

Microsoft Word - MS Office 2007 Word.

Microsoft Word - MS Office 2007 Word.

MS Office 2007 Word.

Posted: 31 Dec 2012 08:30 AM PST

Have been using Word 2007 for ages and using the 'Signature Line. date & Time, Object' tab in the 'Insert section of the ribbon.   Today it has disappeared and I cannot find it.   How do I recover this helpful item?

I used it frequently to enter the date on letters and documents and the 'date & time' options were great.

Working with Lenovo PC with MS Windows 7.   The other office PC is still using MS XP Professional and the ribbon on Word 2007 is fine, still showing the tab. 

Trouble with Headers - Please help

Posted: 31 Dec 2012 05:58 AM PST

I have windows 7 and word 2010.  When I open a word document my header does not automatically appear.  It use to appear.  What do I need to click in order for the header area to automatically show up for a new blank document or a document that has already been created.


Thank you,



Different font for different people

Posted: 31 Dec 2012 04:53 AM PST

We have found a situation where the font for a document changes depending on who opens the document.  Is there a way to set the font in a document so that it will not change?  When reviewing/commenting on documents it is very hard to do when the line numbers change depending on the font.


Posted: 30 Dec 2012 04:52 PM PST

I received instructions to double click on the needed file then click on office button but no office or word icon appears.    I go to documents and highlight a file but there is no print icon.  How do I print a file

Why has Word suddenly changed size, with a smaller page, and font too small to read even at 14?

Posted: 30 Dec 2012 04:47 PM PST

The only different thing to occur since I last used Word was updating some drivers.

After the driver update on my computer updated a number of outdated drivers, I opened Word, and the blank page was only about half the size it normally is, and the fonts were tiny, even when I tried size 14. How can I fix this problem?

can't save or save as in Word or Excel - they shut down!

Posted: 29 Dec 2012 07:31 PM PST

Windows Vista, Office 2007; no problems till recently; ca't save or save as in both Word and Excel - without these shutting down immediately!

I want to download my FREE 60 day trail of microsoft office

Posted: 25 Dec 2012 03:55 PM PST


I just received my new laptop this Christmas. It offers a free 60 day trial of, Microsoft office. however, I have been having problems and it keeps asking me if I would like to purchase it. Summing this up; it wont let me download the free trial. I am hoping you can get back to me as quickly as possible.

thank you for your time,

Erica Jermacans

i have windows 8 and want to know do i need to install microsoft office for 64 bit since that is what i am running, it recommends 32 bit.

Posted: 25 Dec 2012 12:23 PM PST

want to install trial version of Microsoft office 2010

What is the best way to facilitate a refund?

Posted: 24 Dec 2012 11:15 PM PST

I feel as if a 3rd party support team has extorted money from me. I would like to know the best way to correct this situation.

How do I stabilize my document?

Posted: 24 Dec 2012 03:01 PM PST

Word keeps changing my formatting esp. page layout.  How can I stabilize things?

Office 2010

How to get personalized Style Sets to apply to a document already created?

Posted: 24 Dec 2012 09:41 AM PST


I have gone and created my own Style Set in Word 2010, let's call it "Fanaa". When I open a new blank document, the Fanaa Style Set opens up my default every time.

If I have a document from someone else, is there a way I can click a button that says 'Apply Fanaa Style Set' to this document?

I have tried selecting the entire document and then going to Home > Change Styles > Style Set > Fanaa. This changed some of the layout (i.e. it made Heading level 2 italicized) but that was not the default I had selected in Fanaa.


Calculate amount of filtered tasks. Microsoft Project

Calculate amount of filtered tasks. Microsoft Project

Calculate amount of filtered tasks.

Posted: 04 May 2004 01:08 AM PDT

"Amount" as in the number of tasks or what? Just what values are you trying
to summarize?

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Fred Sjoo" <se> wrote in message

Customizing Gantt View Problems

Posted: 03 May 2004 07:06 PM PDT


Scheduling changes are not a part of a table.
They change the task objects themselves and will be reflected everywhere in
the plan.
On the other hand, you can change filters whenever you want.
In teh definition of your copied filter, do you have a filter other than All

To summarize:

Filters decide Which tasks you will show
Tables select which of the task's properties you will show

(Neither of them CHANGES the task)

Scheduling changes do change the tasks themselves and will be rflected
anywhere, anyhow.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"Deluth" <> schreef in bericht
the original Gantt, the copied Gantt gets filtered as well. I also don't
have the capability of hiding/exploding outline levels in the copied Gantt.
Is this a feature? 
changes in the original too. This is exactly what I was looking for. I
just needed a way to view the information, but also not losing the
capability of updating the information. I thought that when I copied the
table, the changes I made would only affect the copied table, but it seemed
to be global somehow. This is good, but the architecture is a bit confusing
to me...

Project miscalculated finish dates

Posted: 03 May 2004 11:21 AM PDT

It's not that you shouldn't add tasks, it's that you shouldn't expect the
start date of the partially complete task to move in response to the link
from the inserted task. The work that was done will be shown as occurring
on the date that it was done and those dates are properly locked in granite.
If you get part-way into a task and come up against a wall where you can't
go farther because something was needed from a predecessor that had
accidently been omitted, go ahead and add the predecessor and link. Then
use the "reschedule uncompleted work" tool in the Tools, Tracking,
UpdateProject menu to move both the new unworked predecessor and the
remaining part of the partially worked task forward from the date they
currently show to the first date that work can actually be done on them.

Example - Assume default calendars. Task Fidget, the first task in the
Project, will take 10 days and started yesterday, the Project Start Date.
At the end of today we discover that progress stops at 20% done because we
forgot to include 3 day task "GetReady" in the plan and it produces
something that's now needed by Fidget thus Fidget can't proceed further
until we do that task. So we insert "GetReady" before "Fidget" and link it
FS. Now the plan shows GetReady starting yesterday and Fidget also
yesterday. Fine so far? (Remember? You never supply start and finish
dates, so for the moment the added task shows occuring in the past. That's
OK, we'll fix it in a moment.) That sets up the problem you described. OK,
so now we run the "reschedule work" tool I mentioned above. GetReady moves
to show starting tomorrow (we don't have a time machine that lets us go back
and do work that we should have done yesterday but didn't do) since that's
the earliest day we can actually do it, starting tomorrow (Wed) and
finishing Friday. The Fidget task splits, leaving the two days of work that
were done yesterday and today right where they are, and the rest moves out
to start next Monday, the first available workday after the completion of

On your second issue - when you post something is x percent complete Project
assumes the work is taking place exactly as called for in the schedule.
When you post that it is 100% complete you say that the total duration and
the amount of work that was required is exactly what you'd esitmated. If
it's not (as is very often the case), don't use the % Complete entry field
to enter the data. Instead, as the task progesses, update the Actual
Duration field with the amount that has been worked and the Remaining
Duration field to show the estimate to completion, letting Project calculate
what percentages that represents. When the task is done, enter the Actual
Duration that it took you to do the work and zero in the Remaining Duration
field. Project will set the task as 100% complete with an updated total
duration that reflects your true situation. Some people go so far as to
suggest that you just forget that the % Complete field is there except for
the simplest of projects and make it a habit to always post progress by
updating the Actual and Remaining Duration fields along with the Actual
Start and Actual Finish fields.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Deluth" <> wrote in message
completed task? What happens if in the middle of a current task, we
realized that we are dependent on another task from someone else, couldn't
we add this task and wait for it to complete while we're at 30% complete?
Is it that I recorded the wrong field when I update progress? If so, which
field should I use to update progress in my schedule? 
complete by the estimated finish date - meaning the task took longer than
expected or it's late - Project doesn't update the corrected finish date
when the task finally becomes 100% complete. How do I set it so that
Project would warn me that the uncompleted task may cause that task to be in
a critical path, causing my project to be delayed? Once again, am I using
the correct field to update progress? 


Posted: 03 May 2004 08:50 AM PDT

You enter whatever the individual resource gets for work in excess of his
regular work schedule. There is no single formula that fits all resources
and jurisdictions. For non-union and non-managment employees it may be
governed by labour legislation, like in most jurisdictions in North America
the law requires 150% of regular pay for most job categories, while for
unionized trades it may be governed by a specific collective bargaining
agreement. For managers and professional people who are not entitled to an
overtime premium I usually suggest setting the overtime rate equal to the
standard rate so you don't have hours that are "worked for free" making the
tasks appear cheaper than they really are if they work more than the
standard workday on a task.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"ruth" <> wrote in message
i ought to calculate the overtime as 150% of standard time and put the
individual values under the overtime column,for instance if ones standard
hourly pay is £120 his overtime rate is 150% of £120, want to confirm this

executive summary

Posted: 03 May 2004 06:41 AM PDT

What os the prupose of the report - getting a project approved, reporting
progress to date for one underway, a "lessons learned" for a project that's
wrapping up?

An executive summary report would be just like any other report except that
it is very brief and to the point, no more than one page.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Oby" <> wrote in message
never done one before, can it be likened to just a summary report? if no,
please can you give me some tips? I actuall have done one but need some
advice.please let me know if i shld post it to you, its very short. 

Open ppt from MSP (hyperlink)

Posted: 03 May 2004 04:10 AM PDT

When I try it with a ppt file I get a slide-show like view BUT there's a
menu at the top with "edit slides" that opens the full PowerPoint

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Itzik" <> wrote in message

lead nd lag

Posted: 03 May 2004 02:56 AM PDT

steve, thanks a million, i just love this forum!!!! it helps a great deal
regards ruth


Posted: 03 May 2004 02:46 AM PDT

The WBS chart resembles a heirarchical chart such as an organizational chart
or genealogical chart. So your major heading would start a branch and have
under them all their component summary tasks and each summary task starts a
branch with all it's subtasks under it.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"ruth" <> wrote in message
have my major headings say, project admin, build up of hardware etc,
underneath these headings, do i still put the allthe sub tasks that i have
in my micro soft project plan schedule or i choose separate tasks? 

concurrent Project installations

Posted: 01 May 2004 02:36 PM PDT


Can't help with vba. Note that I installed each version in numerical order
which prevents older files corrupting the newer ones.

Mike Glen
Project MVP

John wrote: 

Displaying complete task hierarchy in Resource Usage

Posted: 01 May 2004 12:06 AM PDT


First, to get a feel on how you program VBA in Office (Project, Excel...)
type Alt+F11 and you are in the VB Editor; insert a module and you can write

A good start is at
prj98vbe.exe at
It is for Project 98 but the principles and the great majority of objects
are identical to later versions.

And before you start... in VBA Project you manipulate Project's OBJECTS such
as tasks, resource, assignments, and only rarely selections, rows, columns.

But what you are looking for - making a new view that has essentially
different information from an existing view- is not that easy.
It is NOT JUST A TABLE as you seem to think.
It is about different objects.
Resource Usage displays properties of Resources and Assignments, not of
tasks. So any table you define can only show these properties, and not
things such as the outline parent of the task.
What you need to do is read all assignments, lookup which task they are
about, then copy task properties into assignment fields (such as Text1 or
number7) which you can then display in a table in the resource usage view
But it would still show only one line per assignment8


Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"Deluth" <> schreef in bericht
don't know why Resource/Task views can only see Resource/Task Tables,
respectively. After all, they're just tables, right? If it takes learning
how to program Project so that I can mix the two tables in a custom view, I
am willing to do that. 

Gantt chart of all Resources

Posted: 30 Apr 2004 11:56 PM PDT

Your problem is that a Gantt chart is a task view by definition, not just in
Project but in PM in general, designed to show the flow and schedule of the
work. Tasks have duration but resources have work and work and duration are
two different and distinct measures which is why your manager can't have
what she wants. She's too busy to turn a page???

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Deluth" <> wrote in message
duration and predecessor fields so that she can manipulate the data better.
Unfortunately, the Resource Usage can't see duration/predecessor and the way
that Jan had showed me to sort the Gantt chart doesn't look as nice (with
all the resources at the outline) as the Resource Usage View. I supposed
I'm stuck with this...

Recurring tasks "pushed to the right"

Posted: 30 Apr 2004 03:01 PM PDT

Did you use the actual "insert recurring task" menu option or did you try to
put them in one at a time?

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Freddie Kruger" <> wrote in message
for each of them as needed, in the gannt chart view, as I scroll down the
page to do so, it "pushes" the tasks further and further to the right of the
screen as I scroll down the page, to the point where I can't even see the
task names for the tasks that are furthest down the page. Can someone
please help?

Open Office - [discuss] Suggested Project

Open Office - [discuss] Suggested Project

[discuss] Suggested Project

Posted: 07 May 2006 11:04 AM PDT

Lee Baldwin wrote:

An email client WITH SEARCHING FUNCTIONALITY would be of great help.
But you're right. It's a major pain to open up thunderbird / mozilla. It
would be much easier to open up a mail client if it were called
'OpenOffice Email'.

Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989

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[discuss] OpenDocument Format = ISO 26300

Posted: 03 May 2006 03:02 PM PDT

On Wed, 03 May 2006 18:01:29 -0400
Louis Suarez-Potts <com> wrote:

My Congrats to all involved.

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[discuss] probleme en francais

Posted: 30 Apr 2006 04:51 PM PDT

On Sun April 30 2006 20:54, + gan mo wrote: 

As you are not subscribed you may not have seen that:
On Mon May 1 2006 09:49, Sophie Gautier wrote: 

Please reply to org only.

Normally org is the best list to ask questions about using=

CPH : contributor

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[discuss] Regarding Integration with MS Outlook

Posted: 30 Apr 2006 11:04 AM PDT

Hi Virag,

com wrote:

What exactly do you mean?

In OOo you can do
- File|Send|Document as e-mail, or
- File|Send|Document as PDF attachment.
Can be done with Outlook as well.

With OOo you can create documents
- that you attach to Outlook
- where you paste contents of in an Outlook mail.

So pls, explain what you are looking for that is not possible with
Outlook and OOo.

Thanks a lot
& Regards,

Cor Nouws -
Free your files

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[discuss] Funding for Evolution Win32 Installer

Posted: 30 Apr 2006 03:56 AM PDT

On 1 May 2006 at 21:44, Alexandro Colorado wrote:

I've had doctors prescribe antibiotics automatically for something that wasn't a bacterial
infection. Other doctors have said that a drug is a 100% safe even though any scientist
will acknowledge that there is no drug that is 100% safe. They didn't listen to their
patient and assumed they knew the answer without proper testing.

Some doctors think they are God. Is it the same with programmers?

End users see what the program will and will not do. They know (at least some of them)
what they need and if a particular program fills that need. Developers who do not listen
to what end users want will end up missing the boat. is a great product and has helped me with the process of becoming Microsoft
free. Once I buy a Macintosh the process will be complete. I just hope that the attitude
some on this list display will not stop others from leaving Microcrap products.
Larry I. Gusaas,
Moose Jaw, Sask.

avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0617-3, 04/28/2006
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[discuss] Strategy - was mail client

Posted: 30 Apr 2006 03:10 AM PDT

On Sun, 2006-04-30 at 10:49 +0000, jonathon wrote: 

It is, its down to Sun's internal policies as to what gets done jsut as
much as the community perspective - some would say more so. That is
politics - micropolitics perhaps, but nevertheless politics.

It will be dependent on someone with the authority in Sun who has the
vision to see why it is of strategic importance. That really is down to
politics not necessarily our version of rationality. One hopes
politicians are always informed by rationality but its not always the
case and of course different people see rational arguments differently,
that is the essence of politics. If the decision maker believes that
code efficiency is not too important and will take a lot of effort with
little in the way of visible returns they might well go for a short term
fix that would translate into eg more desktop sales of Star Office or
strategy would probably be the obvious priority. Sun has other
constraints so their perspective could well be different. Point is we
don't really know and at least it would motivate the grass roots
community members to be part of the discussion. Its months since the
launch of 2.0 so there must surely be some plans for 2.1 and 3.0. Its
rather surprising that these have not been discussed much here on the
discuss list. What is the discuss list for? One would expect to discuss
strategy issues at length and then come to some decisions that everyone
can get behind. Seems difficult for eg the marketing project to market
when there is no clear development path. We also waste a lot of time
dealing with threads like the mail client one because no-one knows
whether or not the issue is relevant to current plans or not.

So what is the development strategy? Is there a reason for it being a

Ian Lynch

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[discuss] Mail Client

Posted: 28 Apr 2006 08:27 AM PDT

On Sat, 2006-04-29 at 00:30 +0300, Bulent Ozkir wrote: 

I wasn't going to buy-in to this Mail Client thread, but here goes.

You can do this already with send as email. Or maybe you are describing
the OLE stuff the Outlook does with Word. If so, what advantage or
benefit would this give you? If the same integration between OOo and an
email client (eg. TB, Evo), it would be the mail client that would need
to have the code to instigate the link, as in the Outlook -> Word case.


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[discuss] CMYK export query

Posted: 27 Apr 2006 04:28 PM PDT

On Thu, 2006-04-27 at 12:17 -0700, ProPrinting Solutions wrote: 


I don't have the necessary inside knowledge of how OOo (
handles color, but I don't believe this list is the best place for such
a technical question. I would suggest you post this to the developers
list at org where your request is more likely to be seen
by someone who knows the inner workings of OOo.

If you do post to the developers list, let them know you are not
subscribed and ask to be cc'd with any reply.

Hope you get the answer you are looking for.


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[discuss] I would like to be a power tester

Posted: 27 Apr 2006 04:28 PM PDT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=WINDOWS-1252; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: inline

Try this link for more info on how to be of assistance :


On 4/29/06, Anastasia Mathis-Belay <edu> wrote: 
t do 
re is 




[discuss] PDF Read & Write?

Posted: 27 Apr 2006 07:55 AM PDT

Alexandro Colorado wrote: 

I thought it was DMCA 2.0 that is going through discussion right now is
supposed to be much more extreme.

More time for DMCA offenses than manslaughter. Go figure.


If you search the net, there are tools that allow you to convert a pdf
to various components such as text and graphics. I have done it in the
past. I have just copied and pasted from my pdf viewer into OOo.

Robin Laing

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[discuss] possible option in open office

Posted: 26 Apr 2006 03:09 PM PDT

On Thu, 2006-04-27 at 23:24 +0100, Ian Lynch wrote: 

Have you tried
to see if it does all or part of what you want? If the latter, perhaps
modifying the macro to do exactly what you want would be useful to

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[discuss] Changing of Sun's CEO's

Posted: 26 Apr 2006 10:04 AM PDT

McNealy is going out and Schwartz is stepping in. Has there been a
statement about how this will/won't affect java and ?

Also will the new CEO Schwartz, as opposed to McNealy's whining, be more
supportive of the GPL and the LGPL ?

McNealy's done some good things during his tenure, but lately it has
seemed like it's time for him to be busy with other things.

Lars Nooden (edu)
On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog ...
... until you start barking.

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[discuss] Edit Chart Data is greyed out

Posted: 24 Apr 2006 02:48 PM PDT

Hi Jean Ives,

Jean_Yves TILLIER wrote:

The menu 'Edit' -> 'Edit Chart Data' is only enabled if the chart has
its own data (not from calc or writer table).
If you have created a chart from spreadsheet cells you can modify the
range by doing the following:
Leave the chart and open the contextmenu on it (while it is not
active!). There you can choose 'Modify Data Range...'.
This option is much to tricky to find in the old chart. In the chart
reimplementation this option will be offered while editing the chart.
If you like you can have a look at the current state of the charts
reimplementation on the chart web page:


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[discuss] Request: test data in spreadsheet

Posted: 24 Apr 2006 12:03 PM PDT

Hi Tomas,

Tomas Lanczos wrote:


Yes, pls send one.


Cor Nouws -
Free your files

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[discuss] Premium -- steps for 2.0.3

Posted: 23 Apr 2006 11:57 AM PDT

Alexandro Colorado írta: 
Thank you for the quick answeer! 
I have got a good news for you! Premium utilize same
technology as, so we can include templates based on
their language. I have created a different pool for Premium extras, but
it works like the original. So OOo Premium has two language specific
template stack, one is the original, the second is for the premium
extras. This one is selectable from the installer.
So the technology is available. As you know the Premium edition has more
enhancement like Gallery, Fonts and others. They might need some extra
work (mainly translation and recompilation with extra contetns) but the
Hungarian users liked the idea of all-in-one sollution. 
Your way to solve this game is also interesting, but currently I prefer
the all in one type package... 

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[discuss] The REAL most wanted OOo function - in my experience

Posted: 22 Apr 2006 08:43 PM PDT

Hi RB,

RBL wrote:

Can you pls tell which shortcuts you miss (most)?



Cor Nouws -
Free your files

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[discuss] Mail Client !!!

Posted: 22 Apr 2006 03:04 AM PDT

Alexandro Colorado wrote:

For most people it is an MTA. However, it can be coaxed into serving as
an email client.



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[discuss] bug OO to MS

Posted: 21 Apr 2006 03:02 PM PDT

On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 21:50 +0200, Lucas Momparler wrote: 

Sorry, to tell you that your claim is not true. I have been using OOo
( since it's reincarnation from Star Office 5.2 and of
the hundreds of spreadsheets I have sent out to Excel users, none have
never contained any unreadable formulas.

What you may have found might be an issue not a bug. The ability of OOo
to export data in Microsoft file formats may never be 100% perfect
(unless publish the details of these currently secret formats), but it
100% better than Microsoft programs ability to export data in Open
Document file format.

Could you please post an example of a formula (not a Calc Sheet - OOo
lists strip attachments ) which does not translate from Calc to Excel.
This will allow your claim to be tested by others and if it can be
replicated, an issue can be filed for the developers to review. To file
an issue/bug report or a request for enhancement go to: create an account (if you
don't already have one) and follow the instructions.

BTW The correct list to contact for user issues & support is:

Hope this helps.


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Microsoft CRM - Setup unable to register security service

Microsoft CRM - Setup unable to register security service

Setup unable to register security service

Posted: 08 Feb 2004 12:44 PM PST

Yes, the SQL Server is a member server in the same
domain. No, the machine I am installing on is a member
server too. I actually tried it on two different servers
thinking that Exch2K3 or SharePoint Portal 2K3 might be
having something to do with it, but I get the same failure
on both servers.

As for the user I am using, it's kind of funny because it
IS the domain "Administrator" account. It's not actually
a member of the Print Operators Group, but I wouldn't
think that would matter considering all of the other
privileges it has.

It still feels like a permissions issue, but it shouldn't
be. I was also thinking it may be some DLL file that's
corrupt on the CD or something.

Any other thoughts?? I appreciate your reply.
domain? Is the machine 
for your domain? Make 
necessary permissions, 
Owners Group, 
to open the 
using is a member 
stating "Access 

SBS Standard And CRM

Posted: 06 Feb 2004 10:28 PM PST


Not a stupid question at all! That really depends on the loads you are
planning to put on the servers. SQL Server and Exchange are both failry
resource intensive, but the most common installation scenario I have seen is
SQL Server and CRM on the same box...


"Doug Whitney" <net> wrote in message

Mapping Question

Posted: 06 Feb 2004 07:42 AM PST

But you can fire create action with "apply rule" command on menu in context
of selected object.


"Raymond" <> wrote in message

OutLook Clinet screw up mail format after promoted to CRM

Posted: 06 Feb 2004 07:40 AM PST

It's version 1.0
Well, it seems just my problem.
I really need to work on it and see what happened to my

Thank you very much.


Can't promote sent mail

Posted: 06 Feb 2004 07:17 AM PST


I don't have problem of promote from send item folder, but
I do have problem in promoting mail.

Have you ever experienced the promoted mail in crm will
lost all carriage return, all content will jam together.

Could you please kindly try to promote one and see if the
carriage return will lost or not.

Thank you very much.

from Sent Mail. 
users can promote 
other problems 


Posted: 06 Feb 2004 07:11 AM PST

Nice, I missed that one. But Data Migration Framework
seems to be a little complicated or..
from the crm ui. You 
more, you might want 

Object Schemas

Posted: 06 Feb 2004 04:56 AM PST

I think Chris is looking for real-time schemas that include customizations.
There is no documented API for this.


"Jiho Han" <com> wrote in message

How do they do it?

Posted: 06 Feb 2004 04:06 AM PST

ah nice one!



"Jiho Han" <com> wrote in message

How to display out data in CRM web application

Posted: 06 Feb 2004 01:42 AM PST

You need to read the sdk on at

Using this SDK you can read and modify data in the CRM database.

Skills you need include

the sdk contains a number of examples

"Steven" <com> wrote in message

Locked myself out off CRM

Posted: 06 Feb 2004 01:14 AM PST

Look at the systemuserbase table for that account.

Note that this is a bad scenario - what exactly did you do to the account?

"Ariana" <> wrote in message

Sales and Service Module not in the Navigation Bar.

Posted: 05 Feb 2004 06:19 PM PST

Thanks Gill. Got it now.

customizing contact fields

Posted: 05 Feb 2004 03:14 PM PST

You will need to follow the steps regardless of your setup

- open Deployment Manager, then right-click on Deployment
Manager, all Tasks, Publish Customizations

- to run an iisreset go so Start, Run, type iisreset

Thanks - Annie 

Reinstalling 1.2

Posted: 05 Feb 2004 02:45 PM PST

Wondering if 1.2 behave just like 1.0. We had to re-
install 1.0 with existing DB. Everything works fine
(including picking up mid-stream workflows - I was amazed)
except for Reports. MS support had to remote to our
server to regen the out-of-the-box reports and we regen
all the custom reports.

units, so they 
option of using an 
the 9.2.2 
resolve our 
see. So it 
want to lose our 

Multiple Data Migrations

Posted: 05 Feb 2004 02:33 PM PST

Yes and No - if you already have the Accounts and
Products in CRM you can not append the migrated records
to these records. If you are moving all of the Accounts
and Products in with the DMF you can append.

Thanks - Annie 

External Remote Access

Posted: 05 Feb 2004 01:39 PM PST


If we use "CRM outlook client for SALES"to promote a
normal e-mail to CRM activity, all carriage return will
get lost and content jam together in that CRM e-mail.

Are there anybody experienced this before, How could we
solve this problem.

Thank you very much.


Best domain configuration for 2 CRM implementations

Posted: 05 Feb 2004 11:26 AM PST

If you are using the Exchange Router, you can only
install the Exchange Router once on a single Exchange
server and it can only point to one CRM install, not both

Thanks - Annie 
(that's great), then can each can be customized uniquely
(ie. different forms). And will they both be able to
interact with Exchange? 

Services refusing to start

Posted: 05 Feb 2004 09:42 AM PST

I am definately leaning towards the starting from scratch
option. There is heavy pressure from upper management to
make this work ASAP, but I don't want to deliver a piece
of garbage.

Unfortunately, nobody here knows anything about about this
instance's history, or customizations, so I'm going in
completely blind. I'm spending my time now searching for
good administrative resources to help in the setup, and
config process. I'm looking forward to gaining that
valueable experience, but I'd rather not do it the hard
way if I can avoid it.

how much is 
If the 
data in 
would be 
of the 
may be better 
that could be 
though, I 
pain, but you 
during the 

Activity customizing has only few columns

Posted: 05 Feb 2004 06:36 AM PST

Yes it is the only view {00000000-0000-0000-00AA-000010001903}.

If you have some kind of solution how to add extra columns to this view,
please post it on this newsgroup.



"GreaterThanTwo Media" <com> wrote in message

Is Microsoft CRM suitable for software companies ?

Posted: 05 Feb 2004 06:08 AM PST

Can you not just track products/upgrades an account orders through the
Order/Invoice modules?


"Neal Gardner" <> wrote in message

Word mail merge

Posted: 05 Feb 2004 03:28 AM PST

When you say Word Mail Merge are you merging data from
CRM to Word. Can I mail merge reports, and contract,
etc? Please let me know how?

Thank you.
subject "Word 
make a link 

using post-callouts

Posted: 05 Feb 2004 12:24 AM PST

I had Visual Studio 2003 on my development machine and
ran into the same problem using RegSvcs. You can set the
target runtime in VS2K3 for ASP.NET and Windows
application templates but the option is not available for
component libraries like the ones that inherit from
ServicedComponent. I have both frameworks installed, so I
thought about compiling my .NET serviced component using
the csc from 1.0. But, I really wanted to develop from
within VS because I intended to call .NET components from
my COM+ callout. As a result, I installed VS 2002 and
built my project there. When I moved it to the CRM server
and ran RegSvcs, it intalled just fine. Be advised that,
per the documentation, you should change the account
under which the callout COM+ application runs to a domain-
level account with service-level permissions. Also check
the "out" component in COM+ installed with CRM. It has
the ICRMCallout interface. I had to change the account
under which it ran also. 
on CRM 
class library 
make my code 
ServicedComponents I get 
right forum 
wrote in message news:<a8c901c3ec17$d0629370

Business Units Setup

Posted: 04 Feb 2004 03:04 PM PST

I wish I knew where to go to get a good handle on Business Units.
Everything I see mentions how important this is, but I can't really seem to
find good info on "best practices".

IT Director
Presentations Direct - Office Equipment & Supplies

"GreaterThanTwo Media" <com> wrote in message



Installing new license wont work

Posted: 04 Feb 2004 09:09 AM PST

I remember having this same error when:

1. I attempted installation of CRM server on an AD domain
controller which was at the time disconnected from the
domain, and
2. I attempted installation of CRM server, logged on and
running the install as a user which did not have full
domain admin and local admin rights.


which went fine 
in order to 
a long amount 
I have 
server is sql 7 

Edit contact form

Posted: 04 Feb 2004 08:02 AM PST

Did you publish and reset iis?
