

"make" command not found - Forums Linux

"make" command not found - Forums Linux

"make" command not found

Posted: 21 Jan 2010 06:33 PM PST

Maybe the path to "make" is wrong, maybe you didn't install "make"
(then you surely also don't have gcc), or maybe the path where "make"
is located needs the root to access it. Try: login as root, then
"whereis make" and see if make can be found.

On Thu, 21 Jan 2010 18:33:01 -0800 (PST), Jed <biz>

USB cable - why ?

Posted: 19 Jan 2010 03:10 PM PST

On Jan 20, 6:24pm, Shadow <Sh@dow> wrote: 

That sounds very familiar with my experiences today and came to a
conclusion some microsoft update has ed up. It works on a clean
(no updates) computer but with a current and up to date Windows XP -
it doesn't.

Try it on another computer without any updates and get back to me

Automatize pressing of "YES" while doing ssh

Posted: 18 Jan 2010 02:20 AM PST

On Jan 18, 9:09am, Florian Diesch <net> wrote: 

Or use it in the command line, or run a pre-scan to record the

ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' targethost

There are also a stack of small tools for bundling up this sort of
parallel SSH operation, such as "dssh"., which you may find useful.

GRUB MBR changed strangely between CentOS 5.2 and 5.4?

Posted: 17 Jan 2010 04:39 PM PST

On Jan 18, 2:37pm, j3 <com> wrote: 

On further reading (
GRUB.htm) I see that the bytes in question appear to be the sector
address of the GRUB stage 2 file, which makes sense - change that and
GRUB can't load the next stage, so it fails. Or in my case,
overwrite /dev/sda1 so that the stage 2 file location changes and we
have the same effect.
So the conclusion is that nothinghas changed in the GRUB MBR between
CentOS 5.2 and 5.4. Rather, when GRUB is installed the stage 2 file
sector address is embedded into the MBR and that's the difference that
I observed.

Blogging clients on Debian - Blogilo and b2evolution

Posted: 14 Jan 2010 02:21 PM PST

"Neil Jones" <null> wrote in message

I just use Wordpress. What does a "blogging client" do that wordpress


Playing .mov files in Fedora Core 9

Posted: 13 Jan 2010 09:37 AM PST

On Jan 13, 12:37pm, Richard Vaughn <com> wrote: 

You cannot go wrong with MPlayer.

Debian, OpenJDK + JavaFX

Posted: 12 Jan 2010 10:28 PM PST

Klaus Zerwes wrote:

If I read well linux users had "early bird access"

What's on Shortwave guide: choose an hour, go!
700+ Radio Stations on SW
300+ languages on SW

Extreme stupid question about grub

Posted: 12 Jan 2010 03:55 AM PST

> > On 2010-01-13, Douglas Mayne <localnet> wrote: 

Quite so. All that you've done is to create a bootable environment
that runs no programs (services) that will allow you to use the
machine. Useless.

It sounds like you had a partition that booted and loaded a root file
system (perhaps on the same partition?). You've now created a new
boot partition but it doesn't know where to look for the root file
system. If that's the case maybe all that you need to do is modify
the kernel command (assuming that you're using GRUB as the boot
loader) in /boot/grub/grub.conf or menu.lst to specify where the root
file system is, eg "root=/dev/sda2".

I'm no expert on this, so if my advice is wrong or you hit other
problems try reading or or
searching the Internet.

Linux friendly Laptops and Netbooks??

Posted: 11 Jan 2010 03:13 PM PST

The Natural Philosopher wrote:

Don't let her hear you calling her that... ;)


High CPU usages and sometimes hard crashes in my Debian/Linux.

Posted: 11 Jan 2010 12:33 PM PST

> Every problem I have had hardware wise the last three years has been 

I just did that a few weeks ago too. I will try again later.
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Debian installed - Now what?

Posted: 10 Jan 2010 01:16 AM PST

Neil Jones wrote:

Why not? I've found Debian to be among the easiest of installs, as
long as the Ethernet port is recognized by the installer (even if one
employs the DVD based install, rather than a netinst version). I
heartily suggest anyone who attempts to install Debian on a machine
with a network card not recognized by the installer temporarily install
a NIC which is recognized by the installer.

Well, you could download a .deb file and load it manually into your apt
application (whichever one you use). If it isn't in the repository or
on your hard drive (or network), then no apt application will find it.
You could also obtain the source package and compile from source.

If you want to use X, then you should have selected a Desktop install
when you ran the install routine. The default display manager is
Gnome, but I prefer KDE. I find KPackage, the KDE Package manager, to
be very easy to use and very powerful. I find it much more intuitive
than Synaptic. Of course, now that you have Debin already installed,
you can get KDE by simply typing `apt-get install kde`. During
installation, under Advanced Options, one may select KDE as an
alternative to Gnome.

Acer Aspire X1800 linux install error

Posted: 08 Jan 2010 04:07 AM PST

The Natural Philosopher wrote: 

When I used to use Fedora I got the same errors while booting from the
distribution media

Funny enough...I walked away from the machine and heck maybe 15-20
minutes later the bootup finally completed.

I was then able to install Fedora and once it was installed
it booted normally from the HD