

Microsoft Word - I have Windows 7 w/MS word Starter installed. Every time I try to create a new document it has preset lines covering the page. How do I get rid of these lines?

Microsoft Word - I have Windows 7 w/MS word Starter installed. Every time I try to create a new document it has preset lines covering the page. How do I get rid of these lines?

I have Windows 7 w/MS word Starter installed. Every time I try to create a new document it has preset lines covering the page. How do I get rid of these lines?

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 09:34 AM PST

I have Windows 7 w/MS word Starter installed. Every time I try to create a new documentn the document has these preset lines covering the page. It looka like the page of a paper tablet. How can I permanently get rid of these lines?

How to add text & page number to footer via macro

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 06:06 AM PST

I need to remove existing footers from a batch of documents in a folder structure and add a new identifier (text) and page numbering. 

I have a macro in Excel to run through all files and folders at a given level and return all file names to a spreadsheet.  The macro then runs through each file, opens the Word document, writes a footer, saves and closes the file before repeating the process for the next one.

My problem lies in that if I try to add text, eg "My Footer" and page numbering, the page number overwrites the footer text.  I assume this is possible and it is my VBA naivety that is the issue.  I have added my code below so someone can point out where I've made a mistake.

Hoping someone can help...


Sub Open_Word_Document(footerText As String)

Dim ObjWord As Word.Application
Dim myDoc As Word.Document
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim testFileName As Variant
Dim testFileNameExt As String
Dim n As Variant
Dim oSec As Word.Section
Dim oFoot As Word.HeaderFooter

Set ObjWord = New Word.Application
     ObjWord.Application.Visible = True

With ActiveSheet
    LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
End With
For n = 1 To LastRow
    'if name doesn't end doc then skip
    testFileNameExt = Right$(Cells(n, 1), 3)
    Cells(n, 2).Value = testFileNameExt

    If testFileNameExt = "doc" Then
     testFileName = Cells(n, 1).Value
     Set myDoc = ObjWord.Documents.Open(testFileName)
           With myDoc        
        For Each oSec In ObjWord.ActiveDocument.Sections
            For Each oFoot In oSec.Footers
                If oFoot.Exists Then
                    oFoot.Range.Text = footerText & vbTab
                    oFoot.Range.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
                    oFoot.Range.Move unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
                    oFoot.Range.Fields.Add Range:=oFoot.Range, Type:=wdFieldPage
                    oFoot.Range.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
                    oFoot.Range.Move unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1 
                End If
            Next oFoot
        Next oSec
        Set myDoc = Nothing
      End With
    End If
         Set ObjWord = Nothing
End Sub

VBA: How to make Customize Keyboard dialog 'land' at the New Shortcut Key box

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 01:29 AM PST

I'd like to have a QAT button (macro) that opens the Cutomize Keyboard dialog with the cursor already in the Press New Shortcut Key box. In prior versions this sort of thing used to work:


   SendKeys "%n"



But it doesn't now. I've also tried sending {tab 3} but no joy. I'm not that well-versed in manipulating dialogs programmatically and can't seem to find much documentation on it either. Any clues?


Strangely, it works just fine if I run it from the VBE, and in my universe that's normally that's where SendKeys fails most spectacularly.

word 2010 not displaying properly when opening how do I set it back to original settings

Posted: 15 Jan 2013 09:54 PM PST

When I open word 2010 the page does not display properly. I cannot change any settings to get it to open to a full screen. Word opens to a page in the center of the screen and about half a page.

Macro for formatting heading styles

Posted: 15 Jan 2013 06:10 PM PST

I'm working with a template that uses character styles for bold and italics. I need a macro that finds all instances of bold or italics that were applied as direct formatting (ie Ctrl+I, Ctrl+B) and replaces them with the correct character style. However, simply searching for bold or italic font and replacing it with the style also changes the formatting in all the headings that are bold or italic (although they retain their paragraph styles). So after I've changed the bold and italics to character styles, I need a way to find all instances of Heading 1, Heading 2 etc, clear the character style formatting and reapply the correct heading paragraph style. Or, a way of applying the character styles for bold and italics everywhere EXCEPT headings. I need to do this across the entire document.

I'd really appreciate any suggestions!

Whole document changes color

Posted: 15 Jan 2013 01:41 PM PST

This can apply to other formatting as well. When I highlight, say, a word or sentence and click on a new color, the whole document changes color as well but reverts back to coloring the selection I made after pressing Ctrl-Z (Undo).


How do I stop this behaviour?


I am using Word 2003.

"Link file in Word" and "Forms problem"

Posted: 15 Jan 2013 02:30 AM PST

Dear Sirs/Madam


I got two question as below


Q1 - "Link file in Word"


When I set a file link in a Word document (Let says is File A link to File B).    I want to send out File A and B to somebody,  can i just click to attach file A, then File B will automatically attached together with File A including in the email.


I know how to set the link in Word document.  But i don't know how to do afterwards.


Q2 - "Forms problem"


When I create a form, i can allow the user to add the words, picture and check box after "Protection".  But i only know that the form only allow to add jpg file only after restriction.  How about other format file e.g. PDF, xml, file link etc.  Where can i find that icon.


Please help



Maria HKG

is it possible to have a new document from template button?

Posted: 14 Jan 2013 05:34 PM PST

Hi,  Our company has a word 2010 report template, let's call it "ABC Report",  Is it possible to create a button in the quick access toolbar or ribbon that will create a new document based on this template?  


Recovering an Automatically Deleted File that Word Put in a Temp Directory

Posted: 11 Jan 2013 11:15 AM PST

I simply can not believe MS Word did this to me. Please help.

A client sent me a zip file. I put it in the proper directory. I opened it and modified it (extensively) and saved it as a new file. I did not notice that Word had decided to PUT IT IN A DIFFERENT -- and TEMPORARY -- DIRECTORY. Ugh!! It was C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Local\Temp, I think. Then I guess it decided that a couple of days had passed and deleted it. It was less than a week ago that I last worked on it.

So, I...
- Searched my entire hard drive for one of the words in the file name...nothing (or at least nothing useful)
- Checked the recycle bin...nothing
- Checked "recent files" in Word...nothing
- Went to C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Local\Temp and looked. There were 1,000+ garbagey-named files (CVR474C.tmp.cvr and whatnot)...and nothing useful

Help!! :(

How can I read a later version of word file in Office 2000

Posted: 10 Jan 2013 05:38 PM PST

I am using word 2000 with XP OPS. question is how do I read mail from windows 7 or 8 that uses a newer virson of word?