

Microsoft CRM - Button "New Account" in Sub-Accountsview opens Parent account

Microsoft CRM - Button "New Account" in Sub-Accountsview opens Parent account

Button "New Account" in Sub-Accountsview opens Parent account

Posted: 19 May 2005 07:27 AM PDT

When you say it opens the "original Account" form, what do you mean? Are you
expecting a different form? The sub-Account form is the same form, it's just
that it should open with the Parent Account already populated.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Thu, 19 May 2005 07:27:07 -0700, "Sanne" <>

When I open an account, and then go to the subaccounts of that account, I
click on the Button "New Account" to create a new subaccount for this
account. Instead of opening a new account form, the application opens the
original Account form.

Anybody an idea how this is possible?


Sanne groenhof

Session variables and Cookies in Custom page

Posted: 19 May 2005 07:15 AM PDT

Agreed. Modifying the web.config for the actual CRM app can cause issues that
might not be readily apparent. Creatig your own virtual direcotry under the CRM
site that overides this seeting is the way to go.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Thu, 19 May 2005 07:31:14 -0700, "Rob Bakkers"
<> wrote:


You might want to create a different application in IIS which contains your
own pages. This application can contain it's own web.config so you can make
your own settings for your pages. This way you won't interfere with the
web.config settings of the CRM app.

Rob Bakkers,
Avanade Netherlands

"venkat" wrote:

daily export of accounts

Posted: 19 May 2005 06:20 AM PDT

Hi Mike,
we need this for a helpdesk tool which we produce by ourself (helpLine).
There the data have to be imported for special workflows of our company.

kind regards, viktor

"Mike R" wrote:

Creating appointments with SQL

Posted: 19 May 2005 04:45 AM PDT

The short answer is "no" you can't create any CRM records without letting
the CRM platform first get hold of the XML. There is an Activity API set
that you can use (as Matt mentioned) to create or update Activity instances.
You would only use <fetch> if you want to query those instances later. The
issue you're going to run into is that you can't add attributes to any
Activity type without knowing an awful lot about the internals of
Activities. And, anything you do to change the Activity definition in a 1.x
installation will break when you upgrade to the next version.

Sorry to paint such a gloomy picture, but it's for your own good (I remember
my grandfather telling me that once... he was right).

MJ Miller
Microsoft CRM Technical Lead

** The opinions and comments in this post are my own and in no way reflect
the opinions of Microsoft or the Microsoft CRM team. This posting is not an
offer of support, either immediate or ongoing, and no support is implied.
Some of the information posted may include non-supported workarounds and
code samples.

Work Around for GUID in Subject Line?

Posted: 18 May 2005 12:48 PM PDT

I think I will pass on re-writing the email router and wait until v 2 comes
out at the end of this year. :)

I am open to other suggestions though. I do appreciate the post Rob. Thank
you for confirming my suspicions.

Here is my personal site. I haven't got anything on it yet, but it is
running DotNetNuke.

"Rob Bakkers" wrote:

Apply Rule dropdown list order

Posted: 18 May 2005 09:51 AM PDT

Form customization will NOT fix this. The form in question can't be changed in
a supported manner.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On 19 May 2005 07:17:59 -0700, "Hawkeye" <com> wrote:

Try the Marks Group they say

Form customization and user fields - creating new forms for data
entry, modifying existing forms, creating and modifying user fields,
creating and modifying drop down entries;

I have no relationship with the group; found them under Google since
we had the same problem.

"Microsoft CRM Sales Process Drop Down"

Cannot start Workflow Service

Posted: 18 May 2005 07:15 AM PDT

Yes, they are running with the local system account

"Matt Parks" <com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


Posted: 18 May 2005 05:34 AM PDT

Never said it couldn't be done, just that it can be difficult to get working.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Wed, 18 May 2005 23:43:03 -0700, "Rob Bakkers"
<> wrote:


We currently have SSL and Crystal running in a production environment and
have currently had no issues with it. You need to make sure that the
certificate is 100% correct so you don't get a certificate confirmation popup
when you browse to the site.

Rob Bakkers,
Avanade Netherlands

"Matt Parks" wrote:

Anyone got the Microsoft CRM Assessment Survey Wizard to install?

Posted: 18 May 2005 12:07 AM PDT


"Roger" <com> wrote in message

Boosting performance of CRM reports

Posted: 17 May 2005 10:09 PM PDT

It's hard to say without seeing the question, but the answer may have
been to add another Crystal Page server service through the add server
button in Crystal Configuration Manager.

"VirtualGraeme" wrote:

modifying createdate in Activity

Posted: 17 May 2005 04:03 PM PDT


While this is not a supported solution, you could try to update the CreatedOn
directly in the database after you import the records. The biggest issue you
will have is getting the actual value correect as they are all stored in GMT so
you will need to convert your original values.

I would do this in small batches though as I have heard of some people aving
trouble when trying to process a large number of updates in a single batch.
Also, just make sure you don't touch any of the GUID's or the security

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On 17 May 2005 16:03:24 -0700, com wrote:


I recently migrated data from ACT! to CRM. However, for activity we
want to maintain the original create date because it is crucial for
operational evaluation. I know that createdate field in CRM are not
updatable and creating additional field in Activity is out of question.

I would apprecaite if anyone can give us some workaround to this

Thank you in advance,


SFO - Accounts folder missing

Posted: 17 May 2005 08:33 AM PDT

Worked like a charm! Thanks!

Publish Form Changes without restarting IIS?

Posted: 17 May 2005 08:30 AM PDT

Also, if you are 24x7 I hope you aren't making that many changes to your system.
If you are making changes that frequently, you have a change control issue that
you should address as you are asking for trouble. Changes should be scheduled
to be done during a period of low usage and the users notified to avoid

If you are running on Windows 2003, you "may" have another option. The App
Pools in Win 2003 can be configured to automatically refresh after a certain
amount of time. By default, this is somewhere around 27 hours. You could just
wait until the app pool recycles and I think it might refresh the cache.
However, I'm not sure this will work and it does introduce some risk as you have
no control over when this will happen.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Tue, 17 May 2005 20:28:51 +0100, "Peter Lynch"
<com.SPAMFREE> wrote:

Presumably as you are 24/7 you have multiple CRM servers, so you only need
to IISRESET one CRM server at a time, thus users will not notice any loss of

"BWIT" <com> wrote in message