

Microsoft Word - How do I enable double sided printing?

Microsoft Word - How do I enable double sided printing?

How do I enable double sided printing?

Posted: 18 Apr 2013 11:07 AM PDT

I have read all the answers.

Please read carefully!

I am using win 7.
I replaced word 2003 with word 2007.
I can NO LONGER print dual-sided. Manual dual sided printing is available but not of use.

Please help find a soulution.

Update Bookmarks

Posted: 18 Apr 2013 08:35 AM PDT

I have a form that requires information to be inputted into many different locations in the document. I am trying to figure out a macro that fires on exit so that when the first form field is filled in it auto comletes the other fields that require the same information. For example Bookmark 1, 5, and 15 should all read the same. Can I put an on exit macro on bookmark 1 that will fill in bookmark 5 and bookmark 15. All bookmarks are text form fields.

How do I create a unique label indicating I am donating a book in memory of

Posted: 17 Apr 2013 06:10 PM PDT

I am donating a dozen books to an institution.  I want to dedicate each one to a different person.  How do I create a label to do this?

Can text flow from wide column to narrow column?

Posted: 17 Apr 2013 01:41 PM PDT

A newsletter has two columns - they are not the same width for good reasons - on page 1. Pages 2 through N have two equal-width columns. Pages O through X do not have columns - just ordinary pages. Is it possible for text to naturally (be made to) flow from Page 1, Column 2 to Page 2 Column 1? The rest is drop-dead easy.

Mail Merge for Half-page Certificates

Posted: 17 Apr 2013 12:43 PM PDT

I'm trying to create award certificates for students who participate in student activities, like a science fair. The certificates are designed 2-up on a letter-size page. There are hundreds of certificates to produce, so I'm thinking mail merge is the way to go. Is there a template I can access, or a way I can set this up to use the mail merge feature in Word? Each certificate will include the student's name on one line, and the activity they parcipated in on the next line.

Word 2013 - Prompted every time to 'select program' to open new, docx files

Posted: 17 Apr 2013 10:09 AM PDT

Using Windows 7 and Office 2013, I'm creating and saving brand new Word files as docx.  When I go back to a file and double click it, I'm asked EVERY TIME "what program do I want to use to open the file" with the selections of searching the web or using a program installed on my computer.  I chose Word every time, and continue to re-save as docx and try again with the same issue. 

And there are no Word logos next to my new docx file names either in the folder--just blank squares.  Whereas Excel and PPT files have the logos, I double click them, the files open up right away--I'm not asked to 'select a program' to open the file.

Please help, thanks!

editing the details pane information

Posted: 17 Apr 2013 06:01 AM PDT

How can I show "Last Saved By" in the details pane Word 2010. I know I can go into properties and see the info there, but it would be easier to view it in the details pane.

How can I make Word 2013 open in Draft View by default?

Posted: 15 Apr 2013 09:27 PM PDT

I use Word 2013 on a 14" laptop and the default view, Print Layout, is a colossal waste of space, but I can't get the program to open in Draft View by default. Have done the following:
  • Changed settings to "allow documents to open in Draft View"
  • Saved documents in Draft View...they re-open in Print Layout
  • Tried to change New Document template to Draft View but new documents still only open in Print Layout.

I hope that the answer is not "you have to change to draft view every single time you open a document." There are already a lot more clicks / action in Word 2013 than in previous versions.

Have searched forums but there doesn't seem to be an answer for this in Word 2013.

Thanks for your assistance.


unwanted file name with symbol ~$

Posted: 12 Apr 2013 08:59 AM PDT

Hi , I have most of the files saved in duplicate with the above symbol. eg one of the file is ~$ecords.doc and original file also saved as records.doc in microsoftt word file. i am using microsoft office 2010 premium plus. i will appreciate your help
with kind regards
dr shahid abbas

mergefield for date format not working after a computer upgrade

Posted: 12 Apr 2013 08:10 AM PDT

I recently had a computer upgrade, Prior to the upgrade when I used the mergefield format for a date field I could use {MERGEFIELD REQUEST_DATE \ @ "MMMM d, yyyy" } and it would show properly as January 1, 2013, now it will only show 01/01/2013.  Not sure what could have changed in the upgrade, I'm still using the same Word 2010 software.  Any suggestions on what I might need to do to get back to the proper formating of my dates?

How to save word file as normal .doc without '_files'.

Posted: 12 Apr 2013 05:05 AM PDT

We've just had a new computer set up in the office with Windows 7 and running MS Office 2007.

We have a web form for staff to fill in which then saves as a word (.doc) on the shared network drive. We then usually open these in Word, edit them, save them back as a .doc file then email them to head office.

Since having the new computer though, when we try and save the file after editing them, Word seems to create a folder with the same name as the folder but with '_files' at the end which contains 3 files.

We've tried using 'Save As' but then you seem to get stuck in a loop and it keeps asking where you want to save all the time.

When we had Windows XP we never had this issue so it was a case of editing them then either save or close Word and saving on exit and all was fine.

Thanks :)

Creating a Toolbar Microsoft Project

Creating a Toolbar Microsoft Project

Creating a Toolbar

Posted: 30 Jun 2004 08:20 PM PDT

Hi Rob,

Sure any file can contain a toolbar... but I never succeeded in SHOWING one
that isn't present in the Global as well

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"Rob Schneider" <> schreef in bericht
a specific template, not in other project files or in the global mpt. 

Task Duration

Posted: 30 Jun 2004 07:02 PM PDT


You are correct. Project tracks time to the minute and it
is certainly configurable (limited) via the Tools/Options
tab into hours etc. It becomes more of a problem during
levelling or resolving resource over allocations. A
problem that could be (easily?) resolved if during
levelling it was possible to force project, via a
preference setting, to adjust the duration to the nearest
15 minutes. The transport from Project into the external
accounting system is a manual process at present. The
significance is having project and the accounting systems
balance. Have tried the creation of durations in a
spreadsheet and copy/paste into project....but once
levelling etc is done I get the same result.
What I do is after I finalise a baselined project, then
manually adjust the duration allocation via the Task Usage
for each resource - okay for small projects but an
absolute nightmare for large projects. Even more so when
updating the plan with actuals.
The only other thought I have been "entertaining" is to
write a VB script to do this.....but I would prefer not.

recall. It's 
Tools/Options, Schedule tab 
units, and use 
the data out, 
display any number 

hiding columns

Posted: 30 Jun 2004 12:23 PM PDT

Right mouse click on the column header to see "hide" column. As you do
that, notice just above that menu is the "insert" column command. You
can find this in Help by asking the "answer wizard" that question.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.


Gabrielle wrote: 

upgrade to 2003

Posted: 30 Jun 2004 08:20 AM PDT

Hi Joe,

If you are using the Standard version of 2000, upgrading to 2003 Standard is
simple :) If you're talking about the Professional version and integrating
with servers - that's a real task - in which case, try posting on the server
newsgroup. (Please see FAQ Item: 24. Project Newsgroups.)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Mike Glen
Project MVP

"joe" <> wrote in message

FAQ Assigning Work Rather than Units

Posted: 30 Jun 2004 07:44 AM PDT

Glad you're on the right lines now :-)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

"JeremyE" <> wrote in message
resources, it was GREAT! I finally found out what I was doing wrong. Using
the Window/Split feature is a great time saver, and let's me actually see
the difference between Units and Work. 
files I have already done, but at least now I know what the heck is going
seen at 
Units. I 

write protection within the file

Posted: 30 Jun 2004 07:34 AM PDT

Thank you 
best approach to 
project plan into four 
security so that each 
view the entire 
create a master 
Hope this helps. 

% Complete, etc.

Posted: 30 Jun 2004 06:55 AM PDT

Hear Hear!
Percentages are calculated things (noone really works percentages) so let
the computer calculate them!

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"Sarah" <com> schreef in bericht 

Problem using Access to update Project

Posted: 28 Jun 2004 04:42 PM PDT

OK. I printed all the 75 pages. But I'm a newbie in Project trying to access
a project mpp file via access.
In Access, how can I open this file?


"Rod Gill" <com> escreveu na mensagem

Open Office - [discuss] UNO

Open Office - [discuss] UNO

[discuss] UNO

Posted: 12 Mar 2007 11:50 PM PDT

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Kay Ramme wrote: 

thank you very much, and it is a very nice implementation. love the concept




[discuss] Search files

Posted: 12 Mar 2007 03:14 PM PDT

Hi Jonathon

Yes, as long as you can install the programs. Download them onto another
computer and install them from CD or memory stick.

Adrian Try
Try Another Angle
Computer software should be affordable, effective and safe.

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[discuss] open source developers

Posted: 12 Mar 2007 08:40 AM PDT


Just wondering about this. Not sure if this is the right place to send
the question, or whether the answer is already available somewhere, but
I'm really curious:

When you developers work on open-source projects for OpenOffice, are you
paid by your company to do so, or do you do it primarily because of
interest, during your own free time outside of working hours?

Also, just want to say thanks for the great job! I never use MS Office
anymore, except during my finance class where Excel knowledge is
compulsory. But even then, doing everything on Calc first is so much
easier for me.


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[discuss] How to import documents??

Posted: 10 Mar 2007 12:46 AM PST

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline

oops: copy to OP

2007/3/10, Guy Voets <com>: 

using dutch OOo 2.2 RC 2 on a iMac Intel DualCore Tiger
and dutch OOo 2.2 RC 2 on a G4 PPC Powerbook Tiger
-- please reply only to org --
Dodoes can't afford to have headaches


[discuss] Suggestions for OpenOffice Org- THANK YOU

Posted: 08 Mar 2007 05:05 PM PST

On Wed, 2007-03-07 at 13:21 -0500, Ryan T wrote: 

Not that I'm aware of. I'm surprised a grammar checker is seen as such a
show stopper. In my experience in schools the grammar checker confuses
more than it helps. Those able enough to interpret the grammar checker
generally don't need a grammar checker :-)

I believe this is being considered but its not simple because of the way
OOo is designed.

There are tutorials in various places, contributions to add to them are
always welcome. Do you know about the wiki?


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[discuss] How to show chart equation

Posted: 03 Mar 2007 04:14 PM PST

Hi, wrote: 

This is indeed missing still - see issue 7998

My personal plan is to have this among the next things to implement
after the re-implementation of the chart is finished.

Best Regards,

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[discuss] OOo Knowledgebase reaches 1000 questions!

Posted: 03 Mar 2007 01:57 AM PST

On 04/03/2007, at 10:37 AM, Alexandro wrote:

Hi Alexandro,

Multilingual support is something I would like to see as well, but
unfortunately, it wont be happening soon based on my contribution. :)
I might look at doing it through a funded coding project or something
in the future and see if I get any takers.


Jonathon Coombes
OOo Knowledgebase:-

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Microsoft Word - why is my printer printing backwards

Microsoft Word - why is my printer printing backwards

why is my printer printing backwards

Posted: 16 Apr 2013 08:01 PM PDT

my printer is printing everything backwards  please help


Posted: 16 Apr 2013 03:42 PM PDT


missing "save as" operation

Posted: 16 Apr 2013 11:12 AM PDT

After opening an MSWord ".doc" file, when I click on File and expand the menu, I no longer see "Save As" as an operation.

I see "Save As Web Page", but not simply "Save As".

I am certain I had that option in the past.  I don't know how recently the change occurred or what have might have changed in the interim.

How can I remedy the problem without doing "Detect and Repair" or "Repair Office"?

(I have a "screwy" set-up, and I am afraid that either of those repair operation will alter it undesirably.)

PS:  Of course, my work-around is to copy the ".doc" file to its new name first.  But I would still like to restore the "save as" feature, if I can.

Paste results of TREE command as text

Posted: 15 Apr 2013 01:22 PM PDT

Greetings, dear users!

  I often use a Windows standard TREE command to generate tree of my project folder (see example).
  However I want to copy (mark) and paste output of TREE from terminal windows to Word I get an unacceptable result (see result).

  Can you suggest me how to paste output of TREE command as text to Word with preserving nice formatting please?

  Thank you!

Word 2013 numbered headings

Posted: 15 Apr 2013 06:29 AM PDT

I am using Word 2013 on both my laptop and my desktop. I often want to number my headings with a multilevel style, such as this:


1. Heading 1

1.1 Heading 2

2. Heading 1

2.1 Heading 2

2.2. Heading 2

2.2.1 Heading 3


This style of numbering is built-in in Word and I have used it often before. On my laptop this is still working fine, but on my desktop if I select the numbered lists, it discards the style of the heading and also the heading templates do not get a number. So if I use the default template in Word 2013, instead of a blue Calibri Light 16 heading, it reverts to calibri 11 with a number in front of it. If I create a new heading 1, it also does not get a number. If I do exactly the same on my laptop, it works fine.


Both my laptop and desktop are fully updated with Office 2013.


Anybody knows how to fix this strange behaviour? Thank you.

How do I change my text I have already typed from Vertitical to Horizontal

Posted: 11 Apr 2013 08:46 AM PDT

How do I change my text I have already typed from Vertitical to Horizontal. I type and saved my document in Word 2007 vertically, but I want to change it to Horizontally. Help so that I can change it to horizontally. Thanks. from sage180

newbie apt-get question - Forums Linux

newbie apt-get question - Forums Linux

newbie apt-get question

Posted: 27 Jun 2004 11:48 AM PDT

In comp.os.linux.setup, Chris Murray uttered these immortal words:
################################################## ######################### 

You are tracking stable. The other lines aren't for official Debian mirrors.
To use official Debian testing or unstable mirrors you need a line like:

deb unstable main non-free contrib

(Replace the URL with another if you want a different mirror and replace
unstable with testing if you want that branch instead. Duplicate the libe
with a different URL for more sources. I haven't bothered with source lines

The caveat: adding packages from testing or unstable to a stable
install /could/ cripple your installation. Depending on what you install
some important packages could, and probably will, be upgraded and /could/
stop some software from working. It's better to Google for backports for
Woody if you're unsure of what you're doing.


What is md5sum?

Posted: 27 Jun 2004 11:43 AM PDT

In comp.os.linux.setup, Frogman
on 27 Jun 2004 11:43:22 -0700

md5sum is an implementation of RFC1321. For details thereon
see your local manpages and .

#191, net
It's still legal to go .sigless.

Installing onto Fedora

Posted: 26 Jun 2004 05:53 AM PDT

Hash: SHA1

Robert Solomon wrote:
| I have no experience w/ C or its flavors. I never left Pascal-Modula2.
| Is there a C compiler that comes w/ Fedora? Or is there one that I can
| d/l?
| So many questions, so little time <grin>

While I don't use Fedora, most Linux distros include GCC (The GNU
Compiler Collection), which handles many of the more popular programming
languages, including C and C++. I can't imagine RedHat not including it
in Fedora.

Also, you don't have to be a programmer to compile from source. More
often than not, it's as simple as:

make install

:) I've installed a number of programs this way.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Unable to boot from RAID after fresh install

Posted: 26 Jun 2004 02:33 AM PDT

Davide Bianchi wrote:

I know, and the setup program indicates that it will load the megaraid
driver. Still, it doesn't.

The problem seems to be a bug in the SUSE 9.1 install program, probably
related to smp kernels and incorrect module settings. It installs the
smp kernel, but the module paths are incorrect so the kernel cannot find
the modules.

Just for kicks, I tried to install Suse 8.0. That version worked
perfectly. It is rather old, though. Not sure if I'll keep it or not.


How to Format ext3 in Redhat???

Posted: 25 Jun 2004 06:01 PM PDT

Hash: SHA1
NotDashEscaped: You need GnuPG to verify this message

[ Please consider setting up Followup-To ]

In comp.os.linux.setup com suggested: 

Your install doesn't seem to be complete, or you are running an
older version of RH ES/AS? But then you should be able to create
ext2 and (AFAIR) switch on journaling using 'tune2fs' (man tune2fs).

# mkfs.ext3 --help
mke2fs 1.32 (09-Nov-2002)
mkfs.ext3: invalid option -- -
Usage: mkfs.ext3 [-c|-t|-l filename] [-b block-size] [-f fragment-size]
[-i bytes-per-inode] [-j] [-J journal-options] [-N number-of-inodes]
[-m reserved-blocks-percentage] [-o creator-os] [-g blocks-per-group]
[-L volume-label] [-M last-mounted-directory] [-O feature[,...]]
[-r fs-revision] [-R raid_opts] [-qvSV] device [blocks-count]

# rpm -qf `which mkfs.ext3`

# file `which mkfs.ext3`
/sbin/mkfs.ext3: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version
1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, dynamically linked (uses shared
libs), stripped

Michael Heiming (GPG-Key ID: 0xEDD27B94)
mail: echo qr | perl -pe 'y/a-z/n-za-m/'
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


grub manual boot help

Posted: 25 Jun 2004 02:03 AM PDT

I checked menu.1st file, which is linked to grub.conf.

My question is,
how would grub know where the boot partition is located ?
( equivalent to setting " root (hd0,6) " )
Once grub finds out where it is, I am sure one can write a program to go
to the particular partition, but the information seems to be hard coded to
stage1 file.
In this case, is there any other way to direct grub to the boot partition
( which is located in the different partition from the info in stage1 file
) other than reinstalling grub ?

please correct me if i am wrong


On Sun, 27 Jun 2004, [ISO-8859-2] Micha³ Kosmulski wrote:

No Internet Connection

Posted: 24 Jun 2004 08:53 PM PDT

Thanks for the suggestion. Will try it.


"Alan Connor" <yyy> wrote in message

Fedora install can't see CD or hard drives

Posted: 24 Jun 2004 03:26 PM PDT

> Wow. How did you manage that? The diskboot image weighs in at 6MB; 

In /pub/linux/fedora/core/1/i386/os/images there's a bootdisk.img that's
1.4M (there's also a diskboot.img that's 6M). But the 1.4M bootdisk is not
in the FC2 release.

Thanks for the suggestion. What I ended up doing was finding a grub image
and copying FC2-CD1 to a Windows partition on the hard drive and pointed
grub to the isolinux directory within that. It then recognized my SCSI
controller and loaded the appropriate driver (aic7xxx) and was able to get
the CDROM after that (but still can't boot from it). Thanks again

Fedora 2 CD creation / iso

Posted: 24 Jun 2004 03:04 PM PDT

On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 15:51:05 -0000, John Thompson
<> wrote:

It worked fine for me as well using Nero 6. I have stopped using Roxio
because with them trying to make it usable by people who barely know
how to switch on a computer, they have made it painfull for people who
have a clue. With nero you just select "Burn Image" and you can then
select the iso file and burn.

Anton Erasmus

How do I disable 'vim' highlighting?

Posted: 24 Jun 2004 02:15 PM PDT

Michael C. wrote:

Lovely - I like that solution - cheers

dual monitor setup

Posted: 23 Jun 2004 10:35 PM PDT

Amol Inamdar wrote:

I just succeeded to make it work on my system!! I got an
nVidia dual head card (actually, it would seem like nowadays
basically all video cards are dual head, even if they don't
say so -- if they have a VGA output + a DVI output, then
they work as "dual head" -- I thought it was just BS of
the salesguy to convince me, but no, it did work)

With that, you just have to download the nVidia drivers
(, get the IA32 driver, and check APPENDIX I
for instructions to setup the "Twin Mode")

The only detail I have to sort out is that it gives me *one*
desktop as if it were *one* screen at 2048 by 768. In
particular, if a software displays a dialog box centered,
the box will show half on the left monitor, half on the
right monitor :-( I think that's what Xinerama solves,
but I haven't checked how to put the two together.



Microsoft Word - The format of a multi-level list

Microsoft Word - The format of a multi-level list

The format of a multi-level list

Posted: 15 Apr 2013 03:55 AM PDT

I am writing a technical book and used to  be able to create a mutli-level list in the format 1, 1.1, 1.1.1 etc. for headings, sub headings and sub-subheadings respectively. I can no longer do that because the default has somehow changed to I, A, 1 etc which I DO NOT WANT!  How do I change the multi-level list format back to what I had?

Hello, how would I achieve this effect, please

Posted: 14 Apr 2013 09:21 AM PDT|


I mean the soft gradient at the top only. I think there are tables hidden in that template which make it difficult to customise, so it would be easier if I started from scratch. Achieving that gradient would be the first step.


Any help appreciated.


Thank you.

When I try to open a document in my library it says" Microsoft word 2010 can not be opened .

Posted: 12 Apr 2013 12:44 PM PDT

Help, some how I have lost Microsoft word 2010 . It can not be opened  and says to try agian or repair the product using Control Panel. I can not figure how to do this, where to look in control panel. I tried downloading a new versiono of it but that did nto work. 

How can I create an arrow that is wider at one end than the other?

Posted: 12 Apr 2013 07:50 AM PDT

I am trying to create an arrow that is wide at one end and narrow at the other.  I don't see any option for this.  Can someone advise me on how to do this?

Varying Footers in Word 2010 Document

Posted: 11 Apr 2013 11:17 AM PDT

I have created a document from a template and want to add a footer to last page. I created a page break that is visible when i "show" formatting, but i do not see a 2nd section in the footer area of last page and the "link to previous" button is turned off. I am not seeing anything in the formatting that would cause this.

how to export a network plan from project to visio Microsoft Project

how to export a network plan from project to visio Microsoft Project

how to export a network plan from project to visio

Posted: 30 Jun 2004 12:56 AM PDT

In 2003 the analysis tool bar has a Visio WBS wisard, but
you will have to re-arrange and re-establish the
precedence links (convert from WBS org chart to a Flow
Chart) in Visio.

Protecting Salaries

Posted: 29 Jun 2004 04:11 PM PDT

You're welcome, :-)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

"JeremyE" <> wrote in message
seen at 
well as 

Linking tasks with no particular order

Posted: 29 Jun 2004 01:40 PM PDT

JeremyE --

A technique I like to use in this situation is to do the following:

1. Do not set dependencies on any of the 10 tasks since there are no hard
logic dependencies between the tasks
2. Set the Duration of each task to 10 days since each task must be
performed within a 10-day "window of opportunity"
3. Assign the resource at only 10% Units on each of the 10 tasks

The advantages of using the above scenario are:

(A) You do not have to level the project because you have not overallocated
the resource on these 10 tasks
(B) The resource can work the tasks in any order
(C) When actuals are entered for these 10 tasks, you will see exactly how
the work was performed and in what time period for each task

Just my opinion. Hope this helps.

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"JeremyE" <> wrote in message
coded". I don't care what order the pages are coded in, so when I link them
all together it seems as if one has to be coded right after the other, in
order, and so on... Is there a way to tell Project that all of these tasks
just have to be done within 10 days or something like that, and the order
they are completed doesn't matter? Or should I just schedule them one after
the other and when I actually complete them I will update the ACTUAL dates?

Arrow on Arrow

Posted: 29 Jun 2004 01:26 PM PDT


The network diagram view is activity on node. Not activity on arrow.
So sorry to say you can't do this.


"Lucinda Brookens" <> wrote in message

WBS Cannot Renumber

Posted: 29 Jun 2004 01:08 PM PDT

After moving, deleting, or rearranging tasks, their
custom work breakdown structure (WBS) codes may no longer
be in the correct sequence. You can renumber the WBS
codes of all or selected tasks. On the View menu, click a
sheet of task or resource information.

In the Task Name field, select the tasks you want to

To renumber WBS codes for all tasks, you don't need to
select any tasks.

On the Project menu, point to WBS, and then click
Renumber. To correct the WBS code sequence for selected
adjacent tasks, click Selected tasks.
To correct the WBS code sequence for all tasks in the
project, click Entire project.

Hope this helps!

wholesale copy of users and enterprise resource pool

Posted: 29 Jun 2004 03:41 AM PDT

Lynne --

If you wish to pick and choose the resources, then you might try the
following technique:

1. Back up the Enterprise Global on Project Server instance #1 (PS#1)
2. Restore the Enterprise Global on Project Server instance #2 (PS#2)

Doing so will transfer your custom fields and outline codes to PS#2.

3. Launch Microsoft Project and connect to PS#1
4. Open a new blank project (this project will store the desired resources)
4. Click Tools - Build Team from Enterprise
5. Add the desired resources to the team and click OK
6. Save the project as an .mpp file in a network folder and close the
7. Close Microsoft Project on PS#1
8. Launch Microsoft Project and connect to PS#2
9. Click Tools - Import Resources to Enterprise
10. Select the .mpp project containing the desired resources
11. Carefully complete each of the Import Wizard pages to import the

Just a thought. Hope this helps.

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"lynne baker" <com> wrote in message