

how do I schedule defragmentation, spryware, etc ? Microsoft Project

how do I schedule defragmentation, spryware, etc ? Microsoft Project

how do I schedule defragmentation, spryware, etc ?

Posted: 26 Jul 2005 04:47 AM PDT

John wrote:

And spryware is that new kind of software that is young and energetic,
right? ;-)

Brian K - Project MVP
Senior Trainer - Electronic Arts
QuantumPM Associate

Does MS Project have possibility to draw S curve automatically?

Posted: 26 Jul 2005 04:34 AM PDT

Thank you it really helped. I have visited your site and marked it in
favourites to come back.
I am working in small company, after rather big experience on big projects
in big company. Now I miss data base for unit productivities (in construction
and maintenance of oil production plants). Do you have some links to places
where exchange of experience can be done without membership fees. I am ready
to give samples of schedules for tank maintenance works: rebottoming,
painting etc.
Best regards
Domagoj Bacic
71000 Sarajevo

"JackD" wrote:

Manually allocating time over several months

Posted: 26 Jul 2005 12:42 AM PDT

Oh.. that's embarrassingly easy.

Thanks very much!

<Reminder to self - explore more views>


"Jan De Messemaeker" wrote:

Mirosoft Project 2000

Posted: 25 Jul 2005 10:37 AM PDT

Thank you John, I appreciate your quick response.

We were thinking that the corruption had something to do with the fact that
the file was password protected. However, we decided to go back in and
re-create the file.

"John" wrote:

Exporting Time-phased data

Posted: 25 Jul 2005 07:20 AM PDT

Hi John,

Yes. I've tried the "Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel", however I am
constrained to using only the task name field to identify the rows in my
resulting spreadsheet; I want to include data from other columns as well
to help in the sorting/analysis of the entire data set.

For example, I want to summarize costs by WBS, or by resource group, or
other custom resource fields I've created.

Is there a way to create an export map for the "Analyze Timescaled Data
in Excel" the same way you can export other data using export maps?

~ Don

John wrote:

VBA for Project

Posted: 25 Jul 2005 06:51 AM PDT

Thanks, all you guys for your comments they really helped.
Everything is working just the way i want it to

Cost factors of material resources

Posted: 25 Jul 2005 05:13 AM PDT

Hi Eswer,
I'm assuming you are trying to assign an extra cost (you call it a burden)
onto your material cost? This is common accounting practice.
If this is this is the case and if the burden is a constant (e.g. Add a set
% to the material cost) you can create a custom field which uses the material
cost as the base and multipy it by the constant.
When I say the burden needs to be standardised I mean it should be a fixed
%, i.e. the business want to add 20% to all material costs!! The 20% is fixed
and can therefore be used in the formula based custom field.


Hope this clarifies my answer.
Paul K - Dublin

"eswar" wrote:

Ignoring Resource Calenders While Scheduling

Posted: 25 Jul 2005 12:15 AM PDT

hi gerard,
thanks for that. i think this reason is good enough for me to stop
implementing such setup


"Gérard Ducouret" wrote:

MSP98 and 2000 compatible?

Posted: 23 Jul 2005 11:43 AM PDT

Great! Thanks!

"Gérard Ducouret" <fr> wrote in message

How do I get my project summary bar back after deleting it in erro

Posted: 22 Jul 2005 12:57 PM PDT

Hi Lois,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Try Tools/Options.../View tab and at the bottom, tick the box for Show
Project Summary.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Lois07 wrote: 

Why is BCWP zero?

Posted: 22 Jul 2005 12:17 PM PDT

People would generally turn it off or ignore it.
They may not know what BCWP is when they start out.

-Jack ... For Microsoft Project information and macro examples visit
"Joe" <> wrote in message

vba datedifference type mismatch?

Posted: 22 Jul 2005 10:46 AM PDT


Jack, you seems to be the expert.

yeah i noticed that i missed the parantece. but its not that.

Sorry if ive explained the problem a little bit diffuse.
but its not a problem to get a object to a string. but the problem is to get
"activity.calendar" to be an object.

but it is possible to write Activity.Calendar in VBA?

if i dont get this to work , it is possible to send you a sample project
file. so that you can try it? just see if its just my computer or


- Bjorn

"JackD" <momokuri@gmail> skrev i melding

Removing tasks from a timesheet

Posted: 22 Jul 2005 07:52 AM PDT

Joe --

What you say is absolutely true. There is no default method in Project
Server to delete completed tasks for an individual project only. Thanks for
clarifying that for everyone! :)

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"Joe" <> wrote in message

filter blank lines in gantt chart

Posted: 22 Jul 2005 07:48 AM PDT

"Brian K - Project MVP" wrote: 

Thanks for that Brian, I can stop searching then. Will give your tip a try
and as it's the only solution it will have to do.

Viewer for Project?

Posted: 22 Jul 2005 07:47 AM PDT

You're welcome, Bill :-)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Bill Starbuck wrote: 

Need help using xlt. file

Posted: 22 Jul 2005 07:24 AM PDT

Sorry, I'm new to this discussion group thing and apparently I chose the
wrong group. I was just surfing on the discussion group website and chose
this group. Again I am sorry.

"Mike Glen" wrote:

Remove a task from the critical path

Posted: 21 Jul 2005 11:29 PM PDT

Kevin wrote:

Great. I knew something did not sound right! :-)

Brian K - Project MVP
Senior Trainer - Electronic Arts
QuantumPM Associate

Material Resource overload

Posted: 21 Jul 2005 02:21 PM PDT

How could you set a max even if Project allowed it? Material resources are
things that are incorporated into the deliverable or consumed during its
production. If I have a wall that will require 500 bricks I can't just
arbitrarily stop building when I've used 250. If I did the wall won't ever
be finished and the project will be deemed a failure. Project's tracking of
material resources is to insure you know how many to order so you will have
enough on hand to do the job required. Essentially you can't load based on
materials - if the budgeted allowance isn't sufficient to complete the
required deliverables you only have three options - buy more materials,
reduce the project scope, or abandon it altogether.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Hadi" <> wrote in message

Scheduling with a deadline while behind schedule

Posted: 21 Jul 2005 02:03 PM PDT


When you use the reschedule work function, it shifts the unfinished work to
today (or tomorrow, depends), that is true.
It ignores predecessors of this work, logical isn't it, that's the past, you
only plan the future.
But it doesn't ignore the successors to these tasks, these are shifted just
as well.
You will probably get negative slack (if you fixed the end date with a hard
constraint) or a schedule overrun (when you only put a delay on the final

Now by all means you're to move: can you increase resources (only few people
can, you know); can you use subcontreacting to speed up, etc.;LS project has
no way of guessing this and I wonder if any software will know your
possibilities to improve the schedule..


Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"joshroberts" <> schreef in bericht

required by 

Slip task

Posted: 21 Jul 2005 11:17 AM PDT

Reading your post a question came to mind - was any work performed on the
11th? The task was originally scheduled to start on the 11th. If work was
NOT performed on it, we don't have a task being interrupted, we have a
task's start being delayed which is not the same thing at all. A task is
interrupted if work starts and then stands-down for some reason. If work
was performed on the 11th, the day of work for the 11th is "used up" in the
overall task duration and the interruption begins with the first moment work
should have happened but didn't, which is to say, the morning of the 12th,
NOT the moment the work that was performed finished, the afternoon of the
11th. If we work 8-5, work was done the 11th from 8 to 5 and the
interruption begins 8am the morning of the 12th, not 5pm the afternoon of
the 11th because non-working time, the hours from 5pm->8am, is ignored by
the calendars and might as well not even exist as far as the project is
concerned. The easiest way to post this to your schedule would be to enter
any actual work for that task on the day(s) it took place and then with that
task selected, use from the menu Tools / Tracking / UpdateProject and with
the radio button for "Selected Tasks" in the dialog box selected, use the
"Reschedule Uncompleted Work to Begin After..." option.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Sandieve" <> wrote in message

Outlook Integration Wizard / Addin for Project 2003

Posted: 21 Jul 2005 10:47 AM PDT

OK, I found this. I know it does the job for me, hope it will for you.

Project 2003 Workgroup Message Handler

Don't forget to read the installation instructions, you have to add a
registry key

"Mike Brester" <> a écrit dans le
message de news: com... 

How to change pjDate_Www_dd ?

Posted: 21 Jul 2005 10:16 AM PDT

Well, it sounds strange, but the first date will be Dec 27'04, for 2005
calendar. This is, thas last week of Dec will be w1/1 ->w1/7. Part of the
problem could be that the last week of Dec is in MP, as of today, w53, and a
lot of companies only use 52 weeks for a calendar year. One of those
companies that use this format, that I know , is Intel

"Rod Gill" wrote:

How can I get the Adobe PDF Maker 7.0 toolbar into MS Project 03?

Posted: 21 Jul 2005 08:27 AM PDT

The PDF Maker toolbar for Project is a feature of Acrobat Professional only
and not available with Acrobat Standard.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"ClairNeedsHelp" <> wrote in message

Can I network 2 computers 1 with ME and one with XP?

Posted: 21 Jul 2005 08:06 AM PDT

In article <com>,
"ssmalley" <> wrote:

This is a Microsoft Project newsgroup. I suggest you try a newsgroup
that deals with various operating system configurations.

Project MVP

Automatic Gannt Bar formatted based on the resource assigned?

Posted: 21 Jul 2005 07:01 AM PDT

Hi Tom,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

You might like to see FAQ Item: 31. Customizing Task Bars.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

tom s wrote: 

Microsoft Word - After a fomula inserted, all the text below jumped to next page

Microsoft Word - After a fomula inserted, all the text below jumped to next page

After a fomula inserted, all the text below jumped to next page

Posted: 02 Jul 2014 12:04 PM PDT

Hi Guys,

I need your help.

After I inserted a formula into my text using the word's formula tools, the text below jumped to the next page, as shown in the picture below.

If I changed the formula format (Cambira Math) as the same as the text (Times New Roman), the text came back, but it just showed a part of formula, upper and lower parts of formula were missing, as shown in the picture below. 

Do you have any idea or solution?

Looking forward to your reply!

Thank you very much!

Print specific pages

Posted: 02 Jul 2014 12:00 PM PDT

I receive on a daily basis emails which contain 1-40 word documents that I must print and then process. Each document is 4-5 pages with 2-3 of the pages being instructions which I don't need. If I right click on all the files and do a quick print they all print but I end up with a lot of pages I don't need which wastes paper. If I open each document one at a time and just print that pages I want that saves paper but adds a lot of extra time. Does someone have a script or know of a way I could do a quick print of specific pages on a group of files?

MS Word XP now tells me that I need activate it, due to hardware changes I made 2 months ago!

Posted: 02 Jul 2014 11:48 AM PDT

I have been using MS Word XP for many years. Suddenly, today, 7-2-2014. Word gives me a dialog box which tells me that I have to reactivete Word, because of the upgrades which I have made to my computer. Two months ago, I replaced the motherboard and added a Solid State Drive. It took MS Word 2 months to realize that hardware changes have been made??? I followed the instructions which indicated to "Load the installation DVD for MS Office XP, and click next, which I did. My computer sat there and did nothing for several minutes. I tried again, with the same results. I understand that support for XP has gone by the wayside, but what is causing problems with software which has worked great for years? I have not tried Excel, Access, Powerpoint, or Frontpage, yet. They will probably give me the same indications as Word. I need the "FIX" for this problem!

How do I hide/Disable Microsoft Word's built in templates from showing up

Posted: 02 Jul 2014 11:11 AM PDT

We do not want to see all the Microsoft Templates from appearing when we click on My Templates.  We are a law firm and have a lot of our own templates.  In 2003 it was easy to hide this but we can't figure it out for 2007 and 2010 which we are slowing upgrading users.   We have already given everyone a direct link button the My Templates on their QAT, but it still shows all the tabs and templates to all the Microsoft templates that we do not need to see. 

Can you help guide me please?  Thank you

How do I hide/Disable Microsoft Word's built in templates from showing up

Posted: 02 Jul 2014 11:10 AM PDT

We do not want to see all the Microsoft Templates from appearing when we click on My Templates.  We are a law firm and have a lot of our own templates.  In 2003 it was easy to hide this but we can't figure it out for 2007 and 2010 which we are slowing upgrading users.   We have already given everyone a direct link button the My Templates on their QAT, but it still shows all the tabs and templates to all the Microsoft templates that we do not need to see. 

Can you help guide me please?  Thank you.

Insert Citation; City & Comments Filed

Posted: 02 Jul 2014 11:08 AM PDT


I create source and type phrase in the city or comments filed and press OK but in word page doesn't show city or comments filed of phrase!!! 

Send to mail recipient

Posted: 02 Jul 2014 11:01 AM PDT

When I am sending to mail recipient and my receiver of the email doesn't view at 100% the email looks all squished? Any resolution to this?

Problem with Office 2013 documents after PC resumes from sleep

Posted: 02 Jul 2014 10:12 AM PDT

Have a number of PCs in a work environment that exhibit the following error messages when they are woken from a sleep state and the user was working on a Word or PowerPoint document via a network share.

PowerPoint error: The file you were working with was modified during suspend mode, and the original version is no longer available. <file path and name.ppt> must be re-saved.

Word error: Word cannot establish a network connection with this document after the system resumed from suspend mode. Save the document into a different file to keep any changes.

Having searched the error message I can see that hot fixes were created to fix the issue in Word 2007 and 2010, but nothing seems to relate to Office 2013.

All the PCs have the latest OS and Office updates.

I tried the NetworkAvailableTimeInSeconds reg fix from this link - , and obviously applied it to the Office 2013 key, but to no avail. The additional steps talk about applying the available hot fix, but this is not applicable to Office 2013.


All PCs Windows 8.1 Enterprise and Office Professional Plus 2013

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.


In bulleted list, some paragraphs (bullet points) have different line spacing from others

Posted: 02 Jul 2014 09:16 AM PDT

Can someone help me with this, it is driving me up a wall.

I am using the Bullets in the Paragraphs pane of the Home task bar to bullet items in a several lists.  Some of the lines wrap.  Some of the wrapped lines are single spaced, others become wider spaced but when I select them, they all show as single spaced.  See the image below where the first multiline bullet is single spaced, the next two are wider spaced and the last one is single spaced.

Can I fill in details in one document, and have it automatically populate 3 or 4 others?

Posted: 02 Jul 2014 08:59 AM PDT

Hi, I want to fill in details in one document, and have it automatically populate 3 or 4 other documents. Is there a feature in word that can do this?

In the back of my mind I feel like it might be something to do with bookmarks and form-fields, but any pointers gratefully received.

Many thanks


Export from Word 2013 to PDF alters table formatting

Posted: 02 Jul 2014 04:47 AM PDT

Is there a way to control the formatting of tables when exporting/printing to PDF?

The image attached is what tables look like after printing to PDF. The borders are messed up generally (they should all be the same width!) but there is no consistency regarding the borders when a cell or row has a background colour.

What is happening here and how do you fix it?

Make the headlines word-wrap in Navigation panel?

Posted: 02 Jul 2014 03:55 AM PDT

In the Word 2010 Navigation panel for headlines, the headlines are listed as one-liners. This cuts off part of the headline when the headline is somewhat longer. This is not good, as only a part of the headline can be seen.

So is there an option to make the headlines each word-wrap in Navigation panel for headlines, when the headline does not fit in the Navigation panel?

unable to access documents after installing office 2010 and office 2013 updates

Posted: 01 Jul 2014 08:59 PM PDT

Please looking for answers to make my computer run right.  Please want it to work, without spending 60-80 hours on the computer each week. 

I've already spent more than $7,000 on IT and networking repair bills since Jan 1, of 2014. 

Sound ridiculous? 

I agree. 

Where did the "Always autocorrect to..." option when right-clicking go?

Posted: 01 Jul 2014 08:26 PM PDT

I see where I can go in and manually enter in an autocorrect replace THIS with THAT, but in every other version of Word that I've used if I right-click on a misspelled word I see the autocorrect suggestions then a choice to "Always Autocorrect to ->", and if I move the cursor over that I see the same list of choices of autocorrections but this way my choice is saved. 

So for example:

* If I type "neverously" in Word.

 * Right-Click the word and I see the choices of feverously; numerously; nervously, etc

* I choose nervously.

* It corrects it THAT time but not again the next time I type neverously.

What am I missing? Thanks for your help!

Citation for office365

Posted: 01 Jul 2014 06:17 PM PDT


Does anyone use office365 - Word to do citation?  i'm using ipad with office 365 installed.  Initially i thought of fully utilised my ipad with office 365 to do assignment which i need to use the microsoft office - word, the citation/references features, unfortunately after i installed office 365, i couldn't find this features.  i'm very disappointed.  Anyway other methods which you know, can you please share with me?

Many thanks


Microsoft Word 2014 slow in typing

Posted: 01 Jul 2014 05:47 PM PDT

I'm using Surface Pro with uploaded Microsoft Office 2014. Since just recently I have discovered an issue with the Word application in that when I try to make notes in school the Word slows down to unacceptable speeds as to the point that it cannot keep up with my typing. It's not just that I type fast, but it's that the Word app slows down. Then after I save my work and restart the Word, it's ok for some time but then returns to the issue again. Can someone please HELP ME? 

MS Word 13: Text Boundaries

Posted: 01 Jul 2014 05:21 PM PDT

 How can I view text boundaries (for tables and margins) without seeing the lines between paragraphs which are now visible in this version? These lines were not visible in Word 2010 even after setting the Advanced option to see text boundaries.

Tracking Changes - Non-Feature / not wanted / can't make it go away

Posted: 01 Jul 2014 04:56 PM PDT

A truly ridiculous feature.  

You start with a BLANK page, and it TRACKS CHANGES.  As in, everything you enter is TRACKED as a change.  You can turn of the tracking, save the document, open it again, and Voila!  Tracking is back again. And EVERYTHING you type is a change

I have found several suggestions, from non-Microsoft sites that suggested changing the normal. template, which I did.   Microsoft support seems utterly uninterested in actually helping with problems.  The most you can hope for is to randomly locate another user who may have read the goat-entrails correctly and stumbled across a solution.

Now, I ask you, why on earth would you make the TRACKING feature(?) a default without an easy way to disable it? 

Screensaver password - Forums Linux

Screensaver password - Forums Linux

Screensaver password

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 10:24 AM PDT

Maurice Batey wrote:

Look a little harder. Try:
YaST->User Management->Expert Options->Login Settings

Larry Bristol --- The Double Luck

Problem: no parallel in /dev

Posted: 10 Jul 2006 03:47 PM PDT

Unruh napisal(a): 

It's ridiculous, when in dmesg I have parport0 and in /dev I do not,
but that's the truth.

dvdrw kmsg mouse ram15 sda3 tty0 tty22
tty36 tty5 tty63 vcs5
... fb log mptctl ram2 sda5 tty1 tty23
tty37 tty50 tty7 vcs6
..udev fb0 loop null ram3 sda6 tty10 tty24
tty38 tty51 tty8 vcs7
adsp fbsplash loop0 nvram ram4 sda7 tty11 tty25
tty39 tty52 tty9 vcsa
audio fd loop1 port ram5 sda8 tty12 tty26
tty4 tty53 ttyS0 vcsa1
bus fd0 loop2 psaux ram6 sequencer tty13 tty27
tty40 tty54 ttyS1 vcsa12
cdrom floppy loop3 ptmx ram7 sequencer2 tty14 tty28
tty41 tty55 ttyS2 vcsa2
cdrom1 full loop4 pts ram8 shm tty15 tty29
tty42 tty56 ttyS3 vcsa3
cdrw gpmctl loop5 ram0 ram9 snd tty16 tty3
tty43 tty57 urandom vcsa4
console hda loop6 ram1 random sound tty17 tty30
tty44 tty58 vcs vcsa5
core hdb loop7 ram10 rd stderr tty18 tty31
tty45 tty59 vcs1 vcsa6
disk hpet mapper ram11 rtc stdin tty19 tty32
tty46 tty6 vcs12 vcsa7
dri initctl mem ram12 sda stdout tty2 tty33
tty47 tty60 vcs2 zero
dsp input misc ram13 sda1 tts tty20 tty34
tty48 tty61 vcs3
dvd kmem mixer ram14 sda2 tty tty21 tty35
tty49 tty62 vcs4

This is my /dev, sorry for lack of text formatting.

GRUB problems

Posted: 10 Jul 2006 10:12 AM PDT

Everything is golden now. For about a day, GRUB was booting to the
grub> prompt and then I had to tell it to boot with the kernel. After
figuring out that grub was looking in the wrong place for the grub.conf
file, I was able to correct the issues entirely. We now have a
physical server free for use in other tasks. Thanks everyone for the

unresolved symbols and other problems

Posted: 10 Jul 2006 06:17 AM PDT

chuckcar wrote: 
Well I don't have time to do any of this just now as I have to catch a boat to the
mainland and will be away for 1 week but just to put you in the picture :

Initially I did not compile the kernel so I did not cause the problem by doing so.

This was the problem from a fresh install with no attempt to alter anything.

The mouse did not work for either kernel until I ran xorgconfig a few times and eventually
chose PS/2 for the mouse type. Then it worked with the 2.4.29 kernel.

How can I configure custom memory size for video?

Posted: 09 Jul 2006 01:30 PM PDT

Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote: 

Actually these are two excellent suggestions. It turns out I had
cached some other (old, but not quite as bad) video cards in my parts
intending that some day I would try swapping one of them in. Too bad I
didn't write THAT in my system administration notes!

So I swapped in a board with 8MB already on it (which was more than
the old card had), and can get a halfway decent screen resolution.
I did have to edit xorg.conf anyway, but "man xorg.conf" is quite
adequate for editing color depths and video modes. So much easier
than trying to make the old video card do what it was never designed

By the way, I also looked at my XF86Config file from my Fedora Core 2
installation, but I'm not sure I'd now recommend what I found there.

Oddly, system-config-display still shows only 640x480 and 800x600
modes, although the display actually is 1024x768 at this moment
(verified by a screen capture). But that problem can wait.

David Karr

online linux man page

Posted: 08 Jul 2006 07:20 PM PDT

iforone wrote:

Before I said "it does not work" I said "Unless I have
missed something".


Dan C. Gets caught apparently Plagiarizing:
Message ID: <>
Yeah, this is the type critical of me!

WinXP dual boot with non-defragmented disk?

Posted: 08 Jul 2006 02:52 PM PDT

chuckcar wrote: 

No I'm not...and I made very clear the differences in my earlier posts.

Have you looked at the Diskeeper documentation atleast ??

Also note;
NTFS can be installed many ways -- and if the person doing the install

A: an image of a previous install (ghost type app/utility)
B: installed using the NTFS utils "oFormat" and the like...

There's the chance that the Boot sector (and various other Meta-Data
files (IIRC; $BITMAP, $MFT, etc)) can be stored "anywhere" on the HDD
(laced throughout). This is a likely occurence anyway, but even more-so
if one used a PXE type setup (option B above). Certain blocks of data
may become 'locked' and broken up into pieces. But, either way, the
swapfile can always be forced to the outer-most blocks.

I am no NTFS guru-type, and I could be mistaken about certain explicit



Cut down Linux (Debian)

Posted: 07 Jul 2006 03:05 PM PDT


Thanks for the heads up!


ubuntu installation + stupidity cost me data

Posted: 07 Jul 2006 12:33 PM PDT

com wrote in

First thing to try is doing and fdisk/mbr and then booting to linux with
a cd to see what partitions are there and try mounting them. You then
might try to copy any important data to a linux partition and go from
there. Beyond that, you'd have to check the correlation between the fats
and the files themselves to see what's scrawed. If you don't know what
that means, don't do it and stop there maybe try doing a scandisk
*without* fixxing errors just so you see what and where they are copying
all it tells you down.

(setq (chuck nil) car(chuck) )

Sometimes eth0 & eth1 swap in Fedora

Posted: 06 Jul 2006 01:53 PM PDT

Allen Kistler wrote:

Coming late into this thread I would like to add this to the discussion.
If it is not relevant the please disregard. Device naming order changes randomly after rebooting

This is due to the fact that Udev, by design, handles uevents and loads
modules in parallel, and thus in an unpredictable order. This will never
be “fixed”. You should not rely upon the kernel device names being stable.
Instead, create your own rules that make symlinks with stable names based
on some stable attributes of the device, such as a serial number or the
output of various *_id utilities installed by Udev. See also the network
interface renaming example in Section 7.12, “Configuring the network

7.12.1. Creating stable names for network interfaces

Instructions in this section are optional if you have only one network
With Udev and modular network drivers, the network interface numbering is
not persistent across reboots by default, because the drivers are loaded in
parallel and, thus, in random order. For example, on a computer having two
network cards made by Intel and Realtek, the network card manufactured by
Intel may become eth0 and the Realtek card becomes eth1. In some cases,
after a reboot the cards get renumbered the other way around. To avoid
this, create Udev rules that assign stable names to network cards based on
their MAC addresses.
First, find out the MAC addresses of your network cards:
grep -H . /sys/class/net/*/address

For each network card (but not for the loopback interface), invent a
descriptive name, such as “realtek”, and create Udev rules similar to the
cat > /etc/udev/rules.d/26-network.rules << "EOF"
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", SYSFS{address}=="52:54:00:12:34:56",
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", SYSFS{address}=="00:a0:c9:78:9a:bc",

These rules will always rename the network cards to “realtek” and “intel”,
independently of the original numbering provided by the kernel. Use these
names instead of “eth0” in the network interface configuration files
created below.
Persistent names must be different from the default network interface names
assigned by the kernel.

Dancin' in the ruins tonight
mail: echo ee.pbz | perl -pe 'y/a-z/n-za-m/'
Tayo'y Mga Pinoy

Resourcing will not feed through to pool Microsoft Project

Resourcing will not feed through to pool Microsoft Project

Resourcing will not feed through to pool

Posted: 21 Jul 2005 02:08 AM PDT

Ms MIS wrote: 
I've seen this on a number of occasions where clients had many projects
(20 - 40 maybe?) connected to a resource pool. Eventually they become
corrupt, beging doing weird things like you're seeing. I've never been
able to trace the exact causes. Some of the symtoms are:
"Ghost tasks" - tasks that continue to remain in the RP after the
project they came from has been removed from the RP.
Tasks showing different hours than what the current schedule shows
(hours they were previously scheduled for)
RP locking up.
RP won't open.

For clients in this situation, I created rigorous protocols to connect
projects to the RP and for removing them. I've never been back with
these clients, so I don't know if the problems continued.

A rememdy I've seen here is to store all the projects and the RP in
Access, then re-create them back in .mpp format. I think if I got them
all over into Access, and they worked, I'd just keep them there.
Hope this helps in your world.

Create Project by Person

Posted: 20 Jul 2005 11:36 AM PDT

What will you do when two or more people are working together on a task?
The method you're thinking about is going to have multiple entries for the
same task, distorting the timeline of your work.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"" <please.reply@group> wrote in message

Sending info to client without including cost data

Posted: 20 Jul 2005 11:20 AM PDT

Cindy wrote:

I would do a File Save As and make a copy of the current state of your
Project. I would then change the rates for everyone to $0 or $1 and then
do a Tools | Tracking | Clear Baseline and clear the baselines you might
have saved while the rate was higher. Then manually remove any values from
Fixed Cost fields.

Brian K - Project MVP
Senior Trainer - Electronic Arts
QuantumPM Associate

MSProject crashes when monitor display settings change.

Posted: 20 Jul 2005 09:23 AM PDT

I found a previous posting on 4/20/05 that answers this question... at least
I think.
"Crash Loop with PowerPoint and Projector" 4/20/2005

"DEslinger" wrote:


Posted: 20 Jul 2005 08:29 AM PDT

If you mean MS Project you can use Edit, Copy Picture, to make a .gif file.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"sumit" <> schreef in bericht

MSP2003 - linking tasks using % complete to drive start date

Posted: 20 Jul 2005 08:07 AM PDT

Following other's suggestions, I prefer to show such situations as FS-25%.
Buty there's a consideration to keep in mind regardless of how you do it. A
link is a permissive control. It does not exist to force the schedule to
fit a particular timetable. When you have a predecessor linked FS to a
successor, it says that there is some physical reason that the predecessor
must complete before the precessor is even ABLE to start. Maybe the
predecessor produces some parts that the successor requires, for example.
Lead times like we're talking about modify that relationship slightly saying
that you can go ahead and start the successor when the predecessor has
produced enough parts to proceed even if it hasn't finished all of them that
it's going to produce. So when you enter the lead times as we've suggested,
make very very sure that it's physically possible for it to happen that way
and you're not just using the technique to force the schedule into what
you'd like it to be without regard to whether it's realistic to do it that
way or not.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"hostrows" <> wrote in message

Why doesn't my Office 2000 Professional have PROJECT on it?

Posted: 20 Jul 2005 07:51 AM PDT

Project is sold separately from Office Pro.
Visio is the same way.
They are in the office "family" but they aren't part of the "Office"
If they weren't then microsoft would probably charge a fortune for Office.

-Jack ... For Microsoft Project information and macro examples visit
"Kate" <> wrote in message

Displaying Quarters

Posted: 20 Jul 2005 07:45 AM PDT

Philg wrote:

There is no such thing as Q0. There is Q1 and before that there is Q-1.
The project starts at a single point in time (by default on 8am on the day
you specify as the Project Start Date) The 'clock' for quarters, weeks,
etc starts there. This is the same idea that said that the millenium ended
on December 31st 1999 when really it ended at the end of 2000 since there
was no year 0. :-|

Brian K - Project MVP
Senior Trainer - Electronic Arts
QuantumPM Associate

MS Project gives gbui://blank.htm error. Registry patch not work

Posted: 20 Jul 2005 06:48 AM PDT

ooooops! My mistake - I meant SP1, sorry:(

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Mike Glen wrote: 

$1 cost rate

Posted: 20 Jul 2005 05:37 AM PDT

In article <com>,
Jan M. <> wrote:

You're welcome.

resource sheet - max unit column's and calculation of duration

Posted: 20 Jul 2005 12:18 AM PDT

Hi Mahesh,

You have been correctly informed, but let's have a different slant. If you
re-set your example with Fixed Work, Max Units 100% and 8 hours of work for
1 day. Now, in the Resource Sheet view, reduce the max.availability to 50%,
Project will mark the overallocation by turning the Resource Name red. If
you try to level you will get a message to the effect that Project cannot
resolve the overallocation. So you have to do it yourself. Change the
duration to 2 days and all is well, the overallocation disappears. The
result of this is the Finish Date goes out by 2 days - but you have to
manage this, as changing the Max Units doesn't change the Finish Dates.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Jan De Messemaeker wrote: 

Critical path does not trace to beginning of project

Posted: 19 Jul 2005 06:38 PM PDT

In article <com>,
"David" <> wrote:

I don't know if my fellow MVP's answers hit the mark but I would like to
comment on something else you mentioned. Although Project will allow
Predecessors and Successors on Summary Lines, it is not a recommended
practice. In the best case, links to Summary Lines can cause unexpected
results and in the worst case, circular relationships may occur.

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

Will Microsoft Project 2000 run on an XP Home Operating system?

Posted: 19 Jul 2005 02:10 PM PDT

In article <com>,
"jolie" <> wrote:

Most definitely. Many people, including myself, use Project 98, 2000,
and 2003 with Windows XP Home.

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

Creating subprojects from a project

Posted: 19 Jul 2005 12:21 PM PDT

nan wrote:

When you copied the tasks did you click "Copy" or "Copy Tasks"?

If you select the tasks by selecting their 'row header' and then clicking
copy tasks you should get the resources that are assigned along with them.
This should include their rate information. If you are not getting rates
you could manually verify that the resources that are in the new projects
have the correct rate info.

Brian K - Project MVP
Senior Trainer - Electronic Arts
QuantumPM Associate

Summary Task Durations

Posted: 19 Jul 2005 11:30 AM PDT

Try Tools/Options.../Schedule tab and Durations in entered in minutes. If
you have small durations, this should show the Duration in minutes. if it
stll zero, you have other problems.

We need to discover whether your project is at fault, whether it is Project
at fault, or whether it's your PC. Does the symptom occur with other
projects on this PC? Does it occur with this project on other PCs? Does it
occur with other projects on other PCs?

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Mike wrote: 

Colored Resources

Posted: 19 Jul 2005 08:27 AM PDT


I get more and more confused.
The resource calendar is what I see through Tools, Change Working time.
AFAIK, It doesn't have ANY coloring facility.
How does MS project call the view you want to work in?

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"nkingcade" <com> schreef in bericht 

Pocket PC version of Project

Posted: 18 Jul 2005 03:03 PM PDT

stupidquestion wrote:

Not from MS but CyWren systems has some cool stuff. I have not tried
anything from them in a very long time but I have heard good things.

Brian K - Project MVP
Senior Trainer - Electronic Arts
QuantumPM Associate

Export Time Phased Data

Posted: 18 Jul 2005 12:37 PM PDT

In article <com>,
Cheryl <> wrote:

Sorry if this is duplicate post - I had a power outage last night and it
messed up my clock.

Unfortunately the "Analyze" utility exports data by assignment.
Therefore, unassigned task data is not exported. There are two choices.
The easiest is to temporarily assign a dummy resource to "unassigned"
tasks and then use the utility, or use an advanced feature of Project,
namely VBA, and create a custom macro to export the exact data you need.
I prefer the latter because it gives me total flexibility, but then, not
everybody knows how or wants to use VBA.

Text fields are another matter. They are not timescaled so the utility
will not work for them. Again you have two choices. One simple method is
a cut and paste from Project to Excel. The second is to use an export
map to export the static (i.e. non-timescaled) data from Project to
Excel. Once in Excel the timescaled and static data can be combined as

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

Protecting the detail

Posted: 18 Jul 2005 08:48 AM PDT

Hi Cheryl,

The crux of what I'm trying to do here is not present a printed image of the
milestones that someone would have to transcribe into a bigger plan but to
give select 'feeds' of key milestones that could be easily integrated. A
gantt is the preferred way to do this purely from the 'picture... 1,000
words' point of view, however task names and dates is a fall back position.

Thanks all,

Jon C

"Cheryl" wrote:

Error msg - overwrite default version of a project

Posted: 18 Jul 2005 07:16 AM PDT

Thanks Julie... I posted over there.

"JulieS" wrote:

Adding an Enterprise Project Text Field to the Timesheet View

Posted: 18 Jul 2005 07:00 AM PDT

its easy,,
create that code and go to Tools> Customize and select Published Fields..
Found ur field in the list and say ok

"JulieS" wrote:

resource availability conflict - Project doesn't show me!!!

Posted: 18 Jul 2005 01:58 AM PDT

Thanks for your support. I guess a smart formula would do the trick,
but that's too complex for me.
I fully agree that Project should show a red flag in this case. Is
there any way to ask Microsoft directly?

How do I add slack to a task?

Posted: 16 Jul 2005 10:45 AM PDT

Jan De Messemaeker wrote: 

For shame, Jan! That is the official, correct and only right name for
See, I can be a "purist" too! :)

I learned that term for it in the mid-eighties from a consultant, Bob
Sebald, from whom I took an excellent PM class. I don't care if they
call in "rhinocerous", as long as they use it!

outline a project by using intentions

Posted: 16 Jul 2005 08:08 AM PDT


Yep! The supervisor may have meant or actually said INDENTIONS but it came
out of the student's mouth as INTENTIONS (asked him to repeat it a couple of
times) - at any rate we covered indentions as well - both indenting and
outdenting. Thanks for the suggestion.


"Jan De Messemaeker" wrote:

properly close ms project file opened by other user

Posted: 15 Jul 2005 03:09 PM PDT

No I don't

I just store projects in sql database and use a ressource project


"Gérard Ducouret" wrote: