

Analysis Resource for many projects Microsoft Project

Analysis Resource for many projects Microsoft Project

Analysis Resource for many projects

Posted: 21 Apr 2004 08:46 AM PDT

Good evening Verossa,
Try the following VBA procedure. I tested on only 3 WBS levels, but you
could adapt it for more.
The VBA procedure uses the Text10 and the Flag1 fields. You can change that.

Hope this helps,

Gérard Ducouret [Project MVP]
PragmaSoft ® - Paris

Sub Tache_Projet()
Dim oTache As Object, NomProj As String

For Each oTache In ActiveProject.Tasks
If Not oTache Is Nothing Then
oTache.Text10 = oTache.Name 'Copie de sécurité...
If oTache.Flag1 = False Then 'pour ne pas insérer le nom 2 fois
If oTache.Parent = "Microsoft Project" Then
NomProj = oTache.Name
GoTo Suite
End If
If oTache.Parent.Parent = "Microsoft Project" Then
NomProj = Left(oTache.Parent.Name, Len(oTache.Parent.Name) -
GoTo Suite
End If
If oTache.Parent.Parent.Parent = "Microsoft Project" Then
NomProj = Left(oTache.Parent.Parent.Name,
Len(oTache.Parent.Parent.Name) - 4)
GoTo Suite
End If
oTache.Name = NomProj & " " & oTache.Name
oTache.Flag1 = True
End If
End If

End Sub

"Verossa" <> a écrit dans le message de
project file contains 4 individual projects and I need the output to be
displayed with some type of project identifer. At the present, all the
resources are lumped together and I cannot see which project they correspond
Is there a VBA macro I can purchase to enable this functionality? In actual
fact is there a resource that sells MS Project VBA Macro's that add
additional functionality? 
posts (...and I thought the worst was over) 

Analyze Timescaled Data for resources in master schedule

Posted: 21 Apr 2004 01:26 AM PDT

Hey Gerard

Chelsea v Monaco - Oh well, Monaco deserved to win based on that performance

I think I know need to develop a resource pool. The unfortunate thing about having to do this is managing other project managers who are unwilling to provide the visibility to successfully deliver this task

Rod provided one answer - but I think the resource pool is the best method. Do you have any ideas on my second post regarding resources / multiple projects and exporting to MS Excel

Thanks for the assistance - Vers

Resources Filter

Posted: 21 Apr 2004 12:16 AM PDT

Morning Gerard

Thanks for the response - that's exactly what I am doing! Thanks for pointing that out. The after-effects of Chelsea v Monaco are slowing my brain

Have a good day

Microsoft Poject 98 version

Posted: 20 Apr 2004 04:58 PM PDT

Hi Steve,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

Please see FAQ Item: 18. Memory Problems

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Jeff Chapman wrote: 

Critical path

Posted: 20 Apr 2004 04:31 PM PDT

"Critical" does not mean important or crucial. It is a specific
technical use of the term to mean "a delay in a critical task will
result in a delay in the project completion."

Steve House
MS Project MVP
Visit for the FAQs

"Chuck" <> wrote in message


Posted: 20 Apr 2004 01:24 PM PDT

Hi Carl,

Glad to know the first answer helped most of the way. I
have been racking my brain to come up with an answer to
your question below.

No joy yet, but I'll keep working on it and perhaps
someone else from the group can answer it in the meantime.


Insert Project into the Master Schedule

Posted: 20 Apr 2004 01:16 PM PDT

Thanks that helps 
task (at the right 
dans le message de 


Milestone Summary

Posted: 20 Apr 2004 12:36 PM PDT

Thanks Gerard. I had to substitutue commas for the semi-colons, but it worked fine. It also gave me some additional ideas for setting conditional situations. Best regards, JH

Format Gantt bars to break for overnight nonworking time

Posted: 20 Apr 2004 11:50 AM PDT

Julie, thank you so much. That is just what I needed. Once again,
these newsgroups have helped me out. I appreciate your response;
thanks again.


"JulieS" <> wrote in message news:<1ba201c4270d$f1999990$gbl>... 

Preleveled Start/Finish Do not equal start/finish

Posted: 20 Apr 2004 09:57 AM PDT

Hi Norman,

Read carefully, I mean litterally what I write.
When I say you have to do an explicit round of clear leveling, that is an
explicit, extra run of clear leveling, not just putting "clear leveling
values before leveling", no, go to tools, resource leveling, click clear
leveling and then again tools, resource leveling, level now.
The "clear leveling values" tick doesn't play any part in this preleveled
start story.
Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"Norman Sanin" <com> schreef in bericht


add orange to ghantt bar

Posted: 20 Apr 2004 08:38 AM PDT

Could be,but as a color for font it is present in Word (not to highlight)
And AFAIK all cultures in the world recognize it as a traffic light color..

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"Mark Durrenberger" <com> schreef in bericht

Start and End Times

Posted: 19 Apr 2004 03:14 PM PDT

.... damn; I wish all things were that easy.

"JulieS" <> wrote in message

Ganatt View, End Dates

Posted: 19 Apr 2004 01:51 PM PDT

OK Christine,

1. Try Format/Test Styles.
2. You neet to set a Finish No Earlier Than constraint on the appropriate
tasks. Not a recommended technique as your project will lose flexibility
and limit what you can do to manage slippage, etc.

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Christine wrote: