

Windows 7 - ms Silverlight & firefox

Windows 7 - ms Silverlight & firefox

ms Silverlight & firefox

Posted: 19 Feb 2010 09:33 AM PST

paul_36 <is.invalid> wrote in news:hlmi0d$ee6$eternal-

Silverlight is MS's version of Flash, so it is up to the web page
developers on whether or not you need Silverlight.

Can't find chkdsk log files

Posted: 19 Feb 2010 04:23 AM PST

"Allen" <> wrote in message

I had to Google to find out :-)
I ran Chkdsk to make sure and it ran in a command window and then closed with
no messages on the screen. From what I remember you only get a message if you
have any errors, so if you had errors then it should have displayed something when
it finished it's scan, something you could have copied.