

Microsoft Word - Using "،" insted "," in citations

Microsoft Word - Using "،" insted "," in citations

Using "،" insted "," in citations

Posted: 18 Oct 2014 01:55 PM PDT

Hi. My language is Farsi. When I insert citation in my text by "Insert Citation" button, it uses "," instead "،". How can I solve my problem? Is there any smart solution?

Best regards.

Is community monitored

Posted: 18 Oct 2014 12:30 PM PDT

Doe anyone from Microsoft monitor this site?  Also, how do I contact Microsoft with suggestions foe office for iPad?  I desperately need merge cells in a table!


Office for iPad does not display my "Documents" on OneDrive

Posted: 18 Oct 2014 11:25 AM PDT

Not a problem with iPhone, but for iPad (no option for iPad in the information part of posting).

I have been using Office for iPad since it was released (I have an Office 365 Home plan).  I love the app, but have a problem.  I have an iPad 4 and have had this problem with both iOS 7 and now iOS 8.

The problem, I open Word on my iPad and click "Documents" from my OneDrive and it tried to list the files, but I get this error message instead.

Cannot Connect to Server

The server may be unavailable.

Check your internet connection and try again.

And I know I have internet and there is no issue with my OneDrive, device, or internet.

From what I have read, others with this issue are people with folder with over 10 GB of data, and I can say my Documents folder has over 10 GB of data, but this should not cause a problem.

I have tried a few things already:

1)  Tried resetting the app on iPad - Did not work.

2)  Tried resetting the app, then uninstalling the app and re-installing the app - Did not work.

3)  After updating to iOS 8 a few weeks ago, rest my whole iPad - Did not work.

I am very frustrated, as it makes things hard for me to open files.

The only thing I have found that works, I can open the "OneDrive" app and this app will display all my Documents and if I click my word file there, it will open the document in Word.  This is a kind of work around, but very frustrating.  This is frustrating since I have to close the Word app down completely when finished one document, reopen OneDrive to select another file to open and edit.  Where if the Office apps worked properly the first place, would not have to do this.

I was hoping this would have been fixed, since this has been a problem by me (I put in a request on this back in June 2014) and I have seen others did as well, but still not fixed.  

This is the main reason I don't use Microsoft Office as my personal document editor, I only use Microsoft for work, as my work only used MIcrosoft.  For my home, personal use, I use Google Documents, as it works on my computer, phone and iPad with no issues finding or listing documents so I can open them.  

My Office 365 membership comes up in December of this year, 2015, and seriously thinking of no renewing due to Microsoft's slow reply to and ability to fix problems in their apps.

Unable to create Table of Figures

Posted: 18 Oct 2014 09:20 AM PDT

A problem I haven't previously encountered:


I'm unable to insert a Table of Figures in a document I'm presently editing. Each time I try, I get the error message "No table of figures entries found."


Figure captions in the document are all in Caption style, wrapping for all images is set to "In line with text" and there are no text boxes anywhere in the document.

The problem seems to be specific to this one particular document. In other documents I have no such difficulty.

Document Didn't Save

Posted: 18 Oct 2014 08:04 AM PDT

 I have Microsoft Office 2013 and the Word program has been acting up. There's a document that I've been working on for months and recently worked on it. Even though I have autosave and I clicked the save icon several times, it said it saved but when I opened it the next morning to work on it, ALL the work from the night before was gone. I've never had this problem. Is there a way to keep it from happening again? Was it a glitch?

Open Office 2010 in windows 8 mode (version 8.1)

Posted: 18 Oct 2014 07:30 AM PDT

I have a laptop with Windows 8.1 and I can't seem to open Microsoft Word 2010 in windows 8 mode anymore. I used to be able to choose windows 8  mode or desktop, how can I open it in windows 8 mode again?

Reinstalling Office Word

Posted: 18 Oct 2014 06:13 AM PDT

How can I reinstall Office Word on Windows 7 and do I have uninstall Office Word Starter first? I have not disk, just the Product Key. Thank you.

Mail Merge: Directory

Posted: 18 Oct 2014 05:59 AM PDT

I have been trying to figure this out for a couple days. I have followed tutorials on Youtube and tried to search for an answer.

I am trying to make a directory. So I have been going to mail merge step by step, and choosing directory, finding my data source and doing this step by step. The file immediately has 2 pages when I choose my data source and puts the contacts on separate pages. How do I get this to stop??

Microsoft Office 2010 text alignment issue

Posted: 18 Oct 2014 03:06 AM PDT

Hey guys,

this is my first time using forums to get a question answered. Usually I find a way to fix it or it fixes itself but this time I'm stumped.

I have Microsoft Office 2010 running on Windows 8.1. Recently I opened MS Office to discover the text cursor what's in the upper right corner. I did not to eat any settings and there were no issues or errors in the weeks following up to this.

In the meantime I've installed a third-party office suite but I would really like to get back to using MS Office

If anyone knows how to fix this I greatly appreciate any help or guide you can give me and how to keep it that way. Thanks in advance for answering my question !

Marmalade Shaws

P.s: I've attached a screenshot to show you guys what I'm talking about.

Getting non collapsed version equations in front of bullets in Microsoft Word

Posted: 18 Oct 2014 02:48 AM PDT

I have a numbered bullet followed by an equation on the next line as this:

When I go to start of the equation and hit backspace to bring it in front of bullet, equation formatting changes to occupy in single line like this:

How can I have full / non collapsed version of the equation in front of a bullet?

Complex Hyperlinking Task Need Help With

Posted: 17 Oct 2014 11:18 PM PDT


I have a large MS Word 2010 document that has numerous various-sized tables (condensed / simplified in the examples below) that are preceded by numbered sentences that look something like the following:

8. Blah, blah, blah, blah...

(no. 211)


9. Blah, blah, blah ...

(no. 22)


231. Blah, blah, blah ...

(no. 8)


I need to hyperlink the bold font numbers in parentheses -- e.g., (no. 211) (no. 22) (no. 8) with corresponding numbered sentences. So, for example, the (no. 8) above will be hyperlinked with the (also bold font) 8. Blah, blah, blah, blah ... above.

Thus, the macro will search for and find (amidst other data) the bold font numbers in parentheses (no. 333), (no. 15), etc., and then hyperlink them with their corresponding numbered sentences (also in bold), e.g., 53. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah ...

I would deeply appreciate your help in this matter.


Posted: 17 Oct 2014 06:14 PM PDT

Lucida calligraphy is one of the easiest fonts to read.  Hundreds of documents in that font.  Office 2013 (Toshiba encore tablet) will not recognise it and puts documents in a plain font. I thought Lucida Handwriting might be the same font  with a slightly changed name but it isn't.  Is it possible to get Lucida calligraphy from Office 2010 and put it in Office 2013 or in the tablet Windows file.  Simple answers please - low computer literacy.

Windows 8, office 2007 saving error

Posted: 17 Oct 2014 05:43 PM PDT

I am using windows 8and  office 2007. When I go to save a document in word either save or save as I get a message saying that office has stopped working and it automatically closes. Is there a way to fix this? TIA

Word 2010 Ref Fields not working

Posted: 17 Oct 2014 05:37 PM PDT

After a recent update, it appears that Ref fields no longer updated via printing or manually when the referenced field is a content control with the default helper info (that greyed out uneditable text).  Updating the content control and manually updating (or via printing) the "Ref field" field code, never updates the "Ref field" to the new value in the content control.

Does anyone know what is going on?

I can't seem to get it to work unless I edit the field and click OK after filling the content control.  Doing this before filling the value does not fix the issue, and manually updating all fields in not acceptable because this was done to make entry in these word forms simpler for the user.

How do I change the default from "Simple Markup" to "All Markup"?

Posted: 17 Oct 2014 03:59 PM PDT

Split from this thread.

What about changing the default setting from "Simple Markup" to "All Markup"?


Incorrect heading numbering in table of contents

Posted: 17 Oct 2014 03:46 PM PDT

Split from this thread.


I am trying to create a TOC starting as depicted below:

HEading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

           Heading 4.1

            Heading 4.2

           Heading 4.3

Heading 5

Heading 6

Heading 7

The only issue I am having is when I label Heading 2 for  4.1, its auto-generating the number as 3.1 instead of 4.1?

How do i correct it?

Word Processing Software

Posted: 17 Oct 2014 03:15 PM PDT

I have recently purchased a new computer and do not have microsoft word installed as a default. I've used the microsoft word online in my browser but it drastically slows my computer speed down. Does anyone have an idea of where i can download a reliable word processor for use such as my research papers and documents of the sort? 

Word 2013

Posted: 17 Oct 2014 12:26 PM PDT

It seems like there should be an easy solution to this, but it doesn't seem like too much is easy with this new Office Suite.  

I create forms that I use in my everyday work life.  In Word 2013, when I open a document, I have to go up to the view tab & then click on "Edit Document" in order to be able to use a form.  This may not sound like a big deal, but I use these docs all day long & the extra step gets frustrating.  I just want to be able to open a document & be able to print, edit, etc., without having to go through this extra step.  When you open up a brand new page, everything is right there, as it should be.  You can print, design, insert...THAT is the view/tool bars that I want to have whenever I open any document.  Is there a way to do this??  I hope I'm just missing something that's staring me right in the face.  LOL

Heading 1,h1

Posted: 17 Oct 2014 11:09 AM PDT

I seem to be getting more and more documents from clients where they've applied or somehow renamed Heading 1, 2, 3, etc. as Heading 1,h1.  In the style gallery it is listed only as h1 but in the Task Pane it's referred to as Heading 1,h1.  These seem to be causing a lot of document corruption and I can't seem to remove the h1 tag.  Does anyone know what these are?  Or, better yet, how to correct them?



Windows 7

Word 2007

MERGE LETTERS - Using an If Statement

Posted: 17 Oct 2014 09:56 AM PDT

Apt Resident
0105 James Jones
0107 Abraham Lincoln
0108 George Washington
0109 Mike Epps

I would like to create Merge Letters from a report that has been exported to Excel.  According to the Apt No., I would like to insert the address in the Merge Letters associated with the Apt No.  Is it possible to use a range of numbers for a IF Statement? (Ex: "0101-0109")

{IF {MERGEFIELD Apt}="0101-0111""1557 Knuth Avenue"}{IF {MERGEFIELD Apt}="0201-0207""1553 Knuth Avenue"}{IF {MERGEFIELD Apt}="0301-0307""1519 Knuth Avenue"}

Problem inserting .jpg document into Word for Office 365 home version

Posted: 17 Oct 2014 09:52 AM PDT

I insert a downloaded letter-sized .jpg file into Word (Office 365 home edition).  The file needs to be landscape orientation, so I rotate it in the download file location.  However, when I insert it in the Word document, it reverts to portrait orientation and is about half the size of the original file.  This means I again have to rotate the file in Word and then resize it, which is a hassle when inserting multiple .jpg files.  In Word 2010, after I rotate the document to landscape and hit insert, the file is inserted in landscape orientation and letter size--it's perfect!  Are there settings that I can change in the Word program? 

Word 2010 Mail merge from access freezes when creating individual letter

Posted: 17 Oct 2014 09:34 AM PDT

We have word 2010 at the office. We use the access data base to merge our documents from.

When entering all the information via mail merge and I go into create the individual document, the "merged" document freezes up and I can not even shut it down without going into task manager to end the task. This happens with about 4-5 of our documents.

please answer this in laymen terms as I am computer literate.... I may not understand computer language :)


Duplicate Files shown in Word on IPad and cannot remove

Posted: 17 Oct 2014 09:28 AM PDT

I am running Word for IPad.   After working on a file and coming back to the main screen, there ends up being multiple copies of the file (I will try and attach a screenshot)

They are named the same, they have the same location (athough one of them is prefixed by e5....).  I can work with the other file, but I cannot load or delete the strangely prefixed file.  

  Kind of frustrating since it does this for any file I edit.

Any ideas how to stop this from happening?

Word software

Posted: 17 Oct 2014 09:22 AM PDT

Is the Word application in Office 365 compatible with Word 2010?

If, else...

Posted: 17 Oct 2014 09:14 AM PDT

I am creating a mail merge for resumes and I want a section to collapse/disappear if it does not populate with data...can I do that? 

I am working with Microsoft Word 2010

How to suppress "document contains comments and track changes. continue printing?" message every time I print

Posted: 17 Oct 2014 06:41 AM PDT

This is a new feature to MS Word 2013, and while nice the first time perhaps, it's getting really annoying.  Is there any way to tell it not to ask me this in the future?  Perhaps a clever way to discourage printing?


Formatting changes

Posted: 17 Oct 2014 05:37 AM PDT


We are having a problem with Word 2010 where the formatting of a document changes when being mailed between two users. The first user (sender) runs Office 2010 on a Windows 7 computer and the second user (receiver) runs Office 2010 on Windows 8. Both versions of office are the exact same.

When the document is opened on the receivers computer the footers page number is completely wrong (shows 103 of 112 on one page and then 104 of 180 on the next) and all the spacing and borders of tables are out of place.

There is also the issue that Some graphs are not showing the borders after the file has been emailed.

We have already tried saving the file to a shared drive and then opening the folder but the same issue keeps occuring.

Your assistance will be greatly appreciated

Windows 8.1 - "File is locked by..." Word documents

Posted: 17 Oct 2014 04:49 AM PDT


I have recently had to upgrade my computer and have ended up with Windows 8.1.  I type for a living from home and need to upload word files to an FTP site.

I am having the problem at the moment.  I complete the document, save it, close it, exit Word.

When I run the "Check Document" (from my company's own software) I get an error that the file is locked for editing by me.

  • The document is not open.
  • Word is not open.
  • Word is not showing as an active task.

I reboot and run the check program again - without opening Word - and get the same problem.

It's not a virus as I've rebuilt my computer and am getting the exact same error.  I have run virus scans using Trend Micro Titanium.

I have checked with the company and no-one else who is running Windows 8.1 and Office Professional 2013 is getting this problem. 

I am really at my wit's end (and skill end!), does anyone know of this problem and how to fix it.

Oh, and Microsoft, please stop changing things just to change them. 



PDF document as an attachment to Mail Merge between Word & Outlook

Posted: 17 Oct 2014 04:48 AM PDT

I have created a Mail Merge using Microsoft Word with Outlook and before mass email to a group of contacts. How to inculde a pdf document as an attachment to the mail merge and email the group of contact.

Your reply ASAP will be appreciated.


Why mathML does not work if there is "·" in the mathML sentence?

Posted: 17 Oct 2014 04:18 AM PDT

It's hard time to find out what is wrong when I paste mathML to ms word. Pasting mathML to ms word does not converted to 2D-formula, just mere XML markup. Finally I find why in the answer that I have seen. Just substituting · to '*', make a miracle. (It's first time I use mathML in ms word!)

However, why · does not work, and more, it prevents converting?

Text box move with text

Posted: 17 Oct 2014 02:28 AM PDT


I have a problem with the footer of some documents I am creating for a company. Basically this is how I want the footer to look like: 

However when I reached page 10 the text "Page number x" went over the text box with the "company name". How can I make the text box move towards the left according to the text it is in line with? I hope I have explained myself clearly and that someone can help me figure out a good solution for this problem!

Thank you so much in advance!!!

Average time to (security) patch of Zeroday Vulnerability

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 10:14 PM PDT

Hi, all

Now I'm considering to introduce MS Office stuff in my corp.

What I wonder is that how MS handle new Zero-day vulnerability and average time to fix the issue.

I've researched some security report of major companies (Symantec etc.) but couldn't find information related to issue above.

And also tried to contact MS Support team and had chat but couldn't get useful info.

If anybody have information. plz let me know. I'll appreciate it.


Mail merge issue

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 09:09 PM PDT

I just got Office 365 and when I go to do a mail merge in Word, it will not open the access database.

Specific Configuration for 2883008 Update

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 09:05 PM PDT

I have some query about this month security updates as below:

I have Microsoft Word 2010 installed. Why am I not being offered the 2883008 update?
The 2883008 update only applies to systems running specific configurations of Microsoft Office 2010. Other systems will not be offered the update.

I have try to download and install manually, but it is show not applicable.

"There are no products affected by this package installed on this system"

May I know what are the specific configuration?

in avery 5160 labels, 30 per page, is there a quick way to set up all 30 labels with the same information using 2 different fonts?

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 05:12 PM PDT

 With Word 2010 in using Avery 5160 labels -30 per page- is there an easy way to fill out all 30 labels at the same time with the same information using 2 different fonts on the labels?

OLE Excel links from word broken

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 02:11 PM PDT

I created a report in word with a list of different information. The dates I needed vary all throughout the report.

I needed each date a to be linked into an excel spreadsheet.  I linked the information by copying the date and special pasting as a linked text. They are linked so when someone updates the word document the info will automatically update the excel sheet.

When I open the excel worksheet and perform the updates I receive an error that stating the links don't work. 

Every single link is broken. I'm not sure if it's because it's an OLE link or something else (OLE_LINK43').

Please help.