

Microsoft Works - Does Works 8 fix....

Microsoft Works - Does Works 8 fix....

Does Works 8 fix....

Posted: 14 Jul 2004 01:23 PM PDT

Hi Neil,

Seems that both these function correctly in Works 8.

Perhaps ensure that video and printer drivers are functioning correctly?

I notice that double-sided printing did not happen for me in Works 7,
though I only had chance to try it quickly, last night. I shall try a little
more today and let you know the outcome (in Works 7).

The resizing was not a problem in either Works 7 or Works 8.

Do you have the detials of the crash ?

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ:

"Phideaux" <com> wrote in message
Works 8? 
may crash works and lose all your changes. 

upgrading microsoft works 95

Posted: 14 Jul 2004 12:47 PM PDT

Works 8.0 will be coming out first week in August.
not to lose. 
<> wrote in message 
95. Is 

Works Load Time

Posted: 13 Jul 2004 06:12 AM PDT

I am using Works 2002 but I also have Word 2003 loaded.

I have to use Works 2002 because the people in the office don't want to convert all of their Works files to Word, so that is my delema. Otherwise I would happily convert everything to Word.


"Kevin James - MSMVP Works" wrote:

micro soft works 2000

Posted: 12 Jul 2004 09:33 AM PDT

I recently crashed and had to re-install XP, still can't find MSword/office. I have a Compaq Presario 14 months old. I hope we can both find a solution to this pain in the laptop.. thanks

"The Six Million Dollar Man" wrote:

Shorcut CD-RW

Posted: 11 Jul 2004 01:35 PM PDT

Hi BearSki,

If I understand you correctly :

You have Works 6 discs.

You have the Win Xp Pro operating system (reinstalled).

You cannot find a file (DVD LIST) that contains a listing of
your DVD collection, containing 417 entries ?

You have reinstalled Works 6.0.

If this is the case then perhaps this helps,

Place you CD/RW disc into the drive.

Open Windows explorer.

Start>Search>For Files or Folders

Set the Lookin to 'My Computer'

Enter the search item DVDLIST

If you are successful in finding this file then you may copy it to
your hard drive ( advisable) and/or double-click it to have
Works run and load it ready for use.

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ:

In news:2a91a01c46786$a683a360$gbl,
Bearski <ca> wrote: 

Microsoft Works 4.5 and Label making

Posted: 11 Jul 2004 11:43 AM PDT

Yep, for sure David.
I'll keep the programs, but will uninstall them :)
It was only recently I found out I could copy and paste images
prior to that I always moved them within explorer.

Makes one wonder just how many other little helpful hints
are lying within the OS, dormant and undiscovered.

(Remove gum to reply)

"DavidF" <com> wrote in message news:#phx.gbl...
| I guess that means you can render your machine even more "mean and lean"
| now. I am always amazed when I "discover" something new and
| different...that's always been there, but I just didn't know it. That's one
| of main reasons I read these groups. G'day...DavidF
| "Rodney" <> wrote in message
| news:ebb8v$phx.gbl...
| > WOW!
| > after reading your post, I was fiddling around with keystrokes,
| > and I have found options that I no longer need either ExpPrint or 12
| ghosts!
| > (This is a major find for me, and will save heaps of time)
| >
| > I knew that in the windows OS, <shift / insert> pastes any clipboard
| items
| > well I have found that within ACDSee <ctrl C> <ctrlv> or <ctrl C> <shift
| / insert>
| > automatically copies <all> file paths from the ACDSee explorer into Works
| > or any other doc,ss,db.
| >
| > (It won't happen in windows explorer BTW)
| >
| > Making labels from File/Folder names will now be an absloute snip.
| >
| > Rgds
| >
| >

Winword.exe Causing DCOM Error (Word 2002)

Posted: 11 Jul 2004 07:20 AM PDT

You also might get a better response posting this in the
Windows Newsgroup. A DCOM is more of a Windows Problem
than a Works Suite problem. You might also want to call
you DSL company see if they know whats wrong.

Works 4.5 address book

Posted: 10 Jul 2004 11:56 AM PDT

I use Works 4.5a on Windows XP Home everyday
"Bill" <net> wrote in message

XP , Works 6 - corruption file name

Posted: 10 Jul 2004 04:53 AM PDT

Hi Simon,

Perhaps create new user account in Windows XP.

Switch to this new account to start Works and see if
the issue continues.

( Also try with a new Administrator account).

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ:

"Simon" <> wrote in message

home inventory lists in works

Posted: 09 Jul 2004 09:33 AM PDT

You are most welcome to it Kate,

Good Luck with the move(s) !
Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2004
Website & FAQ:

In news:2a21501c4666b$3b299050$gbl, <> wrote: 

Prevent The Same From Happening To Your Data !

Posted: 09 Jul 2004 12:21 AM PDT

Kevin James - MSMVP Works wrote: 

Karen's Replicator is a free and easy to use backup program. You can use it
to backup an entire partition or just some important files. It can be run
manually or on any schedule you set. I have it setup to do its backups while
I am sleeping.

As for a place to store your backups, I prefer using a USB thumb drive. They
are small, easy to use, portable, and can be password protected. Although
they are a little more expensive, the price has been steadily falling.

I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says
something about human nature that the only form of life we have created
so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image.

Stephen Hawking (1942 - )

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