

Microsoft CRM - crystal reports 9.2.2

Microsoft CRM - crystal reports 9.2.2

crystal reports 9.2.2

Posted: 03 Feb 2004 07:05 AM PST

Thanks Jairy

the sites are still live as i have just connected

"Jairy" <com> wrote in message

Multiple companies

Posted: 02 Feb 2004 01:13 PM PST

I will give this a shot sometime in the week, but in a live enviro, it
could be a pricy due to CRM license requirements?


"John O'Donnell" <com-nospam> wrote in
message news:phx.gbl... 

customizing email template

Posted: 02 Feb 2004 01:06 PM PST

Due to email security. Alot of companies have configured their email
systems not to download HTML images, or if you have outlook 2000 to 2003 it
will prompt you if you want to download the html etc...

this would than make the email look unprofessional (red x box's around the

Also of anti spam software title html emails as **SPAM** (of configured to
alert html emails) which could be filtered to the junk folder.



"Kristina Ledford" <com> wrote in message

Field History, DB Change audit.

Posted: 02 Feb 2004 12:53 PM PST

Right now CRM 1.2 does not track the transation history. It is possible to
have crm call your code after an update called a post callout. The idea that
it completes an operation then runs your code so you could log to a database
for example

"Jake Horn" <com> wrote in message

Referrals for Opportunities

Posted: 02 Feb 2004 11:35 AM PST

Opportunities has a tab called other contacts so you can track any other
contacts related to the opportunity such as if another person referred it to
you etc

"Victoria Yudin" <com> wrote in message

CRM and Pocket PC

Posted: 02 Feb 2004 06:31 AM PST

Here is one for you

"Joe" <> wrote in message

Sales process and workflow definition

Posted: 02 Feb 2004 05:47 AM PST

Sales Processes are specific only to the creation of an
opportunity or applied manually to an opportunity.

For all other entities, you must use workflow processes to
trigger actions.

Communication Error

Posted: 02 Feb 2004 05:33 AM PST

As Peter Cutts said, have you configured the Email Router.....?There was a
post with a same error as you and was fixed by installing the Crm email


"CRMNoobs" <com> wrote in message

Share Portal and CRM on same server

Posted: 02 Feb 2004 01:51 AM PST

I have been investigating this and you are suppose to Install CRM first and
then Shareportal (u need to create a new site for Share portal)

I will update this newsgroup by the end of the day.


"CRMNoobs" <com> wrote in message

Email Templates

Posted: 30 Jan 2004 12:01 PM PST

Hi Peter,

your right. There is a workarround for this issue:
When sending out an e-mail message using a Template to a single recipient
you will need to manually enter in the Subject line for the subject to
appear on the email.


"Peter Cutts" <com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

Offline users and synchronization

Posted: 30 Jan 2004 11:54 AM PST

Further to what Rick says, they'll have to synchronise manually, by
selecting Go Online to connect to the CRM server, and then Go Offline to
force a synchronisation. So I think the answer to the original poster's
query is actually "no", in that this won't work like Gold-Synch (which I
assume does it automatically). But it's possible for the sales reps to
synchronise manually at regular intervals, so they don't need to be online
for very long.


"Rick" <com> wrote in message

Configuration XML, source control, diffing/comparing

Posted: 30 Jan 2004 11:27 AM PST

Hi Mark,
Why don't you use a tool to compare both files? There are good tools
available that show you the differences in detail.


"Mark Schroeder" <> schrieb im
Newsbeitrag news:703a01c3e767$20e433e0$gbl... 

Crystal Reports based on SQL

Posted: 29 Jan 2004 09:19 AM PST

I interested if I can "plant" an existing SQL query into
the Crystal. 
on your client 
server. Enter the 
crystal database is 
server you have to 