

Microsoft Word - Using Paste Special, I can convert a large table to an image but part of the table at the bottom does not appear. Is there an unseen boundary?

Microsoft Word - Using Paste Special, I can convert a large table to an image but part of the table at the bottom does not appear. Is there an unseen boundary?

Using Paste Special, I can convert a large table to an image but part of the table at the bottom does not appear. Is there an unseen boundary?

Posted: 12 Jul 2014 02:55 PM PDT

I am creating calendars using a table and to be posted on my website. I normally use "Print Screen" and "Paint" to convert my tables to images. However, sometimes I cannot get all of the table on the screen to use "Print Screen". So I need to find another way to convert large tables to images without breaking up the table, at least one calendar week at a time (i.e., the first week is one table, the second week is another table, etc.).

These are some things I have tried:

1.  I entered HTML code to float and connect two images without gap in between; I received this info from the creators of the website theme I am using. The problem with the code is the calendar and info is centered on the page and I was informed you can not use "float" as center. Do not want to use as "float: left" because it looks awkward.

2.  Without HTML float code, a broad black line appears between the tables/weeks; I understand it is called "padding". I could work with that if the line only appeared between the separate weeks (i.e., the first week is one table, the second week is another table, etc.). However, it does not work if the data in a particular week is very long and overflows into the next page; that week becomes divided with that broad black line running through and looks awkward and disconnected.

3.  PowerPoint does not like tables.

4.  I don't have a PDF converter at this time and am not sure that will even work. Otherwise, the tables look too small to "Print Screen"; re-sizing makes blurry.

5.  I discovered "Paste Special" which seemed to work by using the size 11x17; this way I could get a very long table/week on that size page. It seemed to be going well until I had a long table that encompassed two pages (using size letter/landscape). I moved the table to size 11x17 to get it all on one page. 

This is my problem:

Using "Paste Special", I highlight the table, copy it, go to another document or page, use "Paste Special" to paste as "Picture (Enhanced Metafile)". Although the table converts to an image, it is not picking up the entire table at the bottom.

I am flabbergasted! I have looked through MS Word, search engines and tried everything to discover why it is not picking up the entire table. Even though I transported the table from the size letter/landscape to 11x17, it appears that where the image stopped picking up the info from the table image is where the info stopped on the first page of the two-page table that was previously on the letter/landscape size.

Could it be still recognizing the boundary of the letter/landscape size and not picking up the info after that? And if so, how do I make it appear? What is more interesting, is when you click on the table that is now an image, it even shows the extra space where that data should be showing but it is not.

I am also open to other ways to convert whole tables to images if you have any.

Once I conquer this, it will be smooth sailing and I will be able to make as large of a calendar week that I want because the info/events will grow. I have updated info for my July 2014 calendar, but because of this dilemma, I am unable to post it.

Your prompt attention would be appreciated! I have my upcoming August 2014 calendar to do and hope I will be able to post.

HELP! Thanking you in advance!

microsoft-word-2013 losing parts of documents

Posted: 12 Jul 2014 02:00 PM PDT

I am working on a project with two other users who have older versions of Word. Sometimes after the documents have gone through a few rounds of editing with the other users and are sent back to me, I only see the first few pages of the document when in Editing mode. I save the document, and can see the whole document. Then, when I switch to editing mode, the last pages disappear and I am unable to view them. However, if I open the document on another computer with an older version of Word, all pages are visible.

I've tried saving in Compatability mode and also not in Compatability mode and the same thing happens.

WORD 2010

Posted: 12 Jul 2014 01:41 PM PDT

Dear Madam or Sir:

          Given that I am unable to find anything on my own courtesy of the wonders of "Search" functions, I am stuck with being here.  My question is simple, to wit:  How may I permanently set the "Display" feature in WORD to 0 (zero)?  I do not care to have to continually go through "Options" to repeatedly do this.


Greg Falasz

Track Changes Pop Up at Bottom of Screen

Posted: 12 Jul 2014 10:33 AM PDT

Hello. I just got a new computer and had to install my old version of Office 2007. However, on my new computer, when I use any type of Macro that I made myself, it pops up a horizontal box showing that change (e.g., a pre-written comment) at the bottom of the screen, in addition to the vertical view already on the right (I use Track Changes).  Do you know how to get it to stop popping up that bottom screen? It's driving me crazy!

BEX WINWORD.EXE aplication crashes when opened

Posted: 12 Jul 2014 10:29 AM PDT

When opening any office aplication, box comes up "Microsoft has stopped working" the problem details for word say,

  Problem Event Name: BEX

  Application Name: WINWORD.EXE

  Application Version: 14.0.7125.5000

  Application Timestamp: 53745315

  Fault Module Name: unknown

  Fault Module Version:

  Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000

  Exception Offset: 00000000

  Exception Code: c0000005

  Exception Data: 00000008

  OS Version: 6.0.6002.

  Locale ID: 2057

Additional information about the problem:

  LCID: 1033

  skulcid: 1033

If i open another doc it works ok however documents downloded from nrt will not open. any help would be good cheers rob

problem signature:

Word 2013 x64 Equation Editor freezes and crashes Word.

Posted: 12 Jul 2014 09:43 AM PDT

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

since installing Office 2013 Professional Plus in English on my Windows 7 Professional x64 desktop machine, I had the problem described in this thread as well.

I tried both the x86 and the x64 downloader / installer of Office, both produce the same problem.

1. Does the 'Equation Editor' feature work properly in other Office 2013 applications?
Yes, it works in Excel 2013 and Powerpoint 2013.

2. Do you receive any error message?

3. Download and install the compatibility pack for Office and then verify the results.

I tried this and it didn't work / help. Especially this doesn't apply to x64.

4. Repair Office 2013 installation then check if you're able to find 'Equation Editor' options.

I tried this and it didn't work.

5. I didn't install any Add-Ins yet, I think:

6. I deactivated hardware acceleration:

No improvement.

7. I ran sfc /scannow. It didn't produce any negative results:

7. I used the following fix-it cleaners to remove old MS Office data, but I think it didn't find anything.

8. Cambria Math Regular seems to be installed:

Is this sufficient? What about the differing icon, compared to other fonts?

Other than those solutions, I am really out of ideas (from Google) right now!

How do we write a macro to enforce our desired business rules?

Posted: 12 Jul 2014 09:04 AM PDT

Our agency has a similar problem and would like assistance correcting the problem.  We've combed through several forums and tried all of the suggestions, but the problem persists.

We would like to create a template document that allows users to open, fill in a few form fields in a table, perform spell check, use Review Tracking, route the document using email, add comments, and other similar tracking type behavior.  The problem we run into is adding a header image, footer image, and form version and descriptor that cannot be deleted by the users.  If we use document protection, by default it prevents users from using document tracking, and this functionality is critical to the use of this template document. 

We tried using picture and text content controls set to "content cannot be altered" and "content cannot be deleted."  It works wonderfully, with one small catch:  The error message that pops up when attempting to open.   I've included screen shots of these errors, but the text reads "The file 323001_IOC-Electronic (Option D) cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents."  Details Unspecified error Location: Part: /Word/header1.xml, Line: 2, Column 0," and "Word found unreadable content in "323001_IOC-Electronic (Option D).  Do you want to recover the contents of this document?  If you trust the source of the document, click Yes."  

If we change the image from "behind text" to "in line with text," the problem goes away but then we have no control over placing the image exactly where we need it to be.  And if it's set to "in line with text," we can't place any text over it (e.g, the TO, FROM, SUBJECT lines).

Can you help us fix this issue?  You can find the document here:, on my sky drive.

Word Outline view defaults to 'Show First Line Only'.

Posted: 12 Jul 2014 08:21 AM PDT

I'm using Office 2010, on one of my laptops, Word has started to tick 'Show First Line Only' as the default option in Outline view. Is it a bug? Any ideas on how I fix it. The only reference I've been able to find is several years old and has a system of complicated (to me) macros. Anything happened in the meantime?

Consecutive numbers in the text.

Posted: 12 Jul 2014 08:07 AM PDT

I am to give a presentation with slides.

My text will be along these lines:-

Here is a picture of my grandfather (1)... and my grandmother (2).... and the house they lived in (3)...

The numbers indicate the slide number, and are the cues to press the Advance button.

How can I put these into the text so that they automatically re-number when I insert more text & slides in the middle?

How to Recover corrupted word files?

Posted: 12 Jul 2014 06:45 AM PDT

Recently I have been digging for old Word (2013) files and I have found that some of them are corrupted. How this happened is a mystery to me, and if someone could comment I would appreciate it.

However, what I am concerned with is recovering some of them. Whereas some I can let go without much issue, others are very important. I would appreciate any help in recovering them, either with procedures I am yet unfamiliar with, or using specific software. Free would be preferable, but if best-in-class is pay and I need it, I'll buy it.

Thanks for your opinions.

How do I create links to different parts of the same word document?

Posted: 12 Jul 2014 05:05 AM PDT

I wrote a list of 120 references at the end of a large document. Now, I need to create links from other parts of the document to those 120 references at the end of the document.


1. Somewhere in the document I write something like this... "This issue was addressed in manual 23"

2. I need manual 23 to be clickable and take the reader to that reference section at the end of the document to the line that starts with manual 23

How do I do this?

Indent Numbering - List Style?

Posted: 12 Jul 2014 05:01 AM PDT

So I have a document that has various levels of Headings and bodytext and indents.

For example, this is what I am after:

1. Heading1


    (a) indent text1

1.1 Heading2



    (a) indent text1

    (b) indent text1

1.2 Heading2

    (a) indent text1

         (i) indent text2

    (b) indent text1



    (a) indent text1

    (b) indent text1

I have looked at the ShaunaKelly Numbering/Numbering article and about creatign a StyleList but this does not work because the indent lists style does not always follow the same style and the "Restart numbering" does not always occurs, especially if the content is copied into a new document, which will happen a lot. When that happens the default appears to be "continue numbering" so start getting (aa), etc.

How do you get Restart after Style to be flexible, how to get the numbering to be restart and not default to continue?

fyi, these indents are to be "Bodytext" not "Headings".

Many thanks

Text boxes float.

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 11:34 PM PDT

I am producing a workbook for students to complete.

It follows this type of layout.

The question will be here. 

Followed by an answer box here

The next question will be here

Answer here.  The answer is wihin a text box.

This is a screenshot of part of a page.

As I alter the questions the boxes float around throughout the workbook as the text moves position.

Is there any way to stop this?

Is there a template that I could follow to make this easier.

Message "Please wait while we connect to your account"

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 10:20 PM PDT

I saw the thread about Office 365, but I have Office Home & Student 2013.  

Starting earlier this week it would say "Please wait while we connect to your account."  It wasn't a problem until last night when I wasn't connected to the internet at the moment and I had a presentation to do.  I wasn't able to do my presentation because I had no internet to connect to where I was at.  

This is extremely frustrating!!  Whatever the error is, please tell me what to do to fix it.  I have had this same Office Home & Student 2013 since January 2014 and I have never, ever had this problem.  My account is a valid account, I can sign in through the website and it connects when I'm online, but I need to be able to access Office anytime - even when I'm not connected to the internet.

Odd and even pages in Word 2013

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 04:35 PM PDT

I don't seem to be getting my head around these in 2013 at all.   I have tried entering the header and then inserting a page break, but that does not seem to work.

I need to have the header below and then the same text but in smaller font in black on the head of the following

Word 2007 with track changes last line of page issue

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 04:31 PM PDT

I have a long document (over 100,000 words) that was edited using track changes  The document is double spaced and page numbers are at the top of the page.  As I got to the end of the changes the editor requested, the document started crashing on my 2007 laptop.  The document was 'recovered' and so I moved it to a newer computer with a bigger graphics card, thinking that might help.  

Since moving the document 3 weeks ago, it has not crashed.  However, a few new issues have developed.  One is that if I am making changes in the 'Final' version, if the number of words on a page increases slightly, the last line of the page will get kicked off and put onto the following page, often with an indent, whether I want it or not.  I have tried every which way to add the omitted line back into it's correct place, but nothing works.  Consequently, some pages have too much space at the end of the page because of this missing line. This issue is driving me crazy!

Has anyone ever heard of this problem and can it be resolved?



MS Word 2010 Menus

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 04:29 PM PDT

Hello Everyone:

Is there away to get rid of the Menu ribbons and have a drop-down menu

I can not stand the ribbon menu very lame.


Merge Files from CRM 2013 online to Word

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 04:12 PM PDT

Hello everyone:

We are using CRM Online 2013 and we need to have a sub-total added to the merge file in Word.

I need these results

Sub total   = (Quote Discount Amount + Total Detail Amount)

Note Sub total should be $6700

Discount Prices is $1885

Total amount  $4815

not sure how to set up the expression for the mail merge Total Detail Amount

{={MERGEFIELD Quote_Discount_Amount} + {MERGEFIELD Total_Detail_Amount}}

Note I'm using ctrl F9 for each pair of field delimiters and then do an F9 to update the fields

Now I'm getting a !Syntax Error, +!Syntax Error, +!Syntax Error, +

Any help would be great getting very frustrated for I have being at this for a few days now



removing start and finish dates for certain "tasks" Microsoft Project

removing start and finish dates for certain "tasks" Microsoft Project

removing start and finish dates for certain "tasks"

Posted: 04 Aug 2005 10:56 AM PDT

No problem, simply create a new table (View, Table, More tables) and put
custom fields in it. Then apply the table when you want to look/edit the
data, then re-apply the entry table: no screen space lost.

Custom data on the same row as an existing task won't create a new task. For
project level data:
Select Tools, Options
View tab
Select Project Summary Task

Add data only to the new row 0


Rod Gill
Project MVP
Visit for Project Companion Tools and more

"schemr" <> wrote in message

trial version -project

Posted: 04 Aug 2005 09:32 AM PDT

That did not work, because I had activated the trial version already, so I no
longer have the "activate product" on my help menu. I do not have the pnone
number to call in....

"Renke Holert [MVP]" wrote:

Formula issue

Posted: 04 Aug 2005 06:39 AM PDT

schemr wrote:

Glad to help. But if you want you should break it down and see how it
works. make some changed to it and see what happens. play around so you
wll have a firmer grasp on it. Good luck with that other stuff on your
desk! :-)

Brian K - Project MVP
Senior Trainer - Electronic Arts
QuantumPM Associate

Link tasks from multiple, detailed projects into a master project

Posted: 04 Aug 2005 05:28 AM PDT

In article <com>,
"Mark Kyprianou" <> wrote:

No. Unless the default setting was changed when the master was built
(Insert/Project), the subprojects will automatically be dynamically
linked to the master and vice versa. Updating tasks in either will be
reflected in the other.

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

update a task to 100% for more than one resource

Posted: 04 Aug 2005 05:08 AM PDT


If either one updates their assignment as 100%, I assume that this means the
task is complete. Therefore, you should use the following process:

1. Accept and update the task progress from PWA into the Microsoft Project
2. Click OK and then click Collaborate - Publish - All Information
3. Select the task and click Window - Split
4. In the Task Form (bottom pane), right-click and select the Resource Work
5. Set the Remaining Work to 0 hours for the team member who did not report
6. Click OK
7. Click Window - Remove Split
8. Click Collaborate - Publish - All Information

Hope this helps.

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"FOON" <> wrote in message

Subject: PWA page in Outlook is empty

Posted: 04 Aug 2005 02:01 AM PDT

I think it's PWA issue. PWA is part of Project. So that question about Project.

"whatzzup" wrote:

Multi Projects

Posted: 04 Aug 2005 12:21 AM PDT

You have to have a common conversion rate otherwise 1d or 1w of work will be
mis-interpreted by everyone!

Every resource has their own calendar so every resource can work different
hours in any particular day. So, Sue can have her calendar edited to work a
7 day week for a particular week then have the following Monday and Tuesday
off. Or you can have machinery work 7*24.

The conversion rate has nothing to do with hours worked on a particular day.
It is purely how 1d and 1w is converted into working hours. Project uses the
calculated hours and the resource calendar to calculate the finish date and
time of a task.

So you want to schedule an all nighter? edit the calendar.

So you want to have a task done only on week ends? Create a baseline
calendar called Week Ends and in the Advanced tab of the task's Task
Information dialog select the Week End calendar.

project uses calendars to calculate dates and times for tasks. Conversion
rates are for converting days and weeks to hours and should be the same for
all projects so you can consolidate.

Rod Gill
Project MVP
Visit for Project Companion Tools and more

"John Sitka" <com> wrote in message

Linked Tasks

Posted: 03 Aug 2005 07:30 PM PDT

Task links are permissive, not obligatory. If I have a task that is linked
from a predecessor FS, where the finish of the predecessor is linked to the
start of the successor, what that is really saying is that the earliest that
the successor can start is when the predecessor has finished. But there are
many reasons why it might actually start LATER than that - resource isn't
available, parts haven't arrived, etc. If we have multiple predecessors
lkinked FS to a single successor, the succesor isn't allowed to start until
the latest finishing successor is done.

In the case of a SF link, the successor tasks is allowed to be declared
"finished" until all the precessors have started, meaning that the earliest
its scheduled finish can occur is when the last to start predecessor has

You could try this. Create summary task and indent your 4 tasks under it.
Link the task you want to control as a successor to that summary task,
linked in a SF relationship so the start of the summary task is linked to
the finish of the successor you need to control. Now the controlled task
will be scheduled to finish when the earliest starting of you subtasks
begins. Usually it's not a good idea to link to and from summary tasks but
there are exceptions to every rule and this may be one of them. I think
you'll find that works.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"ArnoS" <> wrote in message

Create formula that uses resource assignment units in Project?

Posted: 03 Aug 2005 03:35 PM PDT


When there's only one resource you could use Work/Duration

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"SixSigmaGuy" <> schreef in bericht

How can change the cell's color?

Posted: 03 Aug 2005 02:02 PM PDT

This is what I thought. Am I the only who thinks they should do something
about it?

Im back to using excel now

How do I make the line separators visible when printing?

Posted: 03 Aug 2005 09:16 AM PDT

Thanks, I should have mentioned that it was the "task list" portion of the
printout (left-side). I've since found out that it was a printer issue. I
switched to another (newer) printer and the lines come out fine. Our admin
mentioned that it could be a printer driver issue.


"DonL" wrote:

Parallel tasks in same project by same person

Posted: 03 Aug 2005 09:11 AM PDT

Thanks for your help.
Levelling fixed the problem!

"DonL" wrote:

Project .mpp files...

Posted: 03 Aug 2005 07:41 AM PDT

Yeah...I was afraid of that! Thanks for your quick response...
Mark Byington, PMP

"JackD" wrote:

Resource callendar

Posted: 03 Aug 2005 07:26 AM PDT

Hey Shiv,
I thought about that but it is NOT what I want, since it doesn't count the
hours that it COULD do it's thing during the weekend.


"Shiv" wrote:

lock gantt view

Posted: 03 Aug 2005 05:06 AM PDT

Hi again,

If you really don't know what I wa talking about this may be long..

1. You CANNOT read the properties of a view so you CANNOT detect whather it
has been altered or not.

2. Fortunately, you don't have to know that; you can reset it to the
original state by all means.

3. To be able to reset it to the state you want you have to define and save
that state. In other words, you have to store the View (which has all the
formatting in it) and the Table (which is the list of columns in teh left
side, width and Title)

4. Make a file (could be a copy of the life file) and define the view you
Also set the columns you want to show.
In View, More Views, note the name of the View (probably Gantt Chart)
Note that you can rename it etcetera, try it.
Also look at the View Menu, Table:..... and note the name of the table.
Save this file (let's call it Viewfile)

5. When teh file you want to fix the view of comes along, open it together
with Viewfile and go to Tools, Organizer, Views; copy yiour standard view
from the Viewfile innto the target file
Same with Tools, Organizer, Tables.

Hope this helps,
Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"Gabriele" <it> schreef in bericht 

how do I put a project end date in project

Posted: 02 Aug 2005 12:25 AM PDT

Jan gave you one way. Another would be to use a finish milestone to show
the project's end, as Jan suggested. But instead of a MFO constraint, set a
deadline of your desired latest finish date on the milestone. When you
display slack times, such as in the Schedule table view, you'll see the
amount of time each task could theoretically be delayed without pushing the
milestone past your latest acceptable finsih while the milestone itself sits
on the date where your present schedule will cause it to fall. Project's
slack time calculations are identical whether you use constraints or
deadlines designate the latest aceptable finish date. But note, as Jan
said in neither case will Project spread out the tasks to fill the allotted
project length. If you want to do that it's going to be a manual process.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Rich Asher" <Rich> wrote in message

Microsoft Word - Office 2003

Microsoft Word - Office 2003

Office 2003

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 02:37 PM PDT

I have a later version of office on my computer but am loathe to use it.  The status bar at the bottom of my word documents have a greyed out bar for Page Sec Line Col etc.  I have gone to help, followed the directions and gone to "options", chosen "view", checked "status bar" and it is still greyed out and empty.  I really love this feature.  Any suggestions?

Captions in Word

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 01:40 PM PDT

It would be very nice if in inserting a Cross Reference for a Caption of a Figure or Table in a Word doc one could select an option of "Only number". The closest match is the option "Only label and number". But that is not good enough. For example, instead of writing "... as shown in Figures 3 and 4...", if one wants to use cross references has to write awkwardly " shown in Figure 3 and in Figure 4..." because the option of "Only number" is not available in cross referencing. 

Insert footnote in Word 2013

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 12:19 PM PDT


I have just looked up how to use footnotes in Word 2013. I seem to have somethings wrong here,

Whereas on Ms we have this:

Lost Features from a Word 2007 Template

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 11:26 AM PDT

We have a template, archived in SharePoint (SharePoint Server 2010).  The Word version is Word 2007 on a Windows XP platform.  Each user uses the template from the C:\ disc drive, Templates folder.  The SharePoint archive is just for people to be able to download it to their PC.

The template has 6 custom covers pages.  Unfortunately, all but one cover page keeps mysteriously disappearing from the archived version.  I can not figure out what is going on, is it SharePoint, Windows, or Word, or the unholy alliance that is at the root of this problem. 

None of us has the technical skills to determin the cause.

Thanks for any help.


How do you select a picture and replace it by pasting a picture in the clipboard and ensure picture size (footprint in document) is unchanged

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 10:48 AM PDT

I've seen this question a few times and wanted to provide a simple VBA solution.

1. Copy the replacement picture from another location in the document or other source.

2. Select the picture you want to replace.

Run this code:

Sub ReplacePictureWithClipboarPicture()
Dim oILS As InlineShape
Dim LngW As Long
If Selection.Type = wdSelectionInlineShape Then
  Set oILS = Selection.InlineShapes(1)
  LngW = oILS.Width
  Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
  If Selection.Type = wdSelectionInlineShape Then
    Set oILS = Selection.InlineShapes(1)
    With oILS
      .LockAspectRatio = True
      .Width = LngW
    End With
    ActiveDocument.Undo (3)
    MsgBox "Operation canceled and reversed.  The content of the clipboard was not a inline shape image."
  End If
  MsgBox "Please select the image to replace and try again.  The image must be an inline shape image."
End If
End Sub

See: for instructions to employ the VBA code provided above.

Feeding information from Microsoft Excel 2007 into variables in a Microsoft Word 2007 Document

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 10:33 AM PDT


I have created a template in Microsoft Word 2007 that contains ~50 variables.  The rest (90%) of the document is static.

I have a Microsoft Excel 2007 spreadsheet that lists the name of the variable (ex. "#A") in column A and the information to be held by that variable (ex. "NAME of client)" in column B.

I have been doing a Find & Replace for each individual variable within the Word document while using my spreadsheet as a reference for what information belongs in each variable.

My question is this:

If I were to enter the specific information I would like to add to my Word Template (ex. "JOHN A. DOE") into column C of my spreadsheet, is there a way I could transfer those ~50 pieces of information directly into my Word document all at once, thus saving me the time of doing a Find & Replace for each individual variable?

I hope that my question makes sense.  Please let me know if I can clarify further.

Thank you in advance if you are willing to offer any help!


How do I incorporate a new font into Microsoft Word 2007?

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 10:08 AM PDT

I would like to use the font Old English Text MT within the documents that I am using.  This font is not available through Word 2007.  Is there a way I can incorporate the font into Word 2007?

Thank you!


Is there a way to put "TOC (continued)" on the top of the second page?

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 09:41 AM PDT

My table of contents is more than one page long, and I'd really like to have a heading at the top of the second page that says "Table of Contents (continued)". Is this possible in Word 2010?

Problem with inserting pdf into word 2013

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 07:52 AM PDT

I have a problem with my Microsoft office word 2013 (or maybe with adobe) .

Each time I insert a pdf file into word document , first what happens is that the program (mo word) gets really slow to navigate and edit and beside that the quality of the inserted pdf is low and not very clear . Third issue is that when I save the document (with the pdf in it) , its size is very big and not easy to opperate . Same thing happens when I convert that word document into pdf file - the size is huge .

BUT , when I save that document into word 97-2003 document , all above mentioned problems disappear : word is not slow any more , quality of the pdf is now ok , and the size is normal ...

So , is there any way to skip converting word 2013 file into word 97-2003 ? Is it possible to insert the pdf in 2013 document without having these problems ? IS THERE ANY FIX FOR THIS ?

Thanks in advance !!!

macros not working in Word 2013

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 06:38 AM PDT

My macros disappeared.  This may be due to the corruption of the Normal file following a problematic shut down.   

I've tried recreating the macros.    However, none of these new macros are working.  The keystroke commands I've established yield no response.  Choosing "run" in View Macro interface does nothing. 

I'm running Windows 8 with the Classic View (so it looks like Windows 7).

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Styles in Word 2010 : How to give background colour/Highlight to ONLY specific group of Word?

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 06:13 AM PDT

Hi All,

How to give background colour/Highlight to ONLY specific group of Word NOT a whole Line?

Modify Style> Format>Border> Shading .....................but this Highlight whole Line Not for specific group of words.

'and Plz. Without using Table Cell'


Ravi Vare

Word 2010 pop up without request

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 06:05 AM PDT

 I made an update in my windows and office. After that the office Word 2010 opens continuously files that seems to be created by websites. While writing the message it opened again. Maybe related to IE and chrome...

  Any help how to block it?

Can we Link 'Page Number' of different Files.

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 06:03 AM PDT

Hi All,

For specific reasons, I have made different Word Files

Now I want to Link their Page Number one by one.

File1 [last page 10]-File2[Start with PN 11. End with 25]- File3[Start with PN 26. End with 40] on

Is it Possible?


Ravi Vare

Printing from Office Word 2007

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 05:31 AM PDT

When I try to print a document from Office Word 2007, I am told that I can 'only print from apps'. How then can I print from Word as part of Desktop?

Macro to Find All Tables and Convert Them Into Text Separated by Tabs

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 02:51 AM PDT


I am trying to convert a huge number of Tables into Text (separated by Tabs),

but before conversion first turn all Table contents into red bold font 8 points. Thus, find Table, change to red bold 8 point font, then convert Table to Text separated by Tabs.

I would deeply appreciate your help in this matter.

Word2010 insert page number deletes my customize footer

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 01:26 AM PDT

Hi, after I have insert the page number, the word 2010 will delete my customize footer ie. path/my initial. Please assist.  Thank you for advance.

Email Mail Merge and hyperlinks

Posted: 10 Jul 2014 11:39 PM PDT

I am sending a newsletter to clients using Word 2013 email mail merge.  I have included several hyperlinks in the content of the newsletter.  These are not from the data source, they are simply hyperlinks that have been manually entered to text content in the newsletter.

When clients receive the newsletter, some hyperlinks are broken because the URL has been changed in some way.  For example I had some text that pointed to and when the clients received it the URL had been changed to  an extra period had been added.

Other hyperlinks were fine and had not changed.  This has happened on multiple newsletters.

Is this an SMTP corruption?  Is there anything that can prevent it?


Word 07 will not access website from URL

Posted: 10 Jul 2014 11:29 PM PDT

When I use CTRL+LHB to access a website from an hyperlinked URL I get this message:

I can't see anything in Kaspersky Internet Security 2014 which would inhibit this action.

What else could it be?


Ms Word files are automatically saved in "Read-Only" mode which is a problem when i want to edit the file

Posted: 10 Jul 2014 10:58 PM PDT

I'm using Ms Word 2013 on Windows 8. When i first save the file it is fine. I am able to open it in Edit mode but after editing the file a couple of times and saving the changes about 5 times I'm only able to open that file in "Read-Only" mode and when i try to edit then I'm prompted to save the file in another name. Please, help.

I can't open my Word file (name of the end tag element must match the element type in the start tag). Can anyone help?

Posted: 10 Jul 2014 09:48 PM PDT

I can't open my Word file. The error says "name of the end tag element must match the element type in the start tag". Can anyone help? It's an important document that I need to recover & submit. Any help will be appreciated.


I have the corrupted file in:


Thanks in advance!

Opening .doc files

Posted: 10 Jul 2014 09:14 PM PDT

Hi All.

1. After automatically downloading and installing 32 Office 2010 updates last night, I can no longer open .doc files. (Can only open .docx files)

2. Tried to uninstall the updates. No go. Comes up with "An unexpected error occurred. The update was not uninstalled." Tried all 32 updates .....all came up with the same thing.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Missing table selector button (Crosshair)

Posted: 10 Jul 2014 07:30 PM PDT


In regards to tables in Microsoft Word 2013, could you please clarify how to make the table selection button/crosshair appear on the top left-hand side of an inserted table? Currently, when I hover around the top left-hand corner of a table, nothing appears.

Error message when trying to insert page numbers

Posted: 10 Jul 2014 05:28 PM PDT

I am trying to insert number into a large document, but when ever I click on page number and ten go to insert nmber at bottom of page I get an error message

Word cannot open this document template

(C:\Users\Mum\...\14\~$ilding Blocks.dotx)

with two button 'Okay' and "Help'

Help doesn't seem to bring up anything related and when I click okay the message goes and reappears instantly I click okay again and then it goes.

The document is quite large with over 80pages and 70,000 words.  But this message happens on a new doc without even 1 word typed.

I googled and found help moving files around but this was for 2007 word I am on 2010 University Word

I am not tech savvy, far from it actually. But would realyl appreciate any help I can get, as I am wanting to re-arrange the pages and numbering them will help me keep track of them

Thanks in advance


Office Professional Plus 2013 will not start, cannot open files

Posted: 10 Jul 2014 05:14 PM PDT

I am running Office Professional Plus 2013 on Windows 8.1 - as of this afternoon following install of multiple windows updates, this program will not start. I get an error message saying that it will not start.

Attempted offline repairs do not work. When attempting online repairs I get an error message that says the program's system service will not start.

Help! I have work to do and this is preventing me from accessing essential documents!

Word won't save files -URGENT -IMPORTANT

Posted: 10 Jul 2014 04:03 PM PDT

Word is not saving my files, or to put more accurately, is stuck saving my files. At the bottom of each document, there's a msg saying:

Word is saving "filename.docx"

I noticed this at 3:30 pm after working on several related Word docs all day.I get the same results when trying to save other files,msg saying 

Word is saving "otherfilename.docx" that just hangs there.

I go into Explorer and see the last file saved was 4 hours ago, at 11:30 am. I will lose 4 hours of work if I can't get Save to work. I tried saving files as .doc instead of .docx. No luck.  I tried saving to different space on my PC. Same results. 

How can I save these files??? 

And why didn't I get any error msg when I saved or when auto-saved tried to save and it didn't work??


pdf to word conversion oesn't allow editing

Posted: 10 Jul 2014 03:50 PM PDT

When I use a pdf to word converter, the document does convert to Word and opens in word. however, I can't edit it. It opens as a picture. How do I get it to open as a editable doc?

System Error Oxc06d007e

Posted: 10 Jul 2014 03:40 PM PDT

Windows Office Home and Student 2013.When loading keeps coming up with this System Error. Can anybody help please? 

Windows 7 - Burners

Windows 7 - Burners


Posted: 05 Mar 2010 10:13 AM PST

"Gene E. Bloch" <invalid> wrote in message

Look at WinAVI too.

router instructions

Posted: 05 Mar 2010 09:32 AM PST

On 3/5/2010 10:32 AM, housetrained wrote: 
Belkin defaul address:
Default password is to leave the PW blank.

Rename the SSID from the standard to something else.

Set security to WPA/WPA2 or at lease WEP 128 bit.

Set a PW in the System Settings page.

Allow the Belkin to save the changes at every point.

"Never argue with an idiot, they will knock you
down to their level and beat you with experience."

Option A Windows 7 Option B Windows 7

Posted: 05 Mar 2010 09:05 AM PST

On Fri, 05 Mar 2010 18:26:01 -0500, ng_reader <com>

Save yourself a ton of headache and transfer the data across a local
network, even if it's as simple as just connecting the two computers

Alternatively, just slave the old hard drive into the new computer
temporarily and do a drive-to-drive data transfer. That would be the
fastest by far. Both of these methods avoid burning DVD's.

If all it needs are more USB ports, you can usually add a card to give
you as many as 4 more ports for under $10. Here's just one example.

Good Midi player for win 7

Posted: 05 Mar 2010 08:20 AM PST

Winamp works very well for me, and you can load up literally thousands of
midi files, if you have that many. I have about 10,000 in my collection.

You can adjust the midi decoder if you find the volume is logarithmic or
linear and should be vice versa. That will give the volume the same
sensitivity for midi files as it is for mp3 files.

There is an old program called juke ( that I
used to use a lot that plays midi files quite well.

hard drives

Posted: 05 Mar 2010 08:04 AM PST

Thanks for that, maybe I would be just as well buying a completely new
desktop however my one has 2 dvd drive bays, additional sound cards, tv in
card, firewire, quiet fan and more. That is why I thought I could upgrade
it, especially as I already have a windows7 32 bit software disk.

"Alias" <aka@masked&> wrote in message