

Microsoft Word - Microsoft Office products for 2013

Microsoft Word - Microsoft Office products for 2013

Microsoft Office products for 2013

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 04:13 PM PDT

Hello my  problem has just started i am a Windows 8 user, no 8.1 just 8. For some reason out of the blue any Office Application will not open their designed Document i.e word with Docx and Power point with its save files. This only occurs when i do not have the said "master file".  If it was on my own Laptop I have no problems but if it was sent to me though Email Or by Blackboard (My College's Grading system) it will not open i have used other computers and tested this out and it seems like it is on my end. This is a huge problem because I receive a lot of files from my Professors and I need to be able to read these files without going though so much hassle. Please help this only affects the documents sent to me I have tried to Open and Repair and use the Text recovery but alas nothing worked for me.


Posted: 21 Oct 2014 02:41 PM PDT


Restricting Access With Legacy Form Fields & Images

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 02:19 PM PDT

I am creating a form that will be used as a report. Basically, it includes dates that one of the employees can check, data they can fill in with text fields, drop-down controls that can select yes/no responses and images that they can upload in order to print the report.

Restricting access doesn't completely work. The only thing I can do is actually fill in the text fields. Dates won't change. Images won't upload. And trying to select something from a drop-down means that it pops open the Properties box.

Since this is a report that should be locked, is there a way to get images to upload and save? Is there a way to get dates and drop-down choices to stick without opening property boxes?

In unrestricted mode, I can actually get everything to work property EXCEPT the drop-down boxes, which still pop open the Properties box whenever you try to select something.

I am about at my wit's end trying to figure this out. If there are any suggestions, I would appreciate them.

specific file won't print double sided

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 02:12 PM PDT

The default printer setting is to print double sided.  It has printed every document double-sided without my making any manual changes - except for one document.  

I copied and pasted the text of the problem document into a new file but it still only prints singled sided.  The printer setup page shows that it should print 2-sided.

Other Word 2010 and pdf documents print double sided with no problems.  

Two pieces of information that may be helpful:

1.  The text was exported from a pdf file (select text - right click - export selection as) to Word 2010.

2.  The printer is Brother HL-L2340DW.

 How can I get this document to print double sided and how can I prevent this from happening in the future?

Thank you.


microsoft WORD

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 01:54 PM PDT

How do i get microsoft word by it self with no other bs and NOT have to pay monthly????

Alphabetise the clipboard

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 12:37 PM PDT

Split from this thread.

I am so sorry but does anyone know if it is possible to alphabetise the Clipboard in Word?

thank you:)

Merged document freezes temporarily

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 11:52 AM PDT

I have created a merge template that contains tables. My data is in Excel format. My final merged document (letter format) will freeze periodically as I edit it. The document says on the top "not responding", and I am unable to work with the document or any other Word document currently open for several seconds. Is it possible that the tables in the source template are causing some kind of issue?

Word Pad 2010 Ate Part Of Saved Document

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 10:59 AM PDT


    I have a question regarding whether it's possible to get back parts of a document that deleted themselves on you.  I have a Word Pad document which I've been working on for some time, and last night I did some work in it, saved it, clicked it off.  When I opened it back up later, not only was what I'd just put in missing, everything back to early October was GONE.  I think what may (or may not) be a factor is when I clicked 'Save' I may not have waited long enough to click it off.  You know that little swirly circle up the top of the screen when it's taking a document a second to load or something?  I don't think that had shut off.  The thing is, I think I've occasionally clicked off before while that circle is there and it's either just waited a second to finish, or popped up a little window saying 'Document still Saving' or something, and asking if I wanted to end now or wait.  I always click Wait.  Usually after I click Save I wait a couple seconds anyway before clicking the document off.  Last night I think I did the same, but the computer as a whole is acting slower, taking longer to Load and Save and open windows, ever since Windows 8.1 automatically loaded itself on the computer (Windows 8 had been working well and I never actually chose to replace it with 8.1; that just hapened one morning recently).

   Does anyone have any ideas on if I can restore the document to what it was?  I mean, I can understand if it didn't save last night's stuff, but is it normal for it to just delete 40+ pages of work, that you'd already saved (I usually save every few minutes on WordPad.  In fact, last night, I think I'd already saved successfully once before the mess-up) repeatedly, just because you hit a button too soon?

   Any help would be HUGELY appreciated.

Thank you,

Stephen O'Blenis

Cannot open earlier version of word document using word 2013

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 10:51 AM PDT

I was able to open word documents in earlier version using word 2013, but now I get the file conversion window and it opens the file with a bunch of gibberish.

Please help.


Adding merge commands to the ribbon

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 10:29 AM PDT

We would like to add the SHIFT+F9 (show/hide individual merge code) command and the CTRL+F9 (insert blank field brackets) command to the mailing ribbon.  We have already created a custom tab and added the ALT+F9 (show/hide all merge codes).  Unfortunately, we cannot find the commands for the other two shortcuts in the command list - possibly because we don't know the proper names for the commands.

How can we add the SHIFT+F9 and CTRL+F9 commands to the ribbon?  Thank you for any assistance.

Saving wordart as tif or jpeg

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 09:34 AM PDT

From the drawing toolbar, I have created a logo.  I want to use this logo for some Microsoft online templates for Business Cards.  I find I cannot import the logo because it is a doc file.  How do I change the logo in the word document to a tif, jpeg or bmp file?

Follow-up Date for Word Document

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 09:29 AM PDT

Hi All,

In this day and age I realise that most communications are done through emailing.

However, I do have several persons/organisations where I have to communicate only by snail mail. (Hard-copy)

I was wondering if it is possible for a Word 2007 document to be configured in some way whereby I can be reminded to follow it up, in the same way (or similar) as I would do for an email ??

All suggestions gratefully received,

Thank you,


Merge Letters from Excel: Text Formatting

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 09:19 AM PDT

I created merge letters from an Excel spreadsheet.  In my Word document the merge fields {Resident} and {Apt} were formatted to be in Times New Roman (12) in CAPITAL LETTERS.   Every time I run the letters it will not format to what I designated in the Word document.  It goes to Calibri (11).  I went into the Excel spreadsheet and changed all text to Times New Roman (12), saved the document and ran the letters.  Same exact thing.  Can not figure it out.

Putting a watermark on a document with sections

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 07:06 AM PDT

I am trying to add a watermark to a document that has sections.The document has headers and footers too--the settings are different first page and different even and odd pages. When I add the watermark on an odd page, it replicates it on odd pages through the section. But when I add the watermark to the even pages, it disappears off the odd pages. Is there a way I can get it to show throughout the document? I don't want to change the header/footer settings because that would mess up them up.


Collapse Ribbon

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 06:36 AM PDT


I am using MS 2013 and the ribbon collapse everytime when I am typing something or I am editing. So in fact everytime when I want to use it I have to expand it by the "..." button shown in the attachment. What should I change in the settings to make it visible all the time? Thank you in advance!

TOC too wide for page

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 05:16 AM PDT

Split from this thread.

Hello again - I'm back with another problem that probably has an obvious answer I'm missing.

I go to print my document and discover that the TOC is too wide for the page - the numbers are off the right hand side. I would modify it to remove the leaders (or shorten the leaders if I could) but I don't find anything in your articles that says how to bring up the dialogue box without inserting a new TOC.

I have my TOC all set up and working in three documents with number suppression on levels 1 and three per your trick, So I don't want to lose all that and start over. Is there another way to modify things like leader length?


Jack P.

Get text from hidden document

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 04:04 AM PDT

How do I get text within a hidden document?

I need to open a document in Visible:=False mode.

I also need to put the content of the document into my clipboard.

If I open the document 'visibly', this code works:

Documents.Open fulldocname


Set ClipIs = New DataObject

ClipIs.SetText Selection

But when the document is opened invisibly, there is no 'Selection' object to use. Therefore, I cannot expand it to WholeStory (or otherwise set/get a range to put it into the clipboard).

(And if I do use 'WholeStory', it selects the whole story of the 'visible' document where the insertion point resides. )


NON-breaking Space Does not work in Word 2013

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 03:48 AM PDT

Dear All,

I too was struggling with NBS (Non-Breaking-Space) and Word 2013. I am working on a document with Sanskrit 2003 font. I thought the issues were font related, because my NBS in English text, in the same .docx works properly. Remembering that NBS worked in a file I had earlier proof-read, I tried several tricks such as copying the format from the older file etc.

This worked and didn't - as the font size was changed, NBS would work in some places, and not in others!! (All related to Sanskrit 2003).

Then I tried saving the file I am working on now, to .doc format. Hey presto! IT WORKS! SO much for Word 2013!!

Hope it works for you too!


Many to One Problem :(

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 03:06 AM PDT

I have been trying to use the many to one addin from Doug Robbins OneDrive with Microsoft Word to try and print individual letters with more than one address on second page.

My first letter will be ok as they only have 1 record but each letter after that will have the wrong name as a first address then each one after will be correct.  I have over 1000 letters to do and without opening each one and deleting the wrong information I cant seem to fix it, can anyone help please?

First Merged Letter:

Second Merged Letter:

Third Merged Letter and each one after have same first name as above:


Can someone please tell me where I am going wrong?

Thanks in advance


Changing the PAGE value programmatically

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 02:23 AM PDT

I've read a number of posts about using the PAGE field to change the displayed page number in a header or footer (e.g., {= {PAGE} + 5} ).

However, what I want to be able to do is change the actual starting page variable; in other words, I want to duplicate the functionality of the Page Number Format dialog box's page numbering field so that my document starts numbering the pages base on a supplied variable.

Is it possible to set the Page numbering to start at a given page number programmatically (e.g., using fields or macros) or is that level of control not allowed in Microsoft Word?

What I envision is something like {SET PageNumberingStartAt {myVariable} }.

Thanks in advance for any help.

how to convert .jpeg file as .doc file?

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 01:06 AM PDT

I have a letter head and footer in .jpeg format. I need to type a letter with this letter head in it. can I convert the .jpeg file into .doc file?

unable to open the word 2007 documents

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 11:46 PM PDT

I am using office 2007,now the problem is unable to open the word documents , it will hang also pop up the error message "There was a problem sending the command to the program". By the way, the other application Excel is fine, only the Word encounter this problem. It even can't open by safe mode. I had tried to use the fix it link ( ) to fix the problem but fail. Also tried to repair the office in the control panel but unfortunately can't complete. Is there any other solution to fix this problem, please advise , I really and sincerely appreciate for your help. Thank you in advance.

Word Form Field Colour

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 09:40 PM PDT

Is it possible to indicate the presence of a form field, e.g. by a background colour, which then reverts to the normal background (white) when the field is populated?

Word 2013 crashes when deleting an equation

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 08:00 PM PDT


Word 2013 crashes sometimes when deleting an equation. This can be reproduced consistently (on my computer at least) by opening a blank word document and pressing the following keys in order (without the spaces):

a <alt => m i n ( <backspace> <backspace> <backspace> <backspace><backspace> <backspace>

After the sixth backspace is pressed in this case, word immediately crashes. Is there any fix to this problem?



printers word 2010

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 07:20 PM PDT

I have removed printers from my computer, but they still show up as options in Word.  How do I remove these as options?

Getting Rid of Sidebar Numbers and Text

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 06:45 PM PDT


I am having a problem with formatting in Word. I have tried 2 different versions of Word on 2 different computers, both running Windows 7.

I am a journalist and conduct a lot of interviews. When I get backlogged, I outsource the transcription to professional transcriptionists, and I currently have 4 raw transcripts I've gotten back from them that I need to turn into polished interviews.

Unfortunately, for some reason (likely the transcription software), the documents all have numbers (line numbers, I believe) for each line running down the left-hand side of each page. Also, the questions and answers are all marked with q's and a's, which I do not need.

I have been trying many things to copy just the text and get rid of the numbers and q's and a's without removing all of them by hand.  I was thinking that pasting and selecting "keep text only" one time had worked, but it's definitely not working now. I have also played around with Google Docs and Zoho to see is another program would do any better.

Does anyone have any tips?