

Auto update ver 11.3.6 now Excel tries to open all files andcrashes! Microsoft Office for Mac

Auto update ver 11.3.6 now Excel tries to open all files andcrashes! Microsoft Office for Mac

Auto update ver 11.3.6 now Excel tries to open all files andcrashes!

Posted: 13 Jul 2007 11:14 AM PDT

On 15/7/07 8:58 AM, in article, "Diane Ross"
<> wrote:

Me too, Diane -- and almost everyone in my Mac User Group.

Clive Huggan

from IP-to-Country Database to Office 2004

Posted: 12 Jul 2007 05:38 PM PDT

Judging from the way the post is worded I believe the problem may be more
basic than that -

In order for the Office 11.x _updates_ to do any good you need to have
Office 11 installed in the first place. The error message indicates that the
user *doesn't* - and may not have any version Office at all.
Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

"Bob Greenblatt" <com> wrote in message

Apple's Migration Utiity

Posted: 12 Jul 2007 05:09 PM PDT



On 14/7/07 10:41 PM, in article,
"CyberTaz" <> wrote:

Auto update kills all office applications

Posted: 12 Jul 2007 12:11 PM PDT

Should be!

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 7/13/07 4:50 AM, in article, "ssn"
<com> wrote:

All Office 2004 application no longer start after applying Quicktime patch

Posted: 12 Jul 2007 10:00 AM PDT

Download & apply the OS X 10.4.10 COMBO update for Intel, reapply the Office
11.3.5 followed by 11.3.6, repair permissons. [If 11.3.5 won't apply because
of already going to 11.3.6, just apply the latter.] Hopefully that will get
things humming again.

If that doesn't set things right I'm betting an Archive & Install is in your
future:( Don't hesitate to post back if necessary... it really isn't as bad
as it sounds.
HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

<com> wrote in message 

Importing excel data to Entourage address bool

Posted: 12 Jul 2007 08:12 AM PDT

Hi Mark,

here's what I would try: create a couple of contacts in Entourage by using
the data from the Excel file. When you've got a couple of contacts in
Entourage, click on File>Export, then select "Contacts to a list
(tab-delimited)". Open the resulting file in Excel and see in which order
the fields appear in that file. In your own Excel file, try to rearrange the
columns so that they match the sequence in the exported file, and make sure
that the headers are called by the same names Excel gives them in the
exported file. Then save that file as a tab-delimited text file and see if
Entourage now imports it properly.

On 12/07/2007 17:12, in article, "com"
<com> wrote:

Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:Mac (Entourage & Word)

***Always reply to the newsgroup.***

Numeric keypad not working in Office programs

Posted: 12 Jul 2007 07:26 AM PDT

On Jul 12, 12:53 pm, Elliott Roper <> wrote: 

I have been trying to fix this problem for over a week now. You are

Office 2004 on Mac OSX

Posted: 10 Jul 2007 09:37 PM PDT

I also experienced the same problem. I updated Quicktime and then I
installed the Office 2004 update and Office stopped working. Every
time I launch an Office app, I get a dump in system.log like this:

Jul 12 16:33:37 Platypus kernel[0]: shared_region: 0x4821e68: lsf_map:
RO mapping #0 not in segmentshared region: 0x4821e68: 4 mappings

Best regards

On Jul 11, 12:33 pm, CyberTaz <> wrote: 

Developing a Word Plug in for Office 2008

Posted: 10 Jul 2007 08:30 AM PDT

It is possible, using Applescript, to monitor the position of Word's front
most window. It is possible in OSX for an application to create a utility
window that floats over all the regular windows of all other applications.
Combine these, and it becomes possible to float a window next to a Word
document, while Word is the active application, such that your window
appears integrated with Word.

Not *easy* to get right, but possible ;-)

And if you want to take a completely insane-ninja approach, google for
mach_inject ;-) Or not. Actually it would probably be better for you to
forget I ever said that!

Slow Computer. Overheating.

Posted: 09 Jul 2007 07:50 AM PDT

On 7/11/07 8:25 PM, in article, "Diane Ross"
<> wrote:

The unit I have has an impeller & uses a small dust collection bag. There
isn't any sort of grate or filter - the impeller just draws the stuff in &
blows it right into the bag. The bag has a Velcro closure so it can be
emptied w/o having to remove it from the exhaust port - a rather nifty unit.
Uses 4 AA batteries, so it has sufficient power, yet it's quite compact.

I'm not even sure it's still available - I've had it for years. It came in a
computer care kit I got at an Ames Dept. Store [now defunct] (it included a
3.5" drive cleaner). The vacuum doesn't have a brand name on it, but the kit
was branded as HandyPro & distributed by Ames. I looked around some on the
net & haven't been able to find one like it.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

New version of Office for Mac.

Posted: 08 Jul 2007 12:41 AM PDT


Thank you very much for your help and information.

Joseph Chamberlain

On 7/9/07 5:51 PM, in article
C2B8505E.1EBE8%com, "Jim Gordon MVP"
<com> wrote:

Converting Outlook .pst files to Mac

Posted: 06 Jul 2007 10:26 PM PDT

On 7/6/07 10:26 PM, in article,
"com" <com> wrote:

Another popular option is Outlook2Mac.


For help with Cross Platform issues see:

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
One of the top five MS Entourage resources listed on the Entourage Blog.

Entourage error 4363

Posted: 06 Jul 2007 08:40 AM PDT

In addition to Diane's suggestion, see if disabling the preview pane
(View>Preview Pane>None) allows you to select the message. You can then
click on Message>Remove All Attachments, or delete the message altogether.

On 07/07/2007 0:19, in article,
"com" <com> wrote:

Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:Mac (Entourage & Word)

***Always reply to the newsgroup.***