

Microsoft Word - Opening documents created in older versions

Microsoft Word - Opening documents created in older versions

Opening documents created in older versions

Posted: 13 Aug 2014 01:30 PM PDT

How do you open an oder version of word created on 11/10/1998?

[Original title: BLKSMORG.COM]

Can Someone Help With An Office / SharePoint Integration Issue?

Posted: 13 Aug 2014 01:20 PM PDT

After installing Office 2013, some SharePoint integration features that were previously working with Office 2010 are no longer working. Here is a list of the issues I am having.

  1. Checking out from SharePoint does not download a copy of the document to the specified drafts folder on my local machine. I did change the setting in Word 2013 to not save to the server, but to save to my local machine.
  2. When performing a Checkout & Edit in SharePoint, an Office document will open up with the yellow bar at the top telling me that I need to check out the document to edit it. Meanwhile, SharePoint shows the document is checked out to me. When I click the Check Out button in Office, it tells me someone already has the document checked out (duh, it's me!).
  3. I can workaround the problem in #2 by undoing my checkout in SharePoint and then clicking the Check Out button in Office. Office will then to proceed to checkout the document in SharePoint just fine. However, when I go to check in the document, Office tells me the document has been moved or deleted and will not allow me to check in the document.

Ultimately, all of these issues render Office useless to me and I had to downgrade back to Office 2010 in the meantime. I was wondering if anyone has seen anything like this before and what they did to resolve these issues.

"There was a problem sending command" hundreds of dollars for a crappy software

Posted: 13 Aug 2014 01:04 PM PDT

It is really pathetic that a company that charges hundreds if not thousands of dollars, cannot fix this problem. This is happening to thousands of people, and microsoft has no fix, besides the typical, did you try this? did you try that? Guess what We already tried everything, we have paid hundreds for this,we shouldn't be the ones looking for solutions and workarounds, the software should come without problems like this, is a paid program from billionaire company, you should come up with better software before inflating the prices, how ridiculous paying hundreds for a software that gives nothing but problems, and it just happens out of nowhere I have tried everything, every single solution out there, nothing, I have deleted that dde key, and all it did, was ruin office, it ruined it, I had to uninstall, and reintall, clean install, I even restore my pc to a previous point where i didn't have office installed, fresh install, same ****, same message, same problem Ironically, cheap free version like openoffice, don't have this problem, because they don't come up with that useless click to run process that all it does is slow down the pc, and cause problems

they tell you go to compatibility on office 12 or 15, guess what, we don't have the compatbility tab on winword.exe, so i cannot even edit the compatibility ANYWHERE

After reinstalling Office 2013 for Home and Business cannot save changes to autocorrect. Get error message that I don't have permissions.

Posted: 13 Aug 2014 12:56 PM PDT

Had to reinstall Office 2013 for Home and Business.  Auto correct in Word does not allow me to make changes.  Get error message that I may not have permissions.  Looked at properties and I am listed for all permissions.  

What Auto-numbering field do I use in the body of the document and in footnotes

Posted: 13 Aug 2014 12:50 PM PDT

Here is my situation.... We have documents where the lawyers would like to use auto-numbering for Exhibit Numbers (this way if they move text around they auto-number).  I was using AutoNumLgl without the trialing period but when we had two Exhibit Numbers within the same paragraph the number wouldn't update to the next.  I figured out I had to use the field code SEQ to achive this.  Please let me know if there is a different field code I should use.  All was going well until they had a footnote and needed an exhibit number in there.  It pasted in but when updated it says ERROR MAIN DOCUMENT ONLY.  What field code or numbering feature can I use for auto numbering achieve what they need?  FYI, after they add the numbering to all of their Exhibit numbers, they are book marking them and the using the cross-referencing feature. 

Trouble with setting line spacing to "exactly"--lines getting cut off

Posted: 13 Aug 2014 12:03 PM PDT

Hi there. I'm having trouble with a document. For our style guide I need to set the line spacing to exactly 14 points. I'm typing in Arial 12 point font. When I set the line spacing to exactly 14, the bottom half of each line gets cut off. 

If I go to the font dialog box and select "raised" then less of it is cut off, but this isn't ideal because (a) it still cuts off some of the line, and (b) I have to work with some equations and they won't be aligned properly, then.

To be clear, this is happening regardless of whether there is an equation in the paragraph I'm working with. It happens regardless of whether I use MathType or MS equation editor for the equations. 

If I can't get this fixed, we're going to have to go to LaTeX and if that happens, we won't be back to Word. This is impacting deadlines. Retyping the whole document with 250 equations would take days.


"Rotate" grayed out for pasted EMF image

Posted: 13 Aug 2014 12:01 PM PDT

I created a PDf of a ppt slide deck by using the 4-up feature of a PDF writer.  This eliminates the excessive white space that results from having Powerpoint print 4-up.  I now want to include the 4-up pages into the pages of a Word document.

From my past experience, trying to insert PDF images into Microsoft files is highly suboptimal because it seems to rasterize the content.  Besides, I don't seem to have the option of inserting a PDF file as an image into Word.  I suspect that such an (undesirable) route would entail the round-about process of inserting the PDF for each 4-up page as a rasterized image into Power and saving the rater image to a file for insertion into Word.  Yuck.

Instead, I saved the PDF as RTF so that I can select & copy each 4-up page, then paste as EMF into the destination Word file.  This works well BUT I can't rotate the pasted EMF image -- the rotate field is grayed out.

I tried rotating all pages in Acrobat, then saving as RTF, but when I open the RTF, it's the same as the one saved from unrotated PDF.  I also tried saving fro Acrobat to Word format rather than RTF.  The resulting file seems to be identical, and the resulting pasted EMF is still unrotatable.

(1) Normally, EMF is rotatable, is it not?  (2) What would cause the rotate field to be grayed out?  (3) Is there any way to achieve this inclusion of 4-up rotatable pages into a Word document without rasterizing?

I am in in a locked down environment, but I do have access to an old cygwin installation. Note that ghostscript tends to rasterize, so I'm hoping to avoid a solution involving ghostscript.

I can not print a word doc.

Posted: 13 Aug 2014 10:47 AM PDT

I cannot print a word doc from 2010 word.

THIS JUST BEGAN. No other word doc will print.

The printer feeds paper and prints but no ink hits the paper.

I need help.

creating subdocument 'Normal' style issues

Posted: 13 Aug 2014 10:00 AM PDT

I am creating subdocuments from a large master document.  I'm using the feature to break up our specification and make it more easy for my team to collaborate.  It's on the order of 500 subdocuments.  

I can easily create all of the subdocuments I need automatically.  However, the style features are not carrying over.  Although the formatting hasn't changed in the master document, the subdocument is formatted differently.  It doesn't appear to be related to the styles.  I think it has to do with the template.  For example, the styled fonts and tables match the master document.  However the Normal fonts do not match the master document.  Also, the Normal paragraph settings do not match the master document.  For example, I have the master document set to single spacing.  However, every subdocument is created with double spacing as default.  I also have the master document set to Arial size 10 for Normal font.  The subdocument is created with a Calibri size 11 font for the Normal setting.  

Is there a way I can choose the template that a subdocument is created from?  

Is there a way to make the Normal styling carry over from the master document to the subdocuments?


Shortcut on office365 has been moved

Posted: 13 Aug 2014 09:41 AM PDT

I have just bought the surface pro 3 and downloaded office365.  It was working fine but now when i try to open any office program it tells me that the shortcut has been moved.  When i try to apply the fix it tells me that the OS doesnt support the program

Bibliography/Work Cited field won't show the information added to "non-recommended" fields in "Show all bibliography fields view".

Posted: 13 Aug 2014 09:14 AM PDT


So, I have added information in fields that are not required/recommended for the type of source I'm adding, through the "Show all bibliography fields" option in add a new source. However, only the recommended fields (i.e. the ones with the red asterisk) are visible in the bibliography entry.

What is wrong?

I'm using Office 2013 on a Windows 8.1 machine: Vancouver style of referencing. I have also tried numerous other referencing styles. And, I have of course restarted word and updated the bibliography field.




Apply a Table Format from Quick Tables to Existing Tables in a Document

Posted: 13 Aug 2014 08:58 AM PDT

I have a formatted table saved in Quick Tables.  How can I apply the formats to pre-existing table in a document?

There is a lot of documents and they all have multiple tables.  I have attached a new template to these documents, but am at a loss as to how to deal with getting the tables to have the new, correct format.

Thank you


Calculate future date 90 days out based on Date Picker Content Control date

Posted: 13 Aug 2014 08:36 AM PDT


I have inserted a Date Picker Content Control in a table cell (in a Word 2013 document) and named it "startDate". I would like to add another table cell containing a field named "dueDate" that is 90 days later than the start date chosen by the user. The due date would vary based on the selected start date. Any suggestions?

adding new options to right click menu

Posted: 13 Aug 2014 08:23 AM PDT

I used to have more editing options when I right clicked in MS Word 2007. How do I add options such as "Boarders and Shading" into my right click menu? I cannot find instructions on how to add to this list for my ease of use.

Help for Teachers

Posted: 13 Aug 2014 08:14 AM PDT

Where has Learning Essentials for Teachers gone? This program was far more helpful than any other current applications Microsoft has created in the last 5 years. There has been no updates to the program and only a proposal demo appears on the site. 

Learning essentials for teachers allowed me to create wonderfully organized assessments that I have not been able to replicate since. When I browse the site for teachers, no add-on software to create tests and quizzes can be found. 

I would like to know where it went. and why it isn't still available?

Word 2007 inserted image size problem

Posted: 13 Aug 2014 07:28 AM PDT

 I am trying to document a procedure that uses Netstat.
I run Netstat and do Alt Print Screen.
Then I open Paint and Edit > Paste the image
I file save the .jpg file in a  picture folder. It is 6032x4218 pixels.
I open the word document and use the insert picture .
It comes out about 2"x2" much too small to read.
I need help in getting the picture size about 7"x7" so it will fit on one 8 1/2"x11"page with a caption
Frank C

permanently removing markups

Posted: 13 Aug 2014 05:33 AM PDT

I keep clicking Review?Show Final, then Save, but whenever I re-open the document, the change marks reappear.  I'm done.  Changes FINISHED.  How do I get the document to stay in Final?

Office 2013 comment-function

Posted: 13 Aug 2014 04:50 AM PDT


With Office Word 2010 and older a comment was visible by [JS1], [JS2],...[JSx]. with 2013 its only [john smith]. There is no number anymore and therefore no way to differentiate comments without telling the page and line number. this is quit tedious when trying to discuss about comments when the person is not in the same room.

Is there a way how to get the comments of a person numbered?



Do font sizes appear on the program as they do when printed on to paper?

Posted: 13 Aug 2014 01:27 AM PDT

That is to say, if the screen shows a letter 5 cm wide, will it be 5 cm wide when it is printed out?

Date Format for Single Page document

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 11:21 PM PDT


I have a one page microsoft word document that i need to add a date function in that can print every date for an entire year. So when i print, it would print 365 pages. How do I do this?


Word 2013 email merge as attachment prompts to allow for each email

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 10:59 PM PDT

Trying to do a mail merge to email from Word 2013.

If I select 'Mail Format' as HTML it works fine, all emails are sent out successfully without any prompts.

If I select 'Mail Format' as Plain Text or Attachment, I first get a message;

"A program is trying to access e-mail address information stored in Outlook" yadayada, with the option to Allow for up to 10mins.

After clicking Allow access for 10 minutes, I then get an individual Allow prompt for every single email, with a pause in between waiting for the progress bar to finish. The message in this prompt starts with;

"A program is trying to send an e-mail message on your behalf'

Surely Outlook should be smart enough to know by now that this is a user initiated email from mail merge in Word. Obviously it does as it recognised it correctly if selecting HTML, but fails if selecting Plain Text or Attachment.

Also yes my antivirus is up to date and yes antivirus status is listed as Valid in Programmatic Access Security in Outlook Trust Center.

How can I get this to work (preferably without third party applications)?

Can you automatically populate information typed into a Text Control box (form) into another part of the same document i.e. copying a number?

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 07:06 PM PDT

I am trying to create a form with a mix of Text Control, Drop Down and Date Picker boxes.  I aim to protect/lock the document. I would like the information that will be inserted/typed into 4 particular Text Control Boxes to be automatically populated/copied into another part of the document i.e. into 4 particular cells in a table.  The information will be in the form of numbers/digits I then need to add a formula at the bottom of the table to calculate the 4 automatically populated figures/digits. How do I do this please? I am not familiar with using bookmarks or references.

Microsoft Word Starter 2010--printing in landscape

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 05:32 PM PDT

I'm trying to print on a 8 x 5 card stock.  I cannot get it to print landscape altho I believe I've set both the printer and the page instructions to be on landscape.  Interestingly, when I tried a sample print on ordinary  8 x 11 stock it printed fine in landscape but it won't do it on the smaller size.  Help please.

MS Word 2010 problem

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 05:20 PM PDT

I can not use Word anymore. I keep getting an error message "problem sending command to program" and can't solve it. Any solutions?

How to extract phrases from Word 2013 file and write them to a new blank file

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 05:16 PM PDT

I recently purchased Word 2013 and am pleased it can handle my large Word file of 800+ pages with ease.  Apache OpenOffice freezes after loading about 400 pages.   I converted the entire file to font size 12 and highlighted important phrases/sentences by changing them to font size 16.  How can I extract these font size 16 phrases/sentences and write them to a new blank file for future reference?  Searching by font size merely sequences through the font size 16 text strings.  Is there an app that accomplishes this goal?  I think some other users would eventually find such an application useful too.  Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Unknown Source Hardware blocks printing and opening up documents

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 05:10 PM PDT

I have a VAIO Windows 7 laptop.

Recently I have cleaned up viruses from the laptop. I also have installed Avira antivirus program.

However I still cannot access my Microsoft Office Word documents using 2007 version.  I have everything else but that.  When I try to re-install the programs described below block me.  I am temporarily using Office 2013 which I cannot keep forever.

 There is still a Teredo Tunneling Pseudo Interface and an unknown device with a big yellow warning mark.

I believe these are blocking me and want to delete them, but do not know how.

Please help!!!

Also I would like to know how to delete unknown application programs from the default program's associate program and protocal types.

 In the future, how will I prevent these unknown sources (NO ads please)?

I have installed Avira antivirus program recently and I hope it's working.

Developer protection help

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 04:13 PM PDT

We have created a fillable document using tables and developer. I want to be able to tab between the cells when the document is protected is this possible