

move linked tasks together without setting lag time Microsoft Project

move linked tasks together without setting lag time Microsoft Project

move linked tasks together without setting lag time

Posted: 16 Sep 2004 03:57 PM PDT

Hi Kenny,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

That's what Project is designed to do! Reading between your lines, I
suspect that you have typed in dates into tasks, which is not a good idea as
that is what Project does so well: ie calculate the dates and create an
acceptable schedule for you. Every time you enter a date (or move a bar on
the Gantt chart) Project will assume that's what you want and puts in a
Start No Earlier Than constraint. These constraints will affect the
flexibility of your project and produce the results you're experiencing.
No - the best way to use Porlect is enter Tasks, enter Durations and enter
the Precedence (logic) links (with lag as necessary) and then leave Project
to do what it's best at - calculating the dates. Had you done that and put
in the appropriate lags that you needed, then you would not be posting here!
Sorry :( but your only sensible way out is to remove all the constraints
and enter in the correct lag figures.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-))

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

kennyb wrote: 

Analyze Custom Field data in Excel Wizard

Posted: 16 Sep 2004 01:01 PM PDT

Or, you could be even more awesome in your boss's eyes by writing your
own custom macro to export the custom data. Keep in mind though that you
will need to develop the algorithm for timescaling the custom fields you
developed. But to answer you basic question, yes it can be done in any
version of Project. I've done it many times and I believe Jack has also.


Deleting sub-projects within a master project which uses a resource pool.

Posted: 16 Sep 2004 11:55 AM PDT

Each subproject is a peice of equipment that we
manufacture. Once the equipment is completed and shipped
i would like to remove it from the schedule so that i
have just the euipment left to manufacturer. At this
moment, i have 20 sub-projects in the master project.

This number fluctuates up & down but usually stays close
to 20.

subproject to one line 

Compare Project 2003 Standard vs Professional

Posted: 16 Sep 2004 10:44 AM PDT

JackD --

Thanks for the correction. Sometimes I hit Send without reading the message
I'm about to send. Very similar to what I also do with my mouth, when I
speak without thinking about what I'm going to say! HA!

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"JackD" <momokuri@gmail> wrote in message

Import Calendar from another project

Posted: 16 Sep 2004 08:57 AM PDT

you're welcome

<> wrote in message

Material Resources

Posted: 16 Sep 2004 06:40 AM PDT


Ik zal me dan uiteindelijk toch maar moeten verdiepen in VBA. Alvast
hartelijk dank voor uw antwoord.


"Jan De Messemaeker" <jandemes at prom hyphen ade dot be> wrote in message

Project 2002 transfer data to P3 Primavera

Posted: 16 Sep 2004 01:22 AM PDT

Hello Michael, hello Mike,

P3 can read mpx files : in P3 menu : Tools/ MPX conversion utility.
Now Primavera supplies a tool which converts mpp files to mpx files. But if
you still have a Project 98 software, you can do this conversion yourself.
NB : the dependancies on Project summary tasks will be lost... but a good
planner don't uses such links ;-)

Hope this helps,

Gérard Ducouret [Project VMP]

"Mike Glen" <> a écrit dans le message de

Graphcial Indicators in MS Project

Posted: 15 Sep 2004 04:08 PM PDT


equals week green
equals over week red
equals on target yellow
equals NA white

I hope you get the idea - use the exact phrase as in the formula.

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Customizing Prinouts

Posted: 15 Sep 2004 03:01 PM PDT

Hi Shelly,

You can remove the Gantt bars by clicking on the divider line between the
table and the chart and drag right over to the right. However, if as I
suspect this is a regular requirement, then I would create a new view
incorporating your table. Try View/More Views.../Task Sheet/Copy/and give
it a new name and select your Project Status table.

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Shelly Ryder wrote: 

add rag status red,amber, green

Posted: 15 Sep 2004 12:11 PM PDT

As a starter, see the link that Mike Glen provided you ...

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.

rms wrote: 

freezing the first column

Posted: 15 Sep 2004 11:02 AM PDT

Thank you it did work 
first column". 

Display incomplete predecessor(s)

Posted: 15 Sep 2004 11:00 AM PDT

Hi Ron

i've been in the same situation myself and have found both the Network
diagram & the relationship diagram invaluable in the hunt for those
predecessors that should have been marked as completed but aren't. Other
than that i've not come across any filters or code to help.


"Ron" <> wrote in message

Don't want certain tasks in Critical Path

Posted: 15 Sep 2004 09:43 AM PDT

You're welcome, Jenn :-)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Jenn wrote: 

Foreign Calendar support

Posted: 14 Sep 2004 01:44 PM PDT

Yes, that's correct, you would be unable to import or create projects with
dates prior to 1984. But why would you want to? A "plan" implies future
intent so other than as a purely academic demonstration, why would we create
a project file for, say, the building of the Panama Canal? Projects that
straddle today's date, with some activity in the past and more in the future
that you are moving over into Project to better manage the future activity
will have most likely started less than 20 years ago. Now if we ever get
time travel MS may need to rethink the situation .... <grin>

The date range is actually driven by the way numbers are stored. Dates are
stored as an integer count of the number of 1/10 minutes "ticks" that have
passed since "moment zero." A reasonable value, 1/1/84, was arbitrarily
chosen as the start point and the register is full and overflows back to
zero again when the number of ticks equals 2^32-1, which turns out to be

Science, transportation, communications, and other businesses world-wide
tend to use the western Gregorian calendar even in those countries where
there are other traditional calendars in everyday use. An idea I've floated
to some of my classes when you encounter a situation like yours where you
need to coordinate projects with non-collocated resources in differing time
zones or that use various calendars is to follow the military and global
aviation example and as an organization standardize on UTC (Universal
Coordinated Time, GMT, or "Zulu Time") as the date and time measure that all
the organizations activities are referred to.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"April" <> wrote in message
seen at