

Microsoft Word - Autospace and quotes.

Microsoft Word - Autospace and quotes.

Autospace and quotes.

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 02:15 PM PST

I have my Word program set up to automatically double space after a period.  However, when I add quotes, I have to backspace the two spaces at the end of the sentence to put the end quotes.  Is there a way to eliminate this step?  When I use parentheses, it automatically backspaces to the period, but quotes do not.

remove password from a 2003 Word document using 2013 Word, password known

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 01:29 PM PST

I have many documents with a "read only" password under "security options" that was put on the documents when they were developed in Word 2003.  Now I have upgraded to Word 2013.  I would like to change the password to something else to give to another group and maintain the confidentiality of the current password.  But I have not found a way to enter this function in 2013 to remove the read only password.  I tried the "encrypt" function under protect document, but it just adds another password in addition, and does not remove the old one.  What can I do?  Do I have to find an old version of Word somewhere?


Is combination content control possible in word 2010

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 01:20 PM PST

I'm not a terribly well-trained word 2010 user. Anything I can do, I pretty much gleaned from just poking around the menus. Currently, I have a document using rich text content control fields. Nine times out of ten, users are choosing one of about a dozen or so items to put in the fields. It would make it much easier to just have pull-down menus to cover all these options, but is it possible to have some kind of option to put in a custom text entry instead for those 1 out of 10 times?

The only solution I could come up with is to have an "other" option followed by a rich text content control field to add detail, but for the purpose of this form, I can't have that displayed. In other words, if it is an "other", it has to state specifically what the "other" is, no more, no less.

I'd appreciate any help with this matter. Thanks.

Tables in locked templates

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 01:11 PM PST

I have drawn up templates with locked styles for use on our intranet.  Included in these templates are tables, however, i need to allow further tables to be included when necessary.  Locking the formatting does allow insertion of tables, however, the borders/shading cannot be used.  I have tried setting up an autotext table, customised table, quick part etc.  As this template will be loaded to our ERMS and accessed via our intranet when I set the autotext etc, even saving to the template and not, it doesnt show in the template when loaded (obviously works on my computer due to saving to my setup).  Any thoughts?  Thank you.

Letters cut off when printing

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 12:42 PM PST

Sometimes when I print from various programs, Word 2007, Emails from Outlook 2007, third party programs, certain letters or phrases on a line, not the entire line, get cut horizontally. It happens randomly and also in different places in different documents. When it is printed to a pdf it looks perfect. If there was a way to attach an example I would. Any help would be appreciated.

word2007 takes over 30 seconds just to open

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 12:40 PM PST

what could be wrong? I just installed office 2007 on a new dell i5 8 gig windows 8.1 pc.

it takes over 30 seconds for word to open a file.  My old windows 7 blew the doors off that.

What do i look at/for?


Why have some of the templates dissapeared from Microsoft Word - Office Windows V8.1

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 12:15 PM PST

I've got the latest version of Microsoft office and windows V8.1. I made a CV with the 'timeless resume' template. Now when I open word I cant see this template anymore. There seems to be others missing as well. Why has this happened and how do I get them back?

Online there are 57 resume templates. All of the ones I had downloaded are highlighted and have a pin in the bottom right corner, but I cant see them in Word for some reason as if they are hidden.

Word 2013 cannot see track changes sent from another author

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 12:14 PM PST


I have received a file from a friend, who used an unknown version of WORD and put comments in the text w track changes. I opened the file, however, I can only see red lines in the margin where the changes were made, but cannot see the actual changes or the balloons or the like. I would like to change my pc's settings in WORD so that I can see these proposals.

I have tried to click 'show markings in line' and ' balloon's but it does nothing. I can see the changes in a reviewing pane, but I want to see them in line/in balloons.

Which settings do I need to change in order to see the tracked changes that another person has made?

Thank you,


Disable Simple Markup in Word 2013?

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 10:57 AM PST

I'm on a PC using Windows 7/ Word 2013.  I work in track changes mode often, and I'd like to turn off the Simple Markup mode.  When I'm editing, I often select rows and lines of text by clicking in the left margin of my document.  But now with Simple Markup, I end up unintentionally switching my document from "All Markup" to "Simple Markup"dozens of times in an editing session because clicking on the thin gray line in the left margin switches the view.  I don't want Simple Markup to be an option anymore.  Can I turn it off?



Help with "The name in the end tag of the element must match the element type in the start tag"

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 10:05 AM PST

I have been working on a document for an extremely long time and, on the day I was hoping to hand it in, it has corrupted. I think it may be due to a lot of cross-referencing, referencing via Endnote and other similar functions.

If anyone is able to help at all, I would be so very, very grateful! 

Below is a link to the document on my skydrive.

How do I print specific pages in Word?

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 09:52 AM PST

I have a document that has front matter numbers i, ii, iii, etc. followed by a new section with numbers 1, 2, 3, etc. When I send a print request for pages 3 and 5, for example, the pages printed are iii and v. If I send a request to print pages 12 and 13, it prints pages 5 and 6 because it it sometimes (not always) counts the front matter. How do I set up the print request correctly?



Digitally signing 2013 word document

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 09:08 AM PST

We just got upgraded to Word 2013, before this upgrade we could digitally sign protected word documents now we cannot even fined where the signing function is.  Does anyone know how to digitally sign with 2013?

Appearance of page breaks and section breaks?

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 07:44 AM PST

I've been curious about this for a while...

Does anyone know why page breaks and section breaks can have different appearances (in the page layout view with hidden characters showing)? For example, sometimes the dotted lines extend across the width of the page, sometimes not. Sometime there is a paragraph mark at the end of the break, sometimes not.

Need Collaborative Document Development Environment - SharePoint Right? (Windows Server 2008 OS)

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 06:55 AM PST

QUESTION:  Need the link to the appropriate SharePoint version for a Server running Windows Server (Standard) 2008 Service Pack 2.

ACTUAL NEED:  A Collaborative Document Development Environment.  My research seems to say that SharePoint will accomplish this for me (please comment on this if you disagree).  If you disagree, what do you think my other options are?  Keep in mind we must use Microsoft Word.

BACKGROUND:  I have a small team of 3 people.  I would like to have it such that we can collaborate on document development where I can check out the document and my colleagues can check out the same document, make edits, and then check them back in; all our edits will be merged together.  Just your basic collaborative document development - with in mind that its only 3 maybe 4 people doing it.


Machine Type:  Dell PowerEdge 2900 Server

Windows Server (Standard) 2008 with Service Pack 2

Processor:  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5460 @ 3.16GHz (2 Processors)

Memory: 16.0 GB of Memory

System Type: 64-Bit Operating System.


Machine Type:  HP Pavilion 23

Windows Edition:  Windows 8.1

Processor:  Intel(R) Pentium(R) G3220T @ 2.60GHz

Memory:  4.00 GB

System Type:  64-Bit Operating System

ISSUES:  The Server is not allowed to be connected to the Internet.  Thus, it will be necessary for me to download SharePoint externally which is always a problem since Microsoft many times wants to tell you what you need for the machine that you are currently on.

COST?:  What is the possible cost for SharePoint when I am using it this way?  How long will the Trial Version last so I can test it out and see if it works for us?

POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVES:  Need to do basic Document Collaboration using Microsoft Word.  If SharePoint is not the best solution, please make me aware of other possibilities and I will gladly research them.

CLIENT SOFTWARE:  I am assuming there is a client version for the client machines.  Is that true?  Where do I download those?

Table of Content with hyperlinks in Word - problem with link source

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 06:05 AM PST

I created a Table of Content for a very long document, I need to convert it to pdf and use the TOC for hyperlinking to the pages.

If the 'Use hyperlinks instead of page numbers' option is un-ticked the page numbers can navigate me in the doc, but when I tick this option, the TOC become a hyperlink, but not a correct one, for me it's ok in word, but if I hover over my table lines I can see that I receive an external hyperlink leading to my file in my computer folder, not an internal reference within the doc and of course it will not help at all if I upload this doc to a website and it tries to reach this folder in my computer.

Do you know why is that leading to my share drive folder and to solve this problem?



Sequenced line number in Footnotes

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 05:48 AM PST

Has anyone successfully created VBA code to have Word 2013 create line numbers like WordPerfect?
Looking for script to force Word 2013 to line number the Document (wdStory) and line number the footnotes. Footnote line number needs to start at 1.

Creating a template for team

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 04:08 AM PST

I know it's possible to create a template for myself. But is it possible to create one which can be used and accessed by a team of people? Or is this not practical?

Highlight multiple words

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 12:25 AM PST

Is it possible to arrange this macro so that "custom" highlight in yellow and "treaty" highlight in blue.

Sub Highlight()
Dim vFindText As Variant
Dim oRng As Range
Dim i As Long
    vFindText = Array("custom", "treaty")
    For i = 0 To UBound(vFindText)
        Set oRng = ActiveDocument.Range
        With oRng.Find
            Do While .Execute(FindText:=vFindText(i), _
                              MatchWholeWord:=True, _
                              Forward:=True, _
                              Wrap:=wdFindStop) = True
                oRng.HighlightColorIndex = wdYellow
                oRng.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
        End With
    Exit Sub
End Sub

Thanks in advance

Protect Word

Posted: 17 Dec 2014 11:55 PM PST


I have a Word template that employs a userform and different types of content control.

Now I secured the the document, in a way that "unprotects" the actions of the userform and then "reprotects" the document after filling it out (see below). This code works like a charm.

Because I have content controls in the document (that need to be populated), I selected "Filling in forms" when protecting it. But the thing is that I have one part in my header that needs to be filled out and even though I put a content control there too, there's no way the document lets me go there to type something, but just jumps to the next "open" content control. (I can't put it in the UserForm, because there will be two different people editing it after each other and the first one doesn't know what to put there).

Since I can't add exceptions to "filling in forms", I was just wondering if there's a way I can still access the header to edit it?

Thank you!!!!

This is the code is used to unprotect:

ActiveDocument.Unprotect Password:=""

CODE (for the userform)

ActiveDocument.Protect Type:=wdAllowOnlyFormFields, NoReset:=True, Password:="" '

Also, if there would be a way to allow users to remove unnecessary spaces within the protected document, that would be really great!!!

Follow-up: I just realized that even if I don't select "filling in forms", I can still edit them because of :=wdAllowOnlyFormFields. But even though I selected the content control in the header as an exception, it still won't let me edit it! Is there a code that I can still edit the header / a bookmark or content control in the header?

Thank you!!!!!

I can only edit it, if I close the Userform before filling it out. But I need it to be the other way around, so that I can enter data in the header after the userform populated the document.

Alternatively it would be great if the protection would go away if it is saved.

Or I just need the template to be password protected so it can't be changed. The resulting "normal" document can be freely edited.

Simple VBA macro to copy text from docA to docB

Posted: 17 Dec 2014 11:38 PM PST


I am using this simple VBA macro to extract the text is select with the mouse from the active document into a new document

strMytext = Selection.Range.Text
Selection = strMytext

The problem is that when I select text from more than one row in a Word table, the script also copies the text that is present into columns I have not selected.

I have tried using 

strMytext = Selection.Text

instead, but then the script only copies the text from the first row of the selection (it does not copy text from multiple manually-selected rows in the table(s)

How do I copy only the text in the columns AND rows I have selected?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Word VBA: docRef.Paragraphs quirk?

Posted: 17 Dec 2014 11:04 PM PST

Hi!  When i try to get a count of the word "a", this macro always returns a value of 3, no matter how many "a" words are in the document.  When i try it with all the other letters of the alphabet, it doesn't have a problem returning the correct counts.  Mystery?

       a = 1

       For Each wrdPara In docRef.Paragraphs

          wrdRef = wrdPara.Range.Text

        If Asc(Left(wrdRef, 1)) > 32 Then
            x = Trim(LCase(Left(wrdRef, Len(wrdRef) - 1)))

        With ActiveDocument.Content.Find
                 .Text = x
                 .Format = False
                 .Wrap = wdFindStop
                 Do While .Execute(MatchWholeWord:=True)

                            Count(a) = Count(a) + 1
                Words(a) = x
         End With

                 a = a + 1
         End If
         Next wrdPara

How can I highlight multiple items in Word 2013 to paste into another Word document?

Posted: 17 Dec 2014 10:15 PM PST

How can I highlight multiple items in Word 2013 tocopy and paste into another Word document?

How to get a photo to align left in a table cell

Posted: 17 Dec 2014 05:28 PM PST

I have been beating my head against a brick wall trying to get a photo inserted into a cell, to align left.

It is the photo of Alexander Hamilton, upper left here:

I want that photo to be placed alongside the left border of the entire table/row, but no matter how many times I move it, it simply gets larger or won't move, or whatever....

What do I need to do?

Cannot paste text from OUTLOOK into Word 2007

Posted: 17 Dec 2014 04:06 PM PST

Just recently, I can no longer copy text from OUTLOOK.COM email into a WORD 2007 document using the straight CTRL-C and CTRL-V method.  If I use the PASTE SPECIAL and use any of the options EXCEPT "HTML Format" the text is inserted.  When the paste does not work (when I do CTRL-V), I get the "Contacting Server for information." message in the lower left corner of WORD.

There were Windows 8.1 updates recently installed .  I have not tried to do a restore yet, was wondering if there was any settings in WORD that might be causing this?

Word Version: 12.0.6683.5000

Windows 8.1:  Version 6.3.9600

If Statement, Word & use of Wildcards

Posted: 17 Dec 2014 04:01 PM PST

I'm trying to figure out how to include a wildcard in a Microsoft word document - IF Statement.  It's not a good example (because I should break out the State separately), but using below example, if I merge a mailing address in my letter, I want the response to read either that we will ship your product, or we only sell in California.

{If <<Mergefield>> = "*CA" "Your product will be shipped soon." "We only sell our products in California."}

I also thought perhaps a =right<<mergefield>>, 2 might work, but I might be trying to mix too much excel with word.



Cannot Sign Into Word with College Account

Posted: 17 Dec 2014 03:29 PM PST

My college offers all of their students a free subscription to Office 365 for as long as we are enrolled. I was taking advantage of this very useful opportunity, and was using Office 365 mobile on my iPhone, until the update on the app store which separated Office 365 into three (or more) separate apps. For some reason, I cannot log into Word using my college account (ends in When I input my email, it will find the account but after loading  for a few minutes (with the message "connecting to service"), I get an error that reads: "there is a problem with your account. Please try again" The funny thing is that I can still log into Office 365 Mobile, and I am still logged into Office on my computer. I would like to know what I can do to solve this, as I use Office (especially word) quite a bit on my iPhone. 

Searching for Linux Laptop - Forums Linux

Searching for Linux Laptop - Forums Linux

Searching for Linux Laptop

Posted: 04 Jun 2008 05:54 PM PDT

On 4 jun, 21:54, Ramu <com> wrote: 

Why don' t you try Asus Eee PC 701?

It runs Linux and It has everything you need to an office work.

Best Regards!

Merge Debian's /usr and /usr/local partitions together?

Posted: 04 Jun 2008 12:17 PM PDT

Ant <com> writes:

With Unix, you can move files around anyway you want to, and create symbolic links to point to the new location.

Sure. Symbolic links work fine. It's in the file system, not the application.

Perhaps the only issue might be if some application does something like

cd /new directory
cd ..
it might end up in a different location.

rtc error

Posted: 02 Jun 2008 05:03 PM PDT

Hans-Peter Diettrich <com> writes:

It is only of use (if then) if you are a server serving other machines. It
is of no use whatsoever for an ntp client. It should not be used for a

Seeking xorg.conf entry for Nokia 477Xpro on Fedora 9

Posted: 30 May 2008 04:33 AM PDT

Allen Kistler <moc> writes: 


"partition table on device sda was unreadable" on FC6 --> FC9 upgradeattempt

Posted: 28 May 2008 12:38 PM PDT

Markku Kolkka wrote: previously_working_drive 
Get Mandriva instead.


Clonezilla - clone or image file?

Posted: 26 May 2008 02:02 PM PDT

"John Hasler" intoned: 

Most of the partition does not contain data, and I don't want to
wait while dd copies non-data.


Q: Wildcard subdomains with GoDaddy?

Posted: 26 May 2008 10:29 AM PDT

On 27 May, 21:14, example.tld (Moe Trin) wrote: 

I'm overseas for a while, and I travel. Google works for me on the
road, without spending extra money for an ISP to provide service to
replace what my landlord provides. And it lets me keep a permanent
email/newsgroup address, without having to change it whenever I move
and take up with a different ISP.

Now, that is silly on his part.

GRUB problem upgrading from Fedora 8 to 9

Posted: 22 May 2008 12:39 AM PDT

* Dave wrote in comp.os.linux.setup:

have you try a supergrub boot CD?


Unusual distribution requirements

Posted: 21 May 2008 08:11 AM PDT

On Wed, 21 May 2008 08:11:17 -0700, Swandog46 wrote:

If it's not a stupid question why do you want to boot it off the HDD
rather than using Knoppix which can mount and read - not sure about write

John Stumbles

Time flies like an arrow
Fruit flies like a banana
like coconuts

GRUB and reboot

Posted: 17 May 2008 11:44 PM PDT

On May 18, 7:44am, com wrote: 

Something changed. Do you have a custom kernel, especially one used to
boot with hardware that was not supported by the default FC6 kernel?
Or has someone been installing kernels and modules, such as those for
VMware or Xen HP or Dell management tools?

Project 2003 Trial Issues Microsoft Project

Project 2003 Trial Issues Microsoft Project

Project 2003 Trial Issues

Posted: 10 Dec 2005 10:23 PM PST

Because you already turned it off when using the trial version?

Other than being curious is there a reason to know this?

KSHenderson31 wrote: 

Master project calendar

Posted: 10 Dec 2005 08:13 PM PST

Jan, So why if my Master plan has a 7 hr day (both Tools/option/Calendar
and Proj Calendar) and the inserted Project has a 8 hour day. And
subproject has a 5 day task it appears as 5.71 days in the Master?

I can see 40/7 = 5.71 which the master project is doing??

Cheers - Phil

Jan De Messemaeker wrote: 

project status date and status lines

Posted: 10 Dec 2005 04:42 PM PST

The Status Date line sticks to the closest greater timescale graduation. So,
if your timescale is in days, it'll stick on midnight. But if you up
the scale (from 15mn to 15mn for example) you'll have what you want.

Gérard Ducouret

"bilgepump" <> a écrit dans le message de

New to Project

Posted: 09 Dec 2005 07:56 PM PST

In article <com>,
"Ryan" <> wrote:
I personally think you would be better off keeping the discussion in the
public newsgroup. If you and I correspond directly, you will get my
opinion only and I'll tell you that I am a minimalist when it comes to
recommending software applications (heck, I think Project 4.x has all
the functionality that 90% of the Project user community needs).

I don't use Server but I know it has a lot of whistles and bells for
enterprise project management. But from what I understand, (and that may
not be much), it is also not trivial to set up and implement properly.

Whether your company should get the full n Project Server installed
or whether a more modest version would be fully adequate has a lot to do
with the details of what you want to do with project management and how
large your deployment base will be. For example, the "needs" you mention
(setup projects, e-mail alerts and have the ability for users to update)
are rather modest, and can be implemented with a basic installation of
Project 2000 or 2003 Standard. However, if the specifics behind your
modest description really get into full enterprise wide interaction of
Project users, then maybe the Server version would be better in the long

Here's what I suggest. We have a separate newsgroup for Server
(microsoft.public.project.server). If there is more detail to your needs
than you expressed in your original post, why not post a more complete
"specification" back to this newsgroup and to the server newsgroup
(normally we don't like to see duplicate posts, but in this case it may
be appropriate). I won't guarantee you will get more or better responses
but at least it will give the newsgroup an opportunity to better help
you with your decision.

Project MVP

ProjectServer PROD and SANDBOX DBs

Posted: 09 Dec 2005 02:43 PM PST

Teh editsite tool from Microsoft will let you setup just such a configuation.
It is call hosted or muliple instances of Project Server. The follow link
will get you more information about editsite.

Ray McCoppin

SQL Reporting Services Gantt Charts

"ABG" wrote:

Formatting sub group bar styles

Posted: 09 Dec 2005 12:31 PM PST

Hi wobble-head,

Try selecting the tasks you want to change and thenFormat/Bar.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

wobble-head wrote: 

Enterprise Options - For Resources Greyed Out - Disabled

Posted: 09 Dec 2005 12:00 PM PST

pectrap --

In the future, please post your Project Server questions to the
microsoft.public.project.server newsgroup, as this newsgroup is devoted to
the Microsoft Project desktop application only. To answer your question,
you must create a Project Server login account in Microsoft Project
Professional, and use this account to log into Project Server. Refer to the
following FAQ's for the directions:

Hope this helps.

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"pectrap" <> wrote in message

Handling Existing Project with Deadlines and NO Start Date?

Posted: 09 Dec 2005 11:25 AM PST

In article <>,
"com" <com> wrote:

I tend to agree with Rod and I don't understand why it would take 2
hours to update what should be a fairly simple spreadsheet. Maybe the
spreadsheet is overly complex for what you need.

Nonetheless, if you want to give Project a try, here are some thoughts.
Note, these aren't revelations, they are just what poured out of my head
as I wrote (whoa, that might be dangerous :-)
1. You mention that the contractors have given you a flat rate price.
The word "rate" implies a time-based cost, yet in your other post I got
the impression you received a fixed price bid. Which is it?
2. It is a little difficult to lay out a schedule plan if the
contractors are vague with their timeline. For example, they have given
you a price (I'll assume the answer to item 1 above is "fixed price")
and the total hours (per book I assume). You also know the sequence of
tasks involved but the contractors apparently did not break out the
total hours into performance pieces. That may or may not be a problem.
If the bid is fixed price, as I said before, the number of hours is
more-or-less irrelevant.
3. You have a deadline for each book. That and the start date define the
duration. If you want to track progress, I suggest you ask the
contractors for their duration estimates for each part of the writing
process. They should have a better idea than anybody. If you can't get
it out of them, (often with this type of thing the performer is
unwilling to commit to timeline), you will need to make your best
guestimate. Remember you can always update the duration data as the plan
progresses - that's a normal part of project management.
4. If you like, after you set up the schedule, you can set a baseline.
That will give you a comparison point between your original plan and the
current plan. You can read more about baselines in the help file.
5. You also mentioned that the contractors may work off-hours. In that
case you may want to set up the schedule to include weekends as working
time but I suggest you don't for the following reason. Unless you are
going to update progress on an off-day the fact that contractor A did
his editing on Friday night or Sunday afternoon is of little importance
when you come in to work on Monday morning and update the plan.
6. With a fixed price project you can show the bid in the Fixed Cost
field as I suggested previously, but it would be for reference only -
not relevant to tracking progress. The same is true with work hours
although it might be nice to track those as calibration for future jobs.
7. I would set up the tasks as Fixed Duration based on estimates per
performance task (i.e. write, edit, etc.). Link the tasks in logical
sequence. Project will use the durations and links to establish the
Start and Finish dates for each performance task. Do NOT enter Start and
Finish dates directly - that's Project's job and if you do it manually,
constraints will be set that prevent the plan from being dynamic.
8. If you know which contractor is going to work on which book/task,
assign them as a resource. However, unless you want to track their hours
(for reference only), do NOT enter a value in the Work field for each
task. As I said, its irrelevant based on the type of bid.
9. Track progress by entering values in the % Complete field. Just
remember though that if the duration is changed as better information is
obtained, you will have to adjust the duration. For example, if a
particular task (e.g. edit) was estimated at 2 days and it is 50%
complete, a slip of 1 day (i.e. duration now 3 days) will cause Project
to change the % complete to 33%. You will need to manually put it back
to 50% because you can't change history (unless of course you have one
of those Stargate thingies). Now, if the original declaration of being
50% complete was just flat wrong, then sure, fix the error (I assume you
are not under any formal certified earned value contractual requirement).

Whww! I filled my buffer. Hopefully this gives you some ideas. If you
have more specific questions, post again.

Project MVP

% complete should be on a given day in the Future

Posted: 09 Dec 2005 11:23 AM PST

One thing to remember is that % Complete refers to duration. Projecting an
expected percent complete at some point in the future doesn't provide alol
that much in terms of useful managment information. Projecting % Work
Complete is a better indicator of whether you're one time or not and that's
where EV comes in. The SPI is telling you how your progress is going
according to plan - an SPI of .9 as of today means you're getting work done
at 90% of the rate you thought you were going to. Form that you can compute
the Estimates At Completion and come up with a projected completion date and
projected budget. Exporting the EV data to Excel, plotting S-curves there,
and using regression ysis on the performance curves to extrapolate to
completion is a good tool to look into.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"colin" <> wrote in message

Critical Path breaks when linking two tasks with different calendars

Posted: 09 Dec 2005 08:43 AM PST

Steve and Gerard,

Thanks for the help. I understand that the Paint Walls task now has
slack and, therefore, is no longer on the critical path. I intented my
comment about the critical path "breaking" to mean that the CP that
Project calculates is no longer valid--it starts after the Paint Trim
task--because it does not reflect the path with the longest project
duration. It appears as a segment of a longer path.

Perhaps my comments about adding the dummy task was misleading. I
don't want to force a specific critical path by including the dummy
task. I used it only to troubleshoot the problem.

The problem I am asking for help is...If all paths in my project
originate and terminate with Start and Finish tasks, respectively, I
should have a critical path beginning at Start and ending at Finish,
which indicates the path of longest duration. However, I have a
three-task path, hanging like an orphan on the end of an existing path.
Why does this happen? My initial post asked if this was the result of
using the different calendars.

One more thing: I certainly did not suggest that this was a bug in
Project. I simply wanted to know how to accomplish something according
to the way Project is designed.

Keith O'Connor

Pct Complete

Posted: 09 Dec 2005 08:15 AM PST

Gerard problem solved thanks for your help

"Gérard Ducouret" wrote:

Suppressing the printing of task numbers...

Posted: 09 Dec 2005 07:34 AM PST

Thank you very much Gerard that did the trick!

"Gérard Ducouret" wrote:

Default Tasks Constraint

Posted: 09 Dec 2005 07:04 AM PST

In article <com>,
Big_Bad_Yellow_Eskimo <>

It's a good sign when you can laugh at yourself. That puts you in the
same group as the rest of us.

You're welcome.

Setting up a dynamic date filter

Posted: 09 Dec 2005 06:46 AM PST

In article <com>,
"Zel Hilliar" <> wrote:
Ok, I think I understand now. You would like the filter to be
automatically applied on file open, correct? There are various ways to
do that, some easy and some more advanced.

Let's start with the easy. This method won't apply the filter
automatically but it will provide a quick convenient way to apply the
filter once the file is open. You could of course just set up the filter
as I suggested and go to Project/Filtered For and apply your filter
immediately after opening the file. You could also add the filter
selection box to a toolbar (I have mine on a customized "Formatting"
toolbar along with the view selection box and the view table selection
box). You could also set up an autofilter and set a custom filter for
the Finish field. It could test for a formula based date in a spare date
field. For example the Date1 field could be customized with the formula:

A little more advanced approach will give you exactly (what I assume)
you want but it will require the use of VBA. If you want to try it, do
the following:
1. Open the file you want to have filtered
2. Go to Tools/Macros/Visual Basic Editor
3. Hit the Project Explorer icon
4. In the Explorer pane on the left look for "VBAProject (your file name)
5. Open the folder (if necessary) until you see "ThisProject (your file
name). Double click on that icon - it will open the code pane on the
6. Paste the following code in the code pane:
Private Sub Project_Open(ByVal pj As MSProject.Project)
Dim TwoDaysAgo As Date
TwoDaysAgo = DateSubtract(Now, "2d")
FilterEdit Name:="ShortList", taskfilter:=True, Create:=True, _
OverwriteExisting:=True, FieldName:="finish", _
test:="is less than or equal to", Value:=TwoDaysAgo, _
ShowInMenu:=False, showsummarytasks:=False
FilterApply Name:="ShortList"
End Sub
7. Go to File/Save [your file name]. That will save the "auto-open" code
with your file.
8. Whenever anyone opens the file, the filter will be applied. Note:
depending on your macro security setting, (Tools/Macro/Security) you may
or may not get a warning message about enabling macros when the file is

Hope this helps.
Project MVP 

How do I use flat rate contractors as resources?

Posted: 08 Dec 2005 04:56 PM PST

There are a couple ways to do this. John has offered one way that works.
I'd prefer to do it like this. In the resource list enter the Writer as a
resource. He's not paid by time so his Standard Rate is 0 and OT Rate is 0.
But set his Cost per Use to the rate you pay him for each chapter. Make
each chapter a separate task. When you assign the writer to it, his cost
per use will be assessed to the task

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Chris" <> wrote in message

Consolidated project data missing in custom group

Posted: 08 Dec 2005 03:57 PM PST

In article <com>,
"fudgieknuckles" <> wrote:
As I said, it isn't real clear how you were doing the goruping. I guess
I need more information about your file because when I try it on a
sample file it works fine. Just for a test this is what I did.
1. I created a file with several tasks
2. I arbitrarily put Prod 1, Prod 2 or Prod 3 in Text4 for each task
3. In the Cost1 field I gave each prod its own value (i.e. $10 for prod
1, $20 for prod 2, etc.)
4. I customized Cost1 by rolling up the sum
5. Finally I grouped the file first by text4 and then by Cost1

Each group showed the correct rollup sum of cost from Cost1.

Now, how is your file different?

Project MVP

Microsoft CRM - SFO CLient Fails to see Database

Microsoft CRM - SFO CLient Fails to see Database

SFO CLient Fails to see Database

Posted: 29 Jul 2005 10:00 AM PDT

Hi Liam,

When I uninstall I do a restart after the uninstall, before installing

refresh the cache of your webforms and delete all history in your IE
browser (IMHO the SFO is a local webserver ith a local database and you
look at it with an IE browser which is presented in Outlook).

Is the client capable of using his webclient to connect to the server
(without having to log in manually?)

Issues with Outlook integration

Posted: 29 Jul 2005 07:16 AM PDT

Peter, thank you once again.

This problem is now solved. Evidently it was the McAfee anti-virus software
on the desktop which was causing this issue. The MS team was able to help us

Thanks a million once agan.


"Peter Lynch" wrote:

NEED HELP: Who are MBS Partner here?

Posted: 29 Jul 2005 02:43 AM PDT

And Also working at a MBS Partner, I have to say that the courseware books
are a bit light.

Surely, like all other prep books, they do not prepare you for the real world.

I would go over the Doentation that comes with the OEM CRM install.

"Dan Quinton" wrote:

Incident/Case Resolutions Report

Posted: 29 Jul 2005 12:20 AM PDT

Hi Janneman,

You can use the Service Report "CaseList By Resolution" - a Crystal Report
you get with your Microsoft CRM installation CD's. It holds the information
you request. If this is not good enough, you have to alter the report or
build a report yourself based on info in the tables IncidentBase and
ActivityBase. Define a filter on records in ActivityBase where
ActivityTypeCode = 140.

Henning B. Treichl
(WM-data, Denmark)

"Janneman" <> wrote in message

Sharing CRM SFO on a single PC

Posted: 28 Jul 2005 06:43 PM PDT

There is one solution which might help. Install 2 operating systems on
2 different partitions. Each user will have to choose his version when
booting. This of course is not a roaming profile, but it gives the
opportunity to "share" a computer with multiple users.

Automatically Change Lead Status????

Posted: 28 Jul 2005 11:10 AM PDT

I'm also new to the work flow manager. I did one work flow but this one I am
stuck on. Would you mind getting into some more detail for me?

Thank you!

"G-Graves" wrote:

Shared Accounts/Contacts

Posted: 28 Jul 2005 07:53 AM PDT

One quick solution to what I'm hearing you say is a problem is to
simply change the default view (go to Settings | System Customization
section). This affects all users. So if you want all reps to see "All
Active", make that the default view.

And if you want all accounts available to all sales reps, you have the
best, and easiest solution to implement. Put everybody in the same
business unit, and don't use the MS CRM sharing function at all. By
default, everything is shared (among all users in that business unit).
If you start sharing, then people that aren't shared with won't be able
to see it...



David L. Carr, President
Visionary Software Consulting, Inc.
Main #: 971-327-6944

To download a fully functional trial version of VAST, (Visionary Audit
System Tools for Microsoft CRM), that tracks all changes made to the
Adventure Works Cycle database, visit

Searching Knowledgebase fails

Posted: 27 Jul 2005 01:43 PM PDT

Hi Eric,

Have you prepared the Knowledge Base search? If not, take a look at KB858728
To get more detailed information on errors in Microsfot CRM, you can turn on
the DevErrors key in web.config on your CRM server. You find web.config in
the root folder of your Microsoft CRM site.

Hope this might help!

Henning B. Treichl
(WM-data, Denmark)

"Eric Rist" <> wrote in message

Case history within each case

Posted: 27 Jul 2005 12:51 PM PDT

Hey Matt,

Thanks for the info. I did check out our blog site and I loaded :


Add the additional columns but when I tried to save the changes I got an

Invalid Item Id
The Item Id is invalid

Any thoughts?

Thanks for suggestions!


"MattNC" wrote:

How to create a CASE link in the "Quick Create" on homepage?

Posted: 27 Jul 2005 09:17 AM PDT bottom right, FREE products etc..

"CEO" <com> wrote in message

MSCRM Integration with MAS90

Posted: 27 Jul 2005 07:37 AM PDT

does MAS90 have any sort of programming interface?

John O'Donnell
Microsoft CRM MVP

"Gary Bouchard" <> wrote in message

Wrong week number in calendar

Posted: 27 Jul 2005 06:31 AM PDT

So the problem is probably that MS CRM uses the datepart function in SQL
Server which returns the wrong result according to swedish standards.
Unfortunately it seems like I'll have to wait for a bug correction....

"M" wrote:

How to get the full account list

Posted: 27 Jul 2005 04:00 AM PDT

Uzytkownik "Matt Parks" <com> wrote

Thanks. That is the information I was looking for.


Price List Updates

Posted: 26 Jul 2005 01:37 PM PDT

Scribe Insight for Microsoft CRM from can do this. The
licence plus configuation costs may be competitive with the progarmmer cost


"Shauna Koppang" <> wrote in message


Posted: 26 Jul 2005 04:07 AM PDT

I have been told be some product team members that this will definately NOT be
in v3.0

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 08:47:59 -0700, "John O'Donnell"
<com-nospam> wrote:

right now it appears to be single language only.

John O'Donnell
Microsoft CRM MVP

"Rafal" <> wrote in message

SMTP - Current Sessions question - Microsoft Exchange

SMTP - Current Sessions question - Microsoft Exchange

SMTP - Current Sessions question

Posted: 13 Mar 2008 01:06 PM PDT

Yes I do. They go in a FW (ofcourse) and there its Nat to the ip-
adress on the inside.


Is there an Exchange features wish list?

Posted: 13 Mar 2008 06:45 AM PDT

Good idea, but unfortunately the email is no longer active (it bounced back).

Thanks anyway. I did send an email to the EHLO group
(, so I will see I guess.

Here's my fourth one :
4. The ability to use the password-protected private key part of the S/MIME
digital ID from GAL or Active Directory in Outlook, so an administrator
doesn’t have to help a user export/import their digital ID on each system
they will be using Outlook on.

"Andy David {MVP}" wrote:

Forwarded meeting request notifies meeting owner.

Posted: 13 Mar 2008 06:34 AM PDT

Thanks, it is a great feature for the originator.....

"FD" wrote:

Install ES2003 on WS2003 in W2K Domain with ES2K also running on another server.

Posted: 12 Mar 2008 02:49 PM PDT

No worries Chris, let us know the outcome.

"Chris Miller" <Chris(a)> wrote in message

Moving Exchange 2007 mailbox

Posted: 12 Mar 2008 02:04 PM PDT

You see I have a user that is able to open every mailbox but now that users
is not it seems inherit the rights to open the mailbox under that new
storage group. How could I do this. I dont see it in the GUI and I am not
very familliar with cmdlets. Could someone please tell me a quick way to
make every single mailbox I create in that storage group / mailbox database
to be have this user have Full Access Permission.

Thank you,

"George Spiro" <com> wrote in message

Back Pressure

Posted: 12 Mar 2008 08:04 AM PDT

A 15K SAS Drive is good for about 145 8K random IOs at 20ms response time.

A 1GB email would qualify as a long running transaction. Remember, there's
only about 250mb of version store.

It's times like this that I wish the Behavorial Modification API were
complete and implemented. Alas, it's a work in progress.

"IT" <com> wrote in message

Random spaces in email address fields

Posted: 12 Mar 2008 05:33 AM PDT

>>I suspect that this space is added somewhere after the email has been 
I do not know, that would mean that we would have to disable spam and
antivirus filtering for about a week to be sure if the problem dissapears.
We do not see this problem often only in about every 1000 emails or so.

"Andy David {MVP}" <com> wrote in message

Signature with Gif image and disclamer

Posted: 11 Mar 2008 01:06 PM PDT

Thanks for both of your help it has shed some light for me. I am assuming the
reason for not supporting signatures through OWA is for security reasons.

Speaking of links, do you know of helpful references to read about OWA
Exchange 2003?

"John Fullbright" wrote:

Autoreply from public folder exchange 2003

Posted: 11 Mar 2008 11:39 AM PDT

is there a work around for this (no mail loop)? how does anyone else handles
a situation like this?

"Andy David {MVP}" wrote:

How to renew OWA certificate

Posted: 10 Mar 2008 10:14 PM PDT

Just to confirm the steps:-

1. Create a Certificate Request in IIS Manager and save the Certificate
Request file somewhere.
2.Get the Pending Request accepted by our Certificate Authority and download
the Certificate and save it.
3. Append the new Certificate to the Default Website.



"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message

Daylight saving time issue; ends 30 March; hotifx not available

Posted: 10 Mar 2008 09:36 PM PDT

Thanks - I called the 13 20 number and got the fix emailed to to me.


"Bharat Suneja [MVP]" wrote:

Email items disappearing

Posted: 10 Mar 2008 03:28 PM PDT

It doesn't count unless you biometrically authenticate (retinal scan, finger
print, or drool on the keyboard).

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message

Problem receiving attachments

Posted: 10 Mar 2008 09:23 AM PDT

Check those.
Ed Crowley
MVP - Exchange
"Protecting the world from PSTs and brick backups!"

"Elbryyan" <> wrote in message