

Windows 7 - Dual booting - 32 & 64 bit versions

Windows 7 - Dual booting - 32 & 64 bit versions

Dual booting - 32 & 64 bit versions

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 12:56 PM PST

Ok ... Thanks for that Pulse... I have a question ... it appears from the
last of those links that I can't have both versions activated with the same
CD key.

If I activated 64 bit and later had difficulties would I be able to uninstal
the 64 bit version and activate the 32 bit version with the same CD key ?

Regards & TIA

"Pulse" <net> wrote in message

__________ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature database 4896 (20100225) __________

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

Chrome is always starting in a normal window

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 09:40 AM PST

"LouB" <invalid> wrote in message

What app are you using?

Here's the info on the api from MSDN.

This sample illustrates how to save the size, location, and state of a
Window so the Window opens in the same position it was closed. Furthermore,
this sample is multi-monitor aware, which means that if the monitor on which
the Window was closed is disconnected, the Window is shown on a connected
monitor instead.

This requires using the following Win32 APIs (from User32.dll):

WINDOWPLACEMENT: To store window size, location, and state (see

GetWindowPlacement: To retrieve the current WINDOWPLACEMENT data for the
window before it closes (see GetWindowPlacement Function).

SetWindowPlacement: To restore the WINDOWPLACEMENT data when the window
opens (see SetWindowPlacement Function).

The WINDOWPLACEMENT structure is physically stored on disk using the
Microsoft .NET Framework support for strongly-typed application settings
(see Application Settings Overview).


Is Microsoft Aching To Get Sued Again?

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 09:07 AM PST

"Pulse" <net> wrote in message

Alias is a good representative of ALL the Linux users that troll the
Microsoft newsgroups. I finally plonked him since I've never seen anything
constructive in a single one of his posts. I don't believe I've missed a
thing by doing so :-)
SC Tom


Windows 7: Microsoft Continues their SPYING practices

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 09:06 AM PST

Alias wrote: 

check this one out:

then go down below and download a few zips.

This guy was shut down for a while, but got back online again... most
likely thru a court order.

Who Owns Your PC?

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 09:05 AM PST

On Thu, 25 Feb 2010 10:22:21 -0800, "Alex Clayton"
<com> wrote:

Actually, history shows that only a few (percentage-wise) would be
dishonest enough to pass it around. What is your evidence to suggest
that there are only a few honest Windows users? That sounds made up.

Yes, most people are honest enough, but you only hear about the small
minority who are (supposedly) not honest enough.

Lucky for you that you admitted you know nothing about this subject
since your report of being detected and deleted is pure BS. It doesn't
happen that way. Whoever told you that was pulling your leg.

Sounds like he just needed an excuse to ask for your old laptop.

There you go again with your claims that "most people" are dishonest.
You really need to get out more and stop judging the world by what you
see in the mirror.

You don't own your computer, Microsoft does

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 08:58 AM PST

I suggest boxing up your computer and calling Microsoft. Have them come
over and pick up your computers. Then apologize for being such a dick and
promise that you will never ever say anything else bad about Microsoft.

Then smoke a BOWL

"Alias" <aka@masked&> wrote in message

why is this lying linturd asshole troll alias still here?

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 08:46 AM PST

"Richard Crowley" <net> wrote in message 

BFD. Now go outside and play

Microsoft launches 'phone home' antipiracy update

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 06:59 AM PST

On 2/25/2010 2:44 PM, Pulse wrote: 



Roy Smith
Windows 7 Home Premium

Timestamp: Thursday, February 25, 2010 2:55:47 PM

No minimize on right-click icon menu?

Posted: 24 Feb 2010 09:19 PM PST

Roy Smith <com> wrote in

Doesn't always work. That is why minimize used to be in the pop up menu.
Well, one of the reasons. But this doesn't answer my questions - was it
removed intentionally, and is there a way to get it back?

The answer to the second question is to shift-right-click the icon on the
taskbar. This brings up the "classic context menu". Yet another thing that
Microsoft changed that didn't need changing.