

Automatic calculating Microsoft Project

Automatic calculating Microsoft Project

Automatic calculating

Posted: 07 Dec 2004 02:13 AM PST

Hi Steve

The column [Duration2] contains calculated fields [Work]-[Duration1]

Work = Actual work + Remaining work
Duration 1 = project budget (days)

We use a gantt chart view to change values in a Remaining work column and it
used to automatically refresh the values in Duration 2.

It's only since we upgraded to 2003 that this seems to have stopped?

Hope I've explained this properly?


"Steve House [MVP]" wrote:

How can I merge two files in Project?

Posted: 06 Dec 2004 07:47 AM PST

In article <com>,
"Nikki" <> wrote:

I have to disagree with Joe's response. The correct answer is "yes".
Depending on how the files are structured and the differences between
the files, one or more methods can be used to "merge" the data. one
method is to run a comparison between the two files to determine the
differences using the Compare Project Versions which is utility in
Project 2003 and an add-in for Project 2000. Once the differences are
known, the file that has the greater difference from the baseline (i.e.
before your updates or your manager's updates) can be updated manually
or updates can be automated with a VBA macro.

However a much better solution is to put the file on a shared server.
That way changes can only be made by one person at a time and no
conflicts occur.

Hope this helps.

How do I track changes between interim project plans?

Posted: 06 Dec 2004 07:27 AM PST

In article <com>,
Rob <> wrote:

In addition to what Steve and Jan suggested, you can also run a
comparison between plans using the Compare Project Versions utility on
Project 2003 or as an add-in for Project 2000.


Bad critical path

Posted: 04 Dec 2004 01:03 PM PST

There is something strange going on here. But of even more concern is you
have a notion of what the critical path "should" be. How did you arrive at
the conclusion that certain tasks were critical so that you consider it an
error if Project doesn't reflect the same? There is a very exact
mathematical definition that determines whether a task is critical or not
.... I wonder if you are using some other criterion?
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Solution" <> wrote in message

Question on resource leveling

Posted: 03 Dec 2004 01:28 PM PST

A couple of points:

When you have a task with an estimated duration of 10 days and you assign a
resource to it at 50%, Project assumes you had that 50% assignment in mind
when you came up with the 10-day number to begin with and so it doesn't
change it. If you assign at 100% Project says this requires 10 days @ 100%
or 80 man-hours. OTOH, if you assign at 50% Project says this task is worth
10 days at 50% or 40 man-hours. To get the duration to change and reflect
the 20 days you'd hoped for, you need to do it in two steps, assigning him
at 100% and then EDITING the assignment to reduce him to 50%. Otherwise set
it to 20 days right from the get-go, based on the knowledge that that is how
long it will take for a part-time resource to complete it.

Second, resource leveling doesn't do what you seem to think it does.
Leveling only has meaning when resources are OVERALLOCATED, that is, you
have the *same* guy is assigned to both of those tasks at 100% and so he is
expected to be in two places at once, working on two mutually exclusive
tasks at the same time. In that case, leveling would delay one of the tasks
so as to resolve the conflict. But that's all it does - shift the time
frame of the work back and forth. It never adjusts the percentage of
allocation nor does it change the duration the resource will work on the
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Tom" <com> wrote in message

How do i convert MS Project documents to a pdf format

Posted: 03 Dec 2004 11:07 AM PST

Hi Bob!
You could use PDFCreator anyway. It's free


DateDiff function is not working for me

Posted: 03 Dec 2004 08:25 AM PST

Hi Steve,

Try this formula in one of the spare Number fields:


Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

"Steve Scott" wrote:

Why does a resource name display as Joe[104%]

Posted: 03 Dec 2004 08:19 AM PST

Hi Tom,
The percentage is the resource assignment units. Joe is overallocated if
his maximum units are 100% and his assignment units are 104%.

You might find Project less confusing if you read through Mike Glen's series
of articles on Project at

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

"Tom" wrote:

Summary task bar and indent

Posted: 03 Dec 2004 06:55 AM PST

FYI - the duration of summary tasks is not necessarily the sum of the
durations of the indented subtasks. It will be from when the earliest
subtask begins until the latest subtask ends. If the subtasks star
together, are not linked and run in parallel for example, the summary task
duration will be simply the duration of the longest subtask, regardless of
how many subtasks there are.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Pat W." <Pat> wrote in message

Printing across then down, rather than down then across

Posted: 03 Dec 2004 04:53 AM PST

Cheers, Jack!

At least I won't have to waste any more time on this.



"JackD" wrote:

Booking a room or equipment

Posted: 01 Dec 2004 01:23 PM PST

Thanks, Julie. I do just want to restrict the scheduling based upon a set
schedule, but it has to apply to every project (hundreds of projects), and I
don't want to set a task calendar manually for each one. Currently we have
the room in the resource pool and have blocked out the time on the resource
calendar, but it means MSP expects us to enter time for the resource which
isn't feasible.

"JulieS" wrote: