

Fedora and Wireless - Forums Linux

Fedora and Wireless - Forums Linux

Fedora and Wireless

Posted: 05 Jul 2006 10:13 AM PDT

Davide Bianchi <net> writes:

IF it uses ipw2200 then the Linux driver works well, and should be a part
of FC5.


RPM 'failed dependancies' needed for OpenOffice rpm install

Posted: 04 Jul 2006 06:29 AM PDT

"MS" <> wrote in message

No, it should have been "fork". But good guess, and wok is funnier.

In theory, maybe you could do the RH9 update with RPM's, but ye ghods, I
wouldn't suggest doing it directly: resolving the glibc and rpm software
versions themselves is begging to make things fail unrecoverably in the
middle. Do it in one swell foop from ISO's.

Debian on G3 upgraded PPC 8500

Posted: 04 Jul 2006 01:01 AM PDT

In article <com>,
"Nico Kadel-Garcia" <net> wrote:

Thanks for your response. Was tinkering to see if I could find some use
for this old 8500. I've upgraded to a newer Mac Mini for my daily use
but was wondering if Linux could give it a new lease of life. Mac OS 9
has been great but it's now "ancient". It would be nice if Linux can
bring it up to date for me in terms of browser and networking capability
(wireless perhaps, or is that wishing too much?). There's not much
hardware info I can view from the machine at boot up. I do wonder if the
onboard video chipset is supported by Debian. Was hoping that perhaps
someone has gone this way before and could give me a tip or two.


How to free the memory?

Posted: 03 Jul 2006 08:49 PM PDT

"tech11" <com> wrote in news:e8d9qk$eol$

You might try top and sort by cPu usage to see what's grabbing all the
cycles, but it could also be a memory leak in some app too I suppose.
The list of hardware on/in the machine might help as well.

(setq (chuck nil) car(chuck) )

popcorn-like email client for Linux?

Posted: 03 Jul 2006 01:12 PM PDT

"Mark Marsh" <com> wrote in message
When I run Popcorn under WINE, it has a bug where if you delete one email,
it deletes them all! My WINE install is pretty old though. YMMV.

need some help partitioning a large (250GB) usb external hard drive

Posted: 02 Jul 2006 10:26 AM PDT

In comp.os.linux.setup Markku Kolkka <fi>: 

Indeed! If this isn't a typo it seems the problem...

Michael Heiming (X-PGP-Sig > GPG-Key ID: EDD27B94)
mail: echo qr | perl -pe 'y/a-z/n-za-m/'
#bofh excuse 386: The Internet is being scanned for viruses.

Fedora Command Line configuration tool

Posted: 30 Jun 2006 10:11 AM PDT

Michael Heiming wrote: 

Oh, it's succeeded in becoming almost as usable as Linuxconf was before
RedHat, properly, threw it out the window and went to individual system-*
tools. If you need that level of management for most tools, I highly
recommend Webmin for most UNIX or Linux systems, and for package management
on SuSE use fou4s, from

And take a good look at Eric Raymond's famous rant about badly made
open-source GUI's, based on his experience with CUPS, at

DNS - Primary / Secondary on one machine

Posted: 28 Jun 2006 01:55 AM PDT

Michael Heiming wrote: 

Ah, yes indeed - absolutely right. Unfortunately if I configure that on
my own (elderly) linux server, the max bandwidth that I am going to get
is 125K upstream.

So you can setup things faster if you 

Yes indeed - but will they actually RUN faster?

Na, I do actually know how DNS works - I have used ethereal to analyze
many DNS queries from right here - FFSake, I teach this shit!!

The DNS howto ( should have more 
Thanks Michael - once again an interesting discussion :)

Slow Keyboard Response

Posted: 28 Jun 2006 12:45 AM PDT

Just want to say that this problem seemed to be solved on its own!
Yesterday, I just started my system, and no longer does my keyboard behave
as erratic as that.

I've really not investigated on what really had happened, but, at the first
thought, I think the re-boot did all the trick. Never knew that Linux also
needs a reboot for solving problems ;-)

Thanks for all your suggestions though; they've atleast enlightened me on
what I should check before I send out an SOS.


"Matt Giwer" <> wrote in message

How to setup linux without cdrom?

Posted: 27 Jun 2006 02:11 AM PDT

left_coast <not>: 

fwiw, ditto debian.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*) Linux Counter #80292
- -

How to enable setuid scripts in Linux?

Posted: 27 Jun 2006 01:38 AM PDT

d and need to read the manual pages for both. 

Ignore my pervious post - the OP missed an important point about how
things are done, and I didn't even think of it as worthwhile or even
think of the possibility actually.

(setq (chuck nil) car(chuck) )

I may need to re-link library files, please help

Posted: 26 Jun 2006 07:19 PM PDT

On Mon, 26 Jun 2006 19:19:41 -0700, Gary Krupa wrote:

as root:
# ldconfig

$ man ldconfig
[HTML deleted]


Problems with booting from external USB drive

Posted: 26 Jun 2006 01:19 AM PDT

Thats a rather strange behaviour !

Tell me something:
1.Do you have an internal hardisk or not ?, give all details of your
hard disk.

In amy case do this -
mount your fedora somehow, under knoppix or something,
copy /usbinitrd.img to a temporary location,
cp usbinitrd.img /tmp/usbinitrd.gz
gunzip usbinitrd.gz
mkdir tmp2
cd tmp2
cpio -id < ../usbinitrd

now you should have a lot of files in /tmp/tmp2 directory
edit the "init" file and copy and paste the contents here,
and also list the contents of /tmp/tmp2/lib (which contains modules
loaded at runtime)
or probably you could fix it up yourself,you just have to be able to
load the usb mass storage modules before making /dev/sda1 the root
I think this is the only problem,
It boots up sometimes and not other times is really strange!
may be the modules do not get enough time to initialize your hard disk
sometimes and in between the kernel tries to mount the root patition.

video trouble

Posted: 26 Jun 2006 12:08 AM PDT

Dushan Mitrovich <org>: 

"Works" is good. Enjoy. Install often. Each install is a learning
experience. Strength and honour!

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*) Linux Counter #80292
- -

Microsoft Word - Formatting Issues while working in compatibility mode in Word 2013

Microsoft Word - Formatting Issues while working in compatibility mode in Word 2013

Formatting Issues while working in compatibility mode in Word 2013

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 04:11 PM PDT

Opened an older document in compatibility mode in Word 2013.  Random spacing issues keep coming up when the document is saved, closed then re-opened later.  Random paragraph spaces will show up in the middle of a paragraph or indents or other spacing will be changed to something else when it looked fine before saving and closing the document. 

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?



Has the Encarta Dictionary been discontinued?

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 04:07 PM PDT

It appears that this dictionary is no longer functioning, but I cannot find any solid information on this.  Users in the office are complaining about it, and I don't know what to tell them.

I can see that there are a lot of complaints about this, so I know that it is not exclusive to our office.  I tried the "Fix It" solution, but that didn't change anything.

Can someone please give me some definitive information about this?

Thank you.

I just want to delete some pages from a Word 2013 document

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 04:03 PM PDT

I am trying to delete some pages from a large(44 pages) Word document.  I guess I'm the first person in the world to ever need to delete a page that isn't blank or at the end of the document.  It's unbelievable that I spent 30 minutes chatting with support and almost an hour on the phone with two different 'pro' support persons and none of them have ever encountered this problem.  How can I just select a page and delete it.  It's not rocket science but seems to be a very difficult thing to do, why is that?

Set Reference to Word Template in VBA

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 03:35 PM PDT

Hi all,

I am looking to find the most efficient/simplest way to reference a newly added Word template object. My code is as follows:

    Dim appWord As Word.Application
    Set appWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    appWord.Visible = True
    appWord.Documents.Add Template:= _
        "H:\Documents\Misc Assignments\Template.dotx" _
        , NewTemplate:=False, DocumentType:=0

I wan to do something similar to:

Set objWord = appWord.Documents.Add

How would I do this with templates as there is already an "="? Can I avoid using ActiveDocument?


Print layout shows postage stamp size pages

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 02:31 PM PDT

I'm using Word 2010 Starter Edition on a Win 7 computer.

I'm looking at a multi page document and the Print Layout shows all pages as postage stamp size images, instead of a single page where I can scroll down (or up) to see the remaining pages.

The Draft Layout displays the pages normally, but images I pasted using IRFANVIEW are missing.

How can I change the Print Layout display?   Can images be displayed when the Draft Layout is used?

Text boxes disappear in Office 2013 after saving to a new format

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 01:11 PM PDT

Hi, I created a document in Word 2007. It included images, text boxes, and automatic links. It was opened in Word 2013, and a copy of it was saved. When the copy was saved, Word asked if the user wanted to save it in a new format, and once it was saved, the text boxes all disappeared. They weren't simply hidden behind the image, because I tried deleting the image that they were in front of. They were just gone. However, by opening the saved copy in Word 2007, the text boxes appeared again. Does anybody have any idea why this would happen, and how to prevent it from happening other than checking of the checkbox to maintain compatibility with previous versions of Word? I don't want to rely on my users to remember to check that box for these certain documents.

Send an Word document as attachment - have cursor in to-box

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 12:46 PM PDT

When I'm looking at a Word document I often want to forward it on to a colleague. In Word 2013 I would click on "forward as an attachment". In the window that opens, the cursor is in the message box instead of in the "To:" box.
A minor irritation but it's very frustrating that a simple process has been made more complicated.
Any help?

WORD 2010 Multiple DOcs open keeps reverting to doc I just copied text from - changes on its own

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 12:07 PM PDT

I have a user, with multiple documents open in a dual-monitor environment.  He is working in Doc A, he then chooses Doc B, copies or cuts some text, goes back to Doc A, pastes it in.  Between 5 and 10 seconds later,  Word will revert to Doc B and make that one active.  What is awful is that the user, if he hasn't noticed this change, is typing into the wrong document!  I saw this with my own eye or else I would have definitely thought user error.  Has anyone had this experience?  Thank you.

Headings, Pictures, and tables have weird gray brackets around them

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 10:04 AM PDT

I'm using Word 2010 and must have accidentally clicked on something as my headings, pictures, and tables now have weird gray brackets around them. Please let me know how to get rid of them. I have attached a picture showing the heading, table, and picture, respectively. Thanks

problem with opening documents

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 09:22 AM PDT

     I have Microsoft Office 2003 and 2013 on my Windows 7 computer..  I have Always been able to double click a Word Document and it opened in 2013 version... same with Excel... would open in 2013 version.   IF I right clicked the document, I could choose to open with 2003 version and it would open...

   suddenly, I can no longer do this... it does not give me an error message .. it just will not open the document. 

   I have a program on the computer also called OpenOffice which is compatible to Microsoft Office and will open word docs and excel files...IF I right click my document and choose to open in OpenOffice, it opens right up as read only.. 

  I can open Microsoft Word Or Excel and then click File/Open and then go to the document and click to open and it opens fine... WHY is it NOT opening anymore when I double click it or right click and choose 2003 version???

 HOW do I fix this so it will open

Leave a non-printable note in Word

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 08:52 AM PDT

Hello people of the forum!

I am somewhat curious of the idea to leave a note to someone in a Word document.

This I would utilize in specific instructions on printing, as the file might be distributed between people.

Therefore, it also has to be quite visible when someone opens the document.

However, it should under no circumstances be printed out with the rest of the document, like comments.

I did try to move a textbox outside of the paper like in PowerPoint, but it became completely transparent.

Any good ideas?

Unable to open Word program

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 08:39 AM PDT

Ever since I downloaded the Windows App repair tool, I have been unable to open Word on my computer.  I keep getting an error message about temp environmnent settings.  What might be wrong??  I used it to fix me e-mail program, and now Word doesn't work.  Please help!!

Create a macro that searches for a case sensitive word and then changes the case for every word following it until another key character is found.

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 08:07 AM PDT

Hi All,

I would like to create a macro that will search the contents of a file to change the case of all words that fall between two sets of quotes following a keyword that is case sensitive.


First example: Here is my current test:


I would like search for the case sensitive literal "Label "" (Label-space-quote) and make sure that every word encased in the quotes retain the only first letter of each as a capital letter. The output should be:

                Label "This Is A Test"


 Second Example:

                Label "This is not a Test"

I would like search for the case sensitive literal "LABEL "" (LABEL-space-quote) and make sure that every word from the first quote to the second quote in the string is all capitalized. The output should be:

                LABEL "THIS IS NOT A TEST"  

Any help you can provide would be great!!!

Thanks in advance,


Search for email addresses.

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 08:06 AM PDT

I have a folder with several hundred .RTF documents that have contacts information inside. I need to find how to extract the email addresses from the documents without having to open each one. Is this possible? Or can these files be converted to  some kind of contacts file in oder to do this. I need to send a flyer out and it would take countless hours to open all these and get the addresses.

Word 2010 & 2013 Fonts

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 07:33 AM PDT

The font Calibri Light works great on word 2013 but does not appear on word 2010.

Will it be possible to add this font to machines with word 2010 installed?

Type in all text as a different color

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 07:30 AM PDT

I have a long document of questions from a review.  I would like to respond to each of those questions using text that is a different color from the original document.  Is there a way that I can have all the text that I enter be green if the existing document has all black text.  I can highlight the text and change the color but I don't want to do that a hundred times.  I have been using track changes, but if someone accepts the changes the color is changed from green to match the existing document. 


Posted: 18 Jun 2014 07:08 AM PDT

 I cannot print anything direct to the printer as everything defaults to onenote. How do I work round this 

Display names of compared files in Word 2010 comparison document

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 06:36 AM PDT

Unlike WordPerfect, when Word generates a comparison document, it does NOT automatically generate an introductory blurb which displays the file names of the two documents being compared. Is there any way to generate such a summary?

Forms in MS Word 2010

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 05:59 AM PDT

I have created several Word documents/templates using the restricted editing mode for form filling. Since yesterday, when I open a document and test if text can be inserted, the field is blocked and nothing can be inserted. This problem exists on two different computers at two different locations. Has anything changed? My updates are current so I am not sure what the problem is.


Ivan Carney

problem caused program to stop working when trying to open documents in word, excell etc.

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 02:48 AM PDT

I have recently bought a new computer and installed Office home & student 2013.  Then I discovered that the CD Drive was not working so I returned it to the shop/manufacturer.  I am now using the repaired computer, and after a few hiccups, it is running OK.  However, when I try to open or create a document in word, excell etc. I get the message that Microsoft has stopped working.  Problem caused program to stop working and instructs to close program.

Numbered paragraph styles synchronized with Heading X styles

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 01:17 AM PDT

Hallo everybody.

I have a problem creating outline numbered lists bound to the corresponding Heading X styles. In Word 2010, I need to create a group of styles (let us name them HL1, HL2, ... HL9). These styles are intended for numbering paragraphs in multi-level list. At that, the styles should not have outline level. The main requirement is that the styles should comply with the corresponding styles of outline-leveled headings (i.e., Heading 1, Heading 2, ... Heading 9).

An example of a target block of paragraphs is listed below (the corresponding style name is shown in brackets at the beginning of each paragraph):

1 (Heading 1) text of heading of level 1
1.1 (HL2) text of numbered paragraph
1.2 (HL2) text of numbered paragraph
1.3 (Heading 2) text of heading of level 2
1.3.1 (HL3) text of numbered paragraph
1.3.2 (HL3) text of numbered paragraph
2 (Heading 1) text of heading of level 1
2.1 (HL2) text of numbered paragraph
2.2 (Heading 2) text of heading of level 2
2.2.1 (HL3) text of numbered paragraph

As it shown in the example, the HL2 style is synchronized in numbering with Heading 1, the HL3 style is synchronized with Heading 2 and so on. At that, the style of equal "position", for example, HL2 and Heading 2 have the same numbering flow. Such fragments of text are typical in legal documents or in description of requirements.

To implement such styles, I tried several approaches:
1. I created style HL1 on the base of style Heading 1, style HL2 - on the base of Heading 2, etc. The created styles do not suit me because I cannot change number format in the styles (via Format>Numbering...), so the number format remains inherited from the corresponding Heading n style, which is not admissible for numbering body paragraphs.
2. I created paragraph styles HL1, HL2, ... HL9. Then I created multi-level list with references to the corresponding HLn style on the list levels. In the result, the HLn do synchronize between each other, but they do not synchronize with the corresponding parent Heading n styles.

I need a solution (detailed instruction) that I would be able to reproduce both manually and then in VBA code. Is it feasible?

Regards, Yuri.

paragraph hanging

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 01:06 AM PDT

hello i'm writing a text in several document and when every part finishes i copy  and paste it into a main document . in all these documents i set the hanging property to 0.5 cm but in some copy and paste procedures when i add the copied document to the main document i lose my hanging format (i use paste keep source formatting) and even after pasting when i choose all document and want to set hanging format , it doesn't work at all. what is cause and  solution?

How to make make picture watermark less visible

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 12:59 AM PDT

Well, as the title already told you, I want it to be somewhat less visible.

How would I format the picture in order to do that? It stands out quite strong just now.

Edit: What exactly is the difference between lightning and contrast? I have found some options, but I don't know what they do.

resource sheet - max unit column's and calculation of duration Microsoft Project

resource sheet - max unit column's and calculation of duration Microsoft Project

resource sheet - max unit column's and calculation of duration

Posted: 20 Jul 2005 12:18 AM PDT

Thanks for the immediate answer and feedback.

Yes agreed, it does change the max units for this resources assignment for
all activities, but it would be of great help if you could
confirm whether the change in max units will have impact on the finish date,
since the duration is same , and percentage allocation varies.,
we feel the start and end dates shoud get re-calculated.

example ....

Activity - Design
duration - 2 days with 100% allocation of 8 work hours
start date - 20th July working day
finish date - 22 July working day
Resource assigement done

Now changing the Max units for the resource to less than 100 units will it
have impact on finish date ?

in case u need any further details, we can provide the same for our

Thanks and regards

"Rod Gill" <rod AT project-systems DOT co DOT nz> wrote in message

Critical path does not trace to beginning of project

Posted: 19 Jul 2005 06:38 PM PDT


When a task on the critical path gets a constraint, and hence is postponed,
the preceeding tasks now have slack (since they can now be postponed) and
thus are no longer critical.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"David" <> schreef in bericht
back to 

Summary Task Durations

Posted: 19 Jul 2005 11:30 AM PDT

Try Tools/Options.../Schedule tab and Durations in entered in minutes. If
you have small durations, this should show the Duration in minutes. if it
stll zero, you have other problems.

We need to discover whether your project is at fault, whether it is Project
at fault, or whether it's your PC. Does the symptom occur with other
projects on this PC? Does it occur with this project on other PCs? Does it
occur with other projects on other PCs?

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Mike wrote: 

Pocket PC version of Project

Posted: 18 Jul 2005 03:03 PM PDT

stupidquestion wrote:

Not from MS but CyWren systems has some cool stuff. I have not tried
anything from them in a very long time but I have heard good things.

Brian K - Project MVP
Senior Trainer - Electronic Arts
QuantumPM Associate

Export Time Phased Data

Posted: 18 Jul 2005 12:37 PM PDT

In article <com>,
Cheryl <> wrote:

Sorry if this is duplicate post - I had a power outage last night and it
messed up my clock.

Unfortunately the "Analyze" utility exports data by assignment.
Therefore, unassigned task data is not exported. There are two choices.
The easiest is to temporarily assign a dummy resource to "unassigned"
tasks and then use the utility, or use an advanced feature of Project,
namely VBA, and create a custom macro to export the exact data you need.
I prefer the latter because it gives me total flexibility, but then, not
everybody knows how or wants to use VBA.

Text fields are another matter. They are not timescaled so the utility
will not work for them. Again you have two choices. One simple method is
a cut and paste from Project to Excel. The second is to use an export
map to export the static (i.e. non-timescaled) data from Project to
Excel. Once in Excel the timescaled and static data can be combined as

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

Protecting the detail

Posted: 18 Jul 2005 08:48 AM PDT

There may be another way that you can also automate. Couple of questions
Are you required to send them the gantt chart?
Can you send only the task names and dates?

"Mike Glen" wrote:

Error msg - overwrite default version of a project

Posted: 18 Jul 2005 07:16 AM PDT

Thanks Julie... I posted over there.

"JulieS" wrote:

Adding an Enterprise Project Text Field to the Timesheet View

Posted: 18 Jul 2005 07:00 AM PDT

its easy,,
create that code and go to Tools> Customize and select Published Fields..
Found ur field in the list and say ok

"JulieS" wrote:

resource availability conflict - Project doesn't show me!!!

Posted: 18 Jul 2005 01:58 AM PDT

Thanks for your support. I guess a smart formula would do the trick,
but that's too complex for me.
I fully agree that Project should show a red flag in this case. Is
there any way to ask Microsoft directly?

properly close ms project file opened by other user

Posted: 15 Jul 2005 03:09 PM PDT

No I don't

I just store projects in sql database and use a ressource project


"Gérard Ducouret" wrote:

Can you disable row/ID numbers from printing on a Project Report?

Posted: 15 Jul 2005 11:01 AM PDT

I'm certain that you have good reasons for not printing ID's and row
numbers, but having done this myself, let me explain what happened.

This was a 600 task file that we mailed to suppliers [without ID's] and then
over the phone, had many discussions about those tasks. Trying to find and
discuss particular entries without a row number became almost impossible.
Never did it again.

"Will" <> wrote in message

Adding an additional resource that is available after the task sta

Posted: 15 Jul 2005 09:12 AM PDT

Hi Rickey,

I think Gérard misses a step for you . From the Gantt Chart view,
Window/Split will give you the Task form in the bottom pane. Right click in
the pane and select Resource Schedule.

Mike Glen
Project MVP


Microsoft Word - Change Default "Save As" Format for Existing Documents

Microsoft Word - Change Default "Save As" Format for Existing Documents

Change Default "Save As" Format for Existing Documents

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 05:39 PM PDT

Is it possible to change the default format in the drop down box of the "Save As" dialog when using "Save As", as opposed to just "Save"? Word is clever enough to detect the kind of document it is trying to "Save As" and chooses the appropriate type. However, I want to force Word to always "save as" a specific format. Again, this is for an existing document that one would copy using the "Save As" command.

Thank you

word 2013 saving autorecover file is very slow

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 04:44 PM PDT


Not so much a problem as a solution.  I had been working with a large document for a long time and noticed that the process of AutoSaving the recovery file was starting to takes minutes to complete, and was starting to interfere with document editing. 

Some web research reminded me of problems with temp file clutter and so I ran the Windows disk cleanup utility, which found and removed 6GB of clutter, including temp file directories.  Autosave is now pretty much instantaneous. 

The reason why this became a problem for me is that the computer is only a year or so old, running Windows 8 (upgraded to 8.1 and then Update1) and so I didn't think that a. it had been running for long enough to generate such clutter and b. that the clean-up would not be running automatically.   Still, easy to fix if that's the problem.

Trouble with resume template

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 04:41 PM PDT

When using the Word resume template, I keep making errors and can't 'go back.'  If I backspace too far, I remove the bullet I need and can't put one back in.   When I type in the box opposite Summary, my paragraph shows up above the word 'Summary' Because of this I can't use the template, because I can't fix these things.

How can I add a "textless" entry to the Navigation Pane?

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 04:38 PM PDT

I'm writing a book, and I want to have an entry in the Navigation Pane for the primary organizational elements of the book. I'm using styles, of course, so this generally happens automatically, but I'd also like to have an entry in the Navigation Pane for the book's dedication page. I want the entry to say "Dedication", but there will be no text in the book with this word in it. I considered using white text on a white background so it'd be invisible, but I'm concerned that that will lead to problems when the book is published in various digital formats; I don't want searches for the text "dedication" to match anything, nor do I want the word "dedication" to show up if a reader sets the background color to something other than white.

What I'm essentially looking for is a way to bookmark the dedication page and to give the bookmark a name that will show up in the Navigation Pane. Is there a way to achieve this effect?


Flood fill page number field

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 02:47 PM PDT

I have Office 2007 on a computer running Windows 7 SP2.  I have recently learned how to create my own headers since Word 2007 doesn't have any like how I want my headers to look.  Now I'm looking to see if anyone can tell me how to create a page number field that is a solid color with white numbers.  The colored page number field itself will be .4 high by .8 wide.  The numbers are formatted Ariel, size 20, and bold.  This is what I want the page numbers to end up looking like:

MS Word and the Navigation tab for writing scenes?

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 02:30 PM PDT

I've had an issue with MS Word for years.  I've never purchased it because of this issue, and I know many writers such as myself who are in the same position.

I write in scenes, and I really want to use the Naviation panel of Word 2013. I select my heading styles and highlight the scene titles and I see a nice 'tree' outline visual in the Navigation panel for managing my book.

However, when one reads or prints the final word document, you don't want to see the scene titles - they are only for a writer to organize his structure. Obviously, this needs to be hidden. When I change the style's font - to make it "hidden" as someone suggested, stupidly the scene title in the navigation panel also becomes hidden as well. 

I want to smash my head against the wall.  How could such a all-encompassing writing tool be so absolutely useless when it comes to writing novels in scenes?

Is there a REAL solution to this?  Or does Microsoft put up a middle finger to all of us novel writers, and we simple can't have a book navigation capabilities without having our scene titles scattered across our final book output?

Table borders shift randomly

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 01:45 PM PDT

Hello!  I frequently use tables within my Word documents.  (I use Word 2010.)  Recently I started having a strange problem.  The borders don't line up on the right hand side of the table.  They are staggered from cell to cell.  I manually fix them so they are all lined up again, save the document, reopen the document and the borders go right back to being staggered.  I can't figure out why this is happening when it has never happened before.  It doesn't just happen within one document either.  EVERY document that I use tables in is now doing this.  I'm guessing that I accidentally changed a setting somewhere, but I can't figure out for the life of me what it is.  I'd really appreciate any ideas on how to fix this.  Thanks!

Can't open any office docs again.

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 01:25 PM PDT

Why do I get problems opening word or excel. This has happened several times this year. I can't access any office programs. I also get problems opening Outlook.

Office says it's disabled: error code 1058-4

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 01:16 PM PDT

I can't open my Word programs. When I try to, Office says it's disabled. Help!

Spurious vertical lines in tables

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 01:02 PM PDT

I get, from time to time, vertical lines in table columns. In one case now, the line is 1/2 inch from the left table border, and goes down, breaks up, and then continues an inch later and continues to the bottom of the table. These lines can occur in other pages too, in the same table.

I can usually get rid of them by doing I don't know what, but now, I am stuck, in spite of saving and opening the file again.

I do not know what these vertical lies are, how/why they appear. Any help would be appreciated.


Hans L

How can I disable other languages when using MS Word spell-check?

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 12:37 PM PDT

When I perform a spell/grammar check on my Mac with Word (Office 365), the spell check includes words from multiple languages.

How can I disable the other languages and use English only as my default?

Thanks - 

Table in Mail Merge

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 10:57 AM PDT

I am doing a mail merge from Excel 2007 to Word 2007. My Word doc has a table in it that looks like this:

                     Merge Field 1                 Merge Field 2                 Merge Field 3                  Merge Field 4

Program 1

Program 2

Program 3

Program 4

My Excel source is such that not every employee will have participated in every program, however, when they do participate in a program, every merge field will be filled in. For example, John Smith participated in Programs 1, 2, and 4. All four merge fields for these three programs will be filled in. I would like the merge to have a condition IF statements in it to say something to the effect of:

IF Merge Field 1 is blank (which will only happen if they did not participate in the program), then delete that row in my table.

So in the example, John Smith's table would only have 3 rows.

Is there a way to accomplish this without using VBA? Thanks for any and all help.


Printing 2 pages per sheet issue

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 09:24 AM PDT

I am using Word 2013, Win 8. I have used the feature many times in the past but recently the margins are screwed up. They are set at .5" left, right, top & bottom. I design the pages in full letter size then print 2 pages per sheet. Again, I have done this so many times before without issue. NOW, when I print it gives 1 3/4" margin at the bottom only. All other margins appear .5. The print preview doesn't show the margin change....

Stop MS Word Grammar Check from making ridiculous suggestions

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 09:24 AM PDT


Staff is its own pleural


They are my Staff


this is a member of my Staff

there is no such word as 'Staffs' in this context the only time that plural applies is to a physical length of wood like Robin Hood and Little John used to use in Merrie old England a very old english idiom.

when I write a document which states "Staff who receive" I get a little wobbly green line under the phrase and when I right click I get the options

1. "Staffs who receive"

2. "Staff who receives"

Option 1 cannot be grammatically correct under any circumstances it has to be staffs which receive or staffs that receive as in "the quarter staffs that (or which) recieve a great deal of punishment during their use".

I find this is happening with a lot of phrases in Microsoft Word and find that this kind of grammatical nonsense is creeping into documents produced by persons who speak english as a second language (and by persons who just couldn't be bothered to learn to spell or learn their english at school). This often corrupts the meaning intended by the person writing the document.

When I am writing a document I find it highly irritating seing these little green wobblys under phrases I know are correct

Is there any way of stopping these wierd anomalies in the grammar checker without actually switching the facility off?

Where did my Office Word 2013 go?

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 09:13 AM PDT

I cannot access my Word at all.   Error message says I cannot open Word.  Computer acts like it is not installed at all.  Help!

In Find or Search and Replace, is it possible to find "quoted" but not "not quoted"

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 07:49 AM PDT

I always have strange questions. I want to find the word 'quoted' when it is not paired with 'not'. For example a way to put that in Find so that the phrase: 

We are quoted as saying... is brought up, but NOT the phrase:

She is not quoted directly...

**These are just examples, not necessarily what I really want to find.**

I've tried to decipher the wildcards, or regular expressions, but that stuff is all nonsense to me and I can't figure if what I want is possible. Any help or ideas?

Saving Word file in 2007 format

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 07:46 AM PDT

I am working in Microsoft 2013, on Windows 7 Professional. 

I need to save a basic word document in Word 2007 format for the government in order for my proposal to be accepted. 

When saving, I am only given the option to save in 1997-2003 formats. 

How can I save in 2007 to be sure the government will be able to open the file correctly?

WORD 2013 STYLE SETS Keep changing on their own

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 06:33 AM PDT

In WORD 2013, when I customise stlyle set,then save it, when I try to use it, the fonts change on their own, how to prevent this

Read Only Question

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 05:05 AM PDT

When my wife sends a word document to me, it is always read only.  Can this be turned off. 

Microsoft office word not works after so many time installatio

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 01:10 AM PDT

I recently bought the Microsoft Office 2013  07 june,2014 ago for INR 5499, and install online ,which not familiar with as already ,one month trail period expired .after install, Microsoft excell and micro pOWER POINT WORKS AS PREVIOUSLY INSTALLED . but Microsoft Word always show ,repair,cancel . after so many time online help reinstall,but Microsoft word not works.i m purchase Microsoft office home & student 2013 version 15.0.4615.1002 on dt 07/06/2014

 whether I click on the actual Word icon or try to open any sort of file associated with Word nothing will open. By pressing the icon. I'm currently use window 8 on Dell laptop. Kindly help me foolproof method to access the Microsoft word on my laptop . send me email on microsoft account email for this or repair it on line . 

Thank you,   Devinder Singh ,punjab , India 

I can't find a very important word document (2010 word)

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 09:44 PM PDT

I have saved a word document to 'my documents' on my school acount and I don't know were it saved and have looked everywhere (on my USB, my documents and my user account) for it and still can't find it. Can anyone please point me in the right direction of where I could find it. (if I open a new document and click on the offfice button and look at recent documents, there is nothing listed) PLEASE HELP IT IS A SUPER IMPORTANT SCHOOL ASSIGMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Default tab in Word - used to be the Home menu, now File

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 06:49 PM PDT

For some reason my default menu tab is now File rather than Home which it has always been previously. Can I reset it back to the Home menu tab?

"Show bookmarks" doesn't display gray square brackets

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 06:05 PM PDT

I know that gray square brackets can be displayed for bookmarks (cross-references).


"Show bookmarks" under "Show document content" on Advanced dialogue is clicked. There are many cross-references in the document, but somehow those square brackets don't show up.


I don't think this matters, but "Always" for "Field shading" under "Show document content" on Advanced dialogue is selected.


Is there anything else I have to click.


I use MS Word 2010, but I've tried this with MS Word 2007 at home as well, but no luck.