

Microsoft CRM - Remote CRM question?

Microsoft CRM - Remote CRM question?

Remote CRM question?

Posted: 21 May 2005 07:20 AM PDT

Thanks Matt, that's exactly what I was after.

Regards Paul.

"Matt Parks" <com> wrote in message

How to Create a CRM Test Environment on SBS 2003?

Posted: 20 May 2005 10:03 PM PDT

Depending on what you will do with your testing advice is to use
VirtualPC or VMWare and install your testing environment in there.

I ruined as much as 4 CRM servers in 8 weeks all by "testing around" ;)

And since it takes you at least one day to set up a new environment, I
prefer the solution to just get a copy of a new CRM instance in up to 10
minutes...very fast redeployment in my opinion.

Performance in the Virtual environment is ok - no complains.
I didnt test it on VMWare, but with VitualPC you can't use remote desktop to
control the virtual machine running in the host-pc - the delay is to high.

Another advantage is the ability to disconnect your virtual host from the
"production network" (and instead set up your own virtual network).
Especially when youre playing around with some bulk-email
need to be sure that they wont go beyond your own infrastructure.
In addition to that, you can take a test-crm along with you to work at home,
show up at customer etc...

Recommended system:
processor >2GHz
RAM >= 2GB (each virtual machine takes its RAM from the physical)
harddrive >160GB (my server image is around 10GB and my developer client is
around 4GB...and once you get used to it you will make snapshots of these
machine ;) )

"Matt Parks" <com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

Activity Reports

Posted: 20 May 2005 12:55 PM PDT

Hi John,

I did think of this, but was not sure if I could do it in one report.

Should sub reports be the method?


"John O'Donnell" wrote:

CRM Updates

Posted: 20 May 2005 11:37 AM PDT


Unfortunately, there is no "global" version number associated with the CRM
hotfixes. They are all a series of independant fixes and there is no version
number you can check to see what you have. Part of the reason for this is that
many of the hotfixes are released on an as needed basis and can not be attained
without first going through support. These are geared towards specific issues
and typically have not gone through the entire QA process associated with the
"public" hotfixes.

I would test the hotfix a a few client machines prior to attempting to roll it
out to everyone. That way you can work out the details of that process.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Fri, 20 May 2005 12:58:14 -0700, "Mike H." <>


I guess more specifically what I want to know is whether applying the update
is a matter of kicking our users out of CRM, launching the client update on
the client system, and also launching the server version of the update on the

I know that it sounds like a simplistic question, but nothing with regards
to CRM has been simple. This product has caused the most issues within our
organization and there are still a lot of bugs to work out with it. I am
hoping that the latest fix addresses the issues, but I would like some
specifics before I attempt to deploy it.

Thanks in advance for your response.


"Mike H." wrote:

Migrating CRM Installation

Posted: 20 May 2005 11:05 AM PDT

What are the different version numbers?

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On 22 May 2005 20:43:06 -0700, "Nahi" <com> wrote:

Thanks. One issue though -

I already successfully created another CRM installation. The problem is
that when I point it to the existing database the security service does
not start. After much investigation I discovered that it has to do with
the fact that the revision (stored in the BuildVersion table -
major/minor/revision/buildversion) does not match the corresponding
values stored in the registry of the server for the CRM installation
(i.e. Database Version setting in the MSCRM registry). What do I need
to do in order to get the new CRM server up to the revision of the
existing database?

DC Crash -> new ADS - Howto restore CRM with the DB-Backup???

Posted: 20 May 2005 08:30 AM PDT


Yes, that is a problem. You need to have a working CRM system with the old
OU structure available in ActiveDirectory to use the redeployment tool. If
you had a backup of the system state data from the old DC, you could use this
method. I'll assume that you don't have that since, if you did, you probably
would have just restored that in the first place.

The only other option I can think of is to use the Data Migration Framework
(DMF) or Scribe to import the data from the backup you have of the CRM
database. The steps would be:

Install CRM with the "Create New Databases" option.

Restore the CRM database backup to a different database (don't restore into
the new CRM database you just created) giving it a new database name

Install DMF or Scribe

If using DMF, run the CDF-initialize program then import the data (use DTS,
SQL script, EM-Import, or whatever you like) from the restored backup to the
DMF-CDF tables

Use DMF stored procedures to map objects and verify mappings

Run the migration

Any customizations you had done and attachments will be problematic using
this method. There are no easy solutions for this. If you customized the
CRM schema, you will have to manually recreate all of the custom fields (Do
this prior to running DMF procedures). If you didn't backup the CRM server
application directory, you'll have to do all of your form modifications
again. If you are good with SQL, you can use a variety of methods to
copy/import the attachment data from the restored backup to the new CRM

Good Luck!
Dan Blake
Intelligix, Inc.

"Markus Taxacher [ABRACON GmbH]" wrote:

Questions regarding Security Roles

Posted: 20 May 2005 04:22 AM PDT


That makes sense. I totally forgot about Workflow Monitor. I can definately
see where you'd want to control someones ability to play with the active

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Fri, 20 May 2005 09:19:47 -0700, "MJ Miller {MSFT}"
<com> wrote:

Don't quote me 'cause I'm doing this off the top of my head and without
looking at the v1.x sources. A "workflow process" is the unbound definition
of a workflow. By unbound I mean that its instance variables - those objects
that might be running within the context of the process - are unset. A
"process instance" is a copy of the process that has had its unbound
variables bound to real instances of CRM entities. So, for example, I might
have a sales process definition ready to be used for managing new leads.
When I create a lead a workflow process instance may be created for the

The security bits, and this is where the fuzz factor comes in, control
access to either the process definition or the process instance. So, if you
have rights to the process you can exercise the process definition (read it,
alter it, enable or disable, and so on). If you have rights to a process
instance you can control it. That is you can pause or stop it and read its
current state. I don't remember if you need process instance create rights
to put a new object into a workflow manually. I'd have to go have a look.

Hope that helps.

MJ Miller
Microsoft CRM Technical Lead

** The opinions and comments in this post are my own and in no way reflect
the opinions of Microsoft or the Microsoft CRM team. This posting is not an
offer of support, either immediate or ongoing, and no support is implied.
Some of the information posted may include non-supported workarounds and
code samples.

Notification when Activity is linked to a Case

Posted: 20 May 2005 01:31 AM PDT

It is one of the features promised for v2.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Fri, 20 May 2005 16:50:32 +0200, "Eric" <fr> wrote:

Thanks Matt,

When you say "in the v1.x..." do you mean it "might" be possible in v2? :-)

"Matt Parks" <com> wrote in message

Account delete priviledge not effective

Posted: 20 May 2005 01:30 AM PDT

Hi Bilge

What you are trying to do is right, in CRM the highest privilege will
be effective. So the user should be able to delete all accounts if
her delete account privilege is set to global.

I would suggest removing both security roles from the user, then
adding just the role with the global delete privileges or testing the
role with another user. One thing to be aware of is if you have just
created or modified this security role it can take some time for the
changes to propagate through the system.



"b_gul_t" wrote:

Full Text Indexing Error on CRM Install

Posted: 19 May 2005 07:59 PM PDT

Yes the Indexing Service is started.

"Dan Quinton" wrote:

Activity Creation by Exchange Connector

Posted: 19 May 2005 10:57 AM PDT

The C360 ( Email-Case option has the ability to specify
what to do with the activity if the account/contact email cannot be
found in CRM. However this would create a case from the activity in the
queue which may not suit your requirements.

CRM Time Clock Different Then System and Server Clock

Posted: 19 May 2005 08:47 AM PDT

Thanks, Matt. This was exactly the solution. From within CRM I selected
Tools > Options > Miscellaneous. Under the Time Zone it was set to Tijuana
time. I changed it to the correct time zone to resolve the issue. Thanks

"Matt Parks" wrote:

Crystal report session timeout

Posted: 19 May 2005 03:29 AM PDT


Well, do u have an underscore "_" in your server name?
This will definately casue the behaviour u're describing. It's a known
Crystal bug MS failed to find when they decided to use crystal as the
report generator... :-/ We have the same problem and we don't have

Huge hussle changing the server name!

RepliWeb Inc.