

Microsoft Word - MS Office 2007 Word.

Microsoft Word - MS Office 2007 Word.

MS Office 2007 Word.

Posted: 31 Dec 2012 08:30 AM PST

Have been using Word 2007 for ages and using the 'Signature Line. date & Time, Object' tab in the 'Insert section of the ribbon.   Today it has disappeared and I cannot find it.   How do I recover this helpful item?

I used it frequently to enter the date on letters and documents and the 'date & time' options were great.

Working with Lenovo PC with MS Windows 7.   The other office PC is still using MS XP Professional and the ribbon on Word 2007 is fine, still showing the tab. 

Trouble with Headers - Please help

Posted: 31 Dec 2012 05:58 AM PST

I have windows 7 and word 2010.  When I open a word document my header does not automatically appear.  It use to appear.  What do I need to click in order for the header area to automatically show up for a new blank document or a document that has already been created.


Thank you,



Different font for different people

Posted: 31 Dec 2012 04:53 AM PST

We have found a situation where the font for a document changes depending on who opens the document.  Is there a way to set the font in a document so that it will not change?  When reviewing/commenting on documents it is very hard to do when the line numbers change depending on the font.


Posted: 30 Dec 2012 04:52 PM PST

I received instructions to double click on the needed file then click on office button but no office or word icon appears.    I go to documents and highlight a file but there is no print icon.  How do I print a file

Why has Word suddenly changed size, with a smaller page, and font too small to read even at 14?

Posted: 30 Dec 2012 04:47 PM PST

The only different thing to occur since I last used Word was updating some drivers.

After the driver update on my computer updated a number of outdated drivers, I opened Word, and the blank page was only about half the size it normally is, and the fonts were tiny, even when I tried size 14. How can I fix this problem?

can't save or save as in Word or Excel - they shut down!

Posted: 29 Dec 2012 07:31 PM PST

Windows Vista, Office 2007; no problems till recently; ca't save or save as in both Word and Excel - without these shutting down immediately!

I want to download my FREE 60 day trail of microsoft office

Posted: 25 Dec 2012 03:55 PM PST


I just received my new laptop this Christmas. It offers a free 60 day trial of, Microsoft office. however, I have been having problems and it keeps asking me if I would like to purchase it. Summing this up; it wont let me download the free trial. I am hoping you can get back to me as quickly as possible.

thank you for your time,

Erica Jermacans

i have windows 8 and want to know do i need to install microsoft office for 64 bit since that is what i am running, it recommends 32 bit.

Posted: 25 Dec 2012 12:23 PM PST

want to install trial version of Microsoft office 2010

What is the best way to facilitate a refund?

Posted: 24 Dec 2012 11:15 PM PST

I feel as if a 3rd party support team has extorted money from me. I would like to know the best way to correct this situation.

How do I stabilize my document?

Posted: 24 Dec 2012 03:01 PM PST

Word keeps changing my formatting esp. page layout.  How can I stabilize things?

Office 2010

How to get personalized Style Sets to apply to a document already created?

Posted: 24 Dec 2012 09:41 AM PST


I have gone and created my own Style Set in Word 2010, let's call it "Fanaa". When I open a new blank document, the Fanaa Style Set opens up my default every time.

If I have a document from someone else, is there a way I can click a button that says 'Apply Fanaa Style Set' to this document?

I have tried selecting the entire document and then going to Home > Change Styles > Style Set > Fanaa. This changed some of the layout (i.e. it made Heading level 2 italicized) but that was not the default I had selected in Fanaa.
