in message

SWITCH Formula

Posted: 06 May 2004 02:36 PM PDT

"LUIS" <> wrote in message
resources associated each one to a diferent number. The thing is i have a
list of at least 45 resources and the formula marks an error and i think it
is because the number of charachters. Is there another formula that i can
use? Is there another way to lookup this values in a table? 

Here is what I would do.
Open the resource view (the one with all the resources listed)
insert one of the text columns.
Put the number for each resource in the text column.

Now the question is what are the numbers for and which context are they used
If they are used in some sort of a resource view then you are done.
If you are trying to use them in a task view you need to do something else,
where the "something else" is to write a small visual basic macro to put the
number where you need it.

If you can tell us what the number is used for and why then the next step is


Project measured in hours

Posted: 06 May 2004 01:52 PM PDT


"Gérard Ducouret" <fr> wrote in message

Science Lab Scheduling?

Posted: 06 May 2004 12:31 PM PDT

Questions lead to questions...:-)

First, No I don't know a good (or any) "production" scheduling tools - I
havn't been in that business for some time - Google away and see what you
come up with.

Now regarding your projects - what are the limitations you would like to
eliminate. There are lots of project gurus that hang out here. They or I
might be able to help.

Given the scope (size in terms of effort, duration, number of people,
network complexity etc.) of your projects, the white board (or Excel) may be
the way to go...

In my work with teams, we ALWAYS start with post-it notes to ID
deliverables/activities then sequence the post-its into a network. Some of
those projects make it to MSP - some don't need to... so it is, to some
extent a judgement call.

Does putting the project into MSP add value? If so do it. If not don't.
Unfortunatley, only you can answer that question.


"Conrad Santiago" <> wrote in message
we are using the right tool for our project scheduling purposes. Using MSP,
we are scheduling hundreds of projects a year. These projects have fixed
due dates (although, many do slide). However, I do see limitations in MSP
that would make my life easier. At times, I've felt using a white board to
layout the projects would be more effective for me to plan in the future. 
it a 
in an 
and task 

Tasks causing overallocated resources

Posted: 06 May 2004 11:18 AM PDT

Thanks for your help everyone.

I tried looking at the Resource Usage View again and tried to see if
the tasks would be red if they were using overallocated resources.
Again it only shows me the days a resource is overallocated and lists
all the tasks under it, even if they don't really conflict. (I'm
using Project 2002) I was hoping project would show me the exact
tasks that overuse a resource and that overlap down to the minute.
Here it lists them all if they just fall on the same day.

Mitch, I tried that Oasys Scheduler add-in and it seems to work pretty
good. It colors the tasks causing the overallocations red in the Gantt
Chart View. Exactly what I wanted! It also has a resource leveling
feature which seems to work better than the one that comes with
Microsoft Project. I tried it on a huge project (1000+ tasks) and it
actually leveled it. Project's leveling would just hang and do

Thanks again.

"Steve House" <> wrote in message news:<#phx.gbl>... 

Dates that change by themselves on emailed schedules

Posted: 06 May 2004 11:00 AM PDT

I had that problem once, and I believe it had something to
do with settings on individual's computers. Do either of
you have automatic leveling checked? 
tasks and are 
dates of the tasks 
dates of the tasks 
either of you connect 

splitting the task only lengthens the bar

Posted: 06 May 2004 06:29 AM PDT

Hi John,

Have a look at the Task Usage view and check for zeros where the split is
occurring. You could try deleting and re-inserting the offending tasks.

Otherwise, we need to discover whether your project is at fault, whether it
is Project at fault, or whether it's your PC. Does the symptom occur with
other projects on this PC? Does it occur with this project on other PCs?
Does it occur with other projects on other PCs? Does your backup (you do
have one don't you? :) ) have the same symptom?

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP wrote: 

Filters on Text Fields

Posted: 05 May 2004 02:51 PM PDT

Gee with all that excitement maybe its a good thing I wasn't there. Glad
I could help.


Virusses & Spam - Microsoft Exchange

Virusses & Spam - Microsoft Exchange

Virusses & Spam

Posted: 20 Jun 2004 06:00 AM PDT

Antivirus: Trend Scanmail or Sybari Antigen (the latter also has spam
Spam: if you don't want to handle it in house, see for an
outside service.

Sven wrote: 

Outllo authentication with exchange

Posted: 19 Jun 2004 09:03 AM PDT

In the last exciting episode, "Dan LeBaron"
<> wrote:

Workgroup? No. Only if he is using POP3 and IMAP to connect. NT
credentials don't get cached. Another domain? Only if there is a valid

Moving public folders

Posted: 18 Jun 2004 09:16 AM PDT

What platform - I know microsoft has a public folder
migration tool now that works like exmerge I believe.

Check article 822895

the same site and 
having to do each 

Outlook tells user "cannot open one or more attachments"

Posted: 18 Jun 2004 09:04 AM PDT

Yup, that fixed us alright.

So fellas if you are running Groupshield and the engine is
EOL (like us and soon the rest of our MS server software ..
pre-digress :-} ) then update your engine and you are back
in action. Virus scanning on the Exchange 5.5 is working
again and attachments, etc. good to go.

Here is their URL - not sure if you need to call in an get
your NAI grant # first:

clients all 
rep for 
have a 

How do I create a corporate wide contact list?

Posted: 18 Jun 2004 05:23 AM PDT

sderyke2002 wrote: 

That really depends on your server hw and how many contacts you have, and
how many users are accessing it. I have one customer with 7k contacts in the
public contacts's not too speedy, but it works.

No - but make sure that no matter who else has "owner" rights, the
administrator acct. has them as well - in fact, don't give anyone else owner
rights. Editor is quite enough for most folk. 

Problem sending mail from Exchange 5.5 to Exchange 2003

Posted: 18 Jun 2004 03:40 AM PDT

Yes !! 

Using Exchange Server 2003 with POP3 account of ISP

Posted: 18 Jun 2004 01:15 AM PDT

Sending mail to your ISP should be no problem. You just have to create the
SMTP connector.
On the other hand, receiving would be easiest if your ISP would
automatically forward all incoming mails on your POP3 account to your
Exchange 2003.

Keep on fighting!

Please reply to this message, to let others know whether it was useful to
help you solve your problems or not.

Original Message:
"Manu" <com> wrote in message

Live Communications Server Integration with Exchange 2003

Posted: 17 Jun 2004 01:10 PM PDT

Hi Mark,

Thank you for the quick reply! I'm disappointed to hear about the
separate licensing but I understand. Am I right in determining that
Exchange 2003 itself no longer provides this kind of simple
functionality that was present in Exchange 2000?

I think we might be verging on getting off topic now, but does Microsoft
provide another solution for company messaging (without the extra
collaborative features) that could be managed within the company? I'm
not interested in monitoring usage or logging messages, just controlling
contact lists to other company employees. Could that even be done with
Microsoft Messenger and a Security Template?

Thanks again!


Mark Fugatt [MVP] wrote:

Missing File Attachments

Posted: 17 Jun 2004 09:36 AM PDT

make sure the server has free space on all drives 
Software from the Exchange 
not causing this 
would remove that as 
message size limits 
Multiple Mailboxes 
your newsreader so 
confers no rights. 

E5.5 to E2K3 Question

Posted: 17 Jun 2004 08:44 AM PDT

That is what I was wondering. I was not sure if there would be an issue
with migrating the account into AD if the E5.5 Directory Name was different
for a few users. From what you are saying, this E5.5 Directory Name is not
some critical parameter that AD or E2K3 will have to have.


"ccs" <com> wrote in message news:LZvAc.24871$.. 

Dialling a telephone no from Outlook

Posted: 17 Jun 2004 07:29 AM PDT

Somewhere in Outlook there is a list of TAPI interfaces

When you installed your mobile phone software, it adds one to the list.
Likewise, our BCM system also has an entry for our office phones.

When you iniate a call, you can choose which phone interface to use, e.g.
BCM, Mobile or other.

I'm not really up to speed on the technical bits behind all this, but AFAIK,
DUN is not the way we are going.

PS We are using Vodaphone as our carrier, and Nokia phones (6300 etc).


"JMF14" <> wrote in message
you using a DUN client BT connection or just transfering the contact info
into the cell phone phonebook? I have been able to transfer the number
using BT DUN but my cell phone provider doesn't support DUN dialing? Does
yours? Who is it? 
usually it 


Editing the Exchange 5.1.1 NDR message

Posted: 16 Jun 2004 12:10 PM PDT

Hi Graig,

To the best of my knowledge there is not an "internet standard" for NDR
mail. Every product uses its own error codes and descriptions. The best I
can offer you is a link to the Exchange article that explains all of the NDR
error codes.

Delivery Status Notifications in Exchange 2000 Server (284204);EN-US;284204

Sorry I was not able to provide more information.
Matthew Byrd
Microsoft PSS

When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"Craig" <com> wrote in message 

Information Store wont start - error4294965485

Posted: 16 Jun 2004 12:09 PM PDT

Hi Tom,

You cannot restore the directories. That would be a file level restore.
You have to do an Exchange aware restore from an Exchange aware backup. If
you do not have one your only other option would be to do a hard repair of
the database.

Fast action plan:

Run eseutil /p on the priv.edb and pub.edb from the time of the failure
Run eseutil /d on the priv.edb and pub.edb after the /p finishes
Remove all log files to a safe location
Start the information store ( may have to run isinteg -path if you get
a -1011 error)
Stop the information store
Run "isinteg -pri -fix -test alltests" until you get 0 errors
Run "isinteg -pub -fix -test alltests" until you get 0 errors
Start the information store

When restoring or making an Exchange aware backup the backup software should
indicate that you are backing up the "Information Store" and or the
"Directory Service" you should not be selecting individual folders to

Hope this Helps,

Matthew Byrd
Microsoft PSS

When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"Tom Chandler" <com> wrote in message

Allowing Non-IT types to manage Distribution List membership

Posted: 16 Jun 2004 08:32 AM PDT

I am actually the customer trying to get our MIS dept to created the DL, but
I keep running into walls. I have no problems maintaining the lists, but
would like to have some "black and white" resource to show to my MIS dept
and senior management if I need to, in order to get this accomplished.


"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message

Newsgroup Attachments

Posted: 15 Jun 2004 03:46 PM PDT

What client are you using to access the newsgroups, if your using Outlook
Express you can select all the parts of the message and select Message >
Combine and Decode

Mark Fugatt
Exchange MVP
<> wrote in message

Exmerge Showing 0 Kilobyte Mailbox

Posted: 15 Jun 2004 04:01 AM PDT

Just letting you know the only solution I found:

1. build disaster recovery server isolated from production
2. make sure it has same organisation and first administrative group names.
If not, then fumble with legacdydn.exe to change it.
3. mount the restored information store into that admin group
4. connect with outlook.
5. export the mail.

Reminds me of the "old days" without RSG's.

I don't know why Exmerge couldn't see any mail in this mailbox. It
continually exported 0 kilibytes. Not even microsoft could give me any

"jerry cantrell" <net> wrote in message

Microsoft Word - Installing Outlook Express on Windows 7

Microsoft Word - Installing Outlook Express on Windows 7

Installing Outlook Express on Windows 7

Posted: 19 Jan 2013 01:24 PM PST

I recently bought a new PC and of course it came with Windows 7. I really don't like the Windows Live Mail because one is only allowed one listing for ones contacts, unlike Outlook Express which has the "Main Contacts," "Secondary Contacts," "Backup Contacts" "Infrequent Contacts," etc;. I just don't like the idea of picking through my entire listing of contacts just to send an email.


Question: I have to ask this, only because of all the problems I've had with Windows 7 so far. "Is it possible to uninstall the Windows Live Mail, and install an updated version of Outlook Express, without any big issues"?

Docking and undocking Thesaurus window in Word 2007

Posted: 19 Jan 2013 10:15 AM PST

I accidentally undocked thesaurus in Word 2007 window when my mouse caught the title bar.

Can't find any way to redock on right side and have not found the answer in help or online.

Has anybody else found out how to do this or can anyone help, please? I guess it might require a visit to regedit but I hope not!

Printing issues with 365 Preview Word

Posted: 19 Jan 2013 09:37 AM PST

Used to print work orders in 2010 perfectly, but when I upgraded to 2013, part of the content on my page shifts to the right and gets cut off. It appears fine in Word, but not when it's printed. I have .3" top/bottom margins, and .25" left/right. On Windows 8. Any ideas?

Trouble with file extensions

Posted: 19 Jan 2013 07:18 AM PST

Recently I downloaded Workspace Macro Pro 6.5 (Tethy Solutions) onto three different computers and I created several macros on one of them and they worked fine. I then copied the macro files onto the other two computers and tried to run them on those but was not successful. The problem was that in the macros I had specified that .docx files be opened. On one of the other computers, however, the same files appeared with the .doc extension (that computer has Word 2003 on it). Therefore the macro could not find the files to open. On the other computer (which has Word 2007) no file extensions appeared and so I could not run the macros on that one either. Any suggestions about what to do?

I know how to change portrait to landscape within a document but how do I get the page numbers to appear at the bottom of all mixed pages

Posted: 18 Jan 2013 09:52 AM PST

I know how to change portrait to landscape within a document but how do I get the page numbers to appear at the bottom of all mixed pages.   I am familiar with the change process within a document as I will have some pages in landscape to accomodate wide tables.  I heed to get the page numbers all at the bottom as I will be converting the document to PDF.