

Calculate amount of filtered tasks. Microsoft Project

Calculate amount of filtered tasks. Microsoft Project

Calculate amount of filtered tasks.

Posted: 04 May 2004 01:08 AM PDT

"Amount" as in the number of tasks or what? Just what values are you trying
to summarize?

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Fred Sjoo" <se> wrote in message

Customizing Gantt View Problems

Posted: 03 May 2004 07:06 PM PDT


Scheduling changes are not a part of a table.
They change the task objects themselves and will be reflected everywhere in
the plan.
On the other hand, you can change filters whenever you want.
In teh definition of your copied filter, do you have a filter other than All

To summarize:

Filters decide Which tasks you will show
Tables select which of the task's properties you will show

(Neither of them CHANGES the task)

Scheduling changes do change the tasks themselves and will be rflected
anywhere, anyhow.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"Deluth" <> schreef in bericht
the original Gantt, the copied Gantt gets filtered as well. I also don't
have the capability of hiding/exploding outline levels in the copied Gantt.
Is this a feature? 
changes in the original too. This is exactly what I was looking for. I
just needed a way to view the information, but also not losing the
capability of updating the information. I thought that when I copied the
table, the changes I made would only affect the copied table, but it seemed
to be global somehow. This is good, but the architecture is a bit confusing
to me...

Project miscalculated finish dates

Posted: 03 May 2004 11:21 AM PDT

It's not that you shouldn't add tasks, it's that you shouldn't expect the
start date of the partially complete task to move in response to the link
from the inserted task. The work that was done will be shown as occurring
on the date that it was done and those dates are properly locked in granite.
If you get part-way into a task and come up against a wall where you can't
go farther because something was needed from a predecessor that had
accidently been omitted, go ahead and add the predecessor and link. Then
use the "reschedule uncompleted work" tool in the Tools, Tracking,
UpdateProject menu to move both the new unworked predecessor and the
remaining part of the partially worked task forward from the date they
currently show to the first date that work can actually be done on them.

Example - Assume default calendars. Task Fidget, the first task in the
Project, will take 10 days and started yesterday, the Project Start Date.
At the end of today we discover that progress stops at 20% done because we
forgot to include 3 day task "GetReady" in the plan and it produces
something that's now needed by Fidget thus Fidget can't proceed further
until we do that task. So we insert "GetReady" before "Fidget" and link it
FS. Now the plan shows GetReady starting yesterday and Fidget also
yesterday. Fine so far? (Remember? You never supply start and finish
dates, so for the moment the added task shows occuring in the past. That's
OK, we'll fix it in a moment.) That sets up the problem you described. OK,
so now we run the "reschedule work" tool I mentioned above. GetReady moves
to show starting tomorrow (we don't have a time machine that lets us go back
and do work that we should have done yesterday but didn't do) since that's
the earliest day we can actually do it, starting tomorrow (Wed) and
finishing Friday. The Fidget task splits, leaving the two days of work that
were done yesterday and today right where they are, and the rest moves out
to start next Monday, the first available workday after the completion of

On your second issue - when you post something is x percent complete Project
assumes the work is taking place exactly as called for in the schedule.
When you post that it is 100% complete you say that the total duration and
the amount of work that was required is exactly what you'd esitmated. If
it's not (as is very often the case), don't use the % Complete entry field
to enter the data. Instead, as the task progesses, update the Actual
Duration field with the amount that has been worked and the Remaining
Duration field to show the estimate to completion, letting Project calculate
what percentages that represents. When the task is done, enter the Actual
Duration that it took you to do the work and zero in the Remaining Duration
field. Project will set the task as 100% complete with an updated total
duration that reflects your true situation. Some people go so far as to
suggest that you just forget that the % Complete field is there except for
the simplest of projects and make it a habit to always post progress by
updating the Actual and Remaining Duration fields along with the Actual
Start and Actual Finish fields.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Deluth" <> wrote in message
completed task? What happens if in the middle of a current task, we
realized that we are dependent on another task from someone else, couldn't
we add this task and wait for it to complete while we're at 30% complete?
Is it that I recorded the wrong field when I update progress? If so, which
field should I use to update progress in my schedule? 
complete by the estimated finish date - meaning the task took longer than
expected or it's late - Project doesn't update the corrected finish date
when the task finally becomes 100% complete. How do I set it so that
Project would warn me that the uncompleted task may cause that task to be in
a critical path, causing my project to be delayed? Once again, am I using
the correct field to update progress? 


Posted: 03 May 2004 08:50 AM PDT

You enter whatever the individual resource gets for work in excess of his
regular work schedule. There is no single formula that fits all resources
and jurisdictions. For non-union and non-managment employees it may be
governed by labour legislation, like in most jurisdictions in North America
the law requires 150% of regular pay for most job categories, while for
unionized trades it may be governed by a specific collective bargaining
agreement. For managers and professional people who are not entitled to an
overtime premium I usually suggest setting the overtime rate equal to the
standard rate so you don't have hours that are "worked for free" making the
tasks appear cheaper than they really are if they work more than the
standard workday on a task.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"ruth" <> wrote in message
i ought to calculate the overtime as 150% of standard time and put the
individual values under the overtime column,for instance if ones standard
hourly pay is £120 his overtime rate is 150% of £120, want to confirm this

executive summary

Posted: 03 May 2004 06:41 AM PDT

What os the prupose of the report - getting a project approved, reporting
progress to date for one underway, a "lessons learned" for a project that's
wrapping up?

An executive summary report would be just like any other report except that
it is very brief and to the point, no more than one page.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Oby" <> wrote in message
never done one before, can it be likened to just a summary report? if no,
please can you give me some tips? I actuall have done one but need some
advice.please let me know if i shld post it to you, its very short. 

Open ppt from MSP (hyperlink)

Posted: 03 May 2004 04:10 AM PDT

When I try it with a ppt file I get a slide-show like view BUT there's a
menu at the top with "edit slides" that opens the full PowerPoint

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Itzik" <> wrote in message

lead nd lag

Posted: 03 May 2004 02:56 AM PDT

steve, thanks a million, i just love this forum!!!! it helps a great deal
regards ruth


Posted: 03 May 2004 02:46 AM PDT

The WBS chart resembles a heirarchical chart such as an organizational chart
or genealogical chart. So your major heading would start a branch and have
under them all their component summary tasks and each summary task starts a
branch with all it's subtasks under it.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"ruth" <> wrote in message
have my major headings say, project admin, build up of hardware etc,
underneath these headings, do i still put the allthe sub tasks that i have
in my micro soft project plan schedule or i choose separate tasks? 

concurrent Project installations

Posted: 01 May 2004 02:36 PM PDT


Can't help with vba. Note that I installed each version in numerical order
which prevents older files corrupting the newer ones.

Mike Glen
Project MVP

John wrote: 

Displaying complete task hierarchy in Resource Usage

Posted: 01 May 2004 12:06 AM PDT


First, to get a feel on how you program VBA in Office (Project, Excel...)
type Alt+F11 and you are in the VB Editor; insert a module and you can write

A good start is at
prj98vbe.exe at
It is for Project 98 but the principles and the great majority of objects
are identical to later versions.

And before you start... in VBA Project you manipulate Project's OBJECTS such
as tasks, resource, assignments, and only rarely selections, rows, columns.

But what you are looking for - making a new view that has essentially
different information from an existing view- is not that easy.
It is NOT JUST A TABLE as you seem to think.
It is about different objects.
Resource Usage displays properties of Resources and Assignments, not of
tasks. So any table you define can only show these properties, and not
things such as the outline parent of the task.
What you need to do is read all assignments, lookup which task they are
about, then copy task properties into assignment fields (such as Text1 or
number7) which you can then display in a table in the resource usage view
But it would still show only one line per assignment8


Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"Deluth" <> schreef in bericht
don't know why Resource/Task views can only see Resource/Task Tables,
respectively. After all, they're just tables, right? If it takes learning
how to program Project so that I can mix the two tables in a custom view, I
am willing to do that. 

Gantt chart of all Resources

Posted: 30 Apr 2004 11:56 PM PDT

Your problem is that a Gantt chart is a task view by definition, not just in
Project but in PM in general, designed to show the flow and schedule of the
work. Tasks have duration but resources have work and work and duration are
two different and distinct measures which is why your manager can't have
what she wants. She's too busy to turn a page???

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Deluth" <> wrote in message
duration and predecessor fields so that she can manipulate the data better.
Unfortunately, the Resource Usage can't see duration/predecessor and the way
that Jan had showed me to sort the Gantt chart doesn't look as nice (with
all the resources at the outline) as the Resource Usage View. I supposed
I'm stuck with this...

Recurring tasks "pushed to the right"

Posted: 30 Apr 2004 03:01 PM PDT

Did you use the actual "insert recurring task" menu option or did you try to
put them in one at a time?

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Freddie Kruger" <> wrote in message
for each of them as needed, in the gannt chart view, as I scroll down the
page to do so, it "pushes" the tasks further and further to the right of the
screen as I scroll down the page, to the point where I can't even see the
task names for the tasks that are furthest down the page. Can someone
please help?