

Microsoft Word - placing pictures in a 3 column newspaper format

Microsoft Word - placing pictures in a 3 column newspaper format

placing pictures in a 3 column newspaper format

Posted: 24 Nov 2012 11:25 AM PST

I am putting together a letter in 3 column format with 1 picture in column 1 and 2 pictures in column 2.

 When I put text in column 3, after entering several lines of text the picture in column 1 is shifted to the second page.

 How do I stop this?  


How do you PERMANENTLY set Word to use inches?

Posted: 24 Nov 2012 09:54 AM PST

Every time I open a New Word file, I have to go through the process of changing my units of measurement display.

I KNOW how to do that:

Office Button > Word Options button > Select Advanced in the left pane > Scroll to the Display >

Show measurements in units of > choose Inches > OK

BUT how do I KEEP these settings so I don't have to repeat the process every single time?

Word 2007 toolbar, i.e. HOME, etc. covers top of document upon opening and then disappears when typing starts

Posted: 23 Nov 2012 05:05 PM PST

Upon opening a document, new or edit, any item, i.e. Home, covers the top of the document for about an inch, and will disappear completely if I start typing.  If I click "Home" or another heading again, the menu items reappear, but then will not stay open so I can edit without having to keep repeating this procedure.  I had this happen once before and found the resolution by accident but cannot seem to find what I need to click on now.  HELP! 

I can work around it but it is a real pain.  Thanks for any advice you can give me.



"This modification is not allowed because the selection is locked" - Please help, but no the problem has nothing to do with activation or a temporary use of the program.

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 11:17 AM PST

I use a registered copy of Word 2007. It is not a trial version and has been activated for quite some time now. I edit books for authors using Word's Track Changes function, but over the last couple months, Word has developed a very frustrating problem that makes me want to throw the computer out the window at times. When inserting comments that go more than a sentence or two in the reviewing pane, or if I have to delete a letter in the comment, it will stall up temporarily and "This modification is not allowed because the selection is locked" will appear along the bottom bar of the window. After leaving it a minute or two, I can type another letter or two, or delete a letter, then wait for the repeated "This modification is not allowed because the selection is locked" to disappear again. Then repeat the process again. This is an arduous problem that needs to be remedied. Anyone have any ideas of the cause and/or solution? Computer is running windows 7 home with 4gigs of ram, so this shouldn't be a ram or hardware issue.

dispart of text

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 01:10 AM PST

my word page, have bullet and numbering in every paragraph after i finish paragraph and i want to add new bullet it goes to next page but my last page didnot complete and  i have many uncomplete page and i should delete bullete and numbering to complete the page, would you please help me how can i solve this problem?

"you don't have permission to open this file"

Posted: 20 Nov 2012 04:50 AM PST

I'm running Word 2010 in Windows 7 Pro, and I get the error "you don't have permission to open this file" when trying to open any of my old files. I tried to follow the directions in the "privacy settings", by allowing the group "Everyone" to have full control rights, but it still doesn't work. These are all of my old files, stored locally on a fixed HD.

Resource Pool Gantt Chart Microsoft Project

Resource Pool Gantt Chart Microsoft Project

Resource Pool Gantt Chart

Posted: 27 Apr 2004 06:08 AM PDT


You should be able to include masters into a "super" master. Then you
can filter by resource. You won't be able "sort" by resource, because
the Gantt chart is a listing of tasks, not resources.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.


Jim wrote: 

Calculating BCWS after adding some new task with no baseline.

Posted: 27 Apr 2004 02:08 AM PDT

Hello Nikoo,
You just have to baseline these new tasks and/or assignments:
Tools / Tracking / Save baseline : check the Roll up option :
.... Selected tasks / Roll upp : To all summary tasks (Project 2002 version)

Hope this helps,

Gérard Ducouret [MS Project MVP]
PragmaSoft ® - Paris

"Nikoo" <> a écrit dans le message de

Adding a function

Posted: 26 Apr 2004 07:31 PM PDT

Have you tried the calculation options :

Tools / Options / Calculation
- Move end of completed parts after Status date...
- Move start of remainning parts before Status date...

Hope this helps,

Gérard Ducouret [Project MVP]
PragmaSoft ® - Paris

"markel" <> a écrit dans le message de
date by adding the remaining duration to today's date. 
nothing seems to be working. 
duration task that started today with 0% complete. 

How to create subtotals for groups of tasks in some report or view

Posted: 26 Apr 2004 08:29 AM PDT


Thanks for the tip.

Another problem is when I use grouping in the Gantt View
on resource names. If there are 2 resources assigned to
the task then the view will group this as a separate row
even though the first resource is listed previous by
themselves. Any way to overcome this ?


Project / Group by 
message de 

Show predecessor name

Posted: 26 Apr 2004 06:36 AM PDT

OK, I kept at it and came up with the following. I had to test and truncate if I ran over 255 characters

Sub PredName(
Dim t As Tas
Dim tdep As TaskDependenc
Dim mytext As Strin

For Each t In ActiveProject.Task
If Not t Is Nothing The
If t.Predecessors <> "" The
t.Text15 = "
For Each tdep In t.TaskDependencie
If Not tdep Is Nothing The
mytext = "(" & tdep.From.ID & ") " & tdep.From.Name & "
If t.ID <> tdep.From.ID The
If Len(t.Text15) < 256 The
If Len(t.Text15) + Len(mytext) <= 256 The
t.Text15 = t.Text15 & mytex
t.Text15 = t.Text15 & Left(mytext, 255 - Len(t.Text15)
End I
End I
End I
End I
Next tde
End I
End I
End Sub

Project 2003 - Installation problems

Posted: 25 Apr 2004 08:48 PM PDT

Oh. New information.

You are talking with the right people. The IS department knows (or
should know) the procedure to install this software per the instructions
they received when they licensed it.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.

rms wrote: 

input costs

Posted: 23 Apr 2004 08:42 PM PDT

It's not clear what you mean by "variable costs". If you mean resource
rates that change over time, then go to the Resource Sheet and select
the resource for which rates need to vary. Then hit the Resource
Information icon, or Project/Resource Information. Select the "Costs"
tab and enter the necessary data into the rate table.

Hope this helps.


Posted: 23 Apr 2004 05:41 PM PDT

Thanks. It works as noted

----- JackD wrote: ----

Note that this needs to be in a TEXT field to work
Not in a number or cost field


"Jan De Messemaeker" <jandemes at prom hyphen ade dot be> wrote in messag

Printing problems w/MS Project ver 4.0

Posted: 23 Apr 2004 03:44 PM PDT

Hi John,

I was under the impression that he already did that.
Be aware that that by no means limits the number of periods shown.
One page will still be filled.
Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"John" <com> schreef in bericht 

Cant upgrade to Project 2003 from 95

Posted: 23 Apr 2004 01:03 PM PDT

It's about as useful as any advice will get. Sorry, but I'm sure the
qualifying upgrades versions were documented on the box. You could have
looked before opening, I guess. I recall it's on the spine of the box.

Only better suggestion is to ask around the office for someone with a
copy of Project 98, or buy a used on somewhere, e.g. eBay.


wil wrote: 

Difference? "ActiveProject" vs. "myProject"

Posted: 23 Apr 2004 11:44 AM PDT


ActiveProject is the project that is visible in MS Project.
ThisProject is the project that is selected in the Project Explorer in VBE.
For instance, ThisProject can be Global.mpt (!!) whereas Activeproject


Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"Phyl" <com> schreef in bericht 

Project Installation on XP Home

Posted: 23 Apr 2004 07:44 AM PDT

You're welcome, Jim

Mike Glen
MVP Project

"Jim" <> wrote in message

Stop Project from auto-updating my tasks!

Posted: 22 Apr 2004 11:18 PM PDT

Hi Kay,

I'm not familiar wit P2002 so it took me a while to find the option that is
causing you troubles
In Tools, Options, Calculation, check off "Move start of remaining parts
before status date forward to status date"

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"Kay Cerano" <com> schreef in bericht


Posted: 22 Apr 2004 12:06 PM PDT

You've done that already by setting the leveling to day-by-day. That
setting controls the finest level of granularity the leveling engine will
pay any attention to. The red remains to let you know the resources
affected are still overbooked, albeit for less than a full day's period. If
you want to get rid of it, try leveling on hour-by-hour. Before you decide
just to ignore less than day-by-day, you might give some thought to whether
it's wise or not. If Bill is overbooked by a 15 minute overlap between two
tasks I'm not going to worry about it much either. But if he's scheduled to
wax widgets for 8 hours plus polish fids for 7, that's a signifigant
schedule conflict and I probably should resolve it because he can't do both
at once, thus one will finish a day later than I'd planned for if I don't.
Remember delays can be cummulative - 3 hours here and 4 hours there soon add
up to a project that finishes a month later than you promised the boss it
would - not a resume` enhancer.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Brian" <> wrote in message

Conditional Formatting

Posted: 21 Apr 2004 06:22 PM PDT

You can make a highlight feature of a filter that will color the items that
match the filter's conditions. Also, you can make Gannt bars reflect
certain conditions by changing the conditions where the bars appear. You
get to that by right clicking on the Gannt chart & selecting Bar Styles.


Norman Sanin
Booz Allen Hamilton
8283 Greensboro Drive
McLean, VA 22102

(703) 377-0071
Com <mailto:Com>
AOL IM: Taipan Sanin

"FXG" <> wrote in message

Re Mac Office and Security Microsoft Office for Mac

Re Mac Office and Security Microsoft Office for Mac

Re Mac Office and Security

Posted: 30 Jan 2007 09:05 AM PST


Probably because it's a foregone conclusion!


An unexpected error has occured while trying to download Windows Framework Library

Posted: 30 Jan 2007 07:02 AM PST


It's not a serious error.

Open the application and then from the Help menu choose Check For Updates.

The AutoUpdate program should launch and direct you to install 2 updates
sequentially. The updates should fix the problem.

-Jim Gordon

Quoting from "" <>, in article, on [DATE:

Jim Gordon

MVPs are not Microsoft Employees
MVP info

Running Office 2004 with network homes on 10.4

Posted: 30 Jan 2007 06:16 AM PST


i appreciate your honesty in this matter, refreshing that someone can
actually be honest rather than leading someone on a wild goose chase
or providing purely subjective comments to make themselves look good.

Hopefully these people you mentioned will pick up my distress call and
i will hear from them soon.

Take Care,

On Jan 31, 11:29 am, CyberTaz <> wrote: 

Product Key Query

Posted: 29 Jan 2007 11:28 PM PST

On 1/29/07 11:28 PM, in article,
"com" <com> wrote:

Just to be clear....

There is a CD Key that has a number format like this:


During the install you are presented with a Product Key. This key is used to
contact Microsoft for support.


Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
One of the top five MS Entourage resources listed on the Entourage Blog.

microsoft framework library error

Posted: 29 Jan 2007 09:38 AM PST

Thanks. Updating took care of the problem.

zach zuniga
On Jan 29, 11:01 am, "Barry Wainwright [MVP]" <org.INVALID>

Changing computers.

Posted: 28 Jan 2007 09:38 AM PST

In article <>,
William Smith <> wrote:

I'd forego the migration tool if you can possibly help it. Remember that
you have a nice, new, pristine OS on your new computer, migrating will
bring any old problems you might have had with your old machine to the
new computer- especially if you've had the machine for a while.

I prefer fresh installs of all the apps. I used the migration tool once
and really regretted it.

To reply by email, remove the word "space"

Office test drive to 'expire' when I've already bought the software

Posted: 27 Jan 2007 10:48 PM PST

You're certainly welcome - hope all continues to go well!

Good Luck |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 1/30/07 4:46 PM, in article,
"com" <com> wrote:

MS Office Already in Use?

Posted: 26 Jan 2007 05:40 PM PST

Well, I am sorry, that error is totally specific :-) There is a Mac
somewhere within sight of your network that is running Office that was
installed with a Product Key that exactly matches your.

Your little brother couldn't have knocked off your disk and hidden one under
his bed, could he? :-)

What do you mean by "An old versions' code?" It is the Product Key that is
the issue here. You should not be able to install Office X and Office 2004
using the same product key. But if you were able to, you would get this

I would suspect your sister's machine. Run the Office Remover on that.
Chances are, someone tried to "Register" the free trial on your sister's
machine, using the code from your CD. If they did, registration would have
failed, but the key is still stuck in the registration module and is thus
causing the error.


On 28/1/07 6:07 AM, in article, "com"
<com> wrote:


Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie <name>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Business Analyst, Consultant
Technical Writer.
Sydney, Australia +61 (0) 4 1209 1410

HELP trying to open Microsoft Works document from PC on a Mac

Posted: 24 Jan 2007 09:17 PM PST

Hi Bob:

Sorry, Michel's right. I think yours is the 3rd request for a Works
converter for Mac in the past 12 months. Out of 300-million Microsoft Users
that's not a *high* priority.

If we had 100,000-odd requests for it, then it might be a "major oversight".
As it is, of all the many things Mac Business Unit could spend our money on,
that one is not up at the top of the list.

Word for OS 9 has a Works converter in it. Current versions of PC Word have
a Works converter. And the current word-processor in Works is Word, which
will convert the old version of Works to RTF, which can be read anywhere,
including the Mac.


On 27/1/07 4:49 PM, in article,
"com" <com> wrote:


Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie <name>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Business Analyst, Consultant
Technical Writer.
Sydney, Australia +61 (0) 4 1209 1410

Microsoft Word - Total number of pages in a document.

Microsoft Word - Total number of pages in a document.

Total number of pages in a document.

Posted: 23 Nov 2012 11:58 AM PST

Is there a way to insert the "total number of pages" at the front of the report.  I.e. this report contains a total of # pages.  Essentially in the page numbering section,  it would be the y in: Page x of "y".  Thanks in advance

Office 2007 Translator missing a LOT of languages

Posted: 23 Nov 2012 06:36 AM PST


Had a computer crash a couple of weeks ago and had to re-install my Office 2007.  Just went to use my translation portion of Word for the first time and found a HUGE gap in my languages.  I have English, French, and Spanish.  That's it.  I have used the program in the past for Chinese (Mandrin and Cantonese, Russian, German, Romanian, Dutch, and others).  Those are just a few off the top of my head.  I deal in an international business that sometimes requires international translation.  

I did a 'repair' on the program and made sure everything was installed.  Anyone got an idea?  I know those languages are in the program, I just need to know how to get them back.



Help with section breaks please...

Posted: 23 Nov 2012 05:35 AM PST

I'm rather lost on this....I have a document which has 5 pages.   I have to insert a neew front page and add text.   I have to insert page numbers to pages except the new front page  and the last page.  I also have to add a header on each page except the front page.   I've tried doing this different ways, have read so much that I'm completely lost!

Am I right in thinking I have to insert a section break at the top of document to insert a new front page?  I have tried insert a new page but I end up in a muddle!   Also, the last page has to have a section break to the left of the text at the top of the page?

If anyone has the time, would they mind giving me step by step what to do/click on etc?  I'm baffled!

How to underline text in header or footer...

Posted: 23 Nov 2012 05:07 AM PST

Can anyone tell me how to place a single bottom border to text which must be right aligned in a header please?  I've gone into Insert tab and gone into Headers, and say I want to choose the first one "blank".  I have tried using tab to move the text to the right and I have tried to right align the text to get it where I want.  Then when I've gone into borders, and chosen insert a bottom border, it unlerlines the whole of the area even where there is no text.  Can anyone show or explain how to do this properly please?  Many Thanks.

Problem Saving Document Properties

Posted: 23 Nov 2012 03:37 AM PST

I am using Document Properties in Word and find that some of them (e.g. Author, Company) disappear whenever I save the document - others are saved just fine.  I am having the same problem with multiple documents.  Can anyone help?

How to select all objects by draging all objects in a single click?

Posted: 23 Nov 2012 03:32 AM PST


I am using Microsoft Word 2010 and a newbie.

May I ask about, how to select all objects just like in the screenshot (link provided below) with drag and select all. Those objects are outside or without drawing canvas. It will take time for me to select the object one-by-one using Ctrl + Left Click on each object.

Really need solution asap.

Screenshot :

Thank you.


Unsaved text

Posted: 23 Nov 2012 01:31 AM PST

How to bring back an unsaved text?

View size: how do I change my View to Actual Size?

Posted: 23 Nov 2012 12:25 AM PST

I was working away on a document when it suddenly resized its view. It went from its actual size to something smaller. I cannot find the place where I can choose my view options. I want to view this at 100% of its actual size. 

Headers and Footers

Posted: 23 Nov 2012 12:01 AM PST

Good morning! I want to create a very long document (a magazine) and I want to know how can I add headers and footers so that their contents to be different depending on the article (of the magazine). If you don't catch my idea, please let me know to explain my issue better.

Is there a manual for Word 8 for new users?

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 12:12 PM PST


Addresses not printing in correct position on DL envelope

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 07:56 AM PST

I have Word 2007 installed as part of MS Office 2007 Professional on a desktop PC running Windows 7 Pro (64 bit) and also installed on a Notebook computer running Windows 7 Home Premium (32 bit).

I have been able to use Word 2007 to print DL envelopes with a normal delivery address in the centre and a return address in the top left corner. 

Recently when trying to print an envelope on the desktop PC, when opening the Mailings-Envelopes menu and using my normal envelope and printing options, the envelope is printing with the addresses printed in positions opposite to that shown on the icon displayed in the printing options and also the return address block is indented in from the edge of the envelope by about 3 cm.  Using the "Add to Document" button certainly shows the whole return address block in a separate section at the top of the page offset in from the left side of the page.  The Return address settings in the envelope option shows it is set to Auto from Left and the Preview icon indicates it appears in top left of envelope.

Using Word 2007 on my Notebook there is no problem with the positioning of the address blocks on the envelope.

I initially thought it could be a corrupt global template file Norm.dotm on the desktop so I copied the Norm.dotm across from the Notebook to replace the file on the desktop, but the problem still exits.

I did try using another envelope size and found that most of the other sizes do not create the problem. 

I have uninstalled and reinstalled Office 2007 on my desktop computer, but the problem still remains.  I am puzzled over what may have suddenly caused this problem in a specific installation of Office when it was working perfectly before. 



Microsoft word writing issue

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 09:35 AM PST

i have a strange problem releated to microsoft word only.

i cant write in arabic language in microsoft word, but if i click space twice or "enter" then i start writing normaly.

this happened only with microsoft word, i tried powerpoint, excel .... its work fine.


OS windows 7 professional 32 Bit.

Office 2010

my text is stuck in the left collumn sort of like a newspaper layout

Posted: 20 Nov 2012 10:10 AM PST

so say if i type something, for example 'the dog went to the park', it can only fit 'the dog went to the' on one line and then it will go on to the next line and when it gets to the bottom of the page it doesn't cross over like it should if i have the newspaper like layout on it just continues on the next page, i want the text so it goes across the page like normal. iv looked at my margin settings and its on normal, my column settings are set to have one column. its never done this before it was working ok the last time i went on it can someone tell me whats wrong, thanks :)

VBA Macro Code Error (Gerard) Microsoft Project

VBA Macro Code Error (Gerard) Microsoft Project

VBA Macro Code Error (Gerard)

Posted: 23 Apr 2004 01:36 AM PDT

You test on "nothing" tasks, what about "summary" or "external"

__________________________________________________ _______
Mark Durrenberger, PMP
Principal, Oak Associates, Inc,
"Advancing the Theory and Practice of Project Management"
__________________________________________________ ______

The nicest thing about NOT planning is that failure
comes as a complete surprise and is not preceded by
a period of worry and depression.

- Sir John Harvey-Jones
"Verossa" <> wrote in message
MS Excel and am recieving the following error: 
Len(oTache.Parent.Name) - 4) 
Len(oTache.Parent.Parent.Name) - 4) 

Household project management software

Posted: 22 Apr 2004 11:21 PM PDT

This might be what you're looking for


Posted: 22 Apr 2004 12:33 PM PDT

Thanks John. I will play with this and see if it will be
useful for me.
from "tampering" but 
that duplicate 
fields out of any 
be used to 
see if any 
fact you are using 
Versions" add-in 
do the 
macro that could 
up an event 
If a change is 

SPI in Project 2000

Posted: 22 Apr 2004 12:16 PM PDT


I think I did.
You need to enter the formula correctly - exactly like this:


in a spare user defined field.

Step by step:
From insert menu select column
pick the text10 field (if it is not already used)
click OK
Now rightclick on the text10 column header
select customize fields
click on the "formula" button
enter the formula above
At this point you can rename the field to SPI or do other things.
click OK.


"Stevie" <com> wrote in message 

Row Numbering

Posted: 22 Apr 2004 11:21 AM PDT

Three other suggestions beyond what Andrew offered. First, check to see
if the tasks are sorted by something other than task ID. Second, if the
file is a master file with inserted subprojects, try opening the
subprojects and then use the "Show subtasks". Third, if the file has
external links to another file, check the setting of Tools/Options/View
tab and ensure that the two check boxes for external predecessors and
successors is checked.

Hope this helps.

Earned value Calculation

Posted: 22 Apr 2004 08:06 AM PDT

Thanks to all that replied.

I had tried to re-enter all the actuals as Gerard has suggested by redoing the plan, but that did not work. Finally I figured it out. I had to change some options under the calculation tab.
1. Actuals costs are always calculate by Microsoft Projec
2. Uncheck Move End of.... and Move start of.....
3. Default Fixed Cost acruals ---> "Prorated" instead of "End

I changed all these and it started working.

Thanks to all.

Shading Columns

Posted: 22 Apr 2004 06:45 AM PDT

You can't shade columns but you can change text color/style.

I've set up a bunch of tables. Calculated columns are in blue text/italic
and user entry columns are black normal - you can also change fonts
/bold/underline etc...


Here is a screenshot:

__________________________________________________ _______
Mark Durrenberger, PMP
Principal, Oak Associates, Inc,
"Advancing the Theory and Practice of Project Management"
__________________________________________________ ______

The nicest thing about NOT planning is that failure
comes as a complete surprise and is not preceded by
a period of worry and depression.

- Sir John Harvey-Jones
"caveman" <> wrote in message
alternating columns to allow a user to be able to differentiate between

Critical path calculations

Posted: 21 Apr 2004 02:06 PM PDT

I concur. No reason not to do this.


"Steve House" <> wrote in message

Accrual of costs

Posted: 21 Apr 2004 01:51 PM PDT

IMHO, task costs are not showing when PAYMENT is made, they show when
the liability is posted into the project budget. How does your 50/50
rule function when you pay 50% of 100 man-hours at the start, work 50
hours, and find that you are going to need 200 hours more to finish for
a total actual cost of 250 man-hours. The primary purpose of the cost
data is to provide budget estimates, cash flow requirement projections,
and monitor project progress metrics - it is not a client time and
billing application nor a accounts payable and receivables or revenue
tracking. It doesn't deal at all with when costs are paid, only when
the work that they're buying is required to be accomplished.

Steve House
MS Project MVP
Visit for the FAQs

"David" <> wrote in message

Multiple Resource Pools

Posted: 21 Apr 2004 12:02 PM PDT

I would put all the resources into one Resource Pool. You can use Resource Groups to identify the different departments

Hope this is helpful

----- Cheryl wrote: ----

I am using MS Proj. 2002 Standard. I have created
resource pools for all sections in our development
facility. I have a master schedule comprised of about 50
sub projects. My question is can I incorporate more than
one resource pool per project? Such as



Can Project 1 use resources from Res_Pool_A, Res_Pool_B,
and Res_Pool_E

All Suggestions welcome

Outlook Add-in for Project Web Access not loading... help

Posted: 21 Apr 2004 05:14 AM PDT


I'm not certain this will work, but try removing the Com Addin from Outlook
and reinstalling it.


Gary Chefetz [MVP]
We wrote the book on Project Server

"Eranga Udesh" <com> wrote in message

Disable Task Information

Posted: 21 Apr 2004 02:39 AM PDT

Why in the world do you want to cripple your PM's? Why give them a tool
and then prevent them from using part of it?

Steve House
MS Project MVP
Visit for the FAQs

"Itzik" <> wrote in message

Calendar Changes

Posted: 21 Apr 2004 01:38 AM PDT

Good Morning

I agree, and when I realised invoice periods were involved I pointed this out. I think billing periods have just become standard calendar type, partially reflecting the influence of the finance group in every aspect of this organisation

Have a good day

Customise the Timescale

Posted: 21 Apr 2004 12:51 AM PDT

You're welcome as usual, Vers :-)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Verossa wrote: 

Microsoft Word - Change Word to use ambidextrous quotes for everything

Microsoft Word - Change Word to use ambidextrous quotes for everything

Change Word to use ambidextrous quotes for everything

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 02:37 AM PST


I'm having to frequently change smart quotes to simple ambidextrous quotes in content that gets sent to me. I've unchecked the 'Straight quotes with smart quotes' checkbox under AutoCorrect options. This makes word use simple quotes when I type but pasting text will keep the smart quotes if there are any.

Is there a way to get Word to use simple quotes for everything? I don't really want to be using the replace feature all the time.


Problem with margins when I copy & paste a document into template

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 10:18 PM PST

I have created a template that has one header on the first page and a different header on the following pages.  I used the developer section to insert content control boxes into the template.   

I have set margins, font, size, etc..  The template looks just as I want.  BUT when I copy & paste text from a previously saved text document into the body of the template, it does not follow the default bottom margin that I set at .7.  It leaves margins far greater than .7, and they vary from page to page.  I would like all of the bottom margins to be consistent.

I would appreciate any help you can offer.


How do I get the full page to show after it was accidently shrunken

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 08:17 AM PST

When I try to create a document, the display shows that the page has shrunken to about 3 by 7 when the original display was 8 by 11 size.  I notice that I somehow drag my hand over the mouse pad and it shrinks the page size and zoom.  Normally, when I'm not in ms word, I just reset the zoom to 100% and that fixes the problem every where else. However, it does not display tools on the ms word document.  Please help me get the page back to the original size.  Incidentally, the page size icon shows that it is the right page.  This problem is not about the font size but how do I get the word document to open up as the full page size so that I can begin my document?

Unable to add mailing address to envelopes

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 08:17 AM PST

I have moved from Office 2003 to Office 2010.  
Now, when using the "Mailings" program t o address envelopes,   the email address is inserted. not the street address.  
Contacts does correctly list the street address.
How can I correct this problem?

printer error - office 2010 - Windows 8

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 07:42 AM PST

I am attempting to print using office 10 (Word) but am getting a non specific message, "there was an error printing," each time I attempt to print.  Troubleshooting has not detected any errors with the printer, and the printer itself is not showing any errors or issues either. 


I have just added this printer (driver) to my computer but have not yet been able to successfully print using it.  A co-worker who is using the exact same computer (both new last week) - his computer detected the printer automatically and has had no issues.  Searches for the device on my machine came up blank, and I've had these issues since attempting to add it manually through Window's driver list. 


  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

deleting documentas from microsoft office

Posted: 20 Nov 2012 04:47 PM PST

some documents saved in the list of documentas in microsoft office word should be deletes eg i acan delet them in microsift word beause in the fiel menu there is the word delete but no in mow

"windows explorer not responding".

Posted: 20 Nov 2012 08:48 AM PST

When I right click to highlight a document, the response is Windows explorer not working.  What could be the problem?

mail merge with database field

Posted: 19 Nov 2012 07:49 AM PST

Dear all,

I have a mail merge document connected to an Excel-workbook which is fed by several Microsoft Queries with parameters.

1) If I enter a database field into the Word-document I get all the fields and records in the table - even if I append the query by 

WHERE ((`volgnr5` = '3')) 


WHERE ((`volgnr5` = '{MERGEFIELD volgnr5}'))

It seems Word does not react to this statement.

I have entered the extra space before the first komma after the select, so those errors are gone.

2) If I remove a fieldname from the query the database field stops showing anything.

Please help.

Hello. Is it possible to change the fonts of all footnotes in one go?

Posted: 19 Nov 2012 03:47 AM PST

I have a couple of hundred footnotes in an 80,000-word document in Times Roman and wish to change it to Arial.

I am using Word 2007.
