

Microsoft Word - MS Office Word 2007 Error condition

Microsoft Word - MS Office Word 2007 Error condition

MS Office Word 2007 Error condition

Posted: 11 Jan 2014 12:08 PM PST

While entering text in MS Office Word I'm getting interrupted numerous times on each line.  Some times a screen pops up to explain but most often there is nothing obvious to indicate reason.  Often some very little boxes with a number within will be displayed in  the very top and left corner of the screen. Other times it is as if the interrupt was due to a uncorrected spell check error but not interrupted until one additional word has displayed. Whatever it is causing the condition, it must be cleared immediately in order to continue entering data.

word vs works

Posted: 11 Jan 2014 12:01 PM PST

When I open up word documents sent via email, they open up into works word processor and thus, i lose all the formatting. how can i get these documents to open up into word as they are supposed to do?

Underline in formulas

Posted: 11 Jan 2014 10:58 AM PST

When I insert a formula field into a document, to let's say solve an equation I feel the need to underline the answer.
To illustrate my point, I would need 2+2=4 to have a double underlined 4. But when I do this, the whole field becomes underlined.
There you've got my problem. Is there any way I can underline single numbers?

Also, if I made a bigger equation, it would need several lines like so:
Would I always have to make a new formula field? I recently found out that I can press SHIFT+Enter to automatically make a new one. Is this the only possibility, or could I somehow add more lines to it? This last one does, however, underline the last line quite nicely.
EDIT: I just discovered that I can make several lines inside a textbox, which works quite nicely. I do still need help on my first question though.

Templates in Word 2010

Posted: 11 Jan 2014 10:41 AM PST

I have two questions, please.

First, I have been using Macros to create documents (letters, notes, minutes etc) in Word 2010.  These rely on a ".dot" user template (originally written for Word 2003).  Currently, when I use my macros I get a "Microsoft Word Err=1078 This file could not be found" error.  I believe this may be due to the fact that I need to load my .dot template as my default template.

I understand that my .dot template can be specified as the default template (by going to Word Options > Advanced > File Locations > User Templates > File Locations) but I am hesitant about changing the current default (which is apparently loaded from a c:\users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates folder) because if loading my .dot template does not cure Word Error 1078 issue referred to above I would want to revert to the Word 2010 default template.  However, I can find no AppData folder (or anything similar) anywhere on my PC.

My first question, therefore, is where do I find the Word 210 default user template, given that I do not have a c:\users\<user>\AppData\  etc folder?

I am running Word 2010 (32 bit) with Windows 7 on a Toshiba Satellite 64 bit PC.

Secondly, I have searched these forums for an explanation of the Word Err=1078 issue but I have not found one in relation to an issue with Word 2010.  My second question, therefore, is whether this error is more likely to have nothing to do with the .dot user template but to have more to do with the fact that I am running macros in Word 2010 which were written in Visual Basis and designed for Word 2003.



Dates printed on letters

Posted: 11 Jan 2014 10:38 AM PST

When I type a (business) letter or any correspondence..... like most people I enter the date on top. However once I save the letter and re-open that file, the original date is not showing. The date that I open it now appears on the letter. For example...........

This morning I opened up a business letter that I wrote earlier this week and dated it then January 6, 2014. Yet when I opened it a few minutes ago, the date on the exact same letter showed today's date....January 11, 2014.  This type of thing has occurred before.

How would  I fix this? Thank you.

Why does AutoSave cause Word convert all equations (either via Insert --> Object or with MathType) to uneditable images that cannot be converted back to equations?

Posted: 11 Jan 2014 10:09 AM PST

I have had this problem FOR YEARS guys. Finally breaking down and posting about it. Can this be fixed? It is incredibly annoying, because it means that I have to work without the auto-save feature (and Word does crash frequently) whenever I am writing a paper with equations. 

I even turned off the Auto-Save feature through Preferences --> Save and it turned itself back on mysteriously after I closed and reopened the document. This means all my equations got converted to an image and cannot be edited.

Thoughts? Any reason this problem has not been fixed? It has existed since at least five years, from what I can tell (probably much more) and it never seems to get fixed with newer versions of the software. 

I am on a mac, using Word 2011, but I hear the same problem exists on the PC.

Word not opening document

Posted: 11 Jan 2014 08:18 AM PST

Up until a few weeks ago, when I double clicked a Word file the Word application started and the contents of the file were loaded.    Now, when I double-click a Word document, the Word application starts but the document is not loaded.    Once the word application starts i can open documents via the Open menu item available from the Word Application by manually navigating to the appropriate document. 

No installations have occurred on the system to cause this problem, it was working one day and then the next morning it wasn't working.  This behavior occurs for all Word files, those I'm attempting to open from my desktop like the example below, or from directories, or for Word Documents attached to emails.    I do not have this problem for any other Office applications; ie. Excel, powerPoint, etc nor any other applications.

I've tried to delete my file and force word to create a new one and that didn't affect anything, when I open my normal file it displays not contents.

Have tried to print a word doc but it is only printing blank pages

Posted: 11 Jan 2014 06:26 AM PST

Hi there,

I have tried to print a word doc but it is only printing blank pages, there is nothing wrong with the printer as I printing from the internet a couple of days ago. Have also just done a 'Windows Printer Test Page' and that came out fine. Have set my Epson printer as the default printer. Have got Windows 8. Any ideas?

referrable numbers in table

Posted: 11 Jan 2014 04:05 AM PST

having realised that referrable numbers which are part of a list, and thus can increase or decrease in value, canNOT be created inside a TABLE, I now need to ask how thats done !

I'll show here what I need:

I have a TABLE on Word 2010 on Windows 7.
These are examples of the first 3 rows:



003                         001, 002, 003 are supposed to be parts of a list  .. if an item fit for "002-A" arrives, I will just insert it, and "001, 002, 003" becomes "001, 002, 003, 004"

I also inside the table need to be able to REFER to whatever the values of "001 etc" might be. If I refer to "002", it needs to contain the reference. If "002-A" has been put into the table, thus the old "003" now becoming the new "004", the reference should automatically be updated.

I have tried around with LISTS, but they do not seem to work inside TABLES !?!


Focus shifts in opened Word 2013

Posted: 11 Jan 2014 03:46 AM PST


I am opening Word document 2013 with VB.Net code. But Focus is not in opened word document.. I want VB.Net code to make focus on the opened document...

Kindly provide the solution...

Thanks in advance

How can I type in Journal?

Posted: 11 Jan 2014 03:23 AM PST

I opened a journal doc and I tryied to simply type and seems impossible. I see all the fancy functions, such as drawing/writing with a digi pen, but I don't see the basic function of typing, which I think it's a major software glitch. Please advise. 



Posted: 11 Jan 2014 01:06 AM PST

Dear sir/mam, 
                      myself sameer & i want about ms.word in to how can i put the ribbon command. e.g insert menu command =rand() please check this command in ms.word please if you have another  menu command so, please tell me.
                                  thanking you,

sameer shaikh

Microsoft Word 2010 Need Helps on Designing

Posted: 11 Jan 2014 12:26 AM PST

How to make the first 2 pages no headers and footer ?
And, i how to make the page number for a specific range?

Like from page 2 to page 5 i gonna use (i, ii, iii, iv,....) while after page 5 use (1, 2, 3, 4, 5,...)

Feature request: Need "Print Layout" and "Draft View" Hybrid

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 09:23 PM PST

Gone are the days of small monitors.

I want to type my document in Draft view, but need it centered on the screen like in Print Layout view.

Draft view always aligns everything to the left of the window screen.

Sure I can make the window smaller, but then I have the distracting desktop in the background (which begs another discussion - Windows should have a version of "Shade", a 3rd party app for iOS which covers the desktop in an image or color of your choice).

Unwanted option's

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 09:21 PM PST

Sir /Madam


          If you could help I would be very grateful, put simply my copy of MS Word has suddenly acquired a number of Japanese and eastern language options, some in the toolbar menus (my Office suite being XP 2002 edition) but most are in the tool's options where a number of tabs have appeared titled 'asian typography', 'Japanese find' and 'complex scripts'. I have only experienced these issues since I installed to windows 8.1, I have tried reinstalling using just the default setup with basic features, without success which is why I now ask for your help if possible.  Thankyou.


PS. Excel, Outlook & PowerPoint are unaffected.

Endnotes disappear

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 08:54 PM PST

My Word 2010 file has 122 pages of endnotes. Sometimes when I close and open the docx, the endnotes are not there. I can restore them by doing these steps:

a. Create all Indexes. (before the endnotes) (not necessary: the indexes are not affected)

b. Put Page Layout > Breaks > Next Page right before the index. (this break is not affected)

c. References > Footnotes > Endnotes

d. Endnotes: drop down list: end of section

e. Number format: normal digits 1,2,3…

f. Numbering: Restart each section

g. Apply changes to: Whole document

h. Click Apply (1 min. delay).

Needless to say, this wastes time (only about a minute) but it makes me nervous. Does anyone know how to prevent this? (I notice that another user had the same problem.)
I will be very grateful.


Word document don't close correctly

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 07:34 PM PST


A strange thing now occurs when I have opened a Word document and then open a second Word document.  I lose the first document, even when they are in "a restore down mode" (i.e. they are not maximized).  Sometimes when I close the 2nd document, the first document closes.  All other times, when  I close the second, I'll get a message asking if I want to close the 1st document – yes, no, or clear.  If I click "clear", the 1st document will appear. 

Lastly when I open a Word document and put it in "a restore down mode," and then I open a second Word document, it will overlay the 1st document which also is in "a restore down mode."

Is there a setting in Word that I can change to prevent the above from happening?  About a month ago, everything in Word worked fine. I use Vista.


Jim Nolan

*** Email address is removed for privacy ***

Office Word 2003 & 2010

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 04:40 PM PST

Some years ago, I had Microsoft office word 2003.  I wanted to upgrade and got word 2010.  Had 2010 installed so now had 2 programs.  (Was told that 2003 would not override the 2010) I deleted some documents off the old program with plans to delete it.  Well, now I have discovered by writing down name of about 20 docs that they seem to have the same docs on both.  So if I remove 2003 - can I safely or will it also remove the same docs which are on 2010?  Can't see why I should have 2 exact programs.  I couldn't figure out how to print the list of docs - does anyone know how?  I really don't want to write all the names down to compare each doc.

Next want to get 2013 and don't want a similar problem.

Thanx for any help.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.5 has stopped working in Microsoft Word 2010. What has caused this?

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 04:03 PM PST

I repaired the program earlier today and I have been on the websites for speech recognition so now I have moved over to this website hoping to find an answer. There must be a conflict something I don't know about does anyone here use Dragon NaturallySpeaking

Office 365 Home Premium applications suddently won't start

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 03:38 PM PST

I've experienced an identical problem on 2 separate Windows 8 computers (both new Lenovos).  I went about 1 week with all Office products working fine and then suddenly none of them would open.  They all displayed "xxxxx encountered a problem and needs to close" upon initial start up of the application.  I've resorted to rolling back to Office 2010 on both machines which is having no issues.  This is certainly a bit frustrating as I have to reestablish the e-mail accounts and I'm paying for a Office 365 Home Premium account which won't work on my new WIndows 8 computers.  (As I stated, I experienced the IDENTICAL symptoms on 2 separate Windows 8 computers).  I want to add that no new software or other changes were made to the computers so I can't relate it to any particular program. 


Any suggestions or should I just wait for SP1 for Office 2013?  I don't mind experimenting a bit if having Office 2013 and Office 2010 on the same computer won't cause issues, but I need my Outlook to work.

