

Days in a Month... Microsoft Project

Days in a Month... Microsoft Project

Days in a Month...

Posted: 01 Mar 2006 07:16 PM PST

Hey, I can do that. Good idea!

"Rod Gill" wrote:

How do I compare actual to planned completion times

Posted: 01 Mar 2006 10:33 AM PST

Hi Jeff,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

You might like to have a look at my series on Microsoft Project in the
TechTrax ezine, particularly #25 on Tracking, at this site: or this:
(Perhaps you'd care to rate the article before leaving the site, :)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Jeff Budau wrote: 

Snapshot 10-line maximum

Posted: 01 Mar 2006 09:43 AM PST

Hi Rachello,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Try using a Flag field to identify what you want and then filter for that

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Rachello wrote: 

Locating a circular reference

Posted: 01 Mar 2006 08:27 AM PST

In article <com>,
"Andrew K" <> wrote:

The only reason I can think of for an intermittent circular reference is
if calculation is set to manual. The error will only show when the
schedule attempts to calculate.

Did you try the interative build of the master? If so, how did it go?

Project MVP 

Major problem

Posted: 01 Mar 2006 08:05 AM PST

In article <>,
"TBA" <com> wrote:

You may get a better response by posting to our sister newsgroup that
deals with Project Server. Try, microsoft.public.project.server

Project MVP

Project File Size using MS Project 2000

Posted: 01 Mar 2006 06:22 AM PST

In article <>,
"" <> wrote:

You're right, for a Project file with 2000 lines, several megabytes is
definitely bloated. You said the methods in FAQ 43 don't work for you.
Does that mean you are unable to save as a .mpd and re-open as .mpp or
simply that doing so has no noticeable effect on the file size?

You said you convert the file every week for your customer. The word
"convert" bothers me. Are you really converting the file or simply doing
a "Save As" to a .csv? If it's the latter then I see no problem but if
you are actually converting and re-opening the file between .mpp and
..csv, I'd say that is an process that is ripe for causing corruption.

The fact that you get a Winproj.exe error tells me there might be a
problem with Project itself. Before the IT folks show up I'd try running
Detect and Repair found under the Project menu. However you need the
installation CD to run that repair and if the IT folks are the only
people who have the CD then you have to wait for them anyway.

It sounds like the calendar and link issues are related to .csv
conversion. I'd dispense with all the converting, get the file squared
away and then re-configure the calendar and links as necessary. Then
just work with the file as a standard .mpp. Use a "save as" for the
customer's .csv but keep that conversion one-way.

Project MVP

import from outlook to project

Posted: 01 Mar 2006 06:11 AM PST

It is pretty easy using VBA code. See
There you will find two macros I wrote. They sort of do the opposite of what
you are trying to do - one of them exports your Project tasks to Outlook
tasks, the other retrieves status information from Outlook and updates your
Project file. If you are familiar with VBA, you should be able to use the
code in these two macros to create one that does what you want. Email me if
you have any questions.
Good luck,
Rick Williams

"Mireillea" <> wrote in message

Help! all project tasks are starting on the same day-

Posted: 01 Mar 2006 06:11 AM PST

One more thing, Go to Tools>Options>Calculation and turn the calculation to
Automatic. As you make logic ties the task will move in time. It might be
helpful to add the Task Form on the view. Right moust click in the graphic
area and click on Split. The task form will pop up. Now right mouse click in
the task form area and then click on one of the options. Good Luck.

"Kathleen" wrote:

Automatically level resources unit work

Posted: 01 Mar 2006 05:37 AM PST

Hey Steve,

Thanks for all that info! It has really helped. I understand Levelling a bit
more now!

"Steve House [Project MVP]" wrote:

Part time resources? (newbie question)

Posted: 01 Mar 2006 01:32 AM PST

Thanks Steve for answering! (Actually I found out the answer by myself
10 minutes ago - Sometimes lost, but not always...)


Updating schedules sharing resource pools

Posted: 01 Mar 2006 12:00 AM PST

Hi Sue OZ,

You are welcome. Glad to know it worked and thanks for the feedback.

"Sue OZ" <> wrote in message

Can't Restore Outline Structure

Posted: 28 Feb 2006 10:06 PM PST


Apparently MSP has a problem with a projector, which is what caused the
problem. I was connected to a computer projector when I booted up. When I
made the switch to the screen, the problem occurred.

Solution: disconnect everything and reboot, THEN connect the projector to
the computer, THEN make the screen switch if necessary.


"Jan De Messemaeker" wrote:

I want to write Project code - need ideas!

Posted: 28 Feb 2006 05:42 PM PST

Hi Glenn!
This will be no problem. Email me at net and we can
discuss it.
Rick Williams

"Glenn Bosch" <Glenn> wrote in message

Breakup Projects in Master File

Posted: 28 Feb 2006 03:41 PM PST

In article <com>,
"annbklyn" <> wrote:

Well, I think your issue is different from Hadi's. Hadi needs to break
up a master file, it sounds like you need to create one.

It also looks like DavidC has provided a couple of viable approaches. If
you have further questions, please let us know.


Tracking costs by percent complete does not work!!

Posted: 28 Feb 2006 03:33 PM PST

In article <>,
com wrote:

I have to apologize for my opening comment in my original reply. After I
wrote it and hit send, I realized that it wasn't very professional. I'm

But something you mentioned above really caught me off guard. You mean 9
women can NOT do a baby in 1 month? Wow, I need to rethink my whole view
of family planning ;-)

One way to work around the case of material cost "polluting" the total
cost is to create separate task lines for labor and material. The total
cost value at the top level will of course include all cost types, but
at least at the task level, labor is isolated, and its also possible to
use the Grouping feature to sum costs up separately.

The reason 100% complete gives 100% value is because 100% in the %
Complete field guarantees the % Work Complete field is also 100%. That
same relationship may or may not hold for values less than 100%. If a
resource is assigned at 100% for the full time the task spans the the
two % complete fields will track one for one. For example let's say a
task is 40 hours duration and Joe is assigned to work it at 100%. The
Work field then also becomes 40 hours and 50% entered into the %
Complete field or the % Work Complete field will yield a value of 50% in
the Cost field for that task, assuming the task has labor only.

Hopefully this clarifies it further.

Project MVP

How do I unhide the 'Task Name' column in Project 2003 ?

Posted: 28 Feb 2006 02:19 PM PST

Maybe, Trevor, but it certainly isn't the first time it's been asked :)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Trevor Rabey wrote: 

Monthly Report

Posted: 28 Feb 2006 01:41 PM PST


I need to produce a weekly/monthly report by Client, project and resources
allocated to the project of the Client. What's the best reporting format i
can use in the Report Tool? Do i have to customized?

Currently my project plan is in this hierarchy:

2006 Scope of Work-1st level

Audi (Client) - 2nd level
Project 1- 3rd level
Project 2- 3rd level
Project 3- 3rd level

Time Warner (Client) - 2nd level
Project 1- 3rd level
Project 2- 3rd level
Project 3- 3rd level

I will assign resources for each project and resources are shared. How can i
report on this for the Client to see how each project is doing and how many
hrs the resources are working for each project.




"Jermyca" wrote:

How do I contact microsoft without paying $35?

Posted: 28 Feb 2006 12:41 PM PST

Hi daredo222 ,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

What's your problem? Can we help?

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

daredo222 wrote: 

WBS elements - I recall they are never to be below 40 hours????

Posted: 28 Feb 2006 11:11 AM PST


I doubt this is ever published as a guidance.
It may be true in most projects but some projects (like moving and
reinstalling a server room) sometime must be done within 48 hours - with
tasks averaging 1 hour.

Jan De Messemaeker, Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
For FAQs:
"ProjectMGR" <> schreef in bericht

Project Plan Protaction

Posted: 28 Feb 2006 07:42 AM PST


Thanks yet again for your advise.



"John" wrote:

why did task line change to blue in MSP2003 ?

Posted: 28 Feb 2006 06:30 AM PST

In article <com>,
"canus86" <> wrote:

Wow, I like the easy ones, and, you're welcome.


Can you change the Duration to Calendar Days?

Posted: 28 Feb 2006 05:57 AM PST

Perfect. That is exactly what I needed. Thanks a lot!!

"John" wrote:

No resources in resource center,how to add?

Posted: 28 Feb 2006 05:00 AM PST

Hi Stefan,

Try posting on the server newsgroup. Please see FAQ Item: 24. Project
Newsgroups. FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information
can be seen at this web address:

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Stefan wrote: 

Microsoft CRM - Picklist Value displayed is not an option in the list.....weird.

Microsoft CRM - Picklist Value displayed is not an option in the list.....weird.

Picklist Value displayed is not an option in the list.....weird.

Posted: 24 Oct 2005 01:21 PM PDT

More than likely it is because the string map value that was associated
with 341 was deleted. If you delete a value for that picklist field and
records had that value they will no longer show the name value but the
assoicated numerical value.

MattNC wrote: 

Questions on v3.0

Posted: 24 Oct 2005 12:42 PM PDT

Hi Dodd!

Dodd wrote: 

In addition to what Matt and "CRM Expert" (who is that?) already stated, the
CRM 3.0 Implementation Guide has already been released as well:

Microsoft CRM 3.0 Implementation Guide


Arne Janning

Migration From GoldMine to CRM?

Posted: 24 Oct 2005 07:58 AM PDT


I did similar work, develop tool to import & Export the contacts from
diffrent data to MS CRM.

I am ready to work for you, mail me on com

Microsoft CRM Expert - CRM & .Net

All about Microsoft CRM 3.0- read

"Yexy" wrote:

1.2 to 3.0 Question

Posted: 24 Oct 2005 05:15 AM PDT

Yes, there is no different of early access and it is beta for some qualified
partners only not for all.

Public beta will be release after some time..

For updates see my blog or mail me on com

Microsoft CRM Expert - CRM & .Net

All about Microsoft CRM 3.0- read

"dmn8" wrote:

Unable to sum actual revenue after exporting opportunity into exce

Posted: 24 Oct 2005 03:09 AM PDT

Hi John,

Even when i formatted the column into number, the sum function was not
working. One thing i noticed that the dollar sign was attached to the number.
Was that possible the cause as why the sum function was not working??


"John O'Donnell" wrote:

Release of 9.0

Posted: 23 Oct 2005 03:23 PM PDT

Hi Jeremy!

jeremy wrote: 

In addition to what Ronald already stated the public (and final) beta will
be available to partners in "the week of October, 24th".


Arne Janning

How to make a field as Read Only

Posted: 21 Oct 2005 01:40 PM PDT

As it goes triggers are not supported. But in V 3.0 Read only is now
somehting you can support.
Pierre Hulsebus - CRM Consultant
Certified Integration Between Microsoft CRM to Microsoft Solomon

"BizWorld" wrote:

Question about CRM & MS Project

Posted: 21 Oct 2005 07:59 AM PDT

Yes, I talked to them today. It's around $800/user


"Junkyard Engineer" wrote:

Crystal Report viewer errors

Posted: 21 Oct 2005 05:20 AM PDT

I work with the gent who started the post, and I believe it's from CRM. I am
checking right now with the guys to find out more info.


"John O'Donnell" wrote:

remove custom reports

Posted: 21 Oct 2005 12:44 AM PDT

That is correct, you can use the Report Manager to delete reports, but the
original post was about removing a report in subfolder where you cannot store
reports using the report manager.

Rob Bakkers,
Avanade Netherlands

"brellim" wrote:

Custom Crystal report Print problem

Posted: 21 Oct 2005 12:08 AM PDT

You have already answer this to another post about Crystal report problem,
so i have already check this

The Datasource location is SSO!
My OS are Windows XP sp2 for computer, windows 2003 for server and my domain
use windows 2003 Server from an NT 4 migration

Today, we have only windwos 2003 server and Active Directory is in 2003
native mode !

Thanks for your help

domain/ip adres - Microsoft Exchange

domain/ip adres - Microsoft Exchange

domain/ip adres

Posted: 24 Jan 2009 08:36 AM PST

Hi there, sounds like you need to change your dns record of to
th new ip address that you an use to connect to your new OWA site. Presumably
you have a dns A record along the lines or that you use
when connecting to OWA with the added /exchange component on the end (the
/exchange is nothing to do with dns, dns purele resolves names to ip's , or
vice versa). Hope that helps
James Yeomans, BSc, MCSE, MCTS
Ask me directly at:

"nl" wrote:

Calendar items can't be forwarded

Posted: 23 Jan 2009 12:09 PM PST

Yes, you can. Add a new "other" address, type is "X500" (no dot or quotes)
and the address will look something like

The best way to handle this in a migration is to perform a directory
synchronization that maps the legacyExchangeDN to a proxy address of the
type described above.

All versions of Exchange use internal addressing in the X.500-type (it's not
pure X.500 for various reasons) format. You cannot remove them.
Ed Crowley MVP
"There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."

"CK" <> wrote in message

Demoting a DC w/Exchange

Posted: 23 Jan 2009 05:46 AM PST

On Fri, 23 Jan 2009 05:46:03 -0800, Goob
<> wrote:

There will be. Not supported. Dont do it.

Event 1221

Posted: 23 Jan 2009 04:35 AM PST

No. You're well under the limit.
Ed Crowley MVP
"There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."

"Rajnish" <> wrote in message

Spam from me to me?

Posted: 22 Jan 2009 08:31 AM PST

Alt-N Technologies has a product that I use in front of my Exchange
server that cuts my spam by 95%. The products are SecurityGateway and
Protection Plus. The Protection Plus provides Recurrent Pattern
scanning of the emails as well as virus protection. You can find some
information about it on their website.

On Jan 22, 10:31am, Roman B. <>

fail to move Exchange databases to a Windows Storage server 2003

Posted: 22 Jan 2009 07:41 AM PST

How are you presenting these stores to the Exchange server when using
Storage Server?
iSCSI Luns? What?

"jyp" <> wrote in message

Exchange accept mail from two domain names

Posted: 21 Jan 2009 03:47 PM PST

Exactly! I was sure the message you were seeing wasn't generated by
Exchange. Glad we could get that solved.
Ed Crowley MVP
"There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."

"LoneWizard" <> wrote in message

Exchange 2003 DR Testing

Posted: 21 Jan 2009 12:06 PM PST

I absolutely wouldn't connect a recovery server to the production network.
Another option would be to use your production Exchange server, or build
another server in the production organization and create a recovery storage
group and restore there. The latter option helps ensure that your restore
doesn't impact your users' performance. Just build the new server with a
new name as if it were a new mailbox server in your present organization.
There are some things you won't be able to do with this method, but you will
be able to use Exmerge to recover deleted mailboxes, folders and items from
your restored databases to the production server, if that's what you're
looking to do.
Ed Crowley MVP
"There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."

"Goob" <> wrote in message

Force a 2007 CA to use a particular GC

Posted: 20 Jan 2009 09:56 AM PST

These boxes are dual role CA / HT servers and this happens basically all the
time now. Here is the exact error.
Event Type: Warning
Event Source: MchangeFDS
Event Category: General
Event ID: 1003
Date: 1/20/2009
Time: 11:44:58 AM
User: N/A
Computer: NAME
Process MchangeFDS.exe (PID=8228). Temporarily unable to connect to
Active Directory to read configuration data for object OAB (60). Will wait
for %5 seconds and retry.

"Andy David {MVP}" wrote:

Disclaimer EventSink Trigger

Posted: 20 Jan 2009 09:39 AM PST

I gave the disclaimer event sink about 30 minutes of my time. Then I bought

"John Fullbright" <fjohn@donotspamnetappdotcom> wrote in message

How to enable active sync with ssl feature in Exchnage 2003

Posted: 20 Jan 2009 04:44 AM PST

Its all doented on the net. The two links below will get you going:

"Alexyy" <> wrote in message

Why can't I see all the data fields in Exchange when I link from MS Access?

Posted: 19 Jan 2009 08:22 AM PST

Well that would explain why I can't see them.


"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message

Exchange Data Recovery

Posted: 17 Jan 2009 05:39 AM PST

More likely the storage closet.

"Andy David {MVP}" <com> wrote in message

Server failure

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 02:14 PM PST (Read the whole article)
Ed Crowley MVP
"There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."

"FrankVrba" <> wrote in message

Exchange 2003 and Out of Office Replies

Posted: 15 Jan 2009 04:28 PM PST

Okay, I will post on the SBS group. I wasn't aware that the POP3 Connector
was only in SBS. Thanks for the help.


"Ed Crowley [MVP]" wrote:

Microsoft Word - Word fillable form functionality

Microsoft Word - Word fillable form functionality

Word fillable form functionality

Posted: 18 Mar 2015 10:45 AM PDT

Is there any way to make a Word document with fillable forms functional in the tablet/iPad version of Word? I have Office 365 Word on my iPad and can't seem to get the fillable form fields to work for a Word document I created in Word 2010. I receive the following error message when I try to modify the form field in the iPad Word version: "This document has certain edit capabilities that have been locked."  Is there a way to unlock the form fields to make them functional?  Thank you.

Mail Merge section 1 footer links to previous

Posted: 18 Mar 2015 08:47 AM PDT

I have created a DDE mail merge with multiple sections with different headers and footers.  Once merged, the footer in the section that begins the new record links to the to the previous section footer.  How do I get this to stop linking to the footer in the previous section?

Also, I would like each new record to begin on an odd numbered page so that I can double side my printing.  Does anyone know if I can do this?

Problems editing documents (Word 2010)

Posted: 18 Mar 2015 07:55 AM PDT

My entre office uses a cover sheet template saved as both a .docx and a .docm. Either way, whenever we print our cover sheet, we're not able to edit it any further unless we close it completely and reopen it. Also, if we click outside of the text area before we're done, the document "freezes" and we have to close and reopen the blank template and start over. Any suggestions as to how we can continuously edit the document after printing without reopening it? We all use Office 2010 on machines running Windows 7.

Tent cards & watermarks

Posted: 18 Mar 2015 07:32 AM PDT

Hi all,

I have a tent card template and would like to add a watermark but only to the one half of the tent card.  Is this possible? 



Microsoft 365 Can't Connect to Account

Posted: 18 Mar 2015 06:34 AM PDT

Okay, I have had Microsoft Office 365 downloaded to my computer for almost two years now. Recently, if I open Word and start to work after a minute it tries to  "connect to my account" but it not able to. Eventually it says that Microsoft Word is not responding and I have to go into task manager just to close the program. Why is it doing this and what can I do to fix it?

Review pane... I want to open automatically when opening document

Posted: 18 Mar 2015 05:53 AM PDT

Hi all,

This may seem silly.  I'm making changes to certain word docs and adding comments as well as track changes.  Is there a way for others to open the word document and have the review pane open automatically?  I'm trying to save time from the numerous "non word savvy" folks (which may seem like me with this question) from sending me emails on how/where to find the changes/comments.



Office 2010 SP

Posted: 18 Mar 2015 05:28 AM PDT

I have downloaded a copy of Microsoft office 2010 Professional Plus from software store.  That installed fine.  However, I am trying to download the SP for 2010 but this error comes up..."expected version of product was not found on system."   What???? Can someone explain to me what this means and is there a fix?  I need the 32 bit version. 

Very Slow Office 2013 Pro Plus Mail Merge.

Posted: 18 Mar 2015 04:41 AM PDT


I am working in an organisation with about 14000 supporters.  We use mail merge as well using Word to send out emails to the supporters. Ever since we went to MS Office Word 2013 Pro Plus and doing a mail merge (~4000 recipients in total, but sending a customised message to each via Word --> Mailings -->Mail Merge --> Email Message) and after finishing the merge it is taking an extremely long time to print the letters - approximately 1 minute per letter - so the entire process takes over an hour to send them all. Each letter is just under 40KB.

We feel this may be related to the MS Office 2013 Pro Plus as it never happened when we was using MS Office 2010. 

I would appreciate any insight or configuration changes we can make.

Thank you.


"Select Browse Object" (Alt+Ctrl+Home) on the vertical scroll bar in "Word 2013"

Posted: 18 Mar 2015 03:23 AM PDT


How do I activate a "Select Browse Object" (Alt+Ctrl+Home) on the vertical scroll bar in "Word 2013"

Thank you

Ginger Michael Pillay

Word Comments bugs - can't see cursor in Review pane and when writing comment in Review pane the main text goes back to the top

Posted: 18 Mar 2015 03:16 AM PDT

I'm using Microsoft Word 2010. To insert a comment a use the Review tab - New Comment. This opens a Review pane at the bottom of the screen (I'm in draft view), which I type into but as I do so the main document text (which is visible in the top half of the screen) jumps to the top of the document. Is there any way to get it to stay where I was in the document, where I'm inserting the comment?

Also, if you try to edit comments in the Review pane, it not only jumps to the top again, but you can't see a cursor in the Review pane text. You just have to start typing and hope that you're in the right place.

This happens on every document I've tried it with

word experienced a serious problem with the pdf create 8 word addin

Posted: 18 Mar 2015 02:58 AM PDT

when try to use MS words Nuance addins shows the below error. 

Word 2013 crashes when it starts - only in one account

Posted: 18 Mar 2015 12:58 AM PDT


I have a PC with Windowd 7 Pro and Office std 2013.
In one (and only one) account, Word crashes every time I launch it since about one week. It cannot be launched in safe mode.There is an error ID 1000 Faulting module path: unknown

I've tried to launch it with option /safe and with the option /a

I've tried to repair it and to reinstall it.

I tried the following fixes

I've renamed the following folders :


But the problem is always present !
What can I do please ?

Thank you


Word slows for a time upon opening document

Posted: 17 Mar 2015 11:30 PM PDT

I have query on this in another Forum and have been advised to open a similar thread in the Office Forum.

The thread is: Word slows for a time upon opening document

There you will find a description of my problem and what I've been advised so far. 

Basically Word becomes unusable at times because it takes from 1-5 seconds for each key stroke to register. 

It happens when I open a document from OneDrive. Sometimes it is ok if I close the document and reopen it, but mostly not.

I've have Office 365 Student.

Looking forward to receiving a response and hopefully an answer.


MS Office 2007 Help Files Do Not Load

Posted: 17 Mar 2015 10:12 PM PDT

When I attempt to click on the Help icon in MS Word and Excel 2007 I get an error msg stating, "The Help Viewer has encountered an unexpected problem and cannot continue." The Help files were available yesterday, but not today. I don't want to use the repair link for 2010 since it's a different software version. Please help! Thank you.

Unable to update the TOC if i get the default list separator from machine

Posted: 17 Mar 2015 10:02 PM PDT

Unable to update the TOC if i get the default list separator from machine

Below Code

ListSeparator = Application.International(wdListSeparator)

Selection.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range, Type:=wdFieldTOC, Text:= _
    " \O 1-4, \T" _
    + """A-HEADING 1" + ListSeparator + "5" + ListSeparator + "A-HEADING 2" + ListSeparator + "6" + ListSeparator + "A-HEADING 3" + ListSeparator + "7" + ListSeparator + "A-HEADING 4" + ListSeparator + "8""", PreserveFormatting:=False

Table occupying parts of two pages

Posted: 17 Mar 2015 09:16 PM PDT

I have a table (actually lots of them) that extends from near the bottom of one page onto part of the next page. It would be nice to remove the border that appears at the bottom of the first part and the top of the second part, so the reader, when seeing the first part, knows that there is more to the table. I can do this, so far as I know, only by splitting the table into two parts and removing the bottom border from the first part and the top border from the second part. This can get quite inconvenient and has to be redone of the table moves even slightly. Is there a better way?

Sudden problem with editing document in Word 2003 SP3

Posted: 17 Mar 2015 05:31 PM PDT

Recently in composing and editing my Word 2003 documents, I am finding the editing has gone haywire.  When, for example, I change the font of a piece of text, the WHOLE document reflects that change.  If I hit Re-do, then  the edit turns out correctly, i.e., just the target text relfects the desired changed font.  The Re-do works most of the time that way, but not always, depending on the kind of edit I do.

What's happened and how do I repair this?

Thanks, Walt

Comparing values using a word macro

Posted: 17 Mar 2015 05:23 PM PDT

As far as I can tell this should be easy, but I just can't seem to work it out. What I want to do is to create a macro that will look at a number value, and if it is within a certain range it will replace the line with a new piece of text i.e.

find "height=xx"

if xx is less than or equal to 50

then replace "height=xx" with "style=height:2%"


if xx is greater than 50 and less than 100

then replace "height=xx" with "style=height:15%"

And so on.

I've looked at a lot of macros and tried adapting them, but never quite hit on the one that does what I'm after.

If Then Else syntax for blank date field (Word 2013)

Posted: 17 Mar 2015 05:21 PM PDT

I have a date field I am merging from a 3rd party program.  That date field is either blank or has a date in it.'s never really "empty" in that it has slashes already in the field.  So it it's empty, it looks like

  /   /

and therefore, when I use the comparison IS BLANK, it doesn't work.  I have tried "if date is greater than or equal to 1" and that doesn't work either.

So I want to end up with:

DATE: 01/01/01


nothing if the date field is empty.

Can anyone tell me the correct syntax to use?

Thanks so much.

How to print Special Characters?

Posted: 17 Mar 2015 05:10 PM PDT

I'm looking for some help in printing some help pamphlets for the people I work with.  What I need is to print the following sentence and have the special characters actually print in place in the line.

Change (Line Break [Shift = Enter}) to (Paragraph End Mark {Enter))

I need it to print the actual Special Characters where the description is in the line.  Don't need the parts in { } just the characters.  I'll be printing a list of the characters and how to create them in a different place in the pamphlet.  I've got all the computers set up to show the special characters in a document so my co-workers will be able to see what I mean.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Fixing Word 2013

Posted: 17 Mar 2015 05:00 PM PDT

I suspect my Word 2013 program has become corrupt because it does some very strange things.  I would like to replace it by recovering it from an earlier, non-corrupt image backup that I have.  Exactly what file(s) do I need to recover?

WORD does not print blue or cyan ... sometimes- color loss shifts

Posted: 17 Mar 2015 03:05 PM PDT

This is new problem.  Word does not print colors as seen on the screen.  Blue is missing.  Printer is okay (and checked with other programs and PC.  Changed cartridges several times before I realized the problem was in Word.  Drivers up to date.)    Rebooted and reinstalled HP Digital Imaging Monitor and the colors came back.  But left the PC for an hour and then it would print blue but not print cyan.