

yum update fedora 4 undefined symbol: krb5_prompter_pocix - Forums Linux

yum update fedora 4 undefined symbol: krb5_prompter_pocix - Forums Linux

yum update fedora 4 undefined symbol: krb5_prompter_pocix

Posted: 29 Jan 2006 12:12 PM PST

Very unlikely someone hacked in, I have the box locked down
tight, using NAT (all ports closed cept DNS, MySQL, HTTP, and SSH).
Ive got IPTables running as well as hosts.allow/deny....then again,
anything is
always possible. I ran chkroot (and this doesnt always report
everything of
course), its ok. My secure logs are fine.

It seems this occured after my last yum update the other day.
I got yum.conf from a while back.
Im running Fedora core 4, nothing special on anything.

Ive never done what you asked, looking to see what packages are there.
I can view all the directories but there's a lot of info there.

Ive also never done an rpm --rebuilddb

Trying to run rpm is (apparently) impossible now-

rpm says:
100 ROOT fedora /var/lib/rpm rpm
rpm: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol:
krb5_prompter_pocix, version krb5_3_MIT

101 ROOT fedora /var/lib/rpm which rpm

102 ROOT fedora /var/lib/rpm l /bin/rpm
-rwxr-xr-x 1 rpm rpm 93564 Jul 13 2005 /bin/rpm*

GRUB advice needed.

Posted: 29 Jan 2006 09:45 AM PST

On Sun, 29 Jan 2006 14:00:39 -0700, Douglas Mayne wrote:

By "new" I meant new-from-the-store. I should probably explain
that when my current "main" HDD gets a little age on it, I buy a
new (and usually larger) one. I physically install it as /dev/hda
and load Linux on it from scratch. I physically relocate the
old one to /dev/hdb or hdc and copy over whatever files I need
onto the new /dev/hda. Eventually the old one is removed and
stored - if I ever need it I can just plug it in again as /dev/hda
and boot it up.

OK, I think I'm now getting the picture: I keep a boot partition
but the only things on it are the grub files - the kernel
and such goes into the /boot directory on the root partition for
that particular Linux version and a grub stage 2 loader goes
in the PBR of the same root partition. Is that correct?

Charles Sullivan

Asus A8N-vm

Posted: 29 Jan 2006 08:17 AM PST

On Sun, 29 Jan 2006 21:28:42 +0200, Thomas Wendell wrote:

The link is to the first entry in a thread of three articles.
The OP indicates he solved his problem using persistence.
Thanks for that, but I know it would take some practice pronouncing it ;-)
(Also, thanks for your fellow countryman, Linus Torvalds.)

Note: comments inline

Is this your board:

I found this review, which does talk about improving support for that
board with newer kernels. That could explain some of the trouble you had
with live CDs.

BTW, trying out live CDs is a great way to find out what Linux is all
about. You are ahead in the game because you have already tried some.
You've had the basic introduction, and now you want more. Good!

Have you picked a distribution? Did you like Ubuntu? Here is the list of
currently popular distributions:

The Fedora documentation is good starting point for a newcomer:

All of the distribution's setup discs (except live CDs) are trying to
achieve the same general goal: install a GNU/Linux on the target system.
The explicitly correct instructions will depend upon which distribution
that you decide to use.

Douglas Mayne

Dual boot issue: GRUB/NTLDR etc.

Posted: 27 Jan 2006 03:18 AM PST

BlueGecko wrote: 

Being new to linux myself (definitely the blind leading the blind) -
I've been reading along these various linux NGs over the last couple of
weeks, and it seems GRUB info can be found in /boot/grub/grub.conf and
/boot/grub/menu.lst (<--that's an "L" = menu.LST)

also perhaps booting to Knoppix (or similar) LiveCD, you can access
this info (you sure can't from XP, unless the partition/s are FAT32) -
perhaps the command from a console can be useful that others here can
use to help diagnose the situation as well.

hdparm -l
hdparm -i

or some combination thereof (from a Knoppix boot, you may need to
prefix the above with 'sudo' when using the konsole (in KDE)

sudo hdparm -i

....also info can be found using the cat command;

# cat /proc/devices

....i snipped info this below from a thread in a NGs search;

show io port address cat /proc/ioports
show pci info cat /proc/pci
show block devices cat /proc/devices
show dma por cat /proc/dma
show eth0 bytes cat /proc/net/dev
show file system support cat /proc/filesystems
show interrupts cat /proc/interrupts
show ip forwarding (1) cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

There are other ways, and the GRUB info should be priority I
guess...Others will show up and clarify hopefully - (*hint* - being
lazy is not going to get you much help ;-)). Just trying to help

I need to move my Live-CD to HDD manually, because my Live-CD have no installer.

Posted: 26 Jan 2006 09:34 PM PST wrote: 

you are very welcome -- but please note, I just became aware, I think I
may have given some faulty(?) information. I just tried my [copy ISO to
HDD and use bootfrom=/dev/hda?] cheatcode and i ran into some issues,
as the boot up process reported an error message (similar to);

unable to mount /cdrom2.loop/sda1

I am currently working on it at the moment though ;-).
sda1 is my DVD-ROM drive that contains the Knoppix CD (BTW -I'm using
Knoppix 3.6 CD version).

After reading the threads I posted above, which mostly concerns trying
to boot directly from an ISO stored on an NTFS partition (mine are
FAT32 at the moment), though it shouldn't really matter. Rather than
guess what I'm doing wrong, allow me to go and experiment a bit ;-). I
will then report back.

Your enthusiasm is very nice, and almost flattering...just know, I'm
also very new to linux and fumbling around in the dark (perhaps a
little less than you), but nonetheless, stumblng.

Oh -- PLEASE read this link below concerning posting (many
Newsgroup/Usenet members can _not_ follow along, *unless* you also
include the text ("quote") the exact message that you are answering -
note how I posted this message - your previous message is on top)..and
if you do not, they won't bother responding, since they have no idea
what's going on...
see -->

Problem with apt-get

Posted: 26 Jan 2006 12:10 PM PST

iforone wrote: 
I used 1GB as the file already had 10MB in it. 
Thanks for the tip. I will read up on it.


mod_ssl for apache 2.0.55 and Open SSL 0.9.7a

Posted: 26 Jan 2006 04:03 AM PST

On 2006-01-27, com <com> wrote: 

Why the twice 'enable' ?

Ah! So mod_ssl has not been correctly installed. You maybe need to
copy it in the modules directory by hand.

At this point it looks clear that the problem is that your Apache
can't load mod_ssl correctly. I suggest you recompile it.


Turn your Pentium into a Gameboy: Type WIN at C:\>

problem with NIS ypserv - very strange

Posted: 26 Jan 2006 02:32 AM PST

"krzychosz" <pl> wrote in message

It does, but it and vipw may not help you with old bad entries.

I'm really unsure. I'd have to look at your /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow's to
search for the culprit. But I'd also be prepared to "touch /etc/passwd
/etc/shadow" to make

Hmmm. You know..... for sanity checking, there are also some LDAP creation
tools in /usr/share/openldap/migration or something like that, which will
parse your local /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow to create an LDAP setup. I've
actually used that to detect local lunacies.

Reading dos floppy under Linux

Posted: 25 Jan 2006 05:01 PM PST

"Peter T. Breuer" <> wrote in message 

My apologies, I was simply trying to supply information on what I was
looking for, not be accusatory.
Since then I have started using mtools, the work GREAT.

Nautilus and images

Posted: 25 Jan 2006 11:34 AM PST

On Wed, 25 Jan 2006 22:03:23 +0000, Chiefy wrote:

I've had a quick look at some of my photos using exiftags.

Pictures taken with my old Sony camcorder all have the same value for the
orientation field, regardless of the way I held the camera.

Pictures taken with my newer Canon have a correct value for this field.

My scripts use convert to rotate the image; the field is not updated.

Thanks for your help,


quick question: best distro for getting a conexant accessrunner pci dsl modem working

Posted: 25 Jan 2006 09:49 AM PST

alpy wrote: 
Well, if you were building your own kernel and adding device drivers I
doubt you would be asking, so yes, if it doesn't work out of the box it
probably won't work. I'm totally unfamiliar with the modem, so I can't
guess what driver it uses, but if the driver will talk to it I would
expect modem software to do as well.

bill davidsen
SBC/Prodigy Yorktown Heights NY data center

x86_64 with software RAID or i386 with hardware RAID ?

Posted: 25 Jan 2006 09:33 AM PST

Well I don't have any choice with controllers. Budget is closed. But I
fully confirm what you wrote about Adaptec and Promise.

So I try 64bits :). Thank you !

[printing] configuration of networked printer under Linux

Posted: 23 Jan 2006 06:39 AM PST

Have you looked at the Xerox Linux support page for that printer? ripId=&Xtype=download