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hp notebooks and linux

Posted: 01 Apr 2004 05:01 PM PST

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 02 Apr 2004 07:45:26 GMT,
Damian <arf> wrote:

BillG is still wincing, so I guess so.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

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Jim Richardson
Microsoft - because god hates us

stuck in shutdown

Posted: 01 Apr 2004 10:49 AM PST

mjt wrote: 

I am not sure which file contains those information, but I checked
/var/log/boot.log and /var/log/messages. The only thing failed when
shutdown is "gpm shutdown failed". I don't know what gpm is, but I
don't think this is related, because it was also there on successful
shutdowns. On booting up, again, nothing looks strange.

If it stuck on "unmounting file systems", chances are, the log files are
no longer available to record any errors in.

Can't get mozilla to launch in Fadora after install (newbe)

Posted: 01 Apr 2004 08:28 AM PST

Bill Moore wrote:

.... open a CLI and launch from there to see
any error messages:
mtobler@ren:~$ mozilla
<< >>
God was satisfied with his own work, and that is fatal.
-- Samuel Butler

Frontpage webs show Question Marks????

Posted: 01 Apr 2004 04:38 AM PST

"Bruce Haydon" <com> writes: has the background info...


Pan newsreader (0.14.0): Can't post an article

Posted: 31 Mar 2004 09:01 PM PST

On Wed, 31 Mar 2004 22:01:03 -0700, Valentín Guillén wrote:

Am I? Thought I was using!

Maurice Batey
(Retired in Hampshire, UK)
(Remove 'antispam.' to reply)

How to boot Fedora from XP NTLoader?

Posted: 31 Mar 2004 07:33 PM PST

Thanks for all the advices and help. Really appreciate them a lot.

Few days ago when I did this installation, it took about 1 hour. The
system works out of the box. It correctly detected my video card, LAN
card, even my thumb drive works out of the box. It's really amazing
how good Linux is now!

So, I decided to reinstall Fedora, because I haven't done any
customisation, it's still in the fresh install state. And I also want
to learn to do it right from the start.

Ethan J.

Newbie Question(s)

Posted: 31 Mar 2004 05:45 PM PST

"Silviu Minut" <com> wrote in message
install a 

It's very slightly more fun. A file can easily and is frequently
"hard-linked", so a change in one file means a change to the other and so
that deleting one file does not delete the other. A directory can be
"hard-linked", but this tends to break a *LOT* and is almost never done.

Instead, in many cases, a "symbolic link" is used. When you get a detailes
listing of the file, it looks like:

filename -> directoryname/otherfilename

If you read the link, you read the contents of the other file. But you can
do this with a directory as well, and this is often used when you want two
directories to point to the same location. (In RedHat Linux, /etc/init.d is
a symbolic link to /etc/rc.d/init.d so that scripts using either location
will still work.)

When you do this, if you have the symbolic link pointing back *up* by even
one directory, you guarantee that stuff that follows that symbolic link down
is going to start recursing. So you can put a link in "/tmp/tmp" that
actually links to "/tmp".

Now try doing "cp -r /tmp ~/tmp", and watch the recursion go nutso and
create ~/tmp, ~/tmp/tmp, ~/tmp/tmp/tmp, etc.

20 basic Linux newbie commands to identify the system

Posted: 31 Mar 2004 04:26 PM PST

I believe it was mike who said... just works. Just like on a Mac or Windows.

None... just supply your gateway and DNS information like on any other

Just plug it in like any other system.

No, we dont get your point. You dont have a point... only FUD.

how to access remote files via xmms

Posted: 07 Mar 2004 01:21 PM PST

Andy Fraser wrote: 
Of course !!
Damn I had forgotten about it. Thax a bunch !

I got a little problem setting it up though :

On the server,
I created the export file to the right directory.
then ran the nfs daemon, (checked it, it is running)

On the client,
My kernel supports nfs.
I created in (clientside of course) the /etc/fstab the following line : /mnt/multimedia nfs rw 0 0

but, when I issue the mount -a command, I get :
mount: RPC: system error on host target - Connexion refused

I must have overlooked something....

Your suggestions please ?

LILO configuration error

Posted: 07 Mar 2004 11:14 AM PST

On 7 Mar 2004 11:14:22 -0800,
Prabal <com> wrote: 

Are you sure that's where you want to install lilo? You need a second
boot loader like that. boot=/dev/hda is the mbr.

As Michael Heim mentions, upgrade lilo, RH7.2 has an old version.

Michael C.
Registered Linux User #303915

problem with character set

Posted: 07 Mar 2004 05:32 AM PST

Norbert wrote: 

No, since start of year 2002 iso8859-15 is the right one for Germany and
other Euro-zone countries (-15 is -1 with the Euro currency symbol)

Markku Kolkka

partition problem (partition table issue)

Posted: 07 Mar 2004 12:20 AM PST

On Sun, 07 Mar 2004 13:40:44 -0800,
Thomas D. Shepard <sux> wrote: 


Good idea, but it isn't particulary useful at this junction for him.

Huh, he wants to recover data, not destroy it. The fs exists and may be
fine, he needs to recreate the partition table. mkfs will remove the
directory structure, it also has nothing to do with creating partitions.

Useful in case of an accidental mkfs, not for a missing/corrupt
partition table.

Whether he does or not doesn't matter, this isn't COLA.

And please don't top post.

There are programs out there that will attempt to reconstruct your
partition table. If you can get back into linux, man lilo [-U]
I'm unsure if boot.0300 contains partition table or not.

If the only critical data is on the Fat16 partition and it was
/dev/hda1, use fdisk to recreate the partition so it is larger than what
you had before. Back up data and fdisk, do a

dd if=dev/zero of=/dev/hda1 bs=512 count=4

reboot and reformat. Windows will reformat to the previous size if you
don't zero the first sector even if you change the partition size.

If you need to get info off of other partitions you'll need to find the
start of the partitions and recreate a partition that starts there.
(before formatting of course.)

Good Luck and once you are back up and running implement a back up

Michael C.
Registered Linux User #303915

KDE (CUPS?) upgrade breaks Canon printer

Posted: 05 Mar 2004 09:10 AM PST

On Fri, 05 Mar 2004 11:10:02 -0600, Parker wrote:

CUPS printing under KDE-3.2 under RH9 is broken somewhat, make sure you
have installed;


For the HP-Deskjet People; hpijs-1.5-1.i386.rpm

In addition head over to and
grab(download) both the foomatic-rip and foomatic-gswrapper files. Copy
them to your /usr/bin location and with both of them issue the command as
root 'cmmod 755 foomatic-<the_rest>' without the quotes. And finally issue
the commands (again as root);

service cups restart
/usr/bin/enable <printer_name>

Use; http://localhost:631/printers to figure out the <printer_name> if

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