

Microsoft Word - Many cross references - how to format only figures/tables

Microsoft Word - Many cross references - how to format only figures/tables

Many cross references - how to format only figures/tables

Posted: 09 Dec 2014 02:41 PM PST


I'm editing my dissertation and need some help with the formatting of many cross references. I apply three types - Figures, Tables, and numericals for chapters/subchapters etc.

How can I use Alt-F9 and Replace All according to one style (Times New Roman, 10, upper cases, bold) on ONLY Figures and Tables, and leave out the chapter references (such as 2.1.3, 5.4.2 etc.) which I want to stay as is? I tried to find the walkthrough, but can only find those which apply for ALL cross references. 

Incidentally, I notice that the { REF etc etc etc } includes the qualifier \r \h in the chapter refs, but only the \h in the ones for Figures, but cannot find out how to apply this in my command line.

Help is greatly appreciated! Wouldn't like to manually do this for each.



Undo and Redo button in Office 2013 (Word 2013, Excel 2013, OneNote, Powerpoint 2013)

Posted: 09 Dec 2014 02:21 PM PST

I have been working with Office 2013 (Office 365 to be precise) on Windows 8.1 for a couple of weeks now and noticed that it is missing a feature I used a lot in Office 2007.

The Undo and Redo buttons used to have drop-down menus, listing all changes the user made. In that list I could select a change I made and it would undo or redo everything up to that point. I can't remember if that was the default button in the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) or something I customized but it was there. My new office doesn't have the drop-down anymore. So when I want to undo 20 changes I have to click the button 20 times. I looked at costumizing the QAT and there is only one version of the undo button. In fact it looks as though it should have a drop-down list but I cannot see that once I back in the actual Word or Excel or whatever part of Office I am using. I have also seen screenshots of Office 2013 where the arrow for the drop-down list is clearly visible (for example on the Wikipedia screen shots.

Now I have 2 questions:

  1. Does the drop-down list feature still exist in Office 2013 / Office 365?
  2. Should it be there by default?
  3. How can I get the drop-down history list in my Office programs?

Any help would be much appreciated!

Track changes in Word 2013: can I change the available palette?

Posted: 09 Dec 2014 11:26 AM PST

This may seem trivial, but I am an editor, so I spend much of my life looking at tracked changes in Word. I recently installed Word 2013, and the darkest blue available for showing tracked changes is a fairly bright blue. I find this distracting when looking over the flow of words.  I'd like a darker/royal blue instead, so that it is still distinguishable from the unchanged black font but doesn't leap out at me. Along with a new version of Word, I also have a new computer with a new version of Windows (from 8 to 7 Professional), so perhaps it's something in one of those that needs to be tweaked.  

Thanks in advance for your help.

Word 2010 Creates very large SPL files when printed

Posted: 09 Dec 2014 09:40 AM PST

I have a .docx file that was created in Word 2010, When I print the document it creates a 3 GB file in the print spool, However when the document is printed out of Word 2013 it only creates a 100 MB SPL file. If I convert the file to a .doc and print it out of Word 2010 it only creates a 62 MB file.

Why does Word 2010 create such a large SPL file?

I have "enable advanced printing features" unchecked.

Can't make Dark Gray Word 2013 Theme Work

Posted: 09 Dec 2014 09:29 AM PST

I just installed the free month trial of Word 2013. I am trying to change the theme to dark gray, like I had it in Word 2010. In Word 2010, the dark gray theme darkened the background color surrounding the page. The navigation pane and the ribbon also became darker. But in Word 2013, when I select the dark gray theme, all of those sections stay blaringly white. In short, the entire screen stays white!!! The only thing that changes is that the color of the File button in the top left corner goes from blue to black. That's it!!!! Is this just because I'm currently in the free month trial of Word? This shouldn't be the case, because I gave you guys my credit card information and I'm set to pay the monthly subscription fee. Please help me get Word looking like it did in Word 2010. This is how it used to look in Word 2010:

Trouble with Graph

Posted: 09 Dec 2014 07:18 AM PST

I am trying to get a graph and its format to convert into a web based program. When I cut and paste it looks great but when I print I lose the format. I have tried saving it as a web page and pdf. Ideas?

unable to open word, excel and power point

Posted: 09 Dec 2014 05:51 AM PST

just recently whenever i try to access any excel or word files, I have to log on and enter my password to open files. since this morning though I get a message telling me to obtain a network key or if i am part of an organisation I need to get managers permission. it tells me that I have not got an account. I have been using this laptop ND NOT CHANGED THE PASSWORD FOR A GOOD 5 MONTHS. aLL MY FILES ARE LOCKED in and i cannot access anything!! HELP

decode o:gfxdata

Posted: 09 Dec 2014 05:46 AM PST

Hi there,

I'm working with php and a docx file.

know i can read a lot of data out of the file but when it come's to shape i can't.

because of the o:fgxdata know i try to base64_decode it but it doesn't work.

Can anyone tell me it with type de data is encoded in o:gfxdata and how i can decode it?

vba type error using CC

Posted: 09 Dec 2014 04:27 AM PST

Sub FileSaveAs()

    Dim strSUG As String       'have a DropDown-ContentControl named SUG  which has red, blue, green / let's say I want to pick up "red" for the PATH
    Dim strPath As String
    Dim strFilename As String

     strPath = "C:\Users\user\Desktop\ & strSUG & "\""     ' result should be: C:\Users\user\Desktop\red\

but instead I get an TYPE error


Why does not Word formula recognize the numbers above 15999

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 10:59 PM PST

Recently (between August 2014 and now) my Word 2013 has changed the behavior when parsing the numbers in table formulas.

By trial and error I've figured out that it works fine if cell value is between 0 and 15999 inclusive. 16000 and above yield 0 when used in formulas.

It gets more complicated when floating point is used - I didn't have enough time to isolate the specific error conditions.

Word version is 15.0.4667.1000 MSO 15.0.4667.1001 32-bit, Win 7 Professional 64 bit; regional settings are set to en-US, no customizations to number formatting.

The sample file is available here: Sample Document

Setup cannot find SingleImage.WW\pkeyconfig-office.xrm-ms

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 10:51 PM PST

I've had my Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010 by Microsoft Office on my Windows 7 HP laptop for a couple of years now. It had been working fine up until yesterday. When i opened up a documen a window opened up with Configuration Progress, then another window popped up on top of it with Title Browse for folder. Setup cannot find SingleImage.WW\pkeyconfig-office.xrm-ms. I've clicked on evrything & nothing works. What should i do?

oFFICe 2013 AND cooKIEs

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 10:47 PM PST

I began having trouble with Office and MS products when I accidentally clicked double encryption (or some nonsense). I tried to fix it by clicking the box that said I login to this computer ALL THE TIME don't ask me for that mumbo jumbo. Now I have the password set, reset, set, reset, set, reset... and am going to sit on this one till alll my devices use this p/w. The problem is that I can no longer sign in under 0ffice 2013 because it says my browser needs cookies enabled. I've gone into every  browser on the system and enabled cookies but can NOT log in or access my OneDrive through Office 2013. So I tried OneDrive online and samd problem with every browser, even though all are set to accept cookies.

What is happening inside 2013 office?

word 2013 hyperlink to specific pdf page

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 10:11 PM PST


I am trying to find a way to create hyperlink from Word 2013 to specific pages in pdf. Ideally, I would like to open the pdfs with Microsoft Reader on my Surface Pro 3. There must be a way with visual basic and macros.

Please help!

Microsoft wont open

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 07:40 PM PST

I needed to type a essay on my laptop, and my Microsoft word or any of my Microsoft products will not open. I have paid for them and I uninstalled and re-installed and it still doesn't work. I need to get it fixed now. It is completely gone off my computer and when I try to reinstall it will not let me.

Any Idea how to fix this Word 2013 issue

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 06:32 PM PST

This is what my screen looks like when I start Office 2013 all the fixes say to something like go to File > whatever and whatever. But I CANNOT SEE ANY OF THAT.

Changing styles in multiple documents using macros

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 04:49 PM PST


I am trying to make a macro that combines several documents and changes the styles within the document to that of a template.

Firstly i have a macro that imports the template styles
Sub Template()
' Template Macro
    With ActiveDocument
        .UpdateStylesOnOpen = False
        .AttachedTemplate = _
    End With
End Sub

This works fine

Next i am trying to change the styles of the original document

Sub Replace_styles()
' Replace_style Macro

    Selection.Find.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Alpha_list")
    With Selection.Find
        .Text = ""
        .Replacement.Text = ""
        .Forward = True
        .Wrap = wdFindContinue
        .Format = True
        .MatchCase = False
        .MatchWholeWord = False
        .MatchWildcards = False
        .MatchSoundsLike = False
        .MatchAllWordForms = False
    End With
    Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
    Selection.Find.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("List")
    With Selection.Find
        .Text = ""
        .Replacement.Text = ""
        .Forward = True
        .Wrap = wdFindContinue
        .Format = True
        .MatchCase = False
        .MatchWholeWord = False
        .MatchWildcards = False
        .MatchSoundsLike = False
        .MatchAllWordForms = False
    End With

The main issue i am having with this, is i run this code several times for each individual style, but if the style does not exists in that particular document the code stops. Is there a way i can get this to run regardless of whether the style exists as i want to run this same code in hundreds of documents some of which have varying styles.


365 Page numbering, headers and footers not working

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 04:47 PM PST

Hi. I have searched through the posts but am unable to find the answer.

This is Office 365 on Win 7 and the page numbering has stopped working on new and old documents. I get message 'More options from' then greyed out "No online content available'.

Both Header and Footer option also only give two style options rather than previously a longer list of style options.

These options all previously worked fine

One suggestion from an earlier post said to change the Building Blocks.dotx to BuildingBlocks.old so that Office would rebuild a new file but when I tried this I got an error message that the file was in use even though I had closed all office products.

I need some help please.

Kind regards

Update links from excel 2003 to word 2013 doc?

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 12:12 PM PST

In the past I create and template 2003 excel file with data in each cell that could be linked to a template 2003 word file in a unique folder.  As the need arose I copied the folder to a new location and put in new information.  I would then use the newly created folder and file as required.  The way I set the folders and files up, I necessarily have to change the target location for data in the new word file when I opened the newly created word document.  Word 2003 gave me the opportunity to redirect the target file.

When I migrated to 2013 I expected to see the same kind of menu opportunity.  Now when I open the document that was originally created in 2003 which is now a 2013 word document the program asks if I want to update the links and I answer yes.  It then says that it cannot find the target file (which I would have assumed would be the case,) but there is no opportunity to change the target location.  And I can find no menu pull-down anywhere that would let me reallocate the target location.  Is there anything that is equivalent  to the process that was in 2003

micro soft word

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 08:10 AM PST

I am trying to get word on my computer and don't want to spend a lot of money.  I don't need the newest version. My son was told by his teacher that he can't use notepad, which I use, because his margins are messed up! A little **** if you ask me! So I am looking to install word onto my laptop. I am not computer savy as you can tell! Please guide me.

