

Microsoft Works - Importing Works MS-DOS 1.0

Microsoft Works - Importing Works MS-DOS 1.0

Importing Works MS-DOS 1.0

Posted: 02 Jul 2004 11:28 AM PDT

Have you tried file, open, files of type, recover text from any file?
Mary Sauer MS MVP
"Works User" <> wrote in message

launching Word delays

Posted: 02 Jul 2004 11:25 AM PDT

Sorry about my mistake, to have posted in the wrong group
<> wrote in message

Changing header fonts for*.wdb reports

Posted: 01 Jul 2004 04:12 PM PDT

Hi, Curt,
Here's how I would do it:
Menu bar>View>Report>Modify>highlight header you want to
change>Menu bar>Format>Font and Style>make your selection
of font,style,size,color>OK
Hope this helps.


Works Opening .Doc Files?

Posted: 01 Jul 2004 11:44 AM PDT

I have Word 2002 myself and Works 7.0-the Works Word processor opened a Word
2002 file fine that included a table (created using Word's table drawing
tool) and 2 images.
<> wrote in message

Works 8.0 New Dictionary

Posted: 01 Jul 2004 06:25 AM PDT

Sorry I couldn't spell or type in that last message.
thesaurus. I think it would activate the O.E spell
checker? How do you know this do you work on the Works
8.0 team at Microsoft? 

PreOrder Works 8.0 At Amazon.Com!

Posted: 30 Jun 2004 07:55 PM PDT

Hi Jeff,

Please refer to my posting of yesterday, entitled:

"Things We Can Expect To See In Works 8."

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ:

"Jeff" <com> wrote in message

Works Calender Backup

Posted: 30 Jun 2004 09:41 AM PDT



Posted: 30 Jun 2004 07:04 AM PDT

Okay, Now i understand ;-)


Allthow this is not gonna help him I beleave, if he has
Group policies, he has to set those Priviliges for the
user accounts. If they are standard you can not "alter
the Quick launch" options.

And it is indeed a neglectable task to have to alter this
for each user everytime when they want to add one.


1.Release the taskbar for the group of users, so that
they can alter it.
2.Release drag & drop options too on desktop.

If ya dont know where to find them I can tell ya but i'd
had to wait till i'm home to look maself for the exact
path! Ain't got Admin rights on the job ;-)

Things We Can Expect To See In Works 8

Posted: 30 Jun 2004 01:42 AM PDT

Kevin James - MSMVP Works wrote: 

Interesting that the Suite is still using Word 2002 instead of the latest

I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says
something about human nature that the only form of life we have created
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Administrative account

Posted: 27 Jun 2004 08:37 AM PDT

Try pressing "F8" repeatedly when Windows is first booting. That will bring
you up to the boot screen. Choose "Safe Mode". That will give you the
Administrator option.

"Katrina" <> wrote in message
administrative account or "owner" account. One day I had an owner account to
log on and then one day it just was removed from the log in screen. All I
can do is log in as a limited account member. If anyone has had this problem
or knows how to fix it please reply back because without my administrative
account I am unable to do things needed on my computer. Please help!


Posted: 26 Jun 2004 11:12 AM PDT

Thanks Kevin, problem solved!!! 