

Microsoft Word - Horizontal line and other questions

Microsoft Word - Horizontal line and other questions

Horizontal line and other questions

Posted: 15 Mar 2015 11:58 AM PDT

1. At the top of every page in the Endnotes (but not on other pages) there is a horizontal line that cannot be selected or deleted. I would like to remove them. I see nothing under Page Layout or Options.

2. I would like the bottom margin to be smaller to waste less blank space, but when I try to change it with Page Layout > Margins, nothing happens. The document has several dozen footnotes but no footer.

2. I have Gutter set to 0.3", alternating left and right. In a few cases where I have a simple table occupying parts of two consecutive pages, the part on the second page is offset horizontally relative to the text on that page.  I can fix this by putting a small character (not in the table) before the second part. Is there a better way? (Most such tables are positioned correctly on both pages.)

Gratefully as always,


PDF to word conversion w/ signature problem

Posted: 15 Mar 2015 11:11 AM PDT

When I scan in my signed time log the PDF coverts  the text and signature  with windings: I have tried to save the file as doc, docx, rtf...

What am I doing wrong?

Word: How to change orientation of page numbers to portrait when the page is in landscape

Posted: 15 Mar 2015 10:41 AM PDT

Hello wise Word gurus! You were so kind in helping me a few weeks ago, that I will impose on you again.

I have a Word document where some of the pages are in Portrait and others are in Landscape. I am attaching an example document in OneDrive:

The page numbers are aligned to the top right of each page, no matter what its orientation. Since this document will be bound, I would like the page numbers of the landscaped pages to move so that they are still "top right" in the bound document, even though the text in those pages is still landscaped.

Any ideas? I'm sure it can be done, because I've seen dissertations that had this layout. I just can't figure out how to make it happen.

I am using Office 2013 on a PC.

Many thanks!


How can I create a field that changes the value of references when I change the value of the field?

Posted: 15 Mar 2015 09:22 AM PDT

How can I create a field that changes the value of references when I change the value of the field?

Lets say I have a H1 in my document that says Assignment [#] where [#] is a changeable number.

Now i my footer I have Assignment [#], Page [PageNum] of [PageCount]

How can I make both assignment numbers store the same value regardless of which one I change?

Office 2013 Your AutoCorrect file, \MSO2057.acl, could not be saved.

Posted: 15 Mar 2015 09:14 AM PDT

I am getting error when I open a word or excel file.

"Your AutoCorrect file, \MSO2057.acl, could not be saved. The file may be read-only, or you may not have permission to modify the file." I tried to follow the earlier answer to this type of error for Office 2007

File --> Options-->Proofing-->AutoCorrect Options.

Here I see only these tabs "Auto Correct, Math Autocorrect, AutoFormat As you type, AutoFormat and Action"

Please help.

Fillable form with a calculating field without protection

Posted: 15 Mar 2015 03:43 AM PDT

I am a novice and have read quite abit about fillable forms but cannot find what I am looking for if it exist.

I am creating a fillable form with 7 plain contents controls in one line then repeated down the page. I think I have read that I cannot use calculate if the document is not protected. I have only one contents control that I would like a calculation to happen.

My users need to be able to copy the whole line and paste into a forum page. If I protect the form copying the whole line doesn't seem possible. Is there anyway around this.

I wanted to have whatever range of numbers are imput into one field and then divided by 18 and the answer in the other content control box. Does this make sense. I can send you a copy of the line set up with content controls with an explanation of what I would need.

Word password problem

Posted: 14 Mar 2015 03:09 PM PDT

I created a Word document on my laptop with a password to open it.  When I attempted to open the document on my iPad Word app I was told the password was too long.  It would not open on the iPad.  Any suggestions?