

Location of an MS Project 2000 template Microsoft Project

Location of an MS Project 2000 template Microsoft Project

Location of an MS Project 2000 template

Posted: 07 Mar 2005 11:25 AM PST


I would try it out first to see if it meets your requirements. As far as I
know, this setting relates to each PC rather than being project specific, so
I would expect to have to set it up on each one. I would have thought you
could give these simple instructions to each user along with the
instructions as to where to put the templates in the first place.

Mike Glen
Project MVP

jsl wrote: 

Working with Fields, Filters, Creating a Template

Posted: 07 Mar 2005 11:05 AM PST


For a sligh variation on Mike's suggestion, you could also insert one of the
Text (Text1, etc.) fields into your template. Then customize the field to
add a Value List containing your 3 options. You could then set the value for
the Text field and then create 3 filters to only show the applicable tasks.

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


"GGSB" wrote:

MS Project - Wrap

Posted: 07 Mar 2005 07:45 AM PST

Hi Mike and Ron,

Brilliant Mike! I never would have sleuthed out which table to change.

As a suggestion Ron, and you may have already discovered this based upon
Mike's fix, in the Table Definition dialog box you can also increase the row
height to get the wrapping effect you were asking about. The combination of
the increase in width and the increase in row height may just solve the

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


"Mike Glen" wrote:

Transition from days to hours for cetain tasks

Posted: 06 Mar 2005 09:23 PM PST

Thanks, I was not aware of this macro. Let me describe what I'm trying to

I have an IT project that involves getting a new office up and running for
my company. I map out the process with the gantt chart set in units of Days.
When I start the actual on-site work at the new office, I'd like to
transition form units of Days to units of Hours for those tasks being
performed on-site.



"Gérard Ducouret" wrote:

Crosstab Report

Posted: 06 Mar 2005 04:15 PM PST

In article <com>,
"Mark" <> wrote:

1. Yes, you can view a crosstab report of just the resource pool file.
(I'm surprised you didn't simply try it).

2. If you are referring to the full path that shows in the Project field
for each assignment, yes but the sharer files must be open to do so and
then only the file name will show without the full path. The reason is
that the assignment information is part of the sharer file, not the
resource pool file. So even if you add a spare text field in which to
show the file name, that text field is inaccessible unless the sharer
file it belongs to is open.

This is a little "cheesy" but you can show just the file name (more of
less) if the sharer files are not open by right justifying the Project

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

Determining Calendar Days in MS Porject 2000

Posted: 06 Mar 2005 02:05 PM PST

In article <#phx.gbl>,
"Gérard Ducouret" <fr> wrote:

I only tested it on a small file and it worked properly without any
additional "fudge" factor. As a matter of fact, when I use your formula,
the answer is incorrect (i.e. one day too many). So as you say, one of
the formulas is "struggling", I don't know which.


Project Web Access

Posted: 06 Mar 2005 10:31 AM PST

Hello Bymo,
Project Web Access has no special limitation in comparisons to Project
Professional : they work together with Project Server.
Have a look at :

Gérard Ducouret

"bymo" <net> a écrit dans le message de

Project Server 2003 with more than one Sharepoint Site

Posted: 05 Mar 2005 11:36 AM PST


Each project gets its own WSS site with a separate list for Issues and Risks


Rod Gill
Project MVP

"Mike Glen" <> wrote in message

Q: How to display summary tasks and hide subtasks on Gantt chart while grouping

Posted: 05 Mar 2005 12:31 AM PST

MSP 2000 by the way.

"Rod Gill" <rod AT project-systems DOT co DOT nz> wrote in message


Posted: 04 Mar 2005 08:47 PM PST

Hi ,

This newsgroup is specifically for matters dealing with Microsoft Project.
I suggest you try to find a more appropriate newsgroup that deals with Word

Could you please tell us what led you to chose this newsgroup? We would
really like to know! :)

Incidentally, please don't use capitals in newsgroups as they indicate

Mike Glen
Project MVP


Can MSProject make a given TaskBar hilight *automatically* when I.

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 04:09 PM PST

If the events fired reliably that may be possible, but ...

-Jack ... For project information and macro examples visit

"John" <com> wrote in message 

Problem exporting to Excel

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 01:29 PM PST

In article <com>,
Jan M. <> wrote:

If Julie's comment about the "time stamp" effect isn't applicable, then
I would have to look at your file itself to offer any further

Project MVP

Projects Limitations

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 09:32 AM PST

Hi Neil,

I'm concerned about your #1. The critical path does, in fact, show the
longest path provided it is only measuring the default state of slack=0.
However many tasks you have with zero slack, they are all on the critical
path by definition. I don't see what else Project can show other than the
correctly calculated critical path.

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Neil wrote: 

Text imported to MSP notes field is truncated to 255 characters

Posted: 04 Mar 2005 03:53 AM PST

In article <com>,
SteveH <> wrote:

Sorry, I misread your original post. I've never used an import map
between Excel and Project and when I tried it, I couldn't get it to
work. Obviously I'm doing something wrong. Nonetheless, I am not
surprised an simple import truncates text at 255 characters. In my
opinion the preferred solution is still VBA - just going the opposite

Project MVP