

Microsoft Word - help

Microsoft Word - help


Posted: 20 Oct 2014 06:12 PM PDT

is it possible to find a saved file through microsoft after it got deleted on my computer

How do you know when Equation Editor has crashed?

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 04:55 PM PDT

Word fatally crashes a lot when using its Math Equation Editor.  But it can hang for a long time, 15 or 20 minutes sometimes, and still recover itself.  How do I know if the patient is sick or dead?  Generally, I've looked to Task Manager to tell me if it's working or not responding.  Not responding seems to be a good indication of death.  But I've left Word working (according to Task Manager) for many hours with no sign of a resolution.

Outlines and Numbering

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 03:54 PM PDT

I apologize if this has been answered as I have not found it.

I thought older versions of Word (now on 2010) were set up that if I had a multilevel numbering scheme applied to a document and worked in Outline mode the Outline Level and List level were directly linked.  That is if I added text and set the Outline Level to 1, it automatically assigned List level one.  If I demoted the text to Outline level 2, it automatically changed the list level to 2 also.

201 does not appear to work this way.  Am I incorrect in the way it worked or did it get changed?

Is there a way to make it work like this or do I have to set the Outline and List level separately?

How can I copy headers onto a new document

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 03:42 PM PDT

I want to copy pages 62-68 from an existing document from a new one, and retain the original header (showing title and page numbers 62-68.) When I do copy/paste, I get the text but not the headers. I can recreate the headers but I'd rather not, as this is something I need to do frequently.

Stop simple markup jump to all markup in Uni version of 13

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 02:40 PM PDT

I have tried the suggested route of putting a Macro (I think, I've never done it before, this was suggested elsewhere:

Sub SimpleMarkup()
   ActiveWindow.View.RevisionsFilter.Markup = wdRevisionsMarkupSimple
End Sub

It has had no effect.

Help please!

MS Update does not show Service Package updates for Word 2007 on Windows 8.1 with x64

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 12:54 PM PDT

I have Office Word 2007 version (12.0.4518.1014) MSO (12.0.4518.1014) running on an HP Envy laptop with a 64 bit processor with Windows 8.1.  When I run Windows Update no updates come back, but it seems that none of the Service Packs are loaded for Word 2007 as the "SP#" designation is missing from my Word 2007 version number... I have an issue with spaces being deleted with several files being worked on between someone who just updated to Office 2010 and my 2007 version with track changes turned on.  The fix from what I have read is to run MS Update, but that does not seem to be working or able to fix my deleted spacing issue.  Where do I go from here?

Manuscript formatting in MS Word 2013

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 11:37 AM PDT

How can I find a format for single chapters of a book manuscript?

When I search formats, all I can find is the title and second page of a book manuscript.

E-mail and Save Command Buttons

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 10:39 AM PDT

I am working in Word 2007. I have created a 4 page template. The first page is instructions on how to complete the 3 pages. Each of the 3 pages pertains to a different level of employee access that is monitored by different departments.


What I would like to do, if possible, is create an e-mail button on each page (excluding the first page) that will e-mail just that page (not all 4 pages) to a group of people.


As a side note is it possible to create another command button to save one page out of a 4 page document?  For instance, if I needed to complete page 3 of this template can I just save page 3, which is only page that has information on it that I need to save.

Office 365 Word 2013 Stopped Working

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 09:49 AM PDT


I've installed the Microsoft Office pack through my school (EaDania) and out of nowhere Word has stopped working. I've had it open today, but after closing it, it won't open again. I've tried opening it by pressing the icon and by opening documents - nothing, I've tried reparing the entire office pack - both kinds of repairs, I've tried repairing Word alone, and I've actually removed and re-installed the intire thing, but nothing is working.

When I press the icon now at first it askes me to allow the program to make changes on the computer (this has never happened before) and then it looks like it's starting up but after a few seconds an error box appeares and I'm asked if I want to repair or close and of course I say repair but nothing happens after pressing the button.

As you can hear I'm very confused. I do used Word a lot, so I hope you can help me. I don't know if it matters but just to let you know I'm using Wondows 8.

Kind regards Katarina.

Word command "send to mail recipient" does not appear in all commands list

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 09:42 AM PDT

I wish to send a Word document within an email, not as an attachment. By searching on the web, I learned that I could add the command "Send to Mail Recipient" to my ribbon, but when I look at the list of All Commands, that particular command does not appear.  I can see "Send to Back" and "Send to Microsoft PowerPoint" but not the command I desire.

I have Microsoft Office 2010, including Word 2010 and Outlook 2010 on a Lenovo PC.

How to stop MSWord from shifting from print layout view when using the comment function.

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 09:31 AM PDT

How to keep MSWord in print layout view when using the comment function.  After a delay, it automatically shifts to a draft view with comments in a window below. 

Spacing before titles.

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 09:06 AM PDT

I have a problem, adjust my title to display with 72 points earlier in the header. but this is not applied .. 
me is missing something, do?

you can see in the picture should have 72 autographed space before in my title dedicatory.

Unable to use comments in header or footer.

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 08:54 AM PDT

I'm reviewing a document, using the comment function.  I'm trying to make a comment on something in the header, but the comment box becomes greyed-out when I open the header (or footer for that matter).  Is commenting disabled for the header and footer?  Is there a way to enable it?

paste without format, but retain field

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 07:23 AM PDT

I am getting mixed results when pasting fields from one document to the next. I want the fields I paste to take on the formatting of the target document. What I've been finding is in one session, Word sometimes pastes and takes on the target formatting just fine; other sessions, it leaves the source formatting.

I should mention that I use the clipboard collector to hold the different fields I need to paste. 

I've tried changing the Word Options>Advanced> Cut,Copy, and paste  under Pasting between documents to Merge Formatting and the tried Keep Text Only, but neither change makes any difference. Any ideas on how I can force my paste to always take on target format?

Office Word and Onenote Bug

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 06:55 AM PDT

One Note and Word 2013

1.1 Word 2013

- Program resets the change i made, example : the number of pinned documents or recent documents that should display

   i set it to 0 and after relaunch , it resets to 25!

1.2 One Note 2013

- I set in Options to automatically use Font :Segoe UI Size : 16 but after relaunch it resets to Calibri and size 11!

*****This is very annoying!


Reference for Conditional Formatting Syntax/Commands used in Word 2010 MailMerge

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 06:35 AM PDT

Is there a resource in the vast Microsoft Help Community that lists out all the conditional formatting commands that can be used in MailMege, with explanations and perhaps examples?  The internet, including MS, seems filled with answers to specific questions about specific command and specific applications, but I've been unable to find a general reference.

Adding Page Numbers

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 05:40 AM PDT

I know that you can add page numbers to your word document excluding the first page, but are you able to add page numbers starting at 1 from the third page, for example, I have a cover and a contents page but I only want the page numbers starting the page after the contents page.

"Find" function only takes alphabetical characters

Posted: 19 Oct 2014 08:27 PM PDT

In previous editions of Word, the "find" function could find anything. Now it is limited to alphabetic characters. I'm editing a 400 page document. I need to be able to locate people with the same last name and different first names. For instance, Edward McCabe and Sarah McCabe.

Word 365 is so limited. Is there an upgrade or an add-on available? Some way around this? If not, I'll have to load this book on an old computer

Surface 2 updated and lost saved information

Posted: 19 Oct 2014 05:58 PM PDT

My surface 2 updated and told me to save what I had been working on, and I did. It restarted at about 7:30 and when it turned on again, my document was still there, but it didn't have any information since about 4:30 even though I saved multiple times since then, and right before it restarted. It is not saved on my onedrive either.

Cannot open either Word or Excel. Both applications previously worked and problems started about the same time.

Posted: 19 Oct 2014 05:37 PM PDT

When attempting to open Word 2013:

Sorry, something went wrong and Word was unable to start. (40)

When attempting to open Excel 2013:

Excel cannot complete this task with available resources.  Choose less data or close other applications.

I have tried to reboot and open Word/Excel immediately, before opening any other applications.  

I have installed all available system and Microsoft updates and rebooted.

I am on a 64-bit Windows 8 platform.