

Windows installation over Linux - Forums Linux

Windows installation over Linux - Forums Linux

Windows installation over Linux

Posted: 06 Jul 2007 03:24 AM PDT



You will need to change all the applications or run VMWARE.

Not sure photoshop is available in Linux..might be better to go MAC OSX :-)

installing live linux onto disk???

Posted: 05 Jul 2007 05:40 PM PDT

On Thu, 05 Jul 2007 17:40:25 -0700, cyloafterx wrote:
Just for clarification, have you already been able to boot from your live
CD? Or is this your question:

"How do I burn a downloaded iso file to cd-r ?"

Douglas Mayne

debian dependency problem

Posted: 05 Jul 2007 05:01 AM PDT

Eric Wong wrote: 

Sarge used to be stable, now it's oldstable. Most likely your /etc/apt/
sources.list still reports "stable".

You'll have to change into either "sarge" or "oldstable" and retry but
this time use aptitude, not apt-get.


Install Netscape 7.2 onto Fedora 7 ...failed

Posted: 05 Jul 2007 12:15 AM PDT

On 5 Jul, 08:15, Tanhks <com> wrote: 

What does "yum insall netscape-[whatever].rpm" say? Yum is your friend
for resolving that kind of dependency issue.

usb disk insists on being readonly

Posted: 04 Jul 2007 11:56 AM PDT

On Fri, 06 Jul 2007 11:38:09 -0000, lalawawa
<info> wrote: 
You are using an old unsupported version of Ubuntu. ntfs-3g is in the
current version 7.04.

If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, then
you clearly don't understand the situation.

ufs-tools: compile on modern system

Posted: 03 Jul 2007 03:27 AM PDT

Package: libufs2
Priority: optional
Section: libs
Installed-Size: 60
Maintainer: Guillem Jover <org>
Architecture: i386
Source: ufsutils
Version: 0.0+2004.06.26-4
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-4)
Filename: pool/main/u/ufsutils/libufs2_0.0+2004.06.26-4_i386.deb
Size: 8766
MD5sum: 62df0acc78ebd3340ab19ecd63cb35d3
SHA1: d02610cc5ef6a2b8cb4e594c91caefc24e5ac069
SHA256: c4514aeafb631f0da43c08c481c9474989770150d74b58945e 3da75e96030df5
Description: UFS filesystem shared library
Shared library to manage the UFS filesystem, mostly used in BSD or derived
operating systems. This include FFS, UFS and UFS2.

Package: ufsutils
Priority: optional
Section: utils
Installed-Size: 400
Maintainer: Guillem Jover <org>
Architecture: i386
Version: 0.0+2004.06.26-4
Provides: fsck-backend
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-4), libedit2 (>= 2.5.cvs.20010821-1), libncurses5 (>= 5.4-1), libufs2
Conflicts: hurd
Filename: pool/main/u/ufsutils/ufsutils_0.0+2004.06.26-4_i386.deb
Size: 148140
MD5sum: 42c4d0048596c75b559ef8c3e458e5c8
SHA1: 56089b2f47ad4306f9da8a4dd431782311add61c
SHA256: b994d1d7edcb1a82d876d43dd3d481cc012795e41f5af4a0cf a0ac27376e1652
Description: UFS filesystems utilities
Utilities to manage the UFS filesystem, mostly used in BSD or derived
operating systems. This include FFS, UFS and UFS2.

what is /dev/shm?

Posted: 02 Jul 2007 03:33 PM PDT

On Tue, 3 Jul 2007 11:41:54 +0900, "google-rambo88" <com> wrote:
Search for IPC, inter process communications


Partitioning problem

Posted: 01 Jul 2007 01:59 AM PDT

I'll give it a go tonight when I get home. Thanks for all your

I'm using an older version of Ubuntu at the moment, because I bought a
book on Learning Ubuntu Linux and it had a CD at the back of the book
to use. It is an old version but I figured since the book directly
refers to its features during its explanations, I'd better stick with
it while I'm still learning. Once I've got to grips with the basics,
I can seek out and install the latest version, probably "Feisty Fawn",
which I understand can read and write to NTFS partitions anyway. I
imagine before long all the major distros will go over to NTFS, so as
to be compatible with the inevitable Windows partitions and data
that's already on most people's PCs when they install Linux.


Is crontab sensitive to time zones

Posted: 30 Jun 2007 04:20 AM PDT

John Hasler wrote: 

Not sure that is correct.
Crontab itself runs as a root type will pickup presumably
what the server time is reckoned to be as the time to execute a script.

However a users timezone will be picked up by any user installed
scripts, under user space crontab entries. That wonlt affect WHEN they
are executed..tho.

Why not test by setting your local user TZ to something weird, and
installing a cron script and have it simply echo the date?

linux os that can detect a secondary/slave harddisk having windows (xp)

Posted: 29 Jun 2007 01:42 AM PDT

On Fri, 29 Jun 2007 09:45:57 +0100, The Natural Philosopher wrote:

Certainly. I just mentioned a distro that is very easy to install, from
the live CD, as he stated he was using a Knoppix live CD, and couldn't
install from it. I use SUSE, Mandriva, Slackware, and PCLOS, and PCLOS is
by far the easiest to install for a newbie, which, from the question, I
would assume the OP is.

"Lost? Lost? I've never been lost... Been a tad confused for a
month or two, but never lost."

UPS and Linux...

Posted: 28 Jun 2007 12:13 PM PDT

"Jean-David Beyer" <net> wrote in message


Now that I have worked it through, your post makes sense to me. I think I
can offer an explaination as to why I needed to build a new initrd as well.

This is speculation, but it appears that different initrd's are installed
during setup based upon which filesystem is selected at install. Since
ext2 was selected (years ago) during install, an initrd that didn't have
ext3 support was used. The original ext2 initrd was ~90K while the initrd
that I made with ext3 support was ~145K. Once I put the old modutils back
in, it began to load correctly. I built new modutils in preperation for
building a 2.6~ kernel, but in haste overlooked part of the installation
where you were advised to do a "make old", which copied your old modutils to
..old files. Did a force install of the old modutils, then installed the new
modutils correctly. The new initrd is now finding the .old files (which it
needs, since still using 2.4.20-6 kernel.) Was going to build a 2.6~
kernel, but now that everything is working, don't see any need to.
Security isn't a concern since nobody can get at it. Never had any problems
related to the 2.4.20 kernel. "If it aint broke, don't fix it."

None of the stuff that I do with it is critical. I've always had a fancy
for sensors and "real world" computer integration going back to Tandy TRS-80
Coco's. Just various projects here and there. Some do things that are
practical, others do things just to do them... Even though there are
ready-built gadgets and animals to do much of the same things these days, it
is just fun to do them yourself.


Updating kernel using yum and adding a driver disk

Posted: 28 Jun 2007 05:03 AM PDT

On 28 Jun, 13:03, Jean-David Beyer <net> wrote:

This can be..... fraught. For example, many el cheapo IDE controllers,
and drivers with them, re-order the devices at odd moments. The
published add-on drivers for Promise controllers, for years, had a
hard-coded setting of switching the /dev/hde and /dev/hdf drives to
look like /dev/hda and /dev/hdb, to try and force the Promise managed
drives to be seen first.

Ye ghods, those things were *awful*. It's why I try to get 3Ware and
Adaptec controllers these days: more robust, more supported, and more
consistent in their quality and behavior.

Help me choose a Linux Distro

Posted: 23 Jun 2007 10:42 PM PDT

Artificer wrote: 
Damn Small Linux. It doesn't even require installation.

My Dsl Browser 

Yes, as above 
place that 
DSL has Fluxbox ans JWM 
as above 

Once you got the grips with DSL you can switch over to Debian.


Is it Memory or processor?

Posted: 23 Jun 2007 01:24 AM PDT

sridhar wrote: 
memtest86 is normally written to a floppy, and you just reboot the system
from the floppy. I write it to a CD-ROM instead, since my experience with
floppies is that they are very short-lived. They used last longer, but they
were never very reliable.

You just boot with the floppy (or, in my case, the CD-ROM) in place. It is a
stand-alone program; it does not matter what Linux distribution, Windows
version, or what you run on your computer, but it must run the *86
instruction set.

.~. Jean-David Beyer Registered Linux User 85642.
/V\ PGP-Key: 9A2FC99A Registered Machine 241939.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^ 09:20:01 up 2 days, 16:55, 3 users, load average: 4.00, 4.05, 4.12

Building kernel - a couple of quick questions

Posted: 22 Jun 2007 07:17 PM PDT

Darren Salt wrote:
For the classic reason: because it was there. 
It is 32-bit.

Another one? I want to incorporate some changes to the .config file, but
the info is supplied as just that. I can't find them or anything likely in
the menu. Is there a way to work from .config to the menu?

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without
accepting it.
- Aristotle.

GRUB won't boot with a ServerWorks H1000 controller (SATA)

Posted: 22 Jun 2007 01:41 AM PDT

I demand that Doug Laidlaw may or may not have written...

[snip problem which turned out to be a BIOS bug] 

Sound works fine here - CK804 driven by ALSA intel8x0, kernel configured &
built locally. (Are you sure that you don't mean built-in sound hardware?)

Graphics, though - good reputation? No, that belongs to Intel and those nice
shiny _open-source_ drivers of theirs. That said, I'm using older ATI mainly
because I can easily get dual-head working with their hardware and it has
better open-source support than nVidia.

| Darren Salt | linux or ds at | nr. Ashington, | Toon
| RISC OS, Linux | youmustbejoking,demon,co,uk | Northumberland | Army
| + Buy local produce. Try to walk or cycle. TRANSPORT CAUSES GLOBAL WARMING.

How do frogs die? They ker-mit suicide...

Getting the list of members in a group.

Posted: 20 Jun 2007 03:59 AM PDT

On 2007-06-20, voipfc <com> wrote: 

Again, I'm surprised not to see this suggestion:

getent group

This does suffer from the same drawback as looking solely at /etc/group,
in that it won't tell you where a userid has his primary gid listed in
/etc/passwd but not in /etc/group. But it has the advantage that it
will list all available groups, if your box is an NIS or LDAP (pam_ldap
or nss_ldap) client.


(try just my userid to email me)
see X- headers for PGP signature information

Can't get dual-boot to work, always goes to Vista

Posted: 19 Jun 2007 03:33 PM PDT

On 20 Jun, 14:31, Mike Silva <com> wrote: 

Well, that explains it. It's finding your MBR from the first disk, the
Windows MBR. You may be able to tell your BIOS to look at your second
disk for an MBR first, or you can over-write that one with the grub
boot loader, or you can even record your Linux MBR to a file and add
it as an option for your Windows boot loader.

thanks to the group

Posted: 19 Jun 2007 11:22 AM PDT

Yes well sadly when you have an install base, its difficult to switch
over. Like trying to wean a vampire from blood.


How to install linux from floppy, without a bootable cdrom drive?

Posted: 18 Jun 2007 10:26 PM PDT

On Mon, 18 Jun 2007 22:26:04 -0700, two_wheeled wrote:

Debian ( and ArchLinux ( both have a
boot floppy install option for those systems that can't boot off the CD-
ROM. Both can also do a network install, if you prefer, but you'll need
a high speed connection, if you don't want the install to take a week. ;-)

I just installed Debian Sarge (2.6 kernel) on a Thinkpad 240X which has a
non-bootable USB CD. Worked just fine. (You'll only need Disks 1 and 2
for a normal install with GUI.) Tried Debian Etch, but it didn't have
the driver for my CD-ROM on the driver floppy, and was unable to transfer
the install over to the CD. Too old, I guess. I'm going to try to do a
distro-upgrade -- Sarge to Etch -- via the net once I get everything

Haven't tried Arch other than reading the docs. It seems way too cutting
edge for such an old (7+ years) notebook.


incomplete back-ups

Posted: 18 Jun 2007 08:07 PM PDT

s. keeling <>: 


tar czvf ...

"z" is gzip compression. Drat.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*) Linux Counter #80292
- - Please, don't Cc: me.

How to Upgrade glibc???

Posted: 17 Jun 2007 02:46 PM PDT

Michal Jaegermann wrote: 
Possibly, but I believe Red Hat will support RHEL3 for another three years
or so. So he should just run up2date to get the newer versions. It may take
some time since they are up to RHEL 3.9 already (although they do not call
these things by dot numbers).

.~. Jean-David Beyer Registered Linux User 85642.
/V\ PGP-Key: 9A2FC99A Registered Machine 241939.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^ 16:35:01 up 6 days, 21:35, 3 users, load average: 4.02, 4.10, 4.16

How can I get usual screen output in piped tar command?

Posted: 15 Jun 2007 05:57 AM PDT

voipfc <com> wrote: 

Sorry. I think I just sent a partial post with wrong stuff thinking
I was cancelling it. Switch to cvf and then add 2> verbose.file
before the pipe to intercept stderr into a file.

Can't login with xwindow

Posted: 12 Jun 2007 08:27 AM PDT

On 2007-06-23, Doug Laidlaw wrote: 

It may or may not be. Run levels 3, 4 and 5 can be anything. It
depends on what the distro sets them to.

Chris F.A. Johnson, author | <>
Shell Scripting Recipes: | My code in this post, if any,
A Problem-Solution Approach | is released under the
2005, Apress | GNU General Public Licence

how to start mysql server at boot time

Posted: 12 Jun 2007 01:06 AM PDT

grace wrote: 

This is normally full automatic on modern Linux distributions. If you
use Debian, Ubuntu or Gentoo Linux, they ship already scripts which
helps to start MySQL full automatic at boot up.
Maybe your Linux distribution has also a package which contains already

E-Mail protected against spam:

Custom Numer Fields Microsoft Project

Custom Numer Fields Microsoft Project

Custom Numer Fields

Posted: 13 Oct 2005 11:26 AM PDT

Thank you so much. Sometime you look at something for so long it will never
some to you. Thanx again!!!!

"Dale Howard [MVP]" wrote:

Project Sumary Task

Posted: 13 Oct 2005 10:25 AM PDT

You're welcome Neal and thanks for the feedback. (The option to make the
Project Summary Task appear always has long been on my list of wishes.)
"Neal" <> wrote in message

Display additional fields in an MS Project Calendar view.

Posted: 13 Oct 2005 09:45 AM PDT

You are very welcome and thanks for the feedback.


"kwasky" <> wrote in message

Rollback Not working correctly in Trigger on MSP_TASKS

Posted: 13 Oct 2005 09:12 AM PDT

Deepak Mahadevan wrote:

Yikes!!! It is really a bad idea to have this kind of thing going on
against Project's tables. you are pretty lucky that it did not really
up your project.

You would be best served enforcing these rules within an application level
VBA event.
This shows how to use these events. The example here looks at changes and
asks for a password but you can change the code to your own needs.

Brian K - Project MVP
Senior Trainer - Electronic Arts
QuantumPM Associate

Customised Fields - naming

Posted: 13 Oct 2005 08:51 AM PDT

In article <#phx.gbl>,
"JackD" <momokuri@gmail> wrote:

As usual you are right. I just didn't look closely enough at that
possibility. To verify my answer I used a file that had the custom
fields renamed and I assumed that is what Steve had also. Bad assumption.


duration vs. elapsed time

Posted: 13 Oct 2005 08:08 AM PDT

Thank you so much for your prompt and accurate adivce. Once I got the proper
view, it was smooth sailing. Thanks again...NYLA

"NYLA" wrote:

autosize row in Project file with Visual Basic

Posted: 13 Oct 2005 07:25 AM PDT

Thanks John.

"John" wrote:

Working with Customized fields

Posted: 13 Oct 2005 06:32 AM PDT

Brian is absolutely correct. Custom field formulas can only reference the
task they are based on. You can't reference other tasks.

And he is right that I have some code for this. Check out the "Ready to
Start" macro here:

You need to adjust the 80% to 100%, but it sounds like it does what you are

-Jack ... For Microsoft Project information and macro examples visit
"Brian K - Project MVP" <com> wrote in message 

Issue with FF and SS external dependencies

Posted: 12 Oct 2005 09:38 PM PDT

Hi Brian,

We have the issue even if the dates have not changed. If the PM creates the
link, saves the schedule and immediately reopens it, he/she gets the dialog
Again, this issue is for FF and SS links only. For FS links it works fine.


"Brian K - Project MVP" wrote:

creation dates with templates

Posted: 12 Oct 2005 12:05 PM PDT

Thanks for the reply.

No the template is not in a project file. It is an enterprise template.

Installing MS Project trial version

Posted: 12 Oct 2005 10:57 AM PDT

Hi Justin and ed1671,

Sorry the only further advise I can suggest would be to order the trial CD
from Microsoft. The information is in the link below.

Hope this helps.


"Justin" <> wrote in message

Document Access

Posted: 12 Oct 2005 10:28 AM PDT

Mark --

In the future, please post your Project Server questions to the
microsoft.public.project.server newsgroup, as this newsgroup is devoted to
the use of only the Microsoft Project desktop application.

To answer your questions, team members are not added to the project's
SharePoint subweb until they have been assigned to at least one task in the
project. This is by design and it is how the system is supposed to work.
Hope this helps.

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"Mark" <> wrote in message

Project 2003 Resouce Issue

Posted: 12 Oct 2005 09:20 AM PDT

Hi Andrew,

You are most welcome and thanks for the feedback.

"Andrew" <com> wrote in message 

task in outlook

Posted: 12 Oct 2005 05:20 AM PDT

You're welcome Richard and thanks for the feedback.
"Richard Martin" <com> wrote in message

Assigning resources at the summary level

Posted: 11 Oct 2005 06:59 PM PDT

In article <com>,
Robert <> wrote:

This issue has been brought up many times in this newsgroup. You can do
a search on the subject and get all kinds of opinions. Generally,
linking to Summary Lines is a bad idea because the user needs to be
extremely diligent and careful to avoid two major pitfalls. The first is
creation of circular relationships. The second is unexpected changes in
the schedule (i.e. normal links on performance tasks are fairly easy to
see and predict but Summary Line links can cause some "sneaky" things to
happen). If you are familiar with circuit ysis in electronics,
Summary Line links are like sneak circuit paths.

If you have successfully used links on Summary Lines in the past, you
are either extremely lucky or very cognizant of their quirks.

Project MVP

Removing duration from the calendar view

Posted: 11 Oct 2005 04:14 PM PDT

In article <com>,
dave <com> wrote:

To be honest, I don't know. I never use the Calendar view but playing
with it a little it might be possible to do what you want but it
certainly won't be pretty (i.e. very readable). What I ended up doing is
to set up a separate 1 day task on the Finish date of each task. Then I
filtered the view so only the one day tasks were visible. Finally I set
the Format/Bar Styles for a line bar type (noncritical task). Like I
said, not very "pretty".

Project isn't all that flexible when it comes to presenting the data in
certain ways and the Calendar view is one of them.

Project MVP

Microsoft Word - Another formula with a table in a Word doc

Microsoft Word - Another formula with a table in a Word doc

Another formula with a table in a Word doc

Posted: 23 Oct 2014 01:53 PM PDT

I am trying to figure out a formula in an inserted table within a Word Doc. Below is an example of what I am trying to do. I need to add the far right items (grayed out section) together for a Total of 100%. I am having trouble writing my formula. Any help or recommendations?

W2007 Directional Arrow Keys malfunction in CUT & PAST mode

Posted: 23 Oct 2014 01:04 PM PDT

Cut & past a picture into a Word page it is formatted "IN FRONT OF TEXT" so it can be moved around, the arrow keys are used to shift the picture around the page in small increments.  In my case no matter which direction I press the arrow keys, the picture only jumps upwards in large steps until it is off the page.  HELP anyone ...

Why do my links to break when I copy the entire document?

Posted: 23 Oct 2014 12:19 PM PDT


I'm having trouble with my links from excel into my word document. They work great, up until I need to copy the word document and excel document. 

I keep a MASTER copy of both the excel and word and save the "copied" versions as the OLD version so I can continue working on the MASTER copies. However, when I do this, the links break!

Why is that?

how do i change an existing template in word 2013

Posted: 23 Oct 2014 11:55 AM PDT

how do i change an existing template in word 2013

Prefix - How do I add a prefix to a word document?

Posted: 23 Oct 2014 11:02 AM PDT

I am trying to develop a guide that has 30+ sections. I need the users of this guide to have information about each section and how to use it in a prefox before the table of contents. How would I do something like that?

US versus UK English

Posted: 23 Oct 2014 10:36 AM PDT

Hi. I'm using Word 2010. In Word Options, Choose Editing Language, the editing language options are English (Ireland) <default> and English (U.S.) The Display Language and Help Language are both set to the default (Match Microsoft Windows <default>). The spell check on most of my Word files works as desired, ie flags US English as an error, but in some Word files, UK English (ie same thing as English (Ireland)) is flagged as an error in favour of US English. How do I ensure that the spell check on all Word files is English (Ireland) <default>? Thanks a lot in advance, Dollo

Why would AutoCorrect stop working?

Posted: 23 Oct 2014 10:19 AM PDT

Do you have any idea why AutoCorrect would stop working.  I have a number of words added that should automatically correct as I type them, but for some reason none of them are working in the document I am working on this morning.  Any ideas what setting it would be that it suddenly stops checking?  I have checked FIle/Options/Proofing, and everything appears to be normal.  Is there somewhere else it can be turned off?  Some of these are simply shortcut words, such as nw for network or app for application or bw for bandwidth so that I don't have to spell them out every time, but none are working today.  Thanks for any ideas.

Linking Microsoft Excel Chart Object

Posted: 23 Oct 2014 09:15 AM PDT

When I paste a microsoft excel chart object as a link, I then size this image to 7 inches to fit on my word page.

When I need to relink (not Updated Link which works fine) the object snaps back to its original size. Is there a way that the 7 inches is respected when relinking?

cheers, Erich

How do I insert a checkbox BEFORE a list number in a test?

Posted: 23 Oct 2014 08:50 AM PDT

I am trying to create a test that learners can fill in, using clickable checkboxes. Seems simple enough. But when I create a simple, multiple choice question, like the example below, and try to insert checkboxes using the Developer tool, for some reason the programmers have made it so the checkboxes are inserted AFTER the listed letters, not before, which is not intuitive at all. And I can't cut and paste them. I can't move them. I have no control at all, except to manual type all of the listed numbers and letters. And that sort of negates the entire point. I may as well just print the test and hand it out to my corporate learners like children.

SURELY there is a way to insert clickable checkboxes in the intuitive spot, BEFORE the answers??? HELP!!!!

  1. All of the Following statements regarding horses are TRUE, except:
    1. They have four legs.
    2. They can run quickly.
    3. They are purple.
    4. They have hooves.

      (Well, this box limits the formatting, of course - those second tier numbers are supposed to be letters. Man, my frustrating level is rising!!!)

How do I set double spacing between sentences with Word 2013

Posted: 23 Oct 2014 08:38 AM PDT

How do I set double spacing between sentences with word 2013 home and student

<Original title - help   >

Microsoft Office Starter 2010

Posted: 23 Oct 2014 07:13 AM PDT

I have a laptop running Windows 7 and Microsoft Office Starter 2010 - no problems.  My mother has the same setup and all was working fine until a couple of months ago.  Now when she tries to open a file she gets a box asking her 3 questions - does she want to buy Office 2010, install ... can't remember other options offhand - but all that happens with each of them is that she gets taken to Office website to buy new version.  I have been through every setting I can think of and nothing solves the issue.  Can anyone help?

Convert a list of address to a mail merge document

Posted: 23 Oct 2014 06:41 AM PDT

We have a list of names and address that were typed in a word document can I somehow do something to save them as a mail merge document without retyping all 293 names and addresses?   Thanks for the help.

Word Randomly Zoomed in Big . . .

Posted: 23 Oct 2014 06:36 AM PDT

This morning when I was trying a keyboard shortcut for an em dash, I pressed Fn, Alt and Plus/Equals, and instead of getting what I wanted, Microsoft Word 2007 zoomed in on itself, so much so that the icons, such as bold, italic and underline, are now blurry and hard to see. I have pressed Fn, Alt and Minus repeatedly to attempt to reverse the process, but this has not worked.

I would be grateful if someone could provide a solution.

Many Thanks.

how do i unlock microsoft word 2013?

Posted: 23 Oct 2014 03:17 AM PDT

microsoft word 2013 has locked and won't let me edit. it keeps saying 'this modification is not allowed because the document is locked' it is doing this everytime i try to use work. how do i unlock it?

How do I create preview images for workgroup templates in Word 2013?

Posted: 23 Oct 2014 02:56 AM PDT

I am trying to display preview images with my workgroup templates in Word 2013.

Everything I have read says to select the option to create thumbnails for the files when saving the template.

Yes, that creates thumbnails for documents created from the templates, but not for the templates themselves.

I'm obviously missing something but don't know what.

Can anyone help?

Reduce 3 empty lines to 2 - macro?

Posted: 23 Oct 2014 12:52 AM PDT

During review and cleaning up of Word documents, I often need to reduce 3 empty lines to only 2 in order to make it consistent throughout the document.

Can it be done via a type of "Find and Replace" function in a macro?


Space Bar in Word 2013

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 09:36 PM PDT

Yesterday when i was editing a software my spacebar suddenly stopped working properly as in , whenever i would hit the spacebar the cursor would not move ahead but when i would press an alphabet it would show-up a space ahead from the previous word

Password protected word documents

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 08:11 PM PDT

I have upgraded my lap top and all of my password protected documents that were transferred across won't open, I have also kept them in my email account and can't open from there either?

Any suggestions please.

Creating a tile in Microsoft 8 or Finding a Tile that has "disappeared"

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 07:06 PM PDT

Here is my problem: 

For some reason, the tile for WORD has disappeared from my start Screen. 

Further, "Word" is not listed in All Apps

Yet, I can go to a previously created Word Document in "my Documents", open it, and edit it.

With that document open, I can then Ctrl N to create a new document

When I have an existing Word document open, I have all of the functionalities  which I had previously.

How do I get the "tile" back to the main screen, so that I don't have to do this long series of unnecessary steps to open a new document and get to work! 

Thanks in advance for your help 


microsoft office home and student 2013

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 06:42 PM PDT

When I try to open an document it says, opening in proctected view and white dots keep scrolling across the blue box and it never opens. What is the problem???

Templates in Word 2013

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 04:42 PM PDT

Okay here's the problem. In the template paletter when you clik File>new>Featured templates. In the template's palette, i click on a template, it says its downloading but all of a sudden it says "something went wrong while downloading your template"....I have no clue what this is about, im new to office and i love it so far, its just that i always have to use balcnk document rather than a nice colorful template. Please help. 

Icons freeze and won't let me save or anything while working in Word 2007

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 04:16 PM PDT

Do I have a "lock" on or something?  There must be a key I hit accidently that has made this happen because it's worked fine up until now.  I did the Microsoft Tools Diagnostic and everything seems to be fine.  Please help.

Microsoft Word - Microsoft Office Word 2013 Will Not Open

Microsoft Word - Microsoft Office Word 2013 Will Not Open

Microsoft Office Word 2013 Will Not Open

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 02:58 PM PDT

I have Microsoft Office Pro installed on a Windows 7 computer.  Outlook and Excel work but Word doesn't.  It starts to open but then just freezes.  I have tried running a repair, I tried uninistalling from control panel and reinstalling, I used Microsoft Fixit to Uninstall, and I have tried manually uninstalling and reinstalling.  Nothing I have tried is fixing it, what do I need to do to get Word working?

Background colors brought into Word document when pasting from the web

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 02:33 PM PDT

Split from this thread.

Sometimes when I paste in some text that I've copied from a web page (my own or other) it comes into word with a gray background - or maybe some other pastel background, depending - and I cannot get rid of that background in word. In fact any following text I type at the end of that blob will probably have the same color background.

It must be taking some html properties. But I'm not sure that I get that only for text off of a webpage.

The only way so far I have found to work around the issue is to cut that text from Word, paste it into Notepad, copy it from Notepad and paste it into Word.

But surely there is a better way. Is there?

How do I allow only limited formatting in a template?

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 01:42 PM PDT

I am helping to create a template for creating a variety of instruction documents that may include things like tables and flow charts.  I am learning most of this more or less from scratch, but so far have been able to restrict the number of available styles in the document and create content controls for picking dates, selecting title items through a drop-down, and grouping other text elements to lock them in place.  I've also noted the document protection options for limiting sections of the document from modification.  What I need to know is if there is some combination of these or other options that will allow me to limit the font choice without ruining imported items like tables and flowcharts.  Ideally, I would have a template that allowed users to type in or copy and paste text into a limited number of sections with all normal text inputs in Arial 11 font and all table or flowchart elements in Arial font of whatever size is appropriate for that element.  I understand that the control options in this program are limited, however, so what I really need to get to is an answer as to what is possible and what might not be a good idea because of possible conflicts.  Thanks in advance for any help.

Suppressing Blank Lines Following IF...THEN...statements in Word Mail Merge

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 01:39 PM PDT

I am merging to some address cards and each record may have one, two, or three entries for telephone numbers.  To acquire these numbers from my source document, I am using the following series of IF THEN statements:

{IF{MERGEFIELD Phone} ="" "" "Business Phone: {MERGEFIELD Phone}"

{IF{MERGEFIELD Home_Phone}=" " "Home Phone: {MERGEFIELD Home_Phone}"

{similarly for Cell Phone....}

Is it possible to suppress the blank line(s) created when someone has only a cell phone? i.e., is there a way to delete the paragraph marks between lines?  Or is some other construct needed? 

It appears that folding the Home Phone entry into the first IF THEN instead of just skipping down to the next statement if void in Business Phone is encountered would partially solve the problem.  But what to do about the cell phone?

Using an if conditional with the same Fields

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 01:28 PM PDT

 Having issues trying to write a conditional where my price field is <3k but >49k. I end up with a blank cell. What am I missing?

{IF {=AND({COMPARE {MERGEFIELD  Price} >= 3000 },{COMPARE {MERGEFIELD  Price} <= 49000})} =1" "{= {MERGEFIELD Price} *0.09044}"\#C0 ""}

Word 2010 - Creating an Table of Contents - Error!Bookmark not defined

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 01:10 PM PDT

I am creating a service agreement and wish to add a table of contents.  The file has about 10 0r 12 merge fields.  I spent considerable amount of time working on the Table of contents and changed provisions to conform to various styles.  I went through all of the steps to add the table of contents and through the document to identify the style.  Updated the table of contents and it appears where it is supposed to with correct numbers and page number references.  When I merge the data, the merged document has the table of contents and it appears exactly the same.  That is until I tell it to print.  When I tell it to print, the page numbers in the Table of Contents change to "Error! Bookmark not defined." for every page reference in the table of contents and the heading "TAble of Contents" also disappears. When I query it, it returns a message:  "The current document doesn't contain a table of contents field that can be updated automatically.  To insert one, click the table of contents button on the reference tab.  If you filed out a table manually, you must update it manually." 

I did not manually fill out a table of contents, I used the software function.  The table appears 100% correct until I tel it to print the file.  I tried changing the Field | Options | Display on the original file and the merged file to "update fields before Printing."  It doesn't seem to make any difference what that setting is.  None of the items listed in the Table of Contents contain merge fields.

Anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong?

Microsoft Word 2013

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 12:29 PM PDT


I was using Word today and my laptop crashed saying that it needed to restart as it found a problem. On restart it said that it was installing some updates. Once I logged on and attempted to start up Word again it came up saying that I needed to Log In with my microsoft account. I did and it then said that there was no product related to this account. I then attempted to enter the product key of my current Microsoft Office and it then takes me to the loading screen of Getting Your new Office ready for you and it has been stuck on this loading screen for the past hour now and it wont let me onto any of my documents.

Any help would be most appreciated.

What is the little BLUE CLOCK icon that is appearing on all my folders and docs on my desktop?

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 12:25 PM PDT

I just got a new desktop last week.  Everything was going fine.....until a few days ago.  Not sure what I did...or if I did anything at all!  I now have a little blue clock on the right hand, lower corner of every icon on my desktop.  WHAT DID I DO???  How can I UN-do or fix?

Microsoft Word will not open.

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 11:55 AM PDT

Microsoft Word will not open on my computer. All the rest of office opens fine. When I tried to open a document somewhere else it says the file is corrupt.

cursor with 4 arrows at 4 sides

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 11:18 AM PDT

Hello Helper,

I am in a Word document my wife created, I am trying to add content and edit the document but, the cursor which is an arrow pointer

has 4 arrows up, down and both sides. It only allows sizing the page I guess. How do I get rid of it?

Frustrated to no end.

Thanks very much,

*** Email address is removed for privacy ***

Changing the default margins, paragraph, and font for all Word documents

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 09:53 AM PDT

I have tried unsuccessfully to set the default margins, paragraph, and font for all Word documents by setting the formatting I want then clicking on the "Set as Default" button in the Page Setup, Paragraph, and Font formatting windows. None of the changes I make stick. The next time I open Word, the margins, paragraph, and font are the same as before my changes.

How can I change the default margins, paragraph, and font for all future Word documents?


Word Macro - Not Writing to Excel Doc

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 09:48 AM PDT


Hello All,


Below is a Word Macro that's not working correctly and I'm wondering if you can review and give me your thoughts. I've verified the Bookmark in my WordDoc - Form Field is correct and the correct Dropdown Value "1" is selected. So that should set the Stmttype to "DRS" (Form Field – Bookmarked "Type" has 4 dropdown selections and Number 1 is "DRS").  However, the result does not write to the noted Excel Doc (also the path and excel doc name have been verified correct).


So what it does is the Routine runs, but writes NOTHING to the assigned Cell (B1).


And thoughts?


Thank you – Jenny B.



Sub WritetoSheet()


    Dim XLSheet As Object

    Dim Stmttype

    Dim Wbook As String


'   Prompt for values


    If ActiveDocument.FormFields("Type").DropDown.Value = 1 Then

    Stmttype = "DRS"


    End If


'   Create Sheet object

    Wbook = ThisDocument.Path & "\Create Proof.xlsm"

    Set XLSheet = GetObject(Wbook, "Excel.Sheet").Activesheet


'   Put values in sheet


    XLSheet.Range("B1") = Stmttype


    Set XLSheet = Nothing



End Sub


convert to pdf

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 09:47 AM PDT

When I save word 2010 doc as pdf the images are missing!.  ie .jpg

Issues with copying and pasting from pdf to word 2013

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 08:43 AM PDT

When I copy text from a pdf into word 2013 it takes the font I have set for my document which is Times New Roman but for some reason the spacing between the words is too wide and the format of the spacing is MS Mincho. I can highlight the entire line of text and select Times New Roman but the spacing still has MS Mincho. I have changed my copy and paste options to "Keep text only" but that doesn't solve the problem.

The top line in the image is copied from the pdf and the bottom line is typed directly in word. You can see they are exactly the same words but the spacing is off. When the cursor is on a word in the top line it says times new roman.

In this image I have moved the cursor to the space before a word and it show MS Mincho. It is like this for all the words in the pasted sentence.

Any ideas?

Complicated Mail Merge -- Multiple Entries Per Email

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 08:15 AM PDT

The raw report I'm working from to create this mail merge sometimes includes different rows for the same identifier.

Specifically, a single individual with a single email address may have multiple lines in the spreadsheet, each for a different insurance policy. I am trying to create a mail merge that includes all of a particular email address's insurance policies in one message.

The spreadsheet looks something like this:


Email Policy Type Policy Number
*** Email address is removed for privacy ***   Policy #1 Policy Number #1
*** Email address is removed for privacy ***  Policy #2  Policy Number #2
*** Email address is removed for privacy ***   Policy #3 Policy Number #3
*** Email address is removed for privacy *** Policy #4 Policy Number #4

Instead of sending out four separate emails, one for each policy, I would like to send out one email that has all four:

Dear <<Name>>,

Text text text

Policy Type Policy Number
Policy #1 Policy Number #1
Policy #2  Policy Number #2
Policy #3 Policy Number #3
Policy #4 Policy Number #4



It seems like a simple if-then statement should be sufficient, but I can't find a way to make an if-then statement in Word that says, essentially, if the next record has the same email address, append the policy type and expiration date in a row below the first policy type and expiration date.

Microsoft Word 2007 works too slowly

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 07:55 AM PDT

A couple of days ago, I noticed that Microsoft Word started working very slowly as indicated by frequent appearance of the blue spinning ring when I tried to copy and paste or do some other things. I also noticed that, while I was working on the document (432 KB, 41 pages, 107,000 characters), the symbols on the top left corner (save, backwards, etc.) also appeared to be in action, sometimes disappearing completely and then coming back on after a few seconds. I tried to repair it and it said that there was something wrong with AVG 2015  that I had installed the day before. I removed AVG 2015 but there was no improvement. I tried to test it with a very small file and there was an increase in speed but Word was still slow. Then I installed Microsoft Word Home and Student Edition again from Microsoft's download site. I am now using this one and it still is terribly slow. I believe my PC is virus free and could not identify any other reason for the slowness. I am able to use the program but it causes me to lose a lot of time (I do translations every day). What should I do?

Thank you for your help.



Can Microsoft Word automatically fill in the date?

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 07:06 AM PDT

I would like to set up a simple weekly calendar in MS word, and enter the date for Sunday (on the lefthand column).

Is there a way to get a field into this calendar, that will add one day later to the number entered on the left? In other words, can I get the field in the Monday column to always display the next date, after Sunday? If I enter 26 October in teh Sunday column, is there a way to get Word to insert 27 October in the Monday column? And then, if I open up this file the week afterwards, and enter 2 November in the Sunday column, is there a way to get Word to enter 3 November in the Monday column?

enter text once, see it in several places - possible?

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 06:58 AM PDT

I would like to be able to enter text in one location in a document (say, in a table cell) and have that same text auto-populate a different location in the same document (say, on a particular page further down). Or perhaps vice versa. And do the same thing recurrently for different text in similar-but-different locations in the document.

Is there a way to do this in Word 2013? Or not?

And if there is a way, is it straightforward enough that I can hand the document over to the users and let them maintain it, or would it continue to require specialist support?

How do you close a document, without clicking the close in Word 2010

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 05:29 AM PDT

How do you close a document, without clicking the close in Word 2010? 

Activate Word

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 04:42 AM PDT

Having set myself up with a Microsoft account I now cannot activate Word or anything else, although I clearly have an account as it recognises me, it will not allow me to activate the product and I am going around in circles, very frustrating, all I want to do is update a CV!!!

Monospace Font Question

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 03:54 AM PDT


I am using Korean Windows 7.

When using the Consolas monospace font, things are thrown out of whack whenever spaces are inter-spaced among letters within the sentences.

All other letters in this font appear OK (e.g., wwww and llll etc. all appear equal in length), but not so with the blank spaces and the other letters.

How can this be remedied?  I unchecked the Option / Layout Balance SBSC characters and DBSC characters, whatever the heck that means, but the problem is still present.

Or is there another monospace font that has everything (spaces, letters, etc.) equal in length?

I would appreciate your advice in this matter.

Creating a different last page footer

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 02:29 AM PDT

Hi all

I am trying to create a document which has a footer throughout, with different text on the last page only.

The page numbers do not start at 1, so the conditional if page = numpages will not work for me.

I can't use section breaks either as it's a merge template which starts off as a single page until it's populated with the content.

Does anyone know how I can get this to work?

Thanks in advance!

Change font size and line spacing in the index

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 09:33 PM PDT

I was reducing the font size and line spacing in my indexes (to save space) manually after the indexes were created. Then I noticed that the next indexes had wrong odd-page headers. If I don't change the font size and line spacing, the headers are OK. So what I need is a way to create the index with a smaller font size and line spacing than usual. I tried setting their defaults but it made no difference. And I don't see a field code that does it. (I normally use {XE \F "B" \c 2} for my B-type index entries; B can also be G, J, N, R, and S.)

Possible? Not possible?


The First Page of Each Sheet in a Booklet Is Not Printing...

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 06:07 PM PDT

I'm trying to print a 12-page, 3 sheet booklet using Microsoft Word 2010. I'm using an HP Officejet Pro 8600 which has double-sided printing. I print on both sides, flipping on the short edge. I've noticed that the first page doesn't print any content, it flips and doesn't print the first page on that side either. Except their page numbers which I have in the header does print! Tiny 12s, 10s, 4s and 2s are there every time and nothing else. These pages DO appear in the print previews.

AND the third, innermost sheet always prints perfectly. All four pages' content: graphics, page numbers and text are there.

What I've tried so far:

  • Using a different printer (HP Photosmart 7510)
  • Exporting .doc as a .pdf and printing from Adobe*
  • Printing on a lighter stock** (intended for 65 pound card stock)
  • Manually printing on both sides

* I have little experience with Adobe. The pages are printing in quarters right now. Working on it.

**Printing on 24 pound stock yielded the same results.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

saved document

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 05:27 PM PDT

I opened a document that was contained within a zip file. The document was "read only". I "enabled editing", made extensive tracked changes, clicked to close the document, clicked the "save" changes box, changed the file name, but saved the file to "computer" (which I didn't notice was highlighted) rather than to "documents".  Have I lost the document, along with my changes? Thanks, in advance, for any assistance!

Merge Cells Button on Ribbon Not Available -- a bug?

Posted: 21 Oct 2014 05:14 PM PDT

I created a table (INSERT à Table à Insert Table) and entered some information in some of the cells of the newly created table.

I want to merge two cells in the same column. I position the cursor to the cell in the previous row. Then I press down on the left shift key, press and release the cursor down key, and release the left shift key. However the Merge Cells button on the ribbon is still greyed out – I can't select it to merge the two selected cells. Is it just me or is this a bug?

If I continue by selecting another application and returning to the document, then I can select the Merge Cells button on the ribbon. I can also continue by selecting the columns beside the current selection and returning to the original column.

Just positioned the cursor on the first cell:

Just selected the first cell and the second cell:

Just selected the adjacent cells. But this time, the Merge Cells button are not greyed out anymore: