

Setting up Project for one-person projects Microsoft Project

Setting up Project for one-person projects Microsoft Project

Setting up Project for one-person projects

Posted: 28 Jul 2005 03:21 PM PDT


But you can either fill down your name in the Resource Names column or
select all tasks before assigning yourself in the assign resources dialog so
that you quickly add your self to all tasks.


Rod Gill
Project MVP
Visit for Project Companion Tools and more

"Rex Eastbourne" <com> wrote in message 

Summary Bar Finish Slacks

Posted: 28 Jul 2005 09:41 AM PDT

BBoler wrote:

Do you have Calculation set to Manual or Automatic? (Tools | Options |

The only thing I can think of would be if calculation was set to manual
and the slack was not being updated or something. Short of that I cant
think of how this would happen without seeing the project. you can email
it to me if you like and I can take a look.

Brian K - Project MVP
Senior Trainer - Electronic Arts
QuantumPM Associate

Large Scale Timeline workable?

Posted: 28 Jul 2005 09:17 AM PDT


If you have access to a plotter, that will be your best bet for printing the
fewest pages. You will still be constrained by the paper width the plotter
uses (i.e., multiple horizontal banners), but you should be able to go into
the Printer Properties and set up a custom paper size that best fits your

Hope this helps! :)
Don L.

"Staceman" wrote:

How do I turn the personalised menu off in Project?

Posted: 28 Jul 2005 08:22 AM PDT

I disable this in EVERY application I use. Can anything be more annoying?

-Jack ... For Microsoft Project information and macro examples visit
"Brian K - Project MVP" <com> wrote in message 

how can I control the split task?

Posted: 28 Jul 2005 07:19 AM PDT

In article <com>,
"San Francisco" <San Francisco> wrote:

Unfortunately Project does not make the fields for split start and stop
available in Project views. I know of only two ways to replicate spits
on multiple tasks. If resources are assigned one method is to show the
Task Usage view and then manually manipulate the Work to create dead
time (i.e. splits) as desired. A second method is use VBA and set up a
loop for all tasks that are to be split. Within the loop use the Split
Method to establish split start and end times.

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

Dynamic duration of task

Posted: 28 Jul 2005 06:49 AM PDT

Peter is incorrect. MSP does support hammock task and you can create and use
them in this situation.

"Peter Hulse" wrote:

I don't see the Open from Project Server dialog box

Posted: 28 Jul 2005 06:05 AM PDT

Sorted now, thanks.

"Smiffy" <com> wrote in message

complete through, how calculated on summary bar

Posted: 27 Jul 2005 02:36 PM PDT

For some reason I thought the question was about how progress was computed
for summary tasks. If it's for performance tasks he's asking, the Complete
Through date would simply be the Start Date plus the Actual Duration not
including non-working time would it not, same as the ProjDateAdd() function?

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Jan De Messemaeker" <jandemes at prom hyphen ade dot be> wrote in message

Documentation on Cost Rate Tables

Posted: 27 Jul 2005 01:34 PM PDT

Others have answered your immediate question but adding my 2 cents, I'd
suggest you be extremely cautious about trying to track revenues in MS
Project. It's not an accounting or a time and billing application and
attemtping to use it as such is likely to be highly misleading, potentially
with disasterous results for your business. The costs it's tracking are
intended to be an estimate of your costs of doing the actual project work
and to monitor progress against that budget. What you bill your clients to
do the project for them also needs to include other overheads, rents, costs
of capital, depreciation, and profit margins - all factors that Project
essentially doesn't even know exist. If you try to track revenues in the
project through the use of custom fields, Project will post the cost of the
task against your budget when the task is worked and will assume the
revenues have been received as the work was performed, being paid instantly
as the customer's obligation is accrued. This is obviously not realistic.
Use Project for planning the schedule and estimating the project's costs -
it does a great job of that - but don't try to get it to do double duty as a
project accounting application as well. It just isn't the right tool for
that job.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Skip Purdy" <postalias> wrote in message

Resource Allocation and how it works

Posted: 27 Jul 2005 01:21 PM PDT


Allow me to bump in.
When you set Resource Leveling to Manual, after having applied all
improvements you can think of manually, you can still do leveling through
"Level Now".
That is the most used way to level.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"J" <> schreef in bericht

More than 256 characters? (MS Project 2000)

Posted: 27 Jul 2005 11:57 AM PDT

Sorry, only the notes field can do that and you are already using it.
Perhaps you can insert something in the notes field to separate the two
types of text. A line of ************** for example?

-Jack ... For Microsoft Project information and macro examples visit
"Hilary" <com> wrote in message 

Decimal Finish Slack

Posted: 27 Jul 2005 08:06 AM PDT

I read that solution on other posts but I don't think that's my problem. I
don't have any decimals in my duration field, only in the finish slack field.
At one time I thought this was caused by split tasks but this time I don't
have any split tasks.

"John" wrote:

Text wrapping in Pred / Succ column

Posted: 27 Jul 2005 06:01 AM PDT

In article <com>,
"Neill" <> wrote:

Glad you found the elusive setting - sometimes I have trouble finding
those things myself.


Daily resource requirement

Posted: 27 Jul 2005 03:40 AM PDT

This is one of the reasons you would consider Project Server - this is a
default view in Project Web Access
Skip Purdy | Principal Consultant | TDT Consulting Group

"Dammika Perera" wrote:

How to let project assign work to multiple resources unevenly?

Posted: 26 Jul 2005 10:55 PM PDT

hhspiny wrote:

If you dont know it how is Project supposed to know it for you? How would
project know their schedule unless you enter it into their calendar? you
are asking Project to know specific things about your resources that you
say you dont know. Project is not designed to schedule for you. It
provides you the tools to schedule.

You could edit the calendars of your resources to show that you are only
available 6 hours a day or that your helper is only available X hours a
day. This might also help.

Brian K - Project MVP
Senior Trainer - Electronic Arts
QuantumPM Associate

Newbie question

Posted: 26 Jul 2005 10:00 PM PDT

Thanks guys

I've got my team to read this. It's making sense to them as well. I'll
have to investigate levelling a little more.

We're getting around the variations by only scheduling 1 month at a time.
Our users priorities change too much to schedule more than that anyway. So
when people look at us as a resource, they will only see the next months
work. This might create problems in the long run, but it should work for now.

Thanks again.

Auto Calculating Fields

Posted: 26 Jul 2005 08:17 PM PDT


Duration and cost are not custom fields.
Duration is roolled up in a sence that duration on the summary line reflects
the difference between start and finish (start of the ealiest task, end of
the latest). Indeed, sometimes changi,ng the duration of a task influences
duration of the summaryu task, sometimes it doesn't.

Fixed Cost is NOT rolled up to the summary lines, but Total cos ("Cost") is.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"Gareth" <> schreef in bericht

microsoft project 2000 custom critical path

Posted: 26 Jul 2005 01:26 PM PDT

I have taken this discussion to the Development Discussion Board becuase I
think my problem may require VBA. The problem is that I don't want the CP
calculated for EVERY endpoint in my schedule, only three specific ones.

"Jim Spiller" wrote:

Microsoft CRM - Security Role "System Administrator" deleted - What to do? [URGENT]!

Microsoft CRM - Security Role "System Administrator" deleted - What to do? [URGENT]!

Security Role "System Administrator" deleted - What to do? [URGENT]!

Posted: 25 Feb 2005 10:05 AM PST

Thank yo very much, Bryan!

I'll verify if a AD backup is available. If not, I'll try the steps you

Regards, Martin

"bscattergood" <com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 

Formatting Phone Numbers

Posted: 25 Feb 2005 08:23 AM PST

Hi Michael,

How are you doing this? I thought the fields didnt have a formatting box.


"crmask" <com> wrote in message 

Recommendations for Add-On that helps Prioritise Activities

Posted: 25 Feb 2005 03:43 AM PST

One of the components of c360's Activity Summary is "My Summary" - it's a
page that shows all open activities assigned to the user.
The user preferences can be set per user to display any field from the


"Billy Wallis" <> wrote in message

Add-on recommendations - Viewing History for a customer

Posted: 25 Feb 2005 03:41 AM PST

If you want to see all activity across an account, then nothing beats VAST
from Visionary Software. VAST audits everything that everyone does in CRM,
and then presents the data in user customizable forms.

Download a free trial at

"John O'Donnell" wrote:

Accessing data in MS CRM without a license

Posted: 25 Feb 2005 12:50 AM PST

You own the data. The license is for the application.

"Per H" <> wrote in message

Lead Custom Fields Fail to Appear after restoring

Posted: 24 Feb 2005 04:33 PM PST

Hi Dave,

Yes we did, and still did not work. Any other ideas?


"Dave" wrote:

Opportunity Customizations

Posted: 24 Feb 2005 04:01 PM PST

Hi Eric and Dave,

Thanks for your asstance. Question Eric, if I change the one on the
Opportunity/Administration form will it change the one on the pop-up form? I
did not think they were linked or the same field. I will try anyway.


"Eric Hood" wrote:

Pop-up alerts for MS CRM

Posted: 24 Feb 2005 02:45 PM PST

Remember "soon" is being the end of the year...

Customize Sales Territories

Posted: 24 Feb 2005 01:19 PM PST

Is this view compiled code? I can see the XML code behind many of the forms
and views that I can alter and feel comfortable alter it (whenever I can find
the file) and would feel just as comfortable doing the same with the Sales
Territory Manager view.

"John O'Donnell" wrote:

Primary contact firstname and last name on Account Form

Posted: 24 Feb 2005 12:34 PM PST

I am not sure that this is an easy task but if you are trying to do this for
mail merge purposes you might want to use a contact view and add columns for
first name and last name. You have a company field and this might give you
the desired effect. You can also do this in a report using crystal reports.

"com" wrote:

CRM Server Installation Problem!!

Posted: 24 Feb 2005 08:53 AM PST

Sorry Stelios, I was a fast/lazy reader... You did remove both the OU and the
Those error messages are typical for that problem.

I think I've seen the same error messages appearing when the database server
we tried to install on was on another vlan, and some Cisco filtering did
interfere. We moved the database server to the same vlan, and everything went

/Per H

"Stelios S" wrote:

Want to create CRM-like Web Forms

Posted: 24 Feb 2005 07:40 AM PST


Adding functionalities to CRM Mobile

Posted: 24 Feb 2005 06:45 AM PST

Tnkz for your response.

Regards, Pedro Airo

"Dean Wierman" wrote:

Custom Lookup

Posted: 24 Feb 2005 04:15 AM PST

you are correct. In the current CRM ie 1.2 you cannot add lookup fields

John O'Donnell
Microsoft CRM MVP

"dave" <com> wrote in message

CRM Mobile from a web client

Posted: 24 Feb 2005 02:41 AM PST

Thanks very much Dean.

"Dean Wierman" wrote:

Access Key in Custom Menu

Posted: 24 Feb 2005 01:43 AM PST

hi john,
standard menu items like file or new can be accessed via keybord with alt+f
or alt+n. how can this be done for a custom menu item?
regards thomas

"John O'Donnell" wrote:

Activities Date and Time

Posted: 23 Feb 2005 03:31 PM PST

Hi John,

Thanks. We ended up doing the same.


"John O'Donnell" wrote:

Microsoft Word - Bullets always default to Calibri; bullet indentation problems

Microsoft Word - Bullets always default to Calibri; bullet indentation problems

Bullets always default to Calibri; bullet indentation problems

Posted: 03 Jul 2014 03:01 PM PDT

Hi there,

Iin Word 2010, I changed my default font to Garamond, but in bullets only, it always defaults to Calibri.

Can anyone tell me how to fix this?

Also, when I type bullets into a document, sometimes, the indentation isn't what I want. Instead, I want it to match something higher up in my document, so I copy the format of the higher-up text and try to paint it onto the bullets below, but nothing happens. Can anyone tell me how to fix that?

Many thanks,


Restarting a multilevel lists at 1 disassociates that paragraph from the defined mulilevel list style

Posted: 03 Jul 2014 01:50 PM PDT

I've search the questions and responses, but can't seem to find the issue I'm having with multilevel list styles.

I'm using Word 2013 and have defined a four-level multilevel style and associated each level with a Heading style. Within the sections defined by the headings, I want to have multilevel steps, so I've defined a second multilevel list style with two levels and associated each level with a style (List number and List Letter). I want to restart this second list multiple times, within the sections defined by the Headings.

For instance, win section 2.3 I have steps










Within section 2.3.2 I want also want steps numbered in the same way, beginning with step 1. So, I put my cursor on what I want to be step 1 in section 2.3.2, right-click, and select "Restart at 1." This works like a charm for the second list. The trouble comes when I go to the next section, 2.3.3 and start another list of steps. When I restart at 1, that List Number paragraph changes to 1. However, what should be 2 continues numbering from the steps in 2.3.2. When I open the Multilevel List dialog, I see number 1 is no longer associated with the list style.

The second level (alphas) are just fine because they restart after the first level, no matter what its value.

How should I be defining the lists for the steps? I've tried selecting all the steps and reapplying the List style, but the same thing occurs: when I Restart at 1, that paragraph becomes its own list and the rest of the steps continue from the previous list of steps.

I'd appreciate any insight.

Missing cross reference caption in Word 2010

Posted: 03 Jul 2014 01:18 PM PDT

I am working on a long word 2010 document (400 pages), and have multiple appendix pages at the end of the document. In order to cross reference the appendix pages within the document I created a new caption label named 'appendix', labelled each appendix, and cross referenced successfully.

On returning to the document to do more cross referencing, the 'appendix' caption label no longer appears.

Please can you advise on how I can solve this problem so that I can continue cross referencing the existing appendix pages, and add more appendix pages.


Mail Merge Table shifting outside document margin.

Posted: 03 Jul 2014 12:50 PM PDT

I using the MergeTools Add-in create by Doug Robbins to create a Mail Merge document which lists the details of their commission for a specific period. In the document template, I create a table with three rows (header,merge data, total). The number of rows per individual varies depending on the number of rows I have in the data source.

The issue I seem to be having is when I execute the Many to One merge, the table begins to expand outside the margins of the document 1/3 the way through creating all the documents and by the last document, the first and last columns of the table are outside the document print area.

Has any encountered this and know a fix? I have tried playing with the table properties and is currently set for Autofit Window but still encountering the same problem.  

VBA to Retain the content of some Word Form fields while clearing the content of all remaining Form fields

Posted: 03 Jul 2014 10:57 AM PDT



I have a protected Word Form that contains a variety of form fields. The document is storing project information.


At the one year anniversary, most of the entries in the fields need to be reevaluated and thus blanked out, but some of the field entries should remain unchanged.


The fields that have data that will be kept unchanged have Bookmarks.  Those Bookmarks are used in some instances to pass the contents of a field to other areas in the document via Cross References.  In other instances, those Bookmarks are used in Macros to pass the contents of the field to another field.


Part 1 of my question –Is it possible to keep the entries of the fields that will be unchanged while at the same time clearing the entries of those fields that need be changed?  For example I would like to keep the contents of the fields whose Bookmarks are "ProjectNumber" and "StartDate", but I would like to clear all the remaining fields.


Part 2 of my question – If this is possible, is the coding different for Text vs Drop-Down vs Check Box form fields?


Part 3 of my question – Will the cross references created from the "ProjectNumber" and StartDate" bookmarks still reflect their original data or will I need to do some coding for that?


Thank you



Numbering and naming the chapters

Posted: 03 Jul 2014 10:56 AM PDT

Hi, I am able to have numbering style in my document like this 1 / 1.1 / 1.1.1, but I would like to have the highest level of the chapter named in this way:



(so the name of the chapter on a new line)

And then classic

1.1 Goals of the work

Contents would be then

1 Introduction

1.1 Goals of the work

Is there any way how to make this automatically with the settings of the numbered list?

Thanks for answers.

Table Caption and "cont."

Posted: 03 Jul 2014 09:32 AM PDT

I have a number of tables in this Word document and some expand onto to two or three pages. I am using the caption feature in Word 2010. When a table expands to additional pages and I am not using the caption feature, I add "cont." to the table title (which is the first row of the table) in a text box. When the table falls onto the next page, the "cont" is there. Anyway to do this using the caption feature? I am using the capture feature so that I can generate a list of tables and don't want to miss a table. Can I do it all - use the caption feature, put "cont" for large tables, and still be able to capture the table in a list of tables?


Making Logic for Drop Down Lists

Posted: 03 Jul 2014 07:28 AM PDT

I have been trying to make a drop down list using content controls that has several different options. One of the options is "Other" and when someone selects that option, I would like a text box to appear next to the drop down list, but ONLY when the "Other" option is selected. I've been able to make a drop down list and I know how to use the content controls, I'm just curious if anyone knows how to make the option "Other" trigger a rich text box to appear?

Date autoupdate issues

Posted: 03 Jul 2014 07:25 AM PDT

I have a document template with auto date. I noticed that when I go back to the document saved it changes the date.

My Question:

How do I setup the template to save the date it was made and turn off the auto update option?


I am write a lot of letters from my office from a template and save them to disk for reference purposes, given same I also have a receipt template that I use and save the receipts to the disk, where if need be to see the receipts if we need to reprint for clients, I would like to be able to reopen these documents and have the date created saved. For the life of me I cannot find any answers with regards to this problem and I hope that I can find someone who can help.



How can I attach a PDF file to a Word document?

Posted: 03 Jul 2014 06:20 AM PDT

I am wanting to attach a PDF file to a Word document (2007), say for instance, if someone else opens my word document on a different computer, they can then open the PDF file from inside the word document. The PDF is about 20 pages long.

I have tried the hyperlink option, and have attached the pdf to it, but when I open the word document on another computer apart from my own, the pdf will not open.

Is there an option whereby I can attach the pdf as an icon and when this icon is pressed the pdf will open?

Does anyone have any suggestions, or can this just not be done in MS word 2007 or MS word completely?

Graphics displaying twice on page

Posted: 03 Jul 2014 05:50 AM PDT

I have a document with a lot of tables and figures and text boxes.  The problem is with the text boxes. The text boxes contain a small one row table with a graphic, text in the second column and additional text in the third column. In Print Preview, I see the text boxes just as they should be. When I actually print the page, the contents of the text box is repeated without the frame on the page again. I have tried different settings without any luck. Any ideas what could be going on? There are MANY of these in the document.


What files to preserve

Posted: 03 Jul 2014 05:39 AM PDT

Good Morning,

My company is finally moving slowly to a more modern PC configuation.  We will be updating from Office 2007 on Windows XP to Office 2010 on Wndows 7.

My question is what to save from Office, such as Templates, Autocorrect, Dictionaries, Building Blocks, etc.   Each user must save their own in their Network Home Directory.  I can of course find the templates, not sure however how to work with them in Office 2010.  I have a PC to work with so I can document this for the other users in our company. I found the dictionaries.

I have a lot of ACL files in quite a few different folders and am not sure which apply and if they will be usable in Office 2010.

I havent a clue where the Quick Parts / Building Blocks are stored nor where to put them in the new file system.  We also have some Quick Tables and a variety of Customized Cover Pages.  Any help, either direct or referencing links to research on my own will be most gratefully appreciated.


Change Word 2013 Installation

Posted: 03 Jul 2014 05:33 AM PDT

I just attempted to uninstall the built-in templates from Word 2013 following a suggestion made by Suzanne Barnhill and Doug Robbins in this thread.

The buttons in the control panel say Uninstall and Change.

However, the Change button gives me the Repair facility and Uninstall appears to be a complete uninstall. Is there a way to change the installed features without a complete uninstall?

Create a checkerboard fill pattern in a Word table

Posted: 03 Jul 2014 04:44 AM PDT


I am using Word 2010 on Win 7 Pro x64.

Is there a way to create a "checkerboard" fill pattern in a Word Table as a table style that automatically extends the pattern when a row is inserted below it as shown here?

All the Word table styles seem to be used for "banding" rows or columns.


MS Word 2007 Document "Not Responding" on new Dell laptop w/Windows 8- Unsaved (except autosave?) but I need the document badly! Help!!

Posted: 03 Jul 2014 04:36 AM PDT

Okay, I know I'm an idiot.  That goes without saying, so there's no need to repeat it.  I was working in a final project/grad school document for hours yesterday with a horrid headache, and I didn't even think about saving as I was going.  So it's still called "Document 1."  Late last night all of a sudden the cursor started circling, the screen changed color slightly, and at the top it now says "not responding."  I looked up how to do document recovery, but this laptop (which was a gift) is a new, cheap Dell running Windows 8, and I installed Microsoft Home and Student Office 2007, so the directions for document recovery all ask me to press or click on things that don't exist.  For example, it says to click start, point to programs, etc, but there is no start button where you can then go to programs.  I don't want to close the document for fear that I will lose everything, although it is set to autosave every 10 minutes.  I have no idea what to do now- I ran the diagnostics for word, which came up with a ton of different conflicting results.  If anyone has advice I'd be really grateful!



Posted: 03 Jul 2014 03:35 AM PDT

when using Microsoft word 2013, the blank document has a very faint outline which is difficult to see.  can it be made bolder


Posted: 03 Jul 2014 03:23 AM PDT

Hi, I have been happily using my office 2013 for some weeks now and this week none of it will open. I get the message Sorry something went wrong go online for help etc.

I have followed the help advice and tried a quick repair which failed and then the online repair which returned the message something went wrong error code 0-4

This is really annoying as it is a brand new Envy laptop and I don't expect problems with new kit so soon.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Posted: 03 Jul 2014 12:05 AM PDT


Mail merge docx with headersource

Posted: 03 Jul 2014 12:05 AM PDT


After having upgraded most users to Office2013, we are finding that when using a header-source with a merged .docx document, everytime the document is opened, the header-source needs to be re-attached to the document.

The only solution I have found so far is to downgrade the document to a .doc (97-2003) file.

1. Is there a fix, or does one have to do a work around?

2. If no fix, does anyone know if there is any Microsoft documentation related to this? or plans to resolve?

Thank you

Convert freehand to shapes

Posted: 02 Jul 2014 07:23 PM PDT

Where is the option to convert freehand drawing into shapes.  I don't have it on the pens tab.  I am using Office 365.Co

Change Color Pattern Scheme

Posted: 02 Jul 2014 05:00 PM PDT

Hi there,

I have a document where it has a colour scheme which uses the colours orange, blue, green and black. The set up kind of look like as follows:

blue black blue black green blue black blue orange blue. Blue black green blue black.

Basically each sentence starts with a blue coloured word and is followed by a black coloured word. After a green or orange coloured word it starts from blue again. What I am doing is trying to figure out some way that if I change a word to orange/green or put one of the word together, is there some function in word that will help me set the next word the corresponding colours until it runs into a period, green or blue coloured word. So for example:

blue1 black2 blue3 black4 green5 blue6 black7 blue8. Blue9 black10 orange11 blue12 black13.

to (if we put the first two words together)

blue1-2 black3 blue4 green5 blue6 black7 blue8. Blue9 black10 orange11 blue12 black13.


How can I reduce the size of the header area in a flyer template?

Posted: 02 Jul 2014 04:20 PM PDT

I am using Word 2013. I am using the 4th of july flyer. I need more space for writing, so I have reduced the size of the picture but all that it does is leave a huge blank space. It will not allow me to write text in this space. The header box is about 75% of the page. I tried going into the page setup and changing the alignment. It was on bottom, I changed to top. It still did not move it and will not allow me to use the empty space. What do I need to do. I have tried everything I can think of. Thanks in advance for the help. I'm in desperate need.

Writing an img file to a pen drive - Forums Linux

Writing an img file to a pen drive - Forums Linux

Writing an img file to a pen drive

Posted: 25 Jul 2006 10:30 PM PDT

Tom Duff wrote: 

And write to Fedora Core about the confusing README file: suggest what you
would have found helpful to make things work.

In particular, I don't konw of Windows tools that could write such a USB
drive from an image. Does anyone else, so I can point FC5 potential users to

Does vsFTPd+SSL+virtual users works?

Posted: 25 Jul 2006 10:24 PM PDT

Nico Kadel-Garcia escreveu:

Thank you very much.

Yes, I have thinking to use Apache+SSL+WebDAV?

Does WebDAV works well under SSL, please?

Best Regards,

Mandriva 2006.0 - too smart by a half?

Posted: 24 Jul 2006 06:52 PM PDT

"Chris F.A. Johnson" <com> writes:

Unfortunately there is. The shutdown bug is hidden in the script There is NO config variable to be set to change that behaviour.
You have to rewrite the script. And the changing stuff is also not
governed by any config variables you also have to rewrite to fix
the bug.


resizing ext3 partition

Posted: 24 Jul 2006 02:56 PM PDT

net wrote in

Root and /etc have far more of an effect that home does - you could just
tgz /home onto a floppy disk more than likely.

(setq (chuck nil) car(chuck) )

vector linux laptop presario change resolution

Posted: 24 Jul 2006 06:57 AM PDT

On Mon, 24 Jul 2006 15:57:37 +0200, Sven Neibeg wrote:

The file is /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Is that the resolution you get in "X", are you in the GUI? If so, then you
need to have something like this at the bottom of the /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Depth 24
Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

From the command line as root you can also run vasm and then choose
xwindow, xconf to reconfigure X automatically.

If you have any other problems please visit the VectorLinux forum at


maildrop log activation

Posted: 24 Jul 2006 06:22 AM PDT

nabs wrote: 

If I may strongly suggest against Courier, I've found it difficult to
configure and integrate. Instead, I've been working with Postfix and
Dovecot, and been overall much happier.

Grub: Triboot ubuntu, vista, xp

Posted: 23 Jul 2006 10:42 AM PDT

On Sun, 23 Jul 2006, bmichalski wrote:

For what it's worth, I have the same problem you have. I have Windows NT
and Windows 2000, and some Linux partitions. To boot Windows, I have to
choose either Windows NT or Windows 2000 from Grub. Both lead me to the
Windows boot loader, where I then choose either NT or 2000.

Yves Bellefeuille <ca>
Google users: To reply to posts, click "show options" next to the
poster's name, and then click "Reply" in the line that says:
"Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message"

Problem mounting DVD

Posted: 23 Jul 2006 07:24 AM PDT

Nico Kadel-Garcia emailed this: 


Permissions in /dev/dsp

Posted: 22 Jul 2006 12:51 PM PDT

Unruh wrote: 

Ordinarily you define sound devices in console.perms so that the logged
in console user becomes the owner of the sound devices.

Check out /etc/security/console.perms and
man console.perms

FWIW, my /dev/dsp looks like this when I'm logged in:
crw------- 1 allen root 14, 3 Jul 22 13:15 /dev/dsp

When I log out, it reverts to:
crw------- 1 root root 14, 3 Jul 22 13:15 /dev/dsp

/etc/security/console.perms has a line in it like:
<console> 0600 <sound> 0600 root


Another quick editors

Posted: 21 Jul 2006 08:18 AM PDT

"SpankyTClown" <com> wrote in

Just to make it easier - not to usurp the replier - if you hit browse in, you can narrow it down by category - i.e. -
multimedia/video... although the grouping isn't quite perfect.

(setq (chuck nil) car(chuck) )

Inplace "upgrade" or migration from WinXP to Ubuntu 6.06

Posted: 21 Jul 2006 08:15 AM PDT

On Fri, 21 Jul 2006 08:15:03 -0700, SpankyTClown wrote:

I don't agree. Incremental backups can save you a lot of work. _Your_ data
is what is most important to _you_. You can always reinstall the OS if
necessary, but you can't recreate your "birthday party pictures." Your
excuse about it "being hard" may land you in hot water if something goes
wrong with your install (or with your hardware- hard disks are known to
fail, you know). You should assess what you have on backup, and what you
need to make that set complete. Otherwise, be prepared to "kiss it

Note: comment inline.

You seem to know what you are doing, but I won't be the one to guarantee
that nothing will go wrong with your install. Shit happens. Humans make
mistakes. I'd backup I were you.


eth0 not activating at startup | RHEL 4

Posted: 21 Jul 2006 07:45 AM PDT

On Fri, 21 Jul 2006, in the Usenet newsgroup comp.os.linux.setup, in article
<com>, net wrote:

and in /var/log/messages - at boot time, you see it complaining about what?

If everything is as the boot tool expects - that may work. If something
is not set as expected, then it won't. There are a number of things that
can go wrong, but you haven't provided enough details to say one way or
the other. What kind of network card? Is the "correct" kernel module
loading ('lsmod' might show this). How is the card configured - static,
BOOTP, DHCP, something else?

Old guy

vsftpd chroot for users

Posted: 21 Jul 2006 07:09 AM PDT

Unruh wrote: 

Gentleman, I'm going to give you both a hard time about this concept. Any
"user account" that is accessible via FTP should be considered compromised,
because it's too easy to sniff passwords from FTP. I've met crackers and
network monitoring professionals who do so as a matter of course.

The manual pages for vsftpd are easy to read and set up an anonymous user
access, and the users of normal system accounts can set up something vastly
more secure like SSH or SFTP or even HTTPS/WebDAV access to allow moving and
re-arranging files in their public FTP directories. In fact, I tend to
prefer setting up HTTP anonymous access to the user's public_html directory
(or public_html/pub as necessary), and set up HTTPS/WebDAV for their
public_html directories.

Cannot connect to the internet

Posted: 20 Jul 2006 12:57 AM PDT

"kaari" <com> writes: 

Run pppconfig as root and follow the instructions. Then use 'pon' to start
the connection and 'poff' to stop it. If you need a pointy-clicky
interface install gpppon.

You should have been given an opportunity to run pppconfig during the
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI USA

Fedora 5 What is Beagle?

Posted: 19 Jul 2006 10:10 PM PDT

Keith wrote: 

Hit up Google, I just put in "Fedora core 5 beagle" and got a few hits
on what it is. From what I gathered, it looks like it's some sort of
desktop search tool.



Modem Problem with Suse Version 10.1

Posted: 19 Jul 2006 07:54 PM PDT

On Thu, 20 Jul 2006 20:38:05 -0500, Clois Beckwith wrote:
Please don't top post. I have moved your response to follow the format
adopted by this newsgroup.

I noticed after I posted that you are using a Intel-537EP. There is a
separate source/driver for that chipset. My links refer to Intel-536EP,
and that is the wrong driver. It appears version is the latest
driver for the 537EP:

(split url, again:)
url=/9284/eng/Intel-537EP- =eng

You said you have tried two versions of Suse. I see that Intel
supports Suse version 9.3 directly with a binary driver. Suse 9.3 is a
little old, though. The source is the best way, but you'll need to be
able to follow their instructions carefully.

Douglas Mayne

Where is mozilla installed?

Posted: 19 Jul 2006 07:16 PM PDT

linz lovez wrote: 

Yes, I tried the google video but there is a puzzle icon which says
"click here to download plugin." I have done that 100 times!

nothing changes.

debian install

Posted: 19 Jul 2006 07:05 PM PDT

Mehere Notthere wrote: 

And if that doesn't work, try (as root)

apt-get install kde

.... and if it says that the latest version is already installed, try

apt-get install xserver-xorg

(there is a potential problem in some Debian installs with the move
from the XFree86 to the Xorg server, which is why it might not fire up

If none of those solves your problem, come back and give us more
details. If you have a web site somewhere, post the three files created
by the following:

dmesg > dmesg.txt

lspci > lspci.txt

dpkg -l \* | grep ^i > packages.txt

Then we can help.


Test of Posting to Newsgroup

Posted: 19 Jul 2006 06:02 PM PDT

On Thu, 20 Jul 2006 15:59:38 -0400, "Chris F.A. Johnson"
<com> Gave us:

Were you in the movie "Blazing Saddles" and do people ask you that
all the time?

gdm login screensaver

Posted: 19 Jul 2006 01:33 PM PDT

Ron Croonenberg wrote: 

One way (I can think of maybe) around it is to login as a User and then
"Lock the Session" (perhaps this is only available using a larger DE,
like GNOME and KDE) - but then you could have the screensaver kick in
after a set determined amount of time.

Nobody else will be able to unlock it unless they have that user's
passwd - which may be a problem ..or not. YMMV

I always use Suspend for my monitor(s) - it saves even more energy than
a screensaver, but not in conjuction with login..Again YMMV


problems mounting external drive

Posted: 19 Jul 2006 09:54 AM PDT

"onetitfemme" <com> wrote in message 

Your drive needs to be repartitioned and formatted to something other than
what it is (MAC OS?)

Debian installer does not recognise ataraid array

Posted: 18 Jul 2006 03:14 AM PDT

Rick Moen wrote: 

Yeah but that's a Woody image!! But it will come in handy if I want to
build my own 2.4 installer for Sarge/Etch and take the next step
forward from offering Debian my patch.

Ah, good - I'll let you know when I've done mine!


PC Problem on boot up

Posted: 17 Jul 2006 08:16 PM PDT

***** charles wrote: 

I never meant to suggest that the OS is the cause, it was just
something that had changed.

I looked at the capacitors and some do seem to be swelled at the top.
I do not think it is the power supply though, I might swap it out just
to see.

I know that it would be easier to replace the computer, but it is just
my fooling around computer that I was using to run linux. I do not
really need to replace it, but I would like to have another working
computer here. I might try replacing some of the capacitors to see if
that works. If it does not, then I might just keep the case and
rebuild it.

There was mention of putting in a installer disc, but the problem
happens exactly the same when I try to boot with one of those discs.
I fear it is a motherboard problem and I will have to replace it. Suck.

debian setup PCI devices

Posted: 17 Jul 2006 06:11 PM PDT

iforone wrote: 

whoops -- perhaps 'wlan0' (rather than ath0)??

This appears to be Debian specific;
but all elements may not apply...


wireless and madwifi installation problem.

Posted: 17 Jul 2006 03:10 PM PDT

>about my system: I have a laptop t42 (ibm) with fedora 5. wireless 

OK, that means that the driver is either not loaded or had problems when it
tried to load. Look in /etc/modprobe.conf to see if there is something
there (ie some driver to be loaded).
If there is, run modprobe nameofdriver
and see if there are online errors or errors at the end of


That means that you do not have the kernel source installed. Look on your
installation CDs (or whereever you installed from ) for an rpm that starts
kernel-source and ends with .i386.rpm
Install it

rpm -Uhv /path/to/your/CD/kernel-source*i386.rpm


Yes, it means that the interface wifi0 does not exist, which iwconfig
already told you ( actually wifi0 is not an interface name any driver I
know of uses anyway).

You need either a native driver for your wirelss card
and look for the wireless card.
or you need to use ndiswrapper
( ndiswrapper should be on the installation CD. Install it with rpm
and then do
ndiswrapper -l <nameofwindowsfile.inf>
where the argument is the path to and the name of the inf file for the
windows driver from the windows CD that came with the wireless/laptop.