

Microsoft Word - New document in Word 2013 opens in compatibility mode

Microsoft Word - New document in Word 2013 opens in compatibility mode

New document in Word 2013 opens in compatibility mode

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 10:27 AM PST

New install of Office 365 Trial, full version of Office 2010 still on machine, running Windows 8.

Every time I create a new document in Word 2013, it opens in Compatibility mode. Document Save type is set as Word Document (docx). (Doesn't do it with Excel).

Am I right in saying I need to deleted normal.dotx and allow Word 2013 to create it's own?

I cannot get the first two pages of my manuscript to NOT print a page number.

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 06:54 AM PST

I want the first two pages in my manuscript to not have a page number. The next section to start at start at number i until the next section which starts at number 1 and continues from there.


 I cannot get the first two pages to NOT print a page number.  Section 2 and section 3 are numbering just fine,

Word Address "book" from Access Address file

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 12:26 AM PST

I have an Access 'Name and Address' database, from which I yearly create a group of mailing labels for Christmas cards, via a 'Query'.  The database is kept current as changes of address are received. 


I don't keep US postoffice mailing addresses in Outlook, only email addresses.  I don't want two sets of postoffice addresses that may or may not be the same.  However, if I can export them from Access to Outlook, I might consider it.


Now I want to use that same Access database to create individual labels for birthday or anniversary cards using Word.  I want to use Word to be able to select a specified single label on the sheet to put on the provided birthday/anniversary card envelope.


How do I 'import' part of the Access database into Word for an 'address book'?  I've been told that the various parts of Office are 'inter-connected!


How do I put names and addresses in 2 columns?

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 06:04 PM PST

I am trying to make a directory of names.  Some have 3 lines, some have 5 lines.  When I get to the bottom of the page and go to the top for the second column how can I keep going without having everything in the first column get out of position if I have to delete or when I enter.  In other words how do I make a division so what I'm doing in the second column doesn't affect the 1st column.

Searching in Word 2007 - Navigation Pane

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 12:40 PM PST

Hello -


I think I already know this answer but I want to give this a spin.


One of our people says that in Word, he executes a "Find" and a panel pops up on the left side of the frame with several found results showing for the find request.  I can't do that in Word 2007.  the Nav Pane option does not appear in the ribbon > View > Show.  Although he doesn't know it, I think he probably has Word 2010 and I think this "left side" pane is indeed what's called the Navigation Pane.  The Nav Pane is not a part of Word 2007 - right?  It cannot be turned on, optioned on, or installed through Add/Remove - right?



Where would I find Word Starter 2010?

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 12:33 PM PST

A website I have often used now blocks access to downloading files. A dialog box tells me "Word Starter 2010 cannot be opened. Try again or repair the product in Control Panel". I can't find that program or any reference to it in Control Panel. What should I do?

Word 2007 hyperlinked indexes

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 12:33 PM PST

OK, it's been a while since someone asked this.  I know I might get get a head-slap here but I'm willing to "take the hit".


I also know that Susan and some of the other experts have already pointed out that Word can't do this; create an index but also hyperlink back to the content.  But, again, some time ago.


Has no one found an "easy" way to create an INDEX (not a TOC) in Word 2007?  And, do so where the page no is hyperlinked?

If not, pardon me, please.


How about Word 2010 or Word 2013?  I can't seem to find that these two progs do either.


I am reading where experts point out the Word was designed with print media in mind.  Is there another strategy to follow for having a doc index that will "plop" you on to the desired content?  Are we talking some sort of HTML based web technology?


Just curious and looking for some clues....


Thanks and I apologize again if I've opened up new wounds!



Mail Merge from Excel to Word 2010 Dates Appear as Numbers

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 09:31 AM PST

As an example of my problem, I have a two dates in Excel that appear as September 20, 2012 and March 15, 2013. In the Word document after the merge (watching via Preview Results in Word 2010), these appear as 41172 and 41348 respectively.


I have searched the web for hours for a solution. They all say the same thing, to use the \@ "MMMM d, yyyy" flag after the mergefield in the merge braces. I assume must work for some people, but it's had zero effect for me.


I tried pressing Alt-F9 and then adding within the {} the \@ "MMMM d, yyyy" (so the final value appears as: { MERGEFIELD Effective_Date \@ "MMMM d, yyyy"}), but it has absolutely no effect. It still appears as a number.

There must be a setting in Word or some other problem that is preventing the formatting codes from working.


Note that the other 2 commonly described solutions, using DDE or forcing the column in Excel to be text, do work for me, but I don't view these as acceptible solutions, because I want to control the formatting in Word, not whatever a given cell happens to look like in Excel. For now, I'm using the DDE solution as a workaround, but I desparately hope someone here can help solve the core problem.




How limit autocorrect entries to Word only?

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 11:20 PM PST

I've set up a couple of autocorrect entries that are very helpful for documents I'm editing with Word.  This is the only context in which they are helpful, but it seems that the autocorrect entries I make in Word are applied in Outlook (for email) and Powerpoint, too. Is there a way for me to limit the scope of application of autocorrect entries to Word? 

An obvious workaround would be to change the abbreviations I use to trigger the autocorrect behavior and to use those abbreviations only in Word, but the abbreviations I use are standard in my field, and to train myself to use something else only in Word would be awkward, at best.  On the documents I'm working on, the abbreviations need to be expanded out to what they stand for, but in email and in PPT presentations, use of the abbreviations is preferable. Hence my desire to limit the autocorrect expansion of these abbreviations to Word only.

The icons for Word and Picture manager in Office 2007 are no longer displayed.

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 02:55 PM PST

I tried to run the setup disk and use the repair feature, but the setup returns the error:  Setup stopped working.

I ran the program on my laptop and it works fine.  Just the desktop unit gives the error.  I am running Windows 7  64.

The icons are not visible for Word and Picture Manager.

can I create temporary header

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 08:55 AM PST

Using Word 2007 on PC - Windows XP (sp3).

I have a document that is formatted to print on pre-printed letterhead paper. If I send a copy of the file by email, there is no letterhead on it.
I need to be able to send a document by snail mail, with pre-printed letterhead paper, but also by email. Presently, the email version does not show any header/letterhead, just the spacing required for  the printed page version.  Is there a simple way to create a header that can be switched on/off as necessary depending on the desired format (print/electronic).  I want to avoid having to type or copy the document twice; or, to have to create or delete a header each time.
FYI - I usually send the email version as PDF except when I expect the recipient needs to edit it, then it is sent in one of Word's native formats (.doc, .docx, docm, etc).

Is there another approach to this problem?